How vision diagnostics are carried out. Complete eye examination. Examination by an ophthalmologist in our clinic

22.01.2016 | Viewed by: 4,746 people.

Regular examination is the best prevention of eye diseases. Diagnosis of such diseases can only be carried out by an experienced ophthalmologist in a specialized equipped office. It is important that the ophthalmologist identifies the first signs of abnormalities in time. Successful treatment largely depends on the speed of their detection at the stage of reversible changes.

One examination by a doctor and a subsequent conversation with him is not enough. It is necessary to carry out additional specific examination methods using modern equipment to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe treatment. The doctor should tell you in detail about the exact diagnosis and determination of visual acuity, as well as possible deviations and pathologies.

Ultra-modern diagnostic methods help establish a highly accurate diagnosis and allow highly effective control of treatment. Here are the most common methods for diagnosing the most common eye diseases.

A doctor's examination reveals abnormalities using the following painless procedures:

A procedure that allows the ophthalmologist to see parts of the fundus on the surface of the eye. This method remains one of the most significant and popular in diagnosing eye diseases. The non-contact method is performed using a lens or a special ophthalmoscope device.

Allows you to evaluate the main function - distance visual acuity - during preventive examinations. Decreased vision is an important signal in diagnosing diseases. The examination is first carried out without correction - the patient, closing one eye at a time, names the letters on the table indicated by the ophthalmologist. If there are violations, the procedure is performed with correction using specialized frames and lenses.

This method determines the optical power of the eye and diagnoses refractive errors and vision defects: myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism. Now the procedure has begun to be carried out using refractometers, which allows the patient not to waste a lot of time and facilitates the eye doctor’s manipulations.

The study is recommended for people over 40 years of age, as they have an increased risk of developing glaucoma. The procedure measures intraocular pressure, which is carried out in the following ways: by palpation, according to Maklakov (using weights) with a pneumotonometer and others.

An important method for determining the presence of peripheral vision and diagnosing pathological diseases - glaucoma and the process of destruction of the optic nerve. The study is carried out using specialized hemispherical electrical devices on which light spots are displayed.

Vision test for color perception

Widespread and intended to determine violations of color sensitivity thresholds - color blindness. The inspection is carried out using Rabkin's polychromatic tables.

The procedure for microscopic examination of the ocular segment using a special device - a slit lamp. With significant magnification, the ophthalmologist can clearly see the tissues of the eye - the cornea and conjunctiva, as well as the lens, iris, and vitreous body.

Determines the degree of astigmatism of the anterior surface and the refractive power of the cornea. The radius of refraction is measured with an ophthalmometer.

Grishberg's simple method allows you to determine the angle of strabismus using an ophthalmoscope through which the patient is looking. The ophthalmologist determines the problem by observing the reflection of light on the corneal surface.

It is carried out in case of obstruction of the lacrimal canaliculi. Thin tubes (cannulas) with a syringe and solution are inserted into the lacrimal ducts. If the patency is normal, then the liquid from the syringe will penetrate into the nasopharynx. If there is an obstruction, the solution will not pass through and will spill out.

It is usually performed in infants and elderly people for therapeutic purposes, since they may experience stenosis of the lacrimal openings. Bougienage is carried out using expanding probes using local anesthesia.

To determine the diagnosis of common ailments, such as conjunctivitis, myopia, cataracts, such diagnostic methods are usually sufficient. However, if the eye doctor doubts the diagnosis, then additional methods of examining diseases using specialized equipment carried out in optometric centers are possible.

Additional methods in eye diagnostics

Ultrasound is a popular research tool due to the receipt of accurate and complete information and the high effectiveness of the procedure. Ultrasound examination is necessary to detect eye abnormalities, tumors, and retinal detachment.

The method determines the central field of vision for colors and is used to detect diseases of the optic nerve, glaucoma and retina. The diagnostic kampimeter consists of a special large screen, where the patient looks with each eye alternately through a slit on a black screen.

The electrophysiological research method has found wide application in the study of the cerebral cortex, retina and levels of damage to the optic nerve, and the function of the nervous department of the optical apparatus.

A method that studies the surface of the cornea before laser correction. It is carried out on an automated computer system by scanning to determine the sphericity of the surface.

Dynamic study of intraocular pressure. IOP takes about 5 minutes; in such a short period of time, you can obtain important information about the state of fluid outflow inside the eye.

The method allows you to accurately determine the thickness of the cornea; it is necessarily prescribed for laser operations

Shows the condition of the fundus and retinal vessels. A series of high-precision images are taken after the fluorescent solution is administered intravenously.

The non-contact modern OCT method is used to determine the condition of the optic nerve and retina.

Operational examination under an optical device to detect ticks.

A procedure that determines tear production. The test is performed for symptoms of dry eye. An ophthalmological test is placed on the edge of the patient's lower eyelid, which can be used to determine if it is wet with tears.

A method for accurately detecting glaucoma using a lens. The angle of the anterior chamber is examined.

It is used for retinal dystrophy and detachment, as well as to obtain data on its peripheral parts that were not detected during a classical examination.

High-precision modern instruments and a variety of techniques allow us to accurately and effectively conduct research on the visual organs at the cellular level. Most diagnostics are carried out non-contact and painlessly, without requiring prior preparation of the patient. In the relevant sections you can learn in detail about the methods for diagnosing eye diseases.

Most often, the retina of the eye is subject to inflammatory or dystrophic pathological processes. Diseases of this part of the eyeball can be hereditary, but they are often associated with the influence of external factors, that is, they are acquired. Typically, damage to the retina occurs as a result of a traumatic effect on the eye itself or its surroundings. The presence of concomitant systemic pathology (cardiovascular, endocrine) can have a significant impact on the condition of the eye itself. Sometimes the retina is damaged as a result of tumor growth or other neoplasms.

To diagnose pathologies directly affecting the retina, it is necessary to conduct a complex of examinations and a thorough examination.

Basic principles of diagnosis for retinal pathology

  • The patient should be examined for visual acuity. In this case, the doctor determines the preservation of the function of the central areas, which may be affected by retinal pathology.
  • It is necessary to measure the level of intraocular pressure.
  • All patients undergo determination of the boundaries of the visual field. For this purpose, computer perimetry is often used. This test helps diagnose peripheral retinal lesions.
  • An electrophysiological examination of the patient helps to establish the integrity of the function of the optic nerve, determine the viability of retinal cells and the neurons themselves.
  • During direct or indirect ophthalmoscopy, the doctor examines the features of the fundus of the eye; based on the examination, it is possible to determine the areas of retinal rupture, as well as their number and tendency to detachment. In addition, it is possible to determine the connection between the area of ​​detachment and the substance of the vitreous body, and to identify areas of thinning, since they require special attention during surgical treatment of the eyes.

Diagnostic methods for retinal diseases

Patients with suspected retinal pathology undergo the following studies:

  • Determination of the patient's visual acuity.
  • The study of contrast sensitivity, which allows us to judge with high accuracy the condition of the central macular zone.
  • Study of color perception and color thresholds.
  • Ophthalmoscopy.
  • Perimetry, the purpose of which is to determine the boundaries of the field of view.
  • Electrophysiological examination techniques.
  • Fluorescein angiography, which allows you to thoroughly study the pathology of the vascular system of the eye.
  • Optical coherence tomography is aimed at qualitatively determining retinal pathology, as well as the severity of the process.
  • Fundus photography is carried out to record pathological changes that can be assessed over time.

Cost of retinal diagnostics

  • Initial consultation with a retina specialist (laser surgeon) - 3 000 rub.
  • Repeated consultation with a retina specialist (laser surgeon) - 1 000 rub.
  • Fundus examination with a narrow pupil - 1 000 rub.
  • Examination of the fundus with a wide pupil - 1 200 rub.
  • Amsler test (for macular degeneration) - 500 rub.
  • Electrophysiological study of the retina and optic nerve (EFS) - 500 rub.
  • Ultrasound of the eyeball - 1 500 rub.
  • Optical coherence tomography of the retina - 2 000 rub.

Above are the prices for the main diagnostic services of our ophthalmology center at the time of publication of the material. You can find out the exact cost of services and make an appointment by calling the numbers listed on our website.

About the ophthalmologist

An ophthalmologist is a specialized specialist whose activities are aimed at identifying, diagnosing, treating and preventing various eye diseases. A good ophthalmologist is considered a very sought-after specialist these days., because every 3 residents of the country have various eye diseases (most often this is visual impairment - myopia, farsightedness). There are many factors that negatively affect our eyes. These factors are:

  • Long-term work on computers, tablets, smartphones;
  • Poor or incorrect lighting when reading books;
  • Various types of stress that affect the organ of vision;
  • Insufficiently fortified diet (lack of vitamin A in food contributes to vision impairment);
  • Unfavorable environmental conditions.

Video about the ophthalmology department of our clinic 1:26 min, 15 MB.

If you do not consult an ophthalmologist in time, eye diseases will progress, and then it becomes more and more difficult to cure them. To prevent the development of ophthalmological diseases, doctors recommend systematically undergoing a preventive examination by an ophthalmologist. It is advisable to appear for a medical examination every six months. It is then that the ophthalmologist will be able to notice the disease at an early stage and prescribe effective treatment.

The diseases treated by an ophthalmologist are presented below:

  1. Cataract;
  2. Glaucoma;
  3. Congenital diseases of the organ of vision;
  4. Diseases of the retina and optic nerve;
  5. Visual impairment (myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism);
  6. Inflammatory eye diseases (conjunctivitis, uveitis, iridocyclitis, blepharitis);
  7. Viral and infectious eye diseases (herpetic keratitis, gonococcal conjunctivitis and others);
  8. Autoimmune eye diseases (iridocyclitis, chorioretinitis).

It should be noted that An ophthalmologist also treats acute conditions that affect the organ of vision. For example, various types of injuries, burns of the mucous membrane of the eyes, and so on.

How is an ophthalmologist examined?

An examination by an ophthalmologist usually occurs in a clean, spacious room. First, the ophthalmologist will find out if you have any complaints about the organ of vision and ask you about them in detail. In addition, the ophthalmologist may ask if you have other underlying chronic diseases. After all, there are many diseases that affect the organ of vision. For example, diabetes. A complication of diabetes mellitus is diabetic ophthalmopathy. Therefore, you should not hide existing chronic diseases from your doctor. Knowing about them, the doctor will be able to find a treatment that will be aimed at preventing the development of complications in the organ of vision, or will stop their progression.

After interviewing the patient, the doctor will begin the examination. The ophthalmologist will diagnose visual acuity and determine whether there is blurred vision. If necessary, the doctor will examine the fundus and other structures of the eye to confirm certain eye diseases, or to determine their absence. For more detailed and accurate diagnostics, modern clinics use medical equipment such as an autorefractometer, ophthalmoscope, and slit lamp. At the DeVita clinic you will find the most modern ophthalmological equipment. This allows us to diagnose eye diseases with maximum accuracy and at the highest level.

After a thorough ophthalmological examination, the doctor will make a diagnosis and prescribe the treatment that will be most effective in your particular case.

Examination by an ophthalmologist in our clinic

An examination by an ophthalmologist in our DeVita clinic takes place in a friendly atmosphere and the most comfortable conditions for the patient. You should contact an ophthalmologist for examination with these and other complaints about the organ of vision:

  • The appearance of pain in the eyes, burning and itching sensations;
  • The appearance of double vision, spots, “floaters”, “fog before the eyes”;
  • Prolonged redness of the eyes;
  • The appearance of photophobia, lacrimation, pathological discharge from the eyes (pus);
  • Rapid eye fatigue;
  • Deterioration of distance or near vision, loss of visual fields;
  • Discomfort when wearing your own glasses.

Examination by an ophthalmologist in our DeVita clinic is carried out highly qualified specialists with extensive experience, and therefore can be confidently trusted. The most modern equipment of our medical center guarantees high-quality diagnostics and timely detection of the initial stages of eye diseases.
Our ophthalmologists have extensive experience, a wealth of knowledge and numerous thanks from our patients.

The goal of the ophthalmologist at our DeVita clinic is the timely detection of diseases of the visual organs, the selection of the optimal treatment method and high-quality prevention, which will prevent the development of other eye diseases and will be aimed at preventing relapses. Remember the most important thing is a timely visit to an ophthalmologist. Do not self-medicate, do not let the disease take its course - turn to professionals and trust them with your health! Timely ophthalmological treatment will preserve your vision for many years!

Why is it so important to undergo a comprehensive high-tech vision diagnostics?

Comprehensive vision diagnostics is a necessary condition for maintaining visual acuity for many years. The VISION ophthalmology clinic uses innovative diagnostic equipment to detect eye diseases at the earliest stage, and the qualifications of doctors ensure an accurate diagnosis. The experience of our specialists and advanced examination methods guarantee the selection of effective treatment methods. We have been working for more than 11 years so that you can enjoy the bright colors of the world.

Why is early vision diagnostics using innovative equipment necessary?

According to statistics, up to 65% of eye diseases proceed without symptoms for a long time, imperceptible to the patient. Therefore, it is important to regularly examine the entire visual apparatus: check visual acuity, the condition of the tissues of the eyeball, and the operation of the visual analyzer. The VISION clinic has technological capabilities for diagnosing all parts of the eye, including at the cellular level. This allows you to prescribe the necessary treatment in a timely manner and stop the processes leading to loss or deterioration of vision.

We take care of patients by selecting optimal diagnostic and treatment methods

Examination at the VISION clinic is suitable for patients of any age. Thus, the initial manifestations of retinal dystrophy can occur as early as 18-30 years of age. An optical tomograph allows you to obtain a 3D image of the structure of the retina and see the slightest changes in it. After 30 years, the prerequisites for retinal detachment, glaucoma, and the first stages of neoplasms are identified. And after 50 years, you can discover cataracts or macular degeneration - diseases that lead to complete blindness. Diagnosis always includes a consultation with an ophthalmologist, who will select the optimal treatment regimen or recommend surgery to correct vision. Surgical treatment can also be performed by experienced ophthalmic surgeons at our clinic.

Advantages of the VISION clinic

1.Highly accurate diagnostics

Use of modern equipment, including optical tomographs. Some of the diagnostic methods are unique.

2.Qualification of doctors

The clinic employs qualified specialists - ophthalmologists and ophthalmic surgeons who love their work and have expert knowledge. We do not have visiting doctors, only permanent employees.

3.Innovations in treatment

The latest methods of surgical and non-surgical treatment of myopia, cataracts, glaucoma and other pathologies. Compliance with the international quality standard GOST ISO 9001-2011.

4.Top level eye surgery

Ophthalmic surgeons with unique experience and the latest generation operating equipment provide a high chance of preserving and improving vision even in difficult cases.

5.Responsible approach

Our doctors are responsible for the accuracy of diagnosis and effectiveness of treatment. You will receive detailed advice about your eye health.

6.Transparent prices

There is a fixed price in accordance with the price list. There are no hidden co-payments or unexpected costs once treatment begins.

7.Social orientation.

Our clinic has loyalty programs and social discounts for veterans, pensioners, and the disabled. We want new ophthalmology technologies to be accessible to everyone.

8. Convenient location

The clinic is located in the center of Moscow, on Smolenskaya Square. From the metro station Smolenskaya Filevskaya line just 5 minutes on foot.

The cost of the examination includes a consultation with a highly professional ophthalmologist.

The level and depth of research enable the ophthalmologist, based on the analysis of the data obtained, to make a complete diagnosis, determine tactics, prescribe and carry out treatment, and also predict the course of certain pathological processes in the vascular, nervous and endocrine systems of the body.

A complete ophthalmological examination takes from one to one and a half hours.

Protocol for ophthalmological examination of patients at the VISION ophthalmological center

1. identifying complaints, collecting anamnesis.

2. Visual exploration anterior segment of the eyes, for diagnosing diseases of the eyelids, pathology of the lacrimal organs and oculomotor system.

3.Refractometry and keratometry- study of the total refractive power of the eye and cornea separately in order to identify myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism with a narrow pupil and in conditions of cycloplegia.

4. Measuring intraocular pressure using a non-contact tonometer.

5. Determination of visual acuity with and without correction, using a sign projector and a set of trial lenses.

6. Character Definition vision (binocularity)- test for hidden strabismus.

7. Keratotopography- study of the cornea relief using automatic computer keratotopograph in order to determine congenital, dystrophic and other changes in the shape of the cornea (astigmatism, keratoconus, etc.).

8. Selection of glasses taking into account the nature of visual work.

9. Biomicroscopy- examination of the structures of the eye (conjunctiva, cornea, anterior chamber, iris, lens, vitreous body, fundus) using a slit lamp - biomicroscope.

10. Gonioscopy- examination of the structures of the anterior chamber of the eye using a special lens and biomicroscope.

11. Schirmer test- determination of tear production.

12. Computer perimetry- study of peripheral and central visual fields using automatic projection perimeter (diagnosis of retinal and optic nerve diseases, glaucoma).

13. Ultrasound of the eye for studying internal structures, measuring the size of the eye. This study allows us to detect the presence of foreign bodies, retinal detachment, and eye tumors in opaque internal environments.

14. Electrophysiological study visual system.

15. Spectral optical coherence tomography(SOCT) allows you to obtain spatial 3D images of all layers of the retina at the cellular level. The method gives a comprehensive picture of the ultrastructure of the central parts of the retina, optic nerve, and cornea.

16. Aberrometry - a method for automatically measuring visual distortions of the human eye with a high degree of accuracy.

17. Formulation of an ophthalmological diagnosis in accordance with the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10).

18. Appointment, if necessary, of clinical and laboratory tests and consultations with specialists.

19. Prescription of treatment (if necessary) and the optimal method of vision correction.

20. Appointment of control examinations.

Many diseases can be prevented if detected early. The same applies to the visual system - the sooner problems are identified, the better. By the way, modern vision diagnostics greatly contributes to this. Neither serious diseases nor hidden pathologies can slip past the perfect equipment...

Why do you need to follow the recommendations of ophthalmologists and get checked at least once a year?

It’s probably not because there’s nothing to do that ophthalmologists around the world are trumpeting: “Check your eyesight at least once a year! Especially if you are part of any risk group!” They worry about the health of every person. Indeed, today, in the age of innovative industry, vision problems are taking on large proportions. Helpers for this are televisions, computers, our carelessness, laziness and many other things.

Meanwhile, as world practice shows, preventive examination allows:

  1. Reveal hidden pathologies.
  2. Diagnose significant vision problems.
  3. Select the correct means of correction.
  4. Prescribe adequate treatment in a timely manner: medications, devices, surgery.
  5. Significantly reduce the side effects of treatment.

But, alas, few people follow the recommendations of ophthalmologists. Most people seek help when even surgery does not guarantee a successful outcome. After all, the causes of vision loss can be different. For example, with cataracts it decreases due to clouding of the lens, with glaucoma - due to poor circulation and increased intraocular pressure, etc.

In any case, these and other diseases without timely detection and treatment can lead to significant loss of vision, and often to complete darkness, i.e. blindness...

What does a complete diagnostic examination involve?

In many clinics they limit it to a simple check using Sivtsev’s tables. But this may not always reflect the true picture of the state of the visual system. Therefore, we need to insist on a comprehensive review.

If the clinic at your place of residence does not have the opportunity to carry it out, then you can take a free referral to an ophthalmology center or use paid services.

Comprehensive vision diagnostics includes:

  1. Measuring visual acuity.
  2. Determination of eye refraction.
  3. Measuring intraocular pressure.
  4. Biomicroscopy (examination of the eyeball through a microscope).
  5. Pachymetry (measurement of corneal depth).
  6. Echobiometry (measurement of eye length).
  7. Ultrasound of the internal structures of the eye, including opaque ones.
  8. Computer keratotopography.
  9. Diagnosis of hidden pathologies.
  10. Determining the level of tear production.
  11. Visual field test.
  12. Study of changes in the retina (with a wide pupil), optic nerve.

Such diagnostics allows us to identify all the features of the visual system and the causes of vision loss. Prediction of the outcome of a particular treatment also depends on the results.

Comprehensive vision diagnostics helps to detect diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, atherosclerosis and rheumatism at the initial stages of development. And also tuberculosis, cervical osteochondrosis, problems with the thyroid gland and many other diseases.

How is a comprehensive examination carried out?

As a rule, vision diagnostics in children and adults begins with test tables. They may depict letters, pictures and other signs.

Additionally, a test can be carried out using an autorefractometer - a device that automatically determines the refraction of the eye and the parameters of the cornea and immediately produces the result.

If vision problems are identified, the ophthalmologist will begin to select lenses of the required optical power. For this purpose, special glasses can be used, into which test glasses are inserted, or a phoropter, a device where the lenses change automatically.

Intraocular pressure is measured using a tonometer. If glaucoma is suspected, computer perimetry is additionally performed - checking the visual field.

The anterior segment of the eye (eyelashes, eyelids, conjunctiva, cornea, etc.) is examined using a biomicroscope. This is necessary to assess the condition of the cornea, check for scars on it, cloudiness in the lens, etc.

A complete picture of the condition of the eye is obtained by examining the fundus through a dilated pupil. This allows you to determine whether there are changes in the retina, what is the condition of the optic nerve, etc.

Pachymetry allows you to calculate the maximum corneal depth permissible for laser exposure. And in cases of high myopia, it helps to establish how complete the correction can be carried out and which method is best to choose for this.

And if you need topography and the refractive ability of the cornea, then a keratotopograph will come to the rescue. It can be used to examine individual optical defects of the cornea. Such diagnostics lasts only a few seconds, but during this time its entire surface is scanned.

Information obtained from the keratotopograph is also necessary for performing laser refractive correction. Indeed, during its implementation, the cornea is directly affected. At the same time, the machine produces results in the form of digital data, which allows you to predict visual acuity after laser correction. In general, diagnosis using a keratotopograph helps to identify the initial signs of keratoconus (changes in the shape of the cornea) and many other diseases.

Echobiometry allows you to measure the length of the eyeball, determine the size of the lens and the depth of the anterior chamber. Wave aberrometry - measure the optical system of the eye, identify all deviations from the norm in the retina and its other structures.

Why is it important to examine children in a timely manner (video):

A comprehensive examination allows you to more fully cover the human visual system, identify its features and weaknesses, and, of course, prescribe the most effective treatment. Do you agree? The answer is in the comments!