The most expensive cat is the domestic leopard. The Bengal cat is the leopard in your home. Care and health of the domestic Bengal cat

No photo or verbal description of the Bengal cat breed will give that thrill the delight that one will experience when seeing these graceful animals for the first time. Some of them resemble a miniature leopard, others - a snow leopard. One can only wonder how they managed to create these living copies of wild relatives, tame them and adapt them to life with people.

The Bengal cat has gone through a long selection process. Among its ancestors is the wild leopard cat from Malaysia, to which Bengals owe their luxurious coat, dotted with the pattern characteristic of leopards. Rosettes, spots and stripes dark color from the classical bengal breed stand out in contrast against the shining amber-yellow, reddish, beige-brown main background. A lean, elongated body, like a compressed spring, is in full readiness for rapid running and dizzying high jumps. The flexible striped tail with a black tip expresses emotions and is constantly in an intricate dance. Slightly slanted oval eyes closely monitor what is happening.

Sounds too much like a description of a wild animal? This is the attractiveness of Bengals - they combine the external features of predatory cats and the character of domestic cats. The Bengal cat is playful, curious, friendly, and delicate. The aggressiveness attributed to her is nothing more than a myth.

All that remains in behavior from wild ancestors is some independence, an instant reaction to a moving object, a desire to climb higher for good sleep. However, it is recommended from infancy to accustom the cat to closer communication, pick it up more often, sit it on your lap, and teach it to accept affection. You need to try, but the more valuable the affection of a freedom-loving animal will be. Once established, it will surpass the devotion of domestic cats of other breeds.

The results of this upbringing convincingly refute the statements of ignorant people about the wild nature of Bengals. Evidence of this is numerous photos of Bengal cats, completely indifferent to what their owners do with them, showing them to the public, judges in rings and exhibitions.

Description of breed and character notes the relationship between natural curiosity bengal cat and her ability to learn. “Domestic leopards” are quite easy to train. It is not difficult for them to carry out the commands “catch”, “come to me”, and they also quickly get used to walking on a leash with a harness.

A developed hunting instinct quickly manifests itself if there are mice in the house. A Bengal will not miss an opportunity to catch a rodent, “show off” its prey to its owner, but will not eat it. The same applies to small birds; it is better if you do not have winged pets. The Bengal breed treats other pets calmly, maintaining neutrality.

Breed standard

The Bengal cat has harmonious proportions, which are clearly visible under short hair. These are quite large animals, reaching a weight of up to 7 kg.
Bengals were first introduced to the world as an established breed with stable characteristics in 1991. At the same time, a standard was adopted defining the main conditions:

The body is muscular, stretched, graceful.
The head corresponds to the size of the body, not too big.
The muzzle is slightly elongated, expressive, with clearly defined whisker pads, high cheekbones, a visible transition from the forehead to the nose.
The jaws tend to be square, which is especially noticeable when yawning.
The chin and neck are powerful.
The paws are large and rounded.
The hind legs are longer than the front ones.
Oval eyes are widely spaced, their color can vary, except for light blue.
The medium-sized ears are slightly rounded and tilt forward.
The tail is medium and longer, with a rounded dark tip, always striped.
The coat is short, smooth, silky, with a characteristic shine. Glitter is distinguishing characteristic a breed rare in the cat world.

The quality of the fur is close to that of valuable varieties, comparable, for example, to mink. In combination with the pattern of the fur coat, this almost led to the complete extermination of the ancestors of the Bengal cat.

Types of colors and patterns of the breed

The standard specifies the possible color of a cat:

Brown includes all shades of this range, from light, almost yellow to dark. This is the most common type of color. Eyes can be golden or green.
Seal Lynx, also known as snow, is a silver colorpoint color. It looks very impressive in contrast with the spots on the skin and the eyes of a pure intense blue color.
A very rare blue color is characterized by a gray-blue background, the fur on the chest has a transition to a peach shade.


