Can there be bloody discharge when taking it? Why does I bleed outside of my period?

Bloody vaginal discharge is normal phenomenon in a woman reproductive age, if they occur during strictly defined periods: menstruation and after the birth of a child. But often patients complain to their doctors about spotting before menstruation. What could this mean? What diseases can give such a symptom?


This is very common gynecological disease, the symptom of which in the early stages of development is only bloody discharge after menstruation and before its onset, that is, the period of menstruation is delayed due to this “smear.”

Endometriosis, and in the case of spread in the uterus - adenomyosis, is the growth of the mucous membrane (endometrium) deep into the tissues of the uterus, into the myometrium. Adenomyosis can be suspected based on typical symptoms, which, by the way, include an increase in the size of the uterus up to 5-6 weeks. Ultrasound can also be informative, but not all foci of adenomyosis are visible during this study. IN in this case the most informative is hysteroscopy - during this procedure the doctor will be able to look inside internal cavity uterus and notice foci of adenomyosis.

If bleeding is repeated from cycle to cycle, the woman is offered hormone therapy- more often taking oral contraceptives. Tablets help prevent further dissemination diseases, which alleviates the woman’s condition. The situation improves significantly after menopause, since endometriosis is a hormone-dependent disease.


By the way, per oral contraceptives and hormonal intrauterine system- these are also the causes of “daub”. But in this case, this feature is usually temporary, passing through 2-3 cycles of taking the drug or using the IUD. You only need to worry if real bleeding begins, similar to menstruation. However, there is still a lot of time before it arrives.

This often happens when taking microdosed medications. Doctors recommend switching to a low-dose regimen, and by-effect disappears.

Pathology of the cervix

Bloody discharge after intercourse is most often associated with the cervix. The doctor may suspect an inflammatory process, an infection, which can lead to thinning of the mucous membrane, and as a result, to contact bleeding. By the way, this is possible even with banal thrush.

The doctor conducts an examination using a gynecological speculum - carefully examines the vaginal walls and cervix to detect a lesion. The problem may lie not only in injuries to the mucous membrane, but also in polyps and cysts that can form on the cervix and bleed when pressed on them. They are treated surgically followed by histological examination(in the case of a polyp).

Whether or not there is cervicitis, or, even worse, precancer or cervical cancer, can be said after receiving the results of a special smear, colposcopy and biopsy (if there is a risk of oncology). It should be said that the release of blood when taking a smear is not an indicator of pathology. It may bleed healthy cervix uterus.

Along with examining the cervix, the doctor examines the woman for various infectious diseases who also definitely need treatment.

Endometrial pathology

Endometrial hyperplasia can be a precancerous condition and often reveals itself as intermenstrual bleeding. Sometimes it can be so intense that doctors decide to immediately perform uterine curettage - to remove the entire endometrium. In this way, three problems are solved at once - the bleeding stops, its cause is eliminated, and it is determined whether it is a benign process (the material is sent for histological examination).

If there is no need to urgently remove the endometrium, but there are certain symptoms and an ultrasound shows polyps in the uterus and thick endometrium, the procedure may be scheduled for 5-7 days menstrual cycle. IN modern clinics They perform not only curettage of the uterine cavity, but also hysteroscopy - to understand what the problem is, you need to visually see the uterine cavity. And this became possible with the help of an optical device - a hysteroscope.

As for the pipel biopsy, in this case it is not so informative.

Pregnancy and ovulation

If spotting appeared in the middle of the cycle, perhaps it was accompanied by mild pain in the ovarian area, as well as mucus discharge from the vagina, and very little blood was released - this may be a sign of ovulation. A slight detachment of the endometrium occurs due to a hormonal surge.

But spotting may also appear in the early stages of pregnancy. This can happen about a week before your period is due. Blood is released when a fertilized egg implants into the wall of the uterus.

Ovarian dysfunction

This name defines a violation of the hormonal function of the ovaries. Disturbances can arise either due to the pathology of this paired female organ, and others, including thyroid gland and the pituitary gland - the part of the brain responsible for the production of hormones.

The normal menstrual cycle lasts 7 days and repeats every 21-35 days. During these days in female body on certain days are produced different hormones, due to which preparation for pregnancy is carried out. In the ovary, a follicle with an egg matures, the endometrium becomes “plumpier” to accept it in the event of fertilization, and after ovulation it appears corpus luteum, which should maintain the production of progesterone, the main hormone of pregnancy, at the proper level.

If something in this connection “breaks,” menstruation begins to appear very often (more often than once every three weeks) or, on the contrary, rarely (less than once every 35 days). The doctor must determine the cause of the menstrual irregularity. And for this, a woman is examined. The patient must be sent for an ultrasound examination of the organs. pelvic floor and a blood test for hormones on certain days of the menstrual cycle. The problem lies not only in the inconvenience caused by chaotic bleeding and possible anemia due to large blood loss, but also infertility, which is almost always accompanied by a cycle disorder.

And this is only part of the reasons for the appearance bloody discharge outside of menstruation. If you are worried about uterine bleeding, do not hesitate, go to the doctor.

Women's health is largely determined by hormonal balance. AND big number gynecological pathology is accompanied by a violation of regulatory mechanisms. Against this background, menstrual and childbearing functions, other symptoms appear that worry the woman. For example, mucous discharge with blood streaks may appear. But we need to understand in more detail the reasons for their appearance and the accompanying signs, because situations can be very different.

Causes and mechanisms

It is necessary to immediately reassure women - not all bloody discharge indicates pathology. A similar phenomenon occurs normally. It is based on various physiological processes:

  • The formation of menstruation.
  • Climax.
  • Ovulation.
  • Embryo implantation.
  • Postpartum period.
  • Consequences of abortion.

These are situations when mucus and blood can flow regardless of the menstrual cycle. For example, teenage girls and menopausal women have irregular periods and will often have similar discharge between them. It’s just that in one case the ovaries have not yet tuned in to cyclical changes, and in the second - they already go into a state of functional rest.

Bleeding during ovulation (in the middle of the cycle) and implantation of the fertilized egg should also not be scary if it lasts no more than 3 days and is very meager character(daub). And in the postpartum and post-abortion periods, the remnants of the decidua are discharged and the functional layer of the endometrium is restored, which can last for several weeks. But this one also corresponds to the norm, therefore, there is no point in worrying.

But there are situations when vaginal discharge appears due to pathology - gynecological or obstetric. The range of possible conditions can be quite wide, but the main reasons will be:

  • Infections.
  • Cervical erosion.
  • Fibroids and polyps.
  • Endometrial hyperplasia.
  • Spontaneous abortion.
  • Ectopic pregnancy.
  • Placental complications.
  • Injuries to the genital tract.
  • Varicose veins of the vagina.

It should also be noted that discharge occurs even against the background external influence. Such factors include emotional stress, poor nutrition, irrational contraception, taking certain medications. This all displaces the natural hormonal balance in a woman’s body, contributing to various disorders.

Each condition requires a separate differential diagnosis, because the symptoms can be very similar. Therefore, if you notice bloody discharge, you should immediately consult a doctor. The specialist will determine their origin and say whether there is reason to think about pathology.

Bloody discharge is always a cause for concern. But whether they are justified will be determined only by a competent person.


To understand why blood may be released from the genital tract, you first need to carry out clinical examination. It includes analysis of anamnestic information, general and gynecological examination. Any symptom requires detail so as not to miss anything important. Be sure to establish the nature of the discharge:

  • Color: transparent, whitish, with brown, yellow or green tints.
  • Volume: scanty or abundant.
  • Odor: neutral or unpleasant.
  • Duration: short-term or long-term.
  • Frequency: rare or frequent.
  • Dependence on the menstrual cycle, connection with pregnancy.

In addition, you need to determine whether there are any additional symptoms. Sometimes they can play an even more significant role in diagnosis than the discharge itself. And having received a holistic view of clinical level, you can count on confirmation of the diagnosis through additional research.


If a woman has vaginal discharge, the first thing many will think about is infectious lesion genital tract. Microbial invasion may be accompanied by blood streaks or diffuse oozing. In some conditions, the discharge takes on a specific appearance:

  • Thick and cloudy with a yellow-green tint - with gonorrhea.
  • Abundant, liquid and foamy - with trichomoniasis.
  • With white curd-like inclusions and sour smell- for candidiasis.

The infectious process is necessarily accompanied by subjective symptoms. A woman feels burning and itching in the vagina, pain when urinating, and discomfort during sexual intercourse. Sometimes nagging pain in the lower abdomen is possible, but they are more typical for the inflammation to spread upward.

Cervical erosion

Common gynecological pathology considered to be cervical erosion. This benign process, which still increases the likelihood of metaplastic transformations on the mucous membrane. Long time erosion does not appear at all. As the pathology develops, the woman notes the appearance of the following signs:

  • Nagging pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Scanty mucous discharge streaked with blood (contact).
  • Painful intercourse.

A defect in the mucous membrane of the cervix contributes to the addition of infection. Then the discharge takes on a different character, becoming more abundant, and subjective symptoms expand.

Cervical erosion is detected in almost every second woman of reproductive age, which should be the reason for regular examinations by a gynecologist.

Fibroids and polyps

Among benign diseases endometrial hyperplasia, fibroids and polyps are widespread in the uterus. Their Clinical signs are very similar. More often we're talking about about hypermenstrual syndrome, which combines the following conditions:

  • Polymenorrhea – long periods.
  • Poyomenorrhea – frequent menstruation.
  • Hypermenorrhea – copious discharge.

If bleeding occurs cyclically, then it is called menorrhagia, and if there is no such connection, we are talking about metrorrhagia. There are also combined cases when, against the background of heavy menstruation, erratic discharge appears, sometimes with clots. If there is no ovulation in the cycle, then problems arise with conceiving a child, and with intense blood loss, signs of anemia are observed: pallor, dizziness, weakness, brittle nails, hair loss, etc.

Spontaneous abortion

With the onset of pregnancy, a woman's greatest fear is probably miscarriage. It can occur in the early stages, starting with the threat of abortion and ending with the complete release of the fertilized egg. But in order to prevent the latter, you should pay attention to all deviations in well-being, especially the following symptoms:

  • Bloody issues.
  • Nagging pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Pressure on the rectum.
  • Frequent urination.

Subsequently, all signs will only intensify, predetermining the transition pathological process to new stages. The membranes peel off from the endometrium, and the embryo dies. If for some reason it lingers in the uterus, then a frozen pregnancy is diagnosed. If it persists for more than several weeks, the risk of massive bleeding and infectious complications increases.

Ectopic pregnancy

Discharge mixed with blood also occurs during ectopic pregnancy. Most often, implantation of the fertilized egg occurs in fallopian tube. Until a certain time ovum develops according to physiology, but the walls cannot stretch indefinitely. On early pregnancy is terminated in the form of abortion or rupture of the tube. In both cases the clinic is similar - scanty discharge from the vagina on the background nagging pain on the one hand - but the latter is characterized by sudden development and more intense symptoms. When a pipe ruptures, signs appear " acute abdomen"and internal bleeding:

  • Acute pain radiating to the sacrum, rectum, legs.
  • Tension of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall.
  • Signs of irritated peritoneum.
  • Pain on palpation.
  • Overhang posterior arch vagina.
  • Dullness of percussion sound in the iliac regions.
  • Deterioration of general condition ( severe weakness, pallor, increased heart rate, drop in blood pressure).

You need to understand that this condition requires urgent measures, because continued bleeding will lead to the development hemorrhagic shock. And this is already associated with a real risk to life.

Placental complications

Another situation when spotting may appear in obstetrics is placenta abruption or placenta previa. The latter manifests itself immediately before childbirth, when the cervix begins to open. Bleeding from the genital tract occurs because the placenta partially or completely blocks the cervical canal. And the first or second trimesters may be accompanied by premature detachment. This condition is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Scanty discharge mixed with blood.
  • Local pain in the abdomen.
  • Deterioration of the fetus' condition.

And if placenta previa is dangerous primarily for the woman, then abruption creates a threat of premature termination of pregnancy. But in any case, qualified medical assistance is required.

Placental complications in obstetrics are serious pathology, which creates risks for the fetus and the woman herself.

