Colitis under the ribs in front. Why it stings in the right side under the ribs: causes and symptoms. Severe pain on the right side under the ribs

When it stings in the right side under the rib, people usually think that it is the liver making itself known. In fact similar symptom Diseases of other organs appear more often, and the liver rarely hurts, even with serious tissue destruction. Therefore, it is worth understanding what can cause tingling in the right hypochondrium, what to do at home and which doctor to contact if your side hurts.

What can prick in the right hypochondrium?

Many organs of the digestive system are located in the right hypochondrium.:

  • Liver.
  • Biliary tract and gallbladder.
  • Pancreas (head of the organ).
  • Part duodenum.
  • Colon (its hepatic angle).

In addition to this, in right hypochondrium The appendicular process can also rise the cecum (this placement of the appendix is ​​considered abnormal), as well as the upper pole of the right kidney. For diseases of any of specified bodies An intense or not so intense tingling sensation may occur in the right side.

If a person’s right lung and pleura are inflamed, pain may appear in the right hypochondrium, although the lung itself is located higher. In the same way, we should not forget about the numerous nerve formations that extend from the spine and go to the ribs. When these nerves become inflamed or pinched, there may be a stabbing sensation in the right side above and along the costal arches.

Liver diseases in which stabbing pain on the right under the ribs

The liver is an organ that does not have nerve endings in its thickness. If something happens in the liver parenchyma pathological changes, the patient doesn’t even know about it - nothing hurts. Because of this feature, such dangerous diseases, as chronic or can be completely asymptomatic until the moment it occurs. Nerve endings are present only in the capsule that covers the organ. When it stretches, which occurs against the background of an increase in the size of the liver, unpleasant sensations may appear. In what situations can the liver become enlarged and tingle?

Gallbladder disease accompanied by pain in the right side

The gallbladder is the storage place for bile, which is synthesized by the liver. Bile is directly involved in the digestion process. When a person eats, the gallbladder contracts and releases its contents into the bile duct, which carries bile to the intestines. It is quite common for stones to form in the gallbladder. This disease is called. Stones can almost completely fill the organ, so when it contracts, a sharp stabbing or cutting sensation occurs. But if the stones are small and there are few of them, this is even worse, since they can clog the exit from the gallbladder or block the bile duct. At the same time, a severe pain attack develops.

At inflammation of the gallbladder (), which can be acute or chronic, there is also pain in the right side. At acute course pathology is intense and growing. In the chronic version of the pathology - moderate intensity, transient. The main factor that provokes stabbing pain in cholecystitis is the intake of fatty foods.

Other causes of tingling in the right side under the rib

In the right hypochondrium it can prick in various diseases:

  • , especially when the inflammatory process is localized in the head of the pancreas (cysts often form in it).
  • Neoplasms of the head of the pancreas (with this disease, tingling occurs for two reasons - firstly, the capsule of the organ is stretched, and secondly, the bile duct is compressed and bile stagnation occurs).
  • Inflammation or.
  • Narrowing, deformation, inflammation of the large duodenal papilla, through which pancreatic secretions and bile enter the intestine.
  • Inflammation colon, accumulation of gases in it.
  • if the appendix is ​​located atypically.
  • Inflammation of the right lung.
  • Diaphragmatic hernia.
  • Inflammation of the intercostal nerves.
  • Injuries to the ribs, liver.
  • Pinched nerve roots due to osteochondrosis and vertebral hernias.
  • Inflammation or tumor of the right kidney.

How to determine the cause of tingling in the right hypochondrium

To somehow get your bearings as to why the right side is stabbing, you need to:

Which doctor should I contact?

Diseases that may cause pain in the right hypochondrium are treated by doctors of various specialties: gastroenterologists, surgeons, neurologists, cardiologists, hepatologists. Therefore, in order not to guess who to go to, it is better to immediately contact a therapist - a doctor generalist, who understands many ailments and can deliver preliminary diagnosis based on the results of a survey and examination of the patient.

To establish a more accurate diagnosis, an instrumental and laboratory examination may be required, including:

If tingling under the lower rib occurs suddenly and the pain does not go away for a long time and is of an increasing nature, you need to go to the hospital yourself or call ambulance. This is how surgical diseases that require emergency treatment can manifest. surgical intervention, – sharp and .

What to do at home

If tingling occurs periodically after eating, it is advisable to monitor your diet and figure out what foods the body reacts to. Perhaps you should go on a diet for a little while, and everything will pass. In addition, you must definitely find time to visit a gastroenterologist.

If you have acute abdominal pain, you should not take painkillers until a medical examination. Self-medication can “blur” the manifestations of the disease and the doctor will not be able to diagnose it correctly and in a timely manner.

In addition, heating pads and hot compresses should not be used to relieve pain. With an inflammatory process in the gallbladder or pancreas, heat does not help, but, on the contrary, accelerates the progression of pathological changes in these organs.

Drink enzyme preparations, antispasmodics, painkillers can only be administered to those patients who know exactly their diagnosis and, accordingly, the cause of tingling in the right hypochondrium. For example, in acute pancreatitis, enzymes are not used, but in chronic inflammation of the pancreas, they are indicated. But such subtleties are hardly known to a person far from medicine, therefore, by self-medicating, he can greatly harm his health.

If your right side begins to ache during physical activity, you should stop, lean forward a little, as if supporting the liver, and rest in this position for a while. The pain should go away. If it doesn’t go away, be sure to see a doctor.

Pain in the right hypochondrium associated with inflammation or pinched nerves can be treated at home - with the help of anti-inflammatory drugs (they are used externally and internally), vitamins and physical therapy. However, for this, again, a diagnosis must be made and prescriptions given by a neurologist.

Pain under the ribs on the right can have a different character:

  • strong;
  • acute;
  • sharp;
  • dull aching, pulling;
  • stabbing.

Depending on the nature of the pain and accompanying syndromes, the affected organ can be determined.

Severe pain on the right side under the ribs

Unbearable, severe pain in the right hypochondrium is characteristic of diseases of the gallbladder, liver and kidneys.

Inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis). Severe pain on the right under the ribs makes a person rush around in search of a comfortable position. In addition, he is tormented by:

  • fever;
  • nausea;
  • repeated vomiting that does not bring relief;
  • often - yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes.

Hepatic colic - severe pain that subsides when taken antispasmodics. Liver diseases are characterized by yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes.

Liver injury, cirrhosis. The pain intensifies when the person is in horizontal position. Symptoms of blood loss are observed (weakness and dizziness, pallor of the skin and mucous membranes, and rapid pulse with low blood pressure).

Kidneys. The pain is intense to such an extent that the person rushes about in search of a comfortable position. Most often, pain is associated with urolithiasis, so depending on the location of the stone, the pain can be localized in the upper or lower part of the right hypochondrium. In addition, the following symptoms are characteristic:

Sharp pain on the right under the ribs

Acute, or “dagger” pain occurs unexpectedly and is characteristic of gastric and duodenal ulcers. In case of acute pain syndrome, a person most often takes a lying position with his legs pressed to his stomach.

In addition, he is tormented by:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • heartburn, sour belching.

Sharp pain on the right under the ribs

Sharp girdle pain is the first symptom acute pancreatitis. The cause of exacerbation of the disease is the consumption of large amounts of alcohol with fatty and sweet foods. Sharp pain in acute pancreatitis is characterized by its intensity - it does not decrease with changes in body position or coughing. Pancreatitis is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • repeated vomiting;
  • severe intoxication (blueness of the face and body, marble leather abdomen, small hemorrhages on the sides and around the navel).

Sharp pain under the right ribs in the area of ​​the scapula and collarbone occurs when pus accumulates under the diaphragm (subphrenic abscess). The pain intensifies with coughing and sneezing, sudden movements, breathing; relief occurs when lying on the right side. Associated symptoms:

  • fever;
  • intoxication of the body.

A sharp pain between the ribs, which is felt at the slightest touch to the skin, is characteristic of herpes zoster - viral disease, which manifests itself in the form of painful rashes on the skin along the nerves affected by the virus (most often in the intercostal part). Before the rash appears, a person may feel aching pain in the right or left hypochondrium, weakness, fever.

Dull, aching pain under the ribs on the right

A nagging, dull aching pain in the right hypochondrium indicates chronic diseases liver, which provoke its enlargement (hepatitis). In addition, this may be a sign of the formation of malignant and benign tumors.

In addition to dull and nagging pain, the following are observed:

Also, a dull aching pain can be a symptom of the following diseases:

Stitching pain on the right under the ribs

Stitching pain under the right ribs, which intensifies when coughing and taking a deep breath, is characteristic of right-sided pneumonia. Often the pain spreads over the entire right side, and exact time Its occurrence is quite difficult to name. Associated symptoms:

Pain in the right hypochondrium behind

Pain under the ribs on the right back indicates problems with the kidney and pancreas.

With inflammation of the kidneys, the patient experiences Pasternatsky syndrome: severe pain when a light blow is struck with the edge of the palm on the lower rib from behind. With renal colic, pain in the right hypochondrium has an intense paroxysmal character and torments to such an extent that the person cannot be at rest and constantly changes his position. At urolithiasis pain spreads throughout the spine to the lower back.

Pain under the right rib with inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) occurs suddenly, has a girdling nature, and its intensity does not change.

The causes of inflammation of the pancreas may be alcohol abuse and fatty foods, metabolic disorders, complications after operations, exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Pain in the right hypochondrium anteriorly

If the pain radiates to the front of the ribs, then this is the cause of the following diseases:

  • Lungs (pneumonia, inflammation).
  • Gallbladder (acute or chronic cholecystitis).
  • Liver (hepatitis, fatty degeneration cells, cirrhosis, tumors).
  • Duodenum and stomach (erosions, peptic ulcer, gastritis).

When the lungs are affected, the pain in the right hypochondrium is stabbing, it becomes stronger when inhaling or coughing, and it is also accompanied by typical symptoms fever (temperature, weakness), which distinguishes it from other diseases of the internal organs of the right hypochondrium.

In diseases of the gallbladder, severe pain is felt in the epigastric region and in right shoulder blade. At acute cholecystitis the pain moves to the lower part of the right hypochondrium.

If the pain under the right rib is aching or dull, then this indicates liver disease. As a rule, it is accompanied by signs of jaundice ( yellowish color skin and whites of the eyes), with the exception of benign tumors.

With gastric and duodenal ulcers, pain is localized in the anterior part of the right and left hypochondrium, flowing into the back and lower back. They dull slightly when pressed, so the patient feels relief while lying on his stomach or squatting.

Pain in the lower right hypochondrium

Pain on the right side below the ribs is a sign of inflammation:

  • intestines (namely the appendix). The first sign of appendicitis is acute sharp pain in the right side. The nature of the pain indicates possible rupture appendix, so you should consult a doctor immediately.
  • right kidney. Basically, with renal colic, the pain does not have a clear localization and spreads throughout the right hypochondrium, including the spine and lower back.
  • duodenum and stomach - with an ulcer, pain moves down the right hypochondrium from the epigastric region.

In addition, pain on the right under the ribs can occur in completely healthy person when moving. This happens when people are exposed to stress that is unusual for them. In the vena cava, which runs under the lower right ribs, blood flow increases and it swells. Pain can also occur with sharp bends and turns, when internal organs come into contact with the rib bones.

At least once in their life, every person has experienced a stabbing sensation under the ribs. Unpleasant sensations often go away on their own; only a small proportion of patients go to the hospital for help.

If it stings on the right side under the ribs for a long time, this may signal the development of some kind of pathology. Below we will look at which organs can provoke unpleasant condition and what to do.

If there is a stabbing sensation in the right hypochondrium, the reasons can be varied.

If it stings under the right rib in the front, this may be due to intestinal diseases. The location of the pain may vary, often affecting the entire abdomen. In addition, there is bloating, upset stool, and foreign impurities in the stool.

Right back pain

What could be the cause of the unpleasant sensations occurring on the right under the ribs, but located closer to the surface of the body?

Most often, the reasons lie in pathological processes developing in the kidneys:

  1. What pricks under the right rib? It is possible that chronic cholecystitis is developing. The disease causes aching pain, which in turn radiates to the lumbar region. In addition, there will be bitterness in the mouth and loss of appetite.
  2. Stones in the kidneys. As the stones move forward, the receptors in the ureter and pelvis will begin to be irritated. The pain can be not only on the side, but also on the back. Discomfort gives off in femoral area and groin. Blood clots may be present in the urine or vomit.
  3. Pyelonephritis can lead to tingling. This inflammatory process occurring in the kidneys causes tingling on the right side under the ribs. The disease is always accompanied by other symptoms: increased body temperature, frequent and false urge to urinate, swelling of the face.

If it stings on the right under the ribs, it can be seen a little higher. The nature of the sensations directly depends on what provoked them.

How to distinguish colic?

When, when inhaling, there is a stabbing sensation in the right side, or sensations appear in calm state, it is difficult to determine what they are related to. And yet it is possible.

The nature of the pain can be:

  1. Intestinal. The pain is paroxysmal in nature. If you press lightly on the stomach, the discomfort will become less pronounced. Accompanying symptoms are bloating, nausea, vomiting.
  2. Renal. Pain in lumbar region, under the ribs, wears a strong character. In order to recognize it, you should pay attention to following symptoms– difficulties during bowel movements, problems with urination, increased gas formation.
  3. Hepatic. It most often starts to bother me after lunch. This is pain under the ribs on the right, and can spread to the entire abdomen, as well as to the area of ​​the shoulder blades. In addition, there is dry mouth, increased sweating, fever and even vomiting.

All this is unpleasant and dangerous in its own way, which is why after the appearance of unpleasant sensations you should go to the hospital, because only a doctor can identify the real reason discomfort.

Other causes of pain

In addition to the reasons listed above, other factors can provoke colic on the right side under the ribs. For example, with intercostal neuralgia, a feeling of numbness and heaviness appears. There is a tingling sensation in the back area.

Pain after exercise

Surely everyone has experienced a stabbing sensation in their right side while running. Moreover, unpleasant sensations can also occur after performing any other physical activity.

But why does my side hurt when I run?

The gallbladder ducts begin to stretch with bile, as the walls are relaxed under stress. As a result of this, a person begins to feel tingling, and in some cases, severe pain.

Interesting! If a person has eaten before physical activity, then the pain will definitely bother you. The liver is already working actively, and the additional load causes even more harm.

Pain during pregnancy

If there is a stabbing sensation in the right rib in women, this may be due to a change in hormonal background. So, for example, on some days menstrual cycle stings lower left side. Sensations may also be present on the right, it depends on which side the follicle ruptured.

Another frequently asked question, which doctors have to hear - why does the right side sting during pregnancy? Such tingling sensations are also associated with changes that occur in hormonal levels. Thanks to progesterone, the bile ducts are relaxed and begin to form congestion. The uterus grows, pressure is put on the liver and gallbladder, and the woman feels pain.

If your liver suddenly hurts during pregnancy, you should visit a doctor as soon as possible, because the disease can threaten the lives of two people.

Which doctor should I contact?

Diseases in which stabbing on the right side under the ribs can be treated by specialists different areas: surgeons, hepatologists, cardiologists, neurologists, etc. In order not to guess which doctor to go to, you should first visit a therapist.

This is a general specialist; after a preliminary examination, the doctor can make a presumptive diagnosis. If necessary, a specialist will refer you to additional examination to doctors in other areas.

