Why do wen appear under the skin? Self-extrusion of the wen. Can a wen hurt?

One of the most common problems associated with the skin is wen. Doctors call such formations lipomas and classify them as benign tumors. However, when you hear the word “tumor,” you should not panic, since wen is in no way related to oncology. They are a collection of fat enclosed in a thin membrane that separates them from other tissues.

Wen under the skin can occur on any part of the body where there is subcutaneous fat. They often form on the face, back, neck, scalp and even eyelids. In this case, a lipoma can have completely different sizes - it can be smaller than a pea or larger than a large orange. Usually, in appearance it resembles an inflamed lymph node; this seal is quite soft and can move when pressed. However, unlike a lymph node, the lipoma itself does not cause any discomfort - it does not hurt, does not lead to an increase in temperature, does not itch, does not cause redness, etc. Painful sensations in the area of ​​its formation can occur only in cases where it is located in such a way that it puts pressure on a nerve or blood vessel, and also when it interferes with the functioning of any organ. But this happens extremely rarely; as a rule, the only inconvenience that a wen causes is its appearance. And a really protruding bump on the skin, especially if it is located in a visible place, can turn into a real problem for some people.

Wen - causes of occurrence

Even today, scientists cannot say for sure what exactly causes wen on the body. The reasons for the development of such compactions, according to most of them, lie in genetic predisposition. Some believe that the occurrence of lipomas is associated with a violation of fat metabolism or the presence of diseases of the kidneys, liver, pancreas or thyroid gland. Moreover, contrary to popular belief, the occurrence of wen is in no way connected with excess weight or even obesity. There is also no evidence that lifestyle or dietary habits can provoke their appearance.

Wen under the skin - treatment

As mentioned earlier, lipomas usually do not cause a person any inconvenience. In such cases, after making a diagnosis, the doctor may suggest leaving everything as is. However, sometimes fatty tumors can grow and become very large or painful. Such a wen can lead to deterioration in tissue nutrition, the formation of ulcers, if it enlarges inward, to disruption of the functioning of internal organs, etc. In such cases, treatment is simply necessary; it is also prescribed if the lipoma is located in open areas of the body and creates a cosmetic defect. As a rule, treatment consists of removing the wen. Today this is done in several ways:

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How to remove wen using folk methods

Many people prefer to treat lipoma with folk remedies. However, you cannot hope that with the help of such methods you will be able to remove old or large wen. A positive effect can only be achieved for newly emerging and small lipomas. But even with them great care must be taken. Under no circumstances should they be pierced or opened and try to remove the contents yourself. This can lead to infection and even blood poisoning. In addition, at home it is almost impossible to completely remove the pathological tissue and the wen capsule itself, so the tumor is likely to recur.

Aloe treatment

To get rid of lipoma, you can use the well-known “home remedy” aloe. Treatment is carried out in several ways:

  • Cut a small piece of aloe and apply the pulp to the lipoma, cover the top with a cloth and secure with a band-aid. This compress should be applied daily at night. After two to three weeks, the seal should open and its contents should come out. By the way, Kalanchoe can be used in the same way.
  • Pass five chestnuts through a meat grinder. Place a tablespoon of liquid or melted honey and grated aloe leaves into the resulting mass. Apply the product to folded gauze, apply it to the lipoma and secure with a band-aid. This compress should be worn constantly, changing it twice a day.

Treatment of wen with onions

You can remove wen at home using regular onions. Let's look at several recipes based on it.

The appearance of wen on the body becomes a very unpleasant surprise. They make the skin unattractive, contributing to the appearance of complexes. These formations create a lot of problems in everyday life, forcing a person to be careful and ensure that he does not accidentally damage the wen.

Any benign formation can eventually degenerate into a malignant one, so regardless of whether the wen causes problems or not, it is necessary to treat it. The sooner you start the fight, the higher the chances of a positive outcome. However, not everyone is willing to undergo treatment in a doctor's office. Some try to cope with the problem at home.

Treatment of lipomas at home

Wen specialists called benign formations, the main component of which is adipose tissue. Getting rid of wen at home will require a lot of time and effort.

Treatment can begin only after a diagnosis has been made. Incorrect therapy can lead to serious complications.

If a wen is noticed on the body, how to get rid of this formation at home is the main question that all patients ask.

There are several ways to treat wen at home. The main one is the use of medications, which are offered freely in pharmacies. You can fight lipomas with homemade remedies. The latter option is very popular among fans of traditional medicine, because there will be no difficulties in finding the necessary ingredients, and the recipes are easy to follow.

But home treatment can be dangerous. Experts prohibit carrying out home treatment for growths in the following cases:

  • there are general symptoms of malaise;
  • redness and swelling of the tissues are clearly visible;
  • there are other foci of formations;
  • the growth is itchy and painful;
  • the patient is bothered by discomfort in the tumor area;
  • signs of inflammation in the area where the growth is located;
  • the wen is growing at a rapid pace;
  • the growth is quite large in size.

The presence of one or more of the above signs indicates serious problems that require urgent medical attention. For example, in the case of inflammation of the wen, severe complications may develop that are dangerous to both health and human life.

Home Recipes

Traditional medicine has been able to accumulate many time-tested recipes for lipomas. Among them, especially popular are tinctures, decoctions, ointments and compresses. Many ingredients are available to everyone, making home remedies easy to prepare.

The following recipes can help in the fight against lipomas:


You will need a small piece of lard. It must be ground in a meat grinder. Then take the garlic, squeeze it out and add to the resulting mass. Observe the proportions: for 1 tbsp. l. lard you need to take 1 tsp. garlic Lubricate the wen with this ointment 2-3 times a day. It will help you quickly get rid of growth on your face and mammary glands.

Take 1 medium onion, which you need to bake in the oven, cool and grind in a blender to a paste. Take a piece of laundry soap and grate it on a fine grater. Now combine these ingredients. Lubricate problem areas with the resulting mixture every day until the wen completely comes off the skin.


Take fresh burdock root and grind it in a blender. Add vodka to it, keeping the proportions 1:1.5. Next, the mixture is transferred to a glass container and closed tightly. Then she needs put in a dark place for 4 weeks. After this time, the medicine is drunk 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day. Treatment is carried out over a course of 30 days.

Take 1 kg of ripe viburnum berries, which need to be crushed until smooth, add 1 kg of honey and 0.5 liters of cognac, mix, transfer the mixture into a glass container and leave to infuse for 30 days in a dark place. Shake the tincture periodically. Take the finished medicine 1 tbsp. l. while eating.


You will need honey and vodka, which are taken in a ratio of 2:1. A mixture of these ingredients should be applied to gauze or bandage. It is recommended to make such compresses at least 2 times a day.

To prepare the following remedy you will need 1 leaf of aloe or Kalanchoe, which must be crushed to a paste. . Apply this mixture to the wen, and bandage the top with a bandage. It is recommended to make such compresses at night. Treatment is carried out until the growth completely disappears.

Using the above recipes, you can cure wen at home without spending a lot of money on purchasing products. In order for the product to live up to expectations, it is necessary to strictly follow all the recommendations of the attending physician and adhere to the indicated dosages.

Medicines in the treatment of wen

If you decide to get rid of the wen yourself, then you can use pharmaceutical drugs as an effective remedy. Among them, the following have proven themselves well:

  • ichthyol ointment;
  • Vishnevsky ointment;
  • Vitaon.

One of the proven remedies is ichthyol ointment, which can be used to treat any benign growths. This is an affordable product. The substance has a viscous consistency and a specific odor. The wen is covered with a thin layer of ointment, and a bandage is fixed on top. It is recommended to do such compresses at least 2 times a day.

Get rid of wen You can also use Vishnevsky ointment. It contains special components that have a special effect on the growth, causing its resorption. First, the ointment should be applied in a thin layer on gauze and then applied to the tumor. It is recommended to do such compresses every 12 hours. After 3 days you need to take a break for several days, after which treatment is resumed. Usually during this time the skin has time to completely cleanse itself.

