What to put on a child's nose to prevent it from getting sick. What to do if you rub your nose with a runny nose. Antiviral nasal ointment

Nasal ointment is one of the forms of medicine used for a runny nose during seasonal allergies or for and. It can also be used to prevent infection.

In order not to get sick during the peak period of colds, it is necessary to have good immunity and/or create artificial barriers to the penetration of the pathogen into the human body. For this purpose, there are special preparations that are used for application to the nasal mucosa.

The main recommended remedy is oxolin. Although many doctors talk about its unproven effectiveness, patients note that the drug really helps. Rarely used for treatment. Its action is aimed at preventing the virus from entering human cells. This prevents infection and spread of the disease. Important! The drug is active only against viruses and does not prevent the development of bacterial infections.

Another ointment used to prevent viral diseases of the nasopharynx is Viferon.
It has an immunostimulating effect, so it can also be used as a therapeutic agent. The drug contains human interferon, a compound that triggers reactions aimed at eliminating (removing) the virus from the body. It is suitable for use from the first year of life. For medicinal purposes, the course is 5-7 days, the ointment is applied 3-4 times a day. To prevent colds, once a day is enough.

Antiviral ointment of plant origin Antivir is also suitable to prevent the development of rhinitis. Thanks to its fatty base, it can remain on the human nasal mucosa for a long time and protect cells from infection. It helps to increase the body's adaptive abilities (resistance to infections).

Treatment of a runny nose of a viral or bacterial nature

Ointments with herbal ingredients

The most popular remedy among the population is Vishnevsky ointment. Important! It can be applied to the mucous membrane only if the epithelium is not damaged. Also, for a runny nose, the ointment is used to warm it up, placing compresses with the drug on the wings and sinuses of the nose.

It contains three active components:

  • Birch tar;
  • Castor oil;
  • Xeroform.

Thanks to the latter, the mucous membrane dries out, and partial pain relief occurs. Areas affected by microorganisms are restored faster. Castor oil ensures deep penetration of the other components of the ointment, and the tar itself has an irritating and antiseptic effect.

Pinosol is an ointment with a high content of natural herbal antiseptics.
It contains extracts of pine and eucalyptus. The ointment relieves swelling and reduces the severity of cold symptoms. It can be used by children from the age of two. The course lasts 1-2 weeks. During this period, the drug should be used 3-4 times a day, applying it with a cotton swab and gently rubbing it over the inner surface of the nose.

Fleming's homeopathic ointment will help relieve inflammation and speed up recovery. In addition, it dries the affected areas and speeds up their healing. It contains extracts of plants such as witch hazel, calendula, and horse chestnut. Also, zinc oxide is used as an antiseptic component, and menthol is used as an anesthetic. The ointment is placed in the nose for a week several times a day for 5-7 minutes.

Another homeopathic remedy is Thuja ointment. It consists of plant extracts and is made on a Vaseline base. It is taken externally. The ointment is applied to the sinuses and wings. The manufacturer does not recommend its use under 18 years of age.

The popular Zvezdochka balm can also make breathing easier. Important! However, applying it to mucous membranes is contraindicated. The product is highly irritating and can cause burns. To prevent and treat colds, it is enough to smear it under the nose.

Evamenol ointment can correct the symptoms of rhinitis. It contains menthol and eucalyptus essential oils. The ointment has a slight anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect. Evamenol can improve the patient's condition when administered intranasally, without constricting blood vessels and without causing addiction.


Bactroban ointment recommended for use against staphylococcal and some other bacterial infections. It locally fights microorganisms without causing side effects. The course can last from 5 to 10 days. It is applied 2-3 times a day. Important! The manufacturer warns: “Prolonged use of Bactroban ointment may lead to excessive growth of insensitive microorganisms.”

Levomekol- a complex ointment containing two broad-spectrum antibiotics. It is not recommended to take it without a doctor's prescription. Important! The ointment is active only for bacterial infections. When deciding to take it, place it in the nose on a cotton swab for 5-15 minutes. The duration of the course is determined by a specialist.

If the epithelial covers of the nasal mucosa are damaged, you can use tetracycline ointment. It is applied strictly to the problem area. It is active against a wide range of bacteria. Use is permitted from 11 years of age.

Ointments of a chemical nature

Some ointments are obtained through chemical reactions. Sometimes a natural component is used as a starting material. Such ointments cannot be called completely natural, but they usually have a lower risk of causing allergies or other unwanted reactions.

This is how a well-known drug is obtained Vinilin (Shostakovich's balm). It has an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect, promotes rapid healing of damaged epithelium. There are practically no contraindications for the product. When used externally, it is approved for use even during lactation and pregnancy.

Another popular and highly active remedy is Miramistin. It is approved for use in children (from three years of age). Specially conducted studies have shown that the product does not affect the development of the fetus, and therefore it can be used by pregnant women. Miramistin ointment is active against a wide range of bacteria and pathogenic fungi, but is most effective against staphylococci and streptococci. The medication can also increase the susceptibility of microorganisms to antibiotics.

Ichthyol ointment
obtained from the processing of organic substances. It is prescribed quite rarely; many doctors consider this remedy to be outdated. However, some patients positively evaluate its therapeutic effect. It helps get rid of microorganisms of both viral and bacterial nature, and triggers regeneration processes (tissue restoration). Important! Do not allow the ointment to enter the gastrointestinal tract. If accidentally swallowed, induce vomiting.

Homemade ointments for runny nose

You need to be careful with such home remedies, especially when using them in childhood. First you need to make sure that there is no allergy to the components included in the ointment for the common cold.

Alcohol-based ointment promotes warming and also has an antiseptic effect. To the main ingredient add in equal parts:

  1. Vegetable oil (sunflower or other);
  2. Crushed laundry soap;
  3. Milk;
  4. Onion juice or pulp.

The ointment is applied to a cotton swab and inserted into the nostril for a few minutes. Important! Before use, you need to make sure that the integrity of the mucous membrane is not compromised.. If a strong burning sensation is felt in the nose, the procedure will need to be stopped immediately and rinsed with water.

Another popular ointment among supporters of alternative medicine is lemon. It has antiseptic and irritant properties. To prepare it, you need to pass two lemons through a meat grinder or blender, add a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of vegetable oil to the resulting slurry.

You can take one of the pharmacological preparations as a basis, for example Vishnevsky ointment. Aloe, Kalanchoe, and onion juice are added to it. They enhance the effect of the main remedy and improve the condition of the mucous membrane.

Important! It is better not to store homemade mixtures for a long time, but to use them immediately after preparation. Since preservatives are not included in their composition, and it is quite difficult to achieve sterility at home, bacteria can get into the homemade ointment, which can worsen the patient’s condition.

Ointments used for allergies

If you have an allergy, your doctor can prescribe a prescription for ointment, which is prepared directly at the pharmacy. Its composition, as a rule, includes diphenhydramine, menthol, petroleum jelly, zinc oxide, novocaine. It promotes almost instantaneous swelling and mucus drainage. It is also used for sinusitis. After applying the ointment, it is necessary to prepare a napkin due to the separation of secretions. Important! The doctor can replace the components of the mixture at his discretion.

Hydrocortisone ointment also helps relieve an allergy attack. It reduces the number of cells that cause undesirable reactions and acts on the mechanism of disease development. It can be used from 2 years of age, the only possible side effect is nosebleeds.

Ointments for dry nasal mucosa

Dry nose can have different causes, and before starting treatment, it is better to find out why this unpleasant symptom developed. If it is a consequence of a long-term illness, chronic rhinitis, then the following ointments can help:

  • Pinosol;
  • Vinylin;
  • Oksolin.

In some cases, you can get by with regular Vaseline or baby cream. These are hypoallergenic products that will not cause worsening of the condition. You need to resort to them when you are not sure what caused the dryness. If it is a consequence of allergies, then herbal preparations can cause swelling and runny nose. This, in turn, can cause destruction of the mucous membrane and cause even greater dryness when the effect of the allergen stops.

