Transformable dress for obese women. Amazing transformable dress: one dress - many options. Patterns and description. Nuances of the color palette

The transformable dress was invented more than thirty years ago; its founder was an ordinary journalist who, due to her profession, often traveled to different cities and countries and was forced to drag a huge suitcase with her things. Thinking about practicality and comfort, she came up with a dress that, without taking up much space in her luggage, could give the impression of having a huge wardrobe.

Who is the transformable dress suitable for?

A transformable dress is an ideal option for any woman. Regardless of your body type, with such a versatile item you can create an outfit that fits amazingly. So, for example, if you consider your figure to be a Pear type, then you can safely leave your shoulders open, highlight your waist with a belt, and a wide skirt will hide the heavy lower part of your body. In other words, a transforming dress, like nothing better, will hide all the existing flaws of the figure and emphasize its advantages.

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A transformable dress, being a universal outfit “for all occasions”, requires accessories and decorations that are suitable for the style being created, as well as corresponding to the event to which it is intended to be worn.

If you plan to wear a transformable dress all day, changing only your looks, then it is best to choose medium-sized heels. These can be classic shoes in a neutral color or sandals with a glass heel or a pointed toe. High boots with stiletto heels will go well with a short winter dress. Leggings, a light cardigan or thin knee socks can be a great addition to this outfit.

Jewelry is also selected in accordance with the style of the dress being created and can be very different.

A universal accessory is a small envelope bag that fits any look you create.

The time of modern man flies very quickly. You have to be on time everywhere, do everything, and at the same time always look fresh, stylish and unique. If it is enough for a man to buy an expensive suit, then a woman has to go through various tricks in order to look stunning. And especially for such women who like to look fashionable, modern, but without spending a lot of money and time on a varied wardrobe, fashion designers have developed a unique offer and this is - transformable dresses!

Thanks to such unique models, a young woman does not have to carry a suitcase full of things with her on a trip. Almost one transforming dress will be enough. This is exactly what we will talk about in our article.

The history of the transformable dress

The first developer of the transformable dress was journalist Lydia Silvestry. She worked in the fashion industry and had to travel quite often. One day, under the weight of another suitcase, Lydia imagined how nice it would be to have just one dress, but which could be transformed into different models. So in 1974, a dress called Infinity Dress was born - an endless dress.

The first show of this dress was a huge success. At the same time, the organizers kept the intrigue until the end of the evening. Having shown 72 models, only before the end of the evening the guests of the event were informed that they were all presenting one dress.

After such a stunning success, Vogue dedicated its entire issue to this dress.

Leading designers working in the creation of Infinity Dress - endless dresses

More and more leading designers in the world are busy developing transformable dresses. Let's take a look at some of them and their models.

Designer Malcolm Harris approached the idea of ​​​​creating a transformable dress in a rather original way. For 18 months, he carefully studied a survey of women on social networks. What should an ideal transformable dress be like, the most popular colors, what material is best to use. This is how the One Dress was created. Its cut consists of two circles sewn together. The dress has holes for the arms, head, legs, and there are 4 slots for threading the ribbon belt that comes with this dress. You can buy the One Dress transformable dress on this designer’s website.

Donna Karan (Donna Karan) went even further. Several models of transformable dresses have been created under her brand:

  • a versatile little black dress that has different tying options;
  • a cheaper option called The New Infinity Dress. It is this model that is best known in the markets of the CIS countries. It has about 50 tying options. And another advantage of this model is that such transformable dresses will look great on a full figure, emphasizing its advantages and hiding flaws;
  • Megapolis model. The stretchy, soft knit makes it look great. This model can be worn as an elegant cocktail dress, as a dress with closed sleeves, as well as a top, tunic or three-quarter length.

Casual convertible dresses from Donna Karan

The transformable dress from the brand is very popular Emami (Emami). This dress has won the love of the female population because one model has the greatest range for your imagination in the field of transformation. This is not only, but also trousers, skirt, tunic and many other options. And any avid fashionista will appreciate the color scheme of the presented models of Emami transformable dresses.

Company Victoria's Secret also did not remain indifferent to this new trend in the fashion world, and developed her own transformable dress for those who like to experiment.

Short blue transformable dress Victoria's Secret

We have another design project in this direction. Picaro Puck and Modify Clothing.

Kariza is a variant of a dress-skirt. Perfect for a beach holiday.

I would especially like to dwell on the dress from Hayley Starr. The number of options for one model is as many as 110! This dress can be worn to all sorts of events and outings, from going to the beach to a social party in a restaurant. And the color palette of Fancy Infinite Dress from Hayley Starr is very rich in all kinds of colors and their shades.

A lifesaver for a business lady – a transformable dress Work to Flirt dress! This dress is sewn in a special way: to transform, just turn away the sleeves and neckline. Then the red inserts will become visible. And by turning up the bottom of the transformable dress, you get a miniskirt with a slit. The designer Tansy Hamely, who created this dress, is not going to stop there. She plans to release new models that will fit perfectly into the everyday life of a modern girl. After all, many of them go on a date after work, and they don’t have time to change clothes, and such transformable dresses allow you to change your clothing style quickly and without financial losses.

Marilyn created a whole collection of transformable dress models for plus size people. Here you will see both a long dress and an A-line dress, which can be not only evening, but also become a tunic. To advantageously emphasize the advantages of the figure, the designer offers a two-color transformable dress.

The dream of any bride is to have several outfits for her wedding and wear the same color, while making them look stylish and original. A transformable dress comes to the rescue in this difficult matter. Sewing this dress has long been no secret and many milliners are already sewing such dresses using patterns from leading designers. After all, the designers themselves do not hide the patterns of their masterpieces and post them on their websites. Therefore, you can safely order a transformable wedding dress for yourself and your bridesmaids according to a pattern, or buy a ready-made transformable dress by finding the appropriate advertisement on the Internet.

Transformable wedding dresses photo

In addition to the fact that you yourself will be able to experiment on your wedding day, surprising your guests with the number of different outfits, you and your girlfriends will have the opportunity to look great and change their look throughout the day.

Transformable dresses for bridesmaids are offered today by Two Birds. “They will be the same, but at the same time completely different,” is how they describe their dresses.

Transformable dress – price, buy or sew

The pricing policy is quite democratic. You have several options, which will determine the cost of the transformable dress:

  • buy a transformable dress from the company that developed it. Then such a dress will cost from 280 USD. plus shipping;
  • purchasing an endless dress from a domestic manufacturer, an analogue of foreign brands. The cost of such a dress will be from 70 USD;
  • ordering a dress from a milliner. Dress price from 45 USD

Do not think that when ordering a dress, the appearance will be very different from the original. If a professional gets down to business, no one will notice the difference, and you will spend the money saved on your favorite entertainment or buy stylish accessories - shoes, handbags, jewelry.

If you yourself are good at sewing, then finding a pattern on the Internet and using it to sew a transformable dress with your own hands will not be difficult. The main thing is to choose the right fabric, which should be elastic and not wrinkled. Almost all seams are made on an overlog, and the belt is sewn with tape, the simplest.

Progress moves forward, and with it fashion trends. It is quite possible that in twenty years the transformable dress will firmly enter the wardrobe of every woman, regardless of her social status. Until this happens, you can conquer your colleagues, friends, family and loved ones with a huge variety of dresses, skirts, tunics and trousers, using just one model of an endless dress that brings the same endless pleasure!

Transformable dress for obese women will help you fulfill your dream of looking new every time, without spending money on the next new thing. The desire to remain stylish with a minimum number of things is especially important on vacation, so a transformable dress is a real lifesaver for those who are going to go to a resort. It doesn’t take up much space in your suitcase, and people around you will see that every day you appear in a new outfit, and this is very important for any woman.

This dress was invented more than thirty years ago by journalist Lydia Silvestra, who later became a clothing designer, and women are still grateful to her for this. Due to the nature of her work, Lydia had to constantly travel, which involved not only business meetings, but also various social events. To save herself from the hassle of carrying large luggage, she came up with a dress that helped her solve several problems at once, because a transformable dress, taking up minimal space in a travel bag, creates the effect of having an entire wardrobe.

At the presentation of her invention, Lydia Silvestra showed the audience about a hundred modifications of the dress. Unfortunately, then this did not find a wide response among fashionistas, and only more than two decades later women rediscovered this excellent outfit, which easily turns into a long evening dress, a short flirty sundress and even a jumpsuit.

