How to treat if your knee hurts after a blow. Treatment of a knee injury. What to do if it's swollen? How long does treatment last?

Swelling of the knee is one of the most characteristic manifestations of damage that appears after a bruise or is non-traumatic in nature. People of all age groups are susceptible to bruises. The damage itself is not dangerous and does not pose a threat to the patient’s life. However, the lack of timely assistance is fraught with the development of complications that worsen the quality of life.

Main manifestations

A bruise is a common injury that can be recognized by a number of characteristic signs:

  • Complaints of feeling sore.
  • Damage to the skin in the form of abrasions, scratches.
  • The skin may take on a red tint.
  • Depending on the shape and type of damage, additional symptoms such as swelling or the formation of a lump on the knee may be observed.
  • If the lump increases in size over time, this may indicate the development of hemarthrosis.
  • Formation of hematomas.
  • Compression of nerve endings can provoke sensory disturbances and complaints of numbness in the area of ​​the affected limb.

Such damage may be accompanied by the development of post-traumatic synovitis (accumulation of fluid in the joint cavity). Synovitis develops a few days after the injury.

What should you do if you get a bruise?

If swelling occurs immediately after injury when you bruise your knee, it is important to know how to provide first aid to the victim:

  • The affected joint should be at rest. The patient is advised to remain in bed to relieve additional stress.
  • You can apply a bandage to the affected limb using an elastic bandage.
  • In order to eliminate swelling and pain, apply cold to the injury site (for example, a bottle of water from the refrigerator, wrapped in a towel). Cold is applied according to the following scheme: compress for 2-3 minutes, break for 10-15 minutes. Can be repeated several times.
  • You can use drugs from the NSAID group in the form of an ointment or gel, the effect of which is aimed at reducing swelling and pain. These can be drugs such as Deep Relief, Dolobene, Fastum gel, Ketoprofen gel. To eliminate hematomas and bruises, I use Lyoton gel or Heparin ointment.
  • To eliminate intense pain, use tablets, capsules or powders for internal use with an analgesic effect: Nimesil, Diclofenac, Meloxicam.

The patient must be shown to a doctor. After an in-person examination, an oral interview and a number of additional studies, the specialist will make an accurate diagnosis and select the appropriate treatment.

Carrying out diagnostics

An experienced specialist can immediately determine what is causing the development of edema: injury or exposure to internal factors. To conduct a differential diagnosis, the patient will need to undergo the following types of studies:

  • Radiography is mandatory (if necessary, the picture will be taken in several projections).
  • Arthroscopy - during the procedure, the doctor examines the inner surface of the joint.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging if serious damage or complications are suspected.
  • The doctor may also ask the patient to take a general blood test.

Development of hemarthrosis

After a rupture of a vessel providing blood supply to intra-articular structures occurs, hemarthrosis of the knee joint often develops. This condition is accompanied by hemorrhage in the joint area, accompanied by an increase in size and a change in shape, which becomes spherical, as well as a feeling of pain.

The main reasons for the development of this condition are injuries. The development of hemorrhages in any other joints is accompanied by self-limitation and does not require medical assistance. However, knee joints are an exception. If hemarthrosis develops, you should consult a doctor and undergo appropriate treatment.

  • At the first stage of development of this condition, a slight increase in the volume of the joint is observed. I am concerned about local pain at the site of injury; there are no complaints of bursting pain. In some cases, the patient can freely lean on the affected limb, in others there is slight limitation of mobility.
  • At the second stage, an increase in swelling is observed, the joint acquires a pronounced spherical shape, and the contours smooth out. When blood accumulates in large quantities, the joint swells significantly, and a voluminous lump forms in the area of ​​the anterolateral surfaces.
  • Continued bleeding provokes the development of the third stage: the resulting lump acquires a bluish tint, the soft tissues become tight and tense.

For an accurate diagnosis, computed tomography and x-rays are used.

Therapy for hemarthrosis

The selection of a treatment strategy is carried out by a traumatologist or surgeon in accordance with the degree of development of the lesion:


If the lump formed as a result of a bruise gradually increases in size, this indicates the development of complications: hemarthrosis or synovitis. The following alarming symptoms may appear, requiring immediate consultation with your doctor:

  • Complaints of a feeling of fullness in the area of ​​the affected joint, an increase in the volume of the kneecap.
  • If you try to press on the knee area and the cup begins to “float”, this may indicate the development of synovitis.

Among the most serious long-term complications is the development of arthrosis.

At the first signs of complications, you should contact a surgeon or traumatologist. Before the victim goes to the hospital, it is necessary to provide rest to the affected limb: the leg is in a horizontal position, a small pillow is placed under it. Cold is applied to the injury site. If necessary, drugs with analgesic effects can be used.

If the patient continues to be bothered by intense swelling and re-development of hemarthrosis, a comprehensive, more detailed diagnosis is required. Such a symptom may indicate cartilage damage, the treatment of which requires special attention and additional effort. In this case, arthroscopy of the knee joint may be recommended - a diagnostic and treatment technique that can not only identify the causes of recurrent complications, but also direct efforts to eliminate them. In some cases, it may be necessary to remove damaged elements of cartilage tissue.

Prognosis for patients

The prognosis for patients who experience swelling due to bruised knees is in most cases favorable. If you seek medical help in a timely manner and follow all doctor’s recommendations, the risk of complications is minimal.

It should be remembered that the injured limb should not be strained for 4-6 weeks after receiving the injury. Depending on the patient's age and the presence of concomitant diseases, the recovery period may take longer.

A knee contusion is a common injury, often occurring in both children and adults.

Starting from a certain age, injury carries a certain danger to the entire body.

Treatment of the damaged area should begin immediately after it occurs.

Knee bruise - what to do, treatment: ambulance

After a knee injury, it is not always possible to immediately go to a medical facility. That is why it is necessary to provide first aid to the victim, which consists of the following:

1. The joint must be ensured complete rest - avoid any movements.

2. In order to avoid large hematoma and swelling, you need to apply ice. Applying cold is only effective for the first few minutes after injury. The duration of application should be no more than 10 minutes. You can take ice out of the refrigerator and wrap it in a cloth, or apply a cold object.

3. If the knee begins to swell, it is necessary to apply a tight bandage - it is better to use a special elastic bandage; if you don’t have one at hand, use a regular thick cloth. The bandage is applied so that its edge protrudes 3-4 centimeters beyond the site of the bruise. This way the bandage will be better fixed and will not fall off when moving.

At the time of each procedure, try to perform each action very carefully; the injured knee should be on a slight elevation. This will improve the outflow of lymph and blood, due to this the pain will be much lower, and the knee will not swell.

Regardless of how severe the injury was, treatment is recommended after consultation with a specialist. It is recommended to take an x-ray to rule out a possible fracture. You can also determine it yourself; to do this, try to move your leg slightly; if you can do this, then most likely there is no fracture.

Knee bruise - what to do, treatment: medications and devices

After first aid has been provided, further treatment must begin. In most cases, treatment of knee bruises is carried out in an outpatient clinic. But only after the necessary research has been carried out and damage to the joints has been ruled out.

Treatment begins with resting the injured leg. This effect is achieved by applying a plaster back splint for several weeks.

If this is not possible, you just need to wrap your leg with an elastic bandage.

Pain relief is mandatory. This is done with the help of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. A good analgesic effect can be achieved by taking ketanov, analgin, diclofenac. You can take them orally or give injections. You can also use pain-relieving ointments, for example fastum-gel, lyoton.

If the cartilage tissue is damaged, then chondroprotectors are mandatory. These drugs (Fermatron, Dona) contain several components of cartilage tissue; after they are taken orally, the damaged cartilage will be restored.

Knee bruise - what to do, treatment: folk remedies

You can restore the mobility of a damaged knee not only with the help of various medications, but also with the help of traditional medicine. You can prepare compresses and ointments yourself, and then apply them to the damaged area.

Many people are wary of traditional recipes, believing that they can only cause harm. But this is far from true; even experienced doctors advise drinking various tinctures from medicinal plants. In the case of a knee bruise, there are no exceptions, and many medications can literally heal the patient in a couple of days. But you need to use only proven methods in order to really not do any harm. Our ancestors left behind many different recipes for treating almost all diseases. You can find them in old records or search on the Internet.

For example, to treat a bruised knee, vegetable oil, vinegar and hot water help well. It is enough to take just one spoon of each ingredient and mix thoroughly. The fabric is soaked in the resulting solution and applied to the knee. It should be secured on top with a bandage and left in this position for four hours. The procedure must be repeated for three days, every morning and evening.

Another equally effective remedy is an ointment made from tar, spruce resin and pig lard (but without salt). All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, then placed in a warm place for one day, after which they are rubbed into the sore spot two to three times a day.

Most patients find that treatment for such injuries does not take much time at all. Most often, patients do not even consider it necessary to go to a medical facility and prescribe treatment for themselves. But, of course, it is not recommended to do this.

If you have a knee injury, you will most likely be prescribed bed rest and rest. You need to be sure that there is no bone fracture, and only a doctor can examine for such injuries. That is why it is recommended not to neglect a visit to the hospital.

In addition to standard medications, the doctor will probably prescribe painkillers, which can easily be replaced with folk remedies.

All traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of knee bruises are either internal or external. On the outside, compresses and wraps are usually used. Oral preparations increase tissue elasticity.

Knee bruise - what to do, treatment: step-by-step instructions

Below are the most effective remedies for treating knee bruises.

Wormwood gruel

In order to get rid of the constant feeling of pain, use wormwood-based gruel. To prepare it, you need to pick the leaves of the plant and crush them, or grind them through a meat grinder. The resulting product is applied to the fabric and then applied to the sore spot; the bandage needs to be changed once an hour. But the use of such a remedy is allowed only if there is no bleeding. It is also contraindicated for people who are allergic to wormwood.

Porridge made from sugar and onions

After getting a knee bruise, the knee joint may become inflamed; in order to somehow help yourself in this condition, you can prepare porridge from sugar and baked onions. For one small onion you need to take 200 grams of sugar, then grind everything and apply it to the sore spot. It is recommended to cover everything from above with a soft cloth. During this procedure, the patient must be ensured complete rest.

Milk lotions

For severe bruises, milk lotions help. Heat the milk and soak the cloth in it, then apply it to the bruise. As the milk cools, you need to change the bandage. But such lotions are allowed to be done no earlier than 12 hours after the injury was sustained.

Compress based on alcohol and honey

Take two ingredients and mix them in a 1:1 ratio. Take a comfortable position and apply a compress on top; cover it with something warm.

Compress of propolis and honey

If desired, you can use propolis alone, without honey. But if you decide to take both ingredients, then mix them in equal proportions, and then saturate the fabric with the resulting product. Wrap it completely around your knee joint and leave it in this position overnight. The treatment will be much more effective if you cover your leg with something warm on top and keep your leg motionless.

Lavender oil lotions

Immediately after injury and for the next 12 hours, it is necessary to apply cold lotions, onto which a few drops of lavender oil have been dripped in advance. This allows you to slightly reduce pain and also relieve you from severe swelling.

Mixture of grated potatoes and plantain

Take a few potatoes and grate them on a fine grater, and grind the plantain through a meat grinder. Mix the two ingredients in one container, you will get something like a paste. Apply it twice a day, for one hour, to the affected area. It is recommended to rinse off any remaining product with slightly cool water.

Bay leaf decoction

In order to provide joints with mobility and make ligaments more elastic, it is recommended to use bay leaves. Take 20 grams of the plant and pour one glass of boiling water over it. Put everything on the fire and cook for 20 minutes, then let it sit for several hours. It is recommended to take the decoction orally, it is better to do this before bed.

Bay leaf tincture

Take half a pack of bay leaves and pour one glass of unrefined oil, leave to infuse in a dark place for 10 days. After bruising your knee, rub the product into the damaged area. This will relieve swelling and prevent inflammation.


In order to avoid inflammation in the joints after an injury, you need to eat half a gram of curcumin every day.

Any injury to a person requires close attention, a knee injury is no exception. It is imperative to be examined in a medical facility in order to avoid serious consequences and speed up the recovery process. And, of course, you need to be more careful to avoid such bruises!

A knee injury happens so often that many people do not pay much attention to the symptoms that sometimes remain after each fall or blow. A slight swelling or periodic pain in the joint is not a trifle, but a sign of chronic pathologies and defects that often occur when the knee is injured.

Unpleasant consequences most often appear due to illiterate actions after an injury. If everything is done correctly, it is easy to minimize the risk of inflammation and damage to deep tissues. Learn the rules of first aid for bruises, remember homemade recipes for swelling, bruising and pain, pay attention to effective ointments and gels.

Why is a knee injury dangerous?

When an impact occurs, negative factors act on the joints and muscles, creating additional stress. Knowledge of the processes that occur after a bruise will help to understand the danger a person exposes himself to if he neglects a knee injury. The greater the impact force, the higher the risk of complications.

What's happening:

  • In most cases, when a fall occurs, the muscles are relaxed, damage often occurs, and a response occurs—spasm. Soft tissues recover fairly quickly, but painful sensations persist for several days;
  • The cartilage tissue, which absorbs part of the “shock wave,” also suffers. When deformed, physical activity decreases, which is especially distressing for professional athletes;
  • There is not much soft tissue in the knee area, the main load during bruises falls on the bones, sometimes microcracks appear, and an inflammatory process develops;
  • with a severe bruise, a partial rupture of the ligaments occurs, the affected area hurts, it is impossible to raise or lower the leg;
  • rupture of a large vessel provokes hemorrhage into the cavity of the knee joint. With a weak blow, little blood is poured out (up to 30 ml), sometimes the volume increases to 100 ml.


If the bruise causes minimal tissue damage, the symptoms will disappear fairly quickly. Sometimes patients notice that a week has passed, but the condition of the bruised area is almost unchanged or deterioration is observed.

Don’t hesitate, make an appointment with a traumatologist or orthopedist in the following cases:

  • pain increases;
  • the hematoma at the site of the injury does not decrease;
  • severe swelling does not subside after injury. The critical period is a day; if the tissues are swollen, rush to the doctor;
  • The knee is difficult to bend and straighten, and there is a sharp pain when moving.

At the appointment, the doctor will examine the injured area, clarify the circumstances of the injury in order to understand the force of the blow and the extent of possible damage. When diagnosing, it is important to recognize such a dangerous type of injury as damage to the meniscus of the knee joint. Severe soft tissue contusion and cartilage pad damage have similar symptoms.

Note! If the blow was tangential, the risk of damage to the meniscus increases; in a direct collision with a hard surface, the anterior area of ​​the knee often suffers, but the cartilage pad remains unharmed.

An accurate diagnosis is impossible without the use of modern diagnostic measures:

  • computed tomography;
  • arthroscopy;
  • Ultrasound of the problem area.

Research will not only show the picture inside the joint, tell you about the condition of the ligaments, but will also confirm (or refute) the suspicion of injury to the ligamentous apparatus.

First aid rules

It is not always possible to seek medical help as soon as possible. Every person should know what to do in case of a fall, blow, severe pain, or swelling of the knee.

Remember the first aid rules:

  • create complete rest for the bruised area. You can sit or lie down, be sure to place your leg on a low pillow;
  • if trouble happens to a friend, relative or passer-by on the street, you need to move the victim, be sure to put a splint on your leg, bandage a board, stick, book, umbrella, or any long handy object. It is important to immobilize the limb to prevent more serious injury. Apply a splint above and below the knee, but do not apply pressure to the injured area;
  • Some people unknowingly apply a pressure bandage, believing that this will prevent dangerous complications. Never apply pressure to the affected area: Blood circulation worsens, swelling increases; in the event of a dislocation or fracture, a pressure bandage often causes a shift of cartilage or part of the bone. It is difficult to treat a displaced fracture;
  • apply cold. Place a handkerchief, a clean cloth, then a carton of milk, a bottle of water from the refrigerator, frozen foods, and ice (necessarily in a bag) on ​​the problem area. Always cool the problem area with a cloth: applying ice or very cold objects can often cause frostbite. Cover not only the bruised area with bags, pieces of ice, or cold containers, but also the areas around: you will prevent the spread of swelling;
  • give a painkiller. With a severe bruise, the pain is sharp, the knee aches, the patient is nervous, and you cannot do without an analgesic. Use the tablets that are in the medicine cabinet or buy Pentalgin, Solpadeine, Ketanov, Nurofen. Read the instructions carefully and find out at what interval you can take the next tablet. In case of severe pain, it is allowed to take a double dose of the drug, unless this is prohibited by the instructions;
  • Lubricate the bruised area with gel or ointment to relieve swelling, improve blood circulation, and resolve the hematoma. Read the instructions carefully and check with your pharmacist for details: many ointments should not be applied to affected skin, abrasions or scratches. If your knee is scratched after a bruise from a fall, treat it with hydrogen peroxide to disinfect it, gently blot it, and apply Rescuer balm. This remedy is allowed to be used even on an open wound;
  • If the skin is intact, treat the bruise site with Troxerutin, Ketonal, Troxevasin, Nise, Troxigel, Dolobene. A few more names of effective formulations: Venoruton, Heparin ointment for knee bruises, Naftalgin, Nicoflex, Raymon-gel, Efkamon, Richtofit-Sport cream.