In order for the diagnosis to be made accurately, instrumental and laboratory studies may be required:

  • blood test, general and biochemical;
  • conducting tests for viral hepatitis;
  • Ultrasound diagnostics;
  • Radiography;
  • ECG and so on.

If there is a tingling sensation in the right hypochondrium, it does not go away after a while, and the strength only increases, you need to call an ambulance. It is possible that the disease requires emergency surgery.

What to do at home?

Tingling, which mainly occurs after eating, requires you to pay more attention to food. Watch your body, maybe you will be able to find out what exactly your body reacts to in this way. Sometimes it’s enough to stick to a diet for a while and everything goes away.

Important! If acute pain occurs, do not take painkillers until the doctor arrives. Clinical picture will be erased and the doctor will not be able to correctly interpret the symptoms.

Do not use heating pads or other hot compresses for treatment. In case of inflammation, heat will not help; on the contrary, pathological changes will begin to develop faster. Only those patients who already know their diagnosis are allowed to take painkillers or antispasmodics.

You shouldn’t constantly think about why your right side hurts when you run. It is better if you consult a doctor about this.

In the future, as soon as tingling occurs during physical activity, you should stop and lean forward slightly. After a few minutes, the discomfort should disappear.

Pain associated with pinching or inflammation can be treated at home. Patients are prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs; they can be used both externally and internally. It is useful to engage in physical therapy, but only that recommended by a doctor.

It is impossible to make a diagnosis on your own, much less begin proper treatment. If pain or other discomfort occurs, it is recommended to visit the hospital, because this is the only way to maintain your health and protect yourself from complications.

Frequently asked questions to the doctor

Colic in the liver

If the liver hurts, what are the reasons and what to do in this case?

The first thing to do when colic occurs is to call an ambulance. Most often, hospitalization is required, because full diagnostics impossible at home. To relieve pain, patients are given No-spa, Atropine and other drugs intravenously.

Pain when inhaling

Why does it sting when I inhale on the right side under the ribs?

This may be related to subphrenic abscess. During sudden movements the pain begins to intensify. They give off unpleasant sensations under the shoulder blade, in the area of ​​the collarbone. The reasons for the development of such an abscess may lie in surgical intervention.

Another reason for the occurrence of pathology is injury to internal organs. In rare cases, an abscess is a consequence of peritonitis.

Sometimes it is really difficult to determine the exact location of the pain, and therefore the person says that he has pain somewhere under the ribs, on the right. So, what does pain in the right hypochondrium mean? Below we will tell you what diagnosis can be made based only on painful sensations in the right hypochondrium.

Colitis on the right side

What can it mean that it stings in the right side under the chest? Why is this happening? What to do about this and what causes the discomfort? In order to understand why there may be pain in the abdomen on the right side, it is necessary to understand what vital organs or organ systems are located there.

And the following organs are located in a given area of ​​the body:

  • Liver;
  • Intestines;
  • Gallbladder;
  • Pancreas;
  • Right side of the diaphragm.

It is clear that a disease of one or more of the above organs causes pain in the right side of the abdomen or in the side, closer to the back.

Aching pain in the right side

Quite often, pain on the right is associated with gallbladder. Bile is a secretion found in the human gallbladder that is needed to digest food. Sometimes stones form in the gallbladder, or excess/lack of mucus forms, which leads to pain on the right side of the abdomen. With both of these two diseases, the stomach often hurts immediately after or while eating.

Gallbladder diseases appear in a person when leading an unhealthy lifestyle: abuse of any fatty product, For example. Then severe pain on the right is accompanied by rumbling in the deep layer of the abdomen, heartburn and diarrhea, and belching. Occasionally, the pain “presses” on other organs, resulting in painful spasms in the stomach area, below the ribs. It may feel like there is a lump there.

In order to avoid numerous diseases with the gallbladder and kidneys, it is necessary to healthy image life: do not eat a lot of fatty, very salty or spicy foods, do not abuse sweets. It is good for the body to move a lot, go for walks fresh air and study physical activity. This will help any person keep their weight normal and their health at a decent level. And then you won’t have to worry about kidney problems, and many other problems.

An attack of acute pancreatitis can also cause pain, in right side They also cause kidney problems and sometimes colic. It is possible that the pain on the right is the consequences of inflamed appendicitis. In this case, it is advisable to call a doctor as soon as possible.

Here are the main symptoms of appendicitis:

  • The exact location of pain can most often be indicated with great accuracy with one finger;
  • The pain lasts longer than twelve hours and does not subside;
  • The pain is still localized closer to the navel, intensifies when pressed and with a sharp inhalation.

Sometimes appendicitis can radiate even to the left side; acute pain does not give rest either in a lying position, or sitting, or during physical activity: walking or running. The pain constantly interferes: both when bending back or forward, and during palpation. The pain is pinpoint – it hurts seriously, not just tingling.

In women, pain on the right side can be a signal that an ectopic pregnancy has occurred.

Therefore, women should especially carefully pay attention to various suspicious pains in any part of the abdomen, and even more so for pregnant women. It must be remembered that the woman carrying a child future mommy is responsible not only for herself - she has a huge responsibility for her own child. That is why a woman carrying a baby under her heart should be especially attentive to her health: observe proper diet, avoid any excessive stress, follow a daily routine and pay attention to the slightest ailments.

