What do hormones influence in the body? The role of hormones in the body. Action of different hormones

How do hormones work? female body? What you need to know about hormonal contraception?

Hormones are active substances of our body, on which its growth, development and normal functioning depend. With their help, girls become more feminine, acquire smooth lines and a special feminine beauty. Our appearance, mood and even actions are related to the “behavior” of hormones in our body.

In the female body it “works” very a large number of hormones. Their coordinated work allows a woman to feel like a woman.


These are “female” hormones that stimulate the growth and function of the female genital organs and the growth of the mammary glands. In addition, they are responsible for the appearance of female secondary sexual characteristics, i.e., breast enlargement, fat deposition and muscle formation. female type. In addition, these hormones are responsible for the cyclicity of menstruation. They are produced by the ovaries in women, the testes in men, and the adrenal cortex in both sexes. These hormones affect bone growth and water-salt balance.

After menopause, women have less estrogen. This can lead to hot flashes, sleep disturbances and organ atrophy genitourinary system. Also, a lack of estrogen can be a cause of osteoporosis that develops in postmenopause.


Produced by the ovaries in women, the testes in men, and the adrenal cortex in both sexes. These hormones can be called “male” hormones. In certain concentrations, they cause the development of male secondary sexual characteristics in women (deepening of the voice, growth of facial hair, baldness, height muscle mass"in the wrong places") Androgens increase libido in both sexes.

A large number of androgens in the female body can lead to partial atrophy mammary glands, uterus and ovaries and infertility. During pregnancy, under the influence of excess amounts of these substances, a miscarriage may occur. Androgens can reduce the secretion of vaginal lubrication, making sexual intercourse painful for the woman.


Progesterone is called the “pregnancy” hormone. It is produced by the corpus luteum of the ovaries, and during pregnancy also by the placenta. Progesterone helps maintain pregnancy, stimulates the development of the mammary glands and “prepares” the uterus for bearing a fetus. During pregnancy, its level increases 15 times.

This hormone helps produce maximum quantity nutrients from what we eat and increases appetite. During pregnancy it is very useful qualities, but if its formation increases at other times, this contributes to the appearance of extra pounds.

Luteinizing hormone

Produced by the pituitary gland. It regulates the secretion of estrogen by the ovaries in women, and is also responsible for ovulation and development corpus luