How to take compound drops. How to make complex nasal drops for a child? Is it possible to use during pregnancy?

A prolonged runny nose in a child is a serious cause for concern for parents. The lack of effect from ordinary nasal drops is especially alarming. In this case, children may be prescribed complex drops. They are prepared according to an individual recipe, taking into account the type of disease and the characteristics of the patient.

Complex nasal drops: what are they?

Complex nasal drops are products that contain two or more medications. Such drops are prepared by pharmacists according to a doctor’s prescription. They are ordered from pharmacies equipped with a prescription department. The prescription issued by the doctor contains information about the dosage, frequency of use and duration of treatment.

Drops for children can be made at home, but all the rules specified in the instructions for preparation and use must be followed as closely as possible. It is very important to use the components in the proper ratio and maintain sterility, so it is better to entrust the preparation of the drug to an experienced specialist.

Under the influence of complex drops, nasal discharge is reduced and swelling is relieved. In addition, the product helps eliminate the causes of the disease: viral infection, pathogenic bacteria, allergens or fungus. Often these solutions are prescribed for adenoids.

Nasal drops, consisting of two or more components, are selected individually, taking into account the etiology of the disease, the age of the child and the characteristics of his body. In addition, when making drops, the diagnosis, severity of the disease, the patient’s weight and the state of his immune system are taken into account.

Indications for use of complex drops

Complex drops may be prescribed in the following cases:

  • there is no effect from the use of a monocomponent drug or complex therapy;
  • adenoids;
  • while undergoing the treatment prescribed by the doctor, the patient’s condition worsened;
  • protracted course of the disease or its transition to a chronic form;
  • the need for simultaneous administration of several medications;
  • mixed nature of the disease (infectious-allergic, viral-bacterial);
  • severe forms of sinusitis, nasopharyngitis, rhinitis and otitis.

Approximate composition of drops

The composition of complex nasal drops will depend on the nature of the disease. They may contain two or more components. The more ingredients, the more effective the therapy. However, all components of the drops must be correctly selected.

Factors on which the selection of ingredients depends:

  • etiology and type of disease;
  • stage of the disease;
  • patient's age;
  • presence of pathology.

Doctors identify several groups of medications that can be included in complex nasal drops:

Several recipes

Next, we will consider the most common compositions of complex nasal drops. It's not difficult to make them. However, their use is possible only after consultation with an otolaryngologist. Self-medication is fraught with serious consequences.

Recipe No. 1:

Recipe No. 2:

  • mix half an ampoule of Dioxidin, half a bottle of Naphthyzin, one ampoule of Dexamethasone and an ampoule of Diphenhydramine;
  • Pharmacy drops with Dioxidin usually contain a suspension of Hydrocortisone and Adrenaline, but these products are prepared only in pharmacies and not at home.

Recipe No. 3:

  • 5 ml Dioxidine;
  • 2 ml of 2.5% hydrocortisone solution;
  • 1 ml Mezaton;
  • 2 ml Lincomycin.

Recipe No. 4:

Recipe No. 5:

  • a bottle of penicillin for 500 units;
  • Hydrocortisone ampoule;
  • 0.3 ml boiled water;
  • 7 ml Naphthyzin.

There are also formulations that include a larger number of components: for example, Diphenhydramine, Dexamethasone, Cefazolin, Naphthyzin, saline and aloe juice. However, such means can be highly effective in some cases, useless in others and dangerous in still others. Individual selection of ingredients for a recipe is extremely important.

Contraindications to the use of drops

Despite the low systemic absorption of the components of the drops, their use has some limitations and contraindications.

The composition of complex nasal drops is individual for each patient. To prepare this product, several ready-to-use preparations are used. The prescription is drawn up either by a specialist (otolaryngologist) or by a therapist. The choice of components is influenced by age, specificity of the disease, and individual characteristics of the patient.

The main advantage of complex drops is an individual approach to patient treatment. When choosing a regimen, the nature of the disease and age category are taken into account. Drugs that cause allergies or adverse reactions in humans are not used.

A complex product purchased at a city pharmacy belongs to the budget category. In some situations, having a recipe in hand, they make it themselves. For this purpose, ready-to-use medications are purchased. The main dosage forms included in the solution of complex drops act on the problem in a narrowly targeted manner, this allows you to achieve the expected therapeutic result.

