Sub simplex instructions for artificial newborns. Release form, composition and packaging. The main differences between the medicine and its analogues

Sodium citrate dihydrate, hypromellose, citric acid monohydrate, raspberry flavor, sodium saccharinate, vanilla flavor, sodium benzoate, sorbic acid, polyglycostearyl esters, water.

Release form

A slightly viscous white emulsion with a vanilla-raspberry scent. During storage it may turn yellow. 30 ml of emulsion in a bottle with a drip device. One bottle in a cardboard pack.

pharmachologic effect

Carminative action.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The main component of the drug is simethicone , representing surfactant stable polymethyloxane . It changes the surface tension of gas bubbles formed in the stomach and provokes their destruction. The released gases are absorbed by the intestinal wall or evacuated by peristalsis.

Removes foam physically, does not react chemically and is inert.

It is not absorbed when taken orally and is excreted unchanged by the intestines.

Indications for use

  • Symptomatic therapy for complaints from the digestive tract associated with increased gas formation.
  • Increased gas formation due to surgical interventions.
  • An auxiliary tool for diagnostic examinations of the abdominal organs and in preparation for fibrogastroduodenoscopy .
  • Detergent poisoning.


The suspension should not be used if there is simethicone or to any other component of the drug, intestinal obstruction .

Side effects

Adverse reactions when using the drug are usually not observed, but the occurrence of skin rash , hyperemia.

Instructions for use (Method and dosage)

The instructions for Sub Simplex prescribe taking the drug before bed, orally, during or after meals. Before taking, shake the container with the suspension. In order for the suspension to begin to come out of the pipette, the bottle must be turned over and tapped on the bottom. Sab Simplex mixes well with various liquids.

Sab Simplex, instructions for use

With increased gas formation:

  • children 7-15 years old are prescribed 21-30 drops of the drug;
  • children 1-6 years old - 15 drops;
  • adult patients are recommended - 31-45 drops.

The indicated doses should be taken every 5-6 hours, and if necessary they can be increased.

How to give to a newborn?

For newborns and infants, add 15 drops of the drug to each bottle of the mixture. The product is also allowed to be given to newborns in a small spoon before feeding.

If necessary, Sub Simplex can be taken for a long time.

Preparing for gastrointestinal tract examinations

To prepare for radiography the day before the study, 16–30 ml of the drug is needed in the evening.

To prepare for Ultrasound you need to take 15 ml of the drug the day before the test, in the evening and another 15 ml before the test.

To prepare for endoscopy 2.5–5 ml of medication should be consumed. During the examination, it is additionally necessary to inject a few more milliliters of Sub Simplex through the endoscope.

During treatment detergents The dose and regimen depends on the clinical picture of the disease and is usually 5 ml.


No similar cases have been recorded.


There is no information about the specifics of interaction with other drugs.

Terms of sale

Over the counter.

Storage conditions

Keep away from children. Store at room temperature.

Best before date

special instructions

Newly emerging complaints from the gastrointestinal system require clinical clarification.

Sub Simplex is approved for use by people with diabetes, since the medicine does not contain carbohydrates.

From the moment of birth, the baby’s body has to do a tremendous amount of adaptation work. If for many months all the necessary substances came to him from the mother through the umbilical cord, then after birth he has to cope on his own. Therefore, disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract often occur, which provokes the appearance of colic, and then you can give the baby the medicine Sub Simplex orally. Along with pain, spasms, discomfort, crying and anxiety will go away: the baby will fall asleep, and the parents will calm down.

Sab Simplex - instructions for use

The popularity of the drug is due to its natural composition, so it will be possible to cope with the problem of flatulence in infants without harmful chemicals. The instructions for Sub Simplex contain all the main characteristics - from composition to dosage, contraindications. The white suspension, sweet in taste and viscous in consistency, is distinguished by a fruity smell (raspberry and vanilla flavors), a number of useful properties, and convenient use, since Sab Simplex is sold complete with a pipette.

