Where does the energy in the body come from? Internal energy. Where does it come from and where does it go? Energy sources for continuous operation

As an option, when considering the issue of the energy source of everything that exists in the space of the universe, including all its aspects - parallel worlds (especially for "believers" in nonsense about the theories of "strings" and "big bang"), it can be assumed that he (source ) is located just outside its (universe) limits. If we really simplify the algorithm for the development of the macrocosm and create a primitive model of the universe, then we get something similar to a constantly growing sphere (or an ellipsoid - the shape geometry is not decisive now). This means that in its primary form it was a smaller sphere (perhaps something similar to a singularity point), which, by its very definition, should have two important components: energy for its development and a program, again, for its evolution.

And in this case, it is hard to believe that the source (let's call it that) has such an amount of energy in it. Let's add here the expediency of this. Another thing is the development program, because we constantly encounter similar natural phenomena with similar examples. Take at least the grain and the grown plant. The latent grain contains a detailed program for the development of this organic material, and the nutrient medium that supplies the energy of life is outside the boundaries of its development. Thus, the universe in its "zero" state - the point of singularity according to the official academic version of the current moment - occupied the minimum amount of potential space (apparently, without the universe, the concept of "space" loses all meaning, and therefore it is appropriate to use an exclusively speculative form of reasoning subjunctive to that or inclinations). But for storing "within itself" the CV (the code of the universe) and this is enough, taking into account the absence of a material aspect (the essential or physical nature of the "object").

Thus, the "universal ellipsoid" resembles a children's inflatable balloon, so ardently loved in the epic era by the proletarian participants in the demonstrations on May Day. That is, the development program is on the face, and the filling comes from the outside. The only assumption can not be taken into account due to the absence of a fundamental contradiction - the balloon is inflated from one area (inlet), and the universe receives "recharge" from all sides of the space-time boundary, which limits its size in the current state. So, matter outside the universe is in such a fundamental (chaotic or unstable) state that the rate of growth of the volume of the universe depends entirely on the "ability" to process the primordial substance into the physical filling of the universe. Is it possible that this speed would be equal to the speed of light?! The question is significant, if not fundamental, but not quite on our topic. Therefore, we will discuss it at another time and in a correspondingly different place.

In principle, the idea of ​​mastering external energy by the space-time aspect of the universe is understandable and, like everything ingenious, is simple, if not for one "but". And where does the universe feed from in the future after expanding its boundaries to a significant distance of time?! That is, after the boundaries (the place of energy “powering”) of the universe have moved away from the area under consideration (let it be the solar system or our planet, as the most conscious macro object at a practical level) to a distance incomparable with our ideas about the propagation of energy (electromagnetic waves , as a universal type of energy from the list known to us today), the source of energy should, as it were, already be inside the universe. And not just inside, but at the closest distance from the point of view of spatio-temporal accessibility to the place of its (energy) consumption. For example, where do elementary particles get their energy now?!

And here we come to the place where the real world begins to change its usual parameters. Namely, the real world and the visible world are not just two big differences, but also a completely different methodology for establishing design characteristics. The real world, relative to the visible (the optical range of perception can be conditionally taken as a world expanding horizontally, in the 3D version familiar to us) also has a vertical aspect of its development, in which at the micro level there is the same fundamental matter as outside the universe. Objective facts lead to this idea: instability (signs of chaos), huge energy potential, interaction with space-time projections of the universe at other levels (for example, up to 11 according to the so-called “string theory”).

And now we already understand that the universe in that “conservative” form (ellipsoid and its expansion according to the Big Bang theory) requires very serious adjustments in the most basic and fundamental concepts. After all, accepting the fact that chaotic (primordial) matter is located not only outside the space-time framework of the universe, but also inside it at a fundamental level, we need to completely reconsider our attitude to many relevant things. Including, in fact, to the concepts of space and time itself (the possibility of moving along them like on a freeway), energy production not only by chemical means and inefficient physical methods (the so-called environmentally friendly methods), but also at the level of inexhaustible reserves according to modern estimates . Yes, you never know what else will come up in the course, as they say, of the play?!

The energy crisis, as we now present it, and in terms of the topic under consideration, of course, seems simply ridiculous. Can hydrocarbons as a carrier of energy really influence the evolution of the universe, at least on the scale of human development?! The question is not just rhetorical, but also some kind of humorous in addition. Science should, conditionally speaking, change the direction of its development to the opposite. That is, instead of “staring” into space (at least not doing it so actively), you need to turn the eyes of your “bright” heads to the microcosm. It is there that many of the answers to our questions are found. Just imagine that in order to understand the “beyond” foundations (matter beyond the universe), you don’t need to try to surpass the universe in its expansion rate, but you only need to delve into the fundamental foundations of matter, so to speak, right under your nose. True, it is somewhat unusual to understand the fact that the entire universe, like an island in the ocean, is, as it were, in a state of “floating” in an environment with chaotic, and therefore not subject to any regularities, matter.

By the way, as nonsense, imagine that, so to speak, some other universe is moving towards us (expanding in size). And what will happen to the spatio-temporal substance in the place where they are superimposed on each other?! It is possible that we are now in the area of ​​"intersection" of several universes. This, perhaps, implies the probability (even at the mathematical level) of the substantiation of multilevel space-time projections of our universe.

Some might say that dreaming is not harmful. But, let me remind you that all theories are born from hypotheses, which, as the subject is studied, are either leveled or recognized as the official version. Thus, at the current moment, it is only necessary to understand the fact that this is hypothetically possible. Having accepted this not even as a given, but only from the point of view of a probabilistic view of things, we will already significantly increase the area of ​​​​our perception of the world around us, which is not bad at all according to all estimates of the conscious function of a person.

And what do we have in the dry, so to speak, residue?! The boundaries of the universe lie not only in the far distances (13 trillion light years from Earth), but also in close proximity. But the stable nature of the real world, which is the very basis of its existence, does not allow chaotic matter to "break" it into pieces. However, in this chaos there is a source of inexhaustible energy, which means that, having reached it, a person will receive a pass to the "Club of the Chosen Ones", which will allow him to solve all his pressing problems.

In the life of every individual, black streaks can arise from failures and defeats, but individuals filled with strength get out of any situation with dignity.

Society dreams of being harmonious and happy, so the question of where a person’s energy comes from becomes very relevant in our chaotic and fussy world. Of course, physiological processes are important for maintaining tone, but at the same time, you should never forget about the quality of life itself and its fulfillment.

Where does a person get energy: the opinion of biologists

Human cells receive energy reserves through metabolism, or rather, after the breakdown of adenosine triphosphoric acid. It is ATP that acts as a battery in the body, which is also replenished with nutrients from food. ATP accumulates in a person after the breakdown of useful components, and this process can be in the form of complete decay, i.e. with oxygen, and incomplete. In the second case, the decay product accumulates in muscle tissues, but the body instantly absorbs energy. In this way, for example, glucose is broken down in the body.

The main sources of life force, therefore, are food and oxygen. Therefore, the processes of respiration and digestion are so significant. An active lifestyle requires a lot of energy, which means more food. Any food product consists of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. They give the body energy. Vitamins, contrary to popular belief, do not give strength, but help speed up energy metabolism.

The glands of the endocrine system act as regulators of energy flows in the body. The process of realization of the vital force is controlled by the thyroid gland, and if it is not in the best shape, the food will not be fully used to extract benefits. The adrenal glands also play an important role, which release energy during stressful situations in the body.

But if, for example, negative emotions are restrained, excess energy begins to negatively affect the internal organs, giving them an extra load. The sex glands also control the release of energy, but such a force, as a rule, is considered creative.

What is the human need for energy? It depends on different individual characteristics. What matters is the age of the individual, height and weight, gender, metabolic rate, the ratio of physical and intellectual activity, the general nature of the main activity. It is also important in what conditions a person lives: climate, geographical nuances, humidity and air temperature.

The significant need for energy in an individual is determined by his physiology. To maintain all the basic processes, for example, maintaining temperature and heart rate, a constant energy flow is required. Biologists call the level of energy expenditure during rest after 12-14 hours after a meal, at an ambient temperature of 20 degrees, the main metabolism. This value is usually constant, and in a healthy body in middle age it is equal to 1 kcal per hour for every kilogram of weight.

Additional costs, of course, go away when playing sports or physical labor. Any employee without unnecessary physical activity during everyday chores and household chores spends a little more than 1000 kcal per day.

Mechanized labor increases this figure by 500-800 kcal, and heavy physical labor requires 2300-2800 kcal per day. Athletes also spend a lot of energy, because each simple workout adds 500 kcal to the norm. For marathon runners, the indicator jumps to 6000-8000 kcal per day. Energy consumption also increases with a decrease in air temperature.

To calculate the bioenergetic potential of a person, it is not necessary to take into account many factors. It is enough to multiply the year of birth by the number obtained by merging the month and the digit (not vice versa!) in the date. Then you need to add up all the numbers in the formed six- or seven-digit number.

For example, 1970*(9+9)=18

  • On average, this indicator shows 26-27, and if the result is less than 20, a person can be considered an energy vampire, or he simply has a weak character without leadership qualities.
  • And vice versa, a number greater than 30-33 indicates the presence of an additional energy channel in the personality, which is filled with the forces of the Universe, the presence of a guiding star and a bright individuality.

Also, if we consider the large number obtained after multiplication, we can see the development of the energy potential in the first 6-7 years of birth. Then the cycle ended and started again, so there is a chance to calculate where you are at this moment in life.

It should be noted that in addition to the indicated processes of respiration and absorption of food, sleep plays an important role in the accumulation of energy. Good rest restores strength and reduces the risk of diseases. Water is also an essential source of life. No less significant are physical exercises that increase the level of vital energy. In the movement lies the progress of man, willpower, victory over all ailments. It is only important to distinguish activity from everyday fussiness.

Where does a person get energy from: signs of fullness

Before deciding on the specific sources of the vitality of the individual, we must try to diagnose the energy state of the individual. In other words, it is worth making sure that the level of vibrations is really high and the aura is in excellent condition. Distinctive features of a carrier of balanced energy are:

  • good health. Disease rarely bothers someone who has a constant supply of energy. Such a person has high immunity, good physical tone, quick recovery after failures in the body and an always luminous face.
  • Fulfillment of desires. A person with a stable vitality attracts good luck and success, so her dreams come true much faster and more accurately than other subjects with an outflow of energy. At the same time, the number of new “Wishlists” for such a person is also growing, but they are not momentary whims.
  • attractiveness. An energetic person exudes attractive and even sexual vibes. He is filled with inner strength and likes himself, which means he is also nice to the environment. Such a person has many friends and acquaintances, they are drawn to him as a source of joy and positive.
  • Learning Opportunities. Sometimes when answering the question of where a person gets energy from, one can meet with a situation of a vicious circle. For example, vitality increases with the development of skills of understanding and concentration. But it is these indicators that can also be the result of energy fullness.
    Thus, a high level of energy allows a person to invest a minimum of his investment in the study of new information. Almost all areas of activity become accessible and understandable for this person. And all because a balanced energy guarantees confidence in your success, teaches you to quickly solve problems and remain calm in case of failure.
  • Activity. Internal fullness pushes a person not to kill time just like that, but to use it to good use. Such a person wants to do as much as possible without focusing on negative points. Therefore, this subject is very easy to communicate and has a sufficient amount of leadership qualities. People with a high level of energy and a constant supply of it can have a wide range of impacts on society.

Lack of energy in humans: causes

As a rule, insufficient energy flow in the body of an individual is associated either with a blockage in the dynamic path of the life force, or with an incorrect distribution of energy in one's everyday life. If the flows are spent efficiently, the biofield will always flourish and function as a useful shield. But, unfortunately, in everyday life there are many things that require a lot of effort, potentially necessary for much important processes:

  • negative emotions. Experiences and internal conflicts draw out a lot of personality energy. People get nervous literally on every occasion and exhaust the nervous system. Anger, anger, resentment are constant companions of life that should be immediately manifested so that negative emotion does not accumulate in the soul and is not constantly fueled by human energy.
  • Overload. A full-fledged leisure is necessary for a person, and if physical and intellectual stress is accompanied by a refusal to sleep, the body is in a stressful state and begins to absorb all energy reserves. Some people try to solve accumulated problems at night, but, as a rule, they still lack concentration, and during the day the work is not done due to compensation for proper rest from waking time. If there is not enough time for quality sleep, it can sometimes be replaced with a relaxing technique or a light massage.
  • The concern is not about the end goals. Why is there no energy in a person in most cases? The answer lies in the low purposefulness of the individual. Very often, the flows of the biofield flow away from the individual as a result of deeds that do not affect the final result. A purposeful subject always knows what his activity is aimed at, therefore he does not scatter himself on everyday household trifles that are not worth his energy costs. Therefore, by the way, the lack of a daily routine often leads to an uncontrolled outflow of energy.
  • Bad habits. The vital energy of a person is significantly reduced when addictions occur. It has been proven that the performance of smokers is at a low level before each dose of tobacco, and as for alcohol and drugs, they worsen the nervous system and increase the level of irritability. Even the popular caffeine and with various kinds of energy drinks gives only an imaginary illusion of fullness of forces.
  • Lack of contact with nature. The bustle of big cities requires a person to restore his reserves through the usual contemplation of peace and quiet. Nature helps the individual to deal with thoughts, get out of the routine of everyday life and throw out negative emotions. To refuse such a powerful source of energy is very stupid. Spending time in the fresh air, a person saturates the body with oxygen, he interacts with the active elements, learns to communicate with flora and fauna, to adopt pacifying vibrations from them too. It is through nature that a person directly receives the large-scale energy of the Cosmos.
  • Unloved things. Duties, a sense of duty, responsibility - this is an integral part of adult life, which absorbs a lot of energy. If a person does not have an outlet, a favorite pastime that brings real pleasure. he loses the ability to draw vitality in himself even in difficult moments.

What gives energy to a person in life?

Having your own mission

It is very important to have a global goal for which the individual is on the planet. If a person knows his role in life, he understands why he needs energy and activates all internal reserves in himself. Such a person has a high vitality, constant activity in the body and fresh ideas in the head.

Own dreams always nourish the individual and develop him, but other people's tasks can only deplete reserves. The main thing, of course, is not to get hung up on your goal and not go head over heels for it, but simply always remember it and try to realize it as much as possible, to contribute to society.

Thoughts about innermost desires fill a person with joy, and when there is no mission, motivation is also absent, and a person cannot discover anything but apathy and sadness in everyday life.

The global goal of life is a great tool for adjusting energy and directing it in the right way.

Absolute love

Where does the energy come from in a person who is in love with life and the world? The highest and brightest feeling on the planet nourishes all the reserves of the individual and fills every day with joy and happiness. A harmonious individual must love not only other people, but also himself in order to maintain energy potential even in difficult periods. At the same time, you don’t need to be selfish, it’s enough just to free your heart from negativity, and love will appear by itself.

True love is unconditional, it is an unlimited source of energy, because it transforms the environment and the soul itself. Therefore, people who, for example, do charity work, are always full of energy and enthusiasm.

positive views

To get extra energy, you need to notice the good moments in life. It is always worth focusing in any matter on the pros, because they exude positive vibrations. If you get stuck on the minuses, the negative will only take strength, it does not have a high energy return.

Joyful thoughts always cause a desire to act, so you need to take care of the state of the soul and mind, keep there more light, and not pessimistic or dirty. Try to laugh more often, because it clears all human bioenergy channels from traffic jams and fills the body with pleasant vibrations. This source of energy is well supported by the individual's favorite hobbies.

You can dance, travel, read smart books, listen to good music, watch a good movie or paint. But the discussion of politics, the yellow press, films about violence and loud aggressive music only destroy the natural human biofield, make it smaller and thinner. Remember to keep a sense of faith throughout your life.

Be confident in yourself, your strengths and in the good care of the world for you. Also, try to thank the Creator as often as possible for every day spent on Earth.

Quality communication

Any conversation should be useful and energetically saturated. Contact with a positive person always pushes for creativity, the dynamics of life and improves mood. Energy after such communication becomes twice as much. Conversely, a vampire can drain the life force with negativity, leaving the person feeling empty and unsettled.

It is necessary to avoid communication with those who annoy you, who pump out energy and simply take time. Try to minimize friendships with those who constantly whine and complain, but at the same time concentrate not on the shortcomings, but on the pluses of the person. Remember that for a person, the ways to receive energy are the people around him.

You should also avoid conflicts and quarrels, sorting things out, or begin to adapt to society, abandoning the previously chosen path. Sometimes you need to say “Yes” to people less often and say “Thank you” much more often.

Self improvement

In the course of his life, a person must develop. Only by building up new opportunities and fresh discoveries can you increase your energy and maintain a joyful outlook on the world.

Personality degradation is a very dangerous phenomenon that leads to complete energy stagnation or exhaustion.

At the same time, we are talking not only about the intellectual or spiritual fulfillment of life, but also about the physical. You can do, for example, meditation or breathing practices that teach the individual to remain calm and accumulate energy in himself, and not squander it into the external environment.

As usual mind training, you can use crossword puzzles or making plans for the next day.


The importance of nature for the energy of personality has already been indicated above. But where can a person get energy in the city? Here, of course, the environmental friendliness of the world plays an important role, but part of the necessary reserve can be obtained even without leaving home.

First, solar energy is of great importance for individuals. We consume it through food, but this is not enough, so you should try to let the light into the room where the person stays for a long time as much as possible. The sun adds beauty and well-being, it acts as a boundless generator of joy and warmth.

Secondly, the air plays an equally important role, so you need to ventilate regularly both at home and in work offices. And you can also receive an additional influx of energy from the earth. It is very useful, for example, to periodically walk barefoot and restore contact with the origins of humanity.

Feeling clean

First you need to maximize the comfort of the space. In order not to interfere with the movement of energy in life, a person must get rid of unnecessary things and rubbish, which takes away his strength and time. Then you need to pay attention to cleansing the body. Various methods cope with this, for example, yoga or taking special herbal decoctions.

The body needs to get rid of wastes and toxins, otherwise all bioenergy flows will begin to collide with huge blocks in the body. You should also cleanse the soul of negative energy. This can be done with the help of useful crystals that increase vitality. Jade, carnelian or jasper can become a talisman.

Finally, a mental cleansing effect can also be obtained through relaxation techniques. In particular, aromatherapy with essential oils not only improves the aura, but also adds energy to the body. To do this, you need to use pomace of citrus fruits, cinnamon, pine, bergamot, eucalyptus, etc.

Where does a person's energy come from? The answer to this question is always individual, if we turn not to the characteristics of the body, but to the secrets of the soul. It is best to listen to your inner voice and do things that bring positive emotions, as they are a sure sign of the necessary vitality. Just do not forget that even a constant influx of energy does not exclude the possibility of its leakage.

Where do we get energy from? At the lowest level of cellular function, the form of energy your cells can use is called adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

For our greater benefit, the body produces ATP by burning (oxidizing or burning) glucose from carbohydrates or fatty acids from fats. Under certain circumstances, protein can also be used to recreate ATP, either directly or through conversion to glucose or fat (usually protein is converted to glucose to be used as fuel). We'll come back to this a little later.

With a few exceptions, which I'll talk about in a few seconds, every tissue in the body can use both carbohydrates and fat for energy. But what determines what type of fuel will be used? When carbs are available (because you eat the most), then the tissues will use carbs, in the form of glucose, for fuel. When carbohydrates are not available (because you have limited yourself), the body will switch to using fats. This fat can be used from your food as well as from your butt and belly. This is another thing that is often overlooked when using weight/fat loss methods: when you eat more carbs your body uses less energy from fat, when you eat less carbs your body uses more energy from fat.

What about exceptions? Some tissues in your body, like the brain/CNS and a couple of others, cannot use fatty acids for energy, they can only use glucose. And the brain is the most important thing I want to talk about here. As usual (and wrongly so) it is said that the brain can only use glucose for energy, and this is true if you consider glucose, amino acids and fat as sources of energy. But in this way we forget about the fourth source of energy - ketones (also known as ketone bodies). Ketones are created from the breakdown of fat through the work of the liver and do the job of fuel for the brain during periods of fasting or cutting carbohydrates.

I want to point out that after a few weeks of ketosis (a state in which ketones accumulate in the blood as fuel that the brain uses), the brain can get about 75% of its main energy from ketone metabolism. The remaining 25% is glucose.

What is, the essence, "Energy"? The essence of the phenomenon "energy" cannot be comprehended in isolation from the understanding of the phenomenon "Organism". The organism is "SO" - the Society of living cells, united among each other by a certain, uniting them together, homogeneous force, called "SO"-Knowledge...

Moreover, it is not at all necessary that the “organism” should be commensurate with human ideas about oneself, or about other inhabitants of our planet.

Any living cell, no matter how small or large it would be, whether it be biological or social, from the world of plants, or insects, microorganism, or the universe, is the Organization of Life, materializing and embodying into a certain reality, the possibility of the existence of Energy according to given principles, albeit completely different from those known to us.

Moreover, all the Organizations of Life are enclosed among themselves in the Organism of a single Higher Self, embracing and penetrating by Itself all Types, Forms, Ideas, Principles of existence. And falling out of the looped chain of energy exchanges, of any of the organisms, leads to the redistribution of the lost Energy for all, however, not evenly, but according to the arbitrariness of the Justice of the Higher Consciousness (small-small, great-great).

For, in the One "I", for all: One Life - One Consciousness - One Energy; and all members of this community are equally harnessed to the One Common Cause, for all; although each has his own destiny (“My yoke is easy and My burden is light” Matt. 11.30).

If we direct the attention of the Consciousness to where the most “nano-nano” organism should live, then we must admit that we will run into the “Emptiness”! - Into the Homogeneous Infinite All-Penetrating and All-Encompassing Void! Which IS NOTHING and from which EVERYTHING arose!

Is it possible?! Every Particle of "Emptiness" is "I", orienting in It ("Emptiness") through the "System of Coordinates in Mind Space".

As Nicholas of Cusa said:
- What is the "Biggest"?
And he answered himself:
- The Biggest is “That” in Which there is Everything! What is "The Smallest"?
- The smallest is “That” that is in Everything!

Now judge for yourself, don't you think it's the same thing?

If this is obvious, then it is also obvious that everything that is conceivable around my “I” is the Same “I”, which takes Images of all Forms, Types, Ideas, Principles of Existence, sets them in Motion and endows them with Life! ("I" am That Which is "I"). - And therefore, this "I" is the POWER, called "ENERGY" - (the Organism "I" - "The Smallest", from which the Organism "I" - "The Biggest" is composed), which is - "The Coordinate System Uma "-" Cross "!

Why is that? - The consciousness of our "I" is born inside the Infinite Space, filled with unknown qualities that we do not know about. Gradually, with the passage of Time in the process of life, our mind becomes able to determine the directions in which these Qualities are placed. It should be added that these Values ​​(Qualities) must be summed up under the Common Denominator of objective thinking, after which they will acquire the outlines already familiar to us.

What is it about? First, the realization that we live inside the category of the phenomenon, "Space", becomes available to us, then the awareness of the category "Time" becomes available. Also, having invested certain efforts of concentration of thinking, we discover the phenomenon of the category "Matter" with its Riches (Food for the body of the Mind). Finally, now, we penetrate into the Space of Our Own Consciousness, starting to realize and take into account the energy of mental stress. And now, the time is coming to advance cognition to the next stage of awareness of “Self” in “Self”!

Realize the value of the phenomenon "Energy" as a new category of thinking - the FOURTH COORDINATE OF THE MIND! By the power of which, we become able to move into the awareness of the Fourth Dimension.

Need comments? After all, having achieved awareness of the Limits of Matter by comprehending the “Space of Awareness”, which is now already “inside” (!) “I” of the “Infinitely Big”, we invisibly begin the Path “backward”, paradoxically continuing to move forward! Is it clear? After all, Matter, reflected by perception (Sensual and Reasonable), onto consciousness, becomes the energy of consciousness! And this means that all the Values ​​of Coexistence in the form of material objects located in the space of "objective" and "subjective" realities, being reflected on the perception and awareness of our "I" become elements ("Energies") of our Consciousness, subject to the power of that level, the degree of thinking that each particular mind has.

The task of determining the essence of "Energy" can be solved as follows:
*Energy is the kinetic component of "Force".
*Information is a potential component of the "Force".
*Force is the phenomenon of the influence of Suggestion on Perception (sensual and rational), which made the greatest impression on the apparatus of Faith.
* Energy is a quantitative characteristic of Force.
*Information is a qualitative characteristic of the Force. The direction of Awareness (Attention) from inside-out, reveals the phenomenon of "Space".
* Direction of Attention (Awareness) from the outside-in, is the phenomenon of "Time".
* The strength of "Energy" (quantity), is the degree of fullness of "Space - Time".
*The strength (quality) of "Information", is the accuracy of the schemes and structures of the construction of the "Space of Time" by the "Time of Space".
* "Force" reveals itself as a resonance of the interaction of "energy" and "information"; perfect correspondence "quantity-quality"; - organic interaction of the structures of "space" with the structures of "time".

Space and Time, Information and Energy, meet in the "I", which is the Place of Perception and Awareness of the Values ​​("Energies") assigned to the Exchange. This Place is the "System of Coordinates of the Mind", - "CROSS", which forms the principle of thinking, - the paradigm of the worldview, - the description of the world; - through those love and faith, which resonate in us with the force that gives life.

Let's discuss the topic - where can our body get energy to move forward? Let's start with the very basics. They are known, obvious, banal, but it is precisely without them that nothing will come of it, and it is these foundations that “fly out” in the first place under heavy loads.


Wholesome nutrition is the most obvious and understandable means of increasing energy. Two points are important here.

1. Energy expenditure and the energy value of food should be in balance (this is the so-called first level of nutritional balance). In other words, the consumption and expenditure of calories should be in balance (for example, we wrote about the dangers of starvation diets in “”).

2. There should be variety in the food itself so that the body can receive all the necessary substances for active work.

By the way, there is an illusion that mental activity burns a lot of energy - this is not so. About 20% of the total energy exchange is actually spent on brain activity. But mental work is only part of the work of the brain! And it increases energy costs by only 2-10 kcal per hour. So even if you think very hard and solve the global problems of mankind, you should not stock up on chocolates and nuts, citing the fact that “the brain needs glucose” - all excess energy will go directly to fat depots.


Without proper saturation of the body with oxygen, it is impossible to use the nutrients obtained from food and ensure all life processes. The more active the breath, the more energy you are charged.

Harmonious breathing involves the balance of inhalation and exhalation and the active participation of the upper and lower parts of the lungs. Long motionless postures at the computer, weakening of the back muscles lead to a decrease in the intensity of breathing. All this greatly reduces the tone and can cause drowsiness and lethargy. So get up from time to time, not only to give your eyes a rest, but also to literally breathe in with a full chest / stomach, let in energy.


Despite the fact that a lot is said about this component of human activity, few people really care about saturating the body with plain drinking water on time and in the required volume. But its circulation through our body speeds up the metabolism and significantly increases energy.

Sleep and rest

Trite, but no other way - without a good recovery, even a very active body begins to experience chronic stress and deplete its internal "reserves" of energy. It is only important to note that the quality of sleep and rest is sometimes more important than their quantity.

Doping and stimulants

So sometimes it happens that the body urgently needs help when we need to endure heavy loads, and sleep and good food are not expected for a long time. Then additional stimulants can go into action, accelerating the work of the body and giving us an energy boost.

The most common means of improving efficiency: caffeine (including that contained in tea and mate tea), guarana, taurine. There are stronger drugs that affect complex physiological processes (for example, the functioning of the thyroid gland), and are often used by athletes to drive the fat layer (for example, synephrine, tyrosine, yohimbine). Read more on Zozhnik:.

Caution in the use of stimulants is very important, because their action introduces an imbalance in the functioning of the nervous system and, moreover, does not add a "margin of safety" to the body - on the contrary, the energy reserve is drawn from our internal reserves. If you decide to use a stimulant, be sure that you will be able to get your portion of healthy sleep and nutrition later.