The advantages include the fact that during treatment you can change the composition and ratio of components. Recommendations for adjustment are given by the doctor based on changes in the clinical picture of the disease.

There are also negative aspects when using complex drops:

  • shelf life no more than 2 weeks (this is not enough);
  • there is a possibility of complications;
  • there is no guarantee that there will be no adverse reactions during therapy;
  • cannot be used if a person has a cold.

What is it prescribed for?

The main indication that forces the doctor to turn to complex drops is the lack of a positive result when instilling other nasal medications into the nose. The duration of the illness matters. A runny nose that lasts more than two weeks is considered protracted. There is a risk of becoming chronic in a number of serious diseases:

  • adenoiditis;
  • frontite;
  • sinusitis;
  • nasopharyngitis;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • sphenoiditis.

All of them are caused by infectious lesions of the facial sinuses. The nature of inflammation can be any: bacterial, fungal, viral. Complex drops are prescribed at any age. They help children and adults who often suffer from complications (otitis media).

When they are included in the treatment regimen, the patient’s mucus volume decreases and the causes of the runny nose are eliminated. To select the necessary ingredients for 2-, 3- or more-component nasal products, the doctor prescribes tests. They are necessary to determine the etiology of the runny nose. The ingredients depend on the nature of the infection.

Components of complex nasal drops

You cannot prepare nasal medicine at your own discretion. The composition is determined by the doctor after a complete examination of the patient and identification of the root causes of the disease. When choosing active ingredients, the patient’s age category, the likelihood of allergies and other diseases are taken into account.

If a bacterial infection is detected, then a solution of “Dioxidine”, which has antimicrobial properties, is used for treatment. The scope of application is quite wide. It shows high effectiveness against most types of bacteria. A 1% solution of “Dioxidine” is produced and packaged in 10 ml ampoules. The active substance is hydroxymethylquinoxaline dioxide.

A hormonal drug that is prescribed with caution at an early age. The product has several therapeutic properties:

  • relieves inflammation in the mucous tissues of the nasal cavity;
  • activates the activity of receptors (steroid);
  • reduces the percentage of prostaglandins;
  • stimulates the synthesis of interferons, increases immunity (local).

In the process of using Hydrocortisone, the nose gets rid of congestion, the medicine reduces swelling of the mucous membrane. Itching and other painful sensations go away. The product is used topically, so there is guaranteed to be no systemic effect due to the fact that a minimal amount of the substance enters the bloodstream.

A glucocorticosteroid hormone that constricts blood vessels, reduces swelling and inflammation, and eliminates allergic manifestations. "Dexamethasone" is included in recipes for complex solutions for ENT diseases of an infectious or allergic nature. Long-term use is contraindicated for patients of any age category. Any hormonal drugs have an age limit of 6 years.

A medicine with a strong vasoconstrictor effect. It is contraindicated for babies aged 0-12 months. The nasal drug "Naphthyzin" is sold in a bottle with a dropper. Various volumes: 2, 5, 10, 15, 20 ml. When applied, it has a quick effect. You can use it for no more than a week. There are contraindications:

  • diabetes;
  • sensitivity to naphazoline;
  • state of chronic rhinitis;
  • eye diseases.

Antihistamine agent. "Suprastin" is included in multicomponent nasal solutions in the treatment of sinusitis, allergic and other severe forms. It is prescribed to patients diagnosed with bronchial asthma.

The medicine is an antibiotic. It is indicated if bacteria are the cause of rhinitis, sinusitis, and sinusitis. Do not use a solution with Gentamicin if an adult (child) has a runny nose: vasomotor, viral, allergic. You can purchase this medicine as a solution, powder, or eye drops.

Contains phenylephrine hydrochloride (active substance). When it enters the nose, the volume of mucus released decreases, the lumen of blood vessels narrows, and nasal breathing normalizes. "Mezaton" is indicated for a number of ENT diseases:

  • purulent rhinitis (acute);
  • purulent sinusitis;
  • hay fever

The drug eliminates the symptoms, but does not eliminate the cause that led to the inflammation.

Even infants are treated with solutions containing Streptomycin. It inhibits the activity of bacteria. To reduce pain, it is combined with Diphenhydramine (1% solution in ampoules).

The multicomponent drops contain antihistamines. Diphenhydramine is preferably included in prescriptions for allergic-type ENT diseases. Its medicinal properties help with swelling and itching. These symptoms are characteristic of all types of allergic rhinitis.

This is an alpha-adrenergic agonist, its properties help restore full nasal breathing for 8 hours. Actions of the drug:

  • constricts blood vessels;
  • prevents the occurrence of edema;
  • soothes irritation.

This drug is often found in. “Xylene” helps restore sleep and restore the child’s appetite.

In order to restore normal nasal breathing, doctors resort to the use of vasoconstrictor medications. This category includes Farmazolin. Therapy with drops containing this type of medication lasts 5 days. Violation of this recommendation can lead to mucosal atrophy.

A drug belonging to the group of decohexants. Its purpose is to narrow blood vessels. This is one of the main ingredients of multi-component drops. This type of medication is needed to eliminate swelling and normalize breathing. Nazivin is convenient to use when preparing complex solutions on your own.

Recipes for preparing solutions

The proportions of active components are of great importance. Doctors indicate the dosage of medications and the interval between doses in prescriptions. With your prescription, you need to go to the pharmacy where competent pharmacists in the prescription department will prepare drops of the required composition. There are recipes that you can prepare yourself.

For adenoid and microbial runny nose

Adenoiditis is often accompanied by inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. In weakened people, the tonsils often hurt. When preparing a medicinal solution, you need to take in equal volumes:

  • "Ceftriaxone";

A runny nose caused by microbes can be cured using a cephalosporin antibiotic. Take Cefazolin, injection solution and the following medications:

For infectious sinusitis and diseases of the ENT organs

The presence of bacteria forces doctors to include an antibiotic in the composition of multicomponent drops. This category of drugs counteracts the rapid growth of pathogenic microflora. The solution is supplemented with components that have a vasoconstrictor effect. If necessary, use antihistamines.

The recipe, which is used to treat acute forms of sinusitis, rhinitis, and adenoiditis, contains the ingredients:

  • 1 bottle of Cefazolin;
  • 5 ml “Farmazolin”;
  • 2 ml “Hydrocortisone”;
  • 10 ml of 9% saline solution.

If the swelling is significant, add Diphenhydramine. For the given volume of complex drops, 1 ml is needed.

Quick positive results in the treatment of bacterial rhinitis are achieved using drops that contain hormonal and antibacterial substances:

  • 7 ml “Naphthyzin”;
  • 1 ml “Hydrocortisone”;
  • 3 ml saline solution;
  • 1 ampoule of Penicillin.

For allergic rhinitis

For the treatment of ENT diseases caused by allergies, doctors prescribe the following composition:

  • 1 ampoule of "Lincomycin";
  • 1 ampoule of Diphenhydramine;
  • 1 bottle of “Vibrocil”.

“Diphenhydramine” can be replaced with “Suprastin”, maintaining the same proportions. Ingredients of another composition that helps with allergic rhinitis:

  • 1 bottle of “Nazivin”;
  • 1 bottle of 10% “Lincomycin”;
  • 1 ampoule of Dexamethasone.

Composition and purposes of "Polydex"

A complex remedy, it contains all the ingredients necessary to treat a runny nose.

Thanks to the complex composition of Polydex, it reduces inflammation in the nose, inhibits the activity of bacteria, and reduces swelling. When using Polydex, allergies are possible. Children are treated with it from the age of 2. Do not use for viral rhinitis.

Dosage and instillation procedure

The doctor prescribes complex drops; he determines the choice of drugs and the dosage of drugs. Instructions for use are individual for each patient. The concentration of drugs depends on the age category.

For children

For a child with sinusitis, bacterial runny nose, or rhinitis that occurs with complications, prepare the following composition:

  • "Miramistin";

Children's. Take 0.05% Naphtizin and Miramistin in equal shares. This remedy is especially effective for pronounced swelling. Other children's solutions are given in the table.

Recipe numberNameProportionsIndications
1 0.05% "Dioxidin"In equal partsPersistent runny nose, accompanied by severe congestion and green discharge
2 10 mlBacterial rhinitis, sinusitis
2 ml
Aloe1 ampoule
0.25% "Methazon"1 ml
3 1 ampouleRhinitis bacterial, allergic
10% "Lincomycin"1 bottle
"Vibrocil"1 bottle

Before instilling nasal drops, children have their nasal passages cleaned. An aspirator is used. Consumption per 1 nostril: 2 drops.

Percentage of main ingredients in drops for children:

  • 20% "Sulfacyl";
  • 0.05% "Naphthyzin";
  • 0.05% "Farmazolin";
  • 0.05% “Xylene” for children under 6 years old;
  • 0.06% “Xylene” for children over 6 years old;
  • 0.01% "Nazivin" from 0 to 12 months;
  • 0.025% “Nazivin” from 1 year to 6 years;
  • 0.05% "Nazivin" from 6 years and older.

When clearing mucus from the nose, children are advised to purchase saline solution (9%).

For adults

When preparing complex drops for adult patients, certain percentages of medicinal components are adhered to.

The correct ratio of medicinal ingredients ensures maximum therapeutic effect. If you follow it, the risk of adverse reactions decreases significantly.

Is it possible to use during pregnancy?

It is difficult to treat any disease for women during pregnancy. Many drug components have a negative effect on the developing fetus. When planning the composition of complex drops for the expectant mother, doctors use only medications approved during pregnancy.

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Side effects and contraindications

There is no guarantee that by using complex drops, adverse reactions can be avoided. For the most part they are local in nature. You may experience an irritating feeling of dryness in your nose or bloody discharge. There may be a general deterioration in health:

  • diarrhea;
  • vomiting, nausea;
  • increase in blood pressure.

It is impossible to provide a general list of contraindications, since the type and ratio of drugs are selected on an individual basis.

Shelf life

A ready-made multi-component solution made at home must be used within 7 days. The most suitable place for storage is the refrigerator compartment located at the top of the door. Before introducing the medicine into the nasal cavity, it is warmed in the palm of your hand. The solution should warm up to a temperature close to body temperature. Pharmacy compound drops have an expiration date indicated on the packaging by which they must be used.

Where to buy complex nasal drops. Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

You can't find ready-made drops. They will have to be ordered. First, find the nearest pharmacy with a prescription counter. You must have a prescription from an otolaryngologist with you.

The medicine is made from ready-made medical preparations. The results obtained during treatment with complex drops depend on the competence of the doctor. If all his recommendations are followed, then the likelihood of effective treatment is quite high.

How to replace complex drops

For complex rhinitis (sinusitis), analogs are used - combined drops; their mechanism of action is similar to multicomponent drops; this group of drugs includes:

  • "Polydex";
  • "Vibrocil";
  • "Nasonex";
  • "Nasobek."

Most patients choose nasal drops with a combined mechanism of action. This category of medications is more in demand for childhood rhinitis. You need to understand that drops prepared by a qualified pharmacist have safety and effectiveness indicators that are not inferior to complex drugs manufactured at a pharmacological enterprise.

Almost all parents are faced with such a problem as a runny nose in the first days of their child’s life. There are many reasons for its occurrence. Rhinitis can be caused by both viruses and bacteria, as well as mixed infections.

Often, a mild runny nose goes away within two weeks if the correct treatment regimen is followed - moist air, walking outside, and timely nasal drops. But there are also complex, protracted rhinitis. They cannot be cured with proper preventive measures and simple medications.

When is it appropriate to use compound nasal drops?

To have a comprehensive effect on infectious infections of the nasopharynx and relieve inflammation, complex drops are used. Their use is also appropriate in the treatment of rhinitis in children.

Doctors can also prescribe them for children’s sinusitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, and allergic inflammation. Complex drops are so called because they include several drugs for the treatment of the above-mentioned diagnoses and auxiliary components of natural origin and more.

You should know that they are sold in specialized pharmacies that manufacture them. The medicinal composition of complex medications for children is compiled by the attending physician, who prescribes the medicine.

Currently, not every city has a specialized pharmacy for the production of complex nasal drops, so many try to find a recipe in medical information sources, because reviews of them from those who have experienced them in practice are mostly positive.

Many parents note the fact that even chronic rhinitis goes away forever after using them. Inflammation also goes away, and diseases do not remind themselves with every cold snap; the body develops a strong immunity to infections that cause ENT diseases.

Only a doctor can prescribe a prescription for complex drops! Do-it-yourself preparation of these can be fraught with complications.

Benefits of compound nasal drops

Complex drops for children simultaneously affect the causes of a runny nose. It is often not possible to determine offhand what caused the nasal disease - viruses, bacteria or fungal infections, or maybe allergies. Therefore, it is possible to influence all possible causes immediately by instilling a complex solution into the nose.

The second positive aspect of using them is the individual approach of an ENT doctor to a small patient.

Disadvantages of complex nasal drops

Complex drops also have disadvantages. They can cause complications. Therefore, they are always prescribed to the child by a doctor in cases where the disease cannot be affected by simple or combined means.

For a normal runny nose, complex drops are not used!

The effectiveness of complex drops has not been fully proven, there is not enough laboratory research, so you should not trust them too much.

A solution mixed from several medications is stored for two weeks.

Drops that contain more than two or three drugs are complex and should be used only under the supervision of the attending physician.

The preparation of complex nasal preparations does not stop with these three recipes. You can combine many medications with each other, the main thing is not to concentrate those that cause too pronounced side effects.

As mentioned above, today there is no scientific evidence that a combination of several drugs is beneficial for the body of children, so complex nasal drops are used extremely rarely. These can be the most complex and advanced inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx.

It should also be noted that complex nasal drops can be instilled into the eyes for conjunctivitis and into the ears for otitis.

When treating your child, you should not follow the recommendations of friends who allegedly prepare an effective cure for the common cold at home. Not every baby can benefit from a homemade miraculous elixir.

The wrong combination of drops and other components can lead to dryness of the nasal mucosa or burns. It is more difficult to cure complications than to find the cause of a runny nose together with your doctor.

Independent treatment of lingering and chronic runny noses in children is not the task of the mother, but of the ENT doctor. Only after the examination can you act according to its instructions.

A runny nose accompanies most colds. Sometimes this symptom gets worse and does not go away for a long time. Many pediatricians prefer to treat a persistent runny nose with complex drops. The composition of these drugs is selected individually for each patient. Parents need to know how to make complex nasal drops for children at home.

If a runny nose does not go away for a long time, doctors recommend complex drops

What are compound drops?

Complex drops are a medicine for use in the nasal cavity, consisting of several components. They are also called combination drugs. The peculiarity of such drugs is that their composition is selected specifically for each patient in accordance with the diagnosis. Such drops can be prepared in pharmacies with a prescription and at home, subject to strict adherence to all doctor’s recommendations.

Advantages and disadvantages of such means

The uniqueness of complex drops is that their composition and dosage of substances are selected depending on the patient’s age and the complexity of the disease. This is of great importance when treating children. Like all medications, combination drops have their positive and negative sides. The advantages of multi-component products include:

  • individual selection of components;
  • relatively inexpensive cost;
  • The timing of preparation of the drug is always known;
  • using several components at once is more effective than using them separately;
  • one medicine is used instead of two or three.

When preparing the medicine at home, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the dosage of the components so as not to change the therapeutic effect of the drops.

It is important to use sterile instruments, clean containers, and wear gloves. Disadvantages of combination drugs:

  • failure to comply with the proportions can lead to an overdose of one of the components or lack of therapeutic effect;
  • some components of the medication are not initially intended for administration into the nasal cavity;
  • individual medications can have a general effect on the body;
  • there is a high possibility of negative reactions due to the large number of active substances in the composition;
  • lack of clinical data on the study of the drug;
  • limited shelf life of the drug.

Indications for use in children

Complex drops are widely used by doctors for children with various diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Most often they are prescribed when single-component drugs are ineffective. However, the advisability of using combination medications should be determined by a specialist.

Complex drops are used for severe diseases of the maxillary sinuses of various etiologies

Complex drops are used for the following diseases:

  • complicated rhinitis;
  • severe form of nasopharyngitis;
  • acute and chronic sinusitis;
  • otitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • lack of the expected effect during therapy with a single-component drug;
  • negative reactions to the components of finished drugs;
  • mixed diseases (infectious-allergic or bacterial-viral).

Instructions for using complex drops

The frequency of use, the required dose and duration of treatment with a multicomponent drug should be determined only by a specialist. The general recommendation is to rinse the nose before instillation. To do this, use a weak saline solution or ready-made pharmaceutical products (for example, Aquamaris). Vegetable oil will help clear your nose of accumulated crusts.

  1. Most formulations of complex drops contain drugs with the effect of vasoconstriction. When preparing medications at home, Naphthyzin is used, in pharmacies - Metazon and Adrenaline. These medications are not recommended for use for more than a week, so the duration of treatment with the combined medication should not be more than 5-7 days.
  2. Antihistamines effectively relieve swelling of the mucous membranes and eliminate unpleasant sensations (for example, burning or itching). To prepare multicomponent drops, use Suprastin or Diphenhydramine.
  3. Corticosteroid hormones (for example, Dexamethasone, Hydrocortisone) have an anti-inflammatory effect. However, the use of some drugs in this group is only permitted for children over 6 years of age.
  4. To treat nasal cavity infections, antibiotics (Penicillin, Cefazolin, Albucid, Gentamicin, Lincomycin) are included in complex drops. These components limit the age group of patients.
  5. As antioxidants, doctors sometimes advise adding various vitamins, simple essential oils and infusions of medicinal plants to the solution.

Instill 1-2 drops of the combined drug into each nostril of the child. Children over 1 year old should be in a sitting position, infants should be lying on their back.

Instead of instillation, you can insert cotton or gauze swabs soaked in the medicine into the nose for a few minutes. After the procedure, some pediatricians advise adding 1 drop of sterilized vegetable oil.

Recipe examples

Each doctor has his own methods for making complex drops and instructions for their use. A lot of advice on drug prescription can be found in Internet sources and medical literature, but using the medicine on your own is dangerous. The table shows some recipes for combined drops.

CompoundManufacturing FeaturesApplication
Dioxidin, children's Naphthyzin, Dexamethasone, DiphenhydramineMix 5 ml of Dioxidin with half a bottle of vasoconstrictor drops, 1 portion each of Dexamethasone and Diphenhydramine.Allergic rhinitis.
Naphthyzin, DioxidineMix 1:1.Prescribed for inflamed adenoids, sinusitis, infectious rhinitis, otitis media.
Ceftriaxone, children's Farmazolin, Dexamethasone, Suprastin (we recommend reading:)To Ceftriaxone add 10 ml drops, 1 ampoule of Dexamethasone, 1 ml of Suprastin.Bacterial infections of the nasopharynx.
Naphthyzin 0.05%, MiramistinMix in equal proportions.For adenoids.
Penicillin, Hydrocortisone, Naphthyzin, saline solutionPenicillin 500 units. 1 pc., Hydrocortisone ampoule, 0.3 ml saline solution, half a bottle of nasal drops.Antibacterial agent.
Lincomycin, Dioxidin, Metazon, HydrocortisoneMix 2 ml of antibiotic with 1 ml of Metasone, 2 ml of Hydrocortisone 2.5%, 5 ml of Dioxidine (see also:).Sinusitis, sinus infections, adenoids, chronic sinusitis.
Lincomycin, Vibrocil, Diphenhydramine (we recommend reading:)1 bottle of Lincomycin 10%, 10 ml of Vibrocil, ampoule of Diphenhydramine 1%.Prolonged runny nose caused by infectious diseases.
Dioxidine, Dexamethasone, aloe10:1 Dioxidin and a hormone-containing drug, a few drops of aloe juice.Anti-inflammatory drops.
Albucid, Adrenaline, Dexamethasone, TavegilAlbucid – 10 parts, Dexamethasone – 10, Tavegil – 2, Adrenaline – 1.Allergic and bacterial rhinitis, infectious diseases.

Almost all recipes for complex nasal drops include Naphthyzin

Side effects and contraindications

An individual approach when prescribing complex drops helps to avoid many negative consequences when using them. However, for infants and children under 3 years of age, it is recommended to use factory-produced combination drugs. Multicomponent drugs for the treatment of runny nose are contraindicated in the following pathologies:

  • problems with the vessels of the nasal cavity;
  • weak nasal mucosa;
  • allergy to one of the components of the medicine;
  • diabetes;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • heart disease.

Treatment of prolonged rhinitis should be under the supervision of an experienced physician

To avoid side effects, the attending physician may conduct an additional examination of the baby before prescribing the drug. Undesirable consequences occur due to non-compliance with the recipe and other recommendations. When using complex drops, the following negative reactions are possible:

  • increased heart rate;
  • dry nose;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the heart muscle;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • decreased ability of the nasal mucosa to fight pathogenic microorganisms;
  • allergy;
  • progression of the disease into a chronic form;
  • vomiting and diarrhea;
  • dizziness;
  • nosebleeds.

If any adverse reactions occur, you should consult a doctor. Complex drops relieve long-term illness, but their uncontrolled use will aggravate the child’s condition. All the given recipes for combined medications are exemplary; they cannot be used without the advice of a specialist.