Healing properties of melt water. Melt water - features, benefits and effect on weight loss

Water is of great importance for human life. A living organism consists of 75% water, the reserves of which must be periodically replenished by drinking two liters of liquid daily. In this case, water quality is of great importance.
It has been scientifically proven that the ideal water is melt water, which is explained by its special composition with the absence of harmful impurities. The structure of melt water is in many ways similar to the structure of natural spring water. It is the structure that determines the properties, as well as the benefits and harms of melt water.

For more than ten years, scientists have been studying the properties of melt water and came to incredible results that were previously read as a simple myth.


Melt water is structured: its particles are arranged in a special order after freezing and thawing. Thanks to this, the liquid becomes useful and healing.
Back in the last century, Russian researchers were able to prove that melt water consists of numerous formations in the form of crystals located in a special hierarchy. In this case, the crystals interact with each other using hydrogen bonds.

Methods of obtaining

  1. In industry, the liquid is obtained using a special technology: first it is slowly frozen, then all impurities are removed and, finally, it is thawed.
  2. People living in the mountains obtain this water naturally. It is known that mountain people who constantly consume melt water are famous for their excellent health and longevity.
  3. It’s quite easy to get melt water at home, which has absolutely no different healing properties from natural water.

    A sip of such liquid increases your vitality and vitality better than any coffee, tea, or even medicine.

    Ideal water can saturate the body's cells with life-giving moisture, as well as restore or normalize metabolic processes.

The benefits of melt water

How is melt water useful? It restores the normal functioning of the body and is a cure for all ailments. High-quality and structured water makes cells work properly and has a beneficial effect on body functions.
People who regularly consume melt water are healthier, more resilient and more efficient, since it helps to renew intercellular fluid, remove toxins and, consequently, restore and improve health.
In such people, sleep time is reduced to four hours, brain activity increases, and subsequently, labor productivity.
The main beneficial properties of melt water:

  1. tones, energizes, invigorates,
  2. promotes the removal of toxins, waste and other harmful substances from the body,
  3. improves metabolism,
  4. reduces blood cholesterol levels,
  5. stimulates the immune system,
  6. participates in the fight against chronic pathologies,
  7. has a rejuvenating effect,
  8. lowers blood pressure,
  9. eliminates vascular disorders,
  10. promotes weight loss,
  11. quickly relieves acute respiratory diseases and viral infections,
  12. helps get rid of skin diseases - neurodermatitis, dermatitis and others.

Water for weight loss

Melt water is widely used by modern women for weight loss. It allows you to lose a few extra pounds without much effort.
This is explained by the fact that the healing liquid helps remove harmful substances, toxins, and waste from the body. To lose weight, you need to drink this water daily and in unlimited quantities.
To make the process of losing excess weight faster and easier, you should adhere to the principles of proper nutrition for some time and give up fried, fatty, sweet, spicy, salty and smoked foods. Fast food, coffee, soda and alcoholic drinks should be strictly prohibited.
It is better to replace tea, juice and other drinks with melt water. The diet should include plenty of greens, fresh vegetables and fruits. For example, you can prepare a thick cocktail of vegetables or fruits - a smoothie. It is perfectly filling and does not contain extra calories. We have collected the best cooking recipes in the article:.

After just a week of drinking melt water, your health will improve significantly, and excess weight will begin to disappear.

Harm from melt water

Melt water cannot have any negative impact on the human body. If prepared incorrectly, it will simply become useless, that is, melt water will lose its basic properties and remain ordinary.
Only untreated water is harmful, as it contains many harmful impurities, including salts of heavy metals and organic compounds. Its use worsens a person’s well-being, so you should drink only clean water, frozen, taking into account all the recommendations.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

A person’s health directly depends on his lifestyle, on how high-quality and balanced food he consumes. But not only food, but also water plays an important role. After all, a significant amount of fluid constantly circulates in our body, which is renewed daily. In order for organs and systems to work like clockwork, you need to take care to maintain an adequate drinking regime and use only high-quality water. But the liquid that comes through water pipes or even sold in stores is far from ideal. In this case, melt water from the freezer of your refrigerator can be an excellent option for the body.

What kind of water is this and what kind of melt water is correct? Very simply, it is a liquid that has changed its structure, moving from one state of aggregation to another. But when ice becomes water, the structure of the liquid changes, it loses its “memory”, which is mainly negative due to the conditions of the current ecology.

There is a fairly popular point of view that water is capable of absorbing information. Going all the way from the reservoir to the final consumer - humans - it collects a lot of energy waste. And the freezing process helps to “zero” the memory of water, and it again acquires its initial state - its natural structure and energy structure, as well as zero information. The structure of tap water is quite chaotic; the molecules in it are also randomly located. And melt liquid is characterized by a highly ordered structure. Correct melt water is the one from which, when frozen, the first ice and the last unfrozen water are removed.

What are the benefits of melt water??

The uniqueness and usefulness of melt water lies in its purity. After all, it is this factor that is extremely important in order for the liquid supplied to you to perform all its functions in the body. Many years ago, people came to the conclusion that melt water is very useful for the body and helps to rejuvenate it. It is noticeably different from the usual one, since its structure is similar to the structure of the protoplasm of our cells.

Middle-aged people who systematically consumed melt water noted that it was really capable of improving the functioning of internal organs, influencing the composition of the blood and normalizing the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. This liquid also has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, improves muscle function and overall well-being.

Melt water saturates the body with additional energy. Its consumption helps reduce fatigue, and allows a person to use less food and sleep less. The energetically pure liquid stimulates life processes, increasing the body's resistance to various diseases, not only the common cold, but also oncology.

The studies actually showed that melt water, unlike tap water, is free of deuterium. This is a heavy element that can suppress all living things and harm the body. In significant quantities, such a substance is quite comparable to a strong poison. And its constant consumption with tap water forces the body to spend a lot of effort and energy on its processing and neutralization. At the same time, during cooking, the amount of deuterium in the liquid increases, since water loses light hydrogen with boiling.

How to properly prepare melt water in an ordinary freezer?

In fact, readers of Popular About Health can easily prepare healing melt water on their own. To do this, you need very little: you need to fill a one and a half liter container with tap water. The container should be glass or plastic, but not metal. Cover it with a lid and place it in the freezer on a cardboard tray.

The first simple way. Wait until half of the water freezes and drain the remaining unfrozen liquid into the sink. That's it, the melt water in the refrigerator is ready! The ice now needs to be defrosted and used for drinking, preparing drinks, dishes, etc.

Freezing is the easiest way to create melt water. This processing method helps not only to obtain a liquid with an ideal structure, but also to clean it from many salts and aggressive impurities. After all, when freezing, pure water first becomes ice, and all the additives are present in the remainder.

Melt water, which is even more beneficial to the body, can be obtained in a more complex way, in which the liquid is purified from deuterium. The end result is called protium water. To obtain the desired effect, you need to fill the container with regular tap or filtered water. Place it in the freezer. Now wait until the first ice appears to cover the top of the water. Throw it away! Now wait until almost all the water freezes, and pour the remaining unfrozen liquid into the sink. Now you can defrost the ice and drink the thawed water, use it for preparing drinks, dishes, etc. By the way, you can “record” the entire process of preparing melt water in time and then know exactly when to remove the ice and drain the water for the same container.

To produce proper water, you cannot use natural ice, snow or rainfall, as they are characterized by particularly strong contamination.

How to use melt water correctly?

Of course, it is best to use melt water, replacing all tap water with it. But this is often not always possible. To achieve a pronounced therapeutic effect, you should drink a glass of melted water about half an hour before each meal.

It is worth noting that such a liquid retains its properties for a relatively short time - for twelve hours, no more. But in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator, “melt water” in the form of ice can be stored for a long time. When using it, do not forget that you need to drink melt water from the freezer carefully. Take small sips while warming it up in your mouth!