In what situations is this medication useful? When intestinal colic appears as a result of excessive pressure on the abdominal cavity, which makes the baby restless, capricious, and whiny. Pharmacologically inert Sub Simplex helps to reduce the surface tension of the gastrointestinal tract, slow down the formation of gases, and the accumulated gases are broken down and easily removed from the newborn’s body, while everything happens physiologically.


Inside the bottle of a popular remedy for flatulence in newborns there is a mixture of a number of useful substances. The main active ingredient of Sab Simplex is simethicone (an organic compound of dimethicone and silicon dioxide), which is a carminative with surfactant properties. Excipients - carbomer, citric acid, sodium saccharinate, sorbic acid, sodium citrate dihydrate, water and some others - are present in Sub Simplex in small doses.

Release form

The drug, which helps normalize gas formation, is available in the form of a suspension. Since Sab Simplex is intended for oral administration, this dosage form, in which beneficial substances ground to the smallest particles are mixed with liquid, is optimal when calculating the dosage and convenient when caring for a small child. Oral administration of Sab Simplex facilitates the process of absorption of the drug by the walls of the stomach and intestines, which gives a quick effect.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The child’s digestive tract in the first months of life is adjusted to coordinated work, but not everything goes smoothly. When the contents of the stomach or intestinal mucus are exposed to gas bubbles, bloating, discomfort, pain are formed, and the baby becomes capricious. The action of the suspension helps to release gases, normalize peristalsis, removing symptoms physically. Sub Simplex is not absorbed by the body and is completely eliminated from the body.

Indications for use

The main component of Sab Simplex - simethicone - has contributed to the recognition of the drug as safe and effective. To solve the problem of gas formation, doctors prescribe the suspension not only to children. For adult patients, a pharmacologically inert medication may be recommended to be taken in the postoperative period, before conducting studies, and in other situations. Common cases of using the drug Sab Simplex are the following:

  • increased gas formation (flatulence), bloating in children and adults;
  • preparation for upcoming diagnostic studies (ultrasound, gastro- and esophagoduodenoscopy, radiography);
  • poisoning (ingestion of detergents into the stomach).


A special feature of the suspension is the absence of chemical reactions: the drug does not enter the blood, does not have a negative effect on internal organs, and is excreted naturally. An allergy to Sab Simplex in newborns can occur due to high sensitivity and intolerance to individual components of the drug. You will have to stop taking the medicine if you have diagnosed intestinal obstruction.

Directions for use and dosage

Although Sab Simplex based on simethicone is available for purchase without a prescription and is safe for babies, women during pregnancy or lactation, and diabetics, you should still consult a doctor before use. A specialist will help you choose the dose of Sub Simplex so that the use of the suspension will be beneficial, improve your well-being, and relieve unpleasant symptoms. Before using the medicine, the bottle should be vigorously shaken, turned over, and tapped on the bottom.

Dosage of the drug Sab Simplex when diagnosing increased gas formation:

Before an ultrasound or radiography, Sub Simplex is recommended to be taken according to the following regimen: 3 teaspoons or 15 ml of the drug in the evening or approximately 12 hours before the scheduled examination, and before endoscopy - 1 teaspoon (5 ml) before and almost the same amount during the procedure. The dosage of Sub Simplex in case of poisoning depends on the severity of intoxication, the minimum recommended volume is 1 teaspoon or 5 ml.

Sub Simplex for newborns

A safe method of treating colic from the first days of a baby’s life involves the use of this medication. By breaking large gas formations into small ones, the composition of Sub Simplex helps the intestines absorb gas bubbles and then remove them using peristalsis. In order for the process in the child’s body to proceed naturally, during breastfeeding, Sab Simplex is diluted with mother’s milk and given in a spoon before the next feeding; during artificial feeding, the number of drops is measured with a pipette and mixed with food or water.

