What are the types of eye diseases? Pathologies of the tear-producing system. Eye diseases in children

Despite the fact that a person has as many as five senses, this does not mean that one of them can be neglected. Redness in the eyes, a burning or itching sensation, pain or swelling, any disturbances that appear before your eyes in the form of flickering, flashes or spots - all this indicates that you have had to deal with eye diseases of one degree or another.

It is extremely important to detect such and similar manifestations, since the consequences that provoke this kind of disease are not always harmless or reversible.

Most human eye diseases have the same symptoms, but there are still certain differences that allow an accurate diagnosis to be made.


- this is a violation visual function, due to the elongated shape compared to the norm eyeball. It can also occur when there is excessive optical power of the cornea. The disease is terrible not so much in itself as in its consequences, since it is characterized by a gradual deterioration of vision, up to its complete loss.

Occurs most often due to prolonged eye contact with nearby objects: a book, monitor screen, etc.


– a type of eye disease in which a person is unable to clearly perceive objects that are in front of his eyes at a distance of 2-3 dm. Various degrees may be present, depending on which vision is restored completely or correction methods are prescribed - glasses, contact lenses, etc. It is very important to contact an ophthalmologist in a timely manner, because serious cases of this disease I require highly qualified surgical treatment.


is a visual disorder in which each eye looks in a different direction. It develops most often in two three year olds, often - against the background of the two described above eye diseases. Treatment should be started as early as possible, since such a deviation provokes a gradual deterioration in visual acuity.

If in childhood allows you to eliminate the violation conservative therapy, then in adults in this situation only surgical intervention is required.


- exactly this frequent illness visual system human, occurring in the vast majority of older people.

This disorder is characterized by partial or complete clouding of the lens, and due to the fact that it loses its transparency, of all the light rays that enter the human eye, only a small part of them is perceived.

This becomes the reason for a fuzzy and blurry perception of everything a person sees. Lack of timely treatment threatens complete blindness.


is a name that combines a number of eye diseases that are caused by for various reasons and can manifest and proceed in different ways, but the outcome is always the same: the person atrophies and completely loses his vision. Most often, this problem occurs in older people, but doctors do not rule out the fact that people at absolutely any age can face it.


is a visual focusing disorder that is often observed in patients with farsightedness or myopia. This pathology observed when the sphericity of the cornea or lens is impaired, and this condition can be either congenital or acquired. Today, the disease is corrected with glasses or lenses, and also eliminated with the help of laser correction. Without treatment, this disorder leads to strabismus and a sharp decrease in visual function.

Or partial color blindness- This congenital condition, in which a person lacks the ability to distinguish certain colors.

May be expressed in varying degrees: reduced perception of one of the three colors that are considered primary (red, green, blue).

Complete non-perception of one of them, altered perception of red and green, or, which is extremely rare, complete color non-perception.


– an eye disease in which different refraction is observed in two eyes. With this problem, the brain perceives a signal from only one eye, as a result of which the second, due to inactivity, gradually goes blind. In the absence of timely correction of this disease, the patient may develop strabismus. Unfortunately, the situation is aggravated by the fact that correction is carried out exclusively with the help of contact lenses, which are contraindicated for many.


- this is an inflammation of the lacrimal sac, as a result of which there is a constant discharge from the affected eye of not only large quantity tears, but also purulent discharge. Treatment consists of rinsing the canal and treating with special antiseptics, however, in the absence positive effect can be applied surgical treatment. If therapy is not carried out, the patient faces complete loss of vision.

Retinal detachment

Retinal detachment – ​​this pathology refers to the process in which the retina of the eye separates from the choroid.

This is most often a consequence of a retinal tear, since this allows fluid contained inside the eye to get between it and the choroid and cause a detachment.

For this disease, urgent surgery, - otherwise, the patient faces total blindness.


