How long can a woman take Duphaston? Repeated cases of termination of pregnancy. Side effects include:

Of course, one of the main purposes of any woman is motherhood. The birth of a baby is a great happiness for every family.

However, there are situations when becoming pregnant or carrying healthy baby The woman can't do it. It's good that in moments like this modern medicine allows you to eliminate a large number of obstacles to successful fertilization and future births

If a woman has a hormonal imbalance, which is main reason infertility, miscarriages and other pathologies, then they come to the rescue. For solving these problems a good reputation has been earned hormonal agent Duphaston.

What is Duphaston?

Duphaston is a medicine in tablets used to treat diseases of the female reproductive system. It is completely safe for women. The drug has virtually no side effects on the body.

How to get rid of female disease? Irina Kravtsova shared her story of curing thrush in 14 days. In her blog, she explained what medications she took and whether it was effective. traditional medicine what helped and what didn’t.

This medication is hormonal, and you can take it only as prescribed by your doctor, after conducting a lot of examinations and various analyzes on the hormonal background of the body. The doctor will create an individual card, tell you how to use the medication, indicating the doses and duration of use, and also tell you how to properly stop using Duphaston.

Unauthorized use or discontinuation of the use of such a medicine is strictly prohibited - this can provoke unpredictable complications.

Active ingredient – ​​dydrogesterone – synthesized artificial method a hormone that is an analogue of progesterone that is generated in the human body. The natural hormone is often referred to as the “pregnancy” hormone due to the fact that it is it that supervises reproductive function in female body.

Thanks to dydrogesterone, which is obtained artificially, managed to eliminate almost all side effects natural hormonal medications, for example:

  • blood clotting imbalance;
  • glucocorticoid action;
  • plastic metabolism (anabolic effect);
  • estrogen activity;
  • thermogenic activity;
  • androgenic effect

Duphaston received a lot of positive feedback from doctors and patients.

Instructions for use of Duphaston

Duphaston should be used during pregnancy only as prescribed by a specialist who will determine individual scheme reception.

Rules for taking Duphaston

When taking Duphaston tablets, you must adhere to the following general rules:

  1. The medicine must be used at regular intervals. The norm is that if you take a pill at 7 o’clock in the morning, then the next time you need to take it is at 7 o’clock in the evening.
  2. If you miss a pill, you must wait until the next appointment time so as not to disrupt the frequency.
  3. It is necessary to stop taking Duphaston after you are convinced that pregnancy has not occurred. To do this, you can take a pregnancy test or blood test for hCG if there is a delay in menstruation.
  4. If you are pregnant, stopping drinking it is strictly prohibited. It is necessary to consult your doctor if the patient has taken Duphaston.
  5. The abolition of Duphaston is carried out in stages, according to the plan chosen by the attending gynecologist.

What is it prescribed for?

Duphaston is prescribed to women for maintenance or replacement therapy when a lack of progesterone is detected, which directly affects conception, gestation, and the birth itself. Relaxation of the uterus and its premature contraction are important effects of progesterone.

The absence of a sufficient amount of this hormone during pregnancy can lead to the following consequences:

For the above-described ailments and dysfunctions, experts often prescribe Duphaston.

Prescription of medication when planning conception

With help hormonal medication Duphaston creates a favorable background in the female body for fertilization of the egg, implantation of the embryo in the uterus and subsequent development of the fetus.

When planning to conceive a child, these pills must again be prescribed by a specialist, since there is no universal scenario for taking them.

Basically, to conceive a child, the drug is prescribed to be taken the day after ovulation and is taken until the start of menstruation. It is recommended to discontinue the drug only after passing the test or initial stage menstruation to make sure there is no pregnancy.

The point is that a sharp decline progesterone in the blood can worsen the nutrition of the embryo or its complete rejection. Taking this medication at the planning stage of a child if an imbalance is detected hormonal levels, Duphaston has a greater effect in the future during pregnancy.

The full effect of taking Duphaston for conceiving a fetus occurs after 6 months. When the drug has been taken for more than a year without results, it is recommended to contact your doctor to change treatment tactics, further examinations or prescribe other medications, or find an effective substitute for the drug.

Avoid taking this medication if it is prescribed for prophylaxis without additional examinations. It's worth finding another gynecologist!

Duphaston in early pregnancy

In the first stage of pregnancy, Duphaston tablets are used when insufficient production is generated in the woman’s ovaries.

This medication exhibits a selective effect on the endometrium, thereby maintaining it in the state necessary for the development of the embryo, and also inhibits contractions of the smooth muscles of the uterus, thereby preventing possible miscarriage.

Thus, this drug can fully replace the natural hormone with early stage pregnancy.

The drug does not have negative reaction on the fetus and the mother’s body during this period of pregnancy. Usually prescribed in the first and second trimester of pregnancy to preserve it.

As soon as the signs of miscarriage have disappeared, you should take the drug in the same doses for about a week, then switch to a higher dose. low dose to maintain hormone levels. Abrupt withdrawal of medication is strictly prohibited, as this can lead to termination of pregnancy.