Side effects

Sub Simplex is well tolerated by the newborn's body, but the presence of excipients and flavorings increases the risk of allergic reactions. If, after using the drug, a child experiences undesirable symptoms such as itching, hyperemia (redness), rash or fever, then taking Sub Simplex should be stopped and then immediately seek medical help.


Sab Simplex - a drug for external use to reduce flatulence does not contain carbohydrates, so it can be taken by people suffering from diabetes. The sweetish taste does not affect the quality characteristics, but the taste characteristics of the suspension may influence the preferences of the child, who will prefer the fruity taste rather than the tasteless liquid. Based on the presence of the main active ingredient, analogues of the drug Sab Simplex are:

  1. Bobotik (drops);
  2. Baby (drops, emulsion);
  3. Infacol (suspension with orange scent);
  4. Colikid (suspension);
  5. Espumisan (emulsion, drops, capsules).

Sub Simplex price

The French manufacturer produces the medicine in the form of a suspension. To ensure that the drug retains its properties, a dark vessel with a dropper and a cardboard box are provided for its storage. The cost of the drug corresponds to the average price category, is available without a doctor’s prescription, and you can buy Sab Simplex 30 ml in different regions of Russia at the following price.

Due to the imperfection of the child’s body in the first months after birth, he often feels the need for external help. The drug Sab Simplex for newborns can be used for several indications, but its main purpose remains the elimination of signs of intestinal colic.

Despite the fact that it is extremely undesirable to give children medications in the first months of life, the instructions for use of a particular drug indicate its relative safety. This product, like some of its analogues, is allowed to be taken even by newborns.

The mechanism of action of the drug, taking into account the characteristics of children's digestion

Features of the functioning of the digestive organs in childhood often result in certain problems. A lack of enzymes necessary for digesting food often provokes negative changes in the baby's condition. Almost every child under the age of 4 months experiences some kind of discomfort in the tummy, taking the form of colic or bloating. If you do not give the baby special medications to normalize vital processes, the phenomenon can take an even more serious turn.

Advice: Despite the proven safety and effectiveness of the product, it is strictly not recommended to take it without indications, as a preventive measure. This can lead to inhibition of intestinal functions and decreased peristaltic activity after discontinuing the product.

While analogues of the drug Sab Simplex may not always be suitable for a newborn due to his allergic status or physiological characteristics, this drug does not cause great concern among doctors. The product is considered one of the safest products in its group. Its components do not interfere with the biochemical processes of digestion, acting directly on the cause of flatulence. It turns out that thanks to the use of the composition, accumulated gases are naturally removed from the baby’s intestines, which brings the desired relief.

The main component of the medication is a substance called simethicone. This is a special chemical compound that has an antifoaming effect. The whole process looks like this - large gas bubbles burst, breaking up into smaller ones, after which they are removed by movements of the mucous membrane. As the volume of gases decreases, the unpleasant symptoms gradually go away. The instructions state that the components of the product do not enter into chemical reactions with organic compounds or medications, as a result of which they are excreted from the child’s body unchanged.

Indications and contraindications for therapy

You should not ignore the fact that Sab Simplex is a medication. It can be given, like various analogues, to a newborn only after consultation with a doctor. If signs of colic appear, you should contact your pediatrician, who will conduct the necessary research, determine the cause of the problem and make appropriate prescriptions.

The instructions for use contain the following indications for use of the medicine:

  1. Bloating in the intestines of a physiological nature. The product is useless for enzymatic deficiency or infectious diseases, despite the fact that these conditions are also often accompanied by symptoms characteristic of age-related colic.
  2. The need for hardware examination of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Sub Simplex can be given to children who have suffered from detergent poisoning.
  4. The product is often used as an addition to lactulose-based laxatives, because it causes increased gas formation.

There are also several contraindications to this drug treatment. They are associated with intestinal obstruction (acquired and congenital), individual intolerance to the components in the product. An allergic reaction is not always a response to the action of simethicone. This needs to be checked by asking the doctor to select some analogue of the product with the same base.

Rules for taking the drug in infancy

Usually the doctor explains how to take the product in each specific case. If there are no specific wishes, then you need to act according to the instructions. In this case, the product must be given to the baby in accordance with the following recommendations:

  • The product is available in the form of drops. Before each use, the bottle must be shaken thoroughly. Then turn the container over with the pipette down and measure out the required number of drops.
  • To eliminate colic, children aged 1 to 12 months are prescribed 15 drops per dose. It is recommended to give Sab Simplex during meals or immediately after. For artificial people, the composition is added directly to the bottle with food. The medication is perfectly compatible with any liquids indicated for a newborn.
  • When breastfeeding, the medicine is diluted in water or breast milk and given using a spoon or the dosing part of a sterile syringe immediately before application.
  • If there are no separate wishes from the pediatrician, then Sub Simplex is used twice a day - during feeding and before bedtime.

In extreme cases, the reception is extended over several approaches, without exceeding the daily dosage. For very severe colic, therapy involves up to eight doses of the product.

The main differences between the medicine and its analogues

Comparing the drug Sab Simplex and its more popular analogues among parents and doctors, we can highlight several advantages of the first medication:

  • . Both products use the same main component, but in different dosages (Sab Simplex has more of it). It is not so easy to measure Espumisan, the dosage is constantly violated, and the product runs out very quickly. In addition, due to the popularity of Espumisan, low-quality and even dangerous counterfeits are increasingly found on the medicine market (even those intended for children).
  • Bobotik. Both formulations contain simethicone in approximately equal dosages. Bobotik can be used no more than 4 times a day and exceeding this parameter is prohibited, and Sub Simplex can be used at least after each feeding, which has the best effect on the baby’s condition.
  • Baby Calm. They are completely different in composition, which doctors often prescribe in combination. The Baby Calm product contains vegetable oils that not only relieve flatulence, but also relieve inflammation, muffle pain and soothe the baby. In practice, its analogue is added to the drug Sab Simplex in case of increased restlessness of the newborn against the background of severe colic.

Moreover, the cost of all listed products is approximately the same. Considering the absence of side effects in the main composition and the minimal risk of overdose, doctors are recommending it more and more often. In cases where the baby still reacts negatively to the medicine, it is necessary not to wait until he gets used to it, but to immediately consult a doctor to make changes to the list of therapeutic measures.

For newborns - a drug that effectively destroys gas bubbles in the intestinal lumen. It also contributes to a decrease in their level of education. Gases released from their membrane are either successfully and painlessly absorbed by the intestinal walls, or are eliminated from the body through the process of peristalsis. Thus, after taking it, it is possible to significantly reduce the degree of stretching of the intestinal wall, which succumbed to the pressure of gas bubbles.

Does not in any way affect a person’s ability to drive a vehicle/machinery.

Research has shown that it has no therapeutic effect when it comes to relieving colic in infants or older children.

Do not use the drug after the expiration date.


It has no cumulative effect and does not accumulate in the body. Therefore, cases of overdose were not recorded. If a large dose of the drug was taken by mistake, you need to consult your doctor. The medicine is produced in syrup, which can be used to eliminate bloating, constipation, and restore intestinal microflora.

  • Simalgel-VM is a combination drug that also contains algeldrate and magnesium hydroxide. The drug has an antacid effect and eliminates bloating. It is available in a suspension, suitable for children over 10 years of age. It can be drunk by pregnant and lactating women.
  • - a combination drug containing alverine citrate as therapeutic components. It eliminates muscle spasms of the digestive tract and bloating. The drug is produced in capsules, which are contraindicated for patients under 14 years of age, pregnant and lactating women.
  • Storage conditions and periods

    Store out of the reach of children/pets, at an ambient temperature no higher than +25 degrees.

    From the date of manufacture, an unopened bottle can be stored for 36 months.

