How to increase progesterone naturally. How to increase progesterone with folk remedies

Violations menstrual cycle are the main signs of low progesterone levels: pain in the lower abdomen, scanty and insignificant discharge, lack of menstruation. Low level This hormone may be the main reason why a woman cannot get pregnant. Lack of progesterone is accompanied by the following symptoms: irritability, weight gain, hair loss, breast swelling, constant fatigue, mood swings, headaches and overgrowth body hair.

The level of hormones in the female body can fluctuate depending on the phase of the cycle, low values observed before menstruation. If progesterone is low throughout your cycle, then this should be a cause for concern. There can be many reasons for a decrease in hormone levels: stress, poor nutrition. But mostly they influence chronic diseases genitourinary area, taking certain medications ( birth control pills including).

Increasing progesterone

For natural increase level of this important hormone, you need to take vitamins B, E and C. No less important is zinc, which is in large quantities found in nuts, rabbit meat, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, wheat bran, beef liver and beans. Watch your own diet, it should be rich in protein. Include more fish and meat products, soy and cereals, because a lack of progesterone can be caused by poor nutrition.

Some herbs have a good progestogenic effect. To increase the level of this hormone in the blood, use plantain seeds and mantle grass. Purchase the necessary components at the pharmacy. Mix a tablespoon of mantle with a teaspoon of plantain seeds, pour a glass of boiling water. Close the dish with a lid, wrap it in a towel, and leave for half an hour. Strain, take 1 tablespoon three times a day.

Mix dry raspberry leaves and wild yam in equal proportions and place in a glass bowl. Pour 1 tablespoon of the prepared mixture into a glass of boiling water and leave in a thermos for several hours. Take the strained infusion three times a day, 1 tablespoon before meals. After just a few months of this treatment, an increase in progesterone levels is observed.

The fruits of twig will help raise the level of the hormone. They need to be washed and crushed. Brew a couple of tablespoons of twig with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 40 minutes, strain. Drink small sips throughout the day.

Special help medications, increasing hormone levels, as well as artificial ones. All medications in this group have symptoms, the most unpleasant of which are a negative effect on the liver and an increase in blood clotting, which can lead to blood clots. Therefore, such drugs should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor and in strict accordance with the indicated dosage.

There are also natural ways to increase progesterone in the blood. First, you need to adjust your diet in such a way as to provide yourself with enough calories. Start eating more meat, poultry, eggs, black and red caviar, fatty dairy products such as cheese, cottage cheese and sour cream. The thing is that progesterone is a steroid hormone; it requires proteins, carbohydrates and fats, including cholesterol.

The functioning of a person’s hormonal system is greatly influenced by stress, constant fatigue, and significant physical and psychological stress. Therefore, to increase the production of hormones, you need to get rid of inhibitory and irritating factors, decrease physical activity and try not to be nervous.

There are also means traditional medicine that promote the production of progesterone: extract of twig fruit, meadow lumbago, cinquefoil, infusion of raspberry leaves, mantle and some others. They need to be taken daily, starting from the second phase of the menstrual cycle (after).


  • progesterone boosting foods

Progesterone is a hormone that is responsible for a number of important functions V human body. In women, a lack of progesterone can result in the inability to become pregnant and bear a child. The main signs of low blood pressure are a short menstrual cycle, the appearance acne and a number of other symptoms.

Progesterone is steroid hormone, which is responsible for the correct menstrual cycle, pregnancy and embryogenesis. It belongs to a group of hormones called progestogens. Progesterone is also involved in the production of sex hormones and corticosteroids.

Dynamics of progesterone levels in the female body

In women in the phase of the cycle preceding ovulation, progesterone levels are relatively low. Before ovulation, the concentration of progesterone in the blood is less than two nanograms per milliliter, and after ovulation it increases to five nanograms per milliliter or higher. In case of pregnancy, progesterone levels increase to 100-200 nanograms per milliliter of blood.

Progesterone affects serotonin receptors in the brain, so an excess or deficiency of this hormone leads to significant changes in mental state.

Signs of progesterone deficiency

Symptoms of low progesterone, also called luteal insufficiency, include the inability to become pregnant or carry a child to term. Another symptom of luteal insufficiency is a short menstrual cycle.

With a low concentration of progesterone in the blood, soreness of the mammary glands and an excess of male sex hormones are observed. The latter factor can lead to acne, skin pigmentation and fluctuations in blood pressure.

