Symptoms, color and causes of diarrhea. Chronic diarrhea - why diarrhea becomes frequent and how to get rid of it

Diarrhea is a disease that can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender and social status. This disease, commonly called diarrhea, is an indigestion, discomfort in the abdomen, and frequent bowel movements. Diarrhea, the causes of which can only be most accurately determined by a specialist, is the body’s protective reaction to various viruses, allergens and toxins.

Why can such an unpleasant condition occur?

· As a result of drinking unboiled water contaminated with pathogenic bacteria.

· As a consequence of an allergic reaction to one or more foods or medications.

· Due to food intolerance (most common in infants).

· Due to an infection in the intestines (intestinal flu).

· By and deep emotional turmoil.

A patient may be diagnosed with chronic diarrhea if it occurs for three or more weeks and the volume of stool exceeds 300 milliliters per day. This disorder may be due to Crohn's disease, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, colorectal cancer, or malabsorption.

The causes of which are much more dangerous to human health and must be treated in appropriate medical institutions.

Main signs of diarrhea:

· Increased body temperature.

· Sensation and nagging pain (for several hours).

As already noted, the cause of diarrhea is a digestive disorder, characterized by accelerated movement of food, insufficient digestion and, as a result, the presence of excess water in the intestines. Frequent, loose, watery, heterogeneous stools bring concern. Most often, this unpleasant phenomenon occurs in the summer, when water consumption increases (not always purified from bacteria and viruses) and the shelf life of food decreases (the risk of consuming poor-quality food increases). Another scourge is flies that actively transmit pathogens.

Diarrhea, the causes of which are foci of infection in the intestines, is always accompanied by vomiting. In this case, it is necessary not to delay a visit to the doctor to prevent the infection from spreading throughout the body. With this symptom, the following tests are usually prescribed:

· Blood test (general and biochemical).

· Research to determine the degree of dehydration (dehydration).

· Urinalysis (general).

· Analysis of feces for the presence of worms.

· Ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs.

Which ones can you take without a doctor’s prescription?

The best assistant in the fight against this disease, which takes you by surprise, is smecta. It can be taken by both adults and children. This medicine should take a permanent place in your home medicine cabinet, and don’t forget to take it with you when you go on a trip. The undoubted advantage of this drug is that it is of natural origin and is made from a special type of shell rock. Smecta, along with being an effective enterosorbent. Diarrhea, the causes of which are intoxication and poisoning, is effectively eliminated by this drug, since it absorbs and removes hydrochloric acid and excess bile from the body.

Enterol, which has an antidiarrheal effect, is also widely known. This drug is also natural, since it is based on yeast. It significantly improves the protective function of the intestines and effectively fights viruses.

Diarrhea can occur unexpectedly and for various reasons: severe stress, traveler's illness, infection, various types of poisoning, food intolerance, etc. If it is a mild gastrointestinal disorder, then it usually goes away in one day. But sometimes diarrhea can last for two or more days. If additional symptoms such as high fever, severe weakness and pale skin appear, you should immediately seek medical help. A proper diet plays an important role in restoring the body. Foods that cause and worsen diarrhea often contain artificial ingredients, oils, hot spices and stimulants. Here are ten foods that are undesirable to eat if you have indigestion.

Lactose contained in dairy products (cottage cheese, milk, cream cheese, ice cream, sour cream) is a substance that is difficult for a weakened stomach to cope with during diarrhea. If there is a large amount of this carbohydrate, it enters the colon, and the body's condition usually worsens. However, dairy products with a low lactose content (natural yogurt, kefir or hard cheeses) can soothe the digestive system.

If a person suffers from hypolactasia (lactose intolerance), then the likelihood of developing diarrhea when consuming dairy products increases significantly. Other symptoms of lactose intolerance include flatulence, cramps, bloating and bad breath.

2. Caffeinated drinks

If diarrhea occurs, it is advisable for a person not to consume caffeine-containing drinks and foods. Caffeine helps loosen stool and has a strong diuretic effect, which increases dehydration during diarrhea. Alternatively, you can use green or herbal teas or caffeine-free drinks. If you have diarrhea, you need to give up not only coffee, but also carbonated drinks, which only irritate the gastrointestinal tract and increase fluid loss.

Vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, radishes, and cabbage (including the sauerkraut version) can increase symptoms of diarrhea. They all contain complex carbohydrates that are difficult to digest. In addition, these vegetables are rich in fiber, which can aggravate diarrhea and flatulence. In addition to cruciferous vegetables, it is advisable to limit the consumption of artichokes, greens, lettuce, asparagus and onions.

4. Red meat

It contains many beneficial nutrients, but this type of meat is quite difficult to digest. It increases levels of C-reactive protein, which in turn can cause inflammation in the digestive tract, resulting in increased diarrhea. An excess of red meat in the daily menu is fraught with problems with the cardiovascular system. Recent studies by American scientists indicate that frequent and abundant consumption of red meat products increases the risks of developing diabetes and cancer.

5. Alcoholic drinks

For any stomach problems, including when there is diarrhea, it is important to stop drinking alcohol. Alcohol is toxic to the gastric mucosa and impairs liver function. Alcohol disrupts the body's normal hydration and causes severe fluid loss, which can only worsen indigestion. Alcoholic drinks also weaken the effects of medications or make them unsafe to take.

6. Hot pepper

Hot chili peppers can significantly increase the severity of diarrhea. It irritates the gastric mucosa, which leads to bloating and diarrhea. Experts do not recommend consuming any type of pepper for people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Studies show that taking chili peppers increases abdominal pain several times in patients with irritable bowel syndrome. When diarrhea begins, it is advisable to exclude other spices from the diet until the stomach and the body as a whole are completely restored.

7. Sugar substitutes

Any artificial sweeteners (xylitol, sorbitol, mannitol) found in sweets and medicines can worsen the symptoms of diarrhea. They are absorbed much more slowly than regular sugar. Artificial sweeteners enter the intestines whole, which increases gas formation and worsens diarrhea. It is important for people prone to gastrointestinal disorders to carefully read product labels before purchasing them. It is better to prefer regular sugar, but in moderate doses. It will cause less harm to the stomach than sweeteners.

8. Nuts

Any nuts, as well as dried fruits, are rich in insoluble fiber. It worsens existing symptoms of diarrhea. Nuts are quite difficult to digest and quickly irritate the delicate mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, which aggravates their disorder. Often these foods cause severe bloating and, as a result, flatulence. If you have diarrhea, it is important to temporarily eliminate nuts from your diet and replace them with other healthy snacks, such as ripe bananas or applesauce, which are much easier to digest.

9. Legumes

The list of foods that should not be eaten if you have diarrhea also includes vegetables from the legume family (peas, soybeans, beans, lentils, beans). With a weakened stomach, they do not have time to digest and pass through the entire small intestine into the large intestine. This is often the cause of flatulence and can only complicate the body's condition with diarrhea. These vegetables are rich in lectin, a protein that causes severe intestinal inflammation. To prevent diarrhea, legumes can be consumed together with cereals (rice, oatmeal, buckwheat). But during diarrhea it is better to abstain from beans.

All citrus fruits, as well as fruits such as pineapples, cherries, currants, grapes, can negate the treatment of diarrhea, only increasing its symptoms. When consuming these fruits and berries, there is a high probability of fructose malabsorption - a special disorder when the absorption of fructose is impaired and it accumulates in the intestines. Because of it, attacks of diarrhea become more intense. It is better to eat bananas or a baked apple instead of citrus fruits.

To reduce the symptoms of diarrhea, in addition to taking medications prescribed by your doctor, it is advisable to:

  • Avoid all of the above foods to reduce symptoms of diarrhea.
  • Focus on foods that help reduce inflammation and restore balance in the stomach: oatmeal, mashed potatoes, white rice (especially the foam that forms during cooking), pasta, bananas, boiled chicken. They will help speed up your recovery.
  • Eat every three to four hours, in small portions, avoiding overeating.
  • To avoid dehydration, which can occur due to frequent diarrhea, it is important to drink plenty of purified water throughout the day.
  • If severe diarrhea lasts more than one day, you should immediately consult a doctor and not self-medicate.

Diarrhea, or diarrhea, is a pathological condition characterized by frequent bowel movements (3 times a day or more), loose stools, abdominal pain, urgent bowel movements and anal incontinence. According to statistics provided by WHO, at least 1.6 billion people experience manifestations of this pathology every year.

There are many factors that can trigger diarrhea:

  • salmonellosis, dysentery, amoebiasis and other infectious diseases;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the digestive tract due to insufficiency of its secretory function;
  • mercury and arsenic poisoning;
  • long-term use of medications;
  • changes in the motility of the digestive tract due to disturbances in nervous regulation (for example, during emotional experiences, stress).

However, the most common causes of diarrhea are an illiterate approach to diet planning and abuse of certain foods.

What foods cause diarrhea?

  • One of the most common causes of food-borne (nutritional) diarrhea is the abuse of raw vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds, which are rich sources of dietary fiber. In limited quantities, the listed products bring invaluable benefits to the body. However, exceeding the recommended doses of fiber entails disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system, accompanied by bloating and diarrhea.
  • Diarrhea can also be caused by excessive consumption. beans. Digestion of dishes prepared on its basis requires a large amount of digestive enzymes. The lack of opportunities to satisfy this need is a factor provoking the occurrence of disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract (flatulence, diarrhea, etc.). In order to reduce the risk of diarrhea when eating beans, it is necessary to thoroughly soak the fruits before cooking.
  • Substances that can cause diarrhea are contained in in vegetable crops belonging to the cruciferous family(broccoli, white cabbage, red cabbage, etc.). The situation is aggravated when consuming a significant amount of vegetables that have not undergone heat treatment. That is why nutritionists recommend that people prone to diarrhea steam cabbage or eat it boiled.
  • Often the cause of diarrhea is the abuse of dishes containing large amounts of animal and vegetable fats (fatty sauces, fried potatoes and meat, desserts made with cream, sour cream, etc.).
  • A factor provoking the occurrence of diarrhea may be eating citrus fruits(grapefruits, limes, oranges, lemons, etc.).
  • Sometimes diarrhea is caused by eating too much, sweetened with sugar substitutes(for example, sorbitol). Nutritionists recommend that people prone to diarrhea be wary of including sweeteners in their diet, as well as carbonated drinks, chewing gum, sweets and other confectionery products based on them.
  • Often, people who abuse products that contain fructose. Carbonated drinks, juice, baked goods, candies and other confectionery products sweetened with fruit sugar are difficult to digest in the gastrointestinal tract, causing bloating, diarrhea and other disturbances in the digestive system.
  • Diarrhea may develop due to consumption of foods containing hot spices. Hot peppers stimulate the digestive system, increase the production of gastric juice and have a laxative effect.
  • Patients with hypolactasia (lactose intolerance) experience diarrhea after consuming dairy products. Persons suffering from this pathology are recommended to combine the consumption of cottage cheese, sour cream, ice cream and other milk-based dishes with taking medications containing enzymes that help digest milk sugar.
  • Drinks and confectionery products containing mint, have a strong laxative effect. Abuse of them can lead to disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract and cause diarrhea.
  • People prone to diarrhea are advised to limit their consumption of foods and drinks containing caffeine. Coffee, strong tea, chocolate and other products containing this compound stimulate the digestive tract and provoke an increased urge to bowel movement.
  • Diarrhea can be caused by allergies to certain foods. The most common food allergens are citrus fruits, strawberries, peanuts, chicken, strawberries, chocolate, celery, milk, honey, fish, mushrooms, chicken eggs, pineapples, tomatoes, rye and wheat grains, beets and carrots.

How to eat properly if you have diarrhea?

In order to minimize the negative effects of diarrhea on the body, you must follow the recommendations below:

  • wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly;
  • exclude from the diet alcoholic beverages, plums, brown bread, spices, dairy products, fatty foods, fruit juices, legumes, grapes, confectionery and vegetables with a high fiber content;
  • carefully observe the drinking regime (drink at least 1.5 liters of water, herbal tea, rosehip decoction during the day);
  • include in your diet bananas, crumbly rice or buckwheat porridge cooked in water, steamed cutlets from lean meats, white bread croutons, apple puree, steamed omelettes.

