Loss of strength, what vitamins to take. Vitamins for fatigue and drowsiness. Chronic fatigue and its causes

Many people suffer from groundless fatigue and drowsiness syndrome. However, vitamin complexes can provide decent help. What vitamins can be prescribed for fatigue and weakness? When should they be taken?

Features of the occurrence of fatigue and drowsiness syndrome with weakness

  1. Constant lack of sleep, stress and various unforeseen situations.
  2. Lack of proper nutrition, which leads to lack of strength.
  3. Taking medications without any medical supervision.
  4. Diseases of different etiologies.

It is important to note that diagnostic measures are initially required that can guarantee an accurate diagnosis and understanding of the reasons causing such a situation of weakness. You need to understand that the list of causes still changes for women and men, so the help of an experienced physician is required. Only a doctor will definitely tell you what effective vitamins are offered for women and men.

In most cases, you need to take care not only to start taking a vitamin complex, but also to establish a rhythm of life, balance your diet, and begin to fight drowsiness and stress. At the same time, remember that vitamins and minerals are required to maintain energy. It is important to note that experienced doctors can suggest inexpensive vitamin complexes that should be taken regularly to ensure the best results.

What vitamins are needed to overcome fatigue, drowsiness and weakness?

People who lead an active lifestyle must carefully monitor their diet and vitamins to ensure they can maintain their performance.

First of all, B vitamins deserve attention. Their deficiency leads to muscle weakness, impaired heart function, and shortness of breath.

Folic acid is responsible for hematopoiesis, so if it is deficient, loss of strength may occur. In difficult situations, anemia may develop. Folic acid is of greatest importance for pregnant women, as it is required for the formation of the nervous system of the unborn child.

Cyanocobalamin also happens to be an important vitamin. Its deficiency leads to chronic fatigue and weakness. This can be explained by slow metabolic processes. Vitamin B12 turns out to be truly important for red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout the body. If cells constantly do not receive enough oxygen, the body has to spend more energy, and this leads to fatigue. For this reason, it is necessary to consume products that contain cyanocobalamin.

Vitamins and minerals are required for the proper functioning of the human body. Based on statistics, it can be concluded that a person may experience fatigue if there is a lack of ascorbic acid.

Despite this, research does not support the ability of vitamin C to improve frailty. However, practice shows that ascorbic acid helps improve performance and increase strength, but it is initially recommended to take it in an amount of no more than 500 mg per day. If a person complains of severe fatigue, the dose can be doubled (1000 mg). Increased fatigue and poor immunity are the best indicators of vitamin C deficiency.

Lack of vitamin D also contributes to a decrease in the activity of metabolic processes. The vitamin can be synthesized under the influence of sunlight. For its complete absorption, calcium and phosphorus are necessary.

In everyday life, we encounter situations that have a positive or negative impact on our mood and general condition. A lot depends on us, and therefore we need to be in good shape in order to solve numerous issues, switch from one task to another, think clearly and act clearly. We ourselves determine the pace of our lives, but what if we fail to “get into” the desired rhythm?

What do we lack when drowsiness and fatigue?

Lethargy, fatigue, lack of sleep and stress in a healthy person are not at all the downside of an active, busy life, and in no case are they the price for success. These symptoms are nothing more than a signal from the body that it is not receiving enough vital substances - vitamins against fatigue and drowsiness.

Vitamin A (retinol) is necessary for the body's resistance to attacks from viruses, fungi, bacteria and allergens. Strengthens the mucous membranes of the stomach, mouth, intestines, lungs, and prevents toxins from entering the body and harming its normal functioning. Participates in the production of red blood cells, prevents iron deficiency and anemia. Supports immunity and emotional stability, helps overcome chronic fatigue.

Symptoms of deficiency: decreased tone, low performance, poor immunity. Contained in fruits and vegetables of orange and yellow color (melon, bell pepper, carrots, apricot, pumpkin, sea buckthorn), as well as in sea fish, beef and pork liver.

B vitamins are indispensable for stabilizing the functioning of the nervous system, reducing stress, eliminating anxiety, restlessness, thereby preventing the onset of feelings of fatigue, and promoting the conversion of nutritional components into energy:

  • B1 is the most important element for metabolic processes, the breakdown of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, and their conversion into energy (yeast, buckwheat, meat, cottage cheese);
  • B2 – indispensable for healthy metabolism, as well as hemoglobin production (offal, meat, milk);
  • B4 – normalizes blood sugar levels, protects the cell membrane from destruction, has a calming effect (sea fish, nuts);
  • B3, B5, B7 – promote the conversion of nutrients into energy (nuts, legumes, liver, cauliflower);
  • B6 – strengthens the immune system, promotes the production of a sufficient amount of hemoglobin and the breakdown of carbohydrates (walnuts, spinach, regular and sweet potatoes, meat);
  • B8 – prevents atherosclerosis and stimulates brain activity (sesame and sesame oil, legumes, whole grains, citrus fruits, nuts);
  • B9 – is responsible for blood quality, the formation of new cells, as well as the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates (liver, spinach, cabbage);
  • B12 – ensures stability of the nervous system, increases resistance to stress (offal, seafood, eggs, dairy products, red fish).

They work most effectively and are best absorbed by the body when taken together. Irreplaceable vitamins for nerves and fatigue. Deficiency is characterized by headaches, indigestion, absent-mindedness, chronic fatigue, and dull complexion.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and immunostimulant. Relieves stress, prevents depression and exhaustion. Participates in regulating the functioning of the adrenal glands, which produce the stress hormone cortisol. Has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, nails, and hair. Ascorbic acid is needed for the formation of bone tissue and promotes rapid wound healing.

A lack of ascorbic acid can be recognized by the following symptoms: fatigue, mood swings, apathy, lethargy, dry skin and body aches. Contained in black currants, parsley, all types of cabbage, kiwi, citrus fruits.

Vitamin E helps overcome emotional imbalance and prevents depression. Supports the normal functioning of internal organs, stabilizes the immune system. Lack of tocopherol provokes increased anxiety, short temper, blurred vision and lack of sexual desire in women. Foods rich in this vitamin: vegetable and butter, legumes, nuts, cereals.

Vitamin D3 – strengthens the heart muscle, improves the condition of the nervous system, normalizes sleep, increases resistance to stress, and ensures emotional stability. Its deficiency causes apathy (vitamin D3 promotes the production of serotonin, the hormone of joy and happiness), a constant lack of strength and energy, weak bones and muscle pain. Contained in fermented milk products, sea fish, raw yolk, vegetable and butter.

Important! It is important to pay special attention to the issue of obtaining the required amount of nutrients, because this will help not only overcome, but also prevent loss of strength and depression.

Sources of active ingredients and vitamins

A large number of essential vitamins are not produced by the human body, and do not have the ability to accumulate, and therefore must enter it daily from the outside. To do this, you need to reconsider your diet and introduce into it foods that contain important for us vitamins for chronic fatigue.

The issue of nutrition in this case is of great importance. Probably, every person has a friend who is busy with business and worries from morning to night, manages everything at work and at home, has hobbies to which he devotes a considerable part of his time, and at the same time looks like a “cucumber”. And also its complete opposite - a person who, it would seem, is not loaded with work and household chores, but he always looks and feels tired and sleepy. There is no secret here, and the point is not at all in what intensity a person’s energy is spent, but in whether he forgets to receive the necessary vitamins against stress and fatigue.

You can replace changing the menu with the use of complex drugs. If dietary adjustments are not possible for some reason, it is better to consult a doctor so that he can prescribe a complex vitamins for loss of strength and fatigue, and a combination of minerals that suits you individually.

In modern life, a person often devotes very little time to a well-balanced diet - the best option for people working from morning to night is “snacks” in fast food establishments. By eating in this way for a long time, the body does not receive enough nutrients with all the ensuing consequences - fatigue, accompanied by impotence, drowsiness, apathy and frequent depression.

Raise your vitality, perhaps taking vitamins for stress and weakness, and, if possible, reviewing your diet.

Today, you can increasingly hear about chronic fatigue syndrome, and this “disease” mainly affects young people aged 20 to 45 years. Studies have shown that men, unlike women, are several times less likely to suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome, stress and lack of strength. In addition, it was recorded that close to thousands of new cases of this “disease” are detected in the world every day. In order to prevent such an unpleasant syndrome, you should take products containing all the vitamins necessary for the body, and then there will be no trace of fatigue, loss of strength and stress.

For chronic fatigue

The syndrome of fatigue and drowsiness appears not only from physical and mental stress, it can also include:

  • constant lack of sleep, stress, frequent unforeseen situations;
  • lack of proper nutrition, and, as a result, lack of strength;
  • uncontrolled use of medications, which are undesirable to take without a doctor’s prescription;
  • diseases of various etiologies from nervous disorders to infectious processes in the body in men and women.

In order to overcome chronic fatigue, cope with drowsiness and nervousness, you should reconsider your rhythm of life, properly balance your diet, and also do not forget about the vitamins that you need to take when you lose strength and are constantly tired. In addition, it should be remembered that microelements also play an important role in maintaining the active functioning of the human body.


The fair half of humanity is the most vulnerable and susceptible to loss of strength, so beneficial substances for chronic fatigue are quite a relevant topic for women. Increased fatigue occurs primarily due to disruption of the nervous system, in other words, nervous exhaustion, as well as insufficient intake of important substances into the body, aggravated by bad habits (alcohol, smoking).

Microelements for fatigue and drowsiness for women are primarily representatives of group B:

  • thiamine (B1) – participates in protein, fat, carbohydrate metabolism, converting nutrients into energy, 1.5 mg daily is enough;
  • riboflavin (B2) - not a single metabolic process takes place without its participation, in addition, it is necessary for the production of hemoglobin, the norm is 1.8 mg;
  • B3, B5, B7 – contribute to the extraction of energy from food, daily norms B3 – 20 mg, B5 – 5 mg, B7 – 50 mcg;
  • pyridoxine (B6) – strengthens the body’s immune defense, is responsible for the synthesis of hemoglobin, as well as carbohydrate metabolism, the permissible norm is 2.5 mg per day;
  • cobalamin (B12) – normalizes the state of the nervous system, is responsible for energy metabolism and growth processes, sufficient consumption of 3 mcg.

In order to normalize the condition and maintain the vitality of men and women at the proper level, you should drink vitamins of this group when tired and drowsy, but you should not overestimate the permissible dosage - this will not solve the problem and will not add strength to you.


The stronger half of humanity also suffers from stress, loss of strength, and mood swings, so taking vitamins for stress and drowsiness is also important for men. It is also important to balance your diet, give up bad habits, and lead a healthy lifestyle. Men are also advised to take B vitamins for constant fatigue and nervousness.

In addition, increased fatigue, and hence bad mood, also affects the sexual and reproductive function of men. The best vitamins for stress, drowsiness, maintaining erectile function, as well as testosterone production and libido in men are the linoleic acid group (F).

Support complexes

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) plays an important role in maintaining the normal state of the body; it helps strengthen immune functions, and also improves the performance and psychological state of a person. The daily preventive dosage of ascorbic acid in men and women should not exceed 90 mg, however, the dose of vitamin C can be increased to 2 g in case of severe chronic fatigue syndrome for therapeutic purposes.

Vitamins against chronic drowsiness and loss of strength are recommended to be taken in combination, so for better absorption of ascorbic acid, you should use rutin (P), complementing each other, they are a “shock” remedy against fatigue and stress.