The technique for producing melt water involves different freezing rates of pure water and water containing impurities. It has been experimentally established that, as ice slowly freezes, it intensively captures impurities at the beginning and end of freezing. Therefore, when receiving ice, you need to discard the first pieces of ice that have formed, and then, after freezing the main part of the water, drain the unfrozen remains.

Fresh melt water can be obtained at home. But for this you need to adhere to some general rules.

Melt water is prepared from pre-purified drinking water, which is poured into clean, flat vessels to 85% of their volume.

The container for preparing melt water is tightly closed and placed in freezers until completely frozen.

You should not fill a full container with water, because if it is glass, it may break; it is better to use a plastic container marked “for drinking water.”

Ice is defrosted at room temperature in the same closed containers, immediately before use.

Frozen vessels can be taken out of the freezer before going to bed, and in the morning the required amount of such water will be obtained.

There are several ways to obtain fresh melt water. Due to the fact that the data available on the Internet on the preparation of melt water is incomplete and contradictory, below are the most detailed methods and instructions for obtaining melt water at home.

Method No. 1.
The method of one of the active popularizers of the use of melt water A.D. Labzy: Pour cold tap water into a one and a half liter jar, not reaching the top. Cover the jar with a plastic lid and place it in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator on a cardboard lining (to insulate the bottom). Note the freezing time for about half the jar. By selecting its volume, it is not difficult to ensure that it equals 10-12 hours; then you need to repeat the freezing cycle only twice a day to provide yourself with a daily supply of melt water. The result is a two-component system consisting of ice (essentially pure frozen water without impurities) and an aqueous non-freezing brine under the ice containing salts and impurities that are removed. In this case, the entire water brine is drained into the sink, and the ice is defrosted and used for drinking, making tea, coffee and other food items.
This is the simplest and most convenient method of preparing melt water at home. Water not only acquires a characteristic structure, but is also perfectly purified from many salts and impurities. Cold water is kept in the freezer (and in winter - on the balcony) until about half of it freezes. Unfrozen water remains in the middle of the volume, which is poured out. The ice is left to melt. The main thing in this method is to experimentally find the time required to freeze half the volume. It could be 8, 10, or 12 hours. The idea is that pure water freezes first, leaving most of the impurities in solution. Consider sea ice, which consists of almost fresh water, although it forms on the surface of a salty sea. And if there is no household filter, then all water for drinking and household needs can be subjected to such purification. For greater effect, you can use double water purification. To do this, you first need to filter tap water through any available filter and then freeze it. Then, when a thin first layer of ice forms, it is removed, because it contains some harmful fast-freezing heavy compounds. Then the water is re-frozen to half the volume and the unfrozen fraction of water is removed. The result is very clean water. Promoter of the method, A.D. Labza, in this way, by refusing ordinary tap water, cured himself of a serious illness. In 1966, he had a kidney removed, and in 1984 he could hardly move as a result of atherosclerosis of the brain and heart. I started treatment with purified melt water, and the results exceeded all expectations.

Method No. 2.
A more complex method of preparing melt water is described by A. Malovichko, where melt water is called protium water. The method is as follows: An enamel pan with filtered or regular tap water needs to be placed in the freezer of the refrigerator. After 4-5 hours, you need to take it out. The surface of the water and the walls of the pan are already covered with the first ice. Pour this water into another pan. The ice that remains in an empty pan contains molecules of heavy water, which freezes earlier than ordinary water, at +3.8 0C. This first ice, containing deuterium, is thrown away. And we put the pan with water back in the freezer. When the water in it freezes by two-thirds, we drain the unfrozen water - this is “light” water, it contains all the chemicals and harmful impurities. And the ice that remains in the pan is protium water, which is necessary for the human body. It is 80% purified from impurities and heavy water and contains 15 mg of calcium per liter of liquid. You need to melt this ice at room temperature and drink this water throughout the day.