Additional diagnostics

Any pathology must be accurately verified. But clinical signs do not provide complete confidence in the correctness of a particular diagnosis. Therefore it is extremely important additional methods, confirming the doctor’s assumption and clarifying the nature of the changes. If a woman has a discharge streaked with blood, she will most likely have to undergo the following tests:

  • General blood and urine tests.
  • Blood biochemistry (hormones, antibodies to infections, coagulogram, etc.).
  • Culture and microscopy of secretions.
  • Ultrasound of the pelvis.
  • Hysteroscopy.
  • Metrography.
  • Fetal cardiotocography.

The specialist will determine what tests should be performed, because the examination program depends on the results of the preliminary diagnosis. And having received all the information about the woman’s condition, the doctor will accurately indicate the origin of the discharge and determine the measures that need to be taken to eliminate the pathology. If possible deviations are excluded, then the woman just needs to calm down and continue to lead a normal lifestyle, taking care of own health and noticing alarming changes in him.

Appointment with a gynecologist

Every girl - girl - woman from 11-15 years old to 45-55 years old gets monthly (excluding pregnancy and breastfeeding) menstruation. Its normal duration is 3-7 days, blood loss during the entire menstruation is about 80 ml, the interval between menstruation is 21-35 days. This is a normal menstrual cycle.

If menstruation comes irregularly, bloody issues, and even more so bleeding outside of menstruation, menstruation becomes excessively heavy and painful - this is a reason to contact a gynecologist in order to find out the cause of this condition and select treatment.

Causes of spotting not associated with menstruation

Pregnancy. If bloody discharge from the genital tract appears during pregnancy, this may indicate a threat of miscarriage. intrauterine pregnancy or placental abruption. At ectopic pregnancy Bloody discharge may also occur. These conditions are characterized by delayed menstruation and pregnancy diagnosed by ultrasound or blood test for hCG.

Hyperplasia and endometrial polyps- in these diseases there are abundant painful menstruation, sometimes with clots, as well as bloody intermenstrual discharge from the genital tract.

Uterine fibroids with submucosal nodes- this disease is characterized by cramping pain in the lower abdomen and lower back during menstruation, which becomes protracted and profuse.

Endometriosis. Spotting and spotting for several days before and after menstruation, painful menstruation with clots most often indicate the presence of this particular disease.

Ovulatory syndrome. Some women note the appearance of vaginal spotting and/or pain in the lower abdomen in the middle of the menstrual cycle on the days corresponding to ovulation.

Genital trauma- here there is a connection between rough, violent sex and subsequent bleeding from the genital tract. Vaginal ruptures and rupture of the posterior commissure occur most often. In some situations, such injuries require surgical care, that is, it is necessary to stitch up the tears.

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding. After a period of delayed menstruation, very heavy, painless menstruation comes, which does not end on its own, but turns into bleeding. At the same time, it worsens and general state women due to blood loss, anemia occurs.

Insufficiency of the second (luteal) phase of the menstrual cycle. If after ovulation an incomplete corpus luteum has formed, producing an insufficient amount of hormones, a few days before next menstruation Dark bloody discharge appears from the vagina. This situation can occur only in one menstrual cycle, or can be repeated monthly.

Cervical and endometrial cancer- these diseases are characterized by bloody vaginal discharge varying intensity, not related to the phase of the menstrual cycle.

Ectopic cervix. Cervical diseases are characterized by contact discharge from the genital tract, that is, resulting from contact of the cervix with the penis during sex, with gynecological speculum during a medical examination, as well as during constipation.

Endometritis. Inflammation of the uterine mucosa is often accompanied by long periods and bloody intermenstrual vaginal discharge.

What should women do if they are faced with the problem of bleeding from the genital tract? First of all, do not panic, but urgently contact a gynecologist and do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs. After these examinations, it will be possible to assume the presence of a particular disease and prescribe additional examination and/or treatment.

Nesyaeva Elena Vladimirovna

Bloody discharge between periods undoubtedly frightens women. But few people know that such a phenomenon in most cases is not considered a sign of the development of pathologies, but is a completely natural physiological process. However, if such discharge is recorded with a certain frequency, then, of course, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor.

What is important to know about the female body?

The female body is unique, because only in it can it arise new life. Every month, the reproductive system begins to clear itself of accumulated blood, dead cells and mucus, which is accompanied by discharge, which in gynecology is called menstruation.