It is important to remember that refusing food during diarrhea not only does not contribute to a quick recovery, but also entails adverse consequences for the body (weakened immunity, slowed down the process of regeneration of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, etc.). And on the contrary, a competent approach to preparing a diet helps to get rid of the manifestations of diarrhea in the shortest possible time, without causing significant harm to the body.

How to cause diarrhea? This question worries people who have problems with bowel movements. In cases where such a problem arises, it seems very significant to a person. However, when bowel cleansing is required due to intoxication or constipation, the task becomes truly serious.

Sometimes situations arise in which it is urgently necessary to induce diarrhea at home. Sometimes this needs to be done due to a fermentation process that has arisen or even rotting in the intestines, which begins to lead to general intoxication of the body. More often this is required due to constipation or due to the desire to lose weight and remove toxins.

In any of these cases some process causing diarrhea is required. The problem can be solved by taking a laxative or doing an enema. However, the most benign will be diarrhea caused by eating certain foods.

The easiest and fastest way to cause diarrhea at home is with the help of medications - laxatives.

However, it should be borne in mind that their use has some contraindications. These include not only pregnancy and breastfeeding, but also intestinal bleeding, as well as the presence of ulcers. As a result, it is advisable to take laxatives after consultation with specialists.

The modern pharmacological industry produces the following types of drugs that can cause diarrhea:

Foods that promote diarrhea

Some foods that a person includes in their diet can cause bowel movements like an enema. There is no negative effect on the body. In order to quickly cause diarrhea, you can eat the following foods:

Each person has their own, special reaction to the foods they eat. Because any ingredient is digested differently in each stomach. However, the list of foods that can quickly cause diarrhea goes on. This includes cucumber pickle, dairy products, and raw vegetables. As a rule, apple cider vinegar diluted with cold boiled water turns out to be quite effective.

How to quickly cause diarrhea? There is an old grandfather's way - eating herring with milk. Few people's stomachs and intestines are capable of withstanding such a test. Most often it ends with a quick trip to the toilet. Another effective remedy for provoking diarrhea is “Broom” salad. To prepare it on a coarse grater, you need to chop raw cabbage and carrots along with beets and celery. This mixture must be eaten without adding anything to it.

Folk remedies that help cause diarrhea

One of the effective means that can quickly cause diarrhea is a cleansing enema. How and by what means it can be done:

  • a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water;
  • herbal infusions;
  • simple warm or room temperature boiled water;
  • vegetable oil, which is diluted with water.

When inducing diarrhea with an enema, you must remember that its frequent use is not recommended. It causes the intestines to become accustomed to forced bowel movements. Also, when it is used, beneficial microflora are washed out. And this, in turn, can cause problems, among which uncontrolled diarrhea will be the least of the troubles.

Diarrhea, in other words, diarrhea or indigestion, is a symptomatic manifestation of functional failures or diseases of the digestive system of organs.

There are two stages of diarrhea:

  • spicy. When diarrhea lasts no more than 15 days;
  • chronic. If diarrhea continues for more than 15 days.

Diarrhea is a condition in which frequent bowel movements are noted (more than twice a day). The stool is liquid.

Many people are interested in the question of how to treat diarrhea and how to distinguish it from normal stool. In order to understand this, it is necessary to describe the clear differences between these two concepts. So.

Criteria for distinguishing diarrhea from normal stool

Index Diarrhea Norm
  1. Stool color
Green, brown, yellow, white, black, red Dark yellow, light brown, dark brown
  1. Stool odor
Fetid (putrid, sour). There may be no smell Unpleasant (characteristic), but not sour or putrid
  1. Amount of feces
More than twice a day 1 or 2 times a day
  1. Presence of impurities in feces
There are undigested food particles and a large amount of mucus There may be a small amount of mucus (clear)
  1. Character of feces
Watery, may foam, unformed (patchy) Decorated, uniform
  1. Stool consistency
Liquid or mushy mushy

Mechanism of food digestion

Different digestion processes of consumed food occur in different parts of the gastrointestinal tract. For example, food and water in the small intestine are broken down into certain components that are absorbed from its wall. As for the large intestine, feces are formed in it, and the processes of absorption of certain microelements, which are synthesized through the intestinal microflora, take place.

When food enters the stomach, it is exposed to enzymes that contribute to its breakdown into simple substances, namely:

  • on fatty acids;
  • to monosaccharides;
  • to amino acids.

Mechanism of development of diarrhea

The main mechanisms for the development of diarrhea include:

  • increased intestinal motility (dynamics);
  • disruption of food digestion processes;
  • failure to absorb already digested food;
  • increased secretion of water and salts into the intestines.

What affects the quality of digestion?

1. The state of health of the digestive system. These include:

  • pancreas (amount of enzymes secreted). If insufficient quantities are produced, incomplete absorption of food occurs;
  • gallbladder (production of bile and the degree of its patency along the bile ducts):
  • stomach (degree of acidity, condition of the mucous membrane, amount of enzymes);
  • liver (number of enzymes);
  • intestines (mucosa, peristalsis). If there are lesions of the mucous membrane, digested food will not be able to be absorbed into the intestinal walls. This leads to the release of water and salts from the blood into the intestinal cavity. As for peristalsis, if it increases, diarrhea develops, and if it decreases, constipation occurs.

2. Quantity and quality of food consumed. So, if a person abuses foods that are rich in fats and plant fiber, they will not be completely digested, which will lead to accelerated intestinal motility and, accordingly, to an increase in the growth of bacteria in it.

What are the causes of diarrhea?

1. Acute intestinal infections, which are characterized by the presence in the body of:

2. Acute respiratory viral infections.
3. Changes in the composition of the microflora of the large intestine. The fact is that the cavity of the large intestine of a healthy person is populated by beneficial bacteria. One of the main functions of these bacteria is the processing of incompletely digested food particles, as well as the release of nutrients from them. If changes occur in the composition of the microflora of the large intestine in the form of the appearance of microbes, this leads to the development of some pathogenic diseases.

4. Enzyme deficiency. These conditions include:

  • cholelithiasis, when the flow of bile is disrupted;
  • individual intolerance by the body to certain foods. As a rule, this condition is congenital;
  • fermentopathy;
  • pancreatitis.

5. Tumor neoplasms. It can be:

  • endocarcinomas;
  • polyps;
  • diverticula, which are complicated by inflammatory processes.

6. Intestinal diseases. These include:

  • ulcerative colitis (nonspecific);
  • enteritis;
  • Whipple's disease;
  • enterocolitis;
  • Crohn's disease.

7. Intoxication. These conditions of the body include poisoning through toxic substances and vapors:

  • heavy metals;
  • household chemicals;
  • nitrates;
  • pesticides.

8. Bleeding. These include:

  • bleeding from the colon;
  • bleeding from the small intestine;
  • open ulcers of the duodenum or stomach.

9. Autoimmune diseases. These diseases include:

  • various allergies;
  • dermatitis and dermatoses;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • lupus erythematosus, which affects the intestinal mucosa.

10. Drug effects on the body. Diarrhea can occur with long-term use of certain medications:

  • cytostatics;
  • antibiotics;
  • prokinetics;
  • laxatives in large quantities;
  • anticholinesterase drugs.

It is important to know!

Diarrhea, as a rule, indicates a digestive disorder. However, this is not always the case. After all, it can be a symptom of some diseases unrelated to the gastrointestinal tract. This is mainly due to the acceleration of intestinal motility. For example, diarrhea can occur with the following diseases and conditions:

  • overheating in the sun;
  • hepatitis;
  • acute appendicitis;
  • severe emotional stress.

How and how to treat diarrhea in such cases can be found out by consulting with relevant specialists.

Alarming symptoms of diarrhea

If you notice any of the following symptoms in addition to diarrhea, you should seek medical help immediately. Such manifestations include:

  • decreased body temperature;
  • profuse discolored (white, gray) diarrhea;
  • frequent watery stools (more than 15 times per day);
  • the presence of blood and mucus in the stool.

Clinical features of diarrhea in the presence of dysbacteriosis

Dysbacteriosis is characterized by a decrease in “useful” bacteria in the intestines and an increase in the number of microorganisms that are unusual for healthy microflora. The result of such changes is diarrhea, which, as a rule, is not constant, but chronic.

Clinical features of diarrhea in the presence of acute intestinal infections (acute intestinal infections)

As a result of exposure to various pathogenic microorganisms, the functioning of the digestive organs is disrupted. In the winter period of the year, OCI becomes a consequence of exposure to viruses on the body, and in the summer - bacteria. Digestive disorders occur both due to the penetration of microbes into the intestinal mucosa and due to their production of toxic agents.

Diarrhea caused by acute infectious diseases, for example, salmonellosis or enteroinvasive bacilli, can last for a fairly long period of time. In some cases, this condition can even threaten the patient's life.

There are two main types of diarrhea in the presence of ACI:

  • mixed with blood. This type of diarrhea occurs due to bacteria entering the intestinal mucosa and affecting it. Often occurs during the development of diseases such as salmonellosis and dysentery;
  • watery. This type of diarrhea is characteristic of acute intestinal infections, which are caused by the entry into the body of bacteria and viruses that can release toxic substances, for example, Vibrio cholerae. As a result, the intestinal mucosa, which has been destroyed by pathogenic microorganisms, begins to secrete water and salts, which then become part of the feces.

Must remember!

In the presence of ACI, diarrhea is usually observed, which is in the acute stage. With the development of certain diseases, for example, dysentery, diarrhea can become chronic.

Diagnosis of diarrhea

To make a diagnosis of “acute diarrhea”, a collected medical history and prescription for the patient will be sufficient:

  • coprograms;
  • physical examination;
  • fecal analysis for the presence of worm eggs;
  • bacteriological culture.

Also, the doctor, if necessary, can prescribe the following types of studies to the patient:

  • biochemical and general clinical blood tests;
  • proctological examination;
  • colonoscopy;
  • microscopy of feces;
  • sigmoidoscopy;
  • gastroscopy;
  • irrigoscopy;
  • ultrasound examination of internal organs located in the abdominal cavity;
  • measuring intestinal pH.

How to treat diarrhea?

Medication methods

When treating diarrhea, doctors take three main actions, which are aimed at:

  • to eliminate the causes of diarrhea;
  • to prevent the development of various complications of diarrhea;
  • to restore the body's resources.

Modern medicine can offer a therapy for diarrhea that solves all three of the above problems simultaneously.

First of all, the doctor will examine the patient and evaluate the results of the studies to identify the cause of diarrhea. This will allow you to prescribe competent treatment (etiotropic therapy).

As you know, there is bloody and watery diarrhea: how to treat it, depending on the type? Let's try to understand this issue in detail.

Treatment methods for bloody diarrhea

It’s worth saying right away that bloody diarrhea in itself is a sufficient reason for immediate hospitalization of the patient. Treatment in this case will be aimed at eliminating the root cause that caused this type of diarrhea. And the cause, as is known, is various types of pathogenic bacteria. The patient is given an appointment:

  • antimicrobial drugs of synthetic origin;
  • antibiotics.

Recently, some types of bacteria have become resistant to classical antibiotics. In such a situation, it makes sense to prescribe the patient to take medications included in the group of fluoroquinolones. For example it could be:

  • ofloxacin;
  • cotrimoxazole;
  • ciprofloxacin;
  • metronizadol;
  • norfloxacin.

It is important to know!

Diarrhea, especially when mixed with blood, can be very dangerous for the health and life of young children and the elderly.
If you notice diarrhea with blood in it, call a doctor immediately. You should also seek medical help immediately if, in addition to bloody diarrhea, you notice the following symptomatic manifestations:

  • profuse vomiting, including red-brown vomiting with the presence of fresh blood;
  • acute pain in the abdominal area;
  • a significant increase in body temperature (38⁰C and above);
  • tarry (black) stool with the presence of blood clots;
  • confusion;
  • change in urine color (darkening);
  • various side effects from taking medications aimed at eliminating diarrhea (allergic rashes on the surface of the skin, itching, attacks of nausea, sleep disturbance).

Methods for treating watery diarrhea

This type of diarrhea manifests itself due to the effect on the mucous membrane of the small intestine of toxins secreted by bacteria (more often in the summer) and viruses (mainly in winter). And it is not necessary that there should be a large number of pathogenic microorganisms in the intestines. There may be very few of them.

Experts do not recommend treating watery diarrhea with antimicrobial medications and antibiotics. The only exception is severe diarrhea caused by cholera or salmonellosis. In such a situation, immediate hospitalization of the patient is required.
If the patient has watery diarrhea of ​​moderate to mild severity, therapy is carried out taking into account the achievement of two main goals:

  • preventing the development of dehydration;
  • restoration of the body's electrolyte balance.

For these purposes, doctors often prescribe solutions for patients to take Regidron and Oralit. Also, a specialist, if necessary, can prescribe Loperamide and No-shpa. This applies only to adult patients, since children with diarrhea are contraindicated in taking these drugs.
To summarize the described treatment methods, it is necessary to present a table that indicates some of the procedures and types of medications prescribed for diarrhea, depending on its etiology of origin.

Type of diarrhea Groups of medications and procedures
  1. Intoxicating
Sorbents, drugs that normalize motility, enemas, gastric lavage
  1. Enzymatic
Enzyme medications
  1. Infectious
Antiseptics, enzymes, sorbents, drugs that slow down peristalsis, antibiotics
  1. For chronic bowel diseases
Glucocorticoid hormones, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs
  1. Medication
Sorbents, antifungal drugs, probiotics
  1. For bleeding
Infusions, hemostatics, antiulcer drugs

Diet during treatment of diarrhea

First of all, it is necessary to avoid eating foods rich in plant fiber (fruits and vegetables), as well as foods that are difficult to digest. You should also not use:

  • dairy products (except low-fat cottage cheese);
  • bakery products (except bran bread);
  • fruit juices (especially grape and apple);
  • pickles;
  • any nuts, dried apricots, raisins;
  • legumes;
  • sweets;
  • veal, pork, lamb, duck;
  • smoked meats

During the treatment of any type of diarrhea, the following is allowed:

  • strong brewed tea;
  • buckwheat, oatmeal, rice;
  • baked vegetables and fruits;
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • lean meats (rabbit, turkey, chicken);
  • decoction of rose hips and St. John's wort;
  • crackers.

Treatment of diarrhea with folk remedies

To begin with, it is worth noting that folk treatment for bloody diarrhea, regardless of its severity, as well as acute watery diarrhea, should be an addition to the main therapy prescribed by the attending physician. Regarding the possibility of using certain folk remedies aimed at eliminating diarrhea, it is necessary to consult with a specialist.

Method No. 1

This method will help in the fight even with bloody diarrhea. It is necessary to take a small amount of the inner membranes of chicken ventricles. After drying them, grind them until a powdery mass is obtained. This powder should be taken 5 g three times a day with still water.

Method No. 2

Take a couple of tbsp. dried chamomile flowers, pour a glass of boiling water and leave in a thermos for 3 hours. Then strain the broth and take 40 ml after meals 4 times a day.

Method No. 3

An equally effective folk remedy against diarrhea is a herbal mixture consisting of the following ingredients:

  • snakeweed root;
  • shepherd's purse grass;
  • burnet root;
  • comfrey grass;
  • Potentilla erecta herb.

All components must be taken in equal proportions. After mixing the herbs, pour boiling water over them and leave for an hour. Then take 20 ml three times a day.

Method No. 4

Boiled rice and rice water are excellent for diarrhea. They should be cooked strictly in water, without adding salt or any other spices. Consume several times a day as appetite appears.

Method No. 5

Pour 200 ml of alcohol into a glass of walnut partitions and leave in a dark place for 72 hours. Take the tincture twice a day, 5 drops, previously diluted in 50 ml of still water.

Preventing diarrhea

These preventive measures include maintaining body hygiene and certain rules when consuming and processing food. The following will help prevent the development of diarrhea:

  • Thoroughly wash vegetables and fruits before eating;
  • washing hands before eating;
  • proper heat treatment of food;
  • refusal to drink raw tap water;
  • refusal to take foods to which there is an individual intolerance.

Finally, I would like to give some advice. Do not think that diarrhea is a trifle and cannot be a threat to health, and in some cases, life. You should not self-medicate. If you experience diarrhea that does not go away within a few days, or there is blood and mucus in your stool, seek immediate help from a medical facility.
Take care of your health!