Ointments for a runny nose can ease the course of the disease, but treatment should only begin if the cause of rhinitis is determined. This form of medication is not always convenient; children usually do not agree to keep cotton swabs in their noses. In these cases, it is better to choose a spray or drops. However, the ointment is almost irreplaceable when there is contact with a potential carrier of an airborne infection.

Video: treatment of a runny nose with interferon and oxolinic ointment, Dr. Komarovsky

Children suffer from viral infections much more often than adults. This is why prevention of ARVI is so important, especially during epidemics. Parents often ask the doctor what to put on their nose to prevent getting sick.

The nasal and oral cavity are the entry point for viruses and bacteria. It is through this area that they enter the body. With good local immunity and normal hydration of the mucous membranes, pathogens quickly die and infection does not occur. But even if some of them survive, the disease usually occurs in a mild form.

However, the good functioning of the immune system can fail over time. The defenses are weakened after some viral diseases - for example, influenza or cytomegalovirus infection. In addition, a common cold can cause a decrease in immunity if it recurs frequently.

Pediatricians advise using local remedies to prevent ARVI. What to put under your nose to avoid getting sick? Typically, antiviral or antiseptic ointments are used for this purpose. Herbal preparations are also popular.

  • Oxolinic ointment.
  • Infagel.
  • Pinosol.
  • Fleminga.

Oxolinic ointment

The active ingredient of this medicine is oxolin. It has antiseptic and antiviral effects. Oxolinic ointment is used to prevent herpes, influenza and ARVI. It is believed that the drug is most effective against these pathogens.

However, the manufacturer does not indicate in the instructions whether the ointment can be used in the treatment of children. This is due to the lack of studies on the effectiveness and safety of oxolin in this age group of patients. The same is true for pregnant and lactating women.

To date, there are no convincing large-scale studies that would confirm the effectiveness of the drug in the prevention of ARVI and influenza.

But, nevertheless, Oxolinic ointment is one of the most popular remedies used during an epidemic of various viral infections, and many doctors recommend using it to avoid infection.

Parents should be aware that the use of drugs with unproven effectiveness creates the illusion of protection from disease. Many people think that if you apply ointment to your nose, you can visit crowded places even during epidemics. This leads to increased morbidity among children. This behavior becomes especially dangerous when you have the flu.

The use of Oxolinic ointment usually does not lead to serious side effects, but children may complain of a strong burning sensation in the nose. This medicine also dries out the mucous membranes, which complicates the work of local immunity and reduces its effectiveness in the fight against viruses.

The application of this ointment does not protect against ARVI to the extent claimed by the manufacturer and some doctors. Children and adults easily become infected with viral infections.


Infagel contains a recombinant form of interferon alpha. This is an antiviral drug. It is usually prescribed for herpes, but the prevention of influenza and ARVI is also included in the indications for its use.

The drug is applied inside the nasal passages using a cotton swab. You should be aware that the thickness of the layer does not increase its effectiveness, but disrupts the normal formation of the protective film. You should strive to apply the medicine evenly, in a thin layer.

When using the gel, there is usually a feeling of skin tightening; this reaction is considered normal and expected. It does not apply to the side effects of the medicine.

There is also no convincing evidence of the pronounced effectiveness of this medicine in the prevention of ARVI.


Pinosol does not have a direct antiviral effect. Its main effect is decongestant and antiseptic. Thanks to the latter, this medicine is prescribed for prophylactic purposes when visiting public places during an epidemic of ARVI and influenza. It can also be used after contact with a sick person.

Pinosol contains the following substances:

  • Eucalyptus and pine oil.
  • Thymol.
  • Tocopherol acetate.

It relieves inflammation, promotes the regeneration of damaged tissues, and has an antimicrobial effect due to its high oil content.

This nasal ointment is used for acute and chronic diseases of the nasal cavity, as well as for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections.

Pinosol is applied to the mucous membrane of the nasal passages up to four times a day using cotton swabs. Used in children from the age of three. But you should know that in young patients this ointment can provoke bronchospasm due to the high content of essential oils.


