Fruits that aid digestion. How to improve digestion? Products, preparations and means that improve digestion. Simple Behavior Changes

Does diarrhea change to constipation? Do you experience heartburn and bloating after every meal? Symptoms indicate problems with the intestines or stomach. Constant stress and snacking on the go, sedentary image life and medications are weakening digestive organs and impair their performance. To get rid of drowsiness, headaches and problem skin, you will have to give up your usual lifestyle and begin to restore intestinal and stomach motility.

Bad habits

Main enemy poor digestion– dishes instant cooking. Sausage sandwiches and hot dogs are high in fat and low in fiber. Fast food clogs your intestines, slowing down digestion. Stale food begins to rot and ferment, causing bloating and constipation.

Chips, cakes, fried, smoked and pickled foods are consumed in limited quantities or completely excluded from the diet. Minimum sugar and chocolate, mayonnaise and margarine. More fiber, complex carbohydrates and proper protein.

To drink or not to drink
Water is good for intestinal function. It is recommended to drink up to 2 liters of liquid per day, but only in between meals. Do not mix food and sweet or carbonated drinks. You cannot wash down sandwiches with mineral water or compote.

Any liquid, even still water or unsweetened herbal infusion, dilutes gastric juices. The number of enzymes capable of digesting food decreases, and it enters the intestines “raw”. Breakdown of eaten foods into useful material and waste slows down, gases form, and either diarrhea or constipation begins.

Water should be drunk 40 minutes before breakfast or dinner and 1.5–2 hours after. Then the functioning of the digestive organs and skin condition will improve, energy will appear, and fatigue will disappear.

Enjoy your food
You cannot satisfy your hunger on the go by swallowing huge pieces of unchewed sandwich or apple. Teeth are given to humans for grinding food, making it easier for the stomach to digest food. Inadequately processed food slows down digestive processes and injures the walls of the stomach and intestines. Each spoonful of porridge or piece of meat should be chewed at least 40 times so that the food becomes liquid and mixes with saliva.

You should set aside at least 10–15 minutes for lunch and dinner, when you don’t have to rush anywhere. It is advisable not to read books, talk or be distracted by the computer while eating, but simply enjoy the process of absorbing food.

Overeating and late-night snacking

Late dinners harm not only your figure, but also your stomach. The body digests light dishes of vegetables and fruits in 40–60 minutes, but it takes from 2 to 4 hours for meat, sweets and cereals. If the digestive organs do not have time to process food before bedtime, it stagnates and rots. Heaviness and flatulence occur, and intestinal motility worsens.

Dinner is not prohibited after 6 pm. Fasting harms the stomach no less than overeating. But the last portion of food should be consumed 3-4 hours before going to bed, so as not to suffer from heaviness and nausea in the morning.

The functioning of the stomach and intestines is disrupted due to systematic overeating. It doesn't matter how healthy the products are. When there is a lot of food, the body does not have time to excrete enough of hydrochloric acid and bile to digest it. You should reduce portion sizes, and in order not to feel constant hunger, snack not three, but five or six times a day.

Bad habits
Cigarettes, like alcoholic drinks, contain chemical substances, which irritate the walls of the stomach and increase acidity. Alcohol and nicotine cause nausea, lead to loss of appetite and interfere with the absorption of beneficial components from food.

Only enzyme preparations like Mezim are more dangerous than cigarettes and alcohol. The pill removes heaviness caused by overeating and bloating, but uncontrolled medication use contributes to the development of lazy bowel syndrome. When medicines perform the work of the digestive organs, the latter “relax” and stop producing secretions for breaking down food.

Important: The tablets are beneficial, but only a gastroenterologist should prescribe any medications. The consequences of abuse of enzyme preparations have to be treated for years or a lifetime.

Top 7 useful products

Intestinal motility will be started by water and light foods rich in complex carbohydrates, fiber and protein. Instead of fried meat and sandwiches with butter, large quantities of fruit, cereals and dietary meat are recommended. Vegetables and fish are healthy fermented milk drinks: kefir, curdled milk and natural yogurt. Digestion will be normalized in a matter of weeks if you enrich your diet with dishes from seven unusual and tasty foods.

Red root vegetable salads are served for breakfast or dinner. Beets are indicated for regular constipation and stagnation of food in the intestines. The vegetable is rich in fiber, which absorbs toxins and stimulates the release of gastric enzymes. Beets are boiled, served raw or added to vegetable stew. Mix with carrots and garlic, season olive oil.

The orange pulp helps digest proteins and regulates acidity levels. Papaya is recommended for frequent heartburn, gastritis and for the prevention of inflammation in the digestive organs. The fruit destroys infections and improves the absorption of beneficial components.

Dried fruits are sources of fiber. Figs, dried apricots, raisins and, of course, prunes supply the body coarse fibers necessary to cleanse the intestines of residues undigested food. A dried plums is a natural laxative that works gently but effectively.

In the evening, dried fruits are soaked in water, and in the morning they are added to porridge or eaten instead of breakfast.

There are many aromatic fruits soluble fiber and pectins, as well as vitamins. Peaches soothe the inflamed gastric mucosa and speed up metabolism. Helps with constipation and frequent bloating. Fruits are consumed before breakfast to wake up the stomach.

Wheat bran
The supplement contains a lot of coarse fiber. Dietary fiber promotes feces to the exit, while simultaneously clearing particles of undigested foods from the intestinal walls. From wheat bran and kefir or natural yogurt prepare a nutritious and healthy cocktail, which starts gastric motility and helps you lose weight.

Start with a tablespoon of the supplement, otherwise the fiber will simply clog the intestines. Gradually increase to 3-4 spoons per day and stop. Be sure to drink plenty of water to prevent constipation.

A cocktail of flaxseeds and natural yogurt colonizes the intestines beneficial bacteria. This dish contains a lot of fiber, vitamins and oils, which normalize fat metabolism and the functioning of the gallbladder.

A glass will start intestinal motility warm water With lemon juice or honey. Drink before breakfast and have a snack oatmeal slimy consistency. Protein, which is found in chicken breast, cottage cheese, and sea fish, is responsible for normal digestion.

Sea buckthorn oil helps with ulcers and gastritis, and honey with walnuts normalizes liver function. At frequent diarrhea They recommend a decoction of barley: steam 50 g of grain in 500 ml of boiling water. Leave the product for 6 hours, and when the dry component swells, put the product on low heat and boil for 10 minutes. Leave the drink for half an hour to cool down. Drink 100–150 ml of barley broth three times a day.

Red wine medicine improves intestinal motility. You will need:

  • aloe – 1 part;
  • honey – 2 parts;
  • red wine, for example Cahors - 2 parts.

Grind the aloe and combine with the rest of the ingredients. Beat to form a homogeneous mass and eat a spoonful of the medicine an hour before meals.

Constipation is relieved by porridge made from pumpkin and millet. IN ready dish add a little honey. A delicate problem Celery infusion will also solve:

  • Peel and chop the root of the plant.
  • Pour 1-2 tbsp. l. Prepare 1 liter of water.
  • Leave overnight and strain in the morning.

Drink 30–40 ml herbal medicine per day. Freshly squeezed celery juice, as well as a decoction from the seeds of the plant, are also useful.

For digestive problems, coffee and regular tea are replaced herbal decoctions. Cooking medicinal drinks from:

  • peppermint;
  • fennel;
  • lemon balm;
  • viburnum bark;
  • dill;
  • licorice.

Improves intestinal motility special massage which is done in the morning before breakfast. You should stroke your belly for a few minutes. The hand moves clockwise, do not press or rub too hard.

  1. The intestines become sluggish due to lack of movement. Daily morning exercises will wake up the digestive organs and kick-start metabolism.
  2. You cannot eat more than two dishes at a time. It is difficult for the stomach to digest the mixture of soup, meat and dessert, so it stagnates.
  3. You should not eat porridge or a sandwich with fruit. They are digested faster, but remain in the stomach, causing fermentation and a feeling of heaviness. Apples and oranges are eaten before the main meal or instead of an afternoon snack or second breakfast.
  4. Stress also affects intestinal function. Some strong unrest cause diarrhea or constipation. To ensure that your digestive organs work properly, you should meditate, do yoga, or take a relaxing bath after a busy day at work.

Digestion of food is a delicate process, depending on many factors. The stomach and intestines will work without failures if you eat right, give up bad habits and move a lot. You can normalize peristalsis with folk remedies and optimism. If all options fail, you should see a gastroenterologist, who will find the cause of the failure and suggest methods to eliminate it.

Video: 3 simple exercises to improve digestion

The rapid development of information technology has brought into our lives all sorts of technical innovations designed to make it easier, but they also, as a rule, become the cause of the manifestation of certain diseases, the first place among which is occupied by problems associated with the digestive system.


The fact is that today’s rhythm of life does not always allow one to adhere to a balanced diet, and often modern man leads little active image life. For example, instead of walking down the street, most people would prefer to travel by car or public transport. But over time, when the piercing pain in the stomach becomes completely impossible to endure, everyone begins to feverishly look for a way to improve digestion, naively hoping that there will be that magic pill that will return everything to normal. However, it should be remembered that treating problems associated with digestion is a rather complex and time-consuming process. Therefore, in order to get rid of it forever negative symptoms, it is necessary to act gradually, and after a certain time such a desired and long-awaited result will be achieved.

Poor nutrition

One of the main reasons that leads to serious problems with digestion, include food with various chemical additives. There is a misconception that is actively lobbied by various commercials featuring famous actors or TV presenters about the benefits of such food. But, as numerous independent examinations show, the level of chemicals in it significantly exceeds the minimum permissible norm, which subsequently leads to the onset of an inflammatory process in the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, too much low-quality food in the stomach causes an increase in the time it takes for food to pass through the intestines. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that harmful substances during this period of time will serve irritating factor for the stomach.


Factors contributing to digestive problems include:

  1. Have a hearty dinner a few minutes before bedtime.
  2. Smoking.
  3. Excessive consumption of fatty, fried foods and rich broths.
  4. Prolonged physical activity.
  5. Overwork.
  6. Constant stress.