Method No. 3
Degassed water (method of the Zelepukhin brothers) is another way to prepare biologically active melt water. To do this, a small amount of tap water is brought to a temperature of 94-96 0C, that is, to the point of the so-called “white key”, when small bubbles appear in the water in abundance, but the formation of large ones has not yet begun. After this, the bowl of water is removed from the stove and quickly cooled, for example, by placing it in a larger vessel or in a bath of cold water. Then the water is frozen and thawed according to standard methods. According to the authors, such water goes through all phases of its cycle in nature - evaporates, cools, freezes and thaws. In addition, such water has a lower content of gases. Therefore, it is especially useful because it has a natural structure.
It should be emphasized, however, that degassed water, which has a large supply of energy, can be obtained not only by freezing. The most active (5-6 times more than usual and 2-3 times more than melted water) is boiled and quickly cooled water under conditions that exclude access to atmospheric air. In this case, according to the laws of physics, it degasses and does not have time to become saturated with gases again.

Method No. 4
Another method for preparing melt water was proposed by Yu.A. Andreev, author of the book “Three Pillars of Health.” He proposed combining the two previous methods, that is, subjecting the melt water to degassing and then freezing it again. “The test showed,” he writes, “that there is no price for such water. This is truly healing water, and if anyone has any disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, it is a cure for him.”

Method No. 5
There is another new method for producing melt water, developed by engineer M. M. Muratov. He designed an installation that makes it possible to obtain light water of a given salt composition with a reduced content of heavy water in it at home using the method of uniform freezing. It is known that natural water is a heterogeneous substance in its isotopic composition. In addition to light (protium) water molecules - H2 16O, consisting of two hydrogen (protium) atoms and one oxygen-16 atom, natural water also contains heavy water molecules, and there are 7 stable (consisting only of stable atoms) isotope modifications of water . The total amount of heavy isotopes in natural water is approximately 0.272%. In the water of freshwater sources, the content of heavy water is usually about 330 mg/l (calculated per HDO molecule), and heavy oxygen (H2 18O) is about 2 g/l. This is comparable to or even exceeds the permissible salt content in drinking water. A sharply negative effect of heavy water on living organisms has been revealed, necessitating the removal of heavy water from drinking water. (Report by A.A. Timakov “Main effects of light water” at the 8th All-Russian scientific conference on the topic “Physical and chemical processes in the selection of atoms and molecules” November 6 - 10, 2003) The article in the Komsomol aroused the interest of engineer M.M. . Muratov and deciding to test the properties of this water, from November 2006 he began to “lighten” water for cooking and drinking by uniform freezing.
According to the method of M.M. Murat's water was aerated and cooled with the formation of a water flow circulating in the container until small ice crystals formed. Then it was filtered. Less than 2% of ice containing heavy water remained on the filter.
According to the author of this method, 6 months of drinking light water showed: When consumed in food and drink in the amount of 2.5-3 liters per day, there was a significant improvement in well-being on the 5th day of use. This was reflected in the fact that drowsiness and chronic fatigue disappeared, the “heaviness” in the legs disappeared, and seasonal allergic manifestations decreased without the use of medications. In 10 days, vision improved noticeably by about 0.5 diopters. A month later, the pain in the knee joint disappeared. After 4 months, the symptoms of chronic pancreatitis disappeared and minor pain in the liver area disappeared. Within 6 months, the pain associated with coronary artery disease and pain in the back and lumbar region disappeared. 1 viral infection passed in a very mild form, “on my feet”. The manifestations of varicose veins have decreased. There was also a noticeable improvement in the taste of both water and products prepared using treated water. The latter fact was confirmed by a tasting commission of an industrial enterprise, and is clearly visible to ordinary water consumers.

Method No. 6 - "table"
There are also recipes for external use of melt water. A healthy lifestyle enthusiast, people's inventor V. Mamontov, knowing about the special properties of melt water, invented a method of massage with melt water - “talitsa”. He added rock salt, which contains all the vital microelements, and a little vinegar to the melt water, and used this solution for massage rubbing into the skin. And the “miracles” began. Here is how he writes about it: “After several rubbings, the heart, which constantly reminded itself of tingling, shooting, sharp pains, stopped bothering me, the functioning of the stomach improved, and sleep returned to normal. The veins that had previously protruded like ropes and cords on the legs and arms began to disappear. After normalization of metabolism, the vessels located close to the skin began to recover. The skin itself on the face and body became elastic, soft, tender, acquired a vibrant, natural color, and wrinkles were noticeably smoothed out. My feet got warm, old periodontal disease disappeared in a few days, my gums stopped bleeding.”
The “talitsa” solution is prepared as follows: dilute 1 teaspoon in 300 ml of melt water. a spoonful of rock salt (preferably unrefined sea salt) and 1 teaspoon. a spoonful of table vinegar (preferably apple or other fruit vinegar).
For oral baths (for sore throats, diseases of the teeth, gums, periodontitis), the “talitsa” should be kept in the mouth for 10-15 minutes, carrying out several procedures a day for 7-10 days.
Water and massage procedures using “talitsa” can be diversified by replacing ordinary water with “talitsa” in various water procedures. Procedures with “talitsa” are publicly available, do not require special equipment or preparation, have no contraindications, and give the body a general tone.

How to properly prepare and use melt water?

Which method of obtaining melt water should you use, decide for yourself, dear readers. Below are useful tips and recommendations on how to properly prepare and use melt water.

To prepare melt water, you should not use natural ice or snow, since they are usually contaminated and contain many harmful substances.

To freeze water, it is better to use plastic jars designed for storing drinking water. Glass containers can break because water expands and increases in volume when it freezes.

You should not freeze water in a metal container, as this significantly reduces its effectiveness.

Under no circumstances should you obtain melt water by melting a snow coat in the freezer, because... This ice may contain harmful substances and refrigerants and may also have an unpleasant odor.

Melt water retains its healing properties for 7-8 hours after defrosting snow or ice.

If you want to drink warm melt water, remember that it cannot be heated above 37 degrees.

Nothing should be added to fresh melt water.

It is better to drink melt water on an empty stomach in the morning, afternoon and evening before meals and for 1 hour after that do not eat or drink anything.

For medicinal purposes, fresh melt water should be taken half an hour before meals every day 4-5 times for 30-40 days. It should be drunk in an amount of 1 percent of body weight per day.

The nominal rate of melt water is 3/4 cup 2-3 times a day at the rate of 4-6 ml of water per 1 kg of weight. An unstable but noticeable effect can be observed even from 3/4 glass 1 time in the morning on an empty stomach (2 ml per 1 kg of weight).

If your body weight is 50 kilograms, then you should drink 500 grams of fresh melt water every day. Then the dose is gradually reduced to half the specified dose. For preventive purposes, fresh melt water should be taken in half the dose.

Melt water has no contraindications or side effects.

In conclusion, it should be emphasized that in our age of “scientific and technological progress”, humanity has reached the point where almost no food product can do without artificial colors, sweeteners, flavoring additives and genetic modifiers. It is not surprising that the number of people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is constantly increasing in the world. Water, in fact, remains the only natural element on the basis of which it is possible to build a system of human health through food, but it also loses its structure in the process of purification at water treatment plants, heating and passing through pipes. In this regard, preparing melt water at home is the cheapest and most effective method of water purification.
Ph.D. O.V. Mosin - IA "WaterMarket.ru - Electronic market of drinking water and soft drinks", 12-11-2008

Our ancestors believed in the healing power of melt water, but their knowledge was intuitive and based on observations. They were of the opinion that such water had a living structure and could absorb the “holy spirit.”

Modern scientists have been able to confirm the guesses of the ancestors. They found that melt water has a special order in its molecular structure. Unlike melt water, ordinary water differs in that its molecules are chaotically mixed and lack order, which makes it difficult to process.

During freezing and thawing, melt water molecules decrease in diameter and acquire a size equal to the cell membrane. This allows them to penetrate cell membranes more easily, be better absorbed and nourish the body.

The human body consists of 70% water, the reserves of which must be replenished daily. Drinking low-quality liquid with harmful impurities leads to poisoning of the body and the occurrence of diseases. The beneficial properties of melt water are that it contains no such impurities - it is completely pure.