Prescription of the drug during pregnancy

For more later pregnancy, namely starting from the third trimester of fetal maturation, the drug should be used carefully, because at this time it can cause liver dysfunction.

At this stage of the tablet, Duphaston copes with the following tasks:

Also during pregnancy, the medication can be prescribed for endometritis in the chronic stage.

A distinctive feature of this disease is the increased combativeness of the immune system, which views the embryo as a foreign body and tries to quickly remove it from the female body.

This medication blocks this factor, leading the immune system to normal condition, thereby eliminating the possibility of miscarriage.


The downside of most drugs is side effects. Often medications cause severe intoxication, subsequently causing complications in the kidneys and liver. To prevent side effect For such preparations, we would like to draw your attention to special phytotampons.

Treatment for endometriosis

It is known that one of the main causes of endometriosis is an increased level of estrogen in a woman’s body. As a result, it is worth using Duphaston, which in case of endometriosis lowers the level of estrogen and stabilizes the cumulative level of hormones.

The following can be highlighted characteristics use of medication to treat this disease:

  1. Dydrogesterone mainly affects the uterine mucosa, inhibiting the proliferation of endometrial receptors.
  2. Because menstrual period is not in a depressing stage, then the likelihood of conceiving a child remains.
  3. Duphaston reduces the tone and contractility of the smooth muscles of the uterus, which early stages pregnancy reduces the risk of spontaneous abortion.
  4. Thanks to this medicine, it decreases or disappears without a trace. pain syndrome. This is due to the fact that there is a decrease in the generation of prostaglandins, which in turn cause sharp narrowing and compression of blood vessels.
  5. Duphaston significantly reduces the risk of pathological cells degenerating into cancerous tumors. According to numerous reviews from patients who took Duphaston, the menstrual cycle is tolerated more calmly and with less painful sensations, stops pulling the lower abdomen.

How to use hormonal pills for endometriosis, stands in mandatory to be more specific with the treating specialist, but, by and large, the instructions look like this:

  1. Duphaston is taken twice a day, at the same time of day. For example, at 8 am and 8 pm.
  2. The duration of treatment is individual in each specific case, but usually ranges from 5-6 to 20 days.
  3. Sometimes the drug is taken for a long time without breaks, from 6 to 9 months, which allows the disease to atrophy (reverse development).

As with other reasons for taking Duphaston, for endometriosis it should also be used according to the recommendations of the treating specialist, and not self-medicate.

Infertility and Duphaston

  • When a woman is childless, which is determined by luteal phase insufficiency menstrual cycle, Duphaston is taken from 14 to 25 days of the cycle. The minimum duration of use of the medicine is 6 months, after which it is necessary to stop taking it. After pregnancy occurs, the medicine is used for about 16-20 weeks, then you need to stop taking the drug.
  • For hormonal disorders
  • Duphaston can be used to diagnose secondary amenorrhea and dysfunctional uterine bleeding. In case of hormonal imbalances, carry out replacement therapy in women with disorders caused by menopause with an intact uterus.

Stories from our readers!
“The gynecologist advised me to take natural remedies. We settled on one drug - which helped cope with hot flashes. It’s such a nightmare that sometimes you don’t even want to leave the house for work, but you have to... Once I started taking it, it became much easier, you can even feel it that some kind of internal energy. And I even wanted it again sexual relations with my husband, otherwise everything happened without much desire."

How to choose the right dosage?

When dosing the drug Duphaston, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. For PMS– 10 mg of medication twice a day from days 12 to 28 of the cycle.
  2. For menstrual disorders– 10 mg of the drug twice a day from 11 to 25 days of the cycle. Treatment continues for at least 6 cycles.
  3. For endometriosisdaily dose the drug can vary from 10 to 30 mg from days 5 to 25 of the cycle or taken on an ongoing basis.
  4. For infertility– use the medicine twice a day, 5 mg from days 14 to 25 of the cycle. The duration of therapy should not be less than 6 cycles.
  5. With a threatened miscarriage– take 20 mg of the drug at once, then reduce the intake to 10 mg twice a day (morning and evening at equal hours). If the threat of miscarriage persists, Duphaston can be taken 5 mg three times a day (every 8 hours). When the symptoms of miscarriage have disappeared, the drug is continued for about a week. When reappearance symptoms, the drug must be immediately used in the dosage that had the greatest effect in eliminating them.
  6. For recurrent miscarriage: The daily dose of 10 mg is divided into 2 doses. The duration of the course can be up to 20 weeks. After the symptoms of miscarriage disappear, Duphaston is gradually discontinued.

Who is Duphaston contraindicated for?

There is no harmful contraindication for the active substance Duphaston in patients with chronic renal failure.

My personal story

With premenstrual pain and unpleasant discharge, it's over!

Our reader Egorova M.A. shared her experience:

It's scary when women don't know the real reason their diseases, because problems with the menstrual cycle can be harbingers of serious gynecological diseases!