Sometimes parents ask the doctor to prescribe a herbal or homeopathic remedy for their baby for prevention. What ointment should be used to prevent the child from getting sick? Pediatricians advise Fleming. This is a homeopathic medicine that contains the following components:

  • Witch hazel.
  • Calendula.
  • Aesculus.
  • Zinc oxide and petroleum jelly.
  • Menthol.

Thanks to this composition, the ointment has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, dries out mucous membranes, and eliminates inflammation. It is also prescribed for preventive purposes - to strengthen the immune system.

Fleming enhances the body's nonspecific reactivity and its ability to cope with viruses.

This ointment should not be prescribed to children and adults with hypersensitivity to its components. You should also be aware that menthol can have an irritating and cooling effect on the mucous membranes.

Fleming can be classified as an indirect immunomodulator, but it does not have a direct antiviral effect.

Should I smear my baby's nose to prevent him from getting a viral infection? It is much more effective to avoid contact with sick people during an epidemic and strengthen the immune system using nonspecific methods - hardening and maintaining optimal temperature and humidity in the room.

During a period of severe exacerbation of colds, parents think about what to smear their nose to avoid getting sick; this becomes especially important when there are small children in the family. It is very important to take care of the health of your children during severe cold weather. To reduce the risk of contracting any cold, experienced pediatricians recommend smearing your nose with antiviral ointment. This preventive method is one of the most proven, gentle and effective means for preventing viruses, which is not capable of causing harmful side effects on the body.

Manifestations of the initial processes of a cold are considered to be profuse rashes on the lips, visible inflammation of the eyes, sensitive nasal mucosa, general weakness and malaise. World pharmaceuticals are constantly developing, new medicines are appearing. The group of antiviral drugs includes many different nasal cold ointments, antiviral medications, herbal medicines for children and drops. But all of them cannot eliminate the virus completely; they can only remove its individual manifestations.

A cold manifests itself as a viral disease of the upper respiratory tract, which affects the delicate mucous membrane of the nose. The most characteristic signs are a runny nose, frequent sneezing, sore throat, cough of various forms, and sometimes an increase in body temperature. Basically, this disease is transmitted by airborne droplets; through an ordinary handshake there is also a chance of catching it.

This disease in the early stages of development does not require a special approach during treatment; you can only get by by taking antiviral teas and frequent throat inhalations. This is the most gentle and easiest method of combating the primary manifestations of influenza.

At this stage of the onset of the disease, you can lubricate your nose with regular interferon ointment, which has a mechanism for blocking the proliferation of dangerous viruses. Various ointments based on Interferon are effective immunomodulatory and antiviral drugs. The most effective remedy from this group is considered to be the popular Viferon ointment, which can be used to smear a child’s nose.

During the course of a cold, the most unpleasant thing that can happen is a prolonged runny nose, due to the fact that it can cause serious discomfort to the sick person. If you have a cold without any particular complications, complex treatment of the runny nose will not bring any tangible results. But coughing is a different matter. During an acute viral disease, a periodically occurring cough performs its defining function - it removes accumulated mucus from the respiratory tract and the lungs themselves. This type of cough is considered productive. But in some cases, there is an irritating dry cough that causes discomfort and prevents a person from sleeping peacefully at night. A productive cough is a sign of speedy relief from the disease, but with a non-productive dry cough, the disease can drag on for a long time.

In addition to the main symptoms characteristic of this disease, a person who is sick may experience muscle or headache pain, severe fever, all this can be easily eliminated without the need for medication - by ensuring plenty of fluids and bed rest. An increase in body temperature to 39.5 degrees and its stable maintenance for several days serves as a signal of a more serious illness. In this case, you should not hesitate to visit a competent doctor, because he is the one who is able to provide proper assistance.

List of cold ointments for children

Oksolinka is considered to be an excellent prophylactic agent that has proven itself over many years of medical practice and is recommended for use by children right from the moment of birth. She needs to smear her nose just before going outside or visiting a large crowd of people. Doctors recommend: if you don’t know what to put on your child’s nose, then feel free to use oxolinic ointment.