The benefits of melt water

Structured melt water, ready for cells, is more easily accepted by the body, while it has to spend a lot of energy to transform the structure of ordinary water. Most of the simple fluid remains in the intercellular space and causes swelling and contamination. These properties help to successfully treat many diseases with melt water.

Melt water:

  • cleanses the body;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • improves metabolism;
  • improves cell functioning and cleanses intercellular fluid;
  • reduces cholesterol;
  • reduces the incidence of colds and infectious diseases, pneumonia and bronchitis, and prevents the occurrence of complications;
  • increases the performance and energy of the body;
  • slows down aging;
  • helps get rid of skin and allergic diseases;
  • helps improve brain activity;
  • improves sleep, gives vigor and energy;
  • helps in the treatment of diseases of the kidneys, blood vessels and heart.

Losing weight with melt water

Melt water is often used for weight loss. Getting rid of extra pounds occurs thanks to the ability of water to effectively cleanse the body, removing salts, impurities, toxins and decay products from it, improve metabolism and remove excess fluid. This is the basis for the action of most weight loss drugs.

It is better to prepare it from purchased purified or filtered water. It is recommended to freeze the liquid in a plastic container. It is better to avoid iron and glass utensils. The most suitable container would be a plastic food container.

When water begins to freeze, deuterium immediately freezes, a very harmful substance. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of the first piece of ice that forms. Then the water should be sent back to the freezer; when most of it freezes and some liquid remains, it needs to be drained. The residue collects harmful substances that were in the water.

Thaw water at room temperature and drink immediately after it melts. The healthiest water is considered to be water in which ice still floats. It is recommended to use it several times a day 30-60 minutes before meals. Its amount should be 1% of body weight.

It is impossible to overestimate the importance of the aquatic environment for the normal life of any living creature, including humans, therefore close attention is paid to the quality of water. There is an opinion that melt water has special beneficial properties, but not everyone knows how to prepare it, what are the benefits and harms of this product.

Thawed water has a unique composition, which does not contain heavy metals and deuterium isotopes. In its structure, it resembles natural spring water, clean and light, without harmful impurities, and is a source of energy and human health.

Melt water structure

Before reaching the consumer, ordinary tap water travels a long and difficult path, absorbing various information, including negative information. If a liquid is frozen to a certain temperature and then thawed, it returns to its natural structure and acquires energetic purity.

The moment water turns into ice, its structure changes at the crystalline level. Having thawed, frozen water restores its original structural, informational and energetic state.

From a physical point of view, the molecular size in melt water is much smaller than in ordinary liquid. In addition, their structure is comparable to cellular protoplasm in the human body. Thanks to these two qualities, the molecules of the melted liquid easily penetrate the cell membrane, helping to accelerate chemical reactions and simplifying the interaction between water and other substances.

In the composition of ordinary tap water, atoms of the light isotope of hydrogen are replaced by heavy isotopes of deuterium. Such a liquid is called deuterium, or heavy hydrogen. Deuterium has a negative effect on a living organism, causing it significant harm. There is practically no deuterium in melt water, thereby ensuring its beneficial qualities.

Another benefit of melt water is that it does not contain chlorides, salts, deuterium isotopes, or other dangerous compounds.

Beneficial features

Melt water is not a cure for all diseases, but only promotes the proper functioning of the body. Under natural conditions, this natural wealth is obtained by melting glaciers in the mountains. It has been noted that peoples inhabiting mountainous areas and consuming natural melt water for a long time are distinguished by excellent health and longevity.

According to the Polzateevo website, clean water has a beneficial effect on the human condition. Efficiency increases, brain activity increases, and the time required for rest and recuperation is reduced.

Here are some beneficial properties that defrosted liquid has:

  • tones and refreshes the body;
  • improves the functioning of the excretory system;
  • reduces cholesterol;
  • helps to lose weight;
  • helps strengthen the immune system;
  • normalizes the functioning of the heart and vascular system;
  • will help cope with skin diseases;
  • lifts your mood and improves your well-being.

