Which blood group is the most seasoned and strong? What is the rarest blood type in humans and why. Rh factor of the rarest blood group

Over the long history of its existence, humanity has been forced to adapt to the changing conditions of the earthly world. The person himself and his biochemical properties changed. IN modern world It is known that people's blood does not have the same Rh factor and group affiliation. The rarest of them is described in the article.

What is blood anyway? rare blood– which one is this? Blood is a special mobile tissue in a liquid state that connects the entire set of internal fluids, that is, it is plasma, and it contains cells, red blood cells. Each blood has its characteristics, including immunity.

Human bodies have different working resources, plasma has its own needs. The blood indicator is the Rh factor, that is, a special protein on the surface of red blood cells called erythrocytes. Rhesus is divided into positive with a sign (Rh(+)) and negative with a sign (Rh(–)).

Various processes can occur in the body; our most precious biological fluid reacts to each of them. The reaction is reflected in the results of human blood tests. Based on research and scientific data, tables are compiled so that people can compare their ideas with accurate information.

The tables contain symbols indicating the groups: I(0), II(A), III(B), IV(AB). Among the indicators there are rare ones, there is data on prevalence, each line provides certain knowledge.

The most common group in the world is the first; almost half of the inhabitants of planet Earth have such blood. Most Europeans are carriers of the second group, the third group is small, found in only 13% of earthlings.

The rarest in the world is the fourth. There are quite a lot of people with the first blood group with a negative Rh factor, for some reason the fourth Rh negative blood group is considered rare. The first two groups are recognized as the most common, the third is less common, but the rarest is the fourth negative. Of all the varieties, it has become the most rare species, the most mysterious. A small number of earthly inhabitants were lucky enough to become owners of the fourth group. So this is the rarest group blood in people.
A conditional rating was formed based on the demand for all known types of blood transfusions. Each type differs from the others in its resistance or susceptibility to different diseases.

About the rarest blood group

Many things happened in the 20th century scientific discoveries, among them the conditional classification of blood into groups. This was a good advance in medicine, especially with in case of emergency saving people. Bleeding is a very life-threatening situation. The discovery made it possible to find donors and prevent unnecessary blood mixing, thereby saving many, many human lives. As it turned out later, in nature there are different subtypes of blood, explained by the presence of Rh factors. It turned out that among all the groups there is the rarest group IV. The types differ in the content of agglutinogen proteins on the surface of red blood cells.

People need to know where they belong. To the question, what is the rarest blood group, there is a simple answer - IV (–), phenomenal. And the first negative is inherent in 15% of Europeans, about 7% of Africans and is almost absent among Indians. Science continues its research on these topics.

Why is group 4 singled out?

About two millennia ago, a new amazing sign of blood was formed. Then it turned out that this is the rarest group. The exclusivity lies in combining into one whole the complete opposites of blood type - A and B. But it is the most needed at all blood transfusion stations. Scientists have noticed that the owners of this phenomenon are endowed with a flexible system of protecting the body from diseases (immune).

Modern biology considers this group complex, which did not appear under the influence environment, but due to the mixing of people of different religious denominations or belonging to different racial communities. In addition, IV is inherited only in half of the cases when both parents have such blood. If one parent has type AB, then there is only a 25% chance that children will be born with this group. The antigens present affect its properties in different ways, sometimes similarities with the second appear, sometimes signs of the third are noticeable. And sometimes this rare group demonstrates a peculiar combination of both groups.

Regarding features, indicators characteristic features, health status there are some conclusions. For example, people with a rare group are less adapted to prolonged physical activity. It is advisable to replace burdensome sports light activities, acceptable yoga. Psychological characteristics These people are manifested in nobility, sincerity, composure and calmness. They show more of their spiritual organization in creativity.

The carriers of the rare fourth group are not deprived by nature; they live and develop like all other inhabitants of the planet. The only concern may be the issue of donation.

Most common

There is a group in nature that is much more common than the fourth. This is the first one, it is called universal. The rest are placed somehow in order of priority. About half the population has it. However, such statistics are relative and approximate. The fact is that every nationality has specific features according to groups and Rh factor, it is believed that this phenomenon is associated with heredity.

