What is a cheaper substitute for Essentiale? We choose an inexpensive analogue of Essentiale Forte. Domestic analogues

Your health needs to be monitored. And doubly so for the condition of the liver. It's vital important organ, performing a cleaning and filtering function. The liver helps cleanse the blood and serves as a barrier to harmful substances.

Many people face liver problems. Thanks to poor quality, modified products, polluted water, poor ecology and stress, the liver often fails and needs urgent treatment. The well-known medical drug for the treatment of the liver, Essentiale Forte, comes to the rescue in such situations. This pharmacological agent helps restore the liver and improve the functioning of the digestive tract.

“Essentiale Forte” is known throughout Ukraine and Russian Federation. The drug has won the recognition of many residents of these countries and has become in demand. "Essentiale Forte" is a hepatoprotective agent. The principle of action of the drug is as follows: phospholipids, entering the body, activate the regenerative process of hepatocytes.

But not everyone can afford to purchase it due to the unacceptable cost. The price of Essentiale Forte is high. On average, you will have to pay from 600 to 850 rubles for one package. And this is only for thirty tablets. Not a very economical option, even though it is effective.

Therefore, doctors recommend that financially disadvantaged segments of the population replace Essentiale Forte with cheap generics. Analogues are produced in different countries and the components are similar to “Essentiale Forte”.

When choosing a generic, pay attention to the indications for use. They must coincide with the indications of Essentiale Forte. This drug is used for:

  • Poor nutrition.
  • Intoxication or drug poisoning.
  • Alcohol addiction.
  • Toxic damage.
  • Hepatitis.


There are many substitutes for Essentiale Forte. Before choosing and purchasing, you should consult a doctor and find out reviews about the drugs.

Popular generics of Essentiale Forte:

  • Essliver forte. Inexpensive, affordable drug. The price for one package does not exceed 500 - 550 rubles. Consists of natural phospholipids and vitamin components that help restore the liver. It is used for cirrhosis of the liver, liver damage caused by radiation exposure, narcotic and alcohol poisoning. It differs from Essentiale Forte in its ability to treat psoriasis at all stages. Release form: capsules. Application: the patient takes two capsules three times a day. The course of treatment is three months. If necessary, it can be extended according to the recommendations of the attending physician.

  • "Livolin forte" You can buy it cheap. For only two hundred rubles per package. Consists of phospholipids and lecithin. Effective generic "Essentiale Forte". "Livolin Forte" is a hepatoprotective drug. Used to treat:
    1. Hepatitis of different types.
    2. Liver lesions.
    3. Fibrosis.
    4. Cirrhosis.
    5. Nephropathy.
    6. Liver failure.

    Application: take one capsule during meals three times a day. The course of treatment is two months.

  • "Karsil". The active ingredient is silymarin. Properties of "Karsila":
    1. Restoration of liver cells.
    2. Protecting healthy tissue from destruction and toxins.

    The price of "Karsila" is affordable, ranging from 200 to 350 rubles per package. Use from one to four tablets per day, depending on the severity of the disease. The course of treatment is three months. Indications:

    1. Hepatitis.
    2. Cirrhosis.

    Side effects:

    1. Vestibular disorders.
    2. Dyspepsia.

  • "Allohol." Compound:
    1. Nettle.
    2. Garlic.
    3. Activated carbon.
    4. Animal bile in dry form.

    "Allohol" is made from natural ingredients. It appeared on the pharmacological market more than ten years ago. Used to restore liver function. Helps with constipation, cholecystitis, and the presence of gallstones.

    1. Restores the liver.
    2. Eliminates fermentation in the intestinal tract.
    3. Cleanses the bile ducts.
    4. Releases excess bile.

    The course of treatment is thirty days. For quick results, take two tablets three times a day. Allohol is allowed for children. But the dosage is determined by the attending physician based on the health status, age and body weight of the child.

  • "Antral". Available in capsule form. There are thirty pieces in a package. The price varies from 400 to 600 rubles per package. When used, it may occur allergic reaction, vomiting, nausea. Application: 1 tablet twice a day.

  • "Progepar." It is in demand due to the naturalness of the ingredients. Active substance– cysteine, which helps eliminate liver diseases.

  • "Result Pro". A relatively new drug. It appeared on the pharmacological market recently, but has already gained popularity due to its low cost.

