My left palm is numb, what should I do? Why does my left hand go numb? The most dangerous manifestations requiring urgent medical attention

08:09 14.02.2014

If the left hand goes numb, then this is a sign of numbness of the extremities (paresthesia) - a violation of skin sensitivity, in which a person feels a tingling sensation, “crawling goosebumps,” a decrease in temperature and pain sensitivity. Paresthesia can be observed in one or two limbs, as well as throughout the body.
The development of paresthesia is based on compression of the nerve or local circulatory disturbance due to compression of the vessels providing blood supply to the limb.

Temporary feeling of numbness in the left arm

Systematic and prolonged tension of the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle when working on a computer, when working in a sitting, forced and uncomfortable position with tension in the muscles of the cervical-collar area can cause numbness in the entire arm and pain in the shoulder, elbow joints, hand, and shoulder girdle muscles.

This is due to overload of a muscle group, their spasm, disruption of innervation and blood supply. This condition can be eliminated by periodic breaks in work and changes in body position, self-massage, physical exercise, changing the type of activity, hardware or manual massage, as well as regular sports.

Temporary numbness may occur when wearing tight clothing with elastic bands that squeeze the arm; with prolonged placement of the hand above the level of the heart or when squeezing the hand during sleep and in other similar situations. As a rule, when the factor that disrupts blood circulation is eliminated, the feeling of numbness weakens and disappears. If the feeling of numbness remains for more than an hour, you need to contact a neurologist.

Intermittent numbness in the left arm

It is often observed during an exacerbation of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, when the left spinal nerve (nerve root) emerging from the intervertebral foramen is compressed circularly or only locally in one place due to angular bone outgrowths on the vertebral bodies, as well as due to protrusion of the intervertebral disc of the cervical spine.

In some cases numbness of the left hand may be due to osteochondrosis with increased displacement of the cervical vertebrae, but then numbness appears or intensifies when turning the head and sudden, uncoordinated movement of the body.

Left numbness hands, accompanied by dizziness, nausea, instability, headache with instability in the cervical spine, indicates a violation of the blood supply to the brain (vertebral artery syndrome).

Heart disease and numbness in the left arm

If this symptom suddenly appears in patients with coronary heart disease, hypertension, or vascular atherosclerosis, first of all one should think about a malfunction of the heart, as well as the possibility of developing a pre-infarction state or cerebrovascular accident.

In this case, it is necessary to urgently take the medications prescribed to the patient. If numbness in the left hand is accompanied by pain in the heart and limbs, you must call an ambulance. Prolonged numbness of the left arm may be a sign of a pre-infarction condition.


In case of sudden numbness of the left hand with the appearance of severe, increasing pain and swelling, thrombosis of the great vessels of the arm is possible. In this case (if the pain does not go away within an hour), urgent hospitalization to the vascular surgery department is necessary. Thrombosis can cause tissue necrosis. Independent manipulations are unacceptable due to the possibility of thrombosis progression!

Herniated discs

Local compression of the left spinal nerve or root, accompanied by numbness of the hand, can cause a herniated disc. Often this condition is accompanied by pain along the nerve or is local in nature.

Elena Zaostrovskaya, radiation diagnostics doctor, psychologist, herbalist

Numbness of the left arm may indicate a pre-stroke condition; inflammation of the ulnar nerve, heart disease, nerve trunks, etc. cannot be ruled out.

When numbness does not go away for a long time or bothers you from time to time for unknown reasons, you need to consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

From the cardiovascular system, numbness in the left arm may be associated with a heart attack, especially if there is parallel pain in the left chest, panic, pallor, nausea, shortness of breath, and cold sweat. Often numbness and pain indicate angina pectoris.

In addition, numbness can be a consequence of an injury, after bruises, fractures, sprains or ruptured ligaments. Excessive physical activity, prolonged work in an uncomfortable position leads to muscle overstrain, which leads to unpleasant sensations.

From the nervous system, numbness may indicate a malnutrition of the muscles due to compression of the nerve endings, which leads to numbness of the hand. In addition, dysfunction of the spine can also cause numbness in the limbs. Compression of blood vessels, nerve endings, osteochondrosis - all this leads to numbness.

If there is numbness in the left hand and fingers, when there is pain in the heart area, aching, this may be a symptom of thoracic osteochondrosis.

Another cause of numbness may be vascular diseases, spinal tuberculosis, etc.

Numbness may also be associated with cancer. For example, in the spinal cord, a growing tumor begins to put pressure on adjacent vessels and nerves, thereby causing discomfort (with a tumor, incapacity occurs quite quickly).

However, numbness can often be caused by ordinary fatigue due to excessive physical exertion, and proper rest will help normalize the condition.

One of the most common phenomena among adults is... It occurs as a result of compression of the artery, due to which blood stops penetrating into the tissues and nourishing them.

This phenomenon can be considered normal when it occurs rarely and disappears fairly quickly. But what to do if your left hand periodically goes numb? In this case, you cannot do without the help of a doctor. After all, the frequent occurrence of discomfort in the left upper limb may indicate the development of serious disturbances in the functioning of the heart.

How does numbness manifest?

Characteristic symptoms of numbness in the hands are discomfort in the hand, forearm and elbow area. In this case, there may be tingling of the skin and a feeling that goosebumps are crawling on them. In this case, a person’s sensitivity threshold for a numb hand decreases or a feeling of coldness and sometimes pain occurs. When the appearance of this symptom is associated with pathological processes, quite often the skin at this moment acquires a bluish tint. In medicine, this phenomenon is called paresthesia.

Numbness can occur for two reasons. Either you have pathologies, or your nerve endings are compressed during incorrect body position (while sleeping, working at the computer, etc.). In this case, the cause of the unpleasant sensation in the left hand may be a consequence of poor circulation or muscle strain, and not the development of pathological processes.

It is worth noting that quite often this symptom worries people who have vascular disorders. With such pathologies, soft tissues and internal organs (including the heart) cease to receive oxygen in the required quantity, which leads to numbness in the left hand. In no case should such a cause be left without proper attention, as it can provoke the development of myocardial infarction or stroke.

Quite often, numbness of the left hand is associated with the development of degenerative processes in the tissues of the spine (osteochondrosis, etc.).

Non-pathological causes of numbness in the left arm

Why does my left hand go numb? In fact, there are many reasons why this symptom may occur, and they may not be related to pathologies at all.

So, we have already said above that the main cause of numbness in the limbs is compression of the arteries. This can happen as a result of the following factors:

  • wearing tight and uncomfortable clothes;
  • prolonged strength physical activity;
  • professional activities related to handicrafts;
  • long work at the computer;
  • uncomfortable bed;
  • incorrect positioning of the body during sleep;
  • prolonged placement of the hands above the level of the heart.

As a rule, when exposed to all these factors, the hand goes numb periodically and in most cases immediately after waking up. Coping with the manifestations of this disease is very simple. To do this, you can use special exercises, rubbing or massage. When the appearance of unpleasant sensations in the hand is not associated with pathologies, they disappear within 10-15 minutes after waking up or rubbing.

But it is also worth understanding that there are also pathological factors that can lead to numbness of the left hand. If you cannot eliminate the unpleasant symptom within an hour, you have discomfort in the heart area, breathing has become irregular and difficult, then you need to immediately call an ambulance. After all, these symptoms may indicate heart failure. And if a person is not provided with professional help in a timely manner, he may die.

If you notice the appearance of this symptom too often, you cannot ignore it. Since this may indicate the development of serious pathological processes and you should immediately consult a doctor.

It is worth noting that numbness of the left arm is quite often associated with the development of angina. In this case, unpleasant sensations are observed not only in the hand, but also in the shoulder and forearm. Also, the main symptoms of this disease are: difficulty breathing, chest discomfort. They can be eliminated by using nitroglycerin.

The left limb may also become numb with the development of myocardial infarction. In this case, such a symptom is the main sign of the disease. At the same time, it is not possible to relieve the unpleasant sensation with conventional medications (for example, nitroglycerin). To prevent further development of myocardial infarction and eliminate death, the patient requires urgent hospitalization.

Atherosclerosis can also cause numbness in the left limb. As a result of its development, a narrowing of the arteries occurs, which provide oxygen and nutrition to the heart. It is for this reason that this symptom occurs. In this case, atherosclerosis, just like myocardial infarction, no longer manifests itself with any signs.

It is also worth noting that numbness in the left hand may be associated with the development of a cerebral stroke. However, in this case, other symptoms also occur - numbness of the left lower limb, impaired vision and speech. At the first signs of this pathology, the patient must be urgently hospitalized so that he can receive qualified help. Otherwise, death is possible.

Osteochondrosis can also cause periodic numbness in the left hand. In this case, a person may experience symptoms such as weakness, pain and decreased sensitivity. However, they can be observed not only in the hand, but also on the outside of the forearm and shoulder.

Another reason for numbness in the left limb is a pre-infarction condition. It is a consequence of diseases such as hypertension, atherosclerosis or coronary heart disease. If you have previously received such diagnoses, then if you experience numbness in your hand, you should immediately consult a doctor. The main symptom of a pre-infarction condition is numbness of the little finger on the left hand.

The occurrence of blood clots in blood vessels can also cause this symptom. It usually appears suddenly, and with thrombosis there is often swelling of the soft tissues and severe pain, which tends to increase even in a state of complete rest.

It is worth noting that frequent nervous strain can also cause numbness in the left limb. This is due to the fact that during stress, nerve endings are pinched. As a result, blood circulation is impaired and numbness of the limbs is observed.

All these diseases have one main symptom - numbness of the left hand. All of them are quite serious and can greatly threaten human life. Therefore, in order to avoid sad consequences, you should not be negligent about your health. As soon as you begin to notice this symptom, immediately make an appointment with a cardiologist or neurologist.

Specialists will prescribe you a series of examinations that will help determine the exact cause of numbness in your hands. After which you will be able to prescribe a course of treatment, which you must undergo.

Causes of numbness in the fingers of the left hand

If numbness of the left hand cannot always indicate the development of pathologies, then the occurrence of this symptom in the little finger or ring finger indicates serious disorders.

We have already said above that numbness of the little finger is the main sign of a pre-infarction condition. If no pathological processes of the cardiovascular system have been identified, then the manifestation of such a symptom may indicate a deficiency of vitamins A and B in the body, which are actively involved in the construction of the sheath of nerve endings. With their deficiency, the membrane is damaged, and the nerve endings become less sensitive, as a result of which the fingers begin to go numb.

If observed, this may indicate the presence of dysfunction of the intervertebral discs. In this case, it is also possible to experience pain in the shoulder and forearm, as well as weakness, which does not allow normal use of the arm. Quite often, this condition occurs after spinal injuries or surgery.

Treatment for numbness in the left hand

What to do if your left hand goes numb? This symptom should be addressed only after the cause of its occurrence has been identified. Most often, after complete recovery, numbness in the left hand goes away on its own and no longer bothers the person. And for this you need to visit a doctor and undergo a full examination.

At home, you can only make some efforts to make the numbness of the limb go away much faster. To do this, you can do the following:

  • lie on your back, straighten your legs;
  • raise your hands up and start shaking them;
  • then clench and unclench your fists until the unpleasant sensation disappears.

You can also cope with the manifestations of this symptom using a contrast shower. Pour water of different temperatures into two basins (hot in one, cold in the other) and begin to lower your hands into them alternately, holding each one in the water for 2-4 minutes.

Remember that numbness in the left hand is a sign of many serious diseases. Therefore, self-medication is highly undesirable, as this can lead to serious health complications.

Video about what makes your hands go numb

In our difficult times, when the work of most men and women constantly requires considerable effort from them, proper rest is the key to the health and further productive professional activity of a working person, therefore restful and sound sleep is simply vital for the restoration of physical and intellectual strength. It is during sleep that the human body gets rid of the fatigue accumulated during the day and quickly replenishes its energy reserves in order to fully meet the next working difficulties.

However, as practice shows, not every person can boast of a restful sleep. During a night's rest, many people encounter various problems that not only prevent the body from relaxing and recovering, but also leave a feeling of discomfort in the morning after sleep. One such problem is numbness in various parts of the human body at night.

Why do my hands go numb at night?

The so-called numbness, due to an uncomfortable position or constant tension, can be observed at any time of the day and in relation to different parts of the body (back, chest, ears, nose, fingertips, etc.), but most often, especially at night, limbs go numb ( mostly hands) or neck. Symptoms of this painful condition do not develop immediately. At first, a person may feel how the problematic arm (or both) tingles, suffers and gets a little cold, then feel how the limb ache, swells, twists and even cramps. When you move your hand, this negative symptomatology initially sharply worsens, after which it gradually decreases and completely disappears.

The negative factors that cause pain and numbness in your hands during sleep and the reasons for this phenomenon can be very diverse. The main reasons why arms and hands go numb at night and hands during sleep should be sought in their system blood supply And innervation , also not excluding, albeit more rare, but sometimes much significant diseases and pathologies. Only by making an accurate diagnosis and finding out the cause of numbness in the hands at night, treatment of such conditions can lead to the desired positive result.

In the article below we will look in more detail at why our hands go numb during sleep, why our hands and fingers go numb at night, the causes and consequences of these painful sensations, what this can mean and what it can lead to, we will advise what to do in this case and what to do. which doctor to consult, and we will also recommend the necessary studies and adequate treatment.

Why my hands go numb, reasons

Uncomfortable pillow

At night, the most common cause of pain in the hands and their numbness is the pillow on which the sleeping person's head is located, namely its size and density. When using a hard and high pillow, an excessive unnatural deflection in the cervical spine often occurs, which persists for a period of time sufficient to circulatory disorders in the roots of the spinal cord, passing through the intervertebral foramina, and are responsible for the sensitivity and mobility of the limbs.

In this case, there is no point in seeking help from a doctor. The solution to the problem of numb parts of the body is to replace the pillow with a lower and soft one or orthopedic . This pillow differs from the usual ones in its unusual shape, with an additional supporting cushion for the neck, behind which there is a special recess intended for the head. These devices allow a person to maintain the natural anatomical position of the head and neck during sleep, which promotes normal blood supply to all parts of the body. Naturally, there is no unambiguous standard of pillows suitable for any person, and the choice of this night accessory must be made on an individual basis.

Incorrect body position

Another reason why legs and arms go numb during sleep is the incorrect position of the entire body of the sleeping person or part of it. Unnatural posture and throwing your arms or legs up will most likely lead to numbness in your limbs. It's all about them again impaired blood supply due to the slow night functioning of the cardiovascular system, which cannot provide a sufficient amount of blood to “hard-to-reach” places.

This also includes the habit of nursing mothers who practice after pregnancy sleeping together with your child, sleeping on your side with your arm extended forward and placed under your head, as well as night rest for spouses, when the head of one of them is on the arm of the other, thus pinching the shoulder or elbow. It should be remembered that any physical activity certainly puts pressure on the blood vessels of the arm, which disrupts normal blood flow.

In addition, tight and uncomfortable nightwear with tight seams, folds, and tight cuffs can also cause compression of the vessels of the extremities, and therefore a disruption in the flow of blood to them.

Of course, it is quite difficult to completely control the position of your body during sleep, so you need to do this gradually, noting the position of your body in the morning after sleep and trying to change it in the evening when you go to bed.

The selection of pajamas, if used, should also be carried out based not on attractiveness, but on practicality. Pajamas should not restrict body movement, be loose, soft to the touch and breathable. Before going to bed, women are advised to remove all jewelry that may constrict blood vessels (rings, bracelets, etc.).

Bad habits

Drinking a large amount right before bedtime, strong coffee or tea , spicy food and other harmful substances can not only cause discomfort in the stomach in the morning, but also greatly affect the position of the body during sleep. An uncomfortable and unnatural posture will most likely cause numbness and pain in any part of the body.