As practice shows, frequent overeating is dangerous because the stomach simply does not have time to properly absorb and process it. Also, over time, its ligamentous apparatus can become greatly stretched.

The other extreme that people go to after hearing a lot of advice on how to improve digestion is a starvation diet, which, on the contrary, leads to the stomach secreting a large number of gastric juice, thereby destroying its walls, which leads to a disease such as gastritis.

Attention! The diet is useful only when it lasts a short period of time and is carried out in compliance with all norms and requirements.

Particularly dangerous for gastrointestinal tract nicotine, it not only harms him irreparable harm, but also seriously affects the functioning of its secretory function.

How to improve digestion in the stomach

And now the time has come to talk about how to create a perfectly working mechanism from your digestive system that will work for more than one year. The first step is to complete the main task - to remove the obstacle that has formed on its way, preventing the processes of digestion and absorption.

To do this, you need to normalize your diet and completely eliminate low-quality foods from it. Eat little by little 3-4 times a day, do not overeat, but only satisfy the feeling of hunger. It is important to limit your consumption of alcoholic beverages.

What foods to eat?

What foods that improve digestion are recommended to be consumed? Oddly enough, rye bread is still considered one of the most useful foods. This bread contains a low amount of calories, and in addition, it contains a lot dietary fiber, which lower blood sugar and cleanse the esophagus. This product is present in almost every diet prescribed to improve general well-being person.

Next, you should pay attention to the inclusion in your diet of cereals and bran, which contain fiber and starch so necessary for the human body that, when digested, sufficient long time, not only provide the stomach with beneficial bacteria, but also give it a feeling of fullness.

Legumes are not only sources of zinc and iron. They are completely free of toxins. Important! It is necessary to include them in your diet in small doses to avoid this negative effect, such as bloating and increased gas formation.

In a special place is beets, which can be eaten in any form, but not more than 150 g per day and always in the morning and before breakfast.

Remember that foods that improve digestion are recommended to be consumed even after all negative symptoms have disappeared.


Also, in combination with the “right” foods, you can use drugs that improve digestion. Today they can be divided into several groups:

Preparations containing only pancreatic enzymes. As a rule, they are not subject to any restrictions on their use. All you need is to familiarize yourself with the usage diagram.

Remedies that eliminate symptoms of indigestion such as heaviness and bloating. They contain Activated carbon, cellulose and simethicone. Among the most popular are the tablets “Festal” and “Enzimtal”.

Medicines that improve digestion, which are recommended to be taken only as prescribed by the attending physician and for people diagnosed with " cholelithiasis". This is based on the fact that they contain bile acids, which can not only significantly stimulate increased bile secretion, but also cause severe colic. One of these drugs is Panzinorm Forte tablets.

How to take them?

It's no secret that an ordinary person using such medicinal products and anyone who wants to know how to improve digestion cannot do without consulting a specialist. But what to do if there is no such person nearby and contacting him is also problematic?

First of all, I would like to note that before consuming any medicinal product you need to familiarize yourself with the list of possible side effects and make sure that its expiration date has not yet expired. Next, you need to check the integrity of the capsule and then clarify in the instructions exactly when it is most appropriate to use it.

How to improve digestion with folk remedies

Not taking advantage of the vast experience of our people to improve digestion is simply criminal. It’s not for nothing that there are still legends about “living” water or magical herbal mixtures. healing power herbs even proves modern science. So let's look at what Mother Nature has prepared for us...

Using lemon balm tea for a few days is great for eliminating all symptoms of bloating and is great for indigestion. It is recommended to take for 1-2 weeks and 3-4 times a day.

Don't forget about healing properties ginger, which not only has truly miraculous wound-healing properties, but also actively stimulates the production of gastric juice.

Daily use of fennel seeds will not only save you from searching for an answer to the question of how to improve digestion in the stomach, but will also become an excellent assistant in the fight against spasms and cramps.

It is no secret that the development of the disease is much easier to prevent than to treat it. Moreover, to do this you just need to follow a few rules:

  1. Drink as much fluid as possible per day.
  2. It is strictly not recommended to leave food to eat a little later. Remember, you should only use it fresh.
  3. Make changes to your diet as often as possible.
  4. Lead a healthy and active lifestyle.
  5. Arrange fasting days.
  6. Eat as many vegetables, fruits and yoghurts as possible.
  7. While eating, do not swallow, but eat slowly and chew food thoroughly.

If you follow these simple tips, you will forever forget that you were ever looking for an answer to the question of how to improve digestion.

Hello everyone, dear friends!

During the New Year holidays, we leisurely moved from one holiday table to another. The abundance of tasty but unhealthy food forced us to break our diet and forget about regular training for a while.

Naturally, there are exceptions from the general mass of people - avid athletes began visiting gyms on January 1st.

However, we mostly lack the willpower to refuse the famous Olivier with mayonnaise or a glass “for world peace” in the presence of cheerful friends or close relatives. Ironic, isn't it? ?

It is not surprising that many people have stomach ache in the morning, heartburn torments us, and bloating and regular gases put us in an awkward situation.

What to do about it? Today I propose to identify products to improve digestion, the presence of which at the festive table will be the key to “ good morning"for the whole family.

First of all, I would like to note that in order to restore the full and uninterrupted functioning of the gastrointestinal tract system, it is not necessary to adhere to strict dietary methods. Food entering the body must contain high concentration fiber, amino acids and antioxidants.

To rationally create a menu, I recommend that you read the article previously posted on the web pages of our blog about switching to proper nutrition. You will still have to exclude some foods from your diet, so the list of harmful foods will also have to be carefully studied.

By summarizing the rules that will need to be followed, you can draw up a set of recommendations for improving work digestive tract:

Guys, stick with it. similar rules It is possible at any age, so my recommendations are optimal for both children and adults. Naturally, parents must participate in updating the child’s diet, who, due to life experience and a rational approach will be able to create a menu without harm to health.

During pregnancy, all changes in daily nutrition the expectant mother must agree with the attending physician, who is able to take into account the anatomical features of the person and the fetus developing inside.

Useful advice from Start-health: “To avoid taking pills if you experience heartburn and bloating, eat apples, bananas, licorice, kale juice, lemon balm and cumin tea - excellent laxatives without chemical additives.”

Top 20 foods that improve digestion

Friends, we are finally approaching the point of becoming familiar with food that has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive tract. Having studied various variations food combinations on the Internet, I offer the most complete and effective list of 20 products that improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract:

Name Benefit
1. Bakery products from whole grains

Coarsely ground varieties help reduce blood cholesterol and cleanse the digestive tract of toxins and other food waste.

2. Wheat bran and cereals

The high level of fiber present in food ensures rapid absorption of food, saturating the body with nutrients.

3. Lentils and "representatives" legume family

the presence of large amounts of iron and zinc in the structure of such products ensures the accumulation of toxins that are promptly removed from the body (excessive consumption can lead to bloating and gas formation).

4. Flaxseeds
5. Ginger root

a “storehouse” of amino acids that cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of food waste (excessive presence of such a product in the diet can cause heartburn).

6. Berries

rich in antioxidants that help remove toxins and waste from the body that impair the functioning of the digestive tract.

7. Dried fruits

the presence of fiber in figs, prunes or dried apricots has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, improving the process of food digestion.

8. Nuts
9. Honey

a “treasury” of manganese and iron, which help improve overall well-being, normalize the functioning of the digestive tract, and are distinguished by antibacterial properties.

10. Sauerkraut

a natural pribiotic that contains a high concentration of iodine and other beneficial minerals.

11. Carrot

pigment microelements contained in such a product ensure the detoxification process in the body.

12. Onion

an effective prophylactic for oncological diseases, a product that lowers blood cholesterol levels, and powerful antioxidants, removing harmful substances and food waste from the gastrointestinal tract.

13. Tomatoes

in demand in alternative medicine vegetables that contain a large amount of fiber, which helps improve the functioning of the esophagus and cleanse the body; prevent diseases of the prostate and colon.

14. Avocado

tropical fruit, with which you can prevent the occurrence of chronic and temporary diseases in the body associated with the gastrointestinal tract; an amplifier of peristaltic processes and an excellent remedy for constipation.

15. Pear

rich in fructose, fiber and others useful microelements, has strengthening properties, improves the functioning of the digestive tract and becomes indispensable for diseases of the intestinal mucosa.

16. Banana

contains in structural composition a large amount of fiber and fructo-oligosaccharides, which help accelerate the growth of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.

17. Apple

saturated with heteropolysaccharide (pectin), which is involved in the creation of biological processes that allow you to quickly digest food entering the stomach.

18. Dairy

acids present in the structure similar food, ensure smooth functioning of the intestines, creating favorable microflora inside the esophagus.

19. Egg

a “storehouse” of polypeptides that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and accelerate the metabolic process.

20. Spices

irritate the intestinal mucosa, accelerating metabolism and accompanying processes of food digestion in the body.

It should be noted that most of the above products belong to the budget segment of the market, so anyone can include such food in their diet. Taking into account the presented list, it is quite simple to create a menu, without forgetting about personal taste preferences in food.

The main thing is that every day among the dishes there are products with high content fiber and antioxidants.

Useful advice from Start-health: “If you suffer from constipation, then in the current situation it becomes indispensable ethnoscience. In a mixer, grind 300 grams of prunes, dried apricots and figs, adding 50 ml of agave juice and 300 ml of thick honey to the resulting consistency.

Mix the “miraculous” mass thoroughly and take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals. Guys, after 24 hours you can evaluate the effectiveness of such a product.”

Today we were able to identify not only useful, but also delicious products, improving the functioning of the digestive tract. The food presented can be used to prepare various dishes, which your guests and household members will definitely appreciate. ?

Treat your loved ones to an avocado and tomato salad by adding flaxseeds and olive oil. Do on festive table vegetable stew with spicy spices or surprise those present with an egg and onion pie made from wholemeal flour. Tempting?

The opinion of our readers, who are the most objective “judges”, is especially valuable to us!

All the best to you, friends! See you soon!

If you regularly suffer from nausea, vomiting and flatulence, then you may have digestive problems. Our article will tell you how to deal with them correctly.

Digestion is a process during which food is chemically and physically processed into gastric tract, which preserves all nutritional and energetic properties products. But unfortunately, this only happens if the human body works like a clock.

And if a person leads an unhealthy lifestyle, drinks, smokes, eats junk food and moves little, then the process of poisoning food does not happen entirely correctly. Most often this leads to not very pleasant consequences. People with poor digestion may experience nausea, vomiting, bloating, diarrhea, or constipation

And if you do not try to improve the process of digesting food, then all these symptoms can lead to the development of more serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, let's figure out which products and medications will help as much as possible. fast deadline improve digestion and get rid of nausea and bloating

Tablets and medicines and enzyme preparations to improve digestion

Enzyme agent, improves digestion processes

Probably every person is familiar with the feeling of heaviness in the stomach that occurs after a hearty lunch. Most often, such unpleasant sensations appear due to the fact that the human body does not produce the enzymes responsible for digesting food in the required quantities. You can try to solve this problem with special enzyme preparations.

But remember, you don’t need to get carried away with taking such pills. They can only be taken in as a last resort or during treatment of the gastrointestinal tract. It will still be better if you try to change your lifestyle and help your body cope with the process of food poisoning on its own.

Enzymes must be taken in following cases:
Unreasonable fatigue that does not go away throughout the day
Constantly want to sleep (this desire is especially aggravated after eating)
Excessive skin dryness and appearance age spots
Nails peel and hair falls out a lot
Persistent flatulence
Painful sensations after meals

List of enzyme preparations:
Mezim. Once in the body, it begins to stimulate the process of food poisoning
Festal. Helps break down complex sugar compounds and improves bowel function
Orazu. Setting up correct work pancreas
Creon. Stimulates the production of enzymes necessary for food processing
Somilaza. Helps gradually restore all natural functions of the pancreas

Folk remedies to improve digestion

The most effective folk remedies for improving digestion

Every person knows well how important it is to eat right. But unfortunately, not everyone and not always manages to eat only healthy food. There are so many different temptations around us that sometimes we, like little children, cannot resist and buy ourselves some tasty treat that does more harm than good.

And the more often we do this, the more difficult it becomes for our stomach to cope with its direct tasks. Ultimately, this leads to us having digestive problems. The most unpleasant thing is that such insignificant, seemingly at first glance, symptoms will eventually lead to the accumulation of toxins and other substances in the body. harmful substances, and those, in turn, will begin to provoke the development of more serious diseases

Therefore, it is very important at first initial stage try to get rid of all these problems. And if you don’t have time to go to a specialist yet, then try to alleviate your condition using folk methods

Burdock root. A decoction of this plant coats the walls of the stomach, thereby helping to reduce inflammatory processes. For greater effectiveness, the root should be boiled not in water, but in low-fat milk
Sauerkraut juice. This product stimulates the production of gastric juice very well. But it cannot be used by people with increased acidity
Basil leaves. They help get rid of nausea and vomiting, and also quickly suppress flatulence. Also fresh leaves This plant is quite effective in combating heartburn and belching.

Teas and herbs for digestion

Dandelion tea to improve digestion

People have known about the healing properties of herbs for a long time. Our ancestors believed that with their help almost all diseases could be cured. Unfortunately, modern medicine believes that grass can only be auxiliary treatment and should be taken exclusively as an addition to primary therapy. But in the case of improper digestion, herbs can become the main method of treatment.

After all, no matter how effective pharmaceutical drugs are, Negative influence They still have an effect on the body. Therefore, as long as a person has not developed serious gastrointestinal pathologies, digestion can be improved by herbal teas. If you combine herbs correctly, they will help establish metabolic processes, remove toxins from the body, promote the proper production of gastric juice and increase the overall tone of the body.

Herbs that help improve digestion:
Parsley (seeds)
Dandelion (root)

Vitamins to improve digestion

The most popular vitamins to improve digestion

Another important component of proper digestion are vitamins. After all, if there is a deficiency of some substance in the body, then it is the stomach that is affected first. Therefore, it is very important that the human body receives all the microelements it needs every day.

But do not confuse ordinary vitamins for the concept of immunity and fortified preparations for the stomach. Indeed, in this case, you need a vitamin bomb that will stimulate the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and special pribiotics that improve the functioning of this organ. Therefore, when buying vitamins at a pharmacy, ask if they contain lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, which normalize the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

Vitamins that improve digestion:
Altera. Relieves inflammation in the stomach and normalizes intestinal motor function
Acidophilus. Removes toxic products from the body that are formed during metabolic processes
Gastrafermin. Promotes correct and better absorption nutrients
Regulin. Maximizes the functioning of the small and large intestines, thereby promoting regular gastric emptying

Products to improve digestion

List of foods that are good for digestion

We lead a sedentary lifestyle and spend almost the whole day near the TV or computer. And if you add to this not very healthy food, then the picture turns out to be completely bleak. They can help correct the situation the right products, which include healthy vitamins and fiber.

It is the last component that our gastrointestinal tract needs most. Fiber helps cleanse the body of waste and toxins, promotes proper absorption of food and prevents the formation of cholesterol in the blood vessels. Therefore, if you want your stomach to work like a clock, then include in your daily ration as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible.

List healthy products:
Beet. Helps to properly digest food. This product is useful in any form. It can be boiled, stewed, baked and eaten raw.
Honey. Improves the proper functioning of the digestive system and helps fight constipation and diarrhea. It is best to consume it an hour before your main meal.
Radish. Contains essential oils which have a positive effect on digestion. Helps lower cholesterol and blocks the proliferation of fat cells
Lactic acid products. In cottage cheese, milk and kefir in large quantities contains natural pribiotics that relax the walls of the stomach and intestines
Green vegetables. Absorb excess liquid and do not allow swelling to form. In addition, they prevent the stomach from absorbing waste and toxins.

Diet and dishes for digestion: recipes

Diet dishes improve digestion
  • If you are trying to eat healthy, but your stomach problems are only getting worse, then be sure to consult a specialist.
  • It is likely that regular nutrition is no longer enough for your digestive system and you need to take more drastic measures
  • After all, if the gastrointestinal tract is severely depleted, then in order to put it in order you will need to go on a special diet

Basic rules of a diet that improves digestion:
Minimize your consumption fast carbohydrates
Try to chew your food more thoroughly
Eat often, but in small portions
Half an hour before meals, drink a glass still water
One meal should consist of only one dish

Healthy recipes

Boiled beet salad recipe:
Boil two small beets and cut them into strips
Grate the carrots on a coarse grater and chop the Chinese cabbage
Place everything in a large bowl and season sunflower oil
Salt and pepper the dish and add to it if desired walnuts
Salad can be either an independent dish or an addition to baked fish or meat

Recipe for diet steamed cutlets:
Prepare minced chicken or turkey
Add salt, pepper and a large handful of herbs to it
Stir the minced meat and beat it a little
Form small balls and place them in the steamer
In 10-15 minutes the cutlets will be ready
eat this meat dish best with fresh vegetables

What do pregnant women need to improve digestion?

Dietary rules for pregnant women

Throughout the nine months of pregnancy, the female body lives in constant stress. Due to the increase hormonal levels In a woman, almost everything starts to work incorrectly internal organs. This problem does not go away either digestive system. Perhaps she is one of the first to begin to feel the upcoming changes.

Of course, the main problem of the gastrointestinal tract is toxicosis, which interferes with the proper absorption of food. Therefore, it is very important to establish nutrition in such a way as to minimize all negative phenomena.

Tips to help improve digestion for a pregnant woman:
Never overeat
Try to stick to your eating schedule
Eat only healthy and freshly prepared food
Eliminate pasta from your diet White bread and baked goods
Eat exclusively seasonal vegetables and fruits
Avoid eating processed foods

How can children improve their digestion?

The menu for young children should be as balanced as possible

Digestive system little man continues to form for some time after the baby is born. This is precisely what is connected with frequent disorders Gastrointestinal tract of a child.

Since the pancreas is not yet capable of producing all the necessary enzymes, the baby’s nutrition should be as correct and regular as possible. If you do not want your baby to develop nausea or diarrhea, then make sure that he eats only healthy foods.

Recommendations to help improve your child’s digestion:
Introduce new foods into your baby's diet gradually
At the initial stage, you can heat-treat vegetables (meaning carrots and cabbage)
Give your baby as much as possible clean water
Make sure your baby does not consume too hot or cold food
Give your child fermented milk products regularly

Exercises to improve digestion

A set of exercises to improve digestion

Help normalize digestion in addition to proper nutrition and enzyme preparations can also physical exercise. If you do them regularly, then in addition to the ideal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, you will also get a beautiful body.

A set of exercises to improve digestion:
A pineapple. Lie on your back, bend your knees and press them to your stomach. Stay in this position for 10-15 seconds
Twisting. Take a lying position, raise your legs up and begin to lower them one by one, then to one side, then to the other. Do 8-10 reps
Child's pose. Sit on the floor with your legs tucked under you. Place your head against the floor and begin to inflate your stomach in this position. Hold this position for 5-10 seconds
Smooth squat. Stand straight and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your arms above your head and begin squatting as if you were planning to sit on a chair. Hold in a half squat for 10-15 seconds

Massage to improve digestion

I would like to say right away that abdominal massage is a rather complex process that requires certain skills. So if you have the opportunity, then find qualified specialist and you will pass curative therapy him. After all, only a person who knows all the intricacies of this manipulation can help improve the functioning of the stomach and relieve pain.

Components of therapeutic massage:
Stroking. It involves light circular movements in the area of ​​the stomach and intestines. The circle that the hand makes should gradually increase and reach its maximum size at about 3 minutes.
Circular pressure on the abdomen. One hand rests on the stomach, and the other on top begins to lightly press it down. Pressure on one point should not be painful and last more than 3 seconds
Movements on the sides. This manipulation maximizes blood circulation. To carry out this stage of the massage, you need to pinch the skin between your fingers, simulating kneading dough.

Video: Fennel extract. How to improve digestion? Gas formation in the intestines

or the food was simply not digested. There are many reasons for this phenomenon. And to help the body improve digestion, you will have to take special medications that are designed specifically for this.

If you begin to observe the work of your body and treat it with reverence, you can immediately notice the beginning changes that will indicate problems with the gastrointestinal tract. There are a number of manifestations that indicate that it is time to help the stomach:

  • Constant fatigue, which appears due to the fact that the body does not receive the proper amount of vitamins and microelements that are so necessary for normal functioning. This is why the body gets more and more tired due to the use and depletion of its own reserves
  • Constant drowsiness, which also occurs due to lack of nutrients
  • Poor skin condition. It becomes dry and pigment spots may appear on it.
  • Poor condition of hair and nails. These are some of the most alarming symptoms the fact that the body lacks vitamins due to poorly digestible food
  • , namely frequent constipation or diarrhea, nausea
  • Painful sensations in the abdomen, especially after eating
  • Poor appetite, which appears due to discomfort in the stomach
  • If a person has at least one of the above signs that problems with the gastrointestinal tract have begun, it is imperative to consult a doctor and start drinking.

Causes of digestive disorders

Sometimes stomach problems begin after a heavy dinner or, conversely, after hunger. But besides these reasons, there are others that are associated with food consumption:

  1. Poor nutrition, namely abuse of smoked meats, pickles, fatty foods that are difficult to digest, as well as the presence of large quantities of sweets in the diet
  2. Binge eating. Doctors say that you need to leave the table half-starved, because with this feeling it is impossible to overeat. Often, the stomach is already full, but this signal has not reached the brain, and therefore the person thinks that he wants to eat. If you eat food slowly, you can avoid overeating, which can cause digestive problems.
  3. Poor chewing of food. Many people eat in a hurry and, because of this, chew food poorly, especially hard food. And it is much harder to digest
  4. Dinner at a late time. Many people are used to eating after 9 pm, which is very bad not only for the stomach, but also for the whole body. The biological clock work in such a way that by the evening all processes slow down, and late meals can simply lead to indigestion
  5. Consuming large amounts during meals. Almost all nutritionists recommend drinking a lot of water, but there is one caveat. This should be done exclusively between meals, as water dilutes the enzymes in the stomach and their action becomes less effective.

Everyone knows what causes digestive problems, but few people adhere to healthy image life, and with it nutrition.

Drugs to improve digestion

Festal is one of the most popular drugs

If there is a malfunction in digestion, it can be improved only by following a diet and taking medications. All drugs can be divided into several groups, each of which differs in its main active ingredient and its effect:

  • Preparations containing pancreatin as the main component. It is pancreatin that is the enzyme that can provide immediate support in case of digestive disorders. Such medications include Pancreatin, Penzital, Creon
  • Preparations that, in addition to pancreatin, contain other auxiliary components, such as hemicellulose, bile acids, etc. These components help break down complex sugar compounds, improve intestinal activity and the production of enzymes by the pancreas. The main drugs in this group include Enzistal, Panzinorm
  • Drugs that help normalize the exocrine activity of the pancreas. Such drugs include Somilaza, Nigedaza, Oraza

Only a doctor can prescribe this or that drug after a thorough examination, since independent selection of medications will not always be correct. In some cases, it will be better to drink Festal than Pancreatin, as many do.

Forms of release of drugs

Not everyone knows that depending on how the drug is released, its immediate effect will depend.
Today, all enzyme-based drugs are available in two forms:

  1. Capsules. More recently, drugs began to be produced in capsules, and for some time people were afraid to purchase them until the results of the study were publicly published. So, each capsule has all the shells. The first dissolves in the stomach, and the second only in the intestines. Thus, the effect of the drug taken in capsule form extends to the entire gastrointestinal tract
  2. It just so happens that consumers trust pills more. Their effect extends exclusively to the stomach, since under the influence of gastric juice it dissolves and is absorbed there.

The choice of the best form to take depends solely on the doctor and the patient. Some people, having purchased a capsule, for some reason open it and take only granules, thereby preventing the drug from penetrating the intestines. Under no circumstances should this be done with capsules. As for the tablets, they can be crushed, split into two parts, etc. This will not reduce the effect.


Creon. Release form - tablets

Is one of the most the best drugs to improve digestion. In addition, the price of Pancreatin is quite low. So, a pack of 60 tablets can be bought for 70 rubles. This drug indicated for use in several cases:

  • Insufficient production of enzymes by the pancreas
  • With , intestines, liver
  • When overeating
  • With a sedentary lifestyle and problems with the masticatory apparatus

As such, there are no specific doses for taking the drug. It is recommended to take one tablet with meals. Some patients take two. As for children, as prescribed by a gastroenterologist, you can give the child one third tablet three times a day to improve digestion, especially after intestinal infections. Very rarely, side effects occur while taking Pancreatin, usually in only one percent of patients:

  1. Discomfort in the stomach, nausea, and sometimes vomiting
  2. , mainly in the form of skin rashes
  3. Increased uric acid levels

Although Pancreatin is considered relatively safe drug, you can take it only after prescription by your doctor, since in some cases the dose may need to be increased to achieve a better effect.