Keratitis - general term, which determines the inflammatory processes affecting the cornea. This can be caused by various reasons, but the result is always the same: the cornea gradually becomes cloudy, and vision decreases quite quickly. In this case, the patient has to endure a lot unpleasant manifestations, including and enough severe pain. Treatment, if detected early stages, - conservative, and if the cornea is already covered with ulcers, keratoplasty (microsurgical intervention) is performed.


Iritis is an eye disease characterized by inflamed iris. This condition is often provoked by the presence of any infectious disease in the human body. In the vast majority of cases, iridocyclitis is diagnosed, a combined disease. Isolated inflammation specifically of the iris is extremely rare, since in the vast majority of cases the ciliary body also suffers.


Conjunctivitis – inflammatory process, occurring in the inner mucous membrane of the eye (conjunctiva), which can be provoked a huge amount reasons. Depending on the form of the disease, the eyes may become swollen, red, sore, red, and may also discharge pus. Most often, not just one ophthalmologist, but a number of specialized specialists work with this problem. Treatment in most cases is medicinal; sometimes it may be necessary to wash the conjunctival sac.


Chalazion – benign tumor, which develops on the upper or lower eyelid due to inflammation in the meibomian gland leading to blockage. It begins with swelling of the eyelid; upon examination, you can notice a small nodule. Possible suppuration. The diagnosis does not require instrumental clarification: an external examination immediately shows the presence of a blockage. On initial stages the formation is treated, but in an advanced state it is subject to surgical removal.

Dry eye syndrome

Dry eye syndrome is a pathological condition in which the surface of the conjunctiva and cornea is not sufficiently moistened. This is due to the fact that there is no normal amount secreted tear fluid, and as a result a person develops pain and pain in the eyes, fear of light, and others unpleasant symptoms. Treatment consists of using artificial tears, as well as treating the diseases that caused the problem.

Stye on the eye

A stye on the eye is a localized formation of pus that occurs because the eyelash follicle or sebaceous gland exposed to any infection. This eye disease has specific symptoms: swelling of the eyes and pain in them, redness of the eyelid, and, for more late stages, - formation of an abscess. IN initial stages very easy to remove.


Amblyopia is a dysfunction of one or two eyes that does not have organic reasons and cannot be corrected with lenses or glasses. The disease is either asymptomatic or with distinctive features: inability to focus gaze, unresponsiveness color palette, general decline visual acuity. Treatment can be either conservative or surgical.

Computer vision syndrome

Computer Vision Syndrome is the name for general condition a person who spends a lot of time in front of a monitor screen, which is characterized by a decrease in visual acuity, pain in the eyes, and headaches. Despite the fact that such a disease is international classification does not exist, it cannot be ignored given the pace modern life. This condition threatens the development of myopia, so it is necessary to take care timely treatment, which consists, first of all, in observing the work and rest regime.

Macular degeneration

Macular degeneration is one of the age-related eye diseases that ultimately lead to complete loss of vision. Unfortunately, certain forms of this disease, which also develop in only one eye, are asymptomatic, and therefore the disease can be detected only when it is no longer so easy to do something about it. There is no pain associated with this disease, but all its consequences are irreversible.


Scleritis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the sclera, in its rather deep layers. If the disease is advanced, and is involved in the process, which causes severe consequences for the patient. Treatment can be either conservative or surgical, but in most cases the prognosis is favorable. heavy purulent forms threaten complete blindness.


Episcleritis is an inflammation of the tissue that is located between the sclera and the conjunctiva. Most often it occurs uncomplicatedly, does not provoke obvious disorders and eventually disappears even without treatment. Most often the reason cannot be determined. Besides, in in some cases Symptomatic therapy may be required.


Blepharitis is an inflammation of the edge of the eyelids where the eyelashes are located, most often bilateral. This disease causes redness and swelling, and it constantly recurs. In addition, the patient becomes highly sensitive to light. His eyelashes may begin to fall out. Treatment involves eliminating the cause of the disease and carrying out conservative treatment methods.