One of the beneficial properties of melt water is its beneficial effect on the skin and the ability to help a person get rid of allergic reactions. For neurodermatitis, psoriasis or eczema, it is necessary to include defrosted liquid in the diet. Within a few days after starting to use this natural medicine, itching will decrease, rashes and redness of the skin will disappear.

The benefit of defrosted liquid is that it can speed up metabolic processes, which guarantees rapid cell restoration and slow down the decline of the body.

Harm from melt water

Thawed liquid cannot have any negative effects. Only an unrefined and improperly prepared product can cause harm. However, in order to achieve maximum effect and allow melt water to show its beneficial qualities, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • You need to start drinking water with a small (100 ml) portion;
  • gradually increase the amount of defrosted liquid;
  • the share of melt water in the diet should not be more than 1/3 of the total liquid consumed.

Cooking technology

Proper preparation of frozen water requires compliance with several rules:

  • It is better to freeze liquid in a plastic food container, since glassware may burst during the freezing process due to an increase in the volume of liquid;
  • Snow and ice from the refrigerator cannot be used as raw materials, as chemical reagents can accumulate in them;
  • beneficial properties are retained for 8 hours from the moment of defrosting.

You should not try to make healing water from snow or ice collected on the street, as many dirty and harmful particles settle in them.

Making healing melt water yourself will require very little time and effort. Ordinary tap water should be left to stand for several hours or passed through a filter and poured into a plastic container in an amount of 1 liter. This is the most convenient volume, since freezing occurs quite quickly and evenly, and the container takes up little space in the freezer.

Cover the container tightly with a lid and place it in the freezer. After 2 hours, the frozen crust is removed from the surface. This layer of ice mainly contains deuterium, which is harmful to the body. The remaining liquid continues to be frozen.

After 2/3 of the volume turns into ice, the unfrozen moisture is drained, since it also contains harmful chemical additives. The remaining ice is defrosted at room temperature. This will be healing melt water.

How to drink melt water

The amount of fluid taken daily is calculated depending on the person’s weight. For every kilogram of weight you need 5 ml of water. The first dose of the medicinal drink is taken in the morning before meals. Then during the day you can drink another 2-3 glasses of this liquid, which can improve muscle tone and give a boost of energy.

Infusions of medicinal herbs made with melt water are especially valued, as the effectiveness of the medicine is significantly increased and the possibility of allergies and other adverse reactions is reduced.

Benefits for weight loss

With the help of melt water, you can get rid of several extra pounds, because this healing liquid speeds up the metabolic process, helping the body completely free itself from waste and toxins. To lose weight, you should drink defrosted water every day in the prescribed quantities.

Nutritionists have developed various schemes for using melt water for weight loss. However, they all have the same principle - 200 ml of water before meals. Many experts are of the opinion that the greatest effect can be achieved by drinking one glass of liquid in the morning on an empty stomach, the same amount at lunch and in the evening an hour before meals. It is important that the water is just defrosted - this way the healing properties are maximized.

Of course, a good result can be achieved only if, together with the use of healing moisture, you follow the general rules of nutrition: give up salty and fatty foods, do not abuse sweets, get rid of bad habits. Instead of juice, tea, you can drink melt water.

Melt water for plants

Many gardeners who grow seedlings at home or lovers of indoor plants notice that after watering with regular tap water, the soil becomes covered with a white coating and becomes hard as stone. The fact is that tap water contains chemical additives, in particular chlorine, and after evaporation leaves traces of harmful chemicals on the soil surface. This may negatively affect plant growth and development.

Such problems can be avoided if you water your plantings with melt water. Light and soft moisture prevents crust formation and soil hardening, leaving the soil fluffy and breathable. It is very useful for plants. Purified from negative information, water after defrosting has incredible biological activity and has a beneficial effect on all living things. By watering the seedlings with melt water, you can get a very rich harvest.

Melt water is a worthy replacement for ordinary tap water. If you spend a little time and effort preparing it, you can fill your body with new energy and maintain health for a long time.