Colon cleansing with prunes. Can women and children eat prunes? Properties of dried plum and its features

On the territory where winter period is almost nine months, dried fruits are an important source of vitamins and minerals. Dried fruits have a laxative effect; dried apricots and prunes are ideal for cleansing the intestines. At correct use you can quickly achieve a positive effect.

You can buy dried fruits or prepare them yourself. Dried at home are safer from a maintenance point of view. chemical substances, which are used to process fruits for long-term storage in industrial production conditions. For drying, choose fleshy fruits of moderate juiciness. Prunes, dried apricots, and raisins are record holders for the content of useful substances; they do not require heat treatment before consumption, which preserves maximum benefits.

Prunes are rich in iron, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, vitamins B, A, C, E, PP, 100 g of product - 256 Kcal, 2.3 g of protein, 57.5 g of carbohydrates, 9 g of fiber. Dried apricots contains great amount vitamins A, E, C, B1, B2, PP, beta-carotene, potassium, calcium, silicon, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, per 100 g of product - 232 Kcal, 11 g fiber, 5.2 g protein, 51 g carbohydrates . Raisins are rich in vitamins B1, B2, PP, potassium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, calcium; per 100 g there are 262 kcal, 1.8 g of protein, 66 g of carbohydrates, 3.1 g of fiber.

  • saturates quickly;
  • reduce appetite;
  • tasty;
  • stimulate bowel movements.

The beneficial properties indicate the need to include dried fruits in the diet and consume them regularly.

Colon cleansing technology

With age when decreasing motor activity, diseases of the digestive system, intestinal motility decreases, and for regular bowel movements there is a need to prevent constipation. In such cases, eating dried fruits becomes effective measure in the struggle for daily stool. The laxative has almost no contraindications, and is naturally highly effective. Colon cleansing with dried apricots and prunes is allowed for everyone age groups population over a long period of time.


Cleansing clogged intestines with prunes is the most popular folk way overcome constipation natural means. At chronic constipation for emergency cleansing of the intestines from the contents, it is recommended to eat dried plum fruits in the amount of 10-15 pieces on an empty stomach, washing them down with mineral or drinking water. In just a few hours it will come complete cleansing intestines. To normalize digestion and recovery regular bowel movements A few fruits eaten before breakfast and washed down with two glasses of water are enough. A decoction prepared from prunes according to the following recipe promotes regular and gentle cleansing of the intestines from stagnant feces: 5 prunes are poured with boiling water in the evening, and in the morning they drink the decoction on an empty stomach, consuming the dried fruits themselves if desired.

Dried apricots

Dried apricots are the leader among dried fruits in terms of dietary fiber content, which stimulates intestinal peristalsis, causing it to be emptied in a timely manner. To clean digestive tract from waste, toxins and rotting food debris, you need to thoroughly rinse the fruits and eat 10-15 pieces. After a few hours, the digestive tract will be completely cleared. In order to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract, apricots are not inferior to seedless fruits.


Raisins are dried grapes; they are less effective in cleansing the intestines compared to prunes and dried apricots, but with regular consumption they will help achieve the same effect. Raisins should not be subjected to heat treatment. high temperature nutrients, contained in it, are destroyed and do not provide any benefit to the body. If you have a choice between making compote or putting it in a salad, you should prefer the second option. Especially if it’s a salad with raw grated beets and olive oil, or better yet linseed oil. This snack cleanses the intestines of contents, nourishes the body, removes salts, normalizing blood pressure.

Another popular recipe for weight loss with raisins, buckthorn and holosas: boil washed raisins and 50 g of buckthorn in 1.5 liters of water for 20 minutes, drain the resulting broth, and pour another 1 liter of boiling water into the remainder, strain. Mix both resulting decoctions, adding 150 ml of holosas. Drink the resulting solution 100 ml 2 hours after the last meal. For a stable effect, doctors recommend changing eating habits and move more.

Buckthorn must be taken with caution; it becomes addictive over time and suppresses natural intestinal motility.

Rules for cleaning prunes, raisins, dried apricots

The main rule of eating dried apricots, raisins and dried plums to cleanse the intestines is the need to listen to yourself and the sensations in your stomach. Eating large amounts of dried fruit can cause temporary diarrhea, but such cases are rare. More often loose stool stops with the exit of the last eaten fruit from the body. To prevent the laxative effect from being clearly expressed in the form of diarrhea, it is recommended to eat dried fruits according to following instructions: for constipation, eat 12 dried apricots or prunes, the next day 1 less, and so on for a week, bringing the amount to 5. Next, add 5 pieces of dried fruit to the menu on an ongoing basis, which will help achieve regular morning bowel movements without suppressing colon motility .

Dried fruits are an integral part of salads, which can be eaten daily, and healthy, nutritious desserts. Dried apricots, raisins, prunes, pitted dates, nuts are passed through a meat grinder and rolled into balls, which must be rolled in coconut flakes or cooking sprinkles. These candies can be eaten warm daily or can be frozen.

Kefir with prunes, raisins, dried apricots can be taken daily for a long time as healthy snack. Replacing dinner with a drink in a dosage of 1 glass fermented milk product and 4 dried fruits, you can effectively and quickly lose weight. Losing weight will be more effective if you adjust your diet and follow certain rules healthy eating, increasing physical activity.

In addition to drying fruits yourself, preparations for the winter can be frozen. Plums and apricots are washed, the pits are removed and placed in the freezer. Sweet fresh fruits prunes are crushed in a blender and poured without sugar into containers: tasty, sweet, healthy jam ready for winter. You can squeeze plum and prune juice, which stimulates the gastrointestinal tract. The advantage of such preparations is their usefulness; all vitamins and minerals are preserved, their low calorie content compared to dried fruits. Daily use dried or frozen fruit helps:

  • relieving constipation, helping to normalize digestion;
  • enrich the body with vitamins and minerals;
  • restore salt, water balance in organism;
  • improve skin condition;
  • fight rheumatism, gout;
  • clean the digestive tract in a timely and gentle manner;
  • stimulate the liver and kidneys.

Contraindications to cleansing with dried fruits

  • nursing women;
  • hypotension;
  • people with a BMI indicating obesity dried fruits high in calories, you should prefer a frozen product without sugar;
  • suffering diabetes mellitus;
  • patients suffering from gastric or duodenal ulcers;
  • patients with kidney stones.

To ensure that dried fruits do not disappoint, and that cleansing of the intestines with prunes and other fruits occurs without harm to the body, it is necessary not to exceed the individually selected dosage and to choose the right product. Healthy dried fruits- those that do not shine, have black or pronounced Brown color, Dont Have foreign odor and keep their shape well.

Prunes are dried plums. Of the 40 types of plums, only one is widely used for the production of prunes - European. The fruits contain a lot of sugar, as evidenced by the dark blue peel.

The largest producer of prunes is California.

Composition of prunes

Prunes are a source simple sugars– glucose, fructose, sucrose and sorbitol. It contains antioxidants and fiber.

Vitamins in 100 gr. from daily value:

  • B6 – 37%;
  • A – 35%;
  • B3 – 15%;
  • B2 – 10%;
  • B1 – 8%.

Minerals per 100 g. from daily value:

Calorie content of prunes – 256 kcal per 100 g.

Prunes can be consumed as a substitute for sweets, used for baking, added to salads, and used as a seasoning for meat dishes. Sauces are prepared from it and compotes are cooked.

For muscles and bones

Dried plums are a source of the mineral boron, which strengthens bones and muscles. It improves muscle endurance.

Prunes reduce the effects of radiation on Bone marrow, improving the condition of bones and restoring their density.

Dried plums help treat osteoporosis, which women are prone to during menopause.

For the heart and blood vessels

Prunes normalize cholesterol levels, prevent strokes, heart failure and protect against heart attack.

Eating dried plums lowers blood pressure due to potassium. It dilates blood vessels and reduces the risk of developing heart disease.

Prunes normalize hemoglobin levels and prevent anemia.

For the nerves

B vitamins improve brain function and nervous system. By regularly consuming prunes, you can get rid of anxiety, insomnia and increase your resistance to stress.

For eyes

Vitamin A deficiency leads to dry eyes, decreased vision, and degeneration macular spot and cataracts. Plums will help prevent diseases.

For the lungs

Chronic lung disease, emphysema and diseases caused by smoking lead to breathing problems. Prunes will help cope with them, thanks to antioxidants and plant polyphenols. It removes inflammation and reduces the likelihood of developing lung diseases, including cancer.

For the intestines

The fiber in prunes prevents constipation and hemorrhoids, and also helps the body digest food properly. The laxative effect of dried plums is caused by the sorbitol content.

For skin and hair

Prunes contain iron and therefore strengthen the hair. Vitamins B and C in prunes promote hair growth.

Prunes slow down the aging process and the formation of wrinkles, maintain skin health and elasticity.

For immunity

The antioxidants contained in prunes protect cells from...

Vitamin C, which prunes are rich in, strengthens the immune system.

Prunes during pregnancy

Prunes normalize intestinal function and relieve constipation and hemorrhoids, which often occur during pregnancy.

Dried plums help fight depression and mood swings, are a source of energy and normalize hemoglobin levels.

The vitamins and minerals contained in prunes will provide healthy development fetus

Harm and contraindications of prunes

Those who have:

  • ulcerative colitis;
  • allergy to prunes or substances included in the composition.

Prunes can be harmful if consumed in excess. It manifests itself in the form of intestinal upset, bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, weight gain and even the development of diabetes.

How to choose prunes

The fruits should have a slightly soft structure, shiny and dense skin. They should be free of mold, damage and discoloration.

If you buy packaged prunes, the packaging should be transparent so that you can see the fruit. Sealed packaging should not have any damage through which moisture loss occurs.

How to store prunes

To maintain freshness and beneficial features prunes, they must be stored in an airtight container or closed plastic bag. Choose a cool and dark storage location. A pantry, refrigerator and freezer will do.

The shelf life of prunes depends on the storage location. Dried plums can be stored in the pantry and refrigerator for 12 months, and in the freezer for up to 18 months.

Prunes should be consumed regularly, but only small quantities. This will improve your health and maintain the beauty of your skin and hair.

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Prunes are actively used as a laxative. This effect of the product has been known for a long time. It is safe and almost incapable of causing side effects. Dried plum contains alimentary fiber, which helps normalize the functioning of the intestinal tract. With digestive disorders, a person often faces prolonged constipation and it is prunes that help cope with it. The product can be used by people who have a tendency to allergic reactions or for some reason cannot use medications. Therefore, it is important to know the rules for brewing prunes for constipation. Its effectiveness depends on the correct preparation of the product.

Prunes are a popular and safe product for relieving constipation.

In this article you will learn:

Properties of dried plum and its features

The benefits of prunes for the intestines are invaluable. The product contains a large number of sugar and carbohydrates. Energy value directly depends on the method of preparation. Approximate calorie content is described in the table.

The product can be used due to its beneficial properties by pregnant women and young children. Prunes contain a large number of antioxidants and phenolic complexes.

Prunes improve intestinal motility

Prunes promote recovery natural microflora body. Can replace many medications recommended for gastrointestinal disorders. The product prevents the development of malignant tumors.

Dried plums allow you to peel gastrointestinal tract from accumulated waste and toxins. Often recommended for intoxication of the body alcoholic drugs. In addition, prunes normalize intestinal motility.

Unlike standard laxatives, prunes do not cause dehydration and loss of strength. Dried plums contain sugar, which is easily digestible. The product also helps restore metabolic processes.

Expectant mothers are allowed to eat prunes

It is also worth noting that dried plums are an excellent antibacterial agent. It can eliminate pathological microorganisms and reduce the risk of their reoccurrence.

Dried plum helps cleanse the body. Removes toxins and reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Due to this, the product is able to lower blood pressure.

You will learn about the beneficial properties of prunes from the video:

Indications and contraindications

You should take prunes for constipation if indicated. These include:

  • unbalanced diet;
  • monotonous diets;
  • a clear lack of vitamins in the body;
  • inflammatory processes in oral cavity;
  • loss of strength and drowsiness;
  • absence of bowel movements for several days;
  • difficulty defecating and presence painful sensation during defecation.

Before consuming prunes for constipation, you need to make sure there are no contraindications. Dried plum - excellent replacement standard laxatives in the form medications. But you should refrain from using the product if:

  • the presence of individual intolerance to prunes;

Dried plum will help cope with increased fatigue
  • presence of excessive body weight;
  • diabetes mellitus

When consumed natural component if there are contraindications, the condition may worsen. Therefore, it is important to follow all recommendations for use.

Recipes for normalizing stool

Any recipe for prunes for constipation enhances the effectiveness of the natural component. To prepare medicines, you need to choose high-quality raw materials and adhere to all standards. To create a decoction you need to take:

  • 200 grams of dried plums;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 500 ml water.

Patients with diabetes are prohibited from eating prunes

Prunes are pre-washed and cleaned. The fruit is mixed with the rest of the ingredients and put on fire. The drink stops heating when it starts to boil. The mixture should cool to room temperature.

You can use this decoction of prunes for constipation during pregnancy. The product is ready for use after complete cooling. The drink is drunk throughout the day, and children are given no more than 1 tsp. before lunch. The decoction helps normalize stool and slow down the aging process. Improves skin condition and restores metabolic functions.

Prune infusion is also effective for constipation. To create it you will need to take:

  • 15 dried plums;
  • a glass of boiling water.

Before use, the fruit is washed in purified water and separated from the stone. Only after this the raw materials are poured with boiling water. Infuse the remedy throughout the day. Adult patients can take the entire volume of the drink at one time. Children are given 1.5 tsp in the morning. infusion.

It is important to choose high-quality dried fruits for treatment

It is impossible to say unequivocally how long it takes for prunes to act as a laxative. It depends on the recipe you choose. Usually from reception to positive result Several hours pass. It is possible to consume the fruit pure form without mixing it with other components. However, in this case the performance will be lower.

Fruit selection criteria

When choosing dried plums, first of all, you need to pay attention to the appearance of the product. It is important to remember several features of a good dried plum:

  • prunes are black in color;
  • the surface of the fruit is matte;
  • the product does not leave marks on the fingers;
  • The taste of prunes is sweet and sour.

High efficiency infusions and decoctions made from dried plums are effective against constipation

If the above factors are present, the fruit is of high quality and will not harm human health. Shiny, brown and sticky dried plums were most likely prepared with chemicals. They can cause intoxication.

Before taking prunes for constipation during pregnancy, children or adults, you need to familiarize yourself with the criteria for choosing a fruit. The effectiveness of natural medicine directly depends on the quality of raw materials.

Replacing dried plums

Dried apricots for constipation are an excellent alternative to prunes. Used by people who have an individual intolerance to dried plums. The product not only normalizes stool, but also strengthens protective functions body, eliminates vitamin deficiency and reduces the risk of seasonal colds.

Dried apricots have a mild laxative effect on the intestines

Dried apricots are approved for use by children and pregnant women. The product is also recommended for those with cardiovascular diseases. Has a rich mineral composition, and the laxative effect is associated with the presence of pectin and fiber.

Among the huge range of dried fruits Special attention attracts prunes. Its benefits and harm to the body have been known since ancient times. Prunes are made from plum fruits. If you believe the legends, then God created the plum by crossing the berries of cherry plum and thorn. Today, prunes are popular in cooking and medicine.

The value of aromatic dried fruits

Perhaps every person has tried dried prunes at least once. The benefits and harms to the body are not as obvious as their taste qualities. This is exactly what we have to discuss today.

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Prunes, as already mentioned, are made from plums. But not all fruits are suitable for these purposes. In most cases, prunes are made from Hungarian fruits.

On a note! The production route for prunes is complex. The berries are first blanched and then dried or dried. The result is an incredibly tasty and aromatic product. By the way, prunes cannot be called a dietary treat. 100 g contains about 260 kilocalories.

How much dried prunes do you think you can eat? While studying the benefits and harms of it for the body, scientists and specialists from one American university came to an interesting conclusion. It turns out that in order to feel good and not get sick, you need to enjoy one glass of prunes every day.

Chemical composition of dried fruits:

  • retinol;
  • lactose;
  • sucrose;
  • cellulose;
  • fructose;
  • Apple acid;
  • thiamine;
  • salicylic acid;
  • a nicotinic acid;
  • riboflavin;
  • oxalic acid;
  • ascorbic acid.

The unique component composition of prunes is striking. Its health benefits and harms are inextricably linked with each element. In addition to vitamins and acids, dried fruits contain a number of valuable micro- and macroelements.

Let's go to the "vitamin pharmacy" for benefits

This is what people call prunes. Indeed, when studying it component composition you are pleasantly surprised. So many vitamins, acids, nutrients! And each of them plays an important role for our health.

step by step recipe with photos

Healing properties of prunes:

  • cleansing blood vessels;
  • removing cholesterol from the body;
  • obstruction of education cholesterol plaques;
  • cleansing the body of radical compounds;
  • prevention of cancer;
  • normalization of blood circulation;
  • rejuvenation of the body;
  • treatment of anemia;
  • strengthening the nervous system;
  • increasing the elasticity of vascular walls;
  • normalization of the functioning of the heart muscle;
  • increasing the body's resistance to nervous overstrain and stress;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • treatment of urolithiasis;
  • normalization of kidney and liver function;
  • treatment of constipation;
  • increased appetite;
  • improvement of gastric secretion.

On a note! Experts advise eating at least a few prunes to treat constipation. People say that constipation has only two enemies - prunes and dried apricots.

Prunes normalize the functioning of the liver and kidneys. In addition, dried fruits help restore normal level stomach acidity. More prunes - perfect assistant in restoring metabolism.

Hundreds of people around the world face oral diseases, especially tooth decay, every day. They say that prunes have antibacterial properties. One dried fruit should be slowly dissolved. Acids will kill pathogens and bacteria, thereby cleaning the oral cavity.

Prunes during pregnancy

We can talk almost endlessly about the benefits of prunes for human health. This delicious product in addition to all the beneficial properties listed, it is also indispensable during pregnancy.

Expecting a child is always pleasant and exciting. Female body is undergoing enormous changes, to the expectant mother need double more vitamins, micro- and macroelements. Prunes will help here.

As already mentioned, dried fruits have mild laxative properties. And during pregnancy, constipation is a common occurrence. By eating a few berries a day, you can solve this delicate problem.

Prunes also have cleansing properties. With the help of this delicacy you can minimize the harm from external influences. negative factors. Dried plums contain ascorbic acid. This vitamin creates a barrier in the body to viruses and pathogens.

Source of beauty for women

Prunes are of particular value for women. This delicacy helps to cope with overweight. Moreover, both dried and fresh prunes are suitable. The benefits and harms for losing weight are not so obvious. First, you need to consider your physiological state, secondly, the initial body weight, thirdly, it is advisable to consult with a specialized doctor.

On a note! During a diet, women often experience mood swings. To protect yourself from stress and constantly be in a good mood, you need to eat prunes.

There are many types of diets that include dried fruits. The so-called mono-diet is designed for only three days. In this short period of time, you can lose about 4 kilograms, provided that the menu only contains drinking plenty of fluids and prunes.

There are also longer ones, but safe diets. Based on prunes, decoctions are prepared, which are drunk throughout the day, observing the established proportions. Is there some more unique way express weight loss. Need to quickly lose a couple of kilos? Take 1 liter of kefir and 10 dried plums. This cocktail is drunk at night, but remember that you should not resort to this method of losing weight for more than two days in a row.

Recipe Pantry

IN culinary arts prunes occupy a special niche. Dried fruits are added to pilaf, meat dishes, vegetable salads, Dessert, confectionery. Every housewife probably knows this. Prunes are no less popular in alternative medicine. Let's look at a few recipes healing agents traditional medicine.

Recipe No. 1

Do you suffer from increased blood pressure? This condition cannot be ignored; you need to normalize your blood pressure to protect yourself from the development of complicated consequences. A simple and tasty remedy will help.


  • 1 tbsp. liquid honey;
  • 1 tbsp. cranberries;
  • 1 tbsp. prunes;
  • 1 tbsp. walnut kernels;
  • 1 tbsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Preparation and use:

  1. Squeeze the juice from the lemon.
  2. Wash the cranberries and prunes thoroughly and dry them.
  3. Grind all the ingredients and combine in a deep bowl.
  4. Add honey and stir vigorously.
  5. This delicacy should be eaten 1 tbsp. l. once a day.

Recipe No. 2

The heart is the engine of our body. The blood vessels and heart muscle need support. To normalize work of cardio-vascular system, you need to eat this very tasty medicine.


  • 0.2 kg raisins;
  • 150 ml liquid honey;
  • 0.2 kg prunes;
  • lemon – 200 g;
  • 0.2 kg of walnut kernels;
  • 0.2 kg dried apricots.

Preparation and use:

  1. We thoroughly wash all ingredients with running water.
  2. Clean the lemon peels thoroughly with a brush.
  3. Using a meat grinder or blender, grind the above ingredients.
  4. Add honey and stir until the mixture has a homogeneous consistency.
  5. Transfer to a glass container and seal tightly with a lid.
  6. Place in the refrigerator to infuse for 10 days.

Are prunes always good for you?

Even the most harmless product, if consumed excessively or if contraindications are not followed, can cause harm to health. Prunes are no exception. For diarrhea or other intestinal disorders It is better to exclude dried fruits from your diet so as not to aggravate the clinical picture.

If you are suffering overweight body, then overeating prunes is extremely undesirable. But there is no need to completely exclude this sweetness from the menu; it is simply enough to limit the consumption of dried fruits to 50 g per day.

Important! During breastfeeding Eating prunes is not recommended for women. Together with mother's milk All the beneficial components will be transferred to the baby, but do not forget that prunes have laxative properties and can cause diarrhea in the baby.

Prunes are eaten in limited quantities for diabetes. The aromatic delicacy contains sugar, so you need to eat dried fruits taking into account the recommendations of your treating specialist.

Nature has given people a huge variety plant food, and this is not at all accidental! The human body is ideally suited for digesting grains, fruits, vegetables and herbs, and not all of these products require heat treatment. Moreover, in raw fruits and vegetables retain all vitamins and useful material which they are rich in.

Sometimes, in the absence of the possibility of long-term storage in raw form, some products are usually dried or dried. This also happens with the wonderful variety Hungarian Italian plum, whose juicy and dense fruits are a storehouse of vitamins and other substances important for maintaining and improving health, appearance and prolongation of human youth.

The product obtained as a result of drying and drying is called prunes. No one has doubted its value for a long time, but it would still be nice to know exactly how prunes are useful and why they are loved not only as a delicious delicacy, but also as a source of great well-being.

Gift of nature

To ensure the validity of judgments about the benefits of this product, just pay attention to the composition: prunes are replete with the most delicious elements for the body.

  • First of all, these are antioxidants. They not only actively fight against the aging of the body, destroying free radicals, but also protect cells from destructive impact harmful substances, entering the body from the outside. In addition, their anticancer effect is invaluable, because oncological diseases- a real scourge in the modern world.
  • Prunes contain B vitamins. They are essential for the health of the nervous system, stimulation mental activity, combating stress. These vitamins normalize and regulate important metabolic processes in organism. It is useful to know that B vitamins, unfortunately, do not have the ability to accumulate, and therefore are quite quickly eliminated from the body naturally, which makes it clear how necessary it is to constantly replenish their reserves.
  • Acids of organic origin, namely oxalic, malic and citric, are real fighters for the freedom of blood vessels from cholesterol plaques. They break down and remove the hated cholesterol, preventing its accumulation in the body. Cardiovascular diseases top the list of deadliest health problems modern people. The medicinal and preventive beneficial properties of prunes in this area have long been tested and confirmed by research and practice.
  • Vitamin C does not need any comments, because it is not for nothing that it was called the “vitamin of youth”, and in addition, it is a powerful natural antiseptic.
  • Vitamins P, A, as well as the minerals phosphorus, potassium and iron are indispensable for the proper functioning of internal organs.

During the production of prunes, the vitamins in the fruits are preserved almost completely.

The benefits of prunes for the body are undeniable. But there are groups of people who are especially advised to include this product in their diet. First of all, these are those who have gastrointestinal diseases. For the intestines, prunes are a real catalyst for cleansing processes, so consuming them for constipation helps excellent results. Dried berries are used in preparing decoctions or simply added to dishes. Some people note a good laxative effect in the morning if they eat a few fruits before bed.

  • Being “pregnant”, many women seriously suffer due to edema, even though they are sitting on salt-free diet; prunes - effective remedy in this case, it prevents the accumulation of excess moisture in the body, stimulating and facilitating the functioning of the kidneys.
  • Digestive disorders are common during pregnancy, and most often they manifest themselves in the form of constipation. It has already been described above positive action prunes on the gastrointestinal tract system, so all that remains is to notice how much smarter it would be to solve this problem with the help of useful dried fruits rather than resort to action chemical medicines, possibly dangerous to the health of the unborn baby.
  • The benefit also lies in a general strengthening effect, maintaining tone, reducing stress levels, which is very important for expectant mothers, who are often susceptible to sudden changes moods.

Product for men

The medicinal properties of prunes have a pronounced effect on man's health! It's no secret that crossing the 40-year mark is sometimes associated with heart problems for members of the stronger sex. Sadly, it is precisely at this age that a fairly large number of heart attacks and strokes occur in young men.

Thanks exclusively high content potassium, prunes, when consumed regularly, can significantly reduce the likelihood of these dangerous diseases, as it has a strengthening effect on blood vessels and helps lower pressure in the arteries.

Ticklish, but such a pressing question intimate side the life of every man should also not be ignored when it comes to prunes, medicinal properties which for potency may not be known to everyone yet. There is a wonderful recipe, tested by happy married couples:

  • prunes;
  • dried apricots;
  • walnuts;
  • natural fresh (preferably liquid) honey.

All solid ingredients must be crushed, passed through a meat grinder or punched with a blender, mixed with honey until a viscous consistency is formed. A mind-blowing delicacy and powerful tool for supporting male power ready! If a man consumes a tablespoon of this daily vitamin composition, then it love relationship will become not only more frequent and of higher quality, but also longer lasting.

Note to loving and beloved wives: invite your dear spouse to wash down the deliciousness with a glass of juice or fresh juice, carefully prepared with your hands from celery, and a dizzying night of love will definitely take place!

Prunes for figure

People who want to lead healthy image life, regularly eat prunes, the beneficial properties of which have a positive effect on the condition of the figure, if this product is not abused.

The fact is that the calorie content of prunes is quite high: approximately 250-265 kcal per 100 g. On the other hand, the fruits have a fairly low glycemic index. Thus, small portions(2-3 berries), instead of unhealthy snacks like snacks or baked goods, can not only dull the feeling of hunger between main meals, but also regulate metabolic processes in the body, preventing the accumulation of excess fat.

Berries are considered an excellent snack if washed down with something warm. herbal tea or rosehip decoction. The product swells in the stomach, causing a feeling of fullness, and the body receives a vitamin charge and strength.

Sticking to healthy diet, many are accustomed to using prunes and their beneficial properties for cooking nutritious salads or even desserts. For example, a dish of boiled beets with finely chopped dried plums, crushed walnuts and dressing from vegetable oil it turns out so tasty that it does not require adding any salt or sugar, except maybe a pinch of your favorite aromatic spices. There’s no need to even talk about the benefits of such a breakfast or lunch!

And apples baked with prunes, cinnamon and a drop of honey in the oven are a dessert that will go down with a bang even among lovers of rich cakes and pastries.

The product helps out when you need to quickly and without harm to your health replenish your strength, “turn on” your head under heavy mental stress, which is why it is so often taken with you to work instead of what many are accustomed to. chocolates, and even worse - chips or sweet cookies. The product works flawlessly!


What can you expect from prunes, besides the benefits and pleasure of eating them? Have prunes been well studied, their benefits and harm to the body? In general, there are no serious contraindications or strict prohibitions, but there are some restrictions.

  • Diabetes. Prunes - sweet product, it contains fructose, glucose and sucrose. It is clear that with such a diagnosis, you can eat this dried fruit only with the permission of the attending physician, in strictly limited quantities and not too often.
  • The period of lactation (breastfeeding) is not considered best time for eating dried berries prunes because of them possible action for a newborn. The baby may develop a ventricular disorder or suffer from colic.
  • Damage to the figure due to prunes high calorie content is very doubtful, since it can only be applied to yourself if you consume the berries uncontrollably, not paying attention to their quantity.

Like any product, prunes, of course, can bring both benefits and harm to human body. In fairness, it should be noted that it can only do harm in extreme cases. in rare cases, and even then, when personal negligence towards one’s own health becomes the cornerstone.

In general, prunes are one of the the most useful components healthy diet nutrition, if you observe moderation in its use.