The benefits and harms of inhalation with a nebulizer. Alkaline inhalations are an effective method of treating the respiratory tract

Cough, runny nose and a “cloudy” state of the body can happen at any time of the year. Many methods have been tried to treat colds. Some of them provide a quick cure, but the consequences of taking loading doses medications can be deplorable and may not appear immediately. But here are the methods that have been offered for a long time ethnoscience, and now traditional, solve the problem gradually, but at the same time do not harm health and strengthen the immune system.

Indications for use of inhalations

Inhalations at home for a runny nose, cough or colds seem to be the most in an accessible way get the desired result. The method works if the patient does not suffer from another disease that causes similar symptoms. For example, to people new to allergies and experiencing a reaction to an irritant for the first time, the symptoms may seem like the onset of a cold. Not in front of everyone allergic diseases Inhalation may be used. Before starting the procedure, you should consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis, otherwise the situation may worsen as a result of treatment.

Inhalations at home are used for the following indications:

  • Exacerbation of diseases of the upper respiratory tract chronic form.
  • ARVI with complications (laryngitis, rhinitis, tonsillitis, etc.).
  • Fungal diseases of the respiratory system.
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchial asthma,
  • Cystic fibrosis, pneumonia in the 3rd stage (sputum production).
  • Respiratory disorders in HIV.
  • Prevention stagnation in the postoperative period.

Cough and runny nose are manifestations of the symptoms of the disease. Before starting treatment, you need to make sure that inhalations will contribute to a speedy recovery.


The use of any type of therapy has its contraindications. Neglecting them can lead to complications, the emergence of new diseases, and often irreparable consequences. You should not use inhalations at home if you have a runny nose, cough or other symptoms of the following conditions or diseases:

  • Body temperature is higher than normal (more than 37.5°C).
  • Any nosebleeds.
  • Arrhythmia, cardiovascular failure.
  • Hypertension (grade 2 and higher).
  • Pulmonary failure.
  • Pulmonary hemorrhages, pulmonary emphysema.
  • Allergy to medicinal agents (medicines, herbal medicines, essential oils, etc.).
  • Age (not recommended for children under 2 years old).

What is inhalation

Inhalation is a treatment method in which crushed medications are delivered using heated steam and inhaled aerosols. The word “inhalation” is an analogue of the Latin “inhalo” (I inhale). Steam inhalations for a runny nose at home help fine particles of drugs get directly into the source of infection - the bronchi, nasopharyngeal mucosa.

The treatment is local in nature, but inhaling vapors saturated with beneficial natural ingredients not only has a positive effect on focal diseases, but also has a beneficial effect on the immune system and nervous systems. For women, you can add another positive aspect - moisturizing and cleansing the skin, which occurs while breathing beneficial steam.


Inhalations at home for a runny nose have the following advantages:

  • When breathing is blocked without inhalation, it saturates the mucous membrane and provokes mucus rejection.
  • In case of copious but difficult mucus separation, it helps to painlessly speed up its evacuation.
  • For a runny nose caused by an allergy, they help remove the allergen from the nasopharynx faster.
  • For ARVI diseases, it is relieved general state the patient, saturate the tissues of the nasopharyngeal mucosa with moisture, strengthen the immune system.

Inhalations for cough are no less effective:

  • Moisturizes the mucous membrane with steam, which alleviates the condition of a debilitating dry cough.
  • Reduces the excitability of irritated receptors, enveloping the mucous membrane.
  • The formation of sputum is stimulated and coughing is less painful.
  • Liquefaction of sputum, rapid evacuation.
  • Eliminates bronchospasm in case of allergic origin cough.
  • Gradual destruction of infectious agents, strengthening the immune system.

Types of inhalations

In the arsenal of traditional and folk medicine, inhalations for a runny nose at home are carried out in several ways:

  • Steam inhalations, or heat-moist inhalations. The solution temperature ranges from +42 °C to +50 °C. Safe and effective time exposure is from 5 to 10 minutes. To create a medicinal solution, medicinal herbs and essential oils are used (to which there is no allergic reaction), medications, prescribed by a doctor, soda, antibacterial drugs. Greatest benefit This type of treatment brings relief to the primary stage of the disease.
  • Oil inhalations. The oil is heated to a temperature of about 38°C, exposure time is about 10 minutes. If desired, the oil can be added to hot water and breathed over the container with the solution. This type of inhalation helps with dry cough and lack of mucus from the nose. They use eucalyptus, olive oil, positive influence provide peach, coniferous and many others. Before use, you must make sure that there is no allergic reaction.
  • Dry inhalations. Plants with active antiviral phytocides are used: onions, garlic, horseradish root. Natural raw materials are crushed and placed in the room where the patient is. The action is antibacterial.
  • Hardware inhalations. Devices developed for home use allow for both steam and non-steam inhalations. The inhaler device nebulizes medicinal product to an aerosol state.

Inhalations are divided into types according to temperature conditions:

  • Cold. The temperature of the solution for the procedure does not exceed 30 °C.
  • Heat-moist. The solution is heated to 45 °C.
  • Steam. The temperature does not exceed 50 °C.

Rules for the procedure

Success healing process directly depends on the correctness of its implementation. Inhalations at home for a runny nose, cough, or acute respiratory viral infection have their own characteristics and should not be neglected:

  • The procedure should be carried out an hour after eating. The patient should not be hungry.
  • After the procedure, you should not eat or drink for 30-40 minutes.
  • You should not talk after treatment for 30-60 minutes.
  • It is contraindicated to go outside for two hours after the procedure.
  • If medications are used for inhalation, then you need to know the recipe and follow it to the nearest 1 gram.
  • During the inhalation process, it is necessary to take deep, smooth inhalations and exhalations.
  • For children aged 2 to 5 years, the inhalation time is 3 minutes, from 5 to 12 years the procedure is carried out for 5-10 minutes.
  • The inhalation agent solution is prepared before use.
  • When you have a runny nose, breathing should be done through your nose; when you have a cough or respiratory illness, you should breathe through your mouth.
  • When prescribing several types of inhalations for the treatment of ARVI and runny nose, inhalations with bronchodilators will be used first, followed by expectorants.
  • When using industrially manufactured inhalers, it is necessary to rinse the device before and after the inhalation session.

Medicinal agents

For inhalation, plant materials, medications, and oils are used. There are many recipes, but some of them are time-tested and show effectiveness in application:

  • Inhalation for a runny nose at home with soda. Basic solution recipe: add 1 teaspoon to one glass of hot water (up to 50°C) baking soda. Breathe over the vapors of the solution for 5-10 minutes.
  • Alkaline mineral waters are well suited - “Essentuki-17”, “Narzan”, “Borjomi”, etc. The water is heated to 50°C and a therapy session is carried out.
  • Inhalation for a runny nose at home with chamomile. First you need to prepare a chamomile decoction; to do this, just pour one tablespoon of dry herbs into one glass of boiling water and let it brew for 20 minutes - the solution for inhalation is ready. If the infusion has cooled, just add hot water and carry out the procedure.
  • Inhalations using pine needles. To prepare the solution, pine needles must be soaked for several hours in water at room temperature, then heated until steam appears. If you don’t have pine needles on hand, you can get by with essential oil (2 drops per glass warm water) pine, spruce, cedar, etc. A few drops are added to hot water. For small children, you can leave a bucket or pan of hot solution in the room while they sleep. Cover the container with a lid, leaving a small gap for steam to escape. In order for the solution to release healing steam longer, the container must be thermally insulated (wrapped in a blanket, thick towel, etc.).
  • Inhalation for a runny nose at home with potatoes. One of the most common and effective ways carry out the procedure. The potatoes are boiled in their skins, the water is drained, you need to breathe while bending over the tubers. If desired and necessary, you can add eucalyptus essential oil.

How to perform inhalation at home

There are three ways to create an inhaler at home. The simplest one is to use a saucepan for this purpose. Warm or hot is poured into the container medicinal solution In order not to lose steam, you need to cover your head with a towel, while closing the borders of the pan. In general, it is necessary to create a closed space in which steam will circulate. So as not to burn skin, on the lip area, the skin around the eyes must be applied to open areas protective cream. After 5-10 minutes the procedure is completed.

At next method a kettle is used. A hot mixture is poured into it medicinal ingredients, a funnel is inserted into the spout of the kettle through which steam is supplied. The method is good for those who do not tolerate the influence of hot steam, as in the previous method described. The funnel can be made from thick cardboard.

To carry out inhalation procedures at home for a runny nose or cough, there are devices - household inhalers. Today there is a lot of technology of this kind, with different ways carrying out the procedure. The only question is the choice; before use, you should read the instructions.

Features of the procedure for children

Inhalation at home for children with a runny nose should be done with caution. The procedure is not recommended for children under two years of age. It is difficult to persuade a child to breathe steam over a saucepan, potatoes or kettle. Using the device simplifies the task, since the process can take place in game form. But there are ways to help the child and arrange the inhalation in a slightly expanded form.

One way is to place the child in a small room and fill it with healing steam. An important condition is ventilation. If there is a bathhouse, then the issue is easily resolved. You can persuade a child to breathe over potatoes, and use them as an entertainment element. big umbrella, with which to close the container with potatoes. In this case, it is worth making sure that the child does not get burned. The time frame for inhalation using home methods is from 10 to 20 minutes.

