She graduated from medical university and works as a gynecologist. Specialty obstetrics

The gynecologist examines and treats purely women's problems related to reproductive system. The doctor can also perform the functions of an obstetrician, that is, he manages pregnancy and childbirth.

As long as humanity exists, it will need experienced doctors. This profession is considered one of the honorable ones, and a gynecologist is one of the five most necessary professions in medecine. Our level of training for such specialists is very good.

Requirements for the profession

A gynecologist must always be able to win over the patient, that is, he must also have knowledge. Of course, there is stress, emotional overload, and overwork, just like in other jobs. Therefore, the doctor must be self-possessed and calm, especially when communicating with women. Hard work, composure, accuracy and the ability to empathize, and lack of disgust are welcomed. And of course tall professional level knowledge.


  • examination of patients on the chair;
  • providing referrals for tests, other specialists or ultrasound;
  • counseling women about contraception;
  • consultation and management of pregnant women, assistance during childbirth;
  • consultation on topics gynecological diseases;
  • breast examination;
  • preventive work, mandatory points should be noted preventive examinations women of any age.

Place of work:

  • public hospitals;
  • mother and child center;
  • private clinics;
  • clinics dermatovenerology;
  • private practice.

The profession of gynecologist is in great demand. Every 5 years, a doctor must undergo advanced training courses and pass an exam. He also offers the opportunity to study in paid courses and participate in seminars.

There is a division into categories. A gynecologist receives the second category after 2-3 years of work, after 5-7 years - the first, after 10 years of practice - the highest. In order to receive the highest category, the doctor writes a special paper. It indicates the knowledge and skills that he acquired in the process of work. Part of the work is research. Hospital doctor highest category Must be able to perform operations and be proficient in ultrasound. A doctor of the highest category who works, for example, in a antenatal clinic or at a reception, of course, does not perform surgery.

Thus, a doctor becomes a specialist within 10 years of constant practice. In Europe there is no such qualification, but it goes without saying that real experience comes after 10 years of work.

Study chemistry and physics in depth. On recent years study, enroll in a specialized medical or chemical-biological school. They provide in-depth training in the subjects you need. In addition, such schools usually enter into agreements with medical universities for preferential admission of their graduates.

Of course, not in all populated areas there are specialized schools. But in this case, there is also a way out. Go to medical school or school. This will increase your chances of getting into your chosen profession.

Next, go to medical university. A medical student receives basic training for 5 years. Try to finally decide on your future specialization by the 4th year and start attending subject clubs in this area.

The future doctor directly specializes already in the 6th year (in the so-called “subordination”).

If you have the opportunity and strength to work during your senior years, do it too with an eye to the future. Choose a maternity hospital or antenatal clinic where you would like to work after graduation. Get a job there at least as a nurse, but tell them that you are a medical student. You will definitely be given the opportunity to acquire the necessary skills and prove yourself.

After graduating from university, continue your education in an internship or internship, where you get based on the results of a competitive exam. During this period of study, the young doctor is assigned to a more experienced specialist. The novice doctor treats patients and learns to operate, but under the supervision of his mentor. The young specialist does not even have the right to sign; his supervisor or the head of the department signs the documents with him.

After 2-3 years of work, the doctor is assigned category 2. After 5-7 years he has the right to receive. And after 10 years practical work- the highest.

To obtain the last category, an obstetrician-gynecologist must write a special paper indicating the skills and knowledge that he possesses. Some of the material should be research.

The same doctor working in an antenatal clinic must know the whole range of gynecological diseases, be familiar with issues related to the prevention of abortion and family planning, substitution hormonal therapy and so on.

Consequently, it turns out that a doctor becomes a specialist only 10 years after graduation.

A doctor is a special profession. Not every person can become a doctor.

A person who decides to devote himself to this profession must have certain qualities:

  1. First of all, you need to have the appropriate abilities, thanks to which you will be able to assimilate the enormous amount of information given at a medical university, and will subsequently be able to apply it in practice. A good memory alone is not enough for this. You don't just need to study everything medical literature and textbooks proposed by teachers, it is important to be able to apply the knowledge acquired at the university in practice, in the process of treating patients.

  2. The second important quality is the ability to compassion, the ability to understand a person’s pain, to sympathize with his misfortune. But this should in no way interfere with medical practice.

  3. It is very important for a doctor to be able to make the right decision and implement it, first of all, to treat not the disease, but the patient.

The medical profession is very multifaceted and diverse. If you decide to become, you should think about.


He is usually called the “king of doctors”, since first of all they go to him for an examination, and only then he refers the patient to a specialized specialist.

Family doctor

In contrast, he not only examines the patient, but also prescribes treatment, monitors the progress of the disease, and makes decisions about possible hospitalization or inviting a specialist.

Darwin did not take into account this situation in the world,
at which smart people have fewer children than stupid people.


How can you trust a creature
which bleeds every month and does not die?!

Ch. Bukowski

Gynecology (from the Greek - “woman” and “study”) is a branch of medicine that studies diseases characteristic only of the woman’s body, primarily diseases of the female reproductive system. Most gynecologists on modern stage They are also obstetricians.

Gynecology is closely related to obstetrics, which studies phenomena in female body related to pregnancy and childbirth, from the moment of conception to the end postpartum period; it is also close to surgery and other departments practical medicine, nervous, internal medicine etc.; outstanding representatives of gynecology were in the vast majority at the same time obstetricians or surgeons; But sex life a woman is so complex, so influences the functions of all organs of her body, and pathological changes Its sexual spheres are so numerous and varied that gynecology itself became a separate science.

The history of medicine indicates that in ancient times the development of obstetrics, gynecology and surgery went hand in hand; in the books of Moses, the Prophets, the Talmud, etc. there is clear information about midwives, menstruation, women's diseases and methods of their treatment. Judging by the books of Hippocrates, knowledge of gynecology was quite extensive at that time (400 BC). In the Middle Ages, the development of the profession slowed down, but it was at this time that gynecology was separated from obstetrics. Renaissance and New Age become a new stage active development profession, which led to its flourishing in the 19th century. The 20th century systematized the diseases to be managed by gynecology, many specializations of gynecologists and modern methods treatment of gynecological diseases.

Personal qualities

Composure, efficiency, ability to empathize, accuracy.

average salary

From 30,000 to 90,000 rubles per month, depending on experience and place of work.

Education (What do you need to know?)

The work of a gynecologist is not associated with physical difficulties. It requires deep knowledge in the field of the female reproductive system and high professionalism. Discussion intimate issues requires a sense of tact and psychological sensitivity from the doctor. The most common gynecological issues: pregnancy, termination of pregnancy (abortion), contraception, cervical erosion, uterine fibroids.

Specialties of universities and colleges

Place of work and career

Women often have to deal with issues of contraception, infectious diseases and other intimate health problems. Therefore, the profession of a gynecologist is traditionally in demand. In private clinics and specialized medical centers The work of a gynecologist is highly paid.

Related professions:

Where to study?

Universities by specialty Speciality Forms
Cost per year
point (2018)

Medical Faculty

General Medicine

Full-time (6 years)

free (270 seats)
140 000

Medical Faculty

General Medicine

Full-time (6 years)

free (300 seats)
180 000

Faculty of Treatment and Prevention

General Medicine

Full-time (6 years)

free (275 seats)
150 000

Colleges and technical schools by specialty Speciality

Who is an obstetrician-gynecologist

Obstetrics is a branch of medicine where medical workers work in two directions: medium medical officer(obstetrician) and obstetrician-gynecologist. An obstetrician must graduate from college and receive a diploma. His responsibilities include physical and psychological preparation for childbirth. When a doctor performs emergency delivery procedures, an obstetrician delivers the baby. An obstetrician-gynecologist is a specialist with higher education and a doctor's diploma. He must know everything about the process, pathologies and complications of childbirth.

Competence of an obstetrician-gynecologist

Under the tireless supervision of an obstetrician-gynecologist, everything goes through, from the decision of conception, the pregnancy process, the patient’s first visit, management of the entire pregnancy and the birth of the baby. Spectrum of responsibilities this doctor is monitoring expectant mother, assistance in the event of toxicosis, management of childbirth and necessary actions successful delivery, as well as, if necessary, surgical intervention with suturing.