The norm is a cycle lasting 21-35 days (usually 28 days), accompanied by menstruation lasting 3-7 days with moderate blood loss without clots. Alas, the state of the gynecological health of our women is simply catastrophic; every second woman has some kind of problem.

Today we will talk about something new natural remedy that kills pathogenic bacteria and infections, restores immunity, which simply restarts the body and turns on the regeneration of damaged cells and eliminates the cause of disease...

Side effects of Duphaston

Some side effects may occur when using the drug:

  • very rarely, immune hypersensitivity may occur;
  • isolated cases of hemolytic anemia were recorded;
  • the appearance of headaches and migraines;
  • liver dysfunction may begin, expressed by jaundice, pain in the abdomen and general weakness body;
  • Quincke's edema was extremely rarely recorded;
  • rare manifestation subcutaneous tissue, hives and skin irritation;
  • possible increased sensitivity of the mammary glands;
  • rarely, when taking it, breakthrough bleeding in the reproductive system is likely to occur, which disappears after increasing the dose of the drug;
  • peripheral edema appears extremely rarely (the appearance of excess fluid in the tissues and cavities of the body);
  • possible general disorders body.

If you notice any of the listed side effects, you should immediately contact your doctor to find out whether you can stop or continue taking the drug.

Duphaston and alcohol

The manufacturer of the drug in the instructions for the drug indicated its possible negative effect on the liver. Since alcohol also has a negative effect on the liver, taking any medications increases the load on this organ.

The interaction of Duphaston with alcohol, which can have a negative effect on the liver, means a triple load.

Among other things, alcohol changes the enzyme composition of the liver, which can lead to improper influence of this medicine.

The reaction to the gastrointestinal tract if you combine duphaston and alcohol is also ambiguous.

The active substance of the drug relaxes a muscle group abdominal cavity, and alcohol is a poison that the human body tries to eliminate faster.

Combining these two factors, taking the medicine and alcohol can lead to vomiting or diarrhea, which means the active substance of the medicine is quickly eliminated from the body, and this will reduce the entire positive effect from its use to a minimum, and there is simply no point in taking it.

It is strictly contraindicated to take any type of alcohol when prescribing medication to preserve the fetus. Even in the absence taking medications To maintain pregnancy, drinking alcohol is prohibited.

Alcohol also has an effect on blood vessels, they either narrow or expand. This negatively affects the hemodynamics of the reproductive system, which contributes to hormonal disorders.

With the above negative factors compatibility of alcohol and Duphaston, we can draw a conclusion about why drink alcohol if it greatly reduces the effectiveness of using this medication.

However, if drinking alcohol cannot be avoided, then you should limit yourself to one glass of good wine, adding ice or water. At least 2 hours must pass between drinking alcohol and taking the medicine.

Duphaston or Utrozhestan?

Utrozhestan is made from the natural hormone progesterone from plant components.

The resulting substance is almost completely similar to the natural hormone that is produced by a woman’s placenta. Thanks to this, the body perfectly assimilates it as compatible, accepting it as true.

Indications for taking Utrozhestan are:

  • infertility, which is caused by hormonal imbalance;
  • danger of miscarriage;
  • hyperandrogenism (increased content of male sex hormone in the blood) and other pathologies that arose against the background of hormonal imbalance.

Neither Utrozhestan nor Duphaston suppress ovulation when taken in the prescribed dosage for therapeutic purposes in the second phase of menstruation. Both medications are discontinued gradually, reducing the dose by the date prescribed by the gynecologist. Negative influence Both drugs also do not affect the mother and child if taken as prescribed by a doctor.

Pros and cons of Duphaston and Utrozhestan

Sometimes women, when faced with the need to take hormonal drugs, using the example of Duphaston and Utrozhestan, wonder if they can be different? Is it possible to replace the drug?

At first glance, these two medications are very similar, but there is a difference. Is it possible to replace the drug? Is it possible simultaneous administration both drugs?

Comparing these drugs by composition, we can highlight the difference in the method of production of the active substance:

  • Utrozhestan is made from progesterone of plant origin;
  • Duphaston is made from a synthesized hormone.

Duphaston has fewer of the harmful effects characteristic of Utrozhestan:

  • frequent dizziness;
  • drowsiness (Utrozhestan has a calming effect);
  • weakness;
  • changes in body weight;
  • nauseating effect.

However, Utrozhestan has two methods of application. The medication can be used orally (with liquid) and intravaginally (introduced into the vagina).

Duphaston also does not affect the following points:

  1. Ability to drive a vehicle (driving while taking Utrozhestan is recommended to be done with caution).
  2. Indicators basal temperature(sufficient doses of Utrozhestan lead to sharp increase basal temperature)

Which medication to choose - Utrozhestan or Duphaston - for conceiving a child or during pregnancy is determined purely individually. Sometimes gynecologists prescribe the patient to take two drugs simultaneously.

Terms of sale

Sales in pharmacies are carried out only according to the prescription. Latin recipe.

Prices for Duphaston

The cost of the drug varies in the range 400-500 rubles per package . The price of tablets in different cities of Russia will depend on the place of sale, ongoing promotions and discounts in pharmacy organizations. For example, at the Ozerki pharmacy the tablets cost about 450 rubles per package.

Release form

Duphaston is available in tablet form for oral administration. Tablets weighing 10 mg, coated with excipients.

Storage conditions

The tablets must be stored in a dry place at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees.

Best before date

The shelf life of the drug is about 5 years, after which its use is prohibited.

Modern medical practice shows that problems with pregnancy do not at all indicate female infertility. According to statistics, about 50% of couples in the world experience difficulties conceiving, and the reasons for the problems can be very different. In some cases it fails reproductive function can occur not only in women, but also in men. One of the most common factors that provoke infertility in women is obstruction in the fallopian tubes, endometriosis, and lack of progesterone.

Considering that the latter factor is quite common, doctors usually help eliminate hormonal imbalance. About how to take Duphaston to get pregnant, how long it takes to get pregnant, the benefits of the drug, as well as general rules It is important to check with your doctor about taking the medication before starting treatment.

The doctor tells you how to take Duphaston correctly to get pregnant. The main active ingredient of the drug is dihydrogesterone. If you take pills in the second phase of the cycle and follow all the recommendations of your doctor, positive result after the reception it will not take long to wait.

When all attempts to get pregnant for a long time are in vain, women turn to a specialist. First of all, doctors conduct an examination and prescribe comprehensive examination. One of its components is the study of the hormonal profile using a blood test.

In the second phase of the cycle, patients donate blood for analysis, the results of which will show the level of progesterone in the body. To ensure that the analysis does not turn out to be erroneous, it is necessary to carefully monitor and calculate the days suitable for the study. Women who are trying to conceive know exactly the length of their cycle. In cases where it is not regular, the doctor will recommend doing the test twice within the specified period. The pause between the first and second time should not exceed several days.

If suspicions about hormonal imbalance are confirmed, then the doctor will prescribe an appointment with Duphaston, which.

You can get pregnant on Duphaston, but you must take it only with your doctor's permission. In some cases, the treatment regimen may be purely individual, but initial stage Most patients are advised to use the drug from the 11th to the 25th day of the cycle.

According to statistics, Duphaston helps to get pregnant after 3–6 months (this is the usual duration of therapy).

If you fail to get pregnant while taking Duphaston, your menstruation will begin as scheduled. Usually the drug lives up to the hopes placed on it, but it also happens that after 3 months there is no conception. In this case minimum dosage doubles from the 14th to the 25th day of the cycle. Duphaston will be discontinued if, despite the completed course of treatment, pregnancy does not occur or other reasons are diagnosed that prevent the fertilization of the egg and its implantation into the uterine wall.

How to take medicine after pregnancy

Every woman should know that the drug should be taken after conception, but during this period Duphaston is taken according to a different regimen. When the doctor confirms the pregnancy, he will adjust the dosage, however, now the purpose of the intake will be completely different.

The expectant mother has to drink the drug in order to create the maximum comfortable conditions for the fetus. So, synthetic hormone has a beneficial effect on the condition of the uterus, relaxing it. Myometrial tone decreases, which contributes to the creation good conditions for pregnancy. In addition, the hormonal background is responsible for the functioning of the intestines, relaxing it, and also prepares the mammary glands for upcoming breastfeeding.

Positive reviews about the drug indicate that the medicine is effective; many patients report: “Quite quickly I became pregnant on Duphaston.” Great amount Discussions on this topic can be found on special women's forums on the Internet. Visitors to women's websites turn to others for advice, asking who the drug has helped, how Duphaston can affect the condition of the fetus, and what contraindications exist.

So, how a pregnant woman should take the drug and what will happen after Duphaston is worth understanding in more detail. From the first weeks of pregnancy (if its development is favorable), the dose is gradually reduced. Therapy is stopped only when the woman’s body begins to produce enough of the necessary hormones to maintain the pregnancy - this happens around the twentieth obstetric week. By this time, in most patients the placenta is developing very well.

It should be taken into account that drug withdrawal, like all therapy, is carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Stopping the drug should not be too abrupt. IN otherwise The tone of the uterus quickly increases, which contributes to a significant deterioration in the nutrition of the placenta.

Indications and contraindications for use

Not all women know whether it is possible to get pregnant while taking Duphaston. The answer is yes! The instructions for the medicine state that it is drunk not only in cases hormonal imbalance and lack of progesterone, which is responsible for reproductive system, but also under the following circumstances:

  • there is initially a threat of miscarriage;
  • if previous pregnancies resulted in the loss of a child;
  • with irregular cycles.

One way or another, you cannot start therapy on your own. For example, on one of the women’s forums, a visitor wrote that she took the drug without first consulting a doctor and everything ended well: “I became pregnant and the subsequent months of pregnancy passed without complications.” Reading such comments, many girls and women who have been trying to conceive a child for a long time may follow the example of the authors of such posts, which is extremely undesirable, because the case with this woman could be pure chance and luck.

Uncontrolled use of hormonal drugs is strictly prohibited - such drugs can be taken only after test results and as prescribed by a doctor who will evaluate accompanying pathologies, will carefully study the data ultrasound examination and the patient's medical history.

Among the main contraindications for use are the presence of heart pathologies, liver dysfunction, and individual intolerance to certain components. It should also not be taken with intense pain in the abdominal area, problems with gallbladder, bleeding, acute allergic reactions and swelling.

Other medicines

How to get pregnant with the help of other medications and whether they exist is another important question. Currently pharmaceutical market offers a fairly large number of medications that promote conception and bearing a healthy child.

One of these drugs is the drug Proginova. The course of therapy with Proginov is designed for 21 days. While taking it, it is possible to become pregnant, but only if the dosage is selected by the attending physician, because there are two regimens for taking Proginov. The doctor decides which one is right for the woman, based on the test results and the patient’s medical history.

It should be taken into account that Proginova is hormonal drug, which is based high level Estradiol and Estrogen. It, like many others, helps improve blood circulation in the placenta, significantly increases the likelihood of pregnancy and minimizes the threat of miscarriage. In addition, the drug Proginova does not have negative impact for ovulation.


Does Duphaston help you get pregnant or is it possible to get pregnant with Duphaston - questions that many patients so often ask their doctor. This drug does increase the chances of conceiving a child, but only if the woman has poor production of the necessary hormones. For other diseases that prevent pregnancy, it is ineffective.

The drug Duphaston is a hormonal drug that has quite wide range actions and helping to combat problems of the female genital area. These include polycystic ovary syndrome, irregularities in the menstrual cycle, endometriosis, and even infertility. How does it work in each of these cases?

Features of the drug

Duphaston is an analogue female hormone progesterone dydrogesterone, created in a laboratory. It is absolutely safe for the body. The structure of the drug is very similar to the natural hormone.

It has an effect on the uterine mucosa, in particular on the receptors that are most sensitive to it.

Lack of progesterone in the body leads to headaches, sudden changes mood, swollen breasts and abdominal area, excessive fatigue. If this is the period before menstruation, an insufficient amount of the hormone leads to sudden weight gain and severe pain in the lower abdomen. Duphaston helps solve these problems.

Why take it?

Why is Duphaston prescribed in each specific case? Its action depends on the situation.

Before conception

When planning a pregnancy, a woman needs to be tested for the level of progesterone in her blood. If it is underestimated, the doctor will prescribe Duphaston as the main treatment. It will speed up conception and promote light current pregnancy in the first 3-4 months.

There are several cases when treatment with Duphaston is mandatory:

Endometrial problems

When a woman’s body lacks progesterone, the endometrium (uterine lining) greatly increases in size. It can peel away from the walls of the uterus and cause heavy bleeding.

In most cases, Duphaston helps to overcome this disease:

When pregnancy has already occurred

Why is Duphaston prescribed to pregnant women:

  1. During pregnancy, the drug reduces the tone of the uterus, which can cause miscarriage or premature birth.
  2. Participates in preparing the breast for feeding.
  3. Helps the body accumulate fat necessary for bearing a child.
  4. Stops the removal process ovum from the uterus (spontaneous abortion).
  5. Improves the condition of the endometrium.

Disturbances in the hormonal system

Disturbances may occur in the functioning of a woman's reproductive system. They are called for various reasons. Most often, violations relate to the menstrual cycle. This is dysmenorrhea ( severe pain lower abdomen before the onset of menstruation and during its process), very pronounced premenstrual syndrome(PMS), amenorrhea (no menstruation).

How does Duphaston combat these problems? Regular menstruation is a sign that a woman’s body clearly performs all its functions. The duration of the menstrual cycle is on average 28 days. If after this time there are no periods, then a failure has occurred. It is usually caused by disturbances in hormonal system, in particular, a lack of progesterone. Duphaston is prescribed to bring the menstrual cycle back to normal.

What does a proper cycle look like? In the second week of the cycle, the ovarian membrane ruptures, after which a mature egg emerges. At the same time, the corpus luteum appears, which is responsible for the production of progesterone. A sufficient amount of it launches such important processes, like growth and renewal of the endometrium. It also allows the body to carry a child.

Low levels of progesterone prevent the task from being completed, and Duphaston helps the mother’s body cope with the task assigned to it.

The moment progesterone levels return to normal, the menstrual cycle becomes regular. Sometimes disturbances in the hormonal system lead to the appearance of tumors. Cysts form in the cavity of the corpus luteum. They will resolve on their own if there is enough female hormone in the body. Otherwise, the cyst will continue to grow. In this case, taking Duphaston is mandatory.


Polycystic ovary syndrome is a disease associated, again, with disturbances in the hormonal system. Duphaston is prescribed to normalize hormonal levels.

Women who suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome are more at risk of miscarriage than others. In the early stages, they may experience a miscarriage or spontaneous abortion. Premature birth or isthmic-cervical insufficiency (the cervix can no longer hold the fetus in the womb) often occurs.

For polycystic disease, Duphaston is prescribed until the 16th week of pregnancy. It was during this period that the placenta itself begins to produce progesterone.

Important Rules

Duphaston is a hormonal drug. Therefore, it should be prescribed exclusively by the attending physician. He also determines the dose and duration of treatment. The use of Duphaston must obey certain rules:

How to use

The dosage of the drug depends on the specific case.

Sometimes Duphaston is prescribed for menopause. It is usually combined with other drugs that restore a woman’s hormonal levels. The duration of treatment is 14 days.

Duphaston is a synthetic hormone that has a huge effect on a woman’s body. It not only restores the endometrium and promotes its renewal, but also prevents the formation of cysts and polyps in the uterus. Duphaston promotes conception and fixation of the embryo in the uterus, after which the fetus can grow and develop. Thanks to him the risk premature birth is reduced to a minimum.

This drug normalizes the menstrual cycle and restores a woman's ability to have children. But it is worth remembering that this hormonal medicine, and it should only be prescribed by a doctor.

It’s great when your menstrual cycle is stable and you don’t need to take anything to ovulate. But if you look around, you can see a lot of girls attending antenatal clinics, undergoing tests, and undergoing treatment courses. Problems with conception are often caused by hormonal disorders, and one of the drugs that solves these problems and is prescribed when planning pregnancy is Duphaston. Let's talk about him.

When tests show that there is little in the body, doctors recommend the drug Duphaston. This remedy helps restore normalcy and helps you get pregnant.

The medicine is prescribed when the body does not produce the required amount of progesterone. Sometimes it is not canceled until the third trimester - at this time it is already formed, producing progesterone. The drug is absolutely safe even for a pregnant woman and baby. It also does not affect blood clotting and does not negatively affect the liver.

Is it possible to get pregnant after taking Duphaston? Yes, many gynecologists recommend this remedy, as it has shown excellent results.

You can get pregnant on Duphaston - it compensates for the lack of progesterone and is its synthetic analogue.

Doctors prescribe the drug in cases where problems with conception are associated with a lack of the hormone:

  • uterine bleeding;
  • amenorrhea.

It is important for the patient to know exactly how to drink Duphaston in order to become pregnant. The drug must be taken on certain days of the menstrual cycle, otherwise it can act as a contraceptive.

Does Duphaston help you get pregnant? Yes, because it contains artificial progesterone, called the “pregnancy hormone”. IN natural conditions its production occurs on the postovular days of the cycle, preparing the uterus for possible conception. To determine whether the cause of problems with conception is indeed hormonal abnormalities, you need to contact antenatal clinic and get tested.

How to take the drug Duphaston if you are planning a pregnancy in the near future? Usually they start taking it from the 16th to 25th day of the menstrual cycle. If pregnancy has occurred, then use continues until week 20, after which the dosage is gradually reduced.

Doctors prescribe the drug for at least three months. If conception has not occurred during this time, Duphaston can be taken for up to 6 months.

Effect of the drug on the cycle

U healthy woman Menstruation should be monthly. Occasional cycle failures may be acceptable as long as they are intermittent. Long delays can be caused by insufficient progesterone. The indication for taking Duphaston is amenorrhea, which is caused by a malfunction of the ovaries. When a diagnosis of “secondary amenorrhea” is made (no periods for more than 6 months), doctors prescribe hormonal treatment, which is combined with physical activity and diet.

They drink Duphaston in the second phase of the cycle, replenishing the progesterone deficiency. Menstruation should become regular while taking the drug.

Sometimes women themselves begin to take the drug to combat amenorrhea, without first consulting a doctor. This cannot be done, because even greater violations may appear in endocrine system, which will be very difficult to cope with.

The drug can help prevent bleeding that occurs in the middle of the cycle, and it also reduces pain during menstruation. But to have a positive effect, you need to drink it regularly.

Contraindications for use

Will Duphaston help you get pregnant? Of course, yes, but doctors must take into account both indications and contraindications for its use. An incorrect attitude to this issue can negatively affect a woman’s health.

The main contraindications are as follows:

  • chronic renal failure;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • hereditary pathologies, for example, Dubin-Johnson and Rotor syndromes.

Before you drink medicinal product Duphaston when planning long-awaited pregnancy, you need to pay attention to your health. For example, if a patient has problems with cardiovascular system or diabetes, she needs to be careful when taking this drug. The doctor must constantly monitor her health.

You can take Duphaston to get pregnant with peace of mind, as it is safe. The same applies to the period of pregnancy itself. But during lactation, it is advisable that the patient does not drink it. Main component the drug dydrogesterone is excreted in mother's milk and makes it impossible breast-feeding baby.

Taking the drug correctly

Before taking the drug Duphaston when planning a pregnancy, you need to read the instructions and remember that only a doctor can prescribe it. He monitors the patient and is familiar with the peculiarities of the course of the disease.

