How to prepare a solution of furatsilin for washing the eyes. Furacilin in the eyes: features of rinsing in ophthalmic practice

Which is replenished from time to time with new medicines and hygiene items. Let's talk about why it would be good to have furatsilin in it for newborns. First of all, let's figure out in what situations it is applicable and how to prepare a suitable solution.

What is furatsilin

Furacilin (its other name is Nitrofural) is antiseptic For local application. The substance leads to the death of many gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, such as E. coli, dysentery coli, staphylococcal and streptococcal infection, salmonella. It also fights some viruses and protozoa.

The drug has been effectively used in medicine for more than one generation, since bacterial resistance to the substance develops slowly. Although today in hospitals some strains of bacteria have developed complete immunity to it.

Indications for use

The scope of application of furatsilin is quite wide:

  • bedsores;
  • conjunctivitis, blepharitis;
  • purulent and fresh wounds;
  • burns of II and III degrees;
  • stomatitis, gingivitis;
  • purulent otitis;
  • abrasions, cuts on the skin.

This is far from full list diseases for which furatsilin is effective, although the drug is used mainly externally. The common form of its release - in tablets - is often not intended for oral administration. There are objective reasons for releasing the substance in this particular form. After all, the prepared aqueous solution is not stored for a long time, and the tablets have a shelf life of about 5 years.

An aqueous solution is prepared from tablets

Indications for use in newborns

Most often, the pediatrician prescribes furatsilin for newborns to wash the eyes when they become sour. This phenomenon occurs in children with conjunctivitis or dacryocystitis. In both cases, pathogenic microflora contributes to souring, so you need a good safe antiseptic, approved for use from infancy on mucous membranes. Furacilin has precisely these qualities.

The drug is also used for washing the external genitalia of girls and for treating the umbilical wound.

Used for eyes Water solution furatsilina for newborns, in no case alcohol.

How to prepare the solution

  1. First of all, you need to prepare clean dishes (the container can be sterilized). Wash your hands thoroughly.
  2. One tablet of furatsilin is thoroughly ground into powder, after which it is poured with warm boiled water in a volume of 100 ml. As we cook medicinal solution and we want to achieve therapeutic effect, it cannot be prepared “by eye”. The proportion – 1 tablet per 100 ml – must be observed. It should be emphasized: in order to dilute furatsilin, the water must be warm, even hot (according to at least, not less than 37 O C), because according to their physical properties Furacilin is very slightly soluble in water at room temperature.
  3. The solution is actively mixed and left for some time until completely dissolved. After which it should be strained through three-layer gauze to remove the remaining undissolved grains.

Stages of preparing the solution

The substance is destroyed by light, so the prepared solution is stored in a dark glass container in the refrigerator. It is advisable to prepare a fresh portion every three days.

How to wash a newborn's eyes

  • Before the procedure, wash your hands with soap.
  • Remove the solution and warm it to at least room temperature and maximum body temperature.
  • Fold the cut sterile bandage in 4 layers and dip into the solution, then rinse the baby’s eyes one at a time, from the outer corner to the inner. Even if one eye turns sour, both are washed using clean disposable swabs.
  • You can, as an option, instill from a pipette. To do this, the edge of the lower eyelid is slightly pulled back and dripped warm solution into the inner corner of the eye.
  • The procedure is carried out three times a day.

Precautionary measures

If furatsilin is used for a newborn for the first time, carefully monitor the child to see if there is any side effects after the procedure in the form of allergic reactions. Although the drug is usually well tolerated, individual sensitivity to the drug is possible. Then you should stop using it and seek help from a doctor.

Summarize. Furacilin is a wonderful antiseptic, but, like any other medicine, it must be used strictly as prescribed by a doctor, especially when it comes to children under one year old. Before rinsing begins, the cause of conjunctivitis is determined. After all, it can be associated not only with bacterial infection, but also with allergic manifestations. Then the antiseptic will not have any effect desired effect. So using any medicine must be justified.

The principle “Do no harm!” is especially relevant when such a delicate organ of the child as the eyes requires protection.

According to doctors, it is the safest and at the same time effective for the treatment of diseases of the eye mucosa, including Furacilin. It is prescribed to patients of different ages, starting with infants.

How does it affect the child's body?

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye (it is called the conjunctiva) is the result of fungal or infection.

Which one it is not always possible to determine very quickly, therefore, in order not to delay, it is recommended to use a universal product.