    Terms of sale

    The drug is sold without a prescription. Before purchasing and using the medicine, consultation with a doctor is required.

    Drug price

    The cost of the medicine is on average 281 rubles. Prices range from 249 to 348 rubles

    The active component of the drug Sab Simplex is simethicone - a stable surfactant polymethylsiloxane. It reduces the surface tension of gas bubbles formed in the contents of the stomach and intestinal mucus and causes their destruction. The released gases are absorbed by the intestinal wall or removed by intestinal peristalsis.
    Simethicone removes foam physically, does not enter into chemical reactions and is chemically inert. Simethicone is not absorbed when taken orally and is excreted unchanged.

    Indications for use of the drug Sab Simplex

    Flatulence, aerophagia; conducting diagnostic studies of the digestive tract (radiography, ultrasound) and preparing patients for gastroduodenoscopy; increased gas formation after surgical interventions; intoxication with detergents and surfactants.

    Use of the drug Sab Simplex

    Sub Simplex is best taken with or after meals and, if necessary, before bed.
    The drug can be given to newborns before feeding using a small spoon.
    Shake the bottle vigorously before use. In order for the suspension to begin to flow out of the pipette, the bottle must be turned upside down and tapped on the bottom.
    The duration of use depends on the clinical dynamics. Sub Simplex can be taken for a long time if necessary.
    Use in preparation for diagnostic examinations of the abdominal organs is facilitated if the pipette is removed from the bottle.
    If there are complaints related to excessive gas formation
    Newborns and children of the first year of life
    Add 15 drops (0.6 ml) of Sub Simplex to each baby food bottle.
    The drug mixes well with other liquids, such as milk. If symptoms are present, use during each feeding.
    Children aged 1 year - 6 years
    Prescribe 15 drops (0.6 ml) during or after each meal. If necessary, 15 drops can be taken before bed.
    Children over 6 years of age and adults
    School-age children are prescribed 20-30 drops (0.8-1.2 ml), adults - 30-45 drops (1.3-1.8 ml). In the indicated doses, the drug is taken every 4-6 hours; if necessary, the dose can be increased.
    The duration of treatment depends on the severity of flatulence. If necessary, Sub Simplex can be used for several days or even several weeks.
    Preparing for an X-ray examination
    The day before the test, take 3-6 teaspoons (15-30 ml) of Sab Simplex in the evening.
    Preparing for an ultrasound examination
    Take 3 teaspoons (15 ml) of Sab Simplex in the evening the day before the test and 3 teaspoons 3 hours before the test.
    Preparation for endoscopic examination
    Before endoscopy, take -1 teaspoon (2.5-5 ml) of Sab Simplex. During the examination, an additional few milliliters of Sub Simplex suspension can be injected through the endoscope to remove foam bubbles.
    Intoxication with detergents
    The dose depends on the severity of intoxication. The minimum recommended dose of Sab Simplex is 1 teaspoon (5 ml).

    Contraindications to the use of the drug Sab Simplex

    Hypersensitivity to simethicone and other components of the drug, gastrointestinal obstruction.

    Side effects of the drug Sab Simplex

    When using the Sab Simplex suspension, allergic reactions are not described, but allergic reactions are possible.

    Special instructions for the use of the drug Sab Simplex

    Sab Simplex can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
    The effect on the ability to drive vehicles and operate potentially dangerous mechanisms has not been established.

    Interactions of the drug Sab Simplex

    Not known.

    Overdose of the drug Sab Simplex, symptoms and treatment

    Since the active ingredients of Sab Simplex are chemically and physically inactive, overdose is practically impossible. The use of the drug, even in large quantities, does not cause any manifestations of intoxication. Cases of poisoning with simethicone have not been described.

    Storage conditions for the drug Sab Simplex

    In a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature of 15-25 ° C.

    List of pharmacies where you can buy Sub Simplex:

    • Saint Petersburg