Other generics:

  • "Artichol".
  • "Enerliv".
  • "Tivorteen."
  • "Phosphogliv". Heals chronic diseases livers. Used to reduce signs of psoriasis.
  • "Sirin."
  • "Hepatomax". Helps eliminate intoxication from medicines. Used for treatment skin problems, normalizes the digestive tract.
  • "Holiver." Used to treat jaundice, ulcers, constipation and cholangitis.
  • "Imunofat". Indications:
    1. Herpes.
    2. Toxoplamonosis.
    3. Chlamydia.
    4. HIV infection.
    5. Psoriasis.
    6. Arthritis.
    7. Burns.
  • "Inosine." Indications:
    1. Pancreatitis.
    2. Cholecystectomy.
    3. Obesity.
    4. Cirrhosis.
  • "Liv-52". Indications:
    1. Hepatitis.
    2. Hepatoses.
    3. Anorexia.
    4. Tuberculosis.
    5. Liver lesions.
  • "Copegus." Used in combination treatment. It is not used as a stand-alone drug.
  • "Eslidin." Indications:
    1. Fatty degeneration.
    2. Drug intoxication.
    3. Alcohol poisoning.
    4. Drug intoxication.
    5. Atherosclerosis.
  • "Twinrinks."
  • "Alfit-3". Protects the liver. Prophylactic drug.
  • "Havrix."
  • "Baraclude."
  • "Intron-A". Indications:
    1. Hepatitis C.
    2. Hepatitis B.
  • "Arbitel". Treats cholecystitis, cirrhosis, nephritis, intoxication and renal failure.

"Essentiale Forte" - harmless drug. It is scientifically proven and tested during clinical trials regarding the effect of the product on human body. It cannot be said that generics will not cause harm instead of the expected benefit.

An analogue of “Essentiale Forte” is prescribed by the attending physician. You cannot engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication. This is dangerous for a person, can worsen his well-being and even lead to death.

When choosing a generic version of Essentiale Forte, we pay attention to the possibility of use in minor children. If the product is allowed to be consumed by teenagers over twelve years of age, it is safe.

Disorders of the digestive system are, unfortunately, not uncommon these days. And since such an important organ as the liver, which acts as a filter, is guarding the entire body, it takes the brunt of the blow. Poor nutrition, poor quality food and water, bad ecology- all these factors create a very sad picture. In order to support the liver, there are many medications. The drug "Essentiale Forte" today occupies a leading position and is held in high esteem by doctors. But, unfortunately, this tool is not always available. Are there inexpensive analogues of Essentiale Forte? The drug itself, depending on the region of the country and the selling pharmacy, costs from 600-800 rubles per pack of 30 capsules.

This article will discuss hepatoprotective drugs, the action of which is aimed at restoring and maintaining liver function, which can replace the drug “Essentiale Forte”.

Criteria for selecting a replacement

A substitute for Essentiale Forte, whether it is cheaper or more expensive, does not matter, it is a must have similar action and indications for use:

You can find a cheaper substitute for Essentiale Forte, but will it be so harmless to the body, since the side effects of this drug include only rare diarrhea and loose stools? The answer to this question can be given by a doctor, who will advise which medicine to choose as an analogue in each individual case.

The drug "Essliver forte"

A good substitute for Essentiale Forte (cheaper in cost) are Essentiale Forte capsules. Their cost ranges from 500 rubles.

This medication contains natural phospholipids and vitamin substances who are directly involved in biochemical reactions in the liver. The composition is practically harmless and does not cause side effects, except rare cases diarrhea.

This medicine has the following readings:

  • of various origins;
  • cirrhosis;
  • radiation damage to the liver;
  • medicinal, drug and alcohol intoxication;
  • psoriasis.

The regimen for taking Essliver Forte capsules is almost identical. The recommended doses described in the instructions are three doses of the drug, 2 capsules each, for 3 months or more.

The drug "Livolin forte"

Price this tool is 200-300 rubles. This is great cheap substitute"Essentiale Forte", which contains lecithin containing phospholipids.

The hepatoprotective effect of the drug "Livolin Forte" allows its use for the treatment of patients with the following diagnoses:

  • toxic liver damage;
  • liver failure of acute and subacute forms;
  • cirrhosis and;
  • nephropathy;
  • fatty changes in liver tissue;
  • hepatitis.

Take 1-2 capsules with meals three times a day for several months.

Drug "Karsil"

This is the simplest substitute for Essentiale Forte, several times cheaper than the latter. Its price on the pharmacological market is 200-300 rubles per package of 35 mg No. 80. The tablets are based on the substance silymarin, which is capable of restoring liver cells and protecting healthy tissue from toxic effects.

Prescribed medicine"Karsil" 1-4 tablets three times a day for three or more months for chronic forms of hepatitis and cirrhosis of various etiologies.

Despite its availability and effectiveness, this drug can cause dyspepsia and vestibular disorders. In such cases, the medicine is discontinued.

The drug "Allohol"

Whether there is a cheap analogue capsules "Essentiale Forte" with natural composition? Such a hepatoprotective agent is the drug “Allohol”. This is a choleretic medicine, which includes dried animal bile, garlic and nettle extracts, as well as Activated carbon. This drug has been known for decades and has established itself as excellent remedy to restore liver function.

The main indications for taking this medication are as follows:

  • hepatitis;
  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • stones in gallbladder;
  • constipation;
  • cholangitis;
  • cholecystitis.

The action of the drug "Allohol" is aimed at restoring liver function, releasing excess bile, cleansing bile ducts, as well as eliminating fermentation in the intestines. And although pharmachologic effect The drug is somewhat different from that of Essentiale Forte capsules; the effect of restoring liver function after long-term use is obvious.

Adults take 1-2 tablets three times a day for one month. For a child, the dosage is determined by the doctor individually.

The drug "Antral"

Antral capsules can also be classified as “inexpensive analogues of Essentiale Forte.” Price of this medicine fluctuates around 400 rubles for 30 capsules. It contains phospholipids, which have a positive effect on the condition of the liver. Indications for the use of Antral capsules are similar to those for the drug Essentiale Forte. Instructions for use contain information about such side effects, such as nausea, allergies and gastralgia.

The course of treatment begins with combination therapy drug (drips) 0.5-1 g three times a day and 600 mg 2 times a day. The course of such treatment can last two weeks, after which only capsules are taken.

Please note

When selecting analogues and substitutes for the drug “Essentiale Forte”, you should pay attention to the possibility of using the drug in childhood, if the patient is under 12 years old. Also Special attention It should be noted that the analogue should be selected by the attending doctor. Self-treatment may harm your health.

Each of the medications described above can cause an allergic reaction, which is often caused by individual intolerance to certain components in the composition.

Total analogues: 36. Price and availability of analogues of Essentiale Forte N in pharmacies. Before using any medical product You should definitely consult your doctor.

This page provides a list analogues of Essentiale Forte N- these are interchangeable drugs that have similar indications for use and belong to the same pharmacological group. Before you buy analogue of Essentiale Forte N, it is necessary to consult with a specialist regarding replacement of the drug, study in detail, read and a similar drug.

  • Milk thistle

    Milk thistle used in the treatment of toxic liver damage (alcoholism, intoxication with halogenated hydrocarbons, compounds heavy metals, drug-induced liver damage) and their prevention. Chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver (as part of complex therapy). Conditions after infectious and toxic hepatitis, dystrophy and fatty infiltration of the liver. Correction of lipid metabolism disorders.
  • Legalon

    A drug Legalon prescribed in following cases:
    - liver damage due to alcoholism;
    — chronic liver intoxication (including occupational) with halogenated hydrocarbons, heavy metal compounds, etc.;
    - liver damage caused by drugs (in particular, some psychotropic drugs, tuberculostatics, oral contraceptives, paracetamol, some antibiotics and immunosuppressants, anesthetics);
    - maintenance therapy for chronic inflammatory diseases liver and cirrhosis.
  • Gepagard Active

    Gepagard Active recommended for conditions where it is necessary increased need body in phospholipids, L-carnitine and vitamin E:
    - to protect the liver from obesity;
    - to reduce cholesterol levels;
    - for improvement functional state liver and antioxidant system of the body;
    - for improvement metabolic function liver;
    - to optimize food metabolism.
    - to increase the detoxification function of the liver.

    Gepagard Active promotes:
    - increasing the body's resistance to toxic substances;
    - protection of cell membranes from oxidation;
    - maintaining functional activity nervous system;
    - increasing the detoxification function of the liver.