After pregnancy planning consultation, the obstetrician-gynecologist recommends comprehensive examination, studies test data, on the basis of which, if necessary, prescribes effective treatment and monitors the dynamics. A professional obstetrician-gynecologist strongly advises a pregnant woman to undergo the necessary additional examination to exclude genetic pathologies and infections. After confirmation of pregnancy, the woman is registered and undergoes regular routine examinations. The doctor monitors the condition of the child and mother throughout the entire pregnancy. An obstetrician-gynecologist is authorized to raise the issue of the need for a cesarean section or early birth. The doctor accompanies the expectant mother during childbirth and monitors the progress of delivery, makes emergency decisions if necessary, and also receives the child, providing first aid if necessary.

What organs does an obstetrician-gynecologist deal with?

The list of organs dealt with by an obstetrician-gynecologist includes:

  • The ovaries are paired female genital organs that perform a generative function and are glands internal secretion that produce sex hormones.
  • The uterus is an unpaired hollow muscular organ in which the fetus is born.
  • Vagina - genital internal organ women, located in the pelvis between bladder And urethra. At the bottom it opens with the opening of the vagina (in virgins the opening is closed by the hymen).
  • Labia majora - two skin folds, protecting the vagina from the external environment.
  • The labia minora is part of the external genitalia (vulva), located longitudinally from the labia majora.
  • The fallopian tubes are a tubular paired organ.
  • The ovarian appendages are located between the ovary and the end of the fallopian tube.

What diseases does an obstetrician-gynecologist treat?

The profession of an obstetrician-gynecologist requires skills in treating and diagnosing the following diseases:

  • STIs (sexually transmitted infections). These include mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, candidiasis (thrush), gardnerellosis, bacterial vaginosis, trichomoniasis, genital herpes, ureaplasmosis, human papillomavirus infection.
  • Diseases of the uterus (endometriosis, endometritis, fibroids, uterine fibroids).
  • Disease fallopian tubes(salpingitis).
  • Pathology of the cervix (polyps, erosions) and ovaries.
  • Ovarian cyst.
  • Identification of infertility problems (causes, treatment, adjustment of treatment and results).
  • Inflammation of the female genital organs (vaginitis, vulvitis, colpitis, endometritis, cervicitis, etc.).
  • Female infertility.
  • Menopausal syndromes during menopause.
  • Hypomenstrual and hypermenstrual syndrome (menstrual irregularities).
  • Treatment of pregnancy pathologies (early birth, miscarriages, ectopic conception).
  • Treatment of injuries and inflammatory processes reproductive organs(cervical rupture, etc.)

In what situations should you contact an obstetrician-gynecologist?

Every woman who cares about her health certainly has a permanent obstetrician-gynecologist to whom she can turn with questions and complaints. You should visit a doctor in the following cases:

  • You are 15 years old, but your period has not arrived.
  • Strong during menstruation painful sensations.
  • During the menstrual period heavy bleeding lasting more than 10 days.
  • After menstrual period, bleeding continues for more than 3 weeks.
  • There is itching, burning in the vaginal area, bad smell and pain.
  • Pain during sexual intercourse.
  • Not the onset of menstruation during active sexual activity.
  • No menstruation for more than 3 months in the absence of sexual activity.
  • Burning and pain when urinating.
  • The appearance of papillary growths and roughness in the genital area.

Laboratory tests that an obstetrician-gynecologist may order

When planning pregnancy, as well as when it occurs, the obstetrician-gynecologist prescribes the following studies:

  • Tests to detect infectious diseases, including STDs.
  • Tests that determine the presence of antibodies to bacteria and viruses.
  • Hormonal and genetic examination.
  • Determination of thyroid function.
  • General analysis urine and blood, as well as biochemical blood.
  • Immunological examination.

What responsibilities are assigned to an obstetrician-gynecologist?

After the successful completion of childbirth, the gynecologist is obliged to accompany the child and mother after childbirth. This includes consultation, routine examinations and maintenance therapy. So, the range of daily responsibilities of an obstetrician-gynecologist is:

  • Examination of pregnant women and women in labor. Measurement blood pressure, temperature, checking body weight, swelling and measuring the abdomen. The height of the uterine fundus and its tone are measured, and the fetal heartbeat is also listened to.
  • Carrying out Doppler sonography, collecting materials for analysis, which includes smears for flora.
  • Psychological preparation for childbirth, monitoring the condition of the woman in labor and the fetus during contractions, monitoring and intensity of the frequency of contractions.
  • Reception of the fetus, initial examination after delivery, measurement and weight of the newborn, attaching a clothespin to the umbilical cord and processing it.
  • Checking the integrity of the placenta after childbirth.
  • Surgical intervention by caesarean section, if necessary, as well as other surgical interventions.
  • Performing specific procedures during childbirth (rotating the fetus, using squeezing techniques, establishing a vacuum).
  • Squeezing the uterus to contract it, applying sutures in case of ruptures, prescribing medications.

Only a highly qualified obstetrician-gynecologist has the right to conduct pathological or premature births.

In order to choose a professional obstetrician-gynecologist, you should pay attention to many years of practice, internship in a good foreign clinic and excellent recommendations among the staff and women in labor.

What does the obstetrician-gynecologist examine at the first appointment?

So that the first appointment does not come as a surprise to the patient, you should know the sequence of actions of the doctor, which includes:

  • Listening to complaints, the suspected presence or absence of pregnancy and filling out a medical record.
  • Examination of the mammary glands.
  • Examination in a gynecological chair using a mirror (special device).
  • Collecting swabs for analysis.
  • Manual examination by palpation. Sometimes palpation through the vagina or anus.
  • Determining the presence and duration of pregnancy.
  • If necessary, tests are prescribed (blood and urine tests, ultrasound, etc.)
  • If a pathology is detected, treatment and consultation with the necessary specialists are prescribed.

When planning a child, you should create favorable conditions for conception and further course throughout the entire pregnancy, visit doctors, get tested and get vaccinated.

During pregnancy they are often activated chronic diseases, previously not bothered.

X-rays should not be taken during pregnancy. Availability carious teeth and gum disease become sources of infection that affect the course of pregnancy, so you should visit a dentist before conceiving.

If the expectant mother has progressive myopia, doctors recommend a cesarean section.

A visit to a geneticist is mandatory if there are genetic diseases in the family of the future parents.

Before planning a pregnancy for effective conception, it is advisable to consult the future father with an andrologist, and the mother with a gynecologist.

A professional obstetrician-gynecologist will prescribe the necessary list of vaccinations, tests and examinations, competently approaching each individual case, taking into account the characteristics of the body.

A gynecologist examines and treats women's problems related to the reproductive system, and also manages pregnancy and provides support before, during and after childbirth.


30,000–80,000 rub. (

Place of work

Gynecologists work in public hospitals and private clinics, antenatal clinics, mother and child centers, dermatovenerology clinics.


The main task of a gynecologist is prevention, timely detection and treatment of female diseases. To do this, a specialist examines patients and provides referrals for tests or visits to more specialized specialists. Upon completion of the examination, the doctor makes a diagnosis and prescribes treatment.

A gynecologist can advise women on contraception, preparation for pregnancy, and treatment of gynecological diseases.

The key role of a gynecologist is preventive work, excluding the development of pathologies and infections that can cause infertility or the development of cancer. All women are recommended to undergo examinations at least twice a year, so specialists always have a lot of work to do, and the responsibility is extremely high.

Important qualities

The following qualities are important in the profession: responsibility, confidence in own strength, sociability, friendliness, resistance to stress, a sense of compassion and a desire to help patients.

Reviews about the profession

“I don’t like it when women get sick... There was some kind of impulse, first I graduated from medical school, then I entered medical university and realized that this was mine. Gynecology came later... I love my specialty. And I work with pleasure."

A. N. Chupin,

Stereotypes, humor

A gynecologist examines a young woman who has come for an examination and says:
- Mrs., I have for you good news.
“I’m glad, doctor, but I’m not a missus, I’m a miss.”
- Sorry, miss, I have bad news for you.

- You definitely need to go to my gynecologist.
- But why? I'm fine.
- This is a wonderful doctor, he will definitely find something.


To become a gynecologist, you need to obtain a higher education medical education, but why confirm your qualifications through special testing every 5 years? You can study at universities such as: St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg State Medical University named after Academician I. P. Pavlov, Military Medical Academy named after S. M. Kirov.

Medical universities in Moscow: Moscow State University. Lomonosov, First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov, Russian National Research Medical University RNRMU named after N.I. Pirogov.