Beautiful, strong animals that combine best qualities wild and domestic cats. Mostly they were bred artificially– through genetic engineering or artificial selection. However, cat breeds similar to the leopard have impeccable health and high life expectancy. This huge variety is completely domestic and semi wild cats, large and medium-sized, long-haired and short-haired. To the most popular cats The following breeds are similar in appearance to leopards:

At the same time, the Arabian Mau has a dual appearance: despite the characteristic “leopard spots,” the animal still looks more like a snow leopard. Let us recall that cats that look like a leopard were bred artificially. So the savannah is the result of crossing a wild serval and domestic cat. This is a large, beautiful and graceful animal, which at one time became the center of a big scandal. At the end of the last century in the United States they announced the breeding of a new breed of cat, incredibly similar to a leopard and, of course, incredibly expensive - the Asher. However, the result of the DNA test showed that Ashera is none other than a cross between a savannah and a domestic cat. This is a fictitious breed, which makes no sense to talk about.

Interestingly, the Bengal cat was bred in a manner similar to the method of breeding the Savannah cat. The breeding was made possible by crossing a wild Bengal cat with a domestic cat. The result is an incredibly beautiful animal that is gaining incredible popularity in Russia, despite the high cost of kittens. Please note: the high cost of Bengal kittens automatically generates great amount scammers in the market. Buying a kitten without documents can immediately be equated to a waste of money: the characteristic appearance may turn out to be an accident, the physical qualities of the cat, its health and behavior may not differ in any way from the characteristics of an ordinary yard cat.

We also note that servals and ocelots are often classified as cats that look like leopards. They are considered rightful, but there is only one BUT: these are wild predators that cannot be fully kept at home. Firstly, because they are large in size and have pronounced predatory instincts. Secondly, because these animals often show aggression towards humans and other pets. Thirdly, because in any case, a wild cat still remains wild and feels comfortable in a city apartment or country house she won't.

Accordingly, the proposal to buy an ocelot or serval kitten is on the verge of fantasy - you can have anyone at home, even a lion or an elephant. But will you be able to cope with this animal, will it be comfortable to live with you? Most likely no. Try to look out for registered leopard-like cat breeds, especially if you are a breeder. These animals are always relevant and incredibly popular in Russia. Yes, they require special care. Yes, they are difficult to reproduce, and paperwork often takes a lot of time. However, the purity of the breed, the bright, specific features of the animal are always worth the effort spent on breeding it. Please also pay attention to the most common “leopard” breeds in Russia - the Bengal cat and the savannah. But Kanaani and Serengeti on this moment have not received proper distribution, despite their wide relevance among domestic breeders.

Wild cats: Leopard cat (Prionailurus felis) January 31st, 2013

Let me remind you which wild cats we have already discussed:

The Asian leopard weighs about 10 pounds and is very wild and untamable. This species lives in the forests of South Asia, ranging from India, China, Korea, all the way to the Russian Far East. It is also found on many islands such as Taiwan, the Philippines, Borneo, Java, Bali and Sumatra. The Asian leopard, better known as the leopard cat, is covered in spots like a normal leopard. The Chinese called it "coin cat" because the spots resembled ancient Chinese coins; was also known as the Chinese cat, Ellota cat, Javan cat and Wagati cat, but it is now established that all these names belong to the same species.

There are about 10 subspecies of leopard cat, with significant differences in colors and markings. The name of the species comes from the name of the Bengal River in India, where these cats were first observed by Europeans.

Those leopard cats that live in warm, humid climate, darker in color: from yellow-ocher to brown. As we move north, we see the appearance of large red-brown spots on a yellowish-gray background. The so-called “borean” individuals have distinct rosettes and large round spots with a light center.

All varieties have a spotted or looped tail, and the tip of the tail is black. The belly, chest, and inner surface of the legs are white or cream. Two whitish stripes extend from the outer corners of the eyes. Usually there are four stripes running from the forehead to the neck along the top of the head. These stripes break into oblong spots on the neck and shoulder blades. Round ears have bright spot on the posterior surface, characteristic of most species of wild cats.