Features of the procedure for pregnant women

Inhalation at home for pregnant women with a runny nose is carried out with some peculiarities. Waiting for a baby future mom He tries to follow a daily routine and avoid illnesses, but a runny nose catches up with almost everyone. It is dangerous because it causes a lack of oxygen, which can harm the baby. Inhalations are the safest method of treatment, which has limitations:

  • You cannot use drugs that have allergic reaction or predisposition to it.
  • During pregnancy, it is forbidden to use rosemary, cedar, dill, nightshade, and marjoram.
  • When carrying out the procedure, iodine should be excluded from the list of ingredients used.
  • General contraindications also apply to pregnant women; inhalation should be avoided if feeling unwell.


Inhalation at home for cough and runny nose - simple and effective way get rid of nasal and throat congestion. It stimulates the internal reserves of the body, does not violate human nature, but helps to quickly and easily regain lost health.

Some people suppress the virus and colds with newfangled powders, while others are treated the old fashioned way, under a towel, hugging a steaming saucepan. Simple and inexpensive. But how to use it correctly inhaler for child to help him and not harm him? Inhalation - inhalation of medicinal substances with therapeutic purpose. It is useful to resort to this method of treatment at the first signs of acute and chronic diseases upper respiratory tract (runny nose - rhinitis, inflammation palatine tonsils- tonsillitis, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx - pharyngitis, inflammation of the bronchi - bronchitis and lungs - pneumonia), as well as for the prevention and elimination of attacks of bronchial asthma. The following forms are distinguished: inhalations:

  • inhalation of water vapor or aromatic substances;
  • aerosol inhalation - inhalation of the smallest particles of medicinal substances - aerosols that are either dissolved in water or suspended (in the form of steam);
  • electroaerosol inhalation (electroaerosol therapy) - inhalation of negatively or positively charged aerosols;
  • aeroionoinhalation (aeroionotherapy) - inhalation of negatively or positively charged particles of atmospheric air, aeroions or water (hydroaeroions (inhalation of negatively charged ions is considered useful for therapeutic purposes). Also very popular inhalation with mineral and sea ​​water. According to the temperature, inhalations can be wet (up to 30 degrees C, without heating), warm-moist (30-40 degrees C, with heated solution) and steam.

What is good about inhalation?

The possibility of direct action of a medicinal substance on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract in case of disease has particular advantages.

Firstly, this local therapy. If the main disorders in the body are concentrated in the respiratory tract, then it is better to treat them by prescribing the inhalation of medicinal substances into various parts of the respiratory system.

Secondly, substances in the form of vapors or aerosols are used for inhalation. Medicine sprayed on tiny particles, has a larger contact surface, comes into contact with the largest area of ​​the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, is quickly absorbed into the blood and, accordingly, acts faster..

Thirdly, many inhalation solutions and mixtures improve the so-called “mucociliary clearance”. The respiratory tract is lined with specific villi, which constantly make unidirectional movements (from the inside to the outside). With their help, as if on an escalator, various dirt particles, microbes and other foreign agents move that need to be removed from the body.

Thus, inhalation facilitates the removal of mucus and phlegm from the respiratory tract. Now about contraindications. Unfortunately, even this harmless way treatment is not possible without them. Inhalations contraindicated when the temperature rises above 37.5 degrees C; with nosebleeds or tendency to them; for diseases of the lungs and heart with symptoms of severe cardiovascular or respiratory failure. In each specific case, inhalation should be prescribed by a doctor.

We are treated correctly

Inhalations carried out no earlier than 1-1.5 hours after eating, following a number of rules:

  • no need to be distracted by talking or reading
  • for diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses nose should be inhaled and exhaled medicinal substance without strain through the nose, for diseases of the pharynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs - through the mouth.
  • Clothing should not restrict the neck or make breathing difficult. After inhalation, it is not recommended to talk for an hour, much less sing or eat.

IN medical institutions these procedures are carried out using special inhalers in which the medicinal substance is atomized with air from a compressor or ultrasonic source and then supplied through a mask or special tips to the patient. It's better to use portable ones at home pocket inhalers of various designs. By the way, some of them are filled with a ready-made medicinal mixture.

A number of inhalers have nebulizers that, before starting treatment session filled with the necessary medicinal substance. The duration of inhalation with their help is 1 - 3 minutes, frequency 3 - 5 times a day. The best effect can be achieved using special inhalers sold in stores and pharmacies. Ultrasonic and compressor, converting liquid into steam, the so-called nebulizers, allow the drug to penetrate deep into the smallest bronchi, and they are intended for treating not so much the upper as the lower respiratory tract.