Retinal dystrophy

Retinal dystrophy is a pathological process of the human visual system, which can result in complete blindness. Can be either congenital or acquired, can be treated by all possible ways: medications, surgery and so on. If the condition is caused age-related changes– treatment will be much less effective.

Above we consider only the main eye diseases that are most common in ophthalmological practice. In fact, there are many more problems and they, moreover, increase because people often try to cope with them on their own.

The very first thing everyone should do if they discover the slightest vision problems is to contact a qualified ophthalmologist, who will determine what caused these problems and what to do next with them. In the vast majority of cases, it is the speed of application medical care is the main criterion for how completely vision will be restored.

Modern technologies, although they are wonderful assistants in a person’s life, are often the cause of exacerbation of many eye diseases. The visual function helps a person perceive most of the various information about the world around him, so eye diseases are one of the problems that require maximum attention at the first symptoms.
The list of diseases is quite long. To understand what symptoms are observed in a person, photos are attached to help determine the occurrence of the problem and consult a doctor for professional advice.

Types of major diseases

Initial symptoms are a signal for initial diagnosis and identification of possible eye disease. Primary signs possible illness You can always compare it with a photo to confirm or refute suspicions. Regardless of the result, to make a correct diagnosis, you need to visit an ophthalmologist who can do a full examination and assess the condition of the eyes.

According to their structure, eye diseases are divided into the following types:

  • diseases of the eyelids and tear ducts;
  • various pathologies of the cornea, sclera and iris;
  • pathology of the lens;
  • diseases of the conjunctiva;
  • ailments choroid and retina;
  • diseases of the muscular system.

The most common eye diseases are inflammatory in nature. These include barley, conjunctivitis, blepharitis. Diseases that impair vision include farsightedness, nearsightedness, presbyopia, and astigmatism. The most dangerous diseases for vision loss are glaucoma, cataracts, and retinal dystrophy.

Diseases of the tear ducts and eyelids

Diseases of this type include inflammatory in nature. Some of the most common are:

Blepharitis. The main symptom is inflammation of the edge of the eyelid. It is quite difficult to treat, regardless of the cause. Blepharitis is divided into ulcerative, allergenic, seborrheic and demodectic. Anatomically, it is divided into anterior marginal blepharitis (only the ciliary edge of the eyelid is affected) and posterior marginal blepharitis (the meibomian gland in the thickness of the eyelid is inflamed). The main symptoms of the disease: redness, swelling, peeling, burning, possible itching and the sensation of a foreign object under the eyelid. In this case, by the morning crusts may grow in the interciliary space, dryness or increased tearing appears, the reaction to light increases, and fatigue occurs quickly.

Barley. Another inflammatory disease. In this case, inflammation occurs, followed by suppuration of the meibomian gland or hair follicle of the eyelash. More often main reason infection occurs - hordeolum and Staphylococcus aureus. The main symptoms of the disease are: itching, swelling of the eyelid, pain when touched, redness followed by suppuration. Sometimes stye may be accompanied by fever and headache.

Occurs in both acute and chronic form. This is an inflammation of the lacrimal sac, which is characterized by the release of pus from the affected eye and increased tearing. The placement of the lacrimal sac can be seen in anatomical diagrams. It is located in the bone pit between the bridge of the nose and the inner edge of the eye. It is the lacrimal drainage system of the eye, where tears accumulate and are absorbed through certain points located on the inner edges of the eyelids. Fluid from the lacrimal sac enters the nasolacrimal duct, which ends in the nasal cavity.

Inflammation of the sac is rare, and women are more likely to suffer from it. This type The disease can occur not only in adults, but also in newborns. The cause is most often an infection of the tear duct, which manifests itself in the form of impaired outflow of tears.

Various pathologies of the cornea, sclera and iris of the eye

This category includes eye diseases with the following symptoms:

Episcleritis. This acute inflammation episcleral tissue, which is located between the sclera and conjunctiva. Primary symptom The disease is redness of part of the sclera in an area close to the cornea. The area often swells. Most often, this disease does not require special treatment and does not have a high degree of complexity. The main symptoms are: redness of the eyes, negative sensations, fear of light, discharge of fluid from the conjunctiva.

A type of inflammation that affects the cornea, causing it to become cloudy. The main causes of the disease are infection and eye injury. The disease can be expressed in mild, moderate and severe forms. Signs and symptoms: redness and tearing, fear of light, changes appearance eyes, blepharospasm may occur.

Keratoconus. Refers to a degenerative pathology of the cornea, as a result of which it may thin or bulge due to pressure. It may take the shape of a cone instead of a sphere. This disease is more common in young people than in older people, and affects the rate of loss of visual acuity. Signs of the disease are: quick loss vision in one eye, curvature of the contour of objects, fatigue.

Less common diseases include:

  • corneal dystrophy – hereditary progressive pathological changes;
  • polycoria - the presence of more than one pupil in the iris of the eye;
  • aniridia – absence of a pupil;
  • anisocoria – differences in pupil size.

Details in the video:

Pathologies of the conjunctiva and lens

Conjunctivitis. The disease is not as harmless as many people think. Inflammation begins on the conjunctiva, which can lead to quite serious consequences. The disease is divided into viral, bacterial, fungal, allergic and chlamydial. The main symptoms include: redness, swelling of the eyelid, discharge of mucus and pus, itching and burning in one or both eyes, increased lacrimation. Depending on the type of illness, there may be other symptoms.

Lens pathologies include the following diseases: aphakia, cataract, biphakia.

Aphakia (absence of lens). It can occur when the lens is removed due to cataracts or as a result of eye injury.

It causes clouding of the lens of the eye. It can appear in one or both eyes at once, and is both congenital and acquired, due to the development of an eye disease. It can become a barrier to the penetration of light, causing significant deterioration of vision, up to its complete loss in old age. Symptoms of cataracts: blurred vision, rapid deterioration in image quality, rapid decrease in visual acuity in dark time days, discomfort from emerging bright light, the ability to distinguish light decreases, problems with reading appear, objects split into two.

Biphakia. P p is a pathology when a second lens appears in the eye.

Pathologies that occur before our eyes

The main diseases encountered in this segment have the following symptoms and names:

Retinopathy. This type of retinal damage may result from oxygen starvation, as well as shortage nutrients retinal membrane, which is caused by poor metabolism or malfunction of blood vessels in patients diabetes mellitus or hypertension.

Retinal detachment and degeneration. It is a detachment of the retina from the pigment epithelium. It can be divided into primary detachment, when tissue degeneration occurs, and secondary detachment, when the cause is eye pathology.

Retinal angiopathy. Constitutes a violation general structure and functional vascular failure due to damage to neural coordination. Long-term increase blood pressure may change the wall structure over time blood vessels, leads to impaired blood circulation not only in the vessels of the eye, but also in all organs and tissues of the body, causing malfunctions different organs, and subsequently – severe complications.

It is a common disease due to high blood pressure inside the eyes. The main symptoms of glaucoma are severe headaches accompanied by blurred vision, blurred vision of objects, and the appearance of rainbow circles near light sources. If you ignore such symptoms and do not consult a doctor in a timely manner, the result may be complete loss of vision.

Detachment vitreous. It is the departure of a dense substance from the retina of the eye.

Neuritis. Is an illness optic nerve, resulting in inflammation. The optic nerve is a connection of more than 1 million sensory nerve cells retinas, which transmit information about objects and objects in the form of electrical impulses to the brain. Optic nerve disease can occur due to intoxication with poison, ethanol, household chemicals, herbicides, nicotine and other chemicals.

Ischemic neuropathy. A disease of the optic nerve that occurs due to a disruption in the blood supply.

Optic nerve atrophy. Defect in conductivity nerve fibers due to nerve destruction, damage to the transmission of irritation from retina into the brain.

Diseases of the eyeball mainly occur due to injury or inflammation, contact with the eye foreign objects or infections.