Multi-component ointment Doctor Mom is a herbal-based drug that includes the following important elements:

  • natural menthol;
  • warming camphor;
  • natural eucalyptus oil;
  • other active elements.

All of these listed substances can have a rapid anti-inflammatory effect and effectively destroy harmful microorganisms in the nose and on its surface. This ointment can also be applied during complex treatment with other antiviral medications. But we must remember that it should not be used for treatment and prevention by children under three months of age, as well as by persons with individual intolerance to some components of the drug.

In order to effectively treat colds in babies, many mothers actively use warming compositions that contain natural ingredients such as eucalyptus oil, nutmeg and other equally useful elements. The good old Zvezdochka balm is successfully used by parents to help their baby quickly cope with a cough.

The most unpleasant consequence of all colds is the appearance of painful herpes on the lips or on the sensitive mucous membrane of the eyes. Don’t despair, an ointment called Infagel will help quickly eliminate herpes. This ointment can be safely applied to various intrauterine infections in children.

Many nasal diseases caused by the well-known staphylococcus bacterium can be treated with an ointment called Bactroban. It is an effective broad-spectrum antibiotic known for its enhanced antibacterial properties. Regular use of the ointment does not set any clear age restrictions. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is the strictly dosed use of the ointment for all children under 12 years of age. It should be used with great caution to persons with severe renal failure.

However, along with all the numerous beneficial properties, the described medications also have their contraindications and side effects. That is why it is so important to carefully study the instructions in order to achieve the desired effect and not get sick again.

Popular nasal products for adults

For nasal congestion, severe runny nose, and herpes, adults can benefit from an ointment called Antivir; it needs to be applied to the nose twice a day. The ointment has excellent antiviral and immunomodulatory properties.

Also, an ointment for constant lubrication of the sensitive nasal mucosa - Pinosol - has a good antiseptic antimicrobial effect. Its complex composition contains healthy Scots pine oil, natural eucalyptus, and thymol.

Use of formulations for pregnant women

This is a special risk group that can often be attacked by viruses and dangerous infections. In order not to get sick, you need to try very hard, because the treatment of any disease in this condition is complicated due to the ban on taking many medications. But for these people there is still an alternative. Pregnant women are suitable for ointments based on the well-known drug Interferon - Viferon, Infagel, as well as the well-known oxolinic ointment. During bacterial infections and during gestation, specialists most often prescribe the drug Miramistin.

Expectant mothers are also allowed to use some herbal-based ointments, for example, the popular Fleming ointment. But we must remember that self-medication carries a potential danger; in any case, the supervising doctor should decide whether to take this or that drug. This is very important, do not forget.

Seasonal prevention of illness

The use of effective cold medicines is considered the most reasonable method of combating seasonal colds.

Ointments based on special components that act to enhance the body’s protective properties so that the child does not get sick are becoming increasingly in demand. But coupled with drug prophylaxis, experts recommend periodically carrying out a set of various measures that are aimed at strengthening the immune system during exacerbations of colds.

As necessary preventive measures, take a course of taking herbal adaptogens - dried echinacea, eleutherococcus, beneficial ginseng. Such drugs have long become allies of effective drug innovations. Among them, it is worth especially noting Antigrippin, Influcid and others.

Seasonal flu vaccination, which has literally turned into a panacea, has received a well-deserved reputation among children and adults as one of the best preventive measures. This vaccination immediately helps to cope with all the main difficulties of the course of the disease, reliably protecting it from complications. Immunity begins its rapid development already on the 2nd day after vaccination, the maximum period of its effect is up to 30 days. You need to make every effort not to get sick or become incapacitated during this difficult period. Those antibodies that are contained in excess in the vaccine are active for 6 months. Seasonal vaccination is recommended to be carried out well before the outbreak of the epidemic itself.