Diagnosis of progesterone deficiency

Modern medicine, when determining insufficient progesterone levels, relies on several signs:

Atypical reaction of the endometrium to hormonal changes

Low progesterone levels on the 7th day after ovulation

Shortened second phase monthly cycle, amounting to no more than 12 days

Lack of pulsating production of progesterone in the female body

Treatment of luteal insufficiency

Progesterone deficiency is relieved by taking gonadotropins, especially in the periods following the induction of ovulation. Injections of progesterone drugs are also used. It should be noted that the use of drugs containing progesterone is not effective enough. This is explained by the fact that the lack of progesterone in the body occurs against the background of many unfavorable factors. As a result, compensation for the lack of this hormone through injections is temporary. Many doctors agree that in most cases, when a woman is diagnosed with luteal insufficiency, the use of progesterone is not effective and justified.

Progesterone is a hormone of the ovaries and adrenal glands. Every woman at some stage in her life encounters this vital component. And here a lot of questions arise. How to check the presence and content of this hormone? Is it released only during pregnancy? What are its main features? How to increase progesterone levels?

general information

Progesterone is a sex hormone. It is present in the feminine and male body. In the male body, progesterone affects the central nervous system, other male sex hormones, such as testosterone, depend on it. The problem is the instability of progesterone levels in the female body, as it is affected by intake oral contraceptives, menopause, inflammation and various pathologies.

As a rule, it is progesterone that controls all changes in the uterus, mammary glands and future pregnancy. The hormone is produced before conception and continues until the 16th week of pregnancy.

During pregnancy, the hormone blocks the muscular work of the uterus, preventing the body from miscarriage and preserving the fetus. It is progesterone that blocks the menstrual cycle during pregnancy. The functions of the hormone are diverse. This is to ensure the safety of the fetus, control blood sugar levels, the state of formation and changes in the female genital organs, and maintain skeletal growth.

How to determine the level of the hormone in the body

Female pathologies can give severe consequences Therefore, it is safer and more reliable to carry out all examinations under the supervision of the attending physician.

To know for sure the level of progesterone in the body, you need to take a blood test. Favorable period for the analysis procedure - the morning of the 22nd or 23rd day of the menstrual cycle. This must be done on an empty stomach for the most accurate results.

At the time of taking the test, pregnant women need to know details about their pregnancy, timing, phase of the menstrual cycle, taking oral contraceptives and other medications that affect hormone levels.

In parallel with taking tests to detect progesterone, it is necessary to check the presence allergic reaction on herbs and diet.

In this matter, you cannot do without consulting a nutritionist; you should carefully consider and change your diet.

When the hormone is present in tissue cells, interaction with proteins occurs. For this reason, it is worth starting therapy with food containing protein.

It is necessary to focus on meat and fish products, cereals, and soy, because the lack of progesterone can also be caused by poor nutrition.

Hormone deficiency

During pregnancy, most women face the problem of progesterone deficiency. Insufficiency of the component in this most reverent and important period for women it is especially dangerous because it can lead to consequences such as miscarriage, premature birth and even infertility.

One of the main functions of the hormone in the body of pregnant women is to preserve and maintain pregnancy.

When the first signs of progesterone deficiency appear, pregnancy can still be saved by urgently taking appropriate measures.

Factors that can trigger a decrease in progesterone levels:

  • Anovulatory cycle. This is a menstrual cycle characterized by the absence of ovulation. In this case, the ovary does not produce an egg, and fertilization cannot occur.
  • The cause of progesterone deficiency in women can also be kidney or liver failure.
  • Consumption of pesticides, dyes, GMOs.
  • It is possible that inflammation may be the cause of low hormone levels thyroid gland.

Signs of hormone deficiency are similar to PMS: short temper, mood swings and body temperature, menstrual irregularities, chest pain, headaches. The fundamental difference from PMS is swelling of the extremities.

Undoubtedly, to the expectant mother It is necessary to remain calm during pregnancy and carry it out in favorable conditions.

You need to know that the level of the hormone directly affects the baby, and not just the hormonal background of the mother.

Progesterone levels are an amplitude phenomenon. This means that its level is subject to decrease and increase. Therefore it is adjusted complex therapy and medications agreed with the doctor.

How to increase

Hormonal levels play an important role in the human body. If the progesterone level is normal, the woman will feel in harmony and be in good mood, and behavioral tactics will be extremely calm. Progesterone is called a hormone female beauty. He is responsible for general state skin, hair, nails. The release of progesterone directly affects a woman's sexuality.

To maintain favorable levels of the beauty hormone, you should follow the following recommendations:

  • You need to take vitamins (vitamin B helps the body perceive the hormone, vitamin E also has a beneficial effect, do not forget about calcium, zinc and magnesium).
  • Must be useful balanced diet. Nuts should be present in the diet beef liver, rabbit meat, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, beans, wheat bran.
  • We should try to avoid chemically processed products packaged in plastic. canned food, GMO, fast food, harmful drinks, coffee.
  • It is necessary to give up everything bad habits, they adversely affect the functioning of all body systems and can cause disruption of hormone levels.
  • Please note that certain foods contain cholesterol, which is directly related to progesterone. And helps to increase it. However, you should not get carried away with fatty and fried foods.

Drug therapy

It is best to combine internal and external treatment. External or local treatment may include ointments containing progesterone. From the group of pharmacological effective drugs Utrozhestan, Duphaston (20 tablets in a blister), Clomiphene, Corticotropin, Progesterone, Tamoxifen, Mifepristone, Crinon gel (allowed for use during pregnancy), Ingesta, Progestogel gel are often prescribed. The progesterone content in preparations such as Crinon gel is more than 60%.

Duphaston and Ingesta are ideal for stabilizing the menstrual cycle. You can also increase progesterone by using special capsules, creams, and subcutaneous injections.

It is worth remembering that these products can only be used as prescribed by a doctor. The duration of treatment depends on the patient’s condition and research results. Drugs may have side effects, if they appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.


Using traditional medicine to increase progesterone levels is quite possible. Care must be taken when doing this to avoid allergic reactions.

  • You can take an infusion of raspberry leaves. To prepare it, you need to pour a large spoonful of crushed dry leaves into a glass of boiling water. Leave for an hour.
  • A tablespoon of crushed twig is steamed with a glass of boiling water. Leave for several hours. Accept in small portions throughout the day.
  • Pour boiling water over a tablespoon of mantle grass and a small spoonful of plantain seeds. They insist and drink according to Art. spoon three times a day.
  • Herbs such as boron uterus, peony inflorescences, medicinal angelica, Baikal skullcap.

Most women are wary of pharmacology and radically refuse to take medications. It is important to understand that the most effective treatment any ailment - comprehensive treatment.

Comprehensive treatment may include spiritual calmness, favorable conditions, light physical activity, breathing practices, reception pharmacological drugs And traditional methods treatments, they are also called natural or traditional. Together, these methods will help preserve hormonal background in order.

Any age female body The hormone progesterone is equally necessary. This substance plays a decisive role in matters of childbirth, the menstrual cycle and the course of menopause. The deficiency negatively affects not only behavior, but also the health of women in general. That is why you should study products containing progesterone in order to use them to normalize the balance of hormones and strengthen women's health.

Functions of progesterone

The hormone Progesterone (P4) is extremely important for the body of the weaker half of humanity. Let's figure out what the main role of this substance is:

  • regulation of the menstrual cycle, prevention of PMS manifestations;
  • normalization of the process of egg ovulation;
  • preparing the uterus for future conception and pregnancy;
  • activation of fat accumulation for normal course pregnancy;
  • ensuring reliable fixation of the fetus to the wall of the uterus, preventing miscarriage;
  • stimulation of an increase in the size of the uterus as the fetus grows;
  • ensuring lactation after childbirth;
  • minimizing the risk of mastopathy.

The substance in question is produced by the adrenal glands and ovaries.

Symptoms of P4 hormone deficiency

You should carefully monitor your health status and promptly identify symptoms indicating reduced level substances. The main indicator of deficiency is menstrual irregularity, which has a bad effect on the condition of the body. Symptoms of progesterone deficiency:

  • groundless decrease and increase in body temperature;
  • dizziness, headaches and fainting;
  • dryness in the vaginal area;
  • severe pain during the menstrual period;
  • bleeding between periods;
  • depression, irritability, causeless aggression;
  • increasing the density of vegetation on the body;
  • hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands;
  • decreased skin elasticity;
  • sudden weight gain, swelling;
  • decreased libido;
  • there is pain and heaviness in the mammary glands;
  • increased sweating;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • weakness, fatigue, insomnia.

The symptoms listed above are not specific, so a woman does not always pay attention to them immediately, and delay is fraught with serious consequences. a lack of the required substance will lead to cycle disruption, manifestation of dysfunctional uterine bleeding, formation of cysts on the ovaries, uterine fibroids.

Important! As soon as a woman notices the signs low progesterone, you should immediately consult a gynecologist.

Reasons for low hormones

With normal, full ovulation, a decrease in the hormone in the blood can be caused by:

  • intense long-term stress;
  • taking a course of antibiotics;
  • taking oral contraceptives;
  • emotional experiences;
  • smoking, drinking alcohol;
  • sudden fluctuations in body weight;
  • low-calorie diets;
  • diseases transmitted by inheritance.

Boosting Progesterone Levels Naturally

Pregnant women are most concerned about the level of this substance. And all because the hormone affects the state of the body of the expectant mother and normal development fetus Everyone knows that during pregnancy, expectant mothers should minimize intake. medicines so as not to harm developing child, so it’s better to study the principles of increasing it naturally. There are basic rules:

  • balanced diet;
  • adherence to rest and sleep patterns;
  • eating foods rich in zinc, protein, vitamins B and F;
  • regular exercise;
  • complete cessation of bad habits;
  • combating obesity;
  • using contraception recommended by a gynecologist;
  • walks in the open air.

Foods that will increase progesterone

If necessary, you need to adhere to a certain diet and introduce foods into your diet that increase progesterone in the body. In addition, you should study which foods contain progesterone in order to immediately receive it from food. Here are just some of the menu items:

  • Dairy products: high-fat cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese, milk and other derivatives.

  • Numerous types of meat will help increase progesterone. It would be optimal to have rabbit, chicken, and pork in your food.

  • Due to the fact that the synthesis of the P4 hormone increases with the intake of cholesterol, it is necessary to take it with food. These are lamb, beef, kidneys, liver, brains, quail and chicken eggs.

  • It is recommended to snack on pumpkin or sunflower seeds. Moreover, it may be walnuts, hazelnuts or almonds. You can introduce foods rich in progesterone either one at a time or in combination.

  • From river fish choose silver carp; in addition, black and red caviar and seafood will help.

  • It is not always possible to find progesterone in food; many simply activate its production in the body. Such activators are starch-containing products: baked and boiled potatoes, rice.

  • The sex hormone is produced with greater force when consuming baked goods or other products made from wheat flour. However, you should be extremely careful with such products, because with an increase in progesterone you can gain excess weight.

  • When considering which foods contain progesterone, we must not forget about vegetables. Eat tomatoes cauliflower, leeks, corn, Jerusalem artichoke, pumpkin, radish, squash and all types of legumes.

Important! Sex hormone deficiency can occur due to drinking irregularities. Every day you need to consume at least 2-2.5 liters clean water without gas. You can replace water with rosehip decoction, herbal teas or infusions.

Once you have learned how to get progesterone from food, you can reorganize your menu to include the right foods.

In addition to the fact that progesterone in foods can saturate the body, let’s consider some medicinal plants, in which its content is also high. Herbs contain special substances called phytohormones.

They received this name because of their amazing similarity with female sex hormones. Phytohormones can regulate hormonal levels by increasing progesterone levels and decreasing estrogen levels. Let us mention just some of the medicinal plants:

  • Raspberry leaves, cinquefoil, common cuff, meadow lumbago, wild yam, twig.

  • A tablespoon of dry or fresh leaves raspberries, crushed in a meat grinder, pour a glass of boiling water and let the product sit for about an hour. After this, drink the product as a simple tea 1-2 times a day.

  • As one of the most effective herbs The hog queen and the red brush have proven themselves. These medicines taken in the form of infusions, alcohol tinctures and decoctions. You can prepare the infusion like this: pour three tablespoons of chopped herbs into half a liter hot water, then leave to brew for an hour. After this, strain, divide into 4 servings and drink throughout the day.
  • An alcoholic tincture of red brush is prepared as follows: pour 1 liter of vodka into a glass container, add 100 g of fresh or dry herbs. After this, leave the solution for a month in a dry and dark place to infuse. Take 40 drops three times a day before meals.

Progesterone support blood is the most important a task for the fair half of humanity, starting from puberty. Low levels interfere with the normal functioning of the body, so in any case in doubtful case You should consult your doctor and adjust your diet.

Video: Progesterone during pregnancy

Progesterone is the most important female sex hormone produced by the adrenal glands and ovaries. Progesterone supports the functioning of the menstrual cycle, and also allows you to conceive and bear a child. A lack of this hormone can cause serious violations female reproductive system. Therefore, every woman should know how to increase progesterone folk remedies.

Low levels of the hormone must be treated immediately, as this can lead to the inability to conceive a child and termination of pregnancy. The hormone also affects testosterone and estrogen levels. Such processes lead to significant changes in the functioning of a woman’s body, so if the menstrual cycles fail, the hormone level is checked.

This hormone takes part in processes such as:

  • Bone formation;
  • Strengthening blood vessels;
  • Prevention of allergic reactions;
  • Strengthening immunity;
  • Regulation of copper and zinc levels;
  • Prevention cancer diseases endometrium and breast;
  • Production of fat for energy release.

There are many reasons for low hormone levels in women. However, one of the most common reasons are chronic diseases genitourinary system and the use of certain medications, including birth control pills. Progesterone levels are affected by stress, poor diet, and bad habits (alcohol, smoking).

When a woman experiences nervousness, lethargy, sudden mood changes, weight gain, headaches, tenderness and swelling of the breasts, and menstrual irregularities, she needs to consult a specialist to undergo an examination and check her progesterone level. These symptoms are the main ones.

The use of folk remedies

The treatment method for increasing progesterone should be determined by a specialist. As a treatment, pills may be prescribed, or traditional medicine may be recommended. The effectiveness of this type of treatment always depends on the severity of the disease.

To increase hormone levels in women, doctors prescribe the use of tinctures and decoctions that have progestogenic properties. Such plants include plantain seeds, raspberry leaves, mantle grass, etc. Below we list several recipes (all recipes have been tested in practice).

To prepare the tincture, pour one glass of hot water into dry raspberry leaves (2 tablespoons) and leave for about an hour. Drink the tincture in small portions throughout the day.

Mix dry raspberry leaves and wild yam in equal proportions. Pour boiling water over one tablespoon of this mixture and leave for three hours. Take 1 tablespoon before meals at least 3 times a day.

One teaspoon of plantain seeds is mixed with 1 tbsp. l. cuffs and pour a glass of boiling water. Infuse for about 1-2 hours, then strain. Drink in small sips 3 times a day.

You will need 2 tablespoons of pre-crushed twig fruits, which are poured with 2 glasses of hot water and infused for two to three hours. Drink in small portions throughout the day.

Decoctions and infusions must be used from the middle of the cycle, starting from the fifteenth day. Continue taking the tincture for ten days, reuse start on the fifteenth day of the next cycle.

The following tincture will also help raise the level: keep 100 grams of red brush and 1 liter of vodka for a month in a dark place, sometimes shaking the contents. Take forty drops before meals at least three times a day. Before use, the tincture can be diluted with water if desired.

The following tincture will allow you to check the effectiveness of traditional medicine: astragalus root, which is infused with vodka or water.

One tablespoon of crushed root is poured into two glasses of boiling water and left for thirty minutes in a thermos. Take 1/3 glass after meals at least three times a day. Vodka recipe: forty grams of crushed astragalus root is poured with vodka (0.4 l) and infused for ten days at room temperature in a dark place. Use 10-20 drops before meals two to three times a day.

A plant such as Baikal skullcap is widely used in oriental medicine Since ancient times, it has been able to naturally raise low hormone levels, as well as improve a woman’s overall condition. To prepare, you will need 100 grams of well-chopped Scutellaria Baikal roots, put in a dark glass jar or bottle and pour medical alcohol(500 g) or vodka. Cover with a lid and store in a dark place, shaking the contents regularly.

According to the recipe, it is necessary to infuse one lunar cycle for approximately 29 days. Take 30 drops at least three times a day for a long time, the period of use is indicated by a specialist.

The hog queen or ortilia is one-sided. An infusion from this plant can be bought at a pharmacy or prepared with your own hands. Borovaya uterus(50 g) pour vodka (0.5 l). Store in a dark place for two weeks. Take 30 drops half an hour before meals three times a day.

Using folk methods in combination with medications you need to be careful, because the hormone can be increased unnecessarily.

Hormone boosting foods

To increase efficiency, you need to add foods to your diet that help increase hormone levels. These products include unroasted nuts, olives, seeds, and avocados. You also need to add fish, tuna and salmon especially help.

Very useful to use fish oil, but before consuming it, you should consult a specialist. Eggs also contribute to the production of progesterone. chicken fillet, milk.

Before using tinctures, you need to check for an allergic reaction to them, because some herbs have contraindications. Before starting treatment, you must visit the clinic and consult a specialist.

You should always remember about disease prevention, because it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it!

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There are two main sex hormones in a woman’s body – estrogen and progesterone. Typically, if the level of one of these hormones increases, the level of the other decreases.

The balance of estrogen and progesterone in a woman's body is extremely important for her health. Low progesterone levels and excess estrogen can contribute to many psychological and physical illnesses. This imbalance of hormones can lead to menstrual irregularities, infertility, increased risk miscarriage, pronounced PMS symptoms, depression, thyroid dysfunction, fibrocystic mastopathy, weight gain and menstrual irregularities.

There are 2 ways to increase progesterone levels:

I. Substitute hormone therapy - taking progesterone medications. However, their use can cause side effects: increased blood clotting with the formation of blood clots, as well as impaired liver function, including the formation of stones and the development of hepatitis. However, in some situations the use of such drugs is justified.

II. Natural methods. These methods are designed to increase your own progesterone levels through changes in diet, lifestyle and the use of natural remedies that have progesterone-like effects and are found in a number of foods and herbs. Unlike synthetic ones, natural remedies support healthy hormonal balance and have no side effects.

Natural ways to increase progesterone levels and maintain proper hormonal balance in the body.

  1. Limit foods that can increase estrogen levels: legumes, and especially soy products, flax seeds, beans, lentils, peas, pumpkin and sesame seeds, as well vegetable oils of them.
  2. Eat foods that stimulate the body's own progesterone production.
    To stimulate the synthesis of hormones, we primarily need cholesterol and vitamin C. Therefore, it is important to consume meat dishes(chicken fillet, turkey fillet, veal, rabbit), egg yolk, vegetables and fruits, nuts, dairy products, whole grain cereals.
    Also take extra vitamin C!
    Research has shown that taking 750 mg of vitamin C daily for six months can significantly increase progesterone synthesis.
  3. Avoid using herbs that may increase estrogen levels:
    Cohosh (syn. Black cohosh, Black cohosh), Angelica (syn. Angelica, Angelica, Dong Qua), Hops, Licorice, Red clover, Raspberry leaf, Alfalfa.
  4. Increase your vitamin B6 intake, which is required to maintain optimal progesterone levels. Vitamin B is also necessary for the liver, where estrogen is utilized.
    Sources of Vitamin B6: walnuts, whole grains, lean red meat, poultry, seafood, bananas, spinach, beans, potatoes.
  5. Eat foods containing Zinc and Magnesium:
    Sources of Zinc: pumpkin, sunflower and sesame seeds, peanuts, beef, beef liver and tongue, turkey and rabbit meat, egg yolk, shellfish, crab, dark chocolate, wheat bran.
    Sources of Magnesium: wheat bran, sunflower, pumpkin, flax, sesame seeds, pine and walnuts, buckwheat, chocolate; cocoa powder, sprouted wheat seeds, dark green leafy vegetables, whole grain cereals.
  6. Control your stress levels.
    Stress can significantly reduce progesterone levels in the body. At chronic stress The adrenal glands cannot produce enough of the “fight or flight” hormone, cortisol. In this case, progesterone is converted into cortisol in the body.
  7. Consume herbs that stimulate progesterone production and reduce estrogen and prolactin levels:
    — Vitex (syn. Abraham tree, Prutnyak, Agnus-castus, Chasteberry)
    — Wild yam (Diosctrea).
  8. Use a cream containing natural progesterone.
    It is produced from Wild yam, the root of which contains the substance diosgenin, which, with the help of a simple laboratory process can be converted to progesterone. Natural progesterone has the same molecular structure as that synthesized in the human body.
    For premenopausal women, the recommended dose of the cream is 15-24 mg/day, starting from the 12th day of the cycle with last use on day 26 of the cycle.
  9. Do not smoke so as not to damage progesterone receptors. In addition, nicotine in cigarettes suppresses the production of progesterone in the ovaries.
  10. Limit your exposure to xenoestrogens. These chemical substances imitate the effect of estrogens that are produced by the body. They come from environment and from food. In this case, the level of estrogen in the body increases and the synthesis of progesterone is suppressed.
    Xenoestrogens enter the body through plastic, varnishes, paints, soap, cosmetics, furniture, pesticides, industrial pollution, exhaust fumes, and chicken raised on hormones.

Important! If you have been diagnosed with estrogen dominance or progesterone deficiency, the first thing to do is check the condition of your liver. If its function is impaired, estrogen metabolism is disrupted. If estrogen is not inactivated, its levels rise, creating hormonal imbalance and dominance compared to progesterone.