After providing first aid, assess the condition of the victim. If your efforts do not alleviate the condition, the person complains of sharp pain in the knee, cannot bend his leg, call an ambulance. Before the doctors arrive, apply a splint from available materials, calm the victim, give valerian extract in tablets, mint tea or a soothing mixture. Stress provokes severe spasms of blood vessels, which is undesirable for bruises. Look at the situation, distract the person if there are no analgesics at hand.

How to treat fingers? Look at the list of medicines and folk remedies.

The rules for treating a torn meniscus of the knee joint without surgery are described on page.

Treating bruises at home

Have you visited a doctor, taken tests, had a CT scan and ultrasound? Surely the doctor prescribed gels, ointments and creams to resolve bruises, relieve pain and swelling. The list of drugs for external use is given in the section “First aid for bruises”. Lubricate the sore spot 5-6 times a day, act gently, do not put pressure on the knee.

How to treat a knee bruise? If there is no meniscus tear, further treatment is carried out at home. The patient is required to take medications prescribed by the doctor and adhere to the rules of behavior after a knee injury. A prerequisite for successful treatment is rest of the problem area.

Most specialists dealing with problems of the musculoskeletal system welcome the use of homemade compositions for the active healing of soft tissues and the prevention of inflammation of joints and cartilage. The main thing: choose recipes from natural ingredients for a delicate effect on swollen tissue.

Many folk recipes have a couple more “pluses” in their piggy bank: herbs, vegetable mixtures, oil compositions, natural ointments are less likely to cause allergic reactions and have fewer restrictions. Follow the recipe and application rules exactly, and you will soon forget about bruises and knee pain.

Popular folk recipes for the treatment of knee bruises:

  • cabbage leaf Take a large leaf, get rid of the thickened area, cut a little in different places or beat it so that the juice appears on the surface. Apply a cabbage leaf to the swollen area, carefully bandage it or secure it with a knitted strip, do not press too hard. Replace the dried leaf with a fresh one every hour;
  • compress of chamomile and calendula. An affordable anti-swelling remedy to relieve inflammation. Prepare an infusion of half a liter of boiling water, a tablespoon of a mixture of chamomile flowers and marigolds, wait 45 minutes for the mixture to infuse, strain. Several times a day, moisten the gauze with a herbal decoction and apply it to the bruised area;
  • plantain pulp. Pluck a few leaves, wash, chop, and apply the paste to the bruised area. If your knee injury occurs outdoors, wrap washed leaves around your sore knee. Under the influence of the active components, the pain will gradually subside and the swelling will decrease;
  • badyaga for bruises. Dilute a tablespoon of powder with boiled water until a paste forms and generously lubricate the bruised knee. Badyaga improves blood circulation, relieves swelling, and accelerates the resorption of hematomas. Treat the sore area twice a day, leave the herbal remedy on for 20 minutes, then rinse off. The pharmacy sells an effective anti-bruise gel “Badyaga 911”;
  • homemade ointment. Take 3 tbsp. l. birch tar, spruce resin and unsalted lard. Combine the ingredients in a blender, place in a clean container, and place in a warm, dry place. After a day, the homemade ointment for bruises is ready. Apply the product twice a day to the bruised knee and areas around it;
  • compress with apple cider vinegar. Mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, olive oil and boiled water. Dip the flannel cloth into the oily liquid, then apply it to the sore spot. Wrap the knee in cellophane on top, cover it with a terry towel, secure it, but do not squeeze it. Keep the product for 4 hours, wash your foot;
  • aloe juice The simplest recipe for swelling, pain, for resolving bruises, and relieving inflammation. Aloe grows at home for many housewives. Tear off the fleshy leaf, wash it, cut it in half (lengthwise). Lubricate the painful area with thin halves with pulp 4 times a day; there is no need to cover it with anything. The effect will be enhanced by adding thin honey (2 parts) to aloe juice (1 part). Keep the honey compress for 30–40 minutes, then wash your foot.

Have you hit your knee or witnessed an injury to your colleagues or loved ones? Have you seen how badly a stranger is hurt and cannot move? Don't get lost, don't panic! If you have carefully studied the material, you will be able to act correctly. Provide first aid; in severe cases, consult a doctor. Use pharmaceutical ointments and gels, use folk recipes for bruises, put less stress on your sore leg. If you follow the rules, bruises, swelling, and pain will certainly pass without complications.

To avoid negative consequences, if you bruise your knee, it is very important to reduce swelling. Find out how to do this in the following video:

Attention! Only today!

Adults and children often suffer different injuries. A knee injury is the most common one. It is so familiar that few people take it seriously. Lack of timely treatment then manifests itself as unpleasant consequences in the form of knee immobility or aching pain.

Knee injury: bad fall

Knee injury: causes

Children injure their knees due to their natural restlessness, mobility and curiosity. Adults get bruises when actively involved in unsafe sports, on ice, during an accident or during careless movements. Therefore, the two main causes of bruises in this place are:

  • an unfortunate fall on your leg;
  • compression of the knee as a result of the mechanical impact of some objects.

The most unpleasant consequence of a bruise can be arthritis and other irreversible changes in tissues that destroy them and render them inoperable.

How long does it take for a knee bruise to go away and how to treat it?

The knee is the most vulnerable part of the leg, so even a simple bruise should not be ignored. Rehabilitation after a moderate injury takes 2-3 weeks. The main thing is to start treatment immediately, while the bruise is fresh.

Primary care involves the following actions:

  1. Protection from unwanted load. No weight should be placed on the injured leg. Rest and rest again.
  2. Cooling. Ice reduces discomfort and reduces swelling. If a hematoma forms, it is very small. Under the influence of cold, small vessels narrow, so less blood comes out. If you don't have ice on hand, you can use an ice water bottle or frozen food.
  3. Anesthesia. If the victim cannot bear the pain, he should be offered analgin, ketanov or other medications.
  4. A pressure bandage made of an elastic bandage or scarf. It significantly reduces hemorrhage and tissue swelling. The leg is tightly bandaged in a relaxed and comfortable state for the patient.

After this, it is advisable to take the victim to a doctor so that he can determine the severity of the injury and provide secondary medical care.

I hurt my knee, what should I do and should I see a doctor?

Secondary therapy is carried out under the supervision of a physician. If a large hematoma has formed, the specialist will perform a puncture to suck out the accumulated blood. The procedure is not pleasant, but it helps to quickly remove discomfort and swelling. Most often, the doctor offers the patient local therapy:

  • use of ointments;
  • application of compresses;
  • traditional medicine.

If no complications arise, after a week you can use physiotherapy, which has a beneficial effect on tissue regeneration. The last stage is physical therapy and special exercises that help develop the knee.

Knee injury from a fall: symptoms

In order to promptly identify a bruise, you need to become familiar with its characteristic symptoms. First signs:

  • sharp unbearable pain in a clearly localized area;
  • change in skin color at the site of injury (skin becomes purple-blue);
  • swelling and swelling of the joint;
  • restriction in movement.

When a bruise occurs, the skin suffers, forming a wound surface. Although in some cases the skin may remain undamaged. Muscles react to tissue damage with a strong painful spasm. Ligaments and cartilage play an important role in the mobility of the knee, and their failure can lead to serious consequences. Blood vessels are very delicate; with a strong blow, they can rupture. Blood accumulates under the skin or in the joint cavity, leading to the formation of a hematoma.

In especially severe cases, a person may even lose consciousness from painful shock. This should alert you. It is better to seek medical help immediately.

You can get a knee joint injury under a variety of circumstances. But if trouble does occur, the person will be “incapacitated” for a long time. This is due to the huge number of nerve endings located in the area of ​​the kneecap. When struck, they provoke intense pain that does not go away for several days in a row. But these are not all the troubles that can be caused by a bruise. If you refuse treatment (including home treatment), complications may begin.

Severity of injury

When the kneecap is bruised, the main share of the damaging factor falls on soft tissues, which regenerate very quickly. But since the skin, fat and muscle layers here have minimal thickness, the bruise also affects bone tissue. Cartilage, vascular system and ligaments may be damaged.

Based on the strength of mechanical damage, the following types of bruises and their consequences are distinguished:

  • swelling of the soft tissues and impaired functionality of the joint (associated with a change in its shape and size), resulting from the filling of the intercellular substance with blood plasma, complicated by general inflammation;
  • violation of the integrity of blood vessels and internal bleeding, which can progress to the stage of hemarthrosis (the joint capsule fills with blood) or simply result in local leakage of bloody fluid into the tissue of the knee;
  • excessive secretion of synovial fluid and its accumulation in the joint cavity.

If the knee bruise during the fall was extremely severe, then as a result of the impact the bones could be displaced, a fracture or ligament rupture could form.

The traumatic factor can be static, for example, when a person falls on asphalt or any other hard surface. And the dynamic factor is associated with the fall of an object on the knee or a collision with an object moving at speed.

Symptoms of bruise

Symptoms of a bruise are pronounced, so the victim can independently assess his feelings and make a preliminary diagnosis (which is extremely important in the matter of first aid).

  • pain in the knee, pronounced at the time of injury. If no associated injuries were received, the discomfort subsides. If the integrity of the epidermis is compromised, there will be a burning sensation and mild, aching pain;
  • Knee swelling occurs in 80 percent of cases. A slight swelling indicates damage to the soft tissues, but a rapidly “ripening” and large tumor is most likely associated with the filling of the articular cavity or intercellular space with blood;
  • degradation of motor function with a severe bruise is expressed in the fact that the victim cannot fully lean on the injured leg, straighten and bend it;
  • If, when the knee is damaged, the integrity of the vascular membrane is compromised, hemorrhage begins in the tissue, which subsequently leads to the formation of a hematoma. Small vessels will “bleed” for 5 to 20 minutes, and a large burst vessel will cause bleeding for a day or more. New hematomas have a bluish tint and after a few days change color to brown and grayish-yellow. The area where the hemorrhage is located may become very swollen.

First aid

Often, first aid for a knee injury (especially correct diagnosis) can seriously affect the speed of healing of the injury. The first thing to do is apply a cold compress or ice to the injured area to prevent swelling from spreading to the entire knee. In this case, you cannot keep the ice for more than 20 minutes.

If the symptoms described by the victim correspond to the clinical picture of a bruise, proceed to step-by-step actions:

  1. Stretch the knee with a medical bandage or elastic bandage so that the person does not feel excessive pressure on the injured knee. This will help reduce the load on the injured area.
  2. Isolate the leg from all types of physical activity, giving the patient the opportunity to undergo rehabilitation in bed.
  3. Using external pharmaceutical products, block inflammation and increased pain at the site of injury. You can use Ketonov, Finalgon and Nurofen.
  4. To exclude the possibility that a severe knee bruise is associated with fractures or bone cracks, it is recommended that you undergo an examination by a traumatologist and have an ultrasound scan.
  5. If the pain increases over time and ointments for the treatment of a knee bruise do not give positive results, then the degree of tissue damage is high and you should turn to physiotherapeutic treatment (ten procedures are enough for a complete recovery).
  6. If the knee is swollen and a hematoma has formed, it is strictly forbidden to use heat compresses and warming agents for treatment, as this is a direct path to provoking inflammation.
  7. If more than 3 days have passed since the injury and the injured area with the hematoma has become significantly lighter, you can begin heat therapy (compresses and hot baths).
  8. If the hemorrhage under the skin does not go away, it is forbidden to rub the knee so as not to aggravate the situation with slow blood circulation.

Swollen knee?