The first is not only the most common, but also the most, one might say, universal. If during transfusion it is necessary to carefully approach the combination of blood groups, then the first one is suitable for all patients, regardless of their group affiliation. This versatility is explained by the absence of antigens; this is confirmed by the marking number 0.

World distribution statistics

There are about 3 dozen varieties of blood groups known in the world. In our country, the classifier of the Czech scientist Jan Jansky is used, according to which liquid tissue is divided into 4 groups. Classification is based on the presence of antigens ( foreign to the body substances) on the surface of red cells – .

The separation occurs according to the ABO system:
I (0) – absence of antigens;
II (A) – antigen A is present;
III (B) – antigen B is present;
IV (AB) – antigens A and B are present.

Statistics show the prevalence of people by blood type:

Blood type Found in the population
(I) 0 + 40%
(I) 0 7%
(II) A+ 33%
(II) A – 6%
(III) B + 8%
(III) B – 2%
(IV) AB + 3%
(IV) AB – 1%

This shows that the percentage of people with blood group 4 is the smallest. In emergency cases, group affiliation marks in a passport or military ID can help.
The rarest Blood group in the world is IV. The child inherits 50% of the group from his parents. Regarding Rhesus, Rh is individual compatibility. It is very important for the conception and development of a child that these indicators coincide in both parents. Often miscarriages during pregnancy occur for precisely these reasons.

Blood group affiliation usually does not change in people throughout their lives, including after a transfusion.

Transplantation and manipulation features

Often people find themselves in extreme situations when acute blood loss poses a real threat to life. The main indication is blood transfusion, and this is a very serious, responsible manipulation. This complex action has its own characteristics and characteristics. This requires strict adherence to the rules approved for such cases and highly qualified specialists. The rules for conducting a kind of operation without incisions on the patient’s skin are strict and provide for these manipulations in inpatient conditions, to instantly respond to all kinds of reactions or complications. Medical workers If possible, try to find a life-saving method without such a procedure.

The reasons for performing a transplant from a donor to a patient may be:

  • heavy bleeding;
  • state of shock;
  • prolonged bleeding, including during complex surgical operations;
  • low content in severe anemia;
  • deviations in the processes of blood formation.

During a transfusion, the patient's health is directly dependent on the coincidence of group affiliation and the Rh factor. Rh mismatch leads to fatal outcome. Universal groups are I and IV.

IN human community The phenomenon of voluntary donation of blood or its components is widely practiced. For donation, people all over the world sacrifice their biological tissues. Donor material is used for scientific, research, educational purposes, and is used to make medicines. It is also needed for emergency transfusion. The effect is achieved only when full compatibility blood of the donor and the recipient of care. This must be a group match, according to Rhesus, and also individual compatibility.

Thus, human blood represents a mysterious natural phenomenon with which the very existence of man and his characteristic features are connected. This living organism exhibits wonderful properties, which have not yet been fully studied. Scientists continue to find answers, but there is a lot ahead interesting work requiring attention and full dedication.

Weak sides:

  • Difficulty adapting to changes in diet and environmental conditions
  • Sometimes the immune system is too active and acts against the body itself (allergies)

Group 2 (A)

Blood type A appeared in agricultural associations and communities. It is characteristic of a sedentary lifestyle. This type arose 15,000-25,000 years ago in the Middle East and Asia. People learned to cultivate crops and raise livestock. The transition from a hunter to a sedentary farmer and cattle breeder was the reason for the transition to predominantly plant foods what influenced digestive tract And immune system. People of this blood type are considered predominantly vegetarians. This blood type is the most common in Europe.


  • Adapts well to changes in diet and environment
  • The immune and digestive systems are effective if an appropriate diet is followed (vegetarian)

Weak sides:

  • Tender (sensitive) digestive tract
  • Weak immune system, open to all infections

Group 3 (B)

Travel brought people from Africa to Europe, Asia and the American continent. This blood group appeared approximately 10,000-15,000 years ago. Gene mutations occurred in people and group B was able to adapt better than others to a completely different climate. People in this group have a strong immune system that easily obtains energy from food.

Type B people are particularly adaptable, inherited from their ancestors. Dairy and agricultural products play a large role in the diet of people with group B, so they digest dairy products better than others.


  • Strong immune system
  • Flexible system for adapting to changes in diet and environmental conditions
  • Balanced nervous system

Weak sides:

Group 4 (AB)

The youngest blood group from a historical point of view is group AB. It exists only 1000-1200 years. This blood type is very rare and occurs in only 5% of the world's population. This blood group combines many features of types A and B. Thus, people of this type can combine a variety of foods in their diet in a balanced manner.

People with group AB are largely protected from autoimmune diseases such as arthritis and allergies. They have antibodies that protect well against diseases caused by bacteria. But they have a very sensitive digestive tract and are often susceptible to cancer.


  • Youngest blood group
  • Flexible, highly sensitive immune system
  • Combines the advantages of types A and B

Weak sides:

  • Sensitive (tender) digestive tract)
  • Too “open” immune system, unstable to microbial infections
  • Combines the disadvantages of types A and B

IN medical practice and, in general, only four blood types are known in the history of mankind. Among all, the fourth is the rarest and sometimes it is very difficult to find a suitable donor for transfusion. But on the other hand, a person cannot independently choose his blood type, that is, which one will be better and suitable for him, and which one will not. Such features are distributed by nature and are influenced to a greater extent by parents. That is, what blood type does the mother and father have?

Most often it happens that if one of the parents has the second or the first, then the stronger one wins. This is the first one. But sometimes it happens that the blood type of the unborn baby does not match the parents at all. Then a case of incompatibility arises and poses a threat not only to the baby himself, but also to the mother. Rhesus plays an important role in this factor: positive or negative.

It is difficult to say which rhesus is better, because positive and negative do not pose any danger. The most dangerous situation in this case, when incompatibility of the Rh factor of the baby and mother occurs. Otherwise, such differences are of no significance. We are not talking about pathology either, because in medical practice the presence or absence of protein does not pose a danger.

Most common group

Today, the second and first types of plasma are considered the most common and accessible. It's hard to say which one is best, because in case of transfusion, it's quite easy to get both. It is known that almost 80% of the entire population of the planet goes with the first and second groups. The remaining 20% ​​comes from the third and fourth.

The positive qualities of this prevalence are only that the first and second blood groups are quite easily suitable for transfusion. That is, the second group may be suitable for the patient for the first, with the exception of the selection of Rh. For example, back in ancient times, they were not at all interested in blood type; they selected only positive or negative Rh factor. After all, these indicators cannot be categorically mixed.

Positive qualities of blood types

Since these two blood groups are the most common, their positive aspects can be highlighted. Firstly, I would like to say about the character of such people, because they are stronger in spirit, purposeful, courageous and constant. That is, they love to win and always confidently move towards their goal.

As for the third and fourth types, their priorities are a minimal risk of disease to simple infectious diseases, but a high risk of disease to more serious illnesses. The character of such people is more calm and balanced, but at the same time soft and pliable. Even though the fourth blood group is quite rare, quite a few people meet it. And this is good, because a lot of recipients need transfusions.

Negative qualities of blood types

One thing we can say with confidence is that not all types of blood are so ideal and positive, because they all have their own shortcomings. IN in this case we're talking about about the course of certain diseases, a certain diet and character. For example, owners of the first and second groups less often suffer from viral and infectious diseases. But on the other hand, they can suffer from more serious illnesses.

The food also differs to some extent. Most often this is due to the fact that some people often cannot digest a lot of meat and dairy products. Most often these are people with the third blood group. Now it’s clear why people have weakness, nausea and stomach upsets.

People with the first type of blood need to lead an active lifestyle, exercise physical activity, but at the same time eat enough. The third and fourth blood groups do not provide for such a desire for sports, because their bodies are slightly weaker. Yoga, fitness and other similar light types of training are more suitable for such people.

Knowing your group and Rh, you can learn a lot about yourself, the main thing is to choose everything for yourself according to the rules and then there will be no problems with health and nutrition. After all, today's discoveries and improvements will help to determine to a greater extent what is better and not worse for you; than, for example, active view sports may threaten you or what constant meat picnics in nature will cost you.

When trying to figure out which blood type is the best, they try to focus on compatibility and wide possibilities for transfusion. The theory of determining susceptibility to diseases and basic character traits, based on the study of blood type, allows us to evaluate a number of their conditional “advantages” and “disadvantages”. Regardless of group affiliation, it is important to understand that this congenital feature blood cells, which remains unchanged.

Basic concepts of blood group and Rh factor

Blood group is the genetically determined antigenic characteristics of red blood cells that remain unchanged throughout life. There can be two forms of agglutinogens on red blood cells - A and B. Several antigens exist for them in the plasma - alpha (anti-A) and beta (anti-B).

Due to their different combinations People have the following blood types:

  1. First (I) or O. Agglutinogens and antibodies are completely absent.
  2. Second (II) or A. There are type A agglutinogens, in plasma there are only beta antigens.
  3. Third (III) or B. Type B agglutinogens are determined, and alpha antigens are detected in the blood.
  4. Fourth (IV) or AB. On red blood cells there are agglutinogens of types A and B; there are no antigens in the blood.

Important! For diagnosis, a rapid test is performed to detect combinations of antibodies and agglutinogen. The technique is quite simple to implement and inexpensive.

Rh factors (Rh) reflect the presence (Rh - positive, Rh+) ​​and absence (Rh - negative, Rh-) of specific antigen proteins on red blood cells. In accordance with Rhesus affiliation, all groups are negative and positive. Therefore, in some medical sources you can find mention of the existence of 8 types of antigenic composition of erythrocytes. It should be remembered that Rh incompatibility leads to the development of a conflict that is dangerous to human life. Increased attention should be given to pregnant women with a negative Rh factor, since they may have a conflict with a Rh-positive child (if he has not inherited the mother's Rh).

Compatibility between groups

About 80% of the planet's population are holders of groups I and II. They are considered the most common. As a rule, problems with finding donors do not arise. The remaining groups are less common, which significantly complicates the selection of blood in case of need for transfusions.

Compatibility is determined by the presence or absence of antigens on red blood cells.

Based on this, there are following features compatibility:

  • I - universal for donation. Any people are allowed to transfuse the first group, taking into account Rh factors. It is important to remember that people with group I can only be transfused with the same blood;
  • II - such patients are allowed to receive only group I and II transfusions. This blood is suitable for transfusions to persons with the second and fourth groups;
  • III - such people are suitable for I and Group III. This group can be transfused to persons with groups III and IV;
  • IV - universal recipients. Persons with such blood are allowed to receive all types of transfusions. Such blood is absolutely not suitable for other groups.

By analyzing the features, you can determine which blood is optimal for donation. The first such group is. The fourth is considered good because any blood for transfusion is suitable for it if needed.

Other Group Features

People with different types of antigenic structure must choose the right sports activities. For representatives of the first two types, active strength loads, running, visiting gym, ball games. For the other two - calmer ones like Pilates, yoga, meditation, stretching, etc.

Nutrition according to the structural features of red blood cells has its advantages, since its principles are based on the study of differences in the organisms of people with different group affiliation. Persons of the first three types are recommended to limit the consumption of hard-to-digest heavy foods, meat, animal fats, since they digestive system is more vulnerable. It is important to enrich their diet with foods that are easy to digest, do not lead to the formation of excess fat deposits, and promote natural cleansing of the intestines.

Other features are:

  1. First. People with this type are distinguished by high mental stability. They are considered very sociable, purposeful, and have an active lifestyle. They often suffer from respiratory diseases. Prone to skin and cardiovascular pathologies. Such people are frequent patients gastroenterologist and urologist. Platelets exhibit reduced activity, resulting in frequent bleeding.
  2. Second. Such individuals are very susceptible to stress and often experience depression. At the same time, they are stubborn, have a clear life position and principles. For them, cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine system. Among the representatives there are many people with overweight and bad habits.
  3. Third. Such people are prone to neuropsychiatric disorders to varying degrees. At the same time, they are quite cheerful, have a good-natured and caring character. They are more likely than others to be diagnosed with urinary tract infections, pancreatic pathologies, Parkinson's disease, arterial hypertension. They are less likely to experience heart disease.
  4. Fourth. They are fickle people, moderately strict, and cautious. Such patients are considered to be very resistant to genitourinary, cutaneous and respiratory diseases- flu, ARVI, colds. Suffer more often than others hypertension, atherosclerosis, liver pathologies, diseases of the circulatory system. Platelets have high activity, as a result of which the blood clots faster. Therefore, such patients are often diagnosed with thrombophlebitis and thrombosis of blood vessels.

The AB0 blood classification system, proposed by immunologist Karl Landsteiner in the 19th century, is firmly rooted in medicine and in many everyday areas. In addition to transfusion of blood substance from donor to recipient, taking into account groups, planning pregnancy to avoid immune conflict and in some other situations, it is also important in maintaining a certain dietary nutrition. Scientists, doctors, and ordinary people often debate which blood type is the best.

What does the classification of blood flow into groups mean?

Scientists geneticists as a result of research activities discovered important feature circulatory system. Having the opportunity to examine large quantity people, it was found that the bloodstream has three types of individual antigenic properties of red blood cells. A fourth blood type was discovered some time later.

In addition to the antigenic characteristics of red blood cells, blood is also divided into Rh factors: positive and negative. Consequently, the result is not four, but eight blood groups. It will be interesting to find out which category of blood flow is better?

Blood group classification table:

Blood type Decoding
I (0) Rh "+" The first is positive, in which red blood cells are completely devoid of agglutinogens, but antigen D is present on their surface. It is considered the most common, the number of its owners is more than 40% of the entire population of the planet.
I (0) Rh "−" The first is negative, it lacks both agglutinogens and surface antigens that determine Rhesus. It is classified as a deficient category of blood fluid and occurs in less than 15% of people.
II (A) Rh “+” The second positive has individual erythrocyte agglutinogen A and surface specific antigen D. Belongs to more or less common categories, the number of people with this plasma type is about 30% general population land.
II (A) Rh “−” The second negative has agglutinogen A, but does not have the surface antigen. This group is found slightly less frequently in comparison with the same category with positive Rhesus in approximately 27% of residents.
III (B) Rh “+” The third positive is endowed with an individual protein substance agglutinogen B and also has surface antigen D. It is considered one of the rarest, observed in only 20% of earthly inhabitants.
III (B) Rh “−” The third negative is the owner of agglutinogen B, but does not have antigens on its surface. A very rare category of blood substance, occurring in only 14% of people.
IV (AB) Rh “+” The fourth positive is also called mixed, due to the presence in it of the agglutinogenic properties of erythrocytes A and B. With positive Rhesus, red blood cells have surface antigens D. This group is considered the rarest; its owners account for only about 7% of people living on earth.
IV (AB) Rh “−” The fourth negative is the most exclusive blood substance, having the agglutinogenic characteristics of A and B, but without surface antigens. On the planet, only 3–6% of people have blood fluid of this plasma type.

Scientific and medical figures are inclined to general opinion that the best blood type is the one that is easiest to select in case of urgent need. Basically, blood mass is in demand when transfused from a donor to a recipient. It can be very difficult to select blood not only of the appropriate type and Rh factor, but also other necessary parameters.

The life of the person who is infused with blood fluid depends on how well the components of the blood flow coincide.

Which blood group is the best?

So, what is the best blood type? If you rely on the opinion of researchers in the field scientific medicine, then the first positive blood group is considered the best. It is considered universal because, due to the lack of agglutinogenic properties of red blood cells, it is well suited to all other categories of blood flow.

For this reason, the first blood group is constantly and widely used for transfusions.

It is more difficult for people with other blood types. Because they have to select donors with specific categories of individual antigenic properties of red blood cells A or B. In order to avoid a conflict reaction of the immune system, expressed in the production of antibodies to protein substances foreign to its bloodstream.

Now it is clear why the first blood group is considered the best among the others, only because of compatibility.

Since people who have circulatory system Since this plasma type is the majority, it is not difficult to provide the population in need of transfusion with donor blood fluid. And this is very important when it comes to life and death.

But, despite the fact that the most common first group is suitable for other types of blood, doctors still adhere to the principle of selecting blood according to individual indicators. That is, first of all, it is considered mandatory to ensure complete identity of the blood of the donor and recipient, both by group and by Rh factor. And only in case of emergency medical staff resort to using the universal first blood category for patients with a different group.

Home " Life " Donors with which blood type are in greater demand. Which blood type is considered the best?

What is the best blood type?

The most common blood type classification today is the ABO system. There are only four blood groups: 0 (first), A (second), B (third) and AB (fourth). Also important characteristic blood is the Rh factor (Rh), which can be positive or negative.

The question of the blood type of a particular person usually arises before serious medical interventions or after severe blood loss. The donor and recipient of a blood transfusion must have compatible blood types. Holders of the first blood group for a long time called "universal donors" because their blood is suitable for transfusion to people with any other blood type.

However, in practice such transfusion is allowed only in desperate situations in the absence of blood of the same type as the recipient.

Previously, it was also believed that people with the fourth blood group are universal recipients, that is, blood of any other group is suitable for them

Modern blood transfusion standards require that the donor and recipient have the same blood not only according to the group in the ABO system, but also with the same Rh factor. Exceptions are possible, but only in cases of particular urgency and urgent need. In such cases, it is permissible to transfuse another blood, but compatible group, and in an amount of no more than 500 milliliters.

In this context, the best blood type is the one that flows in bodies the largest number people so that if necessary, a compatible donor can be easily found. The most common blood group is the first (45%), the owners of the second group are about 35% of the world's population, the third and fourth are found in approximately 13 and 7 percent of the world's inhabitants, respectively.

Thus, if you look at blood group from the position of “best = most common”, then the undisputed winner is the first blood group

Speaking objectively, best group blood or, conversely, worse does not exist. We have to talk about this only in the context of a possible blood transfusion. If such a situation arises, the easiest way is to find a donor with the most common blood type - first. But in fact, it is now quite easy to get blood from anyone the desired group, because blood transfusion stations are constantly replenishing their supplies.

There are many classifications that divide blood into groups. All are designed to target different antigens and antibodies—small particles that are either attached to the red blood cell membrane or float freely in the plasma.

The first experiments with blood transfusion most often ended in the death of the patient. The thing is that then people did not have the slightest idea about blood groups. Today, the most common classifications are the AB0 system and the Rh factor system.

According to the ABO system, blood is classified as follows:

  • 0 – first;
  • A – second;
  • B – third;
  • AB is the fourth.

What determines the rarity of a blood group?

The rarity of blood groups, like many other features of our body, depends on natural selection. The fact is that throughout the entire two-million-year history of mankind, people have had to adapt to new conditions of existence.

The climate changed, new diseases appeared, and our blood developed with them. The oldest and most common group is the first. Scientists believe that it was she who was the original, and all the groups known today came from her.

Rare groups appeared much later, so they are not so common in the population.

Which group is the least common?

In the world, the leader in rarity is 4 negative blood group. Despite popular belief, 4 positive is approximately 3 times more common. There are more people with it than people with negative blood type 3.

Why is group 4 the least common?

The fact is that its very appearance can be considered a peculiar phenomenon. It combines the properties of two opposing blood types - A and B.

People with blood type 4 have a strong immune system that easily adapts to environmental conditions. By biological standards, this group is the most complex.

This type of blood appeared only a couple of thousand years ago. On this moment it is the most in demand at any blood transfusion station, since there are still not many carriers of it.

The youngest and rarest group is the fourth

What blood is most common?

The most common blood is the first group (or zero according to the AB0 classification). The second is a little less common.

The third and fourth are considered rare. The total percentage of their carriers in the world does not exceed 13–15.

The most common types (1 and 2) arose at the dawn of mankind. Their carriers are considered the most susceptible to allergies of various origins, autoimmune processes and other diseases. Blood of this type has changed little over hundreds of thousands of years, so it is considered the least adapted to modern conditions.

The percentage of blood types is also determined by the Rh factor. Positive is much more common than negative. Even 1 negative group, which is the leader among negative blood types, occurs in 7% of people.

The distribution of blood groups also depends on race. A person of the Mongoloid race will have Rh positive blood in 99% of cases, while for Europeans, Rh positive is about 85%.

Europeans are the most common carriers of group 1, Africans are carriers of group 2, and group 3 is the most common among Asians.

Blood types: percentage prevalence

As statistics show, different kinds blood types vary greatly in prevalence throughout the world. People with group 0 can be found without special labor, and type AB blood is unique in its own way.

The following table will help you finally understand which groups are the most common and which are much less common:

Group and Rh factorHow common is
0+ 40%
0- 7%

Who should donate blood?