There have, of course, been many instances of wild Asian leopards and domestic cats mating throughout history. The first recorded mating was in the USA. The breeder was Jane Sugden from Yuma, Arizona. She bought an Asian leopard in the late fifties of the last century, when they were still sold in local pet stores. In 1963, she crossed a female Asian leopard with a regular black smooth-haired cat. The spotted daughter resembled her father, but produced more spotted and larger offspring. The breeding program was stopped when Miss Sugden became a widow.

Subsequent crosses were made by such breeders as Bill Engle, Pat Warren, Douglas Engler, Virginia English and many others. It is true that there are no longer any fixed offspring from these early crosses.

In the late seventies, Dr. Willard Centervall, a pediatrician and geneticist at the University of California, began his research on Asian leopards because they showed immunity to feline leukemia. Dr. Centerwall gave eight cats from a litter of an Asian leopard and a common house cat to Jane Sugden Mill (who had by then remarried).

In 1983, Mill registered these cats in International Association Cats, MAC, as offspring from a brown spotted cat. Another wild cat, bright red in color with dark brown rosettes, was sent to Miss Mill by a pet store in Delhi to start new program on breeding Bengals.

The Bengal Leopard cat was first exhibited at a general cat show in 1985 as a sample of a new breed. The public reaction was stunning. A whole crowd gathered around the new beautiful creature.

Other breeders established new crosses and registered new pedigrees with MAK. To Dr. Craig Kent, crossing throughout for long years Leopard cat, managed to cross a female Egyptian Mau and her leopard cat. Another breeder who achieved the most significant breeding achievements was Ethel Houser.

On currently The leopard cat is used in various breeding programs. the main objective which consists in creating genes that previously did not exist. Because the species is endangered, imports of Asian leopards are restricted. Anyone keeping one of these feral cats is required to be licensed and subject to strict controls.

Bengals are big cats; males weigh 15-22 pounds, cats weigh less: 10-12 pounds. The head is rough, the eyes are of medium size, the long body is very muscular and looks like wild ancestors, the legs are powerful, the front legs are shorter than the hind legs, so the animal’s croup is somewhat raised. The tail is thick, of medium length, carried downwards. The skin of Bengals is spotted, the location of the spots is preferably uniform or horizontal. The size of the spots varies, but large, uniform, clear spots are preferred. Sometimes there are “rosettes”, each of which is a lighter circle outlined by a darker outer ring. “Rosettes are characteristic of jaguars and leopards (But of different types: in the leopard - solid, in the jaguar - from petals with a center). The fur of Bengals has a wonderful texture: it is short, dense, plush, exceptionally soft, and shines like satin. Bengals highest quality have golden tipping (that is, golden veiling). Some Bengals have a cooler, silvery tipping, like the Egyptian Mau and other domestic cats, which results in a less distinct pattern. The weaker the tipping, the clearer the contrast. There are three main groups of Bengals: leopard leopard, snow leopard, and marbled leopard. Bengals are cats of strong build, powerful, especially males. They give a stunning impression of a wild animal. First of all, because of the developed pads under the mustache, the set of the eyes and the dark rims around them. The fuzzy white spots found on the back of the ears in Bengals are known as ocelli (corresponding to the agouti's tumb marks).

Bengals have a very trusting character, even more so than other breeds. During the selection and development of the breed, only very balanced and trusting cats were used to continue the breed. Wild, timid, and aggressive individuals were excluded from selection; as a result, Bengals developed an exceptionally pleasant and sociable character. Bengals have retained the natural intelligence and cunning given to them by their ancestors. Often during play they develop wild instincts. They have an unusual love for water, often jumping straight into the bath. They can use their front paws to pick up and carry objects. Their intelligence is fascinating when they bring their toys, snatch them and imitate hunting. Bengals are very sociable, love children and become trusting after just a few generations from their wild ancestor. They are not aggressive, but secretive and self-confident. Bengals are not talkative, but sometimes they “talk” with their owner. At the same time, the sounds of their voices are absolutely wild. They get along well with children and other pets. Since they are not timid, but they are difficult to subdue. Timid and more nervous breeds are more touchy because they are more dependent. Bengal will simply leave if he feels more strong personality. Of course, those Bengals that are close to their wild ancestors, such as the first and second hybrid generations, exhibit character traits that reflect their wild origins. They are more timid, excitable and pugnacious. These should not be kept around small children, and you should be very careful and friendly with them. These cats are often very attached to one person, usually the one who feeds them.

The Federation of European Cat Fanciers has compiled a rating of the most desirable representatives of these animals. List of the most popular breeds almost unchanged: the top five are Persians, Siamese, Sphynxes, Devon Rexes, exotics. But there have been changes in the Top 3, all three cats that took the first three places are very similar to little leopards.

This is because they were crossed with the closest relatives of these amazingly beautiful wild cats. Introducing the top three. All these breeds were bred in the USA.

The most expensive is called Asherah

The Asher breed is recognized as the most expensive and desirable breed in the world. Sometimes they are also called mini-leopards. These wonderful cats were bred in 2006 by scientists from the biotechnology company Lifestyle Pets based on the genes of the African serval, Asian leopard cat and an ordinary domestic tabby (mongrel) cat. The Leopard Ashera weighs up to 14 kg and reaches a meter in length.

As the owners of outlandish mini-leopards assure, although the Ashera is a formidable beast in appearance - powerful paws and a bestial grin, in fact it is an ideal and peace-loving pet.

According to his habits, Asher is like ordinary cat. She is unpretentious in care, not aggressive, loves to sleep and eat delicious food, and play with children. Plus, Ashers are the only representatives of cats that can be led along the streets on a leash like dogs.

Despite the fact that an Asher kitten is quite expensive (the price for the simplest one is from $22,000 to $27,000), it is not easy to buy one. Those wishing to adopt this amazing cat must sign up for a year in advance - the company does not raise more than 100 cats per year. In addition, you still need to pay a deposit of $6,000.

Today there are four varieties of the breed - regular Ashera, snow (almost white), hypoallergenic and royal. The latter is different from regular topic that the spots on her caramel-colored skin are not black, but orange. It is the royal Asherah that can safely be called the most rare cat in the world. No more than four such kittens are received per year. This mini leopard starts at $125,000.

The largest is savannah

The Savannah is also very expensive, but besides this, it is the largest and of all the hybrids most similar to a natural wild cat. In Russia, according to data for 2011, there is not a single savannah kitten, and the closest such animal to us lives in Riga. The price for this beauty starts from $4000, and for a breeding one - from $8000.

Savannah - the fruit of love wild cat serval and ordinary domestic cat. This cat looks like dad - large, long-legged, long-necked, with huge ears.

You can't do anything near the savannah sudden movements- she has very strong hunting instincts and the animal will instantly rush at the flashing object. At the same time, he has no anger or aggression - only automatism and reflexes.

Experts are still working on this young and not yet completely domesticated breed, which also affects the cost of kittens: the price for a Savannah starts from $4,000 to $10,000.

Bengal cat

If previous mini-leopards have not yet acquired famous fans, then the Bengal has already won hearts like Hollywood stars, so richest people planets.

Recently, the Sultan of Brunei and actor Kevin Bacon became the owners of super-elite Bengal kittens. The joy of owning a rare kitten cost them $145,000. But if they wanted to buy the main sire of the California cattery Almaden, Zeus, they would have to fork out another $200,000.

For comparison: an ordinary kitten of this breed costs from $800 to $3000. This breed is very capricious and requires special care.

The Bengal cat also looks like a small leopard or jaguar. Moreover, this breed began to be bred back in the 60s, by crossing simple outbred tabby cats with wild leopard cats. But normal, that is, domesticated offspring, were obtained only about fifteen years ago.

There are also Bengal cats in Russia; the best ones can be found in the Samara cattery. You can buy a simple kitten here for up to $1,500, and one that looks like the pet of the Sultan of Brunei - up to $4,500.

Cat lovers constantly look at photos of these cute animals on the Internet. There are a huge number of cat breeds. Leopard Bengal kittens have the most unusual color. We will talk about them in this article. You will learn about the origin of the breed and its care.

Where do Bengal kittens come from?

This one is unique the breed was bred artificially. It is a hybrid of a wild leopard cat and a domestic cat. The first crossing was carried out in the USA back in 1963.

What does a Bengal cat look like?

Most often, cats of this breed are large in size. The body length is from half a meter to 80 cm and an additional tail is about 30 cm. The weight of males and females varies. The female weighs 3–5 kg, the male – 6–8 kg. The tail has the shape of a cone, the tip is rounded. The head of such cats is relatively small relative to the entire body and has a wedge-shaped shape. Representatives of this breed are very similar to wild cats, this is due and sufficient wide nose. The ears are not very large, they are wide at the base and rounded at the top.

Kittens have a variety of eye colors, including emerald, brown, soft olive and even yellow. The eye shape is almond or oval. Unlike representatives of other breeds Bengal cats amaze with their intelligent look. Even if you look at photos of Bengal cats, it seems that their gaze is human.

The difference between Bengal domestic leopards and representatives of other breeds:

  • Leopard color.
  • The predator's habits are graceful and flexible.
  • Love for water procedures.

Unlike all cat breeds, the leopard kitten surprises with its unique color. This is, one might say, a miniature leopard.

Bengal kitten and its color

If you study photos of several Bengal cats, it becomes clear that different animals have different hair.

The base coat color is most often brown (brown tabby) or silver (silver tabby). From such a unit they distinguish 6 main types of Bengal kitten colors.

  1. Silver tabby marbled
  2. Silver tabby spotted
  3. Silver rosette tabby
  4. Brown tabby marble
  5. Brown tabby spotted
  6. Brown tabby rosette

If you decide to take little kitten Bengal, do not worry that the coat color and spots are faded and unclear. This feature is provided by wildlife for camouflage. A Bengal kitten develops this color, called phasing, from approximately 1 month to 4 months of age. As the baby grows into a teenager, the color will become more intense.

Bengal cat

How to care for a Bengal cat?

Many people think that once the price for such an unusual window is very high, then care will be very difficult and expensive. This is wrong. Bengal cats are quite unpretentious.

If you got an animal only for your own pleasure, and not for the sake of big awards and showing off at exhibitions, then the effort You don’t have to do anything special to care for a kitten.. Bengal kittens are quite clean animals. They are not scared water procedures, so bathing will be a joy for the cat.

You should periodically comb the animal and clean its ears. During periods of shedding, you will have to use the brush more often.

The Bengal cat loves to walk, the call of distant wild ancestors makes itself felt. How can take your cat out more often Fresh air so that he can walk around to his heart's content. Cats of this breed have difficulty withstanding confined spaces and loneliness. If the owners are away from home for a long time, the kitten will be bored.

It is recommended to feed Bengal cats specialized food(liquid or dry) depending on the age of the pets. In no case do not give your kitten homemade food from your desk. Ready food very convenient to use, it will not take you much time like preparing special food yourself. When using dry food, the animal must receive a large number of water.

Don’t worry that your Bengal kitten will get sick; most often this breed does not have any health problems. In leopard bengals good immunity . They can't even get feline leukemia. This excellent health genetically laid down and passed on from their wild ancestor - the Asian leopard cat.

Bengal kitten price

You can find out the price of cats of this breed in any nursery that breeds them. The cost of the animal may scare off cat lovers. But such a price will pay off with that joy, which you will experience when raising this leopard miracle.

The average price in our country varies from 30,000 rubles to 100,000 rubles.

Don’t get carried away by looking at photos of Bengal cats, best buy this animal, please yourself and your loved ones. The leopard kitten will repay your care with its love.