Retinol should be added to all of the above substances; vitamin A should be taken for chronic fatigue, as it increases a person’s performance, promotes the release of energy, and also participates in the production of sex hormones, which is important for both sexes. Sufficient intake of retinol not only saves you from fatigue, but also increases libido.

Anti-fatigue vitamins are another fat-soluble substance called calciferol (D). Vitamin D supports the normal state of the human immune system. Converts nutrients entering the body into energy, improves performance, increases stress resistance, and normalizes sleep in men and women.

Properly selected vitamins will help get rid of stress and chronic fatigue, but success is guaranteed only if the dosage does not exceed the permissible limits that the doctor sets based on the patient’s individual indicators.

For tired eyes

Manifestations of eye fatigue can be heavy eyelids, decreased visual acuity, redness, tearing, pain - prolonged tension of the optic nerve, especially in poor lighting, can provoke these symptoms.

Vitamins for eye fatigue are the most reliable and safe way to get rid of unpleasant signs of overwork. The most effective here are:

  • retinol – its deficiency provokes the development of various eye diseases, including a decrease in the quality of vision;
  • tocopherol, ascorbic acid - relieve fatigue, normalize blood circulation, increasing the elasticity of blood vessels, prevent the occurrence of glaucoma;
  • This includes the minerals copper, zinc, as well as the carotenoids zeaxanthin, lutein - they are necessary for the normal functioning of the visual organs, relieve eye fatigue, and prevent the development of various diseases.

In order to maintain the organs of vision in normal condition, you should drink special vitamin drops for the eyes against fatigue. Such drugs should be taken in a course - after every three months of use, take a break of one month. However, self-medication is not appropriate here; a prerequisite for taking any medications is strict adherence to the dosage prescribed by the doctor.

It is also important to remember that you can find out what vitamins to take for stress, fatigue and drowsiness syndrome, as well as to maintain healthy eyes from a general practitioner or nutritionist. And you can buy them without a prescription at the pharmacy, both individually and in combination; popular drugs are Selmevit, Alphabet Energy, Centuri 2000, Vitrum Energy.

Lethargy and drowsiness lead to the fact that it becomes very difficult for a person to study, work and simply lead a normal life. As a rule, this problem indicates serious disorders in the body. But lethargy is also a characteristic sign of a lack of a number of substances important for normal life. And if you take vitamins for fatigue and drowsiness, the problem in most cases is eliminated.

It is very difficult to normalize the intake of vitamins and minerals in the body in the required quantities, even if you organize proper nutrition. These substances are not always completely absorbed with food. Therefore, additional vitamins are required for activity and vigor, which are more effective when consumed in the form of ready-made preparations.

What vitamins are needed for vigor?

Vitamins for vigor include a whole complex of biologically active substances that need to be taken together. It is necessary to try to determine by external signs which group is lacking and select a drug that maximally compensates for the deficiency.

So, if you are looking for what vitamins you need for fatigue and drowsiness, pay attention to the composition. There should be the following groups:

  1. Vitamin A. Retinol and substances similar in structure play an important protective role in the body. It prevents tissue damage from bacteria, viruses, and fungi. With its deficiency, diseases of the mucous membranes of the mouth, gastrointestinal tract, lungs, internal genital organs, etc. begin. Vitamin A indirectly affects the immune system; it is also involved in the synthesis of red blood cells.
  2. B vitamins. When you are tired and looking for missing vitamins, this usually leads to the discovery of a deficiency of substances from group B. This is an important group that ensures the health of the central nervous system, especially during times of stress and anxiety. The best vitamins for fatigue and drowsiness are B1, B2, B3, B12, folic acid, B6 and others. They normalize mental state and fight symptoms of depression. These substances come mainly from plant foods (with the exception of B12). These are legumes, citrus fruits, greens. But sometimes these vitamins are supplied in small quantities when you lose strength, so it is important to take them as part of multivitamin complexes.
  3. Vitamin D: If you feel sleepy, it is also important to take vitamin D, since this substance is responsible not only for the skeletal system, but also for the healthy growth of immune system cells. Very often, rapid fatigue and drowsiness are the causes of a lack of vitamins of this particular group (vitamin D is a complex of several substances similar in structure). A weakened body is less resistant to the action of viruses and bacteria, which leads to greater lethargy and drowsiness. If the cause of drowsiness is a lack of vitamin D, it is necessary to include red fish, dairy products, fortified cereals, meat in the diet and take additional vitamins for stress and fatigue.

Vitamin complexes for fatigue

So, what vitamins should you take for fatigue and drowsiness? All you have to do is go to any pharmacy and choose the vitamin complex you need. Ideally, you need to consult a doctor and together determine what is best for your body. When choosing vitamins for chronic fatigue, you should also consider the medications you take regularly. They can interact with each other, leading to unexpected effects.

In view of this, it is recommended that you first visit a doctor and find out the cause of fatigue. If it lies in ordinary vitamin deficiency, the therapist will prescribe the recommended complex of vitamins. Such an algorithm will help avoid serious adverse reactions and ineffective treatment.

When choosing vitamin complexes, you should give preference to more reliable and well-known manufacturers who use high-quality natural raw materials in production. Otherwise, the body may not absorb a large flow of substances that are beneficial to it, and they will gradually be eliminated from the gastrointestinal tract without being absorbed. So, let's look at the most popular and sought-after vitamin complexes.

Alphabet Energy

This is a vitamin complex that is created for people engaged in heavy mental or physical activity. The complex of substances is divided into three doses. In the morning the patient takes thiamine, folic acid, lemongrass and eleutherococcus extract. A group of these components enhances mental activity and eliminates drowsiness.

During the day, taking the drug leads to restoration of performance, accelerates metabolic processes, and allows you to withstand high loads. In the evening, the drug is necessary to strengthen the immune system and launch recovery processes in the body. The drug is often prescribed in such cases:

  • pregnancy;
  • hypertension;
  • increased nervous excitability.


The product contains vitamins B, E, D, C, as well as minerals that the body uses in various metabolic processes. Duovit is prescribed to pregnant and breastfeeding women. It is also indicated in the following cases:

  • unbalanced diet;
  • recovery after surgery;
  • lack of vegetables and fruits;
  • with increased fatigue and drowsiness;
  • to strengthen the body of athletes, etc.


Another multivitamin complex containing 9 minerals and 13 vitamins. All components of the drug interact in a complex, which has a restorative effect during stress, increases endurance, and eliminates drowsiness and fatigue.

Doctors recommend drinking Selmevit in courses to strengthen the immune system and keep the body in an efficient and vigorous state. Regular intake of such vitamins makes the patient more resistant to adverse external conditions.

This product contains a synthetic derivative of thiamine (vitamin B1) - salbutiamine. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of vitamin deficiency, asthenia, chronic fatigue caused by physical or mental activity. The action of the product is quite fast - it is enough to take it for a week for the body’s condition to improve. Thanks to taking Enerion, attention and tissue endurance to oxygen starvation improves. The drug is prescribed for rapid recovery of the body after infectious diseases.

This biological supplement contains not vitamins, but microelements, which are no less important for improving the tone of the whole body. It includes ginseng and hop extract, selenium, iron, zinc. A complex of natural substances restores the body after stress, prevents loss of strength, improves cognitive functions of the brain, and reduces emotional stress.

Another dietary supplement that includes, in addition to ginseng extract and microelements, vitamins. It is prescribed for pathologies of the endocrine and nervous system, as well as to combat fatigue, stress, loss of performance, drowsiness, and problems with sexual function. The drug is useful during recovery after surgery, during periods of widespread incidence of colds and flu.

A powerful multivitamin complex containing 12 types of microelements and vitamins. The drug is designed more to strengthen the cardiovascular system, but can also eliminate drowsiness. The drug is indicated for the treatment of apathy, loss of performance, and emotional depression.

Vitrum Centuri restores the performance of the entire body, eliminates the consequences of experienced stress. The drug is also prescribed to improve immunity, for elderly people, and as a preventive measure against vitamin deficiency. Vitrum Centuri is also included in the treatment regimen for atherosclerosis.


A vitamin complex containing nicotinamide, vitamins B and vitamin E. It is taken to restore working condition after heavy exertion, restore a healthy emotional state, eliminate drowsiness and fatigue. The drug is useful to drink in winter and spring as a prevention of vitamin deficiency. Athletes often use this remedy for quick recovery after training or competition. Indicated for pregnant and lactating women.

A special aromatic elixir with vitamins, plant tinctures, minerals and essential oils. In total it contains about 30 components that bring the body into a state of vigor. The elixir is indicated for the treatment of the following conditions:

  • anemia;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • drowsiness, fatigue, loss of performance;
  • depression of the central nervous system;
  • general deterioration of health.

The tablet form contains vitamins, ginseng extract, various amino acids, and minerals. All of them together have the following effect:

  • reducing the likelihood of depression;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • improvement of energy processes in tissues;
  • improving memory and other cognitive abilities;
  • increased performance.

The dietary supplement is especially effective for older people and people who have undergone surgery.

Dictates its own conditions of survival. Haste, poor diet, conflicts at work and at home. It is not surprising that in such an environment many of us are in a state of chronic stress, irritable, unbalanced, and suffer from migraines and insomnia. A properly selected vitamin and mineral complex will help solve this problem.

Chronic fatigue and its causes

The balance of nutrients in the body determines how we feel. According to WHO, about 70% of the adult population of the Russian Federation experiences a lack of microelements in their diet.

The popularity of veganism, vegetarianism, therapeutic fasting and raw food diets played a cruel joke: people wanted to become healthier, but in the end many of them only got chronic fatigue and more serious health problems. This is all due to the fact that the diet lacks essential amino acids, minerals and vitamins.

Magnesium is recognized as the “element of good mood”, has the ability to give energy and strengthen the immune system, increasing the body’s resistance to infectious diseases. B vitamins strengthen the nervous system, fight chronic fatigue, and normalize sleep. You can change your diet to include foods rich in these nutrients. But what to do if a person is on a diet or does not like to eat monotonously? In this case, anti-fatigue vitamins will come to the rescue.

Nutrition for vigor and stress resistance

It has long been known that magnesium is necessary to strengthen the nervous system and have a stable mental state. A deficiency of this microelement contributes to depression. Food sources of magnesium:

  • Nuts (walnuts, almonds, peanuts, cashews, pistachios).
  • Rabbit meat, veal, beef.
  • Fish, especially red (pink salmon, trout, salmon).

To replenish the daily dose of magnesium, you need to eat about 200 grams of nuts, about 300 grams of fish and the same amount of meat. Such a diet is very expensive for the wallet, and it cannot be called dietary.

Foods rich in vitamins B6 and B1:

  • Sprouted wheat.
  • Yeast.
  • Whole wheat bread.
  • Sardine, mackerel.
  • Nuts (hazelnuts, peanuts).

If you include all these foods in your diet on a daily basis, you will get a high calorie content, and the cost of this healthy food is not cheap. How to satisfy the need for microelements and vitamins from fatigue and drowsiness? In the modern world, pharmaceutical companies come to the rescue.

What vitamins for fatigue and weakness can be purchased at the pharmacy?

Such drugs can be easily purchased anywhere in our country. Every modern person periodically takes a course of vitamins for fatigue. The reviews are only positive. Almost everyone notes an improvement in their general condition, vigor, normalization of sleep, decreased appetite, and good mood.

When arriving at a pharmacy, an inexperienced consumer may become confused, as the abundance of drugs simply makes their eyes wide open! To choose a vitamin-mineral complex that is right for you, you need to know some features in its composition and purpose.

There are vitamins for athletes (manufacturers usually add a complex of amino acids to them), there are for nursing mothers (with a high content of omega-3), there are for schoolchildren and students (they always contain lecithin, a lot of calcium and lutein). Prices vary from 200 to 2000 rubles per package. If the goal is to choose vitamins for fatigue and weakness, then you need to pay attention to the composition. It should include a high content of magnesium, iron, pyridoxine, thiamine. Here is a short list of such complexes:

  • Berocca Plus.
  • "Pantocrine".
  • "Supradin."
  • "Magne-B6".
  • "Bion-3".
  • "Enerion".

domestic production

In the Russian Federation, the cost of production and packaging of medicines is lower than in many other countries. By purchasing domestically produced vitamins, you can save money. If you want to try popular foreign dietary supplements and complexes, you can order them in online stores. The cost will be a little more expensive than buying the same "Berocca Plus" or "Pantocrine", but it is better to try different drugs, including imported ones, and find out what is right for you.

Reviews about the Enerion complex

This is an excellent domestically produced drug. In addition to magnesium and excipients (lactose, starch, povidone, polysorbate), it contains 200 mg of sulbutiamine. This substance is very similar in molecular formula to thiamine. This vitamin works wonders for the psyche and nervous system! Thanks to this composition, Enerion can be called the best vitamins for fatigue.

The effect of taking it, according to consumer reviews:

  • Significant reduction in asthenia and hypochondria,
  • normalization of sleep (can be taken for the prevention and treatment of insomnia).
  • Equal mental state.
  • Cheerfulness and desire to get things done.
  • Reducing symptoms of psychosomatic diseases.

Reviews about "Berocca Plus"

This is a very popular drug. It captivates with its composition. It contains the entire complex of B vitamins (thiamine, pyridoxine, riboflavin, cyanocobalamin, nicotinic and folic acids, biotin), magnesium, zinc, iron, calcium. All of these components are necessary for the healthy functioning of the nervous system. The manufacturer positions Berocca Plus as vitamins for stress and blues.

Those who took this complex noted a healthier emotional background. Their irritability has decreased, their psychological state has leveled out, and they have a desire to rejoice, work, and communicate with people around them.

The disadvantages of this drug are its rather high price. The course for a month will cost you about a thousand rubles. For a permanent effect, it is recommended to take two or three courses.

Unusual drug "Pantocrine"

You should definitely try this product. Its composition is enriched with an extract from the antlers of young sika deer or deer. Taking Pantocrine is indicated for the treatment (as an adjuvant) and prevention of many diseases. If you are looking for vitamins against fatigue and weakness for women, pay attention to this drug!

The main advantage of "Pantocrine" is the content of a large number of amino acids, which are necessary for the human body for metabolic processes. Therefore, as an additional effect from taking it, you will get excellent skin and hair condition, and it will also be easier to lose excess weight. In addition, "Pantocrine" contains many vitamins and minerals that increase the metabolic rate and strengthen the nervous system.

Reviews of "Supradin" in soluble form

This popular complex can rightfully be called the “king of vitamins.” For more than ten years it has been a leader in sales. This drug is available in soluble and tablet form. Recommended for use by both men and women.

Despite the popularity of the product, reviews of "Supradin" are mixed. Basically, it is the form of release in effervescent tablets that is praised, which must be dissolved in a glass of clean water before taking. This method of consumption allows for better absorption of minerals. In addition, when dissolved in water, it produces an aromatic sweet drink.

Due to the high content of magnesium (21.2 mg), thiamine (20 mg), pyridoxine (10 mg), nicotinic acid (50 mg), “Supradin” can be positioned as a vitamin for fatigue and weakness. Training athletes love to add it to their diet, as this wonderful drug gives a surge of strength and increases vigor, improves recovery after training due to its excellent composition.