  • Laminolact Second Wind

    Laminobact Second Wind- necessary component daily diet people with any liver disease, especially viral hepatitis(existing or previously transferred).
  • Antral

    Antral used for the treatment of both adults and children with acute and chronic hepatitis of various origins (drug-induced, viral, toxic, alcoholic), liver cirrhosis and fatty degeneration; for inflammatory diseases of the pancreas, gall bladder, spleen; resection of the gallbladder. To prevent liver diseases caused by negative impact toxins of various etiologies: chemotherapy, radiation therapy, nutritional toxins, drugs.
  • Galstena

    Galstena recommended as part of complex therapy for:
    - acute and chronic liver diseases (acute and chronic hepatitis, hepatosis);
    - gallbladder diseases ( chronic cholecystitis, cholelithiasis);
    - postcholecystectomy syndrome;
    - chronic pancreatitis.
  • Liolive

    A drug Liolive prescribed for diseases:
    Acute and chronic hepatitis of various etiologies, incl. viral, with to varying degrees activity of benign hyperbilirubinemia, liver cirrhosis in adults and adolescents.
  • Lipoferon

    A drug Lipoferon used in complex therapy of patients with acute hepatitis B and chronic hepatitis C, for the treatment of patients with atopic diseases, allergic rhinoconjunctivitis and asthma during specific immunotherapy, for the prevention and treatment of ARVI and influenza.
  • Silymarin

    Silymarin prescribed in the following cases: chronic hepatitis (in particular chronic persistent, subacute and chronic active forms); hyperlipoproteinemia, disorders in the body of lipid metabolism and metabolic and reparative processes; conditions after hepatitis viral etiology; cirrhosis of the liver; medicinal and toxic liver damage (alcohol intoxication and alcoholism, intoxication with heavy metal compounds, organic solvents, halogenated hydrocarbons, mushroom poisoning, drug intoxication, etc.); fatty liver, fatty hepatosis; diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract (cholelithiasis, dyskinesia, cholangitis, cholecystitis).
  • Holyver

    A drug Holyver used for diseases:
    - cirrhosis of the liver,
    - chronic hepatitis,
    - jaundice,
    - cholecystitis,
    - cholangitis,
    - dyskinesia biliary tract hypokinetic type;
    - oliguria due to heart failure and liver cirrhosis;
    - chronic constipation due to intestinal atony.
  • Hepel

    A drug Hepel taken as part of complex therapy for liver dysfunction of toxic and inflammatory etiology. The drug has proven itself in the treatment of the following types of diseases: cholestasis and dyskinesia of the bile ducts; with non-infectious jaundice in children; at chronic inflammation gallbladder and gallstones; for hepatitis B chronic form, cholangitis, liver cirrhosis; for colitis and enteritis in chronic form; at increased flatulence; with increased cholesterol levels in the blood.
  • Ovesol Evalar tablets

    Ovesol tablets designed specifically for gentle cleansing liver.
    Oats of milky ripeness have positive impact in case of intoxication and liver dysfunction.
    Sandy immortelle helps eliminate stagnation and improve the composition of bile.
    Curcuma longa exhibits choleretic and anti-inflammatory effects.
    Peppermint has an antispasmodic effect, which is especially important in the process of cleansing the liver.
  • Ovesol Evalar drops

    Drops Ovesol recommended as a biologically active food supplement - a source of flavonoids and emodin.
    Recommended for disorders of bile formation and excretion and associated chronic gastrointestinal diseases. Ovesol drops are designed specifically for gentle cleansing of the liver.
  • Betargin

    A drug Betargin recommended for use in liver diseases, liver intoxication, steatosis, steohepatitis, hepatitis, hepatic encephalopathy.
  • HepatoTransit Evalar

    HepatoTransit Evalar recommended for cleansing the liver.
    Biologically active additive added to food, it is a source of flavonoids, promotes the removal of toxic metabolites from the liver, and reduces the risk of gallstone formation.
  • Repein Evalar

    Dietary supplement Repein Evalar designed to detoxify the body and increase the efficiency of the detoxification organs, to normalize the work gastrointestinal tract, to remove toxic metabolic products during radiation and chemotherapy (reduces the risk of complications due to the removal of toxins).
  • Cordyceps

    A drug Cordyceps applies: when cardiovascular diseases; for diseases genitourinary system; with damage to the respiratory system (including tuberculosis); for liver diseases (including cirrhosis and hepatitis); with sexual impotence; at various kinds autoimmune diseases; for blood diseases; at malignant tumors; to detoxify the body; during organ transplant operations; at elevated physical activity; under stressful loads; with premature aging.
  • Essliver forte

    Essliver forte are: lipid metabolism disorders of various origins; fatty liver of various etiologies; cirrhosis of the liver; alcoholic and drug-induced liver damage; drug-induced liver damage; radiation damage to the liver; psoriasis (as part of combination therapy).
  • Gepal

    Indications for use of the drug Gepal are: biliary dyskinesia, chronic cholecystitis, cholangitis, toxic liver damage, chronic hepatitis, initial stage liver cirrhosis.
  • Silibor

    Silibor used in the treatment of liver cirrhosis (complex therapy), chronic hepatitis of various etiologies (subacute, chronic persistent or chronic active form), fatty liver disease, fatty liver, conditions after toxic and acute infectious hepatitis, medicinal and toxic liver damage (with alcoholism and alcohol intoxication, intoxication with halogen-containing hydrocarbons, heavy metal compounds, organic solvents, drug intoxication, mushroom poisoning, etc.).
    Silibor can be prescribed to patients with hyperlipoproteinemia, metabolic and reparative processes in the body, and lipid metabolism disorders.
    Silibor is prescribed as prophylactic at long-term use medicines with a hepatotoxic effect, as well as during long-term occupational intoxication.
  • Hepaphor

    A drug Hepaphor prescribed to adults for treatment:
    - toxic liver damage (including drugs);
    - tuberculosis of various etiologies, complicated drug-induced hepatitis and disruption of normal intestinal flora;
    - chronic hepatitis, including dysfunction of the biliary tract;
    - liver cirrhosis (as part of complex therapy);
    - conditions after hepatitis;
    - acute viral hepatitis.
    Drug with for preventive purposes used for chronic intoxications(including professional ones), long-term use drugs and alcohol.
  • Gepar Compositum

    Gepar Compositum used for the treatment of acute and chronic diseases liver and gall bladder.
    In the complex treatment of inflammatory and non-inflammatory skin diseases (toxic exanthema, dermatosis, dermatitis, neurodermatitis).
  • Hepatoleptin

    Hepatoleptin recommended as a dietary supplement - a source of flavonoids containing phenolic compounds.
    Used for prevention and complex therapy:
    - Gallstone disease;
    - Cholecystitis, cholecystocholangitis;
    - Cholangitis, cholangiohepatitis;
    - Cholecystopancreatitis;
    - Fatty hepatosis.
  • Karsil

    Indications for use of the drug Karsil are:
    - toxic liver damage;
    - chronic hepatitis of non-viral etiology;
    - cirrhosis of the liver (as part of complex therapy);
    - condition after acute hepatitis;
    - for preventive purposes during long-term use of medications, alcohol, and chronic intoxication (including occupational).
  • Gepatan

    Gepatan recommended as an additional source of soy phospholipids, which help restore liver cell membranes.
    Before use, consultation with a doctor is recommended.
  • Hepatofilter


  • Hepatrin

    Biologically active food supplement Hepatrin is a source of phospholipids, milk thistle flavolignans (silymarin), an additional source of vitamins B1, B2, B6, E.
    Helps protect the liver.

Liver problems happen in people of different ages and financial situation. Doctors most often recommend the drug "Essentiale Forte" as a reliable and universal remedy- equally suitable for adults, the elderly, very young and pregnant women. But this is an expensive drug and not everyone is ready to buy it. Fortunately, domestic pharmaceuticals have already reached the appropriate level and you can choose a decent and inexpensive analogue"Essentiale Forte".

Domestic analogues of Essentiale Forte

Russian medicines that can replace Essentiale Forte are very different from it in composition. They solve the same problems and have the same indications, but are independent medications and have individual differences. Therefore, you need to choose carefully, taking into account all the details. Then you can find an analogue of Essentiale Forte that is ideal for your case.


This is the closest substitute for Essentiale Forte. It is more similar to him than others in composition and action. In addition to the actual quality of a hepatoprotector, this product strengthens cell membranes and destroys viruses. That is, it stops liver destruction, helps tissue restoration and improves the patient’s condition.

Indications for use of "Phosphogliv" - hepatitis and any liver damage associated viral nature caused by poisoning, etc. The only possible side effect is a skin rash. If it appears, just switch to another medicine and everything goes away.

Unlike Essentiale Forte, this product is not suitable for use by children under 12 years of age, by pregnant women or during breastfeeding.

The release form of the drug is capsules, coated with a protective shell, 50 pieces per box. Average price 500-600 rub.


An excellent hepatoprotector, an analogue of Essentiale Forte with very similar therapeutic effect. Helps restore liver cell membranes. It performs its task perfectly, but does not affect the condition of the body as a whole.

Indications for the use of "Fosphonciale" are liver disease or the rehabilitation period after complications that caused stress on this organ. It can also protect the liver after long-term treatment potent drugs.

Side effects occur only with an overdose - nausea and a feeling of heaviness in the chest.

Available in capsules. There are 30 pieces in a box, average price- 340-400 rub.


This is an inexpensive Russian analogue of Essentiale Forte, which has absolutely identical readings to the reception. But it is much weaker. For achievement good result In the first weeks of treatment, it is necessary to combine the intake of capsules with intravenous drips.

Side effects are possible depending on individual sensitivity, in the form of nausea and unpleasant heaviness in the chest.

Unfortunately, the admissibility of use in the treatment of children and pregnant women is not specified.

The release form corresponds to the methods of use: coated capsules and solution for intravenous administration.

Inexpensive analogues of Essentiale Forte

Liver treatment can take months. One pack of Essentiale Forte is enough for 10 days of use, and it costs 470-500 rubles. Not everyone can afford the long-term purchase of such medications. Fortunately, you can find an inexpensive analogue of Essentiale Forte, which will be no less effective.

"Essliver Forte"

This is a full-fledged replacement for Essentiale Forte; the drugs actually have a very similar composition.

"Essliver Forte" can be taken even during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but medical supervision is required. Personal intolerance to the components is possible, but no side effects have been identified so far.

The drug perfectly restores liver damage. You can rely on it - provided that the appointment is agreed with the attending physician.

Available in capsules, there are packs of 30 or 50 pieces on sale. Price for 30 capsules 200-220 rub.

"Livolife Forte"

This product contains a completely different set of active ingredients. At the same time, the functions are the same, thanks to which it is not only an economical Russian analogue of Essentiale Forte, but also worthy alternative for those who are faced with intolerance to components.

There are no side effects. If the body is hypersensitive, abdominal pain and rash are possible, which disappear immediately after stopping use.

Pregnant and lactating women should not take this drug, but children can take it with constant medical supervision. Adults (12 years and older) can take the drug without fear.

There are 30 capsules in a box, the average price is 260-280 rubles.

"Rezalut Pro": indications for use, consumer reviews

Rezalut Pro includes the same active ones, but a different set of auxiliary components. This narrowed the range of indications, but did not affect the effectiveness. Reviews from patients who have used the drug in treatment convince us that it is high-quality analogue"Essentiale Forte".

The active substance of the drug is phospholipids and Omega linoleic acids, which restore liver cell membranes and restore their functionality.

It is used to restore the liver after hepatitis, psoriasis, any damage, even associated with in the wrong way life.

The drug has no contraindications. Taken only under medical supervision. If the patient is under 12 years of age, admission is possible, but with caution and under the strict supervision of a specialist. The same applies to pregnancy and period breastfeeding. The drug contains soybean oil, so if you are allergic to soy products it is also used with great caution.

A good antibiotic for various infections is a suspension Augmentin 400.

Preparations based on Witch Hazel help in the treatment of hemorrhoids and other diseases -.

Side effects are the same as for drugs in this group - possible urticaria or rash, abdominal pain. Problems can also occur in women menstrual cycle and intermenstrual bleeding. Similar cases extremely rare. If unwanted symptoms occur, stop taking the drug.

"Livolife Forte" has established itself as an inexpensive analogue of "Essential Forte" that really works and does not cause negative influence on the recipient’s body, which is very important, because hepatoprotectors often have to be taken for quite a long time.

The liver needs to be constantly nourished useful substances, contributing to the normalization of the functionality of the organ and the regeneration of its cells. Liver diseases cause a lot discomfort and pain.

Many patients with such diseases are familiar with the drug Essentiale Forte. Numerous tests have proven its effectiveness. But in some cases, due to some peculiarities, you have to look for a replacement. So what analogues of Essentiale Forte exist? What are their similarities and differences from the original?

This drug is a hepatoprotector. Its properties include restoration of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism processes, as well as restoration of cell functionality. It contains phospholipids that protect against viruses and bacteria.

Medicines of this type are necessary when diseases such as:

The most popular replacement drugs

An analogue is a drug that has a similar composition and effect. They are of domestic and foreign production. A lot of products are produced on the territory of Russia good medicine, capable of replacing the expensive Essentiale Forte.

Domestic analogues have the following properties:

  • similar indications for use;
  • identical operating principle;
  • some differences in composition.


The most popular Russian substitute– . It contains almost the same components as in Essential Forte.

It has the following properties:

  • elimination of viral diseases;
  • stopping the development of diseases;
  • stabilization of the cell membrane.

It is prescribed for cirrhosis, hepatitis, psoriasis, intoxication and other liver pathologies. The domestic drug Contraindicated in children under 12 years of age and pregnant women. To his possible side effects include skin rashes and intolerance to one of the components.


Another one effective alternative To replace Essentiale Forte, this is the drug Fosphonziale. It contains silymar, lipoid, magnesium stearate and povidone.

It has the following properties:

  • normalization of protein synthesis;
  • treatment of liver disorders;
  • detoxification;
  • elimination inflammatory processes in the biliary tract;
  • suspension of connective tissue development;
  • restoration of cellular metabolism.

It is used for hepatitis, cirrhosis, diabetes mellitus, gestosis, irradiation and intoxication. It is also included in a complex of means to eliminate the destructive consequences of alcohol abuse and how preventative measure in case of disruption of lipid metabolism.

Fosphonziale contraindications include an allergic reaction to the components and hormonal disorders(endometriosis, uterine fibroids, carcinoma of the uterus, breast or ovary).

During pregnancy and breastfeeding the drug can be used, but only as prescribed by a doctor.

When taking it, side effects may occur such as a feeling of heaviness in the right hypochondrium, vomiting, nausea and allergies.


Domestic substitutes for Essentiale Forte include: His main active substance is ursodeoxycholic acid, which eliminates toxic liver damage.

It is a hepatoprotective drug with large spectrum actions:

  • hepatitis treatment;
  • improving bile outflow and eliminating stagnation;
  • normalization of liver functionality;
  • dissolving stone deposits and preventing their occurrence;
  • fight against indigestion syndrome;
  • maintaining the immune system;
  • prevention of occurrence;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • fight against cirrhosis.

Ursosan is also prescribed for the prevention of colon cancer and intoxication, which can develop when working in industrial production or abusing medications and antibiotics.

The drug is used for:

This substitute should not be used if you are hypersensitive to its constituent substances or have the following health problems:

  • liver or kidney failure;
  • pancreatitis;
  • impaired activity of the gallbladder;
  • acute type infection.

Despite all its advantages, Ursosan also has a very impressive list of side effects: nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, pain syndrome in the lumbar region, an aggravated form of psoriasis and allergies.

The drug must be prescribed by a doctor with an exact indication of the dosage and duration of the course.

Other analogues

If Essentiale Forte is not suitable for the patient for one reason or another, then it is replaced with another medicine.

In addition to the above drugs, other effective analogues are also used:

Table of analogues of Essentiale Forte, release form and cost:

Name of drugsRelease formCost, rub.
Resalut aboutcapsules, 30-100 pcs.495-1260
Fosphonzialecapsules, 30-60 pcs.340-620
Phospholipidscapsules, 60 pcs.440-580
Essentiale NIV solution, 5 ml, 5 pcs.920-1150
Essliver fortecapsules, 30-50 pcs.340-430
Livolife fortecapsules, 30 pcs.260-330
Hepatomaxcapsules, 30 pcs.400


Essentiale Forte can be replaced on the recommendation of a specialist. For this purpose, it is preliminarily assessed possible risks and the effectiveness of such an alternative. Inexpensive substitutes are also capable, like their more expensive counterpart, of removing unpleasant symptoms liver pathologies and eliminate their cause.


Judging by the fact that you are reading these lines now, victory in the fight against liver diseases is not yet on your side...

And have you already thought about surgical intervention? This is understandable, because the liver is a very important organ, and its proper functioning is the key to health and wellness. Nausea and vomiting, yellowish tint skin, bitterness in the mouth and bad smell, dark urine and diarrhea... All these symptoms are familiar to you firsthand.

But perhaps it would be more correct to treat not the effect, but the cause? We recommend reading the story of Olga Krichevskaya, how she cured her liver...