Diseases of the muscular system

Common eye diseases of the muscular system can occur at any age and can be congenital or acquired.

  1. Strabismus is a failure to control the movement of the eyeball, and there may be a different direction of action when focusing on an object.
  2. As a result of the disease nystagmus, the function of eye movement is damaged.
  3. Farsightedness is one of the common eye diseases, due to which a person begins to have difficulty distinguishing objects located nearby. But he sees objects located far away well.
  4. Myopia - in this case, the patient, on the contrary, sees well near, but objects at a distance are poorly visible and blurry.
  5. Ectropion, or in other words, eversion of the eyelid, is characteristic of the lower eyelid. In this condition, the lower eyelid may begin to turn outward, disrupting contact with the eyeball, causing discomfort and exposure of the conjunctiva. Inside each eyelid there is a small but fairly dense layer of cartilage, which gives the eyelid its shape and allows it to fit tightly to the eyeball. Symptoms of the disease may include: increased tearing, skin irritation, a feeling of sand or foreign body in the eye, redness of the eye and conjunctiva. Only surgery can correct the problem.
  6. Color blindness is a disease in which color vision is impaired. In some cases, color blindness goes undiagnosed because sometimes a person can distinguish colors not only by hue, but also by the degree of brightness. If the patient notices sudden changes in color recognition and determination, this is a direct signal to contact an ophthalmologist.

Based on the results and the described symptoms, you can get some ideas about certain eye diseases. Regardless of whether your symptoms match those of the most common diseases, it is important to have an annual eye exam with your eye doctor. Only qualified specialist will help you correctly determine the diagnosis and prescribe treatment that can quickly and effectively relieve the disease.

Deterioration of vision. What to do:

A modern examination will not cause discomfort, but to the maximum short time will help to find out the cause of the disease and save the patient’s vision. If you suffer from any ailment related to eye disease, leave your comment and supplement the article with practical facts and tips.

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Ophthalmology – field clinical medicine, studying eye diseases: pathological conditions the eyeball and the appendage apparatus of the eye - the lacrimal glands, eyelids, conjunctiva, as well as the bone and soft tissue structures surrounding the eye. The most important task of ophthalmology is the development and improvement of methods for the prevention, detection and treatment of eye diseases aimed at preserving and correcting visual function. Specialists in the field of eye diseases are ophthalmologists. Narrower ophthalmological specialties include surgical and laser ophthalmology, ophthalmo-oncology, ophthalmic traumatology, pediatric ophthalmology, etc.

At all times, diseases of the visual organs have been given special attention great attention. After all, it is thanks to our eyes that we perceive most of the information about the world around us. Colors, distance, size, volume - these and many other characteristics can not only make our life easier, but in some cases even save it.

Eye diseases in humans can manifest themselves in different ways. But all their symptoms have one thing in common - at the first appearance you should immediately consult a doctor. His qualified assistance and competent treatment will help you save good vision for life!

Symptoms of eye diseases

Symptoms of eye diseases always manifest themselves in different ways. Blurred vision, narrowing of the viewing angle, sensation of pain or a foreign body - all these signals are serious reason to contact your ophthalmologist.

If we're talking about about infectious disease eye then fast reaction on the manifestation of the first signs is very important. Indeed, if the infection spreads deep into the tissues, the risks of deterioration or complete loss of vision increase sharply, because the affected optic nerves or retina will be unable to perceive and transmit information.

To the most characteristic symptoms eye diseases in humans include:

  1. sensation of “sand” or other foreign body in the eyes;
  2. changing the viewing angle of the eyes;
  3. increase eye pressure;
  4. the appearance of “fog” in the gaze;
  5. pain in the eyeball;
  6. “lightning” or “floaters” before the eyes;
  7. redness of the eyes;
  8. discharge of various nature;
  9. swelling;
  10. severe loss eyelashes;
  11. sharp pain in the eyes;
  12. profuse lacrimation;
  13. photophobia or serious violation twilight vision;
  14. exophthalmos;
  15. double vision;
  16. the appearance of a veil;
  17. change in the shape and size of the pupils.

The listed signs of disease can be present in both an adult and a small child.

Eye diseases in humans

The number of eye diseases, as well as their symptoms, is very large. According to statistics, most people on our planet have some form of vision problems. The following pathologies are among the most common.

This disease is one of the most common. A person with myopia is unable to distinguish objects located in the distance, but at the same time clearly sees what is directly in front of him.


This disease is infectious inflammation edge of the eyelid. Without proper treatment, there is a high risk further dissemination infections.

Dry eye syndrome

This is a condition in which a person notes constant dryness In eyes. It is often caused long work at computer. One of the treatment methods is the use of specialized eye drops.


This disease manifests itself in the form of an inflamed purulent sac on the edge of the eyelid. Self-extrusion is strictly prohibited. As one of therapeutic measures treatment with alcohol and brilliant green, ointments with antibiotics is used.


This disease is a clouding of the lens. It can be called as concomitant diseases(for example, diabetes) and age-related changes. Most effective method Cataract treatment is a surgical procedure in which the clouded lens is removed and an intraocular lens is installed in its place. If the patient does not want to agree to surgery, doctors are able to slow down the development of cataracts - for this they prescribe various medications for the eyes.

Amblyopia (“lazy eye”)

With this diagnosis, the patient may experience certain visual impairments that are caused by functional disorders visual analyzer. Treatment features and prognosis depend on the specific form of amblyopia.

Macular degeneration

With this disease, the retina is affected, resulting in significant visual impairment. The causes of macular degeneration can be either atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels, which interfere with the full flow of nutrients to the tissues of the eye, or various viral diseases in humans. It is important to remember that even after a course of treatment, this pathology can return again. Therefore, at the first manifestation of symptoms, consult a doctor immediately.


This is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyeball, which can be caused by an allergy to medicines or cosmetics, and bacterial or viral infection. For treatment, eye drops and ointments with antibiotics or antiviral substances are used.


This visual impairment is congenital and is the inability of the eyes to distinguish everything visible colors spectrum In most cases, this condition cannot be treated.


With this disease, the sclera and episclera become inflamed. Manifests itself in the form of large foci of redness and noticeable pain. Some patients also experience photophobia. Treatment of this eye disease is carried out using specialized medical supplies, which are selected by a qualified ophthalmologist. Self-medication in in this case Not only will it not bring the desired results, it can only worsen the condition of the eyes.


With this disease, the cornea becomes inflamed. The cause of this can be either viruses or bacteria, or injuries of various types. Keratitis is accompanied big amount symptoms, including: eye pain, watery eyes, redness. Treatment uses drops and ointments containing antiviral or antifungal substances.


This eye disease is expressed in inflammation of the edge of the eyelid. In most cases, the causative agent is Staphylococcus aureus. The treatment regimen directly depends on the type of blepharitis and its severity.

Retinal dystrophy

In this case we are talking about the whole group diseases that affect the human retina. Treatment is strictly individual and depends on the presence or absence of indications.

How to preserve vision?

All eye diseases in humans occur in a very unpleasant form. And in order to avoid their occurrence, it is necessary to take preventive measures. You can start with the most basic ones - just follow the rules of personal hygiene and not touch your eyes and eyelids with unwashed hands. Daily gymnastics for the eyes, as well as proper organization workplace will help slow down the development of myopia. Don't forget about balanced diet- inclusion in the diet will have a positive effect on vision.

Remember - our world is beautiful! And we can truly appreciate its beauty only with the help of all our senses. Therefore, take care of your eyesight!

Main key areas: eye diseases, symptoms of eye disease in humans

Eye diseases today, in the age of computer technology, are more widespread than ever. Let's consider the most known diseases eyes in people, symptoms and get a clear idea of ​​what kind of eye diseases there are.

Let's make a list various diseases that every person can encounter.