Rules of admission for various pathologies:

  • PMS and irregular critical days- from 11 to 25 days of the menstrual cycle. When planning pregnancy, Duphaston is taken in a dosage of 10 mg twice a day.
  • Dysmenorrhea (mild critical days) - from 5 to 25 days. Dosage: 10 mg twice a day.
  • How to take Duphaston to get pregnant with amenorrhea? From 11 to 25 days of the expected cycle. Dosage: 10 mg twice a day. Additionally, you need to take estrogen.
  • Duphaston for endometriosis during pregnancy planning is taken from 5 to 25 days. Dosage - 3 times a day, 10 mg.
  • In case of infertility due to a lack of progesterone, the drug is taken from the 14th to 25th day of the cycle. When planning pregnancy, the dosage of Duphaston in these circumstances is 10 mg once a day. The course lasts 6 cycles in a row. If Duphaston helped you get pregnant, then you should not stop taking it for another 3 months.
  • The drug copes well with uterine bleeding. In this case, you need to take it for 7 days, 10 mg twice a day.

Use during pregnancy

So, you can get pregnant while taking Duphaston, but is it allowed to take it after conception? Pregnancy sometimes occurs with complications, so it is necessary to take this remedy in order to safely carry the baby. If uterine bleeding is observed, the doctor may extend the course of therapy.

Stopping the drug is developed by a doctor, since abrupt withdrawal often provokes negative reaction. If the pregnancy is progressing normally, the dosage of the medication is reduced by half, and the woman’s well-being is monitored by the attending physician. If there are fluctuations in the level of the hormone progesterone due to a decrease in dosage, the process of stopping the medication will continue for another 2-3 weeks.

Those who have been helped by Duphaston to become pregnant should remember that they should not drink it after childbirth, because it has a negative effect on the baby’s body, getting there along with mother’s milk.

Duphaston or Utrozhestan - which is better?

The role of the first drug in planning conception and a successful pregnancy is well known. However, there are also effective analogues.

The main competitor of this drug is also very effective when planning conception. The drug contains progesterone, made from plant materials. For this reason, it is used in exactly the same way as its counterpart described above. No big difference is that when planning pregnancy, use - Duphaston or Utrozhestan. The doctor decides which specific drug to give preference to.

The difference between these medicines is that Duphaston is a synthetic drug, and Utrozhestan is natural. But the first one has much fewer side effects.

The significant difference between these drugs is that Utrozhestan can not only be drunk, but also injected directly into the vagina, which prevents the development of allergic reactions. The doctor will decide which drug to prescribe for therapy.

Side effects from taking Duphaston

Duphaston can be used when planning pregnancy because it has few side effects. It does not affect ovulation, and conception often occurs when taking it. But it is not 100% safe. There are such side effects like nausea, dizziness, bloating.

Taking Duphaston when planning pregnancy in in rare cases may cause liver dysfunction and anemia. It is not recommended for women with pathologies of the heart, liver, kidneys, or pancreas.

To prevent side effects, you need to know how to take synthetic Duphaston correctly when planning a pregnancy. First, an examination is carried out, based on which the gynecologist determines the duration of treatment and the required dosage.

When a doctor recommends taking Duphaston when planning a pregnancy, there is no need to refuse - the drug is safe if you follow the instructions for its use. The medicine has proven itself well. If a woman is wondering whether it is possible to get pregnant on Duphaston, then she needs to know that only correct application This drug, under the supervision of a specialist, will help solve the problem.

Useful video about pregnancy planning


Sometimes it happens that a woman and a man cannot conceive a child on their own. There are many reasons and it can hide in both men and women. By contacting a specialist, the couple will be able to establish an accurate diagnosis and then safely eliminate the cause of the problem. Usually, the woman is examined first.

One of the reasons female infertility There may be progesterone deficiency. In this situation, the gynecologist turns to medications for help. The drug Duphaston has proven itself to be excellent as a “replenisher” of progesterone in a woman’s body

Infertility has been around the world for a long time. Previously, ancestors could not always cope with such a diagnosis and remained childless throughout their lives. There were not enough funds and opportunities to establish accurate diagnosis and treatment of the disease. Now medicine has stepped far forward and has learned to deal with infertility.

When a couple suspects they have problems conceiving, they turn to a highly professional specialist for help. After all, it has many reasons. The doctor prescribes a number of special tests for patients aimed at establishing an accurate diagnosis. Moreover, both partners must undergo examination, because in half of the cases the cause of infertility is hidden in the man.

Progesterone is very important hormone for bearing a fetus. Early in pregnancy, progesterone is produced yellow body, and after production passes into the “hands” of the placenta. With the help of progesterone, the uterus does not reject a foreign body (embryo) in the woman’s body. Under the influence of this hormone, the uterus increases in size, and the woman prepares for lactation.

Why Duphaston tablets?

Many people are interested in the question: how to get pregnant on Duphaston?

As we have already found out, without normal amount progesterone in the female body, conception will not take place, and there will also be no normal pregnancy. Therefore, when there is a deficiency of progesterone in the blood, gynecologists often make a progesterone “contribution” using an imitation drug. Such a “tool” is also.

Duphaston is an artificially created progesterone, which translated means “helping to get pregnant.” Refers to pharmacological group gestagens.