During the demi-season periods, the immune system becomes weaker, this is when it is worth starting taking yeast and multivitamin-based medications, this is suitable for preventing the occurrence of colds. Natural fruit drinks based on vitamins, herbal infusions from collections of dried medicinal plants, natural teas based on healthy cranberries, dried viburnum, lingonberries, garden currants, dried linden inflorescences with the addition of a small amount of honey can significantly increase weakened immunity, saturating it with the necessary nutrients for that period. components.

In order to lubricate the nasal canals during the harsh winter period, a composition made with your own hands from garlic in combination with onions is perfect. To begin with, sunflower oil is kept in a heat-resistant glass container for 40 minutes in a water bath.

After this, the already cooled oil is poured into 4 cloves of chopped fresh garlic and a quarter of a chopped onion. The resulting mixture is infused and decanted, after which it is applied as an ointment.

The most effective for preventing colds is a special ointment made from aromatic fir oil, which is used to gently lubricate the nasal passages before directly going outside.

Rules for using the drug

When applying nasal compositions, you should follow the procedure for using such products:

  1. There is no need to inject the product into the nasal passage if they are clogged with purulent matter or mucus. First you need to thoroughly rinse them with saline solution - various preparations based on sea water, saline solution.
  2. Regeneration ointments can also be applied to the area under the nose to avoid skin irritation from rhinitis.
  3. If bacterial rhinitis is diagnosed, you should not combine ointments with homemade honey, so as not to create an additional source for bacteria to develop.

This is perhaps the most basic thing to remember when doing nose care.

In the arsenal of modern medicine there is a huge number of means to combat rhinitis or other diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The pharmacy can always offer you a choice of drops, sprays, and tablets. It is necessary to take medications, taking into account not only the symptoms of the disease, but also the cause that caused the disease.

Often, doctors prescribe an antiviral nasal ointment for ARVI, rather than regular drops. Some consider it ineffective, but this is a mistaken opinion. Any drug will have its effect if taken correctly, and most importantly, taking into account the symptoms and cause of the disease.

Classification of antiviral drugs

All drugs that are designed to fight viruses can be divided into several groups:

  1. Natural. Such preparations contain phytoncides from onions and garlic. Everyone knows the antiviral activity of these vegetables, so infusions from them are often used for treatment.
  2. Synthetic, for example oxolinic ointment.
  3. Biological. These are all medications containing interferon, for example Viferon.

It is worth noting that whatever antiviral drugs you choose, they are most effective in the first three days of illness.

If we consider the drugs used in general, they can also be divided into several groups:

  1. Antiviral.
  2. Antiseptic.
  3. Combined.
  4. Homeopathic.

Any medicine always has its indications and contraindications, so you should not self-medicate, it is better to seek advice from a doctor.

Antiviral agents

With the onset of cold weather in the autumn-winter period, almost everyone is faced with such problems as colds and runny nose. In these cases, it is very important to have a remedy on hand that will help resist the infection. Antiviral agents suppress the activity of viruses and microbes and have clinically proven effectiveness.

Oxolinic ointment

Antiviral nasal ointment “Oxolinic” will be a good helper. Many people believe that if you apply it to the nasal mucosa every day before going outside, then no viruses will attack you. has clear antiviral activity. The components included in it are able to block the connection of the influenza virus with cell membranes, which means that it simply cannot penetrate inside the cell.

This ointment is available in various concentrations. If you decide to use nasal ointment, then you should choose one with an active ingredient concentration of 0.25%.

To prevent viral diseases, it is necessary to lubricate the nasal mucosa 2-3 times a day, especially before going outside. This drug has virtually no contraindications, so it can be used even by children.


There is also an antiviral nasal ointment “Viferon”. This drug is classified as biological. "Viferon" is not only a good antiviral agent, but also an immunomodulator. This antiviral nasal ointment is prescribed in many cases, for example:

During a viral epidemic or treatment of diseases, children 1-2 years old need to apply nasal ointment three times a day, and adults and children over 2 years old can use the drug 4 times a day.

Many doctors consider Levomekol ointment an excellent remedy for getting rid of nasal congestion. This is explained by the fact that she:

  • Speeds up metabolic processes.
  • Relieves inflammation.
  • Has an antimicrobial effect.

Despite the large number of advantages, this ointment has some contraindications for use; it cannot be used if:

Cotton swabs must be soaked in the ointment and inserted into the nasal passages for a while.

Combination drugs

Complex drugs always have a more pronounced effect, which is why doctors prefer them in the treatment of most diseases.

Combined ointments have several properties:

  • Nasal breathing becomes easier.
  • Dryness in the nasal passages disappears.
  • Protects against viral infections.

You just need to take into account that this antiviral nasal ointment is not suitable for children under 2 years of age; you will have to opt for another drug.

Homeopathic medicines

Homeopathy has firmly entered our lives; in the treatment of many diseases, they try to use such drugs as they are more gentle on the body. There are also homeopathic ointments for the nose; they have a number of advantages over others, since they immediately have a complex effect:

  1. Stimulates a person's own immunity.
  2. They have a clear antiviral effect.
  3. They have an antihistamine effect.
  4. Relieves inflammation.
  5. Remove swelling of the mucous membrane.

Since such preparations consist almost entirely of natural ingredients, such nasal ointment for children is quite suitable for treatment.

Such drugs include: During a runny nose, it is necessary to apply it to the mucous membrane or use cotton swabs for these purposes. Use time is about 10 minutes several times a day. The procedure must be carried out over 1-2 weeks.

The ointment is well tolerated by patients, it is approved for use even by pregnant women, but it is still better to consult a doctor before use.

Nasal ointment for pregnant women

Getting sick is always bad, but not everyone can avoid it. Some are saved by preventive vaccinations, others take folk recipes, but sometimes this does not help.

The issue of preventing viral infections is especially relevant during pregnancy. During this period, a woman is responsible not only for her own life, but also for the well-being of the growing life inside her.

It is not always possible to avoid infection, so if you have a runny nose, you should select an antiviral nasal ointment for pregnant women that would not harm the small lump inside the abdomen.

Most doctors recommend using oxolinic ointment during pregnancy for prophylactic purposes. This antiviral nasal ointment is applied to the mucous membrane and prevents viruses from entering the cell. In addition, it has proven itself well in the fight against herpes.

The popularity of this ointment can also be explained by its availability and relatively low price, which for many buyers is often a decisive factor when choosing a medicine.

Nasal ointment for children

Children get colds even more often than adults, so parents are constantly faced with the question of how to resist infections, and if infection has already occurred, how to quickly cope with the disease.

Everyone knows that the drugs that adults use to fight the virus cannot always be used in therapy in children. This should also be remembered when choosing an antiviral nasal ointment for children.

Before purchasing, you should always consult with your doctor; do not self-medicate, especially for a child. Here is a list of nasal ointments that can be used in children:

  1. Oxolinic ointment can be easily used in children; it has practically no contraindications, but before this it is necessary to exclude allergic reactions to the components of the drug.
  2. "Viferon" is an excellent antiviral nasal ointment for infants.

Vishnevsky ointment is not prescribed to children under 6 years of age. At older ages, kidney disease is a contraindication. Ointment "Levomekol" due to the presence of an antibiotic also cannot be used in preschool age.

Even if the ointment is approved for use in children, it is still necessary to consult a doctor before use. Everyone’s body is different, diseases progress individually, so the remedy is not always universal for everyone.

Even all children have different symptoms. One child, despite the high temperature, rushes around the apartment, and the other lies in bed almost the whole day, while refusing to eat.

When children are sick, it is always quite difficult for parents in this situation. Everyone had thoughts that it was better to get sick a hundred times yourself than to see a child suffer from an unbearable cough or nasal congestion.

But no one is immune from diseases, so more attention needs to be paid to the prevention of viral diseases. In these cases, antiviral nasal ointment will come in handy. Your pediatrician will always tell you its name.

Before use, it is imperative to check how the body accepts this product. To do this, apply the ointment to a small area of ​​skin and watch the reaction. If there is no redness or burning sensation, then it can be used.