Pain in the right side under the ribs in front

It must be remembered that the absence of one of the symptoms does not mean the absence of the disease. At the slightest sign If you have appendicitis, you should immediately call an ambulance. If not treated in time, the most banal appendicitis can lead to death – quite a painful death of the patient, if explained in the simplest possible terms.

The causes of pain in the right hypochondrium may be as follows::

  • Liver or intestinal diseases;
  • Various hepatitis;
  • Cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Echinococcosis;
  • Hepatocellular carcinoma;
  • Gallbladder diseases;
  • Colon gland.

Below we will talk in more detail about each of the above-mentioned most unpleasant diseases that accompany long-term pain on the right, and, occasionally, severe girdling pain. Pain in the lower abdomen is possible, which accumulates and seethes not only in front, in the hypochondrium, but sometimes also radiates to the groin.

Causes of pain in the right hypochondrium in front

Liver diseases cause long-term, dull or bursting pain and a feeling of heaviness. The next disease on our list is various hepatitis.

They come in different types:

  • Viral;
  • Alcohol;
  • Toxic.

Hepatitis gives full picture intoxication (weakness, loss of ability to work, ordinary lethargy) and dyspepsia ( constant nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite). To all this and without that unpleasant symptoms accompanied by severe, almost unbearable pain on the right side, in the upper abdomen, which intensifies with movement. This means that the person needs to see a doctor immediately.

Cirrhosis of the liver also causes discomfort and very severe pain in the right hypochondrium and in the liver area.

Sometimes with this disease there is a tugging sensation in the navel area or even at chest level. You may also experience bloating, tingling, and some other pain symptoms. From time to time a person feels sick. Liver cirrhosis needs to be treated as soon as possible because it usually this disease leads to the death of the patient due to hepatic coma.

Echinococcosis is another unpleasant disease, characterized by pain in the right hypochondrium. It is caused by the worm Echinococcus, a cyst is formed, which, as it grows, festers and creates suppuration in the liver - the so-called liver abscess. At the same time, it increases general temperature, and blood poisoning may also develop.

The colon gland is often associated with colitis, causes severe, unbearable pain in the side in front and should be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible. Sometimes it can cause pain when inhaling and exhaling, when walking and standing still, while standing or lying down.

It should be remembered: no one is immune from these diseases: neither Small child, not a teenager, not a middle-aged man or woman, not an elderly person. Everyone may one day encounter this diagnosis, and not only the success of treatment of everything depends on the timely response to pain symptoms of this disease, but also quality and life expectancy.

And finally, a lot has been said about gallbladder diseases. It is better to lead a healthy lifestyle: do not neglect physical activity, eat more vegetables and fruits to drink more water and do not abuse fatty, salty and sweet foods, so as not to lead to the appearance of any real, serious problems with the kidneys or in general with the body’s excretory system.

Why does pain occur on the right side under the ribs in front?

A person should see a doctor if they experience even the slightest pain, or even the chance that it may develop into pancreatitis, appendicitis or cancer.

If you experience pain in the right hypochondrium, you should contact one of the following doctors::

  • Gastroenterologist;
  • Gynecologist;
  • Infectious disease specialist;
  • Surgeon;
  • Traumatologist.

The last two points are related to the fact that pain in the right hypochondrium can mean injuries to the lower ribs, intercostal nerves, which can radiate here right kidney; adrenal gland and/or inferior vena cava. That is why, when the slightest pain under the ribs on the right (in the right hypochondrium), you must immediately make an appointment with a specialist. Even a seemingly harmless pulsation in a given area can be a symptom of something incomparably more dangerous than it may seem at first glance or at first sensation.

What diseases cause pain under the right rib in front

Pain in the right hypochondrium can also mean such a dangerous and difficult-to-treat disease as pyelonephritis. This term is called acute inflammation kidney, in this case the right one, its malfunction or prolapse. Kidney problems are fraught with cancer or disorder of all body systems, immediate or delayed fatal. Therefore, this disease, of course, must be treated as soon as possible.

In addition, pain in the right hypochondrium may be associated with such kidney diseases, How:

  • Urolithiasis disease;
  • Kidney cancer;
  • Acute upper paranephritis.

How pain on the right under the ribs in the side can manifest itself as osteochondrosis of the lumbar or other parts of the spine, herpes zoster, intercostal neuralgia. Sometimes the cause of aching and stabbing in the right side under the ribs or in the stomach is an ordinary psychosomatic disorder.

In this case, a sick person can only wish a very good psychotherapist or psychiatrist, as well as a lot of patience for the patient’s family and friends.

Sometimes such psychosomatic pain is associated with an old wound that did not receive proper treatment at the time, or solely with the patient’s frayed nerves. In any case, a qualified psychiatrist will help you deal with this disease. Nevertheless, you cannot refuse to visit a doctor, assuming you have psychosomatics and attributing real problems in the body to it.

Types of pain and why there is colitis in the right side under the ribs

It is often difficult for a doctor to make a diagnosis based solely on the patient’s words that there is a tingling, rumbling, or presence of a mild wandering pain or spasms in the intercostal space.