Electroaerosol inhalers not only heat up the moisture, but also negatively charge the particles, which also increases their healing effect. There are inhalers designed for very young children. They have a special mask that allows you to undergo the procedure not only sitting, but also lying down. The duration of the procedure is 5-10 minutes.

Steam inhalations

For some acute and chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract, on the recommendation of a doctor, you can carry out steam inhalations. Their healing effect consists of treatment with warm or even hot steam, saturated with easily evaporating medicinal substances. Steam inhalation is carried out over a pan of boiling water (4-5 glasses), where medicinal substances are added.

Inhalations with boiling water are CONTRAINDICATED for children. Unfortunately, doctors have to deal with the consequences of such " medical procedures leading to burns of the upper respiratory tract. For older children, warm-humid ones (30-40 degrees C) are suitable, and for babies up to one year old - humid (up to 30 degrees C) inhalation. Water for this required temperature pour into a teapot with a narrow neck. A funnel is made from simple cardboard - with what younger child, the longer it is - and is put on the spout of the teapot.

Before starting inhalation for a child, you need to check the temperature of the steam on yourself. If it is not possible to constantly heat the water, then as it cools, add boiling water to the container, add the appropriate amount of medicine, mix and again, after checking the temperature, inhale. The duration of such inhalations is 1-3 minutes, they are done 1-2 times a day.

Medicinal solutions

Solutions used for inhalation may consist of only two components ( baking soda and water), and can be more complex (various medications, medicinal herbs, mineral water). Exist special mixtures, cooked industrially, intended for inhalers only. In each case, it is necessary to take into account the individual tolerance of a particular drug, and if you feel unwell after inhalation Do not use this medicine before consulting a doctor.

Especially for those parents who want to use natural remedies in the treatment and prevention of respiratory diseases in children, we will describe inhalations with herbs and other " folk remedies". BUT: if a child has relatives with signs of any allergy, especially to pollen, then in the vast majority of cases this is a contraindication for the use of herbs, aromatic oils, honey, etc.

  • To better remove phlegm, use soda inhalation(per 1 liter of water 4 teaspoons of soda) or inhale heated steam mineral water.
  • Inhalations work well for inflammation of the tonsils aqueous solution with onion and garlic juice. To prepare it, you need to obtain a pulp of onion or garlic using a garlic crusher. Strain the resulting pulp through cheesecloth. Dilute onion or garlic juice with water in a ratio of 1:10 (1 part juice, 10 parts water).
  • Inhalations with the aromas of steamed plants (freshly crushed pine needles, fir, cedar, juniper, dried eucalyptus leaves, oak, birch, linden flowers, chamomile, mint, lavender, with wormwood, sage, black currant leaves are especially useful. Their evaporations from these plants have a disinfecting effect. , anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects. Greatest effect gives the use of a collection of several plants. When preparing the decoction, use the following proportion: 1 tablespoon of plant material per 250 ml of water.

It is convenient to do inhalation using a coffee pot into which a funnel made of thick cardboard is inserted. The collection is pre-brewed in a saucepan. Duration inhalation usually 10 - 15 minutes. Course - from 5 to 15 procedures (depending on how you feel). For upper respiratory tract infections, you can brew the herbs of thyme, oregano, lavender, coltsfoot, sage, and chamomile.

Good effect These diseases can also be caused by inhalation of fumes from boiled potatoes or potato peels and oat husks. For the convenience of inhalation, potatoes, peels or husks of oats can be boiled in a kettle, and the procedure can be carried out as described above. The duration of inhalations is also 5 - 15 minutes. Phytoncides (substances with disinfecting properties) contained in these plants enhance the body’s immunological reactions and recovery processes in tissues. To this “potato inhaler” you can add 10-20 drops of anise, dill, camphor or eucalyptus oil for 1 liter of water. But remember that taking large doses essential oils should not be done, because in this case they begin to have the opposite effect and dry out the mucous membranes, causing scratching and sore throat sensations.

It is also useful to inhale the volatile secretions of freshly prepared gruel (it can be prepared using a device for crushing garlic or a blender) from onions and garlic (they are especially actively released in the first 10-15 minutes, then their flow is quickly depleted). Phytoncides of onion and garlic kill almost all types of pathogenic microbes.

Preventive inhalations

If you place a bottle of eucalyptus, basil or monarda oil in the room where most of the time is spent, you will get a natural inhalation that will help with pulmonary diseases. An even better effect is observed when mixing eucalyptus essential oil with basil or monarda oil - this will dramatically increase antimicrobial effectiveness. But you should not mix basil and monarda oils with each other, otherwise their bactericidal activity will decrease by 2 times.