When a child rubs his nose with a runny nose, it is recommended that all parents know what to do first. In addition to the fact that the nose hurts, the damage present on it is a favorable place for the penetration of pathogenic microflora. If an infection occurs, rhinitis can become complicated by an inflammatory process. To avoid troubles, you need to promptly treat the chafing that appears after a runny nose.

Methods for treating irritation under the nose

When you have a cold, nasal congestion is one of the common problems. If chafing from a runny nose has just appeared, it is recommended to immediately use an anti-inflammatory ointment. It will help relieve pain and prevent the penetration of pathogenic microflora. Ointments based on sea buckthorn oil and aloe extract have good healing properties. You can soften the skin and remove flaking with regular baby cream. You should not use a product that contains eucalyptus or menthol oil. These components will cause a burning sensation, which will further create discomfort.

If the child has just gotten sick, but has already damaged the integrity of the skin, you need to treat the affected area with an antiseptic and moisturize it.

There is irritation under the nose without a runny nose, that is, when rhinitis is cured. In such a situation, it will be much easier to treat the problem, since there is no need to constantly remove mucus and touch the damaged skin with a handkerchief.

Flaky skin will renew itself faster if you anoint it with sesame, peach or almond oil. The product is applied in a thin layer as needed. You should not rub in the oil. All touches must be very careful. Any mechanical impact on the damaged area will additionally injure the skin.

If the child’s epidermis not only peels off, but also has wounds, you need to smear the affected area with a wound-healing agent. It is recommended to give preference to creams or ointments that contain panthenol.

It is quite difficult to control and teach children, especially small ones, to wipe their nose with an appropriate hygiene product. Therefore, if cracks appear on the reddened skin, and the inflammatory process has spread further and affected the lip, it is not recommended to attempt treatment on your own. The best solution would be to contact a dermatologist. Before visiting a doctor and in the further treatment process, it is necessary that the child does not tear off the crust that forms during the regeneration of the epidermis. If it is not possible to quickly take the child to the hospital, it is recommended to treat the red, inflamed areas with an antiseptic and apply a wound-healing medicine. You cannot put off visiting a doctor. The fact is that the inflammatory process can be so serious that antibiotics will be required to treat it.

If the inflammation process has already passed and the skin is just flaking, you can speed up the process of removing keratinized scales using regular Vaseline. Apply this product under the nose and the process of self-removal will begin to occur faster. Trying to remove scales by tearing them off the nose is unsafe. The epidermis can be further damaged.

Methods to prevent irritation under the nose

With rhinitis, in addition to the fact that patients rub their nose themselves, irritation also appears due to the leaking mucus getting on the skin. To prevent soreness, redness and cracking, remove mucus with a soft paper towel. Use it to gently blot your nose without creating unnecessary friction. The use of cloth scarves is not recommended. In addition to being more rigid, their use is less hygienic compared to disposable napkins. Additional irritation can also be created by paper that is impregnated with scented substances. If preference was still given to textile hygiene products, then they should not be synthetic; they should be changed as often as possible.

Vaseline or a thick, alcohol-free cream can help relieve irritation from frequent nose blowing. If you frequently rub the area near your nose, such products will reduce the mechanical impact of a sanitary scarf or napkin.

To make the skin peel less, you need to reduce the amount of secretions that irritate the epidermis. For this purpose, special medications are used. But you also need to be careful with them. They should not excessively dry out the mucous membranes. It is better to give preference to medications such as saline sprays or drops. The inhaled air also affects the course of rhinitis. Use humidifiers; the air in the room where the disease is located should be moist.

During illness, the immune system weakens. At this point, chronic diseases may worsen. Herpes can become such a problem. If the anti-inflammatory cream does not remove the irritation that has arisen, and small blisters appear under the nose and the child complains of itching, then the baby most likely has herpes. You won't be able to deal with it using conventional means. You need to use antiviral ointments. Some argue: I locally lubricate the affected area with antiherpetic agents, but it helps little. Parents should know that in such a situation local therapy will not be enough; it is necessary to increase the child’s immunity. It is recommended to entrust the treatment of complicated rhinitis with herpes to doctors.