A fairly well-known remedy is Vitaon or Karavaev’s balm. It is perfect for those who want to cleanse their skin of wen on their own. This drug contains extracts from medicinal plants and essential oils that have an antibacterial, restorative, anti-inflammatory and warming effect. The product has no contraindications, so it can be used for treatment at any age, as well as for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Self-squeezing of wen

After discovering a wen on their body, many people wonder whether they can be squeezed out. To answer it, it is necessary to find out what consequences such a procedure can lead to.

A lipoma does not have a duct connecting it to the external environment, so it will not be possible to clear the lipoma of fat accumulation.

Each such growth has network of blood vessels, the violation of which causes heavy bleeding. Opening the wen surgically is always done under anesthesia. The specialist very carefully cuts the skin and removes the lipoma capsule. At the same time, the connective tissue supporting the formation is removed. Removing a wen on your own can cause dangerous consequences.

If you notice a wen on your back, many people wonder how to get rid of it quickly. The first thing that comes to their mind is to pierce the growth. However, this cannot be done. The fact is that any impact on the wen must be carried out using sterile instruments so as not to cause infection. Otherwise, an inflammatory process will occur inside the growth, which is a serious threat to health. If you accidentally or intentionally pierce a lipoma, you should immediately treat the area with an antiseptic and see a doctor.

Constantly monitor the condition of the tumor. If you notice that the tumor has opened, you should immediately go to the hospital, because complications may follow.

Considering all of the above, it becomes clear that you cannot squeeze out the wen yourself at home.

Precautionary measures

If you are determined to get rid of subcutaneous wen on your own, then you need to do everything so as not to harm your health. Need to follow these recommendations:

  • You should not prepare folk remedies according to recipes that require the use of little-known components. It is difficult to say what consequences adding a plant whose properties you know nothing about can lead to.
  • Before using any drug, it is necessary to conduct an allergy test. To do this, take a small amount of the home remedy and apply it to the inner crook of your elbow and wait for 30 minutes. In case of any skin reaction, the drug should not be used.

In any case, before using a homemade fat remover, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Remember that it is difficult to remove benign growths on your own.

Fighting wen at home is a labor-intensive task. You need to not only choose an effective remedy among the variety of recipes, but also be sure that it will not harm your health.

Many people don't know how get rid of lipoma at home, so be sure to consult your doctor. You must make sure that you are fighting the wen, and not some other dangerous formation. Without a preliminary examination, you should not start treatment at home, otherwise you will waste time and will not achieve the expected result.

If you decide to use traditional medicine, we advise you to be especially careful when choosing a drug to get rid of wen. Pay special attention to the recipe, which includes only ingredients that are familiar to you. It would not be superfluous to introduce the composition to your doctor so that he can advise whether it is worth taking the risk and using this remedy.

It is not possible to get rid of large-sized wen at home. But you can try to remove a small tumor. Let's see how.

How to distinguish a wen from other types of skin tumors?

Before choosing one or another treatment method, you need to make sure that it is a wen and not something else. How to distinguish it?

  • A fatty tissue (also known as a lipoma) is formed in a closed capsule and consists of homogeneous adipose tissue. This is expressed in a clear round shape of the formation and its structure that is dense to the touch.
  • The wen, unlike a dense subcutaneous pimple in the ripening stage, does not have a tapering tip; its shape is smooth and round. There is no ripening center in the middle.
  • Touching the wen does not cause pain.

Here we will tell you exactly how to get rid of it at home.

The first thing a person sees when they see a wen is that the easiest way to remove it is to squeeze it out. However, you should not do this - a new one may appear in place of an existing lump.

Getting rid of wen at home

So, you are convinced that the ball on the skin is, indeed, a wen. If it is very small, you can try to remove it yourself without going to the hospital.

Medication methods

Vishnevsky ointment, “Zvezdochka” or ichthyol ointment

You can try to remove the wen using a remedy that has been proven for decades - Vishnevsky ointment. It is applied to the skin in the form of a compress, which is changed every 9-10 hours. To completely eliminate the problem, treatment of several days will be required.
Please note: if you don’t have Vishnevsky’s ointment on hand, “Zvezdochka” and ichthyol ointment can be used in the same way.