Eye diseases can be expressed in various manifestations

How to identify eye disease? Just. For eye diseases, the symptoms will tell you what type of disease it is. The detected signs should be compared with those described below and shown in the photo. All human eye diseases are divided into several categories. Therefore, it is important to correctly determine the appropriate category of eye disease and find the proposed description of eye disease in people with a photo. If the disease is very similar to one of those described below, you should definitely see a specialist who will confirm or refute the suspicion of an eye disease by conducting necessary research, will prescribe appropriate treatment.

Diseases of the eyelids, eye sockets and tear ducts

Blepharitis is a common eye disease that occurs as inflammation of the edges of the eyelids. Its treatment is difficult. Blepharitis is divided into: allergenic, demodectic, ulcerative, seborrheic. Signs: redness and swelling of the eyelids, flaky edges, a feeling of heaviness and a foreign object, itching and burning. In the morning: crusts on the eyelashes, release of secretory painful contents in the corners of the eyes, dry eyes, high sensitivity to light, tearing, sore eyes, fatigue.

Barley is an inflammation with suppuration of the meibomian gland or the hair follicle of the cilia (hordeolum externa). The cause of the development of hordeolum is a bacterial infection (difference from chalazion) and usually Staphylococcus aureus. Barley sometimes becomes the background for the appearance of chalazion. Signs: itching, redness, swelling of the edge of the eyelid, pain when touched. Sometimes tearing, less often - headache, heat with general malaise.

Pathologies of the development of the tear production apparatus

Dacryocystitis and chronic stage Dacryocystitis is an inflammatory process of the lacrimal sac of the eyes in humans. Symptoms: contents with pus from the sore eye, tearing.

Dacryocystitis in newborns is a common type of eye disease in children, presented infectious lesion the baby's nasolacrimal canal, which manifests itself in the form of disturbances in the outflow of tears.

Exophthalmos is a disease in which the eyeball moves forward (due to a tumor developing on the back of the eye).

Diseases of the conjunctiva

Conjunctivitis - inflammation occurs on the conjunctiva (the colorless layer of the eye sclera and on the inside of the eyelids). There are bacterial, fungal, chlamydial, allergenic, viral. Selected species The diseases are highly contagious and spread rapidly. Although infectious conjunctivitis does not pose a serious threat to the eyes, sometimes its consequences can be more serious.

Symptoms: redness and swelling of the eyelids, the presence of mucus or pus, burning with itching in the eye, lacrimation. The type of conjunctivitis affects the presence of specific symptoms.

Allergic conjunctivitis causes inflammation of the ocular conjunctiva due to exposure to certain allergenic substances or a combination of them.

Trachoma is a type of conjunctivitis caused by chlamydia.

Pathologies of the sclera, iris, cornea

Episcleritis is an inflammation of the episcleral tissue located between the sclera and conjunctiva. Redness of the scleral area appears first, and it is often located close to the cornea. Swelling is visible in the inflamed area. It can be simple or nodular. Its course is not complicated, but there are repetitions. In most situations it heals on its own.

Symptoms: moderate or severe discomfort, redness of the eye, photophobia, colorless contents are separated from the conjunctival cavity.

Keratitis is an inflammation affecting the cornea of ​​the eye, accompanied by clouding and the formation of infiltrates. The main reasons: infectious bacteria and viruses, eye injury. The disease can be presented in mild, severe and moderate forms. Often the inflammation spreads to other parts of the eye. The reasons for the appearance are taken as the basis for the classification of keratitis. They are divided into exogenous (the appearance is caused by external factors) and endogenous (inflammation develops as a result of influencing factors from within that arise in the body).

Signs - lacrimation, photophobia, redness on the mucous membrane of the eyelids and the apple of the eye, sensation of a foreign object in the eye, change external characteristics(smoothness and shine) of the corneal layer on the outside, blepharospasm is noted (constriction of the eyelids due to cramps).