Furacilin, for example, is effective against staphylococcus, coli, salmonella, fungi of the genus Candida, shigella (therefore it is used not only in ophthalmology).

The adaptation of bacteria and viruses to the drug is so low that they do not become accustomed to it. The medicine almost never stops being effective.

The power of Furacilin lies in its active ingredient nitrofural. Under its influence, irreversible processes occur in pathogenic bacteria - their vital functions are disrupted, cell walls are destroyed. Only antibiotics and streptocide can do this.

Furacilin can be purchased in pharmacies in the form of:

  • tablets,
  • solutions (water and alcohol),
  • 2 percent ointment,
  • aerosol.

For children, the first two options are preferable (except for the alcohol solution).

The good thing about tablets is that they last a long time. and at any time can be used to prepare fresh medicine; the second option is usually used by parents who fear whether they will be able to prepare a healing solution on their own with sufficient quality and in the required concentration.

How Furacilin is useful:

  • stops the process of inflammation;
  • relieves swelling;
  • disinfects;
  • washes away foreign particles that have reached the mucous membrane;
  • promotes the regeneration of conjunctiva damaged by infection.

It is also good because it can be used to prevent conjunctivitis. Pediatricians even advise treating the baby’s eyes with it for 2 weeks after discharge from the maternity hospital in order to protect the fragile body from infections.

Treatment of the disease in newborns, babies up to one year and older

If patients are children under 3 years of age, their eyes are washed with Furacilin solution several times during the day at intervals of 2 hours. This schedule is followed for the first day or two, then the number of procedures is reduced to three per day.

Sometimes, having quickly received good result, adults on their own initiative decide to stop treatment, but experts emphasize: due to the nature of its effect, Furacilin is not an instantly sterilizing agent, which means that for obtaining sustainable results it should not be used once, but over several days.

Infants (from birth to one year) are usually prescribed 2-3 washes per day. If procedures are carried out for prophylaxis, they are limited to one wash.

For each procedure, a fresh solution is prepared. Here's how to dilute Furacilin for conjunctivitis in children:

  • Take a clean glass, washed with soda.
  • Boil water (for kids it should be distilled).
  • Throw 1 tablet weighing 20 mg (whole or crushed into powder) into a glass and pour in 100 ml of water (to prevent the glass from bursting, lower a clean spoon into the glass).
  • After a couple of minutes, try to carefully crush the tablet to speed up dissolution (if the tablet has not been crushed beforehand, it can take a long time to dissolve in water, for several hours).
  • The finished solution is filtered through a piece of bandage folded several times so that it settles (if any) fine particles drug.
  • If the solution has become very cold at the time of use, it is heated to room temperature that is comfortable for the eyes.

Here's how the procedure is carried out:

  • They wash their hands.
  • Soak 2 cotton pads or gauze swabs in the solution.
  • Pass a disk or tampon over the inflamed area, direction - from inner corner eyes to the outside.
  • Even if the second eye is healthy, it is also washed (this is why a second tampon is needed).

There are other methods that are not so often used:

  • rinsing with a rubber bulb - the liquid collected in it is poured into the conjunctival sac of one and the other eye;
  • instilling the solution with a pipette;
  • washing the eyes in a special bath (they can be purchased at the pharmacy) - this method is suitable for older children, because the baby is unlikely to be able to do everything that is required of him while keeping his eyes open in the water.

Whatever method is chosen, it is necessary to ensure the sterility of the procedure. The pipette and rubber bulb should be boiled before use.

For newborn children, it is advisable to use a non-homemade solution(from tablets), but already prepared pharmaceutical drug. Firstly, there will definitely be no undissolved particles left in it, and secondly, because the tablets contain substances that are undesirable for babies Excipients, which in pharmaceutical solution There is no furatsilin.

And further: if the treatment does not give positive dynamics, it is possible that Furacilin for some reason was powerless for the patient. Parents should report their observations to the doctor - he will conduct additional diagnostics condition of the young patient and will most likely change the course of therapy.

  • Do not take Furacilin orally under any circumstances;
  • do not wipe both eyes with the same disc or swab;
  • if it is not possible to prepare a fresh solution each time, you can dilute the medicine in advance and store it in the refrigerator, but not longer than 24 hours (a stale drug when treating conjunctivitis can aggravate eye problems).

Young children often get infections in their eyes by touching them. with dirty hands during walks and games.

Furacilin, as a strong antiseptic, helps remove purulent discharge, relieve inflammation.

You will learn how to treat conjunctivitis in children with Furacilin from the following video:

In some situations, doctors use it during treatment to prepare the eyes for strong medications.

In contact with

For many years, Furacilin remains the most popular external medicine for many diseases. inflammatory in nature that affect mucous tissues. Furacilin solution is prescribed for conjunctivitis; it can be used to wash the eyes and eliminate redness.

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    Description of the drug

    Furacilin is an excellent antiseptic drug. It is used to treat inflamed mucous tissues of the organs of vision. The solution is used to treat fresh burns. It helps well with conjunctivitis. The active substance of the drug is nitrofural. In tablet form, the additional substance is sodium chloride. Liquid form includes distilled water, and alcohol solution contains ethanol (70%). International name drug - Nitrofural, Niforal.

    The drug actively fights different types microbes It destroys microorganisms such as:

    • staphylococci;
    • streptococci;
    • bacilli,
    • coli;
    • pathogens of gangrene or dysentery;
    • salmonella.

    It should be noted that some bacteria are resistant to nitrofural. Microorganisms can gradually adapt to the drug, but this occurs in extreme in rare cases.

    Furacilin should be present in every home medicine cabinet, especially if there are children in the family.

    Release form

    The drug is available in tablets of 20 and 100 mg, which should be dissolved in water before starting the procedure. The pills are colored yellow and have a light, barely perceptible characteristic odor, they taste bitter. Tablets cannot be taken orally. There are also other forms:

    • aqueous solution (0.02%) in glass containers of 200 and 400 ml. Intended for external use only;
    • alcohol-based solution in glass containers of 10 or 25 ml for topical use;
    • gel;
    • ointment contains 0.002 grams active substance– nitrofural, as an additional substance – softened paraffin.

    Once on the inflamed areas, the drug begins to act actively. The main function of furatsilin is to destroy pathogenic microbes. The medicine is prescribed for treating and washing wounds, as well as for stopping inflammatory phenomena, striking skin and mucous membranes.

    The drug does not require special storage conditions. The tablets can be stored at room temperature in a dark place. Furacilin should be kept out of the reach of children. Children may swallow the medicine, in which case unpleasant symptoms and serious complications. If the first signs of allergy appear, you should take antihistamine.

    Furacilin in ophthalmology

    The drug is widely used in ophthalmology. Furacilin solution for washing eyes is prescribed to both adults and children. Indications for use are the following eye diseases:

    • blepharitis;
    • conjunctivitis;
    • keratitis;
    • infectious eye diseases;
    • injury;
    • hit foreign body and dust;
    • eye burns.

    Not all forms of conjunctivitis, blepharitis, and keratitis are treated with this drug, but only those that were caused by pathogenic bacteria. Functions of furatsilin:

    • eliminates inflammatory processes;
    • destroys pathogenic microorganisms;
    • relieves swelling of the eyelids;
    • cleanses the eye of foreign particles;
    • disinfects;
    • promotes regeneration of the conjunctiva.

    Furacilin is actively used to treat newborns, but it is necessary to follow safety precautions and know how to dissolve tablets for a newborn baby. In order not to harm the mucous tissues, you should know how to properly prepare an eye wash solution. In case of prolonged inflammatory processes, rinsing alone may not be enough. A whole range of measures will be required. Furacilin for eyes in this case will only be an auxiliary drug included in the main therapeutic course.

    Before starting treatment, it is recommended to consult with your doctor. You should contact an ophthalmologist. The specialist will conduct diagnostic procedures, on the basis of which he will put accurate diagnosis. Not everyone eye diseases treated with furatsilin. In some cases, this drug will not be helpful, so diagnosis is very important.

    Furacilin is a reliable and proven eye wash. This medicine has been used for many decades. It has not lost its relevance today. Not everyone knows how to dilute furatsilin. This is quite easy to do.

    How to prepare the solution yourself?

    You can buy it already ready-made remedy. Pharmacies sell 0.02 percentage solution on the water. But you can do it yourself. So, how to prepare a solution from tablets? The algorithm of actions performed in this case will look like this:

    • Prepare two furatsilin tablets.
    • Boil 200 grams of water.
    • The tablets should be thoroughly crushed to a powder state.
    • Crushed tablets are poured hot water and put it on fire.
    • The solution must be brought to a boil and stirred well. All crystals should completely dissolve in it. This will take some time.
    • Cool to room temperature.
    • Strain.

    Furacilin should be diluted immediately before use. You need to wait for the tablets to completely dissolve. Even the smallest undissolved crystal can injure the mucous tissues of the organs of vision. The prepared drug cannot be stored for a long time. For next procedure the solution will need to be made again.

    Adults can use the prepared solution throughout the day. Store it in the refrigerator and warm it slightly before use. To wash the eyes, the child needs to prepare fresh medicine before each procedure. But it is better to use furatsilin in a solution for treating infants, which is sold ready-made in pharmacies. The main condition during the procedure is sterility. The rubber bulb, pipette and other items used during the procedure must be washed and doused with boiling water.

    Eye wash algorithm

    There are several ways to wash your eyes with furatsilin. The main condition is cleanliness. You need to make sure that no dirt gets into the solution, otherwise there will be no benefit from the treatment. Before starting to prepare the solution, wash your hands well; you can use antibacterial soap for this.

    You can administer the medicine into the eyes using:

    • rubber syringe or mini-enema;
    • pipettes;
    • using an eye bath;
    • small syringe;
    • using sterile cotton pads.

    If eye rinsing is carried out using a syringe, it should be boiled beforehand. When the syringe has cooled, the medicine is drawn into it. Then the solution is slowly released into the conjunctival sac. The pipette should also be boiled before starting the procedure. The pipette is used not only for rinsing; it is also possible to instill the solution into the eyes.

    You can buy an eye wash tray at the pharmacy. It is filled with medicine. With the face down, the open eye is immersed in the medicinal solution. The same manipulations are performed with the second eye. During the procedure, the main condition must be observed - the eyes must be open.

    The specifics of treating the eye with furatsilin using cotton pads are as follows:

    • wash your hands well;
    • Dip cotton pads into the solution and squeeze them out;
    • pull the lower eyelid slightly;
    • Rub the eye with a light movement in the direction from the inner corner to the outer.

    Do not wipe your eyes in the opposite direction - from the outer edge. In this case, the risk of spreading the infection increases. The course of treatment, as a rule, lasts until the discomfort completely disappears. Washing should be done daily.

    How long can the product be used?

    The therapeutic course is prescribed by an ophthalmologist. During the day, the procedure is repeated at least three times. Typically, the course of treatment lasts about a week. If during this period you get rid of unpleasant symptoms failed, will need to pass additional examination and use another medicine. Perhaps the cause of the disease was other factors not related to the pathogenic activity of pathogenic microbes. It is necessary to establish the cause of the disease and adjust the course of therapy.

    It is not recommended to violate the dosage prescribed by a specialist. You should not delay treatment with furatsilin for more than seven days, but ahead of schedule You should not abandon the procedure, otherwise the disease may develop again. This happens when the course of treatment has not been completed, and not all pathogenic microbes died.

    If the course of treatment also includes other ophthalmological drugs, then you need to pause. After washing, other drugs can be used only after one hour.

    Treatment of newborns

    Many parents are worried, they are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to wash the eyes of their infants. Furacilin is not dangerous for newborns. Only in extremely rare cases do children develop an allergy to the drug. To wash the eyes of a newborn, it is advisable to purchase a ready-made solution so as not to make a mistake with the dosage. Moreover, the finished product sold at the pharmacy is sterile. An alcohol-based solution is not used in ophthalmology. When purchasing medicine, you need to make sure that the solution is aqueous and not alcoholic.

    Before use, the product is slightly warmed. The baby's eyes are washed with cotton swabs. A separate disc is taken for each eye. If the solution for a baby is prepared from tablets, it should be taken into account that the baby will need a smaller dose than for adults - one tablet of furatsilin is dissolved in 200 grams of water. Dilution of the medicine is done with clean hands, and sterile equipment is used during the procedure. Water for medicine must be boiled.

    Important! The solution prepared at home must be filtered, otherwise the child’s delicate mucous tissues will be damaged by the undissolved crystalline particle of the substance.

    The medicine is also suitable for instillation into the eyes. One drop is injected into one eye. Before introducing the product into the child's eye, you should make sure that it is not hot. If you are careless, you can burn your baby. To prevent this, you should check the temperature of the medicine. To do this, you will need to drop the product onto a sensitive area, for example, your cheek.

    There is no need to prescribe treatment yourself. Before using the drug in medicinal purposes, you should consult your pediatrician. If there are no inflammatory processes, you will have to choose another one medicinal product, furatsilin will not help in this case.

    The indication for eyewash in newborns is conjunctivitis. This disease often worries infants. With conjunctivitis, the tear duct becomes blocked. This diagnosis not uncommon for children early age. IN in some cases inflammation of the mucous membranes is caused by bacteria and viruses. The cause of suppuration can be staphylococci or streptococci.

    Furacilin for newborns does not cause painful sensations, so the eye washing procedure will not cause discomfort to the baby, it can be done quickly and easily. If only one eye is inflamed, both the sick and the healthy will need to be treated. This must be done to prevent the spread of infection. Treatment with furatsilin will not harm a newborn. Still, do not forget to be careful.

    Furacilin can be used as prophylactic. Prevention is necessary for those who often suffer eye diseases. Inflammatory process can develop after hypothermia or upon contact with sick people.

    Contraindications and side effects

    Despite the fact that furatsilin is safe means, there are still contraindications to its use. It cannot be used in the following cases:

    • increased sensitivity to active substance, which is part of the drug, namely, nitrofural;
    • bleeding;
    • skin diseases, for example, dermatitis.

    The composition of the drug includes synthetic substances which may trigger an allergic reaction. This happens extremely rarely, and yet we should not forget that furatsilin can cause allergies. Furacilin should be used with extreme caution by a person with kidney or urinary system disease.

    Side effects that occur extremely rarely include the following:

    • exacerbation of dermatitis;
    • development of neuritis;
    • nausea;
    • disruption of the digestive tract;
    • dizziness.

    If the medicine has been poorly diluted, small crystals that enter the eye may cause discomfort. The patient feels as if there is sand in the eye.

    The drug is not contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.

    At correct use drug risk of development side effects comes down to zero. Cases of overdose are excluded since it is not taken orally.

    If a furatsilin tablet was accidentally swallowed, then this does not pose a particular health hazard. If you still feel unwell, you should rinse your stomach.

    Furacilin is an inexpensive but effective remedy. The drug is used topically to treat the mucous tissues of the eyes, throat, and nose. With the help of furatsilin you can quickly get rid of many diseases.

Furacilin is one of those drugs that must be in every home medicine cabinet. For many, its name is immediately associated with small yellow tablets, which dissolve in water. But the medicine is also available in other forms - you can purchase, for example, a ready-made solution, aerosol or ointment with furatsilin. The drug is used for various purposes - for gargling or a sore tooth, washing the most various wounds, treating bedsores or severe burns.

Is this medicine suitable for treating the eyes? Yes, ophthalmologists often advise using it for this purpose. In the vast majority of cases, 1-2 tablets are used, which are first crushed and then dissolved in warm water.

The uniqueness of the medicine lies in the fact that it can be used to wash the eyes not only of an adult, but also of a newborn baby. This simple procedure makes it possible to alleviate the patient’s condition with conjunctivitis, various infectious diseases, blepharitis. It also allows you to remove a foreign body.

How to wash your eyes with furatsilin solution: basic methods

You can wash your eyes with furatsilin in one of the following ways:

  • using a rubber bulb. The instrument must first be thoroughly boiled to prevent contamination harmful bacteria. Then we take the medicine into the pear and instill it into the conjunctival sacs;
  • using special baths which are sold in pharmacies. We take the solution into the container and “dive” with with open eyes. Water with furatsilin must be warm;
  • using cotton pads. You should wash your eyes very carefully in this way so as not to injure yourself;
  • using a regular pipette, drop two or three drops of solution into each eye.

The choice of one of the methods depends only on you. In any case, such treatment will help cope with the removal of a foreign body or any disease.

General rules for eye treatment

You can rinse your eyes with furatsilin solution without visiting a doctor, at home. However, you must comply following rules to avoid infection and worsen the condition of the visual organs:

  • It is best to use the drug in tablets. They must be ground to a powder and then dissolved in boiling water. After this, it is advisable to strain the resulting solution through cheesecloth;
  • If you are going to wash your child's eyes, you can only use the solution once. To repeat the procedure, it is better to prepare a new composition;
  • All items that you use to treat your eyes must be kept perfectly clean. It is better to boil a rubber bulb or pipette - this will help destroy pathogenic bacteria. Cotton pads should only be used once to avoid exposing yourself to unnecessary risks;
  • To wash a baby’s eyes, it is better to use a solution prepared in a pharmacy. The thing is that the tablets contain excipients that can be harmful to the baby. If the ophthalmologist does not recommend using furatsilin, wash the child’s eyes with chamomile infusion or regular tea - this will give almost the same effect.