During this period, the uterus rejects inner layer epithelium, which grew throughout the entire cycle. Its thickening is due to the fact that the uterus is preparing to receive a fertilized egg. But if the egg is not fertilized and dies, the need for overgrown epithelium disappears until next maturing gametes and the uterus begins to clear itself of it.

But! The process of egg maturation is also observed every month and occurs in the follicle located on the ovary. Under the influence of certain hormones, this follicle increases in size and ruptures approximately on days 12–16 of the cycle. This causes the rupture of its small capillaries, the contents of which (blood) penetrate into the vaginal cavity and exit it in small quantities. This is what causes the appearance of bloody or brown discharge between periods without pain or unpleasant odor. Such vaginal secretion is scanty in nature, observed over several hours and does not need to be examined. specific therapy.

Other causes of discharge without pain

Intermenstrual discharge can occur not only at the time of ovulation, but also for other reasons. Main role The following factors play a role in this matter:

From psychological state a woman depends not only on her work reproductive system, but also the whole organism as a whole. Lack of sleep, stress, emotional fatigue - this can lead to spotting on any day of the menstrual cycle. Moreover, it is psychological factors may provoke the discovery of a strong uterine bleeding, even if the woman does not have any pathologies. Therefore, for those who often lack sleep or fall into stressful situations, doctors recommend taking herbal sedatives. This will avoid intermenstrual bleeding and the occurrence of various pathologies(stress is main reason development of diseases of the cardiovascular and urinary systems).

Concerning age factor, then in this case we are talking about young girls whose age does not exceed 16 and women over 45 years old. In the first case, the formation of the menstrual cycle is still taking place and discharge both during and between periods is the norm.

Important! If after 16 years a girl often experiences intermenstrual spotting, then she should be shown to a doctor, since such phenomena signal serious hormonal disorders in the body associated with impaired functioning of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland or adrenal glands.

In women over 45 years of age, functions decline reproductive organs– their activity decreases, which, of course, affects the synthesis of sex hormones. This condition is also natural and is called menopause. It can last for more than one year and during this time the menstrual cycle is disrupted. Menstruation “shifts” and becomes irregular and scanty, delayed or occurs several times a month. All this can be supplemented:

  • Increased sweating.
  • Gaining weight.
  • Hot flashes.
  • Irregularities in blood pressure.
  • Dizziness.
  • Tachycardia, etc.

These unpleasant symptoms bother a woman until menopause occurs. And in order to somehow reduce the symptoms of menopause and improve a woman’s condition, doctors recommend taking special drugs, providing suppression of symptoms and accelerating the process of menopause.

A sharp change in climatic conditions also affects the functioning of the reproductive organs. In this case, menstruation may “shift”, be delayed, become scanty or heavy. And the occurrence of intermenstrual spotting is also not uncommon. However, it should be noted that when climatic conditions change similar condition should not be observed for more than 2 months. If scanty discharge appears between menstruation and beyond, you should definitely visit a doctor. Perhaps the change in climatic conditions provoked not only menstrual irregularities, but also an exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Contraception, namely intrauterine device(IUD) and contraceptives can also lead to discharge. When inserting an IUD, severe damage to the walls occurs cervical canal, and therefore, after the procedure, a woman may experience copious discharge with a scarlet color. But after a few hours their number decreases and daubing begins. Normally, it should be observed for 3–5 days. However, in some women, the healing process of the cervix is ​​delayed for more long term, so their discharge lasts much longer.

Important! Vaginal secretion outside of menstruation, arising due to the installation of an IUD, can be observed throughout the entire cycle until the onset of menstruation. If after it it still does not go away, and abdominal pain appears, you need to visit a doctor, since such symptoms indicate severe inflammation cervical canal and require immediate removal of the device.

Contraceptives contain the hormone estrogen, which suppresses progesterone levels in the body and prevents pregnancy. Naturally, all this has a negative impact on hormonal background, as a result of which spotting begins to appear outside of menstruation. This picture can be observed for several months until will be complete adaptation of the body to new conditions.

Important! From the moment of the first appointment contraception and it will take 2-3 months for the body to fully adapt. If after this time the woman continues to smear, she should visit a doctor. Perhaps the drug is not suitable and it is necessary to replace it, or she has certain diseases for which the use of contraceptives is contraindicated.

Discharge in the middle of the cycle can also occur due to excessive physical activity on your feet or rough sexual contact. In the first case, there is strong tension in the pelvis, due to which the uterus may come out a small amount of blood, and in the second, damage to the mucous membranes of the vagina is observed, as a result of which they can bleed. Such discharge lasts no more than 2–3 hours and is not accompanied by abdominal pain.


Pathologies of the reproductive organs can provoke the appearance of not only discharge, but also:

  • Pain syndrome that occurs in the abdomen.
  • High temperature.
  • Weakness.
  • Weight loss/gain.
  • Cutting in the urethra that appears during emptying Bladder etc.

If a woman experiences a dark brown (almost black) smear outside of her period, accompanied by abdominal pain and weakness, she should immediately run to the doctor and have an ultrasound or CT scan done. These symptoms are typical for cancer. And since some of its forms progress rapidly, affecting everything nearby organs, his treatment must be carried out immediately!

Ichor from the vagina outside of menstruation can also be released during the development of diseases such as hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. In the first case, there is a lack of thyroid hormones in the body, and in the second, there is an excess of them. Both deficiency and excess of hormones disrupt the functioning of the pelvic organs and can lead to the release of small amounts of blood.

Important! Pathologies of the thyroid gland must be treated immediately, as they can lead to the development of other diseases, including infertility and cancer!

Pink or bloody intermenstrual fluid can also appear against the background of cervical dysplasia, which is considered a precancerous condition. In the early stages of its development, this pathology is easily susceptible to conservative therapy. But if the disease is neglected and its treatment is not started on time, it will lead to the development of cancer and it will be impossible to get rid of it without surgical interventions, and complications will not be long in coming.

In addition, brown or white discharge with ichor often occurs due to an ovarian cyst. This neoplasm appears in the form of a small sac, inside of which there is serous fluid. This sac also negatively affects the functioning of the ovary and its production of hormones, which leads to serious hormonal disorders.

Important! An epididymal cyst is dangerous not only because of infertility, but also because of its rupture, as a result of which its contents are poured into the abdominal cavity, provoking the development of peritonitis and abscess. Therefore, you should not delay the treatment of this pathology, as this can lead to serious consequences.

Cervical canal erosion is another common condition that is characterized by the appearance of brownish or bloody spotting outside of menstruation. Its treatment can be carried out both with medications and folk remedies. However, most effective method Its treatment is cauterization. This procedure allows you to completely get rid of erosion and prevent the development of complications against it.

Important! Pathology may for a long time do not manifest themselves in any way, gradually growing and striking healthy cells cervical canal. And if left untreated, after a certain time it can develop into cancer!

There are many reasons why a woman experiences discharge outside of her period. And to understand why they occur, you will need to visit a doctor and undergo full examination. If pathologies were identified during it, it is necessary to urgently treat them. IN otherwise may arise serious problems with health.

Experienced doctors know why bloody discharge appears and why it is dangerous. This symptom observed when various diseases. Most often the reason is infectious pathology genitals. This is predominantly women's problem. In men, discharge from the urethra is possible.

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    Pathological discharge from the genital tract

    Purulent and mucous discharge streaked with blood - serious symptom, which is a reason to see a doctor. It can be observed continuously or periodically. Often women experience discharge after sexual intercourse. In 80% of cases they are not abundant. The main reasons are:

    • the beginning of menstruation;
    • injury to the mucous membrane as a result of careless sexual intercourse;
    • endometritis;
    • cervical erosion;
    • adenomyosis;
    • tumors;
    • improper use of estrogens;
    • STIs (gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis);
    • polycystic disease;
    • performing gynecological procedures;
    • endometriosis;
    • thrombocytopenia;
    • blood clotting disorder;
    • ectopic pregnancy;
    • placental abruption;
    • use of intrauterine contraceptives.

    Vaginal bleeding may occur during pregnancy. This indicates termination of pregnancy and the development of complications. In men, discharge from the urethra is caused by injuries, candidiasis, STIs and allergic reactions. The cause is inflammation of the mucous membrane urethra.

    Bloody discharge due to fibroids

    Bloody discharge is a sign benign tumor uterus. It's called fibroids. By the age of 35, almost every third woman suffers from this pathology. IN Lately fibroids are often detected in young girls. The following risk factors for tumor development are known:

    • disruption of the menstrual cycle;
    • hormonal disorders;
    • irregular sex life;
    • dissatisfaction with sex;
    • performing abortions;
    • curettage of the uterus;
    • complicated childbirth.

    This problem is more common among obese women. hypertension, thyroid pathology and diabetes. Signs of fibroids are menorrhagia (prolonged and heavy bleeding during menstruation), metrorrhagia, abdominal pain, weakness, pale skin, constipation, difficulty urinating. Pathological discharge is not observed in all women. The admixture of blood is caused by damage to blood vessels by the tumor. Symptoms are most pronounced with large submucous myoma.

    Development of endometriosis

    The bloody nature of the discharge is typical for endometriosis. With this pathology, the functional layer of the uterine mucosa appears in places atypical for it. The vagina, ovaries, and myometrium are most often affected. This provokes bleeding from the genitals outside of menstruation.

    Known following reasons endometriosis:

    • hormonal disorders;
    • family predisposition;
    • decreased immunity;
    • metaplasia.

    Almost always with this disease there is an increase in the level of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones. Provoking factors include iron deficiency, inflammatory processes and liver dysfunction. With endometriosis, sick women complain of brown discharge from the genital tract. They can be abundant or spotting. Dark discharge. Blood clots are often detected in them. The appearance of spotting in endometriosis is associated with a decrease in estrogen synthesis.

    This symptom bothers you between menstruation. It is not observed in all sick women. Along with this sign, symptoms such as abdominal pain and difficulties in conceiving a child appear. Menstruation becomes long and profuse. Symptoms of intoxication are possible in the form of fever, weakness, nausea and vomiting.

    Presence of uterine polyps

    Discharge with blood streaks is a sign of polyps. This benign neoplasms on a stalk, shaped like a mushroom. In 1-2% of cases they undergo malignancy. Polyps have the following features:

    • formed during menopause;
    • manifested by menstrual irregularities, leucorrhoea, bleeding and pain;
    • up to 0.5 cm in size;
    • can be single or multiple;
    • often localized in the cervix;
    • may cause infertility.

    These neoplasms are glandular, fibrous, mixed, adenomatous and placental. The exact reasons for their appearance are not clear. The risk of developing this pathology increases with the growth blood vessels, hormonal disorders, endocrine pathology, obesity, cervicitis, endometriosis and physical inactivity.

    Bloody vaginal discharge with polyps is not always observed. This symptom occurs in case of injury to the neoplasm and blood vessels. This is possible during a gynecological examination or diagnostic curettage. Sometimes the cause of blood is ulceration of the polyp.

    Manifestations of endometritis

    A common pathology among women is endometritis. With it, mucus and blood are released from the genital tract very often. There are acute and chronic endometritis. The process involves the inner (mucous) layer of the uterus. Muscles are often affected. In this case, metroendometritis develops.

    The disease has an infectious etiology. Acute endometritis often develops after abortions and diagnostic curettage. Chronic form diseases are often associated with the use of spirals and medical procedures. Mucus with blood is most often released during long-term endometritis.

    The following symptoms are possible:

    • heavy or scanty menstruation;
    • uterine bleeding;
    • pathological discharge;
    • painful sexual intercourse;
    • enlarged uterus;
    • abdominal pain.

    Vaginal discharge can be serous or purulent. Blood is found in them in the form of veins. In the absence of proper treatment, there is a risk of complications (miscarriage, infertility, difficult childbirth).

    Inflammation of the appendages

    Not every woman knows why there is bloody discharge from the genitals. The cause may be inflammation of the appendages (tubes and ovaries). The disease is called adnexitis or salpingoophoritis. Inflammation can be unilateral or bilateral. Nonspecific pathogens are cocci and other opportunistic bacteria. Less commonly, adnexitis develops against the background of an STI (chlamydia). Predisposing factors are immunodeficiency, hypothermia and unprotected relationships.

    Bloody discharge appears due to metrorrhagia. This happens between menstruation. In such women, the secreted blood mixes with the mucous membranes or purulent discharge vagina. Other symptoms include pain and heavy menstruation, decreased libido, pain during sexual intercourse. Digestive function is often impaired. In acute salpingoophoritis, signs of bleeding are most often absent.