Keratoconus is a degenerative pathology of the cornea, due to which it thins and protrudes under the pressure of intraocular pressure, adopting a cone configuration instead of the usual spherical one. More often, the disease is characteristic of young people and causes defects in the optical characteristics of the cornea. This explains the progression of the decline in visual acuity. Treatment with glasses is useful only in the early stages of the onset of the disease.

Symptoms: a sharp decline vision exclusively in one eye, curvature of the contours of objects, seeing halos near bright objects, the need to regularly enhance the optical properties of glasses, the eyes quickly get tired, progression of myopia.

Corneal dystrophy - permanent pathological processes arising due to poor metabolism of a local or general nature.

Polycoria - the iris of the eye has more than 1 pupil.

Aniridia - no pupil.

Anisocoria is a difference in pupil size due to ocular pathology or damage to a certain area of ​​the nervous system.

Lens diseases

Abnormal development of the lens: biphakia, hereditary cataract, aphakia.

Aphakia is the absence of a lens as a result of the elimination of cataracts or severe wound, less often - congenital along with other malformations of the eye.

Cataract is a disease caused by the progression of clouding of the eye lens. Cataracts appear in one eye or in both eyes at once; damage to part of the lens or the entire lens is possible. The disease is a barrier to the penetration of light rays into the eye to the fiber and is the most common cause of deterioration in visual acuity (in older people, up to its complete loss). Cataracts also occur in people older than at a young age in connection with some somatic diseases, eye injuries. It can be congenital.

Symptoms: blurred vision, progressive deterioration of acuity, need frequent changes glasses with increasing power of lens optics, a significant decrease in night and twilight vision, high sensitivity to bright light, deterioration in color discrimination, difficulty reading, double vision in one eye, sometimes with the other covered.

Diseases of the retina and choroid

Retinopathy is damage to the retina (retina) due to oxygen starvation, lack of nutrition of the retina due to vascular failures and lack of metabolism (in diabetics and hypertensive patients).

Retinal degeneration and detachment is an eye disease that represents a detachment from the pigment epithelium of the retina. There is primary peeling (due to tissue degeneration), secondary (causes - eye pathologies).

Retinal angiopathy is a disorder of the structure and malfunction of blood vessels as a result of damage to nerve coordination.

Glaucoma is an eye disease characterized by increased intraocular pressure. Symptoms: short-term blurred vision, vision of rainbow circles near light sources, periods of sharp headaches, after which vision deteriorates. If left untreated, the consequence will be blindness.

Diseases of the eyeball and vitreous body

This group of diseases is secondary, appearing against the background of injury, inflammation, vascular dystrophy and retinal dystrophy due to the ingress of microbes and foreign objects.

Vitreous detachment is the departure of a dense substance from the retina.

Diseases of the optic nerve and visual pathways

Neuritis is a disease of the optic nerve in which its inflammation develops.

Diseases of the optic nerve due to damage by toxins are a consequence of intoxication and poisoning with various toxic compounds: poisons, household chemicals, ethanol, herbicides, heavy metals, nicotine, gasoline, etc.

Ischemic neuropathy is a disease of the optic nerve caused by disruptions in the local blood supply.

Optic nerve atrophy is a defect in the conduction of nerve fibers due to destruction of the nerve and, as a result, damage to the transmission of visual stimulation from the retina to the brain.

Diseases of the muscular system of the eyes, disruptions in coordinated eye movement

Strabismus is a damage to controlled eye movement, in which there is a lack of directionality in the actions of the eyes when focusing on one object.

Nystagmus - damaged motor function eye.

Pathology of refraction (ametropia)

Farsightedness (hypermetropia) is an eye disease in which the patient poorly distinguishes close objects, but sees distant objects normally.

Myopia (myopia) is a pathological refraction, with which the patient cannot clearly distinguish distant objects.

Other eye diseases: anophthalmos, cryodicyclitis, color blindness, blindness, syndrome computer vision, enophthalmos, etc.

Not found suitable description symptoms of the disease? Consult your doctor.