Available in tablet form. Active ingredient The drug contains dydrogesterone. Each capsule contains 10 mg. active substance and additional components.

Dydrogesterone is manufactured as close as possible to natural progesterone. This substance is in no way related to the male sex hormone - testosterone, like others synthetic drugs, therefore Duphaston is devoid of androgenic side effects (rough voice, body hair).

In addition to the above, the medicine has a number of positive qualities, which are an advantage among other drugs - progesterone analogues.

Positive properties of Duphaston:

  • No effect on the liver;
  • It has been clinically proven that Duphaston safe drug for the little person in the womb;
  • Positive effect on the placenta, prevents spontaneous pregnancy in a pregnant woman;
  • This medication eliminates uterine hypertonicity;
  • Prepares the mucous membrane of the uterine wall for implantation;
  • Using a capsule with dydrogesterone the immune system in a pregnant woman it is normalized and eliminates the likelihood.

The following is not typical for the drug Duphaston:

  • Estrogenic;
  • Thermogenic;
  • Corticoid;
  • And anabolic activity.

In what cases is Duphaston's help needed?

Since Duphaston is a progesterone substitute, it is prescribed in cases where a woman’s body lacks this hormone. Progesterone deficiency can provoke incorrect operation endometrial glands, which means difficulties with conception.

Also low level hormone leads to miscarriage.

Indications for taking the drug are the following diseases:

  • Threat of spontaneous miscarriage;
  • Repeated miscarriage;
  • for a short period of time;
  • Dysfunctional uterine bleeding;
  • Deficiency of the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle;
  • against the background of progesterone deficiency;
  • Pain during menstruation;
  • Expressed ;
  • Lack of menstrual bleeding;
  • Used as hormone therapy during menopause.

Often, a gynecologist prescribes Duphaston while preparing a woman for in vitro fertilization(ECO).

It happens that this drug taken in conjunction with other medications

Conception against the backdrop of Duphaston

Failure of a woman’s hormonal levels means problems at work reproductive function ladies. And Duphaston is capable of resolving hormonal balance women. With its help, the uterine mucosa is prepared for the process of attachment of the fertilized egg. The endometrium grows to the right size and the future baby has a place to “live.”

Typically, the course of treatment with Duphaston consists of three to six months, although it can be longer, but everything is individual. If it occurs during the course of taking the drug, you should not stop treatment. This may have a negative impact on pregnancy. Most often, the drug is continued for several months of pregnancy, because it helps the unborn baby to take root in the womb.

How to drink Duphaston to get pregnant

How to take to get pregnant and how many tablets should you take? The instructions indicate approximate schemes for how to use the drug, as well as their dosage. It is better to check all the data with your doctor so as not to provoke the opposite effect of the treatment.

So, the tablets should be taken in the second half of the cycle, after ovulation (day 14 of the cycle) and before the 25th day of the cycle. It is during this period that progesterone reigns supreme; it will no longer inhibit ovulation, but will actively help the endometrium “tune in” to receive the future toddler.

The official instructions read:

  • If there is a lack of progesterone, girls can take one tablet in the morning and evening, washed down with water, at regular intervals.
  • After 3 months, if conception has not occurred, the established dosage can be doubled. That is, you need to take two tablets in the morning and 12 hours later two more tablets. The course does not change, from the 14th day of the cycle to the 25th day.
  • If pregnancy does not occur due to endometriosis, the doctor prescribes taking Duphaston from days 5 to 25 of the cycle for 3 months.
  • If a recurrent miscarriage is diagnosed, four tablets per day are prescribed at once, the dose must be divided into two. When, the course of treatment can be continued until the 20th week of pregnancy. Stop taking the drug by gradually reducing the dose.

If after long-term treatment Pregnancy does not occur with Duphaston, the drug is discontinued.

What else should you pay attention to?

We found out how many tablets to take per day, with sample diagrams figured it out. But before starting to take any medication, you need to pay attention to contraindications for taking the drug and possible side effects. They are practically not observed in most cases, but exceptions always exist.

When Duphaston is contraindicated:

  • Contraindications to starting treatment with this medicine There is an individual intolerance to Duphaston components.
  • Caution should be exercised when prescribing the drug to people suffering from itchy skin during the period of bearing a child.
  • Also, people with liver disease (Rotor syndrome and Dubin-Jones syndrome) should take it with caution.

It is possible that after taking the drug the patient will experience adverse reaction. In this case, you should immediately notify your doctor. He can adjust the dose or stop taking the drug, it all depends on the individuality of the body.

You should not drink alcohol during treatment with Duphaston. This will increase the load on the liver and reduce the effectiveness of the drug. Serious side effects are also possible.

Side effects of Duphaston:

  • From the genital organs – breakthrough, breast sensitivity and pain;
  • From the central side nervous system– migraine, dizziness;
  • Gastrointestinal tract – pain in the upper abdomen, and vomiting;
  • Skin – rash, urticaria, Quincke's edema;
  • Hematopoietic system – acquired anemia;
  • Rarely - peripheral edema.