What to do if your knee is swollen due to a bruise? Swelling occurs due to damage to the vessel and blood entering the cavity of the knee joint. The mobility of the joint is impaired and the victim cannot move. There is an increase in the size of the knee, swelling and severe swelling. In this case, the doctor performs a puncture, with the help of which the accumulated fluid (blood) is removed.

Drug treatment

Treatment of a knee bruise at home can also be carried out with the help of medications, which will be prescribed to the patient by a doctor. Pharmacological drugs will launch regeneration processes and, most importantly, will prevent the development of inflammation in the joint.

  • Nonsteroidal drugs that block inflammatory processes (Ortofen, Revmoxicam, Denebol). These drugs reduce the production of prostaglandins, thereby relieving the symptoms of injury (pain, swelling, hypermia).
  • Painkillers that do not affect tissue restoration: Aspirin, Analgin, Paracetomol, Nimid, Ibuprom, Movalis.
  • Drugs to improve tissue metabolism and hematoma resorption eliminate the consequences of vascular injury. The most effective representatives of the group are “Heparin ointment”, “Liogel”, “Venitan”, “Troxevasin”.
  • Cartilage injuries (in mild form) are corrected with chondrocopters, for example, Teraflex and Chondrotin. You can take these drugs (especially in tablet form) only after consultation with your physician.


A knee bruise can be treated with folk remedies, using them at home. The advantage of such recipes is that they do not have a harmful effect on the body (as opposed to pills that disrupt the gastrointestinal tract). But before using “improvised means”, it is necessary to consult a doctor and make sure that the bruised joint is not filled with blood, there are no cracks in the bones and there is no suspicion of dislocations.

Vinegar oil

To make the recipe, just take a tablespoon of sunflower oil, table vinegar and water, and then mix the ingredients well. The mixture is applied in a thin layer to the damaged knee. (contraindications: fresh bruises, hematomas, violation of the integrity of the skin).

Burdock compress

Dried burdock root is mixed with violet and veronica roots. One tablespoon of each ingredient is enough. The preparation is kept in a liter of vodka for 24 hours. This is one of the options that can be done for a bruise when warming compresses are allowed.

Clay compresses

Pharmaceutical clay is mixed with water and diluted to a sour cream consistency. The mass is applied to the knee and bandaged. The compress needs to be changed 4 to 6 times a day.

Onion lotion

Grate a large onion head on a fine grater, then spread on the bruises and wrap with cling film on top. You need to walk with the lotion for at least an hour. Repeat the procedure 3 to 5 times a day.

Cabbage leaf

A fresh cabbage leaf, well mashed in your hands and bandaged to the damaged area, is the best answer to the question “what to do if you bruise your knee?” This product is absolutely safe and can act both as a cooling compress (if you keep the sheet in the refrigerator) and as an inflammation blocker. A thoroughly washed and dried leaf is applied to the joint and wrapped with a bandage. You can apply such a compress for a long time, changing the cabbage every two hours.

Features of the treatment of childhood trauma

Many parents simply do not know how to treat a child’s knee bruise, whether it is possible to give him medications and in what doses. It is better to limit pill intake to the minimum necessary. And even more so, you should not give your child any pills without a doctor’s prescription. Children's skin has high permeability (absorption), so medicinal ones should not be overused either. In order for the injury to heal as quickly as possible, it is better to limit the baby’s activity and enroll him in physical therapy.

Knowing what and how to treat the injury, the victim will be able to quickly recover and avoid possible complications. The resulting injury will only hurt intensely for the first two or three days, after which only mild discomfort will remain. Already during rehabilitation, a person can return to his usual lifestyle and enter into a routine.


If you treat the injury carelessly and do not provide assistance in a timely manner, the following consequences of a knee injury from a fall may occur:

  • disorders in the meniscus of the knee joints - inflammation, tear and rupture;
  • accumulation of a large amount of fluid in the cavity of the knee joint - after a bruise, severe swelling and hemorrhage into the joint cavity often occurs. To avoid complex consequences, it is necessary to perform a puncture and remove accumulated fluid;
  • ruptured or sprained knee ligaments;
  • Bursitis is an inflammation of the structures that facilitate joint movement due to increased friction between tissues.