In this regard, you should think twice before indulging in your bad habits at night, especially since in this case the problem of numbness of the limbs is far from the largest in the series of possible painful conditions that can develop as a result of an unhealthy lifestyle.

Recently, more and more people have been complaining of a feeling of numbness and pain in their arms (one or both) and fingers, which develop in the evening and continue throughout the night. Let's figure out why the fingertips of such people go numb and why their hands cramp, what is the reason for this and what to do in this case.

If, at the end of each working day, a person begins to notice unpleasant and painful sensations in the hands (wrists hurt, fingers ache, itch and tingle, “goosebumps” seem to run across the skin), then this is most likely the beginning of the formation of the so-called , tunnel syndrome . This disease most often develops in people over 40 years of age (mainly women), whose daily work involves constant overstrain of the tendons and joints of the hands.

In the past, this disease was typical for musicians, tailors, painters and typists. In the current century, this risk group has been supplemented by drivers, hairdressers, editorial and office employees, programmers and other people who constantly work at a computer. The reason for the development of carpal tunnel syndrome is pinched and swelling of the nerve , passing through the carpal tunnel and is responsible for the movement of the fingers and the general sensitivity of the palm. A permanently pinched nerve does not conduct nerve impulses well, which causes numbness in the fingers at night; first, the little finger or thumb becomes numb and numb, and then the entire palm cramps at night.

In advanced cases and in the absence of treatment, this pathology can lead to a decrease in joint mobility and even a complete loss of sensation in the palms and fingers, in case death of the nerve . In the future, this situation threatens a person’s inability to independently use even simple household items (pen, spoon, knife, toothbrush, etc.) and therefore requires prevention and/or treatment.

In order to cure, or at least prevent the spread of the disease, the patient has to limit the time he works, and sometimes even change his occupation. In order to reduce the negative symptoms of this syndrome, doctors recommend performing a special targeted set of exercises, prescribing vitamin therapy and soothing hand baths.

Spinal diseases

A special place among the states of numbness of the extremities is occupied by various spinal pathologies . In the case when at night a person, in parallel with numbness in the arms or legs, experiences atypical symptoms and even loss of consciousness, then the problem is most likely in the spine.

Most often, painful sensations in the limbs accompany and osteochondrosis (mainly in the cervical spine).

Vascular disorders

The most dangerous reason leading to numbness of the extremities is the development ischemic . In the event of a circulatory disorder in one of the regions of the brain, numbness of one side of the body often occurs (for example, the left side of the face, left arm and leg are “taken away”), accompanied by dizzy , high blood pressure, etc.

If such symptoms are detected, you should immediately call an ambulance and take the patient to a specialized clinic for emergency care.

Other diseases

Among other pathological causes in which a person may experience constant numbness of the limbs, the following chronic diseases can be identified:

  • various circulatory disorders in chronic form;
  • ischemic disease and other heart pathologies;
  • different shapes anemia ;
  • hereditary or inflammatory pathologies of the nervous system;
  • deficiency of microelements and/or vitamins from group B;
  • multiple sclerosis ;
  • (obsolete - , VSD);
  • (in case of nerve damage and joint deformation).

Why does my left hand go numb?

If the left hand goes numb, this means that it is urgently necessary to pay attention to the state of the person’s cardiovascular system and undergo a full examination in a specialized medical institution, since numbness of the left hand, the causes and treatment of this condition must first of all be determined exclusively by a doctor -cardiologist. The thing is that any sudden change in the condition of the left hand, occurring during the day or at night, when for no apparent reason, for example, the hand becomes numb and hurts, the finger (thumb, little finger, etc.) pulls and numbs, aching pain is felt throughout the entire hand, may indicate serious heart problems, even microstroke or pre-infarction state .

In the case when the left hand goes numb due to microstroke , it will not be superfluous to undergo the procedure MRI or other similar studies to confirm or refute such a diagnosis with subsequent therapy. If the left hand goes numb due to pre-infarction state , and the patient has heart pain, he must immediately be prescribed a preventive course of treatment using appropriate medications, and also be advised on what to do in the future to prevent such situations.

Another reason why the left hand is taken away may be a number of neurological problems and metabolic disorders. So, due to a deficiency in the body vitamins from groups A and B, damage to the sheath of nerve fibers is observed, accompanied by loss of their sensitivity.

If a person’s fingers on his left hand are numb for this reason, he should replenish the lack of vitamins in the body as quickly as possible.

Why does my right hand go numb?

Numbness on the right side, if the right hand goes numb, or even the arm is completely taken away from the elbow to the fingers, most likely has nothing to do with the cardiovascular system. There is a small chance that the right arm is going numb due to pre-stroke condition , provoked by a strong narrowing of the cervical vessels, which requires consultation with a doctor. The remaining reasons why the right hand is taken away (the hand is sore and painful, the fingers turn blue, the right little finger is cramped and numb, etc.) lie in the plane of the main problems (improper body position, uncomfortable pillow, diseases of the spine, etc.). So, numbness of the hand on the right side may indicate a disruption in the blood supply to it due to physical squeezing blood vessels hands, and pain in the hand may occur due to developing tunnel syndrome . Also, pain in the right hand may be a consequence of the formation osteochondrosis , arthritis or other similar pathologies.

What to do in these cases and how to prevent the state of numbness is described above.

Why do my fingers go numb?

In addition to the reasons already described above, which answer the question of why the fingers on the left hand go numb and why the fingers on the right hand go numb, there are a number of pathological and other conditions mainly affecting the hands, which is why the fingers on the hands go numb.


Quite often, women experience a painful feeling of heaviness and numbness in the extremities, which primarily affects the fingers. The main reasons for cramping of fingers in pregnant women include: anemia , water-salt balance disorders, hormonal changes , vitamin deficiency, weight gain , reduction in physical activity.

Naturally, only a doctor can draw conclusions about the etiology of such negative phenomena, and even more so prescribe drug therapy, first of all, paying attention to the condition pregnancy . This means that if these symptoms are not associated with any serious disease and do not require urgent treatment, then it is better to limit treatment methods to various external means, including baths, rubbing, etc.

The reasons why fingers go numb with this disease can be very different (hypothermia, smoking, stress, taking medications that affect vascular tone, excessive coffee consumption, etc.), but the consequences are always the same - damage to capillaries and small arteries, which leads to poor circulation in the fingers.

Also dangerous autoimmune disease , characterized by acute inflammation in the nerves and their roots, leading to disruption of tactile and motor function. The earliest manifestations Often it is numbness and tingling of the fingers and toes.

These symptoms, along with other negative phenomena (pain in the back, hips, buttocks, changes in heartbeat, weakness, shortness of breath), usually appear after a mild or indigestive disorder that passes autoimmune process . The development of the disease, before reaching its maximum, occurs within 2-4 weeks, followed by attenuation of negative symptoms.

The main therapy consists of rehabilitation measures after the cessation of autoimmune inflammation. The recovery process is quite long (several months).

Why do my legs go numb?

In principle, all of the above causes of numbness in the hands can also lead to similar symptoms in the lower extremities. For example, when Raynaud's disease And polyneuropathy Mostly the toes are affected, especially the little toe and big toe. For pathologies of the cardiovascular system, in particular stroke , the left leg goes numb, and when diseases of the spine both limbs hurt or the leg on the right is lost.

It is worth noting here that the lower limbs are primarily affected by intervertebral hernia and other problems localized in the lumbar region, and not in the cervical region, as is the case with the upper extremities.

Left-handed sciatic neuralgia will lead to pain in the left leg, and its right-sided inflammation will answer the questions of why it hurts and why the right leg is numb.

Also, don’t discount the shoes in which modern people spend quite a lot of their working and free time. Most often, the toes and the cushion under them hurt when wearing high-heeled shoes, and the heel hurts when wearing squashed sneakers or boots. In this matter, the experts, of course, are women, who often put the beauty and attractiveness of their feet above the convenience and practicality of shoes.