It is very useful to inhale the aromas of a mixture of basil or coriander essential oils. Scientific research It was found that in this combination their antimicrobial and antifungal effectiveness is enhanced by 30 times. In conclusion, here are several inhalation recipes that are suitable for both adults and children with respiratory diseases (ARD):

  1. With medicinal chamomile. Pour a tablespoon of crushed chamomile flowers into 1 cup of boiling water, leave in a water bath for 20-30 minutes, then add boiling water to 1 liter. Cool until desired temperature and inhale the vapors alternately through the nose and mouth for 10-15 minutes, covered with a sheet folded in half or a wide terry towel. If chamomile is not available, you can use sage or peppermint leaves.
  2. Honey. Bee Honey dilute boiled water, heated to 40 degrees C, in a ratio of 1:5 i.e. 1 spoon of honey 5 water, and spray with an inhaler (the first half of the time allotted for the procedure, inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth, the second - vice versa)
  3. Another recipe that is effective for colds. Prepare the following medicinal mixture: eucalyptus leaves - 2 teaspoons, pine extract- 1/4 briquette, menthol alcohol - 15 drops, menthol oil- 1 teaspoon (if it is not available, you can dissolve 1-2 validol tablets), freshly prepared garlic or onion gruel - 1 teaspoon. Place everything in a saucepan with 1 liter of just boiled water, cool to the desired temperature, and then, covered with a towel, breathe in the fumes.
  4. In pairs water decoction ate the kidneys. Prepare a decoction of young tops of spruce branches with buds (they are collected in May) in a ratio of 1:10, pour boiling water, leave in a water bath for 30-40 minutes and breathe in its vapor for diseases of the bronchi and lungs. This disinfects the airways and makes breathing easier.
  5. Treatment with fir oil. Rub fir oil daily into the chest and collar area of ​​the back, and also take inhalation. For this purpose it is convenient to use a simple plastic inhaler. If you don't have one, a thermos or kettle will help you out. Pour boiling water into a thermos under the neck, add 1 drop fir oil and breathe using a paper socket. As the oil evaporates, you need to drop next drop. This continues until 5 minutes have elapsed. Do not instill two or three drops at once, as excessive evaporation of the oil can cause coughing.

Inhalation is the inhalation of medicinal substances for therapeutic purposes. It is useful to resort to this method of treatment at the first signs respiratory diseases(runny nose - rhinitis, inflammation of the tonsils - tonsillitis, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx - pharyngitis, inflammation of the bronchi - bronchitis and lungs - pneumonia), as well as for the prevention and elimination of attacks of bronchial asthma.

What is good about inhalation?

Firstly , in case of respiratory diseases, this is a blow to the virus, as they say, “ten times.” If you accept this method of treatment as the main one, then you do not need to stuff your child with dozens of tablets, anti-flu powders and everything that, as a rule, gives much more side effects than inhalation.

Secondly , medications sprayed into tiny particles are quickly absorbed into the blood, penetrate deep into the respiratory tract and treat them with the greatest effectiveness.

Third , inhalations, like no other remedy, facilitate the removal of mucus and phlegm from the respiratory tract.

How to do inhalations correctly?

In order for inhalations to be beneficial and not harmful, you need to carry them out one and a half to two hours after eating, focusing on the procedure itself, without distraction. Inhale and exhale the medicinal substance during inhalation without straining and, depending on the disease, through the mouth or nose. Within an hour after inhalation, it is not recommended to eat or strain yourself with singing or long conversations.

Now about contraindications. Inhalations should not be given to a child if the temperature rises above 37.5 degrees; with nosebleeds or a tendency to them; for diseases of the lungs and heart with symptoms of severe cardiovascular or respiratory failure.

Essential oils, falling on the reflexogenic points of the nose, massage them, causing impulses projected onto certain areas of the brain corresponding to a particular organ or organ system.

Essential oils, having a direct effect on the respiratory system, quickly eliminate congestion and inflammatory processes. It is believed that essential oils introduced into the lungs in the form of inhalations act almost 20 times faster and stronger than when taken orally, since they do not undergo the changes that they undergo when entering the stomach.

Inhalations - excellent remedy for the treatment and prevention of colds, flu and acute respiratory infections, for the treatment of bronchi and lungs, as well as for influencing the psycho-emotional sphere.

There are two types of inhalations: hot and cold.

For hot inhalation, take a wide-necked vessel and fill it with 500 ml of hot water (90 °C). Add 1-2 drops of essential oil to the water, tilt your head over the container, cover with a terry towel and breathe over the steam for 5-10 minutes. Be sure to keep your eyes closed. The dose of essential oils for hot inhalation can be gradually increased to 3-5 drops.