A transformable dress for plus-size women is a real find for girls of plus size and has long become a favorite item for many, since it fits perfectly on any figure, hiding all its flaws, and this is clearly visible in the photo.

It easily replaces several dresses at once, any girl can sew it even without sewing skills, and patterns can be found on the Internet. Such a dress is sewn from elastic, wrinkle-resistant fabrics, and the result is something that delicately fits the figure and corrects all its shortcomings.

The main advantage of a transformable dress for plus-size women is the possibility of a variety of modifications. It easily transforms not only into different dress models, but also into a stylish skirt that can be worn with a matching top. Apply a little imagination and you will become a real designer, and every transformation of a transformable dress will turn into an exciting experience.

The versatility of a transformable dress lies in the ability to give it a variety of looks, as in the photo.

  • By tying long straps under the bust, you focus attention on a beautiful bust, and folds of fabric falling down will hide your protruding belly and large hips.
  • With the help of wide straps you can cover your full shoulders. Wrapping the straps around your body a few times will help shape your silhouette, making you look slimmer.
  • The straps can be crossed in different ways, each time getting the most unexpected result. They can be tied behind the neck, thrown over one shoulder, or crossed behind the back.

A new outfit every day is every woman's dream. But in most cases such a desire is not feasible. After all, not every representative of the fairer sex can buy new dresses every day. There is a way out! You can sew an original transformable dress. With such a product you can always look original. A small piece of fabric can easily be transformed into a charming outfit.

What will you need?

First of all, you need to decide on the material. The best thing to make from knitwear is a transformable dress. Manufacturing options can be very different. It is worth giving preference to fabrics that drape well. This is knitwear such as micro-oil, viscose, elastic, diving. Rough fabrics such as footer or French jersey are definitely not suitable.

Before sewing a transforming dress, it is worth choosing high-quality threads with increased stretchability. Almost all hardware stores have special threads for knitwear. It is necessary to select according to the thickness of the fabric from which the dress will be made. In most cases, size 40 thread works great.

Taking measurements

The pattern of a transformable dress can be created after taking all the necessary measurements. Initially, you need to decide on the length of the finished product. For a maxi dress, you need to measure the distance from the waistband to the hem. Additionally, you will have to measure your waist circumference. This parameter is needed to make a belt. If you need a transformable dress pattern along with a top, you will have to measure your chest circumference.

To take measurements, you should choose a high-quality measuring tape. Additionally, you will need a ruler, as well as a pencil for drawing on fabric. Cutting will be done using these tools.

How is a transformable dress made?

There are several options for outfits that can be transformed. The most popular is the so-called Emami dress. It is a rectangle with a hole for the waist. Even a beginner can make such an outfit. For a height of 155-170 cm, you will need a piece of fabric 140 cm long and 150 cm wide. The material is folded in half and an incision is made that is equal to the half-circumference of the waist minus 5 cm. It is worth considering that knitted fabric has increased stretchability. If the hole is made larger, the dress will not fit well on the figure.

A seam is made vertically from the cut under the waist. It is not necessary to process the edges of the material. Knitwear does not fray during use. Next, a belt is sewn to the waist. A drawstring is attached to the edge, which is on the opposite side of the seam. This is the main element with which you can wear the product in various ways. The drawstring must be at least 2 cm wide and 200 cm long.

In total, in just an hour you can make an original transforming dress. How to tie it will take much longer to figure out. This is a very exciting activity. Each representative of the fairer sex has her own version of using this outfit.

Round transformable dress

Another version of a transformable dress is made from an even circle with a diameter of 150 cm. For such a dress, the main measurement is the width of the back. The finished circle is divided in half and two holes for the arms are cut out in the center at a distance equal to the width of the back. The dress is ready! To secure the outfit, use a drawstring, which is stored separately from the dress itself. If desired, this element can be secured to the product using belt loops made of the same material.

Before sewing a transformable dress in this version, you should think about whether it will suit your figure. This outfit is perfect for girls with round shapes. The dress allows you to hide flaws and highlight advantages. A long transformable dress will be an excellent option for a special event or an evening walk around the city. Thin girls should choose a tighter version. The Emami dress would be ideal in this case.

Sun flared dress

Another version of the transformable outfit is made on the basis of a flared sun skirt. To make such a dress, you will need measurements such as waist and chest circumference. Initially, a circle is cut out of the fabric, the radius of which is equal to the length of the finished skirt plus 10-15 cm. A hole is cut in the center for the waist. Additionally, it is necessary to make a top, the width of which will be equal to the half-circumference of the chest minus 5 cm. The length of the top for a height of 155-170 cm will be 40-45 cm. It is not necessary to process the edges of the product if the fabric does not fray. If desired, the dress can be decorated with lace.

The central part of the product will be ties, each 30 cm wide and 150 cm long. These elements are inserted into the seam connecting the skirt and top. They are the ones who complete the transformable dress. Every girl can figure out how to tie a product on her own. Depending on how the outfit is worn, it can be used both at formal evenings and during an everyday walk.

Why should every girl have a transformable dress?

A dress whose shape can be changed according to your mood can become an indispensable part of your wardrobe. Some products can even replace trousers or a skirt. For example, the famous Emami dress can be worn as a bloomer or a floor-length skirt. In addition, the transformable dress pattern is created in such a way that one product can suit women with different size characteristics. Both mother and daughter can wear the same dress.

Absolutely any representative of the fair sex can make an original outfit. The pattern of a transforming dress is quite simple to construct. In just an hour you can get not one, but several new dresses at once!

To make the outfit look attractive on the figure, special attention should be paid to the material. The fabric should have increased elasticity and drape well. Micro oil will be the most suitable option. This fabric is easy to use and does not fray during use.

How to save money and still be able to dress fashionably? The eternal question of modern fashionable housewives. One of these universal things is a transformable dress. The uniqueness of the outfit is that the attire makes it possible to change the image of the dress itself, visually creating the impression of several dresses instead of one. The peculiarity is that the transformer is sewn easily and conveniently based on a minimum number of measurements, it does not require special skills, but it looks unique and fascinating.

And how it will look depends on how you tie it. Transformable clothing options are very popular, especially for scenes where you need to radically change your look in a matter of seconds. But they are also suitable for everyday life, where with the help of a detachable skirt you can turn a long dress into a short one, or turn a floor-length skirt into trousers with a slight movement of the hand. This is convenient for both girls and adult women - you don’t need to bother with choosing outfits for every day, you can simply transform the same one into different options.

The transformable dress is sewn based on a minimum number of measurements

To get started, a novice needlewoman needs to know:

  1. The color of the future product. Gray or black will be most convenient; the colors can be easily combined with an accessory in a wide range of shades. Thus, visually it is possible to create an unlimited number of elegant looks.
  2. Choosing fabric. It is best to take double-sided knitwear. If you choose a different fabric, take into account the specifics - the dress requires elastic, medium-density fabric that does not require ironing. Depending on the size chosen, you will need from three to five meters.
  3. Ties are an important and leading detail of the product, the measurements of which must be taken more seriously. It is from them that various versions of modified images are created. For thin women, we make this item of clothing narrower than the standard size. For overweight women, it is recommended to make the tie details wide, this will allow the shoulders to move freely. Focus on the width of the shoulder, plus 2 cm for the inseam.
  4. For the convenience of fabric patterns, secure them to the work surface with pins.

Transformable dress pattern


  • Simple pencil;
  • Centimeter, ruler;
  • Tracing paper or paper;
  • Textile;
  • Scissors;
  • Sewing pins.

What to do:

  1. We measure the length of the skirt. Since the skirt size of the dress is entirely optional, we take the standard one from the waist to the knees (TK).
  2. Then measure your waist with a centimeter, divide the value by four (OT).
  3. The stage of measuring the top is chest circumference (CG) and length from chest to waist (WT).
  4. Belt measurements - chest circumference slightly below the waist (OGdT)
  5. We measure the ties. The standard size is 2 meters wide, 30 cm long, almost ideal for any transformer model, but if you wish, you can make your own version of the ties.
  6. Transfer the TC and OT measurements onto tracing paper and make a pattern for the quarter skirt.
  7. Fold the fabric chosen for the dress in four, place the pattern from the central right corner, secure with pins, mark the measurements, cut out the skirt.
  8. We cut the fabric belt into a rectangle, where DT is the length and OG is the width of the figure.

We make fabric ties according to the size of the figure. The length of the part should be standard - 2 meters.

How to sew a transformable dress for the summer (video)

Transformable dress Infinity: how to sew it yourself

The Infinity transformable dress differs from other models by the presence of a top.

You will need:

  • Fabric patterns for details of a dress with a top;
  • Sewing pins;
  • Needle, thread;
  • Sewing machine.

The Infinity transformable dress differs from other models by the presence of a top

How to do:

  1. Turn the skirt blank inside out and attach the tie patterns to it with pins, overlapping each other by about 10 cm.
  2. Fold the top blank in half in width and attach with pins around the waist of the skirt.
  3. For convenience, baste the structure with threads.

Sew the parts together with a machine and sew the internal seams.

DIY floor-length transforming dress

One of the options for an evening dress. By increasing the length of the skirt, this dress can be used both for a school prom and for a late romantic dinner.

We sew the dress using a standard transformer pattern. To achieve the desired length, take measurements from shoulder to ankle plus fabric seam allowances.

If there is not enough fabric, decorate the bottom of the skirt with fabric inserts, embroidery, or hem another skirt made of lace material inside the dress. The process will visually increase the volume and length of the bottom of the product, and the lace inserts, swaying when walking, effectively create the impression of a formal version of clothing.

One of the evening dress options

For openwork inserts under the skirt, choose warmer fabric tones. The color scheme of the insert, complementing the main shade, improves the finished ensemble of clothing.

Transformable skirt: master class

You will need:

  • A piece of chiffon 5 meters long;
  • Needle, thread;
  • Sewing pins.

The transformable skirt is sewn very quickly

What to do:

  1. Separately, from a 3-meter piece of fabric we make the hem of the future skirt. Cut out a rectangle of the desired length. The width of the figure will be the base of the waist.
  2. We sew seams along the sides and bottom of the skirt. Bend the waist line by 10 cm, hem.
  3. Pull elastic into the waist seam. This action will allow you to tighten the product into folds.
  4. Make a double wide belt from the remaining fabric.
  5. Sew the belt piece to the waistline of the skirt, leaving equal sized ends along the edges.

By wrapping the product twice around the waist, we get a skirt with a grip. The same garment can be used as a short dress by tying the ends of the belt behind the neck or at chest level.

If desired, decorate the sewing at the base of the belt with original inserts from another fabric or beads. This decor will give the product an original charm.

How to sew a transformable dress for plus size people

You will need:

  • A piece of knitted fabric of the selected color;
  • Threads, scissors;
  • Sewing pins.

How to do:

  1. We take measurements of the figure according to the picture. In this case, you will have your own sizes.
  2. We sew the side strips of fabric together with a belt.
  3. The corner protrusions do not need to be rounded. The model shown in the figure is knee-length, so we plan the length of the future product to reach the ankles. Take measurements from the shoulder to the desired length.
  4. To make the dress looser, take fabric with an allowance.
  5. We fix the belt along the waist line.
  6. Hem the seam edges with an overlocker.

Hand openings are optional and the dress is secured by tying the edges at the neck or tying them around the chest.

Transformable tunic: simple and easy

The feature of a transforming tunic is important during warm summer days, especially for those who love a comprehensive tan. The garment allows you to vary the degree of coverage of the back and shoulder.

To determine the required amount of material, we take measurements: clothing length (LO) - measurement of the base of the shoulder to the desired length of the product plus about 5 cm for seams, hip circumference below the waist (OB), front length (FL) - from neck to waist, back length ( DS). For the product we use light, wrinkle-resistant fabrics - chiffon, poplin or cambric.

Next, using the formula OB:2+OB:2:3, we obtain the minimum width of the front and back clothing parts (WHI). Here we make the same seam allowances. Multiplying the resulting value by 2, we determine the length of the product. Since the standard length of the fabric is up to 150 cm, add 20 cm for the waistband and seams. Did it turn out to be more than 70 cm? We take two lengths of canvas. To summarize, it is easier to calculate: if the OB is more than one meter, two lengths of fabric are needed.

First cut out the front and back, then sew along the central seams. We adjust the skirt fabric to the finished width of the product.

The first version of the pattern requires sewing the shoulder seams. When planning the top of the product, gather the seams with elastic, processing them in a zigzag manner. Sew edge seams along the length.

The measurements of the circumference near the arms and neckline are purely individual, so it is easier to tighten it with an elastic band, stretching it into the shoulder seams. To loosely fit the product, sew the side seams 10 cm down from the expected sleeve measurements.