Medical sources say that it is always preferable to transfuse a person with blood of the exact group of which he is a carrier. Therefore, it is very important that blood banks have all types of blood.

The main rule of blood transfusion is for people with positive negative blood you can pour it. If done the other way around, the person who needs the transfusion will die. This is due biological features antigen-antibody systems.

Although type 1 is considered rare, its uniqueness lies in the fact that in emergency cases such people can be transfused with blood of any type, provided that the Rh factors are compatible. At the same time, other types of blood are not so universal.

Group AB can only be transfused to people with the same blood type.

No matter what kind of blood you have, by donating it you will help save a person’s life. The most expensive and sought after blood is Rh negative. If you are one of the 15% of people who carry it, be sure to think about the possibility of becoming a donor. Periodic blood donation is not only charity, but also a way to improve functional state its hematopoietic system.

Video: The rarest blood type

Today, in the world, human blood is classified according to the ABO system, as well as the Rh factor. According to this classification, a person can have one of four groups:

  • the first is designated by the number 0;
  • the second letter A;
  • the third letter B;
  • the fourth is a combination of their AB.

Moreover, everyone can have. Accordingly, human blood can be divided into four groups or eight types. In this regard, the question often arises, which is the best.

Most often, the question of which blood is the best arises when it comes to donation. That is, it is assumed that it is best to have the type that occurs most often. That is, the most common blood should be the best, but is this really so?

The most common all over the world, according to research, is the first. About half of the world's inhabitants have this type. In second place is the second one. About forty percent of people have it. The fourth is the smallest. Only two percent of people have it, and the remaining eight come from a third. Thus, the most common option is the first or second group.

However, it is necessary to take into account not only the group, but also the Rh factor. For most people, about 85 percent, it is positive. By and large, this means that the Rh factor is present in the blood. The remaining 15 percent do not have it, that is, we are talking about the Rh factor being negative. From this many conclude that the most best blood- this is the first positive one, since it is the easiest to find, and the worst one is the fourth negative one.

The first group can also be classified as universal. It is believed that it can be used for donation for any person, since it does not have antigens A and B. Accordingly, the recipient’s body will not perceive the blood as something foreign. Therefore, the first group is considered one of the best for donation. Since it can be transfused to anyone, it means that almost anyone can be saved by it.

But, despite the fact that this group is very popular, its owners can only be transfused with the same first group. At the same time, the fourth group, which is not the most popular, is capable of accepting any type, due to the absence of antibodies to antigens A and B in the plasma.

Transfusion Basics

You need to understand that in the modern medical world it is forbidden to transfuse, unless absolutely necessary, blood that differs from the recipient’s group. It is completely prohibited and has an excellent Rh factor. Ideally, the transfusion should be the same type as the recipient.

The Rh factor in donation is important indicator which is passed on to children by inheritance. It is located in blood components, various organs, amniotic fluid. When a person who has a negative Rh factor is transfused with a positive type, the body begins to produce specific antibodies. We can say that the body is protecting itself from something foreign.

Often becomes a problem for bearing a child . Therefore, pregnant women with negative Rh, if their husband has a positive one, are examined more thoroughly.

You can be sure that if not the first, then the second transfusion can be fatal for a person with a different Rhesus blood from the blood being transfused. It is also worth emphasizing that in people with positive Rh, it can be of several types or one. That is, you can see the combination different types, which is also important to consider when transfusion. Therefore, it is important to determine what kind of blood the recipient has and what kind of blood the person who donated the material has.

In most cases, modern doctors identify six antigens in the Rh factors of two systems. In humans, the presence of both systems or only one can be distinguished.

Currently in laboratory research Almost three dozen combinations stand out. Before performing a transfusion, the presence of Rh is determined, as well as an analysis for Rh compatibility. Returning to the question about the the best type, doctors note that, by and large, such a thing does not exist. The fact is that rare phenotypes do not indicate that they are particularly in demand, because if a phenotype is rare, we can say that it will be useful to fewer people.

Experts involved in transfusion issues are confident that it is wrong to consider rare groups as bad. Every day, the clinics’ need for certain components and blood of a specific group changes. Therefore, a situation often occurs in which the rarest thing on that day turns out to be the most common. Why do doctors encourage everyone to donate? healthy people, regardless of their group and Rh affiliation.