After the procedure, do not go outside for an hour.

A type of hot inhalation is ordinary hot bath, which was already mentioned above, when 1-2 drops of pure essential oil are added to the water while taking a bath.

Another method of hot inhalation is heated stones. In summer, collect small pebbles from the beach, wash them well and dry. Before the procedure, heat the stones in the oven, and then pour them into a special box (you can use a regular baking sheet).

Cool the stones to a temperature of 60 ° C, drip some essential oil, sit next to them, cover with a towel and breathe for 5-10 minutes, inhaling the aroma. You can combine this procedure with self-massage of the reflex points of the feet and palms. Walk on hot stones barefoot and rub the stones between your palms.

Hot inhalations are contraindicated for bronchial asthma. In these cases, and also if hot inhalation is not possible, do cold inhalation.

Place 2 drops of essential oil into an aroma locket or onto a handkerchief, napkin, or pillow corner and breathe for 5-7 minutes. Breathing should be even and deep.

Aroma lamp is also one of the cold inhalation techniques.

Cold inhalations are an excellent remedy for relieving dizziness, nausea, normalizing blood pressure, restoring mental and physical activity, peace of mind, prevention of viral infection.

We are treated correctly.

Inhalations are carried out no earlier than 1-1.5 hours after meals, while following simple rules:

* Do not force your child to breathe over boiling water, this can cause burns to the mucous membranes. The optimal water temperature for children's inhalations is 30-40 degrees.

* For diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses, the child should inhale and exhale the medicinal substance without straining through the nose; for diseases of the pharynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs - through the mouth.

* The child’s clothing during the procedure should not restrict the neck or make breathing difficult. After inhalation, it is not recommended to talk for an hour, much less sing or eat.

Choosing an inhaler.

For the treatment of the lower respiratory tract (trachea and bronchi), so-called nebulizers are best suited: ultrasonic and compressor inhalers, converting liquid into vapor.

Electric aerosol inhalers not only heat up the moisture, but also negatively charge the particles, which increases their ability to penetrate the bronchi. There are inhalers designed for very young children. They come with a special mask that allows you to carry out the procedure not only sitting, but also lying down. The duration of the procedure is 5-10 minutes.

Steam inhalations.

Steam inhalation is not like that harmless procedure, as it seems to many parents. An incorrectly performed procedure can cause additional health problems (burns, dry mucous membranes).

Ideally, the sequence of your actions should be like this. Pour water at the required temperature into a kettle with a narrow neck. Add the selected preparations there: a few drops of essential oils, decoctions medicinal herbs. Make a funnel out of simple cardboard: the younger the child, the longer it is - and put it on the spout of the teapot. Before starting inhalation for a child, you need to check the temperature of the steam on yourself. The duration of such inhalations is 3-5 minutes, they are done 1-2 times a day.

Medicinal solutions.

To help remove sputum better, use soda inhalations(per 1 liter of water 4 teaspoons of soda) or steam of heated mineral water. At respiratory infections Almost all essential oils are effective. They contain phytoncides (substances that have a disinfecting effect). The most preferred oils are anise, pine, eucalyptus, fennel, juniper, and cinnamon. An important advantage of inhalations with essential oils: the child does not need to be forced to breathe them. This is almost always a pleasure for the baby. But you shouldn’t get carried away with large doses of essential oils; otherwise they cause the opposite effect and dry out the mucous membranes, causing a sore throat.

Inhalation of an aqueous solution with onion and garlic juice helps with inflammation of the tonsils. To prepare it, you need to obtain a pulp of onion or garlic using a garlic crusher. Strain the resulting pulp through cheesecloth. Dilute onion or garlic juice with water in a ratio of 1:10 (1 part juice, 10 parts water).

Inhalations with the aromas of steamed plants (freshly crushed pine needles, fir, cedar, juniper, dried eucalyptus leaves, oak, birch, linden flowers, chamomile, mint, lavender, with wormwood, sage, black currant leaves are useful. Their vapors have disinfecting, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect. The greatest effect is obtained by using a collection of several plants. When preparing a decoction, use the following proportion: 1 tablespoon of plant material per 250 ml of water.

Steam inhalations of the infusion soothe coughs pine cones, as well as drinking this infusion.

For upper respiratory tract infections, you can brew the herbs of thyme, oregano, lavender, coltsfoot, sage, and chamomile. Inhaling the vapors of potatoes boiled in their jackets or potato peels and oat husks also has a good effect on these diseases. The duration of inhalations is 5-15 minutes.

This is interesting!

The world's largest natural inhaler is the 160m-long Gradirhaus, where water from a salt fountain is sprayed through a picket fence of thorn and hawthorn branches.

Opposite the Gradirhaus there is a magnificent fountain with mineral water- one of the 55 fountains of Bad Reichenhall, a German resort town in Bavaria.

And the children’s viruses come with new-fangled sprays and tablets, and someone treats the child in the proven “old-fashioned” way, forcing the child to hug under a towel with a steaming pan emanating. Simple, inexpensive and effective. But how to competently do inhalation at home - few people will answer this question correctly...

Inhalation for a runny nose is the inhalation of medicinal substances for therapeutic purposes. It is useful to resort to this method of treatment at the first signs of respiratory diseases (runny nose - rhinitis, inflammation of the tonsils - tonsillitis, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the pharynx - pharyngitis, inflammation of the bronchi - bronchitis and lungs - pneumonia), as well as to prevent and eliminate attacks.

What is good about inhalation?

Firstly, in case of respiratory diseases, this is a blow to the virus, as they say, “ten times.” If you accept this method of treatment as the main one, then you do not need to stuff your child with dozens of tablets, anti-flu powders and everything that, as a rule, gives much more side effects than inhalation.

Secondly, medications sprayed into tiny particles are quickly absorbed into the blood, penetrate deep into the respiratory tract and treat them with the greatest effectiveness. Thirdly, inhalations for a runny nose, like no other remedy, facilitate the removal of mucus and phlegm from the respiratory tract.

Now about contraindications. Inhalations should not be given to a child if the temperature rises above 37.5 degrees; with nasal or tendency to them; for diseases of the lungs and heart with symptoms of severe cardiovascular or respiratory failure.

We are treated correctly

Inhalations are carried out no earlier than 1-1.5 hours after meals, while following simple rules:

Do not force your child to breathe over boiling water, this can cause mucous membranes. The optimal water temperature for children's inhalations is 30-40 degrees.

For diseases of the nose and paranasal sinuses, the child should inhale and exhale the medicinal substance without straining through the nose; for diseases of the pharynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs - through the mouth.

The child’s clothing during the procedure should not restrict the neck or make breathing difficult. After inhalation, it is not recommended to talk for an hour, much less sing or eat.

Choosing an inhaler

For the treatment of the lower respiratory tract (trachea and bronchi), so-called nebulizers are best suited: ultrasonic and compressor inhalers that convert liquid into vapor.

Electric aerosol inhalers not only heat up the moisture, but also negatively charge the particles, which increases their ability to penetrate the bronchi. There are inhalers designed for very young children. They come with a special mask that allows you to carry out the procedure not only sitting, but also lying down. The duration of the procedure is 5-10 minutes.

Steam inhalations

Steam inhalation is not as harmless a procedure as many parents think. An incorrectly performed procedure can cause additional health problems (burns, dry mucous membranes).

Ideally, the sequence of your actions should be like this. Pour water at the required temperature into a kettle with a narrow neck. Add the selected medications there: a few drops of essential oils, decoctions of medicinal herbs. Make a funnel out of simple cardboard: the younger the child, the longer it is - and put it on the spout of the teapot. Before starting inhalation for a child, you need to check the temperature of the steam on yourself. The duration of such inhalations is 3-5 minutes, they are done 1-2 times a day.

Medicinal solutions

To better remove phlegm, use soda inhalations (4 teaspoons of soda per 1 liter of water) or steam from heated mineral water. Almost all essential oils are effective for respiratory infections. They contain phytoncides (substances that have an effect). The most preferred oils are anise, pine, eucalyptus, fennel, juniper, and cinnamon. An important advantage of inhalations with essential oils: the child does not need to be forced to breathe them. This is almost always a pleasure for the baby. But you shouldn’t get carried away with large doses of essential oils, otherwise they cause the opposite effect and dry out the mucous membranes, causing a sore throat.

Inhalation of an aqueous solution with onion and garlic juice helps with inflammation of the tonsils. To prepare it, you need to obtain a pulp of onion or garlic using a garlic crusher. Strain the resulting pulp through cheesecloth. Dilute onion or garlic juice with water in a ratio of 1:10 (1 part juice, 10 parts water).

Useful inhalation for a runny nose with the aromas of steamed plants (freshly crushed pine needles, fir, cedar, juniper, dried oak, birch, linden flowers, chamomile, mint, lavender, with wormwood, sage, black currant leaves). Their vapors have a disinfecting, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect. The greatest effect is achieved by using a collection of several plants. When preparing the decoction, use the following proportion: 1 tablespoon of plant material per 250 ml of water.