Therefore, I consider it necessary to provide here full classification various types pain, as well as related diseases:

  • Acute pain(gallbladder problems);
  • Burning pain, cutting (cholecystitis);
  • Blunt pain ( chronic inflammation gallbladder);
  • Severe, sharp pain (acute hepatitis);
  • Nagging pain (chronic hepatitis);
  • Aching pain (biliary dyskinesia);
  • Pressing pain (psychosomatic disorder or problems with the biliary tract);
  • Throbbing pain (pancreatitis);
  • Bursting pain (chronic pancreatitis);
  • Stitching pain (pathology of the right kidney);
  • Night pain (duodenal ulcer).

If you notice these symptoms, you should go to the doctor and describe in detail your pain and the unpleasant symptoms that are bothering you. Only then will he be able to correctly diagnose and prescribe treatment adequate to the disease that is bothering you.

Heaviness in the right side

Heaviness and pain in the right hypochondrium or just below sometimes occurs due to acute heart failure, which is sometimes accompanied by liver edema.

May also occur with the following diseases and syndromes:

  • Hepatitis;
  • Hepatosis;
  • Chronic cholecystitis;
  • Appendicitis;
  • Hypomotor biliary dyskinesia.

Is it worth mentioning that all these diseases are quite unpleasant, extremely dangerous, and require urgent and urgent intervention by qualified medical personnel

Why does it hurt in the right hypochondrium (video)

In order to at least approximately determine the cause of pain on the right side opposite the heart, it is necessary to pay attention to the nature of the disturbing pain and the symptoms accompanying it. It will also be very important to communicate this same information to the attending physician, who must subsequently be contacted to establish an accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Pain on the right side chest may occur due to inflammatory processes in the lungs - or pneumonia. In this case, it is usually spasmodic in nature and can intensify when sneezing or turning over from one side to the other. Associated symptoms of such diseases are noises in the lungs, difficulty breathing, coughing With possible appearance sputum. If there is no fever and the cough is persistent, this may also indicate the presence of a tumor in the lungs.

If a sharp pain in the chest began in the region of the heart, and then began to radiate with a sharp impulse to the right, it may indicate a heart attack - myocardial infarction. With such pain, you must immediately call an ambulance, otherwise everything can end in death.

Dull, squeezing pain throughout the chest, but radiating into spasm in the hypochondrium and squeezing the esophagus, occurs with pericarditis - a lesion serous membrane hearts. This disease is especially difficult to diagnose because its symptoms are similar to various disorders cardiac activity.

Usually the pain with this disease intensifies during take a deep breath or in a supine position. Additional symptoms pericarditis - swelling of the veins in the neck and swelling of the face.

Systematic paroxysmal pain often accompanies the most common type coronary disease heart - angina pectoris. Usually nitroglycerin and complete rest in a horizontal position help get rid of it.

If angina pectoris occurs, you should still consult a doctor, since it almost always recurs, and the pain can get worse each time.

Acute pain in the right side of the chest is a symptom of various liver diseases, such as cholecystitis and hepatitis. Unbearable pain can also occur with diseases, in particular cholelithiasis. Usually in such cases you can notice the whites of the patient’s eyes with yellowish tint, tongue with white or yellow coating, and when pressing on the liver or gallstone, the pain opposite the heart may intensify.

Aching and nagging pain in the chest on the right can be caused by trauma or bruise of the chest, excessive physical activity or intercostal neuralgia. As a rule, it gets worse when you inhale or cough.

How to get rid of pain on the right side opposite the heart

To get rid of pain in the right side of the chest, it is necessary to determine and eliminate the cause of its occurrence. And only a doctor can do this. With such a symptom, it is important to contact a specialist in time and describe to him the nature of the pain in as much detail as possible.


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Pain in the area hearts are one of the most common reasons why people apply for emergency care. At the same time, pain in the area hearts do not always mean that the problem lies in the heart. Often she is not connected to him at all. However, if you still experience pain in the chest area and do not know anything about the condition of your own of cardio-vascular system, it's worth your time to find out real reason pain.


There are special methods that can help the cause of pain in the area. The most famous of which is electrocardiography (ECG). This method helps the doctor to diagnose accurate diagnosis diseases hearts. In this case it is written electrical activity hearts through special electrodes placed on the skin. At the same time, the impulses hearts are written in the form of "teeth". Because a damaged muscle hearts will not be able to conduct electrical impulses normally, the ECG may indicate that the patient has a disease hearts.

Blood tests. Your doctor may prescribe certain enzymes to test for elevated levels. During myocardial infarction, damage to the heart cells leads to the release of these enzymes and their entry into the bloodstream.

Angiography is a test that helps to see hearts, as well as the obstacles that exist in them. Contrasting liquid substance injected directly into the arteries hearts through a special catheter - a long hollow tube that is passed through an artery (usually the femoral) to the heart. With help x-rays arteries and become visible.

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The liver is the largest and very important digestive gland. Its weight is about 1.5 kg. The liver is involved in metabolic processes and in accumulation in the body various substances. It promotes the production of bile, synthesizes proteins and vitamins, and also converts toxins into safe substances.


Liver diseases are characterized by dull aching pain or a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium. These pains are constant throughout the day, intensify with physical activity, driving, eating fats, fried or spicy foods and calm down with rest.

Liver diseases may be characterized by muscle weakness, fast fatiguability, lethargy, irritability, decreased performance, fat intolerance and loss of appetite.