    Blood admixture in uterine cancer

    Bleeding and pathological discharge - signs malignant tumor. The most commonly diagnosed cancer is uterine cancer. The neck or body of the organ may be affected. Most high level incidence among women - aged 60-63 years. There is no single hypothesis for the development of uterine cancer. The clinical picture is determined by the location and size of the tumor.

    The following symptoms are observed with uterine cancer:

    • bleeding;
    • purulent or watery discharge with an admixture of red blood cells;
    • pain.

    Most often the secretion is mucous. In case of joining secondary infection it becomes purulent mixed with blood. Appearance pain syndrome points to running form cancer. In the presence of a malignant tumor, bloody discharge is combined with symptoms of intoxication. For cervical cancer clinical picture has some features. Early symptom are bleeding. The nature of menstruation changes. As the tumor grows, discharge with traces of blood appears. On late stages they have bad smell. The volume of leucorrhoea also increases.

    Necessary examinations

    If a woman has pathological discharge with blood, the following tests will be needed:

    • general clinical tests;
    • computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging;
    • blood chemistry;
    • PAP test;
    • histological examination;
    • biopsy;
    • Ultrasound of the uterus and appendages;
    • bacteriological examination of smears;
    • analysis of vaginal microflora;
    • bimanual gynecological examination;
    • laparoscopy;
    • radiography.

    The results of a survey and physical examination help make a diagnosis and identify risk factors. The doctor palpates the abdomen. For diseases infectious nature it is important to identify the pathogen. If a tumor is detected, a biopsy is performed. Then the taken tissue fragment is examined for the presence of atypical cells.

    A colposcopy is required. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs is of decisive importance in the diagnosis of endometriosis. The source of bleeding can be anywhere. Specific markers of this disease are being identified. The blood is tested for the presence of CA-125. Contrast radiography is very informative.

    Treatment regimen

    The treatment regimen is determined by the gynecologist. It depends on the underlying cause of the bleeding. When identifying chronic salpingoophoritis, the following is required:

    • hospitalization (during exacerbation);
    • carrying out physical procedures;
    • infusion therapy;
    • autohemotherapy;
    • use of systemic antibiotics;
    • taking vitamins.

    After normalization of discharge and elimination of other symptoms, rest in a sanatorium is recommended. For endometriosis, the main method of treatment is long-term use hormonal drugs. These may be combined oral contraceptives, levonorgestrel derivatives, gonadotropin synthesis inhibitors, androgen derivatives, gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists.

    Medicines such as Diane-35, Janine, Mirena, Depo-Provera and Zoladex are often prescribed. Additionally carried out symptomatic therapy. Often required surgical intervention.In the presence of uterine cancer, possible following methods treatment:

    • irradiation;
    • use of chemotherapy drugs;
    • operation;
    • taking hormones.

    On initial stages ablation is performed. Extirpation or more extensive surgery is often required. If there is an accumulation of purulent exudate (pyometra), bougienage is performed. After surgery, it is often organized radiation therapy. If the admixture of blood in the discharge is due to polyps, then they are removed. New growths are twisted out or mechanically used. IN the latter case an electric loop and a laser are used. After removing the tumor, the bed is cauterized using electrocoagulation.

    Prevention measures

    To save reproductive function and to prevent pathological discharge, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

    • visit a gynecologist at least 2 times a year;
    • observe the rules of intimate hygiene;
    • do not engage in casual sex;
    • start sexual life in a timely manner;
    • stop using intrauterine devices;
    • do not take hormonal drugs;
    • treat inflammatory diseases;
    • quit smoking and alcohol;
    • move more;
    • do not overcool;
    • Healthy food;
    • harden;
    • periodically submit material for laboratory research;
    • vaccinate against cervical cancer with Gardasil or Cervarix;
    • refuse abortion;
    • plan pregnancy;
    • avoid contact with carcinogens;
    • follow the rules of asepsis after childbirth.

    You need to be careful with young. Thus, the admixture of blood in the discharge can be a serious symptom. The most common cause is inflammatory diseases of the genital organs.