Iodine, which everyone probably has at home, can help remove the wen. It must be mixed with vinegar in a 1:1 ratio. The mixture is applied with a cotton swab to the body of the lipoma. The procedure is repeated 3 times a day every day until the wen disappears.

The easiest way to get rid of wen is to systematically treat it with iodine

Hydrogen peroxide

You can try to remove a lipoma with another inexpensive pharmaceutical product - hydrogen peroxide. It can be used as a compress or lubricated with it on the tubercle several times a day.
Please note: to make the wound heal faster, lubricate it with Levomekol ointment or tetracycline ointment.

Using products


Some people believe that garlic helps get rid of wen better. The slice is cut and applied with a cut to the skin, and sealed with a plaster on top. If there is no discomfort, this compress can be left overnight. However, this is unlikely to work for people with sensitive skin.

Others believe that garlic works better in tandem with lard. Grind 1 clove of garlic in a blender with two teaspoons of lard. This mixture is applied to the skin daily until the bump on the skin disappears.


Roast the whole onion in the oven. Grate, add laundry soap shavings, mix. Apply to skin as a compress and leave overnight. Do the procedure every day, morning and evening. Prepare a new mixture each time.

Note: There is an opinion that you can get rid of wen by eating one onion every day.

Onions and garlic have helped many people get rid of wen

Fresh beets

The root vegetable is grated, the pulp is applied to the wen, the top is covered with polyethylene, and a plaster is glued on top of it. Keep this compress all night and change it to a fresh one in the morning.

Vegetable oil

The oil is mixed with vodka in a 1:1 ratio. Apply the mixture to the skin in the form of a compress and wrap something warm on top. You can put a warm towel, you can wrap a scarf around this area.

Raw egg film

You can try to cure the wen with film from a raw chicken egg. The film is separated from the shell and glued to the wen. In principle, it should stick on its own, but for greater stability it can be glued to the skin with a band-aid. The film is changed every day.

This treatment will be quite long. Reviews indicate that this will take about a month. The duration of treatment depends on the size of the wen. As treatment progresses, the skin at the site of the wen may become red and appear swollen. There is no need to be afraid of this. This signals that the body of the lipoma is moving closer to the surface of the skin and will soon come out.

Note: Separating the film from the shell can be problematic. To make the process easier, do not peel off the film immediately after breaking the egg. Wait a few minutes for the inside of the shell to dry. This will make the film come off much easier.

Salt + sour cream + honey

All components are taken in equal quantities. The mixture is applied to the wen for a quarter of an hour, then washed off with water. With this treatment, the lipoma does not open, but resolves.

Black pepper, cinnamon, honey, various ointments and even chestnut fruits - this is not a complete list of ingredients used to remove wen at home

Kefir + red clay + salt

The components are mixed in such proportions as to form a thick paste. A cake is formed from it, which is placed on the lipoma, covered with a plastic bag and, to increase efficiency, wrapped on top with a warm towel or cloth. Repeat until the wen disappears.


To get rid of lipomas with the help of this spice, you need to eat one teaspoon of it daily.

Ground black pepper

Another spice that is used to remove wen. This is black pepper. 1 teaspoon of spice is poured onto a cloth moistened with alcohol or vodka, and a compress is applied to the lipoma for 15 minutes. The procedure is done 2 times a day, morning and evening. Reviews from those who have tried this treatment indicate that after 2 weeks the contents of the neoplasm will gradually come out in the form of white clots.

Using indoor plants


Surely everyone has aloe at home. This healing plant can also help get rid of wen. Take a leaf of the plant and cut it along its entire length so that it opens like a book. Apply the pulp to the skin and stick it with a band-aid. This compress can be left on all night - it will not cause any harm to the skin. Reviews from those who have tried this treatment on themselves indicate that the lipoma should come out after 4-5 days. A rod will appear on the skin - gently squeeze it out, after treating the skin with an antiseptic.

note: To make aloe juice more effective, you can put a torn leaf of the plant in the refrigerator and keep it there for 3 days.

You can fight wen using aloe juice and pulp.


In a similar way, you can use the leaves of Kalanchoe, which is called a living tree for its beneficial properties. Its leaves are glossy, so to gain access to the pulp, you need to carefully remove the top film. There is no need to keep it in the refrigerator for several days. The duration of treatment is at least a week.

Using other herbal remedies


You can use the juice of a fresh plant, or you can buy a ready-made product at the pharmacy - some believe that it is more effective. You can brew celandine as tea. Whatever option you choose to prepare the plant for use, the treatment procedure is the same - a cloth soaked in liquid is applied to the lipoma, thus creating a compress. It must be left overnight. The celandine will open the wound (as a rule, this happens on the 10th day of treatment), after which it will need to be treated with Vishnevsky ointment so that everything unnecessary comes out of it and it heals faster.

Golden mustache

The plant is crushed (the amount of raw material is determined based on the size of the neoplasm) and applied as a compress overnight.

Fresh nettle

The plant is crushed (you will need about 3 tablespoons of raw materials), poured with half a liter of vodka or alcohol, and infused for 22 days. The resulting tincture is applied to the skin as a compress.


If you find 5 chestnut fruits anywhere, you can prepare an effective mask from them. They are crushed, a tablespoon of honey and 3 crushed aloe leaves are added to them. The mass is applied to the wen and bandaged. The bandage needs to be changed twice a day.

This is what a lipoma looks like after opening. Tumors of this size should not be removed on your own - it is better to trust the medical staff so as not to introduce an infection into the body and prevent the development of complications

Pine pollen + honey

Pine pollen is mixed with honey in a 1:1 ratio. The mixture should be taken every day an hour after meals, 3-4 times a day. It is recommended to wash it down with oregano, brewed as herbal tea. Even if this method of treating a wen turns out to be ineffective and the lipoma will have to be eliminated using another method, such a procedure will have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and help strengthen the immune system, so it’s definitely worth a try.


The use of fresh coltsfoot leaves has a good effect. They can be applied to the lipoma as a compress (the bandage is changed 2-3 times a day) or used in the same way, after being crushed.

Diet against fatty acids

There is an opinion that the reason for the appearance of lipoma is excessive slagging in the body. Some admit that they managed to get rid of wen by observing strict fasting. You can try to get rid of the bump by limiting your consumption of fatty, smoked and other unhealthy foods. It is recommended to avoid smoking, alcohol, excessive coffee consumption, and drink more water. Many managed to eliminate the problem by starting to lead a healthy lifestyle, in which proper nutrition and exercise played an important role.

Many people believe that leading a healthy lifestyle helps fight fat.

The most unusual ways to treat wen

Bee stings

The magazine “Healthy Lifestyle” (issue No. 18, 2010) provides data on how one man managed to get rid of a wen using bee stings. First, the bee bit him on the bump that had been on his head for many years, completely by accident. He noticed that the tumor had become smaller. Then he went to the beekeeper, and he planted two bees on the sore spot. After their bites, the wen disappeared.

Sheep's wool

There is evidence that some people were helped by compresses made from sheep's wool mixed with grated laundry soap.

What not to do

Some people believe that since the lipoma is located shallow under the skin, you can try to pull it out with a disinfected syringe needle. This should not be done, because you will not be able to remove the capsule in which the tumor has formed completely. At this point it may arise again. In addition, it is so easy to provoke the development of complications, and the new wen may turn out to be much larger.

At home, you cannot remove wen and any other tumors located near the eyes

For the same reasons, you should not squeeze out the wen. Remember that although this is a benign neoplasm, it can still acquire a malignant nature, and its trauma is the main risk factor.

Also, you should not remove wen at home that is located on the face, especially in the area around the eyes and on the eyelid itself. This can lead to serious problems, including loss of vision.

Getting rid of wen is quite possible, and many people prefer to do it at home, using various means. Alcohol pharmaceutical tinctures, ointments, herbal remedies, spices, alcohol and much more are used. In some cases this treatment helps, in others it does not. The characteristics of the body are individual, so it is impossible to say whether this or that method of treatment will help you. You can try, but be careful not to hurt yourself. Remember that you should not take risks if the wen is on the skin around the eyes. This is fraught with vision problems. It is also very important to carry out treatment under sterile conditions and not to introduce any infection into the open wound.

Today, subcutaneous wen is a fairly common occurrence among modern people. These formations do not provoke discomfort, discomfort or pain, so the issue of their appearance can only be aesthetic. But only a doctor can accurately determine whether wen is a health hazard or not.

Externally, the wen looks like a white formation, soft to the touch, forms directly under the skin and does not cause painful sensations when touched. The formation becomes noticeable only if it increases sharply and quickly in size. As a result, pressure begins to be exerted on neighboring tissues.

Some experts believe that the appearance of wen in large quantities on the body is the first sign of the likelihood of developing cancer. But, more often than not, such fears are unjustified.

The appearance of fatty tissue on the body is a problem of rapid growth of adipose tissue, which occurs due to poor nutrition or consumption of food that contains a large amount of synthetic substances, as a result of which its deformation begins. Quite often there is such a cosmetic problem as the formation of a wen under the eyes, on the neck and head.

Reasons for the development of wen

In medicine, a wen is called a lipoma. This term defines a small, benign tumor that forms in the fatty tissues of the human body.

Today, debates about the probable causes of the appearance of white fatty spots continue, and dermatologists have not been able to come to a consensus. But at the same time, a number of factors have been identified that may be the cause of their appearance:

  • Hormonal levels are one of the main reasons that doctors put forward for the appearance of wen. It is generally accepted that as a result of a sharp change in the ratio of hormones in the body, a large number of wen can form on the body.
  • Malfunctions of the liver and thyroid gland.
  • Diabetes mellitus in the acute stage.
  • Having bad habits (alcohol, smoking, etc.).
  • Abuse of fatty foods and foods that contain large amounts of harmful synthetic substances.
This is only a small part of the probable reasons that can provoke the formation of wen. Most often, such formation is the result of poor nutrition, resulting in changes and sharp growth of fat cells.

Ways and methods of removing wen

One of the most common ways to remove wen is to use traditional medicine. However, doctors say that such methods are completely useless. The most effective and correct way to remove wen is considered to be the use of simple cosmetic surgeries, after which a long recovery period is not required.

Treatment of wen

Today, there are several proven and effective methods for removing wen, but the surest way is to contact an experienced cosmetologist who will not only conduct a consultation, but also help you choose the most effective treatment.

The appearance of white wen can occur in the most unexpected places. Of course, living with such neoplasms is quite bearable, since they do not cause harm to health, after all, this is a big cosmetic problem.

But there can be not only unpleasant, but also quite painful locations of the wen - areas directly on parts of the joints, close to nerve endings and blood vessels. In such cases, it is necessary to get rid of the formations as quickly as possible, and the place where the wen is located must be shown to a cosmetologist.

Depending on the location of the formation and its size, the method of removal will be determined.

Medication method

This method provides an excellent opportunity to get rid of the wen almost painlessly, of course, if it is relatively small in size. This method is based on the introduction of a special solution directly into the formation. It is this solution that provokes the onset of spontaneous resorption of fat formation.

As a rule, this method is recommended for use during the course of treatment of small wen located on the face and body of children. This is the simplest and most effective method, but it can take quite a long time - approximately 6-8 weeks.

It is worth considering the fact that the drug method of removing wen is effective in only 90% of cases, and there is a risk of re-formation of the wen in the same place.

Operative method

Using this method, a procedure is performed to remove the formation mechanically using micro-operation. All manipulations are performed under general or local anesthesia, depending on the size and location of the wen.

Puncture-aspiration method

During this procedure, the inside of the wen is pumped out using a puncture (long needle). This option is recommended for the removal of large fatty deposits that are located in operable areas of the skin.

The main difference between this method and its disadvantage is that the skin bags will no longer return to their normal state. Outwardly, this may not look very aesthetically pleasing, but there remains a possibility of re-formation of a wen in this place.

Laser therapy

This is one of the universal and advanced means for removing wen. This technology involves the use of carbon dioxide lasers, which help to quickly and easily remove formations on the face, in the area under the eyes, and on the eyelids.

Laser is a completely safe method, since there is no risk of bleeding, disinfection of the wound, postoperative scars quickly scar, and after healing they become almost invisible. Therefore, this method is recommended for removing wen that appears on the face.

This procedure is one-time and is carried out very quickly (no more than 20 minutes), the likelihood of relapse is zero. The consequences remaining after removing fatty tissues using this method disappear very quickly, and a long recovery period is not required.

The use of laser therapy is a painless (under the influence of local anesthesia) and completely safe procedure, therefore it is recommended for the removal of wen in children.

Removing a wen on the head

It is quite difficult to notice and diagnose wen, which are located on the scalp. But in this case, treatment cannot begin without the help of a specialist.

If such a formation is found on the head, it is strictly forbidden to try to perform independent treatment, especially to try to remove the wen using home remedies. Such actions can lead to infection and suppuration of the resulting wound. In the best cases, the wound will heal, after which the wen will appear again in the same place.

It is imperative to contact a professional cosmetologist, who should send the patient to conduct an appropriate examination of the nature of the formation. But don’t worry ahead of time, as this is a completely standard procedure.

A lump can be visually confused with a sebaceous cyst (atheroma), so such a check helps determine the optimal treatment. As a rule, laser therapy or surgery is used to remove a growth on the head.

Laser therapy has many advantages, including:

  • it is not necessary to shave the hair in the area where the wen is located, since the laser easily passes through it and does not touch it;
  • the procedure itself is performed under local anesthesia - there are no unpleasant painful sensations;
  • The duration of the procedure is about 20 minutes - during this time the wen is completely removed and it does not form again in this place;
  • there are no negative consequences such as swelling or a painful wound;
  • laser therapy procedures are carried out in almost every cosmetology salon;
  • This procedure is ideal even for those people who are terrified of surgery.

Folk remedies for treating wen

If a small wen was found on the body and there is no desire to use the surgical method, you can use traditional medicine. In this case, only completely natural ingredients will be used, and all manipulations can be easily carried out independently at home:
  • Compress with honey and sour cream. It is necessary to prepare a small amount of the mixture from 1 tsp. liquid honey and 1 tbsp. l. thick sour cream, then add a little table salt. After bathing, when the skin is well steamed, a paste-like composition is applied directly to the wen and left for 20 minutes. The full course of treatment lasts about 10 days and may vary depending on the size and rate of resorption of the wen.
  • Aloe juice. This plant has a lot of positive qualities and helps in the treatment of wen. It is enough to take a fresh aloe leaf every day, cut it into two halves and apply directly to the formation. The course of treatment lasts until the wen is completely removed.
  • Onion. Take 1 head of onion and bake it in the oven until fully cooked, while still warm, grind it in a blender. The resulting gruel is mixed with 1 tbsp. l. grated laundry soap. The finished composition is applied to the wen, covered with cling film and a fabric bandage. The compress is changed every few days. The course of treatment lasts until complete recovery.
  • Celandine and Vishnevsky ointment. At the pharmacy you can buy not only Vishnevsky ointment, but also celandine extract. Three times a day, one drop of celandine extract is applied to the wen. As soon as a small hole appears on it, it is smeared with Vishnevsky ointment. A piece of cotton wool is placed on top and secured with a bandage. This compress is done three times a day. Over time, a gradual decrease in the size of the formation will begin and soon it will completely disappear.
Wen does not pose a health hazard, so when it appears, it is not necessary to resort to surgical treatment methods. However, if a formation appears on the face, before looking for a way to remove it, you should first consult with a specialist.

For more information about removing a wen (lipoma), watch this video: