Instructions for use of senade tablets. How long can I take the drug? What laxative to buy

Senade- a well-known laxative. Its huge advantage is its plant origin. The time it takes for Senade to act determines the indications for use of the drug. The latter of the medication are somewhat different from most other laxatives.

How does Senade work?

The main active ingredient in the tablets - and Senade is produced exclusively in tablet form - is an extract obtained from the leaves of the holly senna. In the composition of this plant, pharmacists were attracted by the salts of sennosides A and B. They provide a laxative effect. In addition, Senada contains the following excipients:

  • starch;
  • lactose;
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • sodium lauryl sulfate;
  • carmellose sodium;
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • talc;
  • Magnesium stearate.

Sennosides act directly on sensory receptors that are located on the surface of the mucous membrane and stimulate smooth muscle elements in the large intestine. The latter enhance intestinal peristaltic movements, increase their amplitude and make them last longer.

How long does it take for Senade laxative to take effect?

Since the action of the tablets is aimed at enhancing peristalsis, bowel movements occur quite gently. What is important is that Senade does not change his stool. That is, after taking the pills, bowel movements occur normal stool, and the drug does not cause diarrhea. This is achieved due to the fact that Senade does not act as quickly as most of its analogues.

Basically, the drug begins to act at least 8-10 hours after administration. This is how long it takes for Senada to painlessly make some changes in the body.

If you need to speed up the effect, you can drink several glasses of warm, slightly salted water after taking the tablet. In this case, Senade will take effect within 6-8 hours. Of course, a discount should also be made on individual characteristics body. Some patients report an increase in quick effect without any additional effects.

In most cases, 3 tablets of Senade are prescribed, and how long it takes for them to take effect does not depend on the indication. The remedy is prescribed for:

  • constipation caused by sluggish activity of the large intestine;
  • obesity;
  • functional constipation;
  • hemorrhoids – to regulate stool;
  • diseases accompanied by disruption of normal intestinal function.

Very often, constipation occurs in people who lead sedentary image life. For some, this condition becomes completely habitual. Senade helps this category of patients maintain their intestines and feel healthy. Elderly people, as well as bedridden patients, cannot do without Senade.

Many pregnant women also complain of constipation. Since the drug is made from herbal ingredients, it will not harm either the expectant mother or the child. Still, a preliminary consultation with a specialist will not hurt.

Why doesn't Senade work?

Like any medicine, Senade has contraindications for use. If you ignore them, taking the drug will not be effective. It is not recommended to take tablets if:

Senade will not always work for abdominal pain of unknown origin, diseases abdominal cavity flowing in acute form, and kidneys. Tablets are taken according to a special regimen for patients who have undergone abdominal surgery.

Thank you

Pills Senade are a medicinal product made from plant materials. Senade has laxative properties, so it is used to relieve constipation in adults and children. Also, a laxative can be used to regulate stool when various pathologies, such as hemorrhoids, proctitis, anal fissures, obesity. Senada refers to pharmacological group drugs that have a laxative effect by enhancing intestinal motility.

Composition, description and release form

The drug Senade is currently available only in tablet form. The drug does not have any other pharmaceutical forms. Senade tablets are manufactured by the Indian pharmaceutical corporation DR REDDY'S LABORATORIES LTD.

Senade tablet is colored in various shades Brown, against which small inclusions stand out. The tablet has a round, flat shape and beveled edges. The word "CIPLA" is embossed on one of the surfaces, and on the other there is a line - a line along which the tablet can be broken. Senade is sold in packs of 40, 60 and 500 pieces.

As active component Senade tablets contain an extract obtained from the leaves of the plant Senna holly. One tablet contains 93.33 mg of this extract. However, the active ingredients in the Senna aquifolia leaf extract are: salts of sennosides A and B . In total, each Senade tablet contains 13.5 mg of sennosides A and B in the form calcium salts. Usually, the dosage of tablets is indicated precisely by the content of sennosides A and B in it. Therefore, in pharmaceutical reference books they write that the amount active substance in Senade tablets is 13.5 mg.

Senade tablets contain the following substances as auxiliary components:

  • starch;
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • microcrystalline cellulose;
  • talc;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • sodium lauryl sulfate;
  • carmellose sodium.

Action and therapeutic effect

Senade tablets have a laxative effect due to the active components - sennosides A and B. From a chemical point of view, sennosides A and B are a class of anthraglycoside substances, that is, they contain monosaccharide residues such as glucose, galactose, etc.

Sennosides A and B have a laxative effect due to their direct effect on sensitive receptors located in the mucous membrane of the large intestine. By binding to receptors, sennosides A and B have an exciting effect on the smooth muscle elements of the large intestine, which, in turn, respond to this by increasing the strength, amplitude and duration of peristaltic movements. Thus, Senade tablets enhance the peristalsis of the large intestine, due to the active contractions of which its soft emptying occurs.

When using Senade, there is no change in stool. That is, bowel movements occur with normal, formed stools, without a tendency to diarrhea. Senade tablets selectively affect colon, whose role in the act of defecation is enormous.

In addition, the drug has the property of normalizing intestinal function, creating optimal peristaltic contractions. The tablets are not addictive and do not in any way affect the process of digesting food. This means that Senade can be consumed to improve intestinal motility long time, and then, after the content evacuation function normalizes, stop. Stopping the medication will not lead to severe constipation. Also, Senade does not disrupt the natural process of digestion, since it only enhances colon peristalsis.

Each tablet of Senade contains 13.5 mg of calcium salts of sennosides A and B, which are isolated from senna leaves. This amount of active substances corresponds to 0.6 g of dry senna leaf powder.

Accurate data on the processes of absorption and excretion of each substance contained in senna leaf extract have not been provided to date. Only data are available for sennosides A and B. This is due to the fact that, according to the provisions International Convention(EMEAHMPWG11/99), there is no need to conduct isolated studies of pharmacokinetic parameters for herbal medicinal products.

How long does it take for Senade to work?

Typically, Senade tablets cause bowel movements 8 to 10 hours after administration. This is exactly the amount of time the drug requires to activate the receptors and reflexively enhance peristalsis, due to which the intestinal contents will move to the ampulla of the rectum and cause the urge to defecate. After taking Senade, a person's stool is normal.

You can slightly speed up the onset of action of the medicine by drinking 2 - 3 glasses of warm, slightly salted water. In this case, bowel movement will occur within 6 to 8 hours after taking the pills.

Indications for use

Since Senade tablets have a laxative effect due to increased peristalsis of the large intestine, their scope of use is associated specifically with the insufficiency of contractile activity of smooth muscle elements digestive tract. That is why the following conditions are indicated for the use of Senade as a laxative:
  • Constipation caused by hypotension, or sluggish and insufficient peristaltic activity of the colon.
  • Functional constipation, associated with ignoring the urge to defecate with the subsequent inability to go to the toilet.
  • Regulation of stool for hemorrhoids, proctitis or anal fissures.
Sluggish intestinal motility often occurs in people leading a sedentary lifestyle. Unfortunately, in modern conditions many people are forced to lead sedentary lifestyle life, which is caused by sedentary work and moving around the city by car or public transport. As a result, with normal nutrition and lack of serious illnesses organs of the gastrointestinal tract, this category of people develops habitual constipation. In addition, insufficiency of peristalsis is observed in children, pregnant women, the elderly, in bedridden patients or in patients who have undergone surgery. It is these conditions that Senade copes well with, which is recommended as an effective and safe laxative to all people belonging to this category.

The second indication for the use of Senade is the regulation of stool in diseases of the rectum. In these situations, regular bowel movements are necessary. It is unacceptable to delay or skip bowel movements, as this can only worsen the course of the disease. In addition, with such an adjustable stool, it is easier to make small counter movements before defecation. oil enemas, which facilitate the passage of feces through the anal sphincter and eliminate the associated pain syndrome.

Senade - instructions for use (how to take pills for constipation)

Senade tablets are taken orally. As a rule, you need to take the drug once a day, preferably in the evening, before going to bed or half an hour before meals. The tablet should be taken with a sufficient amount (at least half a glass) of water or any other non-alcoholic drink.

If the drug is taken independently, without a doctor’s prescription, it is recommended to limit it to a short course - take the tablets no longer than 3 to 5 days in a row. Usually, within 3 to 5 days, stool completely normalizes, which no longer requires the use of a laxative. As prescribed by a doctor and with regular medical examinations long-term use of Senade tablets is possible.

Adults and children over 12 years old

The dosage depends on the person’s age and baseline intestinal motility activity. So, children over 12 years of age and adults take one tablet once a day. One tablet of Senade is the minimum initial dosage with which you should start using the drug. Senade should be taken one tablet for three days. If bowel movement does not occur after this, you should increase the dosage by half a tablet, and take one and a half tablets for another three days. Observing this algorithm, you can increase the dosage to 3 tablets per day. You should not take more than 3 tablets per day, as this may lead to an overdose. If within three days a person has taken the maximum dosage of three tablets, but bowel movement does not occur, then you should consult a doctor.

Children 6-12 years old

Children aged 6 to 12 years take half a tablet once a day. For children of this age, the initial dosage is exactly half a tablet, so you should start giving the drug to the child in this amount. If Senade is ineffective within two days, you can increase the dosage by another half tablet. The maximum dosage for children 6 – 12 years old is two tablets.

Interaction with other drugs

Use for a long period of time in combination with cardiac glycosides (for example, Strophanthin, etc.) and antiarrhythmic drugs enhances the effects of the latter. Concomitant use antiarrhythmic drugs and Senade can provoke the removal of potassium from the body with the development of its deficiency.

In such a situation, intense bowel movements and severe pain in the stomach of a pregnant woman can provoke strong muscle contractions abdominal wall, reminiscent of those during pushing. It is quite understandable that tension in the abdominal wall and abdominal pain can result in premature birth or the threat of miscarriage. The threat of miscarriage during short periods of pregnancy while taking Senade is also explained by the fact that the tablets increase the tone of the smooth muscles of the uterus.

That is why manufacturers do not recommend that pregnant women take Senade without examination and advice from a doctor. Pregnant women can take the drug if constipation does not last long - a maximum of 2 days. However, in this case it is better to drink Senade along with the tablet. more water so that it softens the stool a little, facilitating its passage through the anal sphincter. If a pregnant woman has constipation that lasts longer than three days, then the use of Senade should be abandoned, since the drug will cause strong contractions of the intestinal muscles, severe spastic pain and a significant increase in the tone of the uterus. Senade can be used prophylactically during pregnancy, for example, in the evening before bedtime, after a long and have a hard day so that defecation is guaranteed the next morning. The dosage of Senade for pregnant women is 1 - 2 tablets per day, which are best taken at night, before bed.

Senade for children - method of application

Senade tablets can be used to relieve constipation in children starting from 6 years of age. It is necessary to give the child a tablet along with a glass of water and ask him to drink the medicine well. If necessary, Senade can be taken by children starting from 3 years of age.

The dosage for a child is half a tablet per day, which is best taken in the evening, before going to bed. If the child does not go to the toilet within 24 hours after taking half the tablet, you can give him another half and wait another day. Then you should give the child the whole tablet and wait for a bowel movement for 24 hours. If after this the child does not poop, you should consult a doctor.

For children, the recommended dosage is 0.5 - 1 tablet, and the maximum is 2 tablets per day. It is necessary to start giving the drug to the baby with the recommended dosage, and if it is ineffective, you can resort to the maximum allowable amount. Depending on the duration of constipation and the age of the child, you should give half or a whole tablet of Senade for the first time. For example, with prolonged constipation, it is better to give the child the whole tablet at once, and if this state takes place over a relatively short period of time, then half is enough. If necessary, you can immediately give it to your child. maximum dose– 2 tablets Senade. If, after taking the maximum dosage, bowel movements do not occur within 24 hours, you should consult a doctor.

Senade for weight loss - how to take

Today among pharmaceuticals There are various specialized products designed specifically for weight loss. However, people often try to lose weight using various laxatives. Of course, by clearing the intestines of feces and removing large amounts of fluid and electrolytes from the human body, Senade will reduce weight by several kilograms. Only these lost kilograms consist of liquid, which is vital for the body and various microelements, also urgently needed for normal course biological processes. Of course, part of the lost kilograms will come from feces, which justifiably left the body.

However, if a person really wants to cleanse the intestines and lose weight by removing accumulated feces, then Senade should be taken for 1 to 2 days in a row, and then put it aside. In two days, the drug will remove accumulated feces, remove toxins contained in them and make a person a couple of kilograms slimmer. Further use of Senade for weight loss will only cause dehydration and loss of electrolytes, which is fraught with the development severe violations metabolism. And here body fat will remain where they were before, since the drug does not contribute in any way to their breakdown and removal.

Nutritionists consider it advisable to take Senade for the purpose of bowel movement only when a person is on a strict diet with a minimum amount of food, which itself provokes constipation. In such cases, nutritionists recommend taking Senade 1 to 2 tablets twice a week.


Despite the herbal origin of the drug Senade, as well as its almost complete safety, the tablets have contraindications for use. Contraindications are associated with various conditions body and gastrointestinal tract, in which intestinal motility cannot be increased.

There are absolute and relative contraindications to the use of Senade tablets. If there are absolute contraindications, the tablets should not be used under any circumstances. And if available relative contraindications Senade tablets can be used with caution and under medical supervision of the person’s condition. Relative and absolute contraindications to the use of Senade tablets are reflected in the table:

Absolute contraindications to Senade Relative contraindications to Senade
Severe sensitivity, intolerance or allergy to the components of the tabletsThe period after abdominal surgery
Spastic constipationKidney diseases
Intestinal obstructionDiseases

Side effects

Senade tablets can cause side effects from various systems, since the active ingredients act on receptors located in the mucous membranes of almost all organs. Most often, side effects are relatively mild and go away on their own after discontinuation of the drug, without requiring any additional treatment. Usually symptoms side effect appear after long-term use of Senade in high doses. The whole spectrum side effects tablets from the side various organs and systems are reflected in the table:
The organ system from which side effects develop Specific symptoms of side effects
Gastrointestinal tractColicky painful sensations in the abdomen (cramps)
MetabolismDeposition of melanin in the mucous membrane of the colon (with long-term use in high doses)
Water-electrolyte imbalance, manifested by symptoms such as dehydration, decreased sodium and potassium concentrations, secondary hyperaldosteronism, ECG changes, muscle weakness
urinary systemAlbuminuria (the appearance of protein in the urine)
Hematuria (blood in urine)
Discoloration of urine
central nervous systemConvulsions
The cardiovascular systemVascular collapse


Today, Senade tablets are available domestically pharmaceutical market have analogues and synonyms. Synonyms are drugs that, like Senade, contain sennosides A and B as an active component. Analogues of Senade include drugs that have a laxative effect due to increased peristalsis, but contain active ingredients other chemical compounds.

So, the following medications are synonymous with Senade tablets:

  • Antrasennin – tablets;
  • Bekunis - dragee;
  • Herbion Laxana – tablets;
  • Glaxenna - tablets;
  • X-Prep – solution for oral administration;
  • Pursennid – tablets;
  • Regulax - cubes for chewing;
  • Senadex – tablets;
  • Senadexin and Senadexin-NS. - pills;
  • Senalex – tablets;
  • Senna - tablets;
  • Sennalax – chewable tablets;
  • Senna extract – tablets;
  • Tisasen - tablets;
  • Ex-Lax – chewable lozenges.
Analogues of Senade include the following drugs:
  • Agiolax - granules;
  • Bisacodyl – rectal suppositories and tablets;
  • Guttalax - drops;
  • Dulcolax – rectal suppositories and tablets;
  • Izafenin – tablets;
  • Castor oil – capsules and whole oil for oral administration;
  • Laxigal - drops;
  • Mukofalk – granules for preparing a suspension;
  • Naturolax – powder for preparing a suspension;
  • Regulax Picosulfate – drops;
  • Slabicap - drops;
  • Weakened - drops;
  • Fiberlex – powder for preparing a suspension;
  • Phenolphthalein – tablets;
  • Guttasil - drops.
There are many products that have a similar effect. But there are even more laxatives among plants.

In addition to the laxative effect, it has the property of inhibiting the growth of salmonella (pathogens of intestinal infection - salmonellosis), as well as stimulating liver function. It is practically not absorbed from the intestines into the blood. It is a white crystalline substance without a distinct odor.

Lactulose is recognized as a safe laxative, so it is allowed to be used by children (including newborns), adults, the elderly, pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Release forms

Lactulose can be purchased in the pharmacy chain in the following forms:
  • tablets 500 mg, 30 pcs. packaged;
  • syrup (Lactulose content in 15 ml - 10 g) in a 15 ml bottle or in a bottle with a volume of 200 to 1000 ml;
  • syrup (Lactulose content in 5 ml – 3.325 g) in a bottle of 200 or 240 ml.