During liver disease, you may sometimes see yellow skin appear. At the same time, dark-colored urine and discoloration of feces are noted. Against the background of jaundice, especially if it lasts for a long time, it develops itchy skin, which indicates an increase in the amount of bile components in the blood.

The hardest diffuse disease liver is cirrhosis of the liver. Among external symptoms illness can be noted malaise, bad dream, weakness. Jaundice, itching and hemorrhages on the skin appear periodically. A sick person due to impaired digestion and absorption.

Very often on the skin you can observe the expansion of small blood vessels. The skin of the palms turns red and enlarges. Characterized by pain in the right hypochondrium and abdominal enlargement.

Helpful advice

Often, many liver diseases occur with mild clinical symptoms, however, the complication itself can pose a huge threat human health and even life. Therefore, if you suspect liver disease or to prevent its development, consult a doctor and, if necessary, undergo ultrasound examination, computed tomography or laparoscopy.

Some diseases are generally asymptomatic (hepatic steatosis, hemangioma) and are detected only by ultrasound by an increase in the size of the liver.

Most often it stings under the chest during sports. This is one of the types of abdominal pain. Pain under the right breast may be due to problems such as gallstones, appendicitis, chest fracture and other reasons.


Inflammation of the appendix, vermiform appendix attached to the intestines is appendicitis. Main symptom of this disease - abdominal pain. Mild fever, nausea and vomiting are other symptoms of this problem. The pain that is felt in the right side comes from. At first she may not be strong, but deaf.


Digestive juice, thickening, enters. These clots are called gallstones. In this case, you should stop eating until the problem is resolved with proper treatment. Pain in the lower chest is the main symptom of this disease. This pain may involve the upper back on the right side, and the entire right side of the chest. Nausea, vomiting and gas in the stomach are other symptoms of this disease.

Colic in the side

In this case, the patient feels sharp pain in the side just below the rib cage. As a rule, people feel such pain while performing physical exercise and after jogging or walking.

Colic may occur due to contraction of the liver or spleen.

Diaphragmatic ischemia, parietal peritoneal irritation and imbalance thoracic spine These are other causes of colic.

Chest fracture

Acute pain may be felt as a result of the chest. A common reason for this is physical injury. Most often, injury occurs directly. But sometimes a person can get seriously injured.

People with osteoporosis are especially susceptible to these types of fractures. If you experience severe pain, you should immediately consult a doctor, as it is often accompanied by damage to the spleen, lungs, or blood vessels.

Since there can be many causes of pain in the lower chest, treatment should be carried out only after a correct diagnosis. Chest pain in itself is not a disease, but a symptom of one of many disorders.


With this disease, the mucous membranes of the lungs and other parts of the chest become inflamed. Becomes. Acute pain is caused by friction of the pleural layers. Pleurisy occurs as a result of pneumonia or tuberculosis and an infection. Others – chest injury, rheumatoid arthritis, skin tuberculosis.

Intestinal obstruction

The disease occurs as a result of intestinal volvulus or a blocking object entering the intestine. At the same time, convulsions are felt, which either intensify or weaken. The pain may become acute after eating. Another symptom of intestinal obstruction is loose stool.


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Chest pain is familiar to many people. Depending on the nature, duration and location of the pain, various diagnoses are made, which help prescribe the correct treatment, and sometimes save lives.

Pain in the chest is always very scary for a person. There are several cases of exacerbation of diseases when you should not think about it, but need to immediately call an ambulance:
- myocardial infarction - burning pain in the chest area that does not go away fifteen minutes after taking nitroglycerin, and the pain goes to the left arm and;
- an attack of angina pectoris - pain appears during physical activity, overeating, stress and does not go away after rest and taking medication;
- peptic ulcer - dull pain in the chest, disturbing when eating;
- embolism pulmonary artery– chest pain is acute, which intensifies when inhaling air;
- dissecting aortic aneurysm - intense throbbing pain;
- pericarditis – pressing pain constant character, intensifying after a deep breath.

Causes of chest pain

Treatment for chest pain

Treatment of all diseases accompanied by chest pain is necessary after consultation with a specialist. Classic treatment is based on the use of anti-infective and antibacterial drugs.

You can put mustard plasters in it, various compresses, banks, but this is only for mild forms of bronchitis. It is also necessary to avoid stress on the nervous system so as not to cause exacerbation of diseases.

In order for the treatment to be high-quality and effective, it is necessary to correctly establish the diagnosis. To do this, you need to contact a specialized institution for specialist consultation, appointment and necessary tests.

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The liver is one of the most important organs human body, responsible for filtering the body from various poisons. The organ is involved in the metabolism and blood circulation of the body. In case of pronounced pain in the liver area, its cause should be established and consult a specialist.

Symptoms of liver diseases

The liver itself cannot hurt due to the absence of pain centers or receptors in it that would signal the onset of pathological processes. Painful symptoms are most often caused in the membrane that is located on the liver, or in organs located in close proximity, for example, in the biliary tract or stomach.

The pain associated with pain in the liver area can be aching and intensify with excessive physical activity. Acute pain may be felt in the back or neck, depending on the intensity and location of the source. Liver diseases are characterized by a feeling of heaviness in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium, as in daytime days, and .