For upper respiratory tract infections, you can brew oregano, lavender, coltsfoot, sage, and chamomile. Inhaling the vapors of potatoes boiled in their jackets or potato peels and oat husks also has a good effect on these diseases. The duration of inhalations is 5-15 minutes.

Gaining more and more popularity alternative ways cough treatment without use medications. Even doctors agree that traditional medicine in tandem with modern technologies gives good result for many diseases.

Inhalation with mineral water, which can be purchased at any grocery store or pharmacy. Therefore, be sure to choose it.

What are the benefits of mineral water?

This product contains many minerals and trace elements necessary for the functioning of the body, which are not found in any cough medicine. Penetrating into the lungs, they begin to actively act: dilute sputum, allowing it to come out more quickly, and stop the growth of bacteria, causing inflammation. In addition, entering the blood through the lungs, useful material strengthen the immune system and help restore health.

The use of inhalations for the treatment and prevention of respiratory diseases will help speed up recovery and alleviate the course of the disease. They can be used by adults, children and pregnant women. If you perform the procedure correctly, it will replace everything medicines that you have used up to now.

Benefits of inhalation with mineral water

Many people prefer inhalations with mineral water when treating diseases of the nose and throat. And this is not surprising, because the procedure has many advantages over syrups and tablets.

Advantages of inhalations:

  • safety. They can be used even on infants;
  • the active substance quickly penetrates the lungs and affects the source of the disease;
  • there is no need to use medications;
  • low cost of mineral water;
  • availability;
  • quick effect. Immediately after inhalation, it becomes easier for the patient to breathe, the sputum disappears, and the sore throat disappears.

What are the indications for mineral water inhalation?

It is worth noting that the sooner you begin to treat the disease, the faster the recovery will proceed. Therefore, at the first symptoms of a cold, start inhaling several times a day, then you will not have to deal with complications.

  • ARVI;
  • rhinitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • laryngitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • sinusitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • fungal infections of the respiratory system.

Mineral water treats not only a cough, but also a runny nose, and in the case of bronchial asthma inhalations are necessary integral part successful treatment. Therefore, this method should not be underestimated, especially since all doctors recommend it.

When not to use inhalations

Unfortunately, in some cases the procedure may cause harm rather than benefit. So if you don't know your accurate diagnosis, then do not rush to be treated in this way so as not to harm your health. In any case, it is better to ask a doctor for advice, who, if there are contraindications, will prescribe another method of treatment.


  • elevated body temperature (37.5 or more);
  • purulent discharge;
  • nosebleeds;
  • coughing up blood;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • heart failure;
  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • a heart attack or stroke that occurred less than six months ago;
  • respiratory failure;
  • emphysema;
  • pneumothorax;
  • cavities in the lungs.

If you do not suffer from any of the above diseases, you can safely use mineral water inhalations without fear of side effects.

So that the procedure brings positive result, you need to know how to carry it out correctly, as well as what restrictions should be observed before and after. Therefore, before you start, study important tips doctors.

  • do the procedure on an empty stomach an hour and a half after eating;
  • mineral water should be heated to 40-50 degrees;
  • inhalation time: for adults – 10-15 minutes, for children – 3-5 minutes;
  • refrain from physical activity during cough treatment;
  • You should also not drink, smoke or eat for an hour after the procedure;
  • use only a clean, disinfected device;
  • if you are treating a cough, breathe through your mouth, if you have rhinitis, then through your nose.

And, also, do not go outside on the day of inhalation. If this is necessary, then wait 2 hours after it ends.

Remember that failure to follow certain rules can lead to worsening of the disease, as well as complications. Therefore, if you are not satisfied with these conditions, it is better to refrain from carrying out this procedure.

Which inhaler to choose

Today there are several types of inhalers for home use, each of them copes to a greater or lesser extent with various diseases. To understand which one is right for you and your family, pay attention to the recommendations of experts.

  1. Steam inhaler. This is the very first type of such devices, which does not need to be connected to the mains, but simply filled with heated solutions. Suitable for warming and disinfecting the upper respiratory tract and thinning accumulated mucus.
  2. Compressor inhaler. Ideal for children and those who suffer from frequent colds. Easy to use and inexpensive.
  3. Ultrasonic nebulizer. Necessary for chronic diseases of the lungs and other respiratory organs. In other cases, you can do without it.

If you are on this moment If you can’t buy a modern inhaler, then use the old method that our grandmothers loved. Heat mineral water in a saucepan and breathe over it, covered with a towel.

Don't forget that even the most safe ways treatments are not a reason to refuse to visit a doctor. You should definitely see a specialist who will note the dynamics of recovery and make the necessary adjustments.