Most gastroenterologists recommend taking Creon, as it is available in capsule form. As mentioned above, the effectiveness of capsules is much higher, since the drug penetrates not only the stomach, but also the intestines. The main active ingredient in Creon is pancreatin, which very well stimulates the production of all necessary enzymes. It is prescribed during treatment:

  • Chronic pancreatitis
  • After operations performed on the gastrointestinal tract
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Oncological diseases, namely tumors formed in the immediate vicinity of the stomach and pancreas, thereby interfering with their normal functioning
  • Creon is also recommended to be taken during generous intake food (at corporate events, holidays, etc.) in order to improve digestion and eliminate the occurrence of indigestion.

It is recommended to take one capsule before each meal. It is advisable to simply drink it with water and not chew it, so that the drug enters not only the stomach, but also the intestines. Separately, it is necessary to say about side effects. The drug does not have them as such, but with regard to the reaction of the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea may develop, and painful sensations in the stomach area. Some patients develop hives. Usually this is the body’s reaction not to pancreatin, but to the auxiliary components of the medicine.

Creon is one of the drugs that can improve digestion. True, it is considered much stronger than Pancreatin, and therefore can only be taken after a doctor’s prescription.


Mezim is one of those drugs that is widely advertised in the media. One Mezim tablet consists of pancreatin, lipase, amylase and protease. In fact, the composition of Pancreatin tablets is the same. Mezim is prescribed in the following cases:

  • Insufficient enzyme production
  • For problems associated with food stagnation
  • For inflammation of the gastric mucosa
  • For chronic pancreatitis

Separately, it is necessary to say about the dosage. You should take one tablet (unless more is prescribed by your doctor) before each meal. Depending on what disease and what problem a person has, the course can last from several days to several months. It is strictly forbidden to take the drug if a person has intestinal obstruction, jaundice or hepatitis.

Mezim can be called more expensive analogue Pancreatin. The only thing that distinguishes them from each other is the taste. Most patients note that the coating covering the Mezim tablet is much sweeter and more pleasant than that of Pancreatin. And often, in order to give medicine to children, they buy Mezim.


Festal refers to enzyme preparations, which in addition to pancreatin also contain hemicellulose and bovine bile powder. Hemicellulose helps the stomach break down fiber, but ox bile powder improves lipase activity, and as a result promotes normal absorption of fats and vitamins. Thanks to these properties of the constituent components, it can quickly improve digestion and have an impact on the entire digestive system. It is recommended to use Festal:

  1. For problems with the production of enzymes by the pancreas
  2. For diarrhea, but only if the main cause is not an intestinal infection
  3. For irritable bowel syndrome
  4. Festal is also recommended to be taken to improve digestion, especially when a large amount of spicy, fatty, salty food has been eaten.

Some experts advise taking a Festal tablet before an ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs.

As for contraindications, it is prohibited to take Festal if:

  • In humans
  • Jaundice of any origin
  • Hepatitis
  • Intestinal obstruction
  • There is individual intolerance to individual components of the drug
  • Festal is prescribed with caution to patients who have a disease such as diabetes because the shell contains glucose and sucrose.

You can buy Festal at any pharmacy kiosk, and its price is quite affordable.


Mezim - an assistant in the digestive process

For those who experience digestive problems, Enzistal will be an excellent drug that can help improve this process. Enzistal contains not only pancreatin, but also hemicellulose, as well as bile components. That is why its effect is much better than simple Pancreatin. Experts recommend taking the drug:

  1. If you have problems digesting food caused by a lack of digestive enzymes
  2. If problems arise with chewing function which most often occurs in people with dentures, as well as when the jaw or gums are damaged
  3. With a sedentary lifestyle, especially in bedridden patients
  4. Enzistal should be taken with caution in patients who:
  5. Have liver or kidney failure
  6. Jaundice
  7. Intestinal obstruction

In most of these cases, the attending physician may prohibit taking the drug altogether, as it can cause serious complications. As for complications after taking it, or rather side effects, the most common occurrences are:

  • An allergic reaction that manifests itself as a rash on the skin, tearing
  • Painful sensations in the abdominal area
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Irritation of the mucous membrane

If at least one of the above side effects occurs, you must immediately stop taking the drug. Enzcital is a drug with very good action, and also at a fairly low price, which makes it accessible to most consumers.


Somilase is one of those drugs that help restore pancreatic function. It contains solyzyme, which is an enzyme that helps break down fat, and alpha-amylase. The principle of action of the medicine is slightly different from the above drugs, but its effect is no less noticeable. The components of the drug react with vegetable and animal fats entering the body, breaking them down, thereby compensating for the lack of enzymes. The drug is indicated for patients who:

  1. There are digestive problems associated with a lack of enzymes responsible for the breakdown of fats
  2. There is such serious illness like chronic pancreatitis
  3. Developed
  4. There are problems with the intestines, namely inflammation of the small or large intestine
  5. Somilaza is also recommended for people who have problems with the liver and gall bladder.
  6. He provides special assistance to patients who have suffered serious pancreatic and liver problems.

The drug Somilase has virtually no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance to individual components of the drug. That is why it is prescribed to almost all patients with digestive problems. Since Somiliza does not belong to simple medications stimulating the pancreas