Parents of a newborn must fully equip home first aid kit. It will be useful to add furatsilin to the set of medications for washing the eyes. This drug has been tested for several generations and today is widely used in the treatment of inflamed mucous membranes, burns, and festering wounds. Pediatricians recommend using furatsilin (tablets or ready-made solution) because this remedy effectively neutralizes pathogenic bacteria and quickly relieves symptoms of conjunctivitis or other types of eye inflammation.

Purpose and preparation of furatsilin

Indications for use

The antibacterial solution is used exclusively externally and works reliably against a number of infectious agents. Furacilin may be required for external processing for the following pathologies:

  • purulent otitis;
  • mechanical trauma of the conjunctiva;
  • infectious disease dacryocystitis;
  • infected burn;
  • infectious disease blepharitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • foreign body getting into the eyes;
  • festering wound;
  • infectious disease scleritis;
  • ulcerative formations on the mucous membranes and skin;
  • diseases localized in the throat.

In addition, a disinfectant solution may be needed for washing problem areas, such as an unhealed umbilical wound and problematic genitals.

Preparation of the solution

A popular area of ​​application of the disinfectant is caring for the mucous membranes of the eyes of infants. Parents need to know how to properly prepare furatsilin for eye rinsing. According to the instructions, you need to take 1 tablet, crush it until a powder forms and place it in a glass container. Dissolve yellow powder with 100 milliliters warm water, its temperature must be set to exactly 37 degrees. It is necessary to achieve complete dissolution so that no traces of powder remain. It is advisable to infuse the medicine for an hour before use. The solution must be filtered by straining through a sterile cloth, such as a three-layer bandage.

As an alternative, other preparation options can be considered. Brew furatsilin powder with boiling water, heat until boiling, leave the solution until it cools and strain before application. Ready-to-use liquid can be easily purchased at a pharmacy - this option is preferable for newborns.

Furacilin: affordable antibacterial agent for washing children's eyes

Eye rinsing with furatsilin

Rules for using the solution

There are valuable recommendations for parents. If rinsing is done using cotton pads, then a separate clean pad is needed for each eye. To care for the smallest children, only drugs and devices approved by the pediatrician are chosen; in the case of furatsilin, there is no danger to health, but caution must still be exercised, since it is a medicine. The solution prepared at home should be used once and made fresh for subsequent treatments. The child can be given 4-5 washes per day. If the temperature is unsuitable, that is, above 37 degrees, then it is strictly forbidden for children and adults to rinse.

In the case of children, there is no place for self-medication, so parents who notice alarming symptoms, for example, discharge of pus from the eyes, you must contact your pediatrician as soon as possible for accurate diagnosis. If furatsilin is used for the first time, it is recommended to monitor the child’s reaction to rinsing; in rare cases, allergic reaction. Selected sources indicate the possibility of storing this product in a refrigerator, but this is only relevant for adults who heat the solution before use.

Eye wash process

Eye wash process disinfectant is happening different ways. Moderate amount The solution can be drawn in with a previously disinfected syringe and carefully injected into the conjunctival sacs of the eyes one at a time. The product is suitable for instillation into the eyes using a boiled pipette. It does not necessarily have to be injected into the eyes with a syringe or pipette. To rinse, soak a sterile cotton pad in the solution, carefully pull back the eyelid and make a movement from the inner corner to the outer one. If possible, pour the liquid into a special container sold in a pharmacy for the appropriate purpose and treat the eyes; during this procedure they remain open.

The considered remedy is popular due to the low likelihood of side effects in the form of dermatitis and a small number of contraindications. There are only three of them, these are hypersensitivity, the presence of bleeding and dermatoses occurring in chronic form. In addition, it is worth emphasizing more than affordable price this drug and quite long term shelf life is 5 years. Storage is also not difficult. The temperature suitable for the solution is no higher than 25 degrees, in a dry and preferably darkened room. If not serious reasons, then there is no need to use furatsilin to wash the eyes. WITH for preventive purposes parents use chamomile infusion or black tea.