Separately, it is necessary to say about the advantage of Lavacol over enemas and other laxatives, which lies in the complete cleansing of all parts of the intestine from food and feces contained in it. Other medications and, especially, an enema do not give such an effect.

Indications for use

Lavacol is indicated for use in the following conditions:
  • Complete bowel cleansing in preparation for endoscopic (colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, etc.) or X-ray examination (irrigoscopy) of the rectum or colon;
  • Complete bowel cleansing in preparation for surgical interventions on the colon, pelvic organs or anal area;
  • Elimination of constipation in adults.

Lavacol - instructions for use

General rules of application

The drug is approved for use adults and children over 15 years old. For use, the powder from one sachet should be dissolved in 200 ml of boiled or bottled drinking water, and the prepared Lavacol solution should be taken orally, drinking it in small sips to avoid nausea and the gag reflex due to the subjectively unpleasant taste.

Lavacol should be taken no earlier than two hours after the last meal.

Dosage Lavacola is, according to official instructions, standard, and is one full package for an adult or a teenager over 15 years of age. That is, for complete cleansing intestines, you need to drink all 15 sachets from the Lavacol package. However, practical doctors consider it optimal to calculate the dosage of the drug individually based on body weight, based on the ratio of 1 sachet per 4 kg of weight.

That is, if a person weighs 70 kg, then he will need 70/4 = 17.5 sachets to carry out a complete bowel cleansing. However, since the contents of the bags cannot be divided, the calculated amount should be rounded up. This means that a person weighing 70 kg needs to drink a solution made from 18 sachets of powder to completely cleanse the intestines.

In addition, many practitioners, for complete and high-quality cleansing of the intestines with Lavacol, recommend simply drinking not one package of the drug (15 sachets), but 20 sachets, without calculating the individual dosage, if for some reason you do not want to do this.

Before carrying out the colon cleansing procedure, the required number of Lavacol sachets should be placed on the table, and a sufficient amount of water should be prepared to dilute them. To avoid creating confusion, it is recommended to dilute the powder from each sachet separately by pouring it into a glass required amount water.

The entire required amount of Lavacol is taken over several hours, drinking one sachet of solution every 15 to 20 minutes. On average, the entire volume of the solution is drunk within 4 to 5 hours. It is necessary to ensure that the average rate of drinking the solution is 1 liter per hour.

The first bowel movement usually occurs 2 to 4 hours after taking the first dose of the drug. After the start of feces, it is recommended to drink a glass of the solution after each bowel movement, thus finishing the entire required volume of the drug. After the last dose of Lavacol, the stool may pass for another 2-3 hours, so it is recommended to calculate the time of taking the drug so that it occurs while you are at home in comfortable conditions.

Overdose Lavacol is not possible because the drug is not absorbed into the systemic circulation. By accelerating the movement of food masses through the intestines, Lavacol significantly weakens the effects of any medications taken simultaneously with it.

Lavacol for bowel cleansing (before colonoscopy, irrigoscopy, etc.)

The drug must be taken 18–20 hours before the start of the study. The optimal hours for taking Lavacol are from 14.00 to 19.00. You should not start taking the drug later than 18.00 hours, since the entire procedure for cleansing the intestines will take approximately 6 - 8 hours, as a result of which you will have to stay awake until at least 00.00 - 02.00 hours at night. If the study is scheduled for the morning, then eating after 10 p.m. is contraindicated. If the study is scheduled for the afternoon, then you can have dinner with waste-free foods (for example, an egg, weak broth, etc.), and eat nothing in the morning.

Each sachet of Lavacol must be diluted in 200 ml of water and drunk in small sips. You need to drink one glass of solution every 15 minutes in order to take 1 liter of Lavacol within an hour. If you want to eat while cleansing the intestines, then you can take liquid food, for example, weak broths, vegetable decoctions, etc.

Use of the drug as a laxative for constipation

To relieve constipation, it is recommended to dilute 1 sachet of Lavacol powder in 200 ml of water and drink. After 3–5 hours, defecation usually occurs. If, after 7 hours after taking the solution, bowel movement has not occurred, then it is recommended to dilute another 1 sachet of powder in 200 ml of water and drink.

Lavacol can be used occasionally as a laxative; the drug is not recommended for long-term use. The drug as a laxative can only be considered as additional measure against the background of diet therapy, physical activity and other measures aimed at restoring regular bowel movements.

Lavacol for weight loss

People who try to use Lavacol for weight loss, as a rule, want to get rid of excess weight as quickly as possible. However, they do not notice the obvious fact that fat deposits are located between the skin and muscles, and not in the intestines. It will not be possible to lose weight by using Lavacol without following a diet, since the drug will only remove the contents of the intestines and will in no way affect existing fat deposits.

After using Lavacol, weight will decrease by 1.5 - 3 kg, but this will not happen due to the “burning” of fat, but due to the removal of intestinal contents. After 2–3 days, when a person begins to eat and the intestines are filled with contents again, the weight will return to its previous level. Therefore, Lavacol as a drug for weight loss has a very dubious effect.

The only thing this drug can be useful for is cleansing the intestines of accumulated waste or toxins, which will make it easier to enter the diet. The use of Lavacol before starting a diet improves metabolism and enhances the effectiveness of measures aimed at weight loss. However, it should be remembered that Lavacol can be used to cleanse the intestines no more than 2–3 times a year. More frequent use the drug will lead to disruption of microflora, development of dysbacteriosis, colitis, enteritis, chronic constipation, etc.

If a person decides to use Lavacol to cleanse the intestines before entering a diet, then this should be done observing following rules:

The drug has the ability to change the flora of the colon, increasing the number of lactobacilli - bacteria involved in intestinal digestion. It promotes the proliferation of bifidobacteria, which also play an important role in digestion. Thanks to this, stool increases in volume and softens, which promotes soft and painless bowel movements.

Among other things, the drug helps reduce the amount of salmonella (causative agents of intestinal infection - salmonellosis) in the intestines; stimulates liver functions; does not destroy vitamins; not addictive. The effect of the drug occurs quickly, in some cases it can occur within 24 hours.

Release forms

Normaze is available in the form of a clear, colorless syrup; Sometimes the syrup may have a yellowish tint. It contains lactulose and excipients ( lemon acid, water, flavor). 100 g of syrup contains 66.7 g of lactulose. The drug is dispensed in a 200 ml dark glass bottle with a measuring cup.

Instructions for use of Normaze

Indications for use

  • Constipation, especially chronic;
  • postoperative period during operations on the large intestine;
  • hepatic coma, precoma;
  • hepatic encephalopathy;
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • salmonellosis (except for the generalized form);
  • hyperammonemia ( increased content ammonia in the blood).

You can also use chocolate! What a news! Indeed, chocolate contains substances that relax the intestines and cleanse the body. Just to heal and cleanse yourself, you should choose the darkest chocolate you can find in the store.

An excellent laxative is figs. In addition, figs contain a lot useful substances, vitamins and microelements. It contains quite a lot of pectins, which make stool more voluminous and help remove it from the intestines.

Most pediatric doctors in the treatment of constipation use saline laxatives, which prevent the absorption of water into the intestinal walls and thereby increase the volume of feces and pressure on the intestinal walls. Similar drugs include magnesia, lactulose\normase, sodium sulfate. In addition, drugs such as liquid paraffin or Vaseline oil . These laxative medications simply slightly change the consistency of stool, making it more flexible and easier to eliminate.

Among the drugs that have a stimulating effect on nerve endings mucous membrane, most children under ten years of age cannot be used. But there is one exception in the form guttalax picosulfate. It is this remedy that is the last word in pharmaceutical science in this direction. This laxative can be used at most different forms constipation It can also be used in the treatment of those children who have limited mobility. This drug is produced in the form of drops and is prescribed in the following dosages: children under four years of age should take one drop per two kilograms of body weight. Children from four to ten years old should take five to ten drops, and patients from ten years old and above should take ten to twenty drops of this drug.

Can be used in the treatment of childhood constipation and a laxative called bisacodyl. Children from the age of two are allowed to drink it.
In addition, lactulose is a good drug for treating constipation in children.

When you mention these remedies, castor oil comes to mind, and maybe purgen. In fact, the variety of such medicines is very large. Moreover, even many of the food products have similar properties. If you are interested in learning more about this, read this article. Let's talk about food. After all, not everyone wants to tinker with different herbs and ants. The simplest and accessible remedy this kind of action that you can think of is bran. Bran contains a lot of coarse fiber, which pushes your intestines to more active work. Alimentary fiber very useful not only as a similar remedy, but also as an intestinal cleanser.

There are a lot of laxatives available. Some of them will be described below.
Natur-Ker is a powder that is based on components isolated from plants. This remedy is prescribed for chronic constipation, as well as to prevent constipation in various diseases of the large intestine. Take this remedy one teaspoon one to three times a day.

Naturilax is also a laxative in powder form that, when mixed with water, forms a pleasant-tasting carbonated drink.
This remedy is prescribed for chronic constipation, to prevent constipation, and also to prepare for surgical interventions. Take one sachet once every twenty-four hours.

Bisacodyl is a laxative of synthetic origin. It acts on the nerve endings of the intestinal mucosa and provokes rapid evacuation of feces. Long-term use of this drug is permitted; in addition, the drug is approved for use by elderly patients, including those bedridden.

The use of bisacodyl may cause pain in the stomach or intestines. Patients who suffer from hemorrhoids, as well as inflammation of the venous walls of the rectum, are not allowed to use this remedy. The drug is available in the form of tablets and suppositories.
Prescribed in quantities of one to three tablets before bedtime or one to two suppositories. These are dosages for adult patients. For small quantities, the doctor prescribes.

Glycelax is a laxative that has irritant effect on the mucous membrane of the rectum and, thereby, enhancing its peristaltic contractions, which causes the act of defecation. In addition, Glycelax softens stool, facilitating their removal from the rectum to the outside. The drug is used for constipation of various origins, such as senile, habitual, caused by low mobility, etc. Glycelax can be used to relieve constipation in pregnant and lactating women, as well as in infants from the age of three months.

Varieties, composition and release forms

Currently, two varieties of Glycelax are produced - for children and for adults, which differ from each other only in the dosage of the active substance, but otherwise are completely identical. Both children's and adult Glicelax are available in the form of suppositories (suppositories) for rectal administration.

Suppositories for children and adults Glycelax are odorless, torpedo-shaped and painted white with a slight yellowish tint color. Surface layer suppositories may soften slightly, which is not a sign of deterioration of the suppository. In addition, effusion may form on the surface of the suppositories, which is also normal.

As an active component, the composition of adult and children's Glycelax includes polyhydric alcohol glycerol in different dosages. So, adult Glycelax contains 1.5 g of glycerol per candle, and children’s – only 0.75 g. That is, children’s candles contain exactly half of adult dosage active component.

As auxiliary components, both adult and children's Glycelax contain the same following active substances:

  • Distilled monoglycerides;
  • Magnesium carbonate;
  • Polysorbate-80 (Tween-80);
  • Solid fat (Witepsol W35).
Both children's and adult Glicelax are available in packs of 10 pieces.

How does Glycelax work?

Glycerol, which is part of the Glycelax suppositories as an active component, enters the rectum and has an irritating effect on its mucous membrane. Due to irritation, the rectum begins to reflexively contract intensively, which promotes the movement of feces to the anus. When a sufficient amount of feces has collected in the ampulla of the rectum, the urge to defecate occurs, and the person successfully gets rid of feces.

In addition, glycerol softens and, as it were, lubricates the surface of feces, which facilitates their removal, making the act of defecation not too uncomfortable and less painful.

Indications for use

Children's and adult Glicelax are indicated for use for the same following conditions:
1. Constipation of any origin (including those caused by senile intestinal atony);
2. Defecation disorder in children from three months;
3. Prevention of constipation and softening of stool in people who are contraindicated to strain during bowel movements:
  • Anorectal stenosis (narrowing of the anal sphincter and rectum);
  • Painful thrombosed hemorrhoids;
  • Perianal abscess;
  • Condition after a heart attack;
  • Condition after childbirth;
  • Before and after rectal surgery;
  • Before examining the rectum (colonoscopy, rectomanoscopy, irrigoscopy, etc.).
The only difference in the indications for the use of Glicelax for children and adults is that some suppositories are used for children under 12 years of age, and the second for adolescents over 12 years of age and adults. But at the same time, both children's and adult suppositories are used for the same conditions.

Glycelax - instructions for use

How to use Glycelax for children and adults?

Glycelax for children and adults is used according to the same rules. Just children's candles are used for children under 12 years old, and adults - for adults and teenagers over 12 years old. Accordingly, if the child has not reached the age of 12, then Glycelax children’s suppositories with a dosage of 0.75 g should be chosen for him. we're talking about about an adult or teenager over 12 years old, then they need to use adult suppositories with a dosage of 1.5 g.

Suppositories in the required dosage (for children or adults) should be administered one at a time into the rectum. It is optimal to administer suppositories 15–20 minutes after breakfast, but if this is impossible for some reason, then Glicelax can be used at any time of the day. It is recommended to use only one candle during the day. But if we are talking about senile constipation or situations in which a person cannot push, then two suppositories can be inserted into the rectum within one day. In this case, two suppositories are not administered simultaneously, but with an interval of at least two hours between administrations.

After administration of the suppository, defecation occurs within approximately 15 minutes to 2 hours. Accordingly, during this period of time after using Glicelax, you must be prepared to visit the toilet.

Glycelax suppositories for children and adults can be used without interruption for seven days. It is not recommended to use suppositories for more than a week, as they may interfere with physiological process defecation.

Accordingly, for constipation, Glycelax suppositories are recommended to be used only occasionally, when there is a need to empty the intestines of feces, and other, more physiological methods (for example, eating dried apricots and prunes, taking lactulose syrup, etc.) do not help. And in conditions in which you cannot push, stop using suppositories as soon as intestinal motility normalizes.

Before and after inserting the suppository into the rectum, be sure to wash your hands with soap. To administer you must take comfortable position(for example, squatting, standing on your elbows and knees, etc.), then release the suppository from the package and index finger gently push it deep into the rectum. To make it easier to push the suppository through the anal sphincter muscles, it is necessary to push very hard at the moment of insertion, as if trying to poop.

Suppositories should not be lubricated with liquid or solid mineral oils in an attempt to facilitate their administration. Glycelax suppositories have a fairly smooth and sliding surface, so their insertion is not difficult and does not cause pain.

Children can be given whole baby suppositories without cutting them into pieces, since they contain required dosage glycerol, and the size of the suppositories is small, as a result of which pushing them into the rectum will not cause discomfort in the child. But if parents are afraid that the candle is too big for the child, then you can cut it lengthwise into 2 - 3 parts. Then press the edges of the pieces with your fingers so that they do not injure the skin. anus, and insert them into the rectum. If the suppository was cut into several parts, then, as a rule, only one piece is inserted into the intestine. However, if it is assumed that a piece of a suppository is not enough to provide a laxative effect, then you can introduce all the parts into which the suppository was cut, one by one.

Adults in whom the administration of a suppository causes discomfort, they can also cut them into 2 - 3 pieces, and then insert them one by one into the rectum one after another.

Croton oil is a laxative. Oil is extracted from croton seeds, which are subjected to extraction. The seeds contain quite a lot of oil - up to sixty percent.

Croton is a small tree belonging to the Euphorbiaceae family. Sometimes croton forms in the form of a bush. The foliage of this plant is long, with sharply cut edges. Blooms with raceme inflorescences. After flowering it produces capsule fruits with three seeds. Croton grows only in the countries of Southeast Asia.
The main components of this croton oil are linoleic, oleic and myristic acid. But the laxative effect of croton oil due to the presence of certain forms carbolic acid, acetic acid, tiglinic and crotonic acid. There is a little in this oil toxic resins.

There are herbal preparations that can be both medicine and poison at the same time. Croton laxative oil also belongs to such drugs. This is a very strong substance that can be taken orally in just one or two drops. If you drink more of this drug, it provokes catarrh digestive organs and vomiting. But exceeding the dosage ten times causes death. It is forbidden to smear croton oil on the surface of the skin, as it leaves serious burns and blisters.

In places where croton grows, juice from its greens is used to treat bites of poisonous reptiles, for mass fishing, and for processing arrowheads that are used for hunting wild animals.

Bleeding, pregnant women and those suffering from hemorrhoids. The effect of this remedy appears after eight hours.

Buckthorn The laxative acts as a chemical irritant to the intestinal receptors. Buckthorn fruits or bark are used. This product is not very good strong action and it very well eases the bowels in case of chronic constipation. A decoction is prepared from the fruits of buckthorn, which is taken before bed.

Wheatgrass rhizomes also have a similar effect. Infusions and decoctions are prepared from wheatgrass roots. It should be prepared in the proportion of one part of raw material to ten parts of water. Wheatgrass can also be used as one of the components of a laxative collection.

Rhubarb also has these qualities. The interesting thing is that if you use rhubarb in small dosages, it has a strengthening effect.

There are three types of laxatives based on the method of action on the body. The first group includes agents that chemically act on the nerve endings of the inner lining of the digestive organs. Such means include buckthorn bark, hay, rhubarb. It is to this group that the castor oil, and there are also medications that act in a similar way. These are medicines based on isafenin or phenolphthalein.

The second group of laxatives includes drugs that mechanically affect the same nerve endings. They influence due to the fact that the amount of feces increases and they become liquid. Such drugs include magnesia, agar-agar, sorbitol, mannitol and xylitol. Some of these drugs temporarily suppress the absorption abilities of the intestinal walls, which causes an increase in the amount of feces due to water. The amount of feces increases, and intestinal motor function increases.

The third group acts directly on the quality of feces. They become softer, so their removal from the body is easier. Natural laxatives based on vegetable oils: olive, Vaseline or almond.

It must be said that the fastest and most effective laxatives are those that prevent the absorption of fluid in the intestinal walls. Such remedies work in a matter of minutes. But they also have a stronger influence on general state body and digestive tract.

Did you know that every fifth inhabitant of our planet is familiar with chronic constipation? This is a very serious number. Most often, women aged “a little over forty” and older, old people, as well as people leading a sedentary lifestyle turn to doctors about this ailment. It must be said that among the residents rural areas patients with similar diagnoses almost not. Apparently it's all to blame wrong mode nutrition and motor activity. One way or another, the most radical method the treatment of constipation is the use similar drugs. All such drugs differ in the mechanism of action on the digestive organs, as well as in which specific parts of the digestive tract they affect.

Senade is a medicinal product of plant origin. Senade is available in tablets and has a laxative effect produced by stimulating intestinal peristaltic activity. This remedy can be used for various diseases accompanied by stool disorders. In order for the use of the drug to give best result, you need to know how and after how long Senade works.

How does Senade work?

The laxative effect of the medicine is due to the main component contained in its composition, Senna aquifolia extract. The plant contains the active ingredients sennozioid salts A, B, which selectively act on the receptors of the mucous membrane of the large intestine. This causes the intestinal smooth muscles to be stimulated, increasing the frequency of contractions. Thanks to this, the contents are removed carefully, the natural consistency of the stool is normalized, without turning going to the toilet into a long pastime.

There is no addiction to this drug, since it does not disrupt the natural peristalsis of the digestive tract, but only gently corrects it. Thanks to this, the use of the medicine is possible for a long time and does not entail such consequences as disruption of digestion or absorption of nutrients.

The time for the Senade tablet to take effect after taking it is approximately 6 to 8 hours. It is permissible to take the medicine at night before going to bed, and in the morning the intestines will empty in a normal way. If your body has any peculiarities, you will find out how long it takes for Senade to work when the urge to defecate begins.

If you need to reduce the waiting time for the pill to take effect, a couple of glasses will come to your aid warm water With Not big amount salt. In this case, the expected result will be possible within 4-5 hours.

Is it possible to drink Senade for weight loss?

To date, the myth about the use of laxatives for weight loss has not yet been completely dispelled. Pharmaceutical companies willingly feed these rumors to people who are ignorant of physiology and do not understand the processes of digestion.

Girls are attracted primarily by the effect, thanks to which it is supposedly possible to lose up to several kilograms per day. Unfortunately, few people think about what exactly is included in these very lost kilograms.

Firstly, sudden weight loss is explained by the removal of large amounts of feces from the body. Secondly, together with feces a huge amount of fluid and electrolytes is also excreted, which is already fraught with serious health problems with long-term use of the medicine. In this mode, with normal operation digestive tract, the use of the drug is possible for up to two days. It is hardly worth abusing the laxative effect in order to quickly lose weight.

Laxative contraindications

Senade, like any other medicine, has contraindications. Usually they are caused by those conditions of the human body in which increased intestinal motility is extremely undesirable. Oh, you can read it in our new article.

Such contraindications may be postoperative conditions, diseases of the abdominal cavity, accompanied by inflammation and pain, of unknown origin, internal bleeding, and others. WITH full list Contraindications, side effects and interactions of tablets with other drugs can be found in the instructions included with the tablets, or by consulting your doctor.

The medicine is available in pharmacies without a prescription, but even knowing exactly how and how long Senade works, you must understand that responsibility for your health lies with you, avoiding situations that could lead to a deterioration in your health.

Constipation is expressed by such unpleasant symptoms as incomplete defecation, flatulence, loss of appetite, belching, bad taste in the mouth, headaches or muscle pain, sleep disorders, general nervousness. Spoils and appearance skin that takes on a yellowish tint.

What remedies exist for constipation in adults and how to make laxatives as safe as possible for health? The list of such funds is quite extensive. Laxatives for constipation are produced in the form of laxative powders, tablets, capsules, and suppositories. Laxative syrup is also especially popular.

What types of irritating laxatives are there and how long does it take for them to start working?

Many irritating and strong laxatives contain components of plant origin: senna leaves, Castor oil, rhubarb and others. But among them there are also synthetic ones. The action of irritants is aimed at influencing the irritating receptors of the intestine, stimulating peristalsis to speed up the movement of feces in it. Evacuation occurs no later than ten hours.

Phytomucil – herbal preparation, considered the best laxative containing plum, plantain. The action is aimed at attracting fluid and increasing volume, as a result of which feces soften and come out. Indicated for constipation, hemorrhoids, overweight. Available in powder form, the dosage is indicated in the instructions.

Bisacodyl is a modern laxative of synthetic origin. A good laxative with a very fast effect - no longer than 8 hours. Prescribed in cases where rapid emptying is required - before surgery, childbirth, as best option cleansing. Also indicated for constipation and intestinal atony. You need to drink it at night.

Irritating laxatives also include: Laxigal, Slabikal, Slabilen, glycerin and Glycelax suppositories, Bisad, Laxbene, Regulax, Senade and others.

Osmotic laxatives are based on the ability to retain water and soften feces. An increase in stool volume leads to increased pressure inside the intestine, resulting in an increase in water flow. Liberation occurs softly and easily.

Fortrans is a remedy for constipation that acts quickly and effectively. It is often prescribed before surgical treatment or before starting radiographic or endoscopic examinations intestines. This laxative is not absorbed into the blood and does not accumulate in the intestine. It is usually not prescribed to older people or heart patients. Fortrans is produced in powder form, one packet is diluted per liter of water.

Carlsbad salt is a medicine for constipation in adults. Laxative drinks containing this salt should be consumed strictly according to the instructions in order to avoid harmful consequences for yourself. Carlsbad salt is prescribed for constipation to stimulate digestion and to restore water electrolyte balance.

Other osmotic drugs: Macrogol, Microlax, magnesia and a number of others.

Prebiotics are types of laxatives whose action is based on the fact that they are not absorbed in the upper gastrointestinal tract and go down unchanged. These medications for constipation promote the development of beneficial microorganisms in the intestines, so they can rightfully be classified as the best laxatives. Prebiotics, like osmotic drugs for constipation, attract additional fluid into the intestinal sections, and the resulting acidic environment strengthens the muscles and intestinal motility.

Duphalac - has the safest and simplest effect, allows you to completely get rid of constipation if you use it for no more than one course. Active substance- laxative lactulose - contained in syrup.

Normaze is approved for use even by pregnant women and children. Suitable for those who doubt which laxatives to choose with the best and safest effect.

Contraindications for of this medicine Available only for diabetics as it comes in the form sugar syrup, and for those who have intestinal obstruction. In addition to those listed, the class of prebiotics includes: Lactitol, Goodluck, Poslabin Lactulose.

Natural laxatives usually contain herbal ingredients. Their action is based on the fact that when they swell, they stretch the intestinal walls and stimulate contractility; defecation occurs due to the strengthening of reflex receptors. The plant components contained in the preparations are not absorbed, but accumulate liquid.

Fitolax - in tablets or dragees. Contraindications – only during pregnancy or breastfeeding. It contains apricot pulp, senna leaves and extract, plantain and dill seed. Number of applications - two weeks course. Take phytolax only at night.

Senade – natural preparation containing senna leaves. How long does it take for a laxative to work: the result is achieved after 8, maximum 10 hours. Long-term use Laxatives containing senna are not recommended because the intestines get used to them and become lazy, waiting for an additional portion. As a result, we have to relax more and more this drug. You should not take senade if you have cystitis, inflammation, internal cavity bleeding, or intestinal obstruction. In addition to ready-made dosage forms, you can prepare laxatives at home. The list of such funds is quite extensive. Let's list some of them.

Sodium sulfate, or Glauber's salt, has an irritating effect on the receptors of the intestines and stomach, improving their motility and digestive function. Salt is available in powder form. In addition to osmotic pressure on the intestines, it promotes the formation of bile and the removal of waste products. Sodium sulfate should be dissolved in large quantities water and add to food with sufficient liquid. Duration of action is maximum 14 hours.

Glycelax is very effective candles, shown for both adults and children. This remedy cannot be used for a long time, but in the form emergency assistance– very effective. Glycelax begins to work quickly; in children, defecation occurs literally immediately.

Using dietary supplements for constipation

As alternative means constipation can be called a whole range of biological active additives- Dietary supplements. Let's list the most effective of them. Fitolax, which was mentioned above, refers specifically to dietary supplements, since it contains only natural ingredients from fruit fiber and plants.

Mumiyo is a substance known since ancient times that is used for many diseases, including in the fight against difficult bowel movements. Mumiyo restores metabolism, as a result of which intestinal function is normalized. You should drink it diluted (2 grams per liter of water) and only on an empty stomach, with an additional volume of liquid.

Laminaria is a natural seaweed. Available in tablets and syrup. It's so effective remedy how useful a natural product can be. Seaweed contains a lot of essential microelements.

Once inside the intestines, kelp swells, softens stool and promotes its excretion. In addition, this algae improves immunity, so reviews of the use of this biological additive only positive ones, with the exception only for those who have individual intolerance.

This is a very cheap and safe product that can solve a lot of health problems. Based on kelp, the drugs Mamoklam, Phytotransit and others are produced. The category of dietary supplements includes various laxative herbal mixtures, licorice root powder, rhubarb root in the form of tablets, syrups and extracts.

In addition to medications, the best laxatives are vegetables, salads with beets, olive and sunflower oil. Among vegetables that have a laxative effect, the entire pumpkin family stands out - zucchini, cucumbers, pumpkin, melon. Don’t forget about flax seeds, which can be added to food and made into decoctions.

As a fruit, figs are a very good laxative - if you eat them on an empty stomach or drink a decoction from them throughout the day.

A glass of kefir at night is also a very effective method of relieving constipation.

In addition, for normal peristalsis it is necessary to move more and eat foods that have a laxative effect. Even if you drink a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach or in the evening before bed, you can already achieve some progress in treating constipation. Separately, it is worth mentioning the compatibility of laxatives with alcohol.

Alcohol itself has a depressant effect on digestive system. It causes irritation in some people and immediately after consumption alcoholic drinks appears frequent stool, but after some time, on the contrary, difficult emptying occurs. Also, do not forget that alcohol does not go well with many medicines, which must be indicated in the instructions. As a result of gastrointestinal collapse, complications such as intoxication, liver damage, chronic constipation and many other, no less serious consequences.