The question of what to do with numbness of the lower extremities and how to treat sore legs should be approached individually, and in case of constant and severe pain, be sure to consult a doctor.


In the vast majority of cases, nighttime numbness of the extremities is a transient problem that every person periodically encounters throughout their life. Usually, to relieve this painful condition, it is enough to stretch a stiff arm or leg and wait a few minutes before changing your position and plunging back into the arms of Morpheus. However, sometimes such symptoms can be more threatening. If numbness of the limbs is often observed, occurs not only at night, but also during the day, for this reason the person has lost normal sleep, he sleeps, often waking up at night, and then for a long time cannot fall back to sleep, then, most likely, the matter is no longer trivial uncomfortable position or tight pajamas. All these constant or sharp symptoms may well be harbingers of, albeit rare, serious pathologies, including life-threatening diseases.

In this regard, any situations accompanied by numbness of the limbs for no apparent simple reason and arousing certain suspicions should preferably be regarded as pathological, that is, capable of causing harm to health. In this case, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor who, based on the totality of symptoms, tests and studies, will establish a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment, or, if the existing problem is not within his competence, will recommend another specialist.

The left hand goes numb for completely harmless reasons and due to diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. If discomfort occurs extremely rarely, the unpleasant sensation can be associated with a specific event, then there is no need to worry. You change your position, do a couple of movements (“get the blood flowing”) - everything goes away. To prevent this from happening again, analyze your lifestyle.

Prolonged paresthesia, accompanied by pain, spreading to other parts of the body, should be alarming. Moreover, the sensations cannot be associated with injuries, work, sports or uncomfortable posture. It's all about a serious illness. Let's take a closer look at why the left hand goes numb.

Household reasons

Numbness in the left hand is not always associated with illness. Discomfort is explained by impaired blood supply to nerve fibers and muscle tissue. Why is this happening:

    Muscles are squeezed uncomfortable and tight clothes, heavy bag, backpack, etc. Even a tight tonometer cuff (when measuring blood pressure) can provoke short-term paresthesia.

    Bad pose. If your left hand goes numb in the morning, it means there was a lot of pressure on it at night. The habit of sleeping on your stomach, placing a limb under you, leads to a decrease in sensitivity. When a girl sleeps on her shoulder, blood circulation also suffers.

If you sit for a long time with your arm over the back of the chair, the blood vessels and nerve endings are compressed. Blood supply is disrupted. At the same time, the limb becomes cold and “goosebumps” appear.

    Excessive muscle and tendon activity. For needlewomen, pianists, and people who work a lot on the computer, the hand is under constant tension. This is why numbness occurs in the fingers on the left hand (if the main load falls on this side).

    Long training sessions, hard physical labor. During intensive training, the heart cannot cope with the blood supply to the muscles of the limb. The left arm is taken away when it is raised above the heart line for a long time.

    Constriction of blood vessels in cold weather. Paresthesia is experienced by people who have congenital narrowing of the ulnar or brachial arteries.

A frequent companion to a sedentary lifestyle is insufficient blood supply to all organs and tissues. Hence the periodic numbness of the limbs. More movement means better blood supply to the vessels.


Loss of sensation in the hand, forearm, or entire limb may indicate serious pathologies of the blood vessels, spinal cord, heart and other internal organs. It is necessary to look for specific causes of numbness with a doctor. The specialist studies the clinic in detail, prescribes examinations - makes the correct diagnosis and determines treatment.

The information provided below is for informational purposes only.


Numbness is caused by a deficiency of vitamins A and B. Due to the lack of these substances, metabolism is disrupted, as a result of which the nerve sheath is damaged. Loss of sensation leads to paresthesia.

Associated symptoms:

  • immunity decreases - the body is highly susceptible to infections and viruses;
  • the condition of the skin and hair worsens (dry skin, dandruff appears);
  • There are problems in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

What to do:

  • review your diet;
  • give up bad habits (under the influence of alcohol, many vitamins are simply not absorbed);
  • take multivitamins.