Liver pain usually worsens after eating heavy fatty, fried or spicy food in large quantities. In some cases it feels bad smell from the mouth, bitterness, flatulence, heartburn, diarrhea, and sometimes constipation.

Causes of pain syndrome

Pain may be caused various factors. Common cause harsh pain Excessive physical activity occurs in the liver area, which can negatively affect the functioning of the organ.

The development of pain is greatly influenced by the presence of a large amount of harmful substances in the organ caused by ingestion of food. increased content harmful substances, which can be difficult to recycle digestive system. Common cause of illness bile ducts and stomach is abused alcoholic drinks, which provoke the appearance of pain.

A large amount of stress and the presence of diseases associated with nervous system humans are also factors that negatively affect the liver.

Pain in the liver can be a signal of the presence of diseases associated with a person’s biliary tract and digestive system. So, pain in the hypochondrium occurs due to gastritis, cholangitis, pancreatitis. Some doctors also point to irritable bowel disease as a factor in discomfort. Among more serious illnesses, which can even cause the death of the patient, cirrhosis, amyloidosis, hepatitis, abscess, as well as cancer or benign formations in the organ.

To prevent further development illnesses and cope with unpleasant sensations, must be excluded from your diet junk food and seek advice from a gastroenterologist or hepatologist who will help cope with the disease and diagnose correct diagnosis. This can help in the future to get rid of pain and eliminate the occurrence of unwanted complications.

Aching pain in the left side of the chest is indirect sign various diseases. This pain can be caused by angina pectoris, intercostal neuralgia and osteochondrosis. As a rule, the pain increases with walking or physical activity. It is necessary to undergo a medical examination, and the diagnosis will depend further treatment.

Vague chest pain may indicate various diseases: cardiac dysfunction such as angina pectoris, exacerbation of osteochondrosis, intercostal neuralgia. The etiology of these diseases is completely different, so the treatment required is different. Each of the listed pathologies, in addition to aching chest pain, has additional symptoms.

Heart diseases

You should never ignore pain in a part of your chest, because this is where the most important organ Our body is the heart, and first of all, it is necessary to exclude its pathology.

Pain in the heart appears due to deterioration of the trophism of the heart muscle. If the lumen of the vessels supplying the heart is narrowed by atherosclerotic plaques or vascular spasm occurs, then the transfer of oxygen to the cells of the heart tissue becomes difficult, and the heart begins to signal a violation. The aching nature of the pain and localization on the left side of the chest signal coronary heart disease, which most often manifests itself in angina pectoris. Additional symptoms of this disease are increased blood pressure, dizziness, feeling of air.

If such pain occurs sharply and suddenly, contact an ambulance immediately. When there is no such opportunity, do everything necessary actions to relax the heart muscle: lie down in comfortable position, unbutton all your clothes, try not to worry. If the pain does not subside, you should take pharmacological preparations, which dilate the blood vessels of the heart. Such medications include nitroglycerin. Even if the cause of the pain is not a disruption of the heart, then with a single use it will not cause harm to the body.

You should definitely consult a doctor who will prescribe the necessary diagnostic examination: electrocardiography, ultrasonography heart, Doppler sonography and other methods. When the diagnosis is established, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment with drugs from the cardiac group.


With osteochondrosis, pain appears initially in the. Often the deposition of salts in this area provokes aching pain in the chest. Pain increases with sudden extension movements upper section spine. It is difficult for such patients to stand or sit in one position.

For help, it is important to contact a specialist who will prescribe an X-ray examination of the spine and make a final diagnosis. Treatment usually involves limiting physical activity and the prescription of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. A course of physical therapy will help prevent exacerbations of osteochondrosis. Charging and special exercises must be repeated daily.

Intercostal neuralgia

Aching pain in the left chest is often a symptom of intercostal neuralgia. This disease occurs after hypothermia or severe nervous shock; its characteristic is that pain symptom intensifies and becomes intolerable.

A doctor's help is required. After confirming the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe competent treatment. For intercostal neuralgia, the panacea consists of warm rubbing with anti-inflammatory ointments, and painkillers are also prescribed. Patients are advised to dress warmly and avoid drafts.

The appearance of tingling in the right side, accompanied by painful sensations, is often a symptom of a malfunction of an organ. There are several possible causes that cause stabbing pain in the right side of the abdomen; however, only a doctor can accurately diagnose its origin.

Another cause of stabbing pain in the right side may be the pancreas or an attack of acute pancreatitis, in which the pain intensifies in a horizontal position and even radiates to the spine. Colic is also accompanied by vomiting, nausea and severe chills - however, the body temperature remains normal. To identify inflammation of the pancreas by detecting special enzymes in it that are typical for its damage, you need to undergo medical examination.

Stitching in the right side of the abdomen can also be due to kidney disease - for example, the presence of stones in them. Wherein renal colic, which is considered one of the most painful, will pass in waves, reaching maximum pain at the peak of the wave, and radiate to the back or groin area. Often, tingling in the right side can be caused by inflammation of the cecum - typhlitis, as well as inflammatory process in the right ovary.

Helpful advice

If there is severe stabbing pain in any right side of the abdomen, you must call an ambulance without taking painkillers, which can blur the picture of the disease.