Cholesterol plaques clog blood vessels throughout the body. With severe atherosclerosis, approximately 60% of the vascular bed is damaged. Blood movement becomes difficult.

The pathological process can be clearly expressed in certain parts of the body. If it is the ulnar or brachial artery on the left, then the arm goes numb. Atherosclerosis develops after 40 years.

Related clinic:

  • chilliness and coldness of the fingers;
  • "goosebumps";
  • pallor of the skin.

How to treat:

    medications prescribed by a doctor (modern drugs cope quite successfully with atherosclerosis);

    surgical methods (in case of serious blockage, surgical intervention is prescribed - bypass surgery, vessel replacement, etc.).


Degenerative destruction of vertebrae, joints, ligaments, intervertebral discs. When dystrophy worsens, pathological mobility of the spine develops - nerve fibers and blood vessels are pinched. Paresthesia is caused by pathology of the lower cervical zone.

Other signs:

  • the thumb on the left hand, index and ring fingers (less commonly, the little finger and middle finger) go numb;
  • “goosebumps” and tingling sensations appear (the sensations intensify with a sharp turn of the neck or tilt);
  • headache and dizziness;
  • periodically the vision becomes dark and the blood pressure rises greatly;
  • with osteochondrosis of the thoracic region - girdle pain in the sternum.

Treatment methods for osteochondrosis:

  • taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • manual therapy;
  • massage;
  • physiotherapy.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

The disease affects operators, office workers, needlewomen, painters and other manual workers. Due to the high load on the carpal tendon, the median nerve swells.


  • numbness of the fingertips, loss of sensitivity in the hand (on the left hand, if it is the working one);
  • tingling, “goosebumps” at night;
  • pain and burning in fingers;
  • cramps, swelling of the wrist;
  • decreased activity of the thumb.

What to do:

  • at initial symptoms, try to reduce the load on the working arm;
  • Periodically rest your hand and do simple exercises;
  • if the clinic does not back down, consult a doctor immediately (you can lose your working arm with such a diagnosis).

Pre-infarction state

Far advanced stage of progressive angina. Occurs due to stress, insufficient treatment, smoking, fatty diet, age, etc. The release of blood into the peripheral vessels decreases - first, paresthesia of the ring finger is felt, then the little finger of the left hand goes numb.

Other signs of an impending myocardial infarction:

  • the heart hurts paroxysmally, medications do not help;
  • pain radiates under the tongue, under the collarbone, into the arms;
  • cold sweat, anxiety, fear of death appears;
  • atypical picture – weakness, dizziness, insomnia.

Such a clinical picture requires urgent consultation with a doctor. In a hospital setting, the attack is stopped and long-term treatment is prescribed.


When an artery is blocked by a blood clot or a large vessel ruptures, a stroke develops. With pathology, the little and ring fingers on one hand, the muscles of the face, and legs (also on one side) often lose sensitivity.

Other symptoms:

  • severe weakness;
  • difficulty speaking, breathing, coordination;
  • unexpected visual impairment;
  • dizziness;
  • high pressure.

If such symptoms occur, you should urgently call an ambulance. Delayed treatment is fraught with persistent functional disorders. Already when one little finger on the left hand goes numb, you need to worry.


Hand injury and traumatic brain injury sometimes lead to paresthesia. My hand goes numb and hurts. Other unpleasant symptoms appear:

  • burning,
  • tingling,
  • spasm, itching,
  • involuntary twitching of a limb.

With head injuries, the patient feels weak and nauseous. Hands may also become numb due to neck injuries.

Why do the fingers on the left hand go numb after an injury:

  • due to plaster, muscle atrophy occurs;
  • in immobilized muscle fibers, blood circulation is impaired;
  • numbness occurs.

After injuries or surgeries, hands need to be developed. For recovery, the doctor prescribes physiotherapeutic procedures, massage, and acupuncture.

There are many reasons for numbness in the left hand. If the unpleasant sensation bothers you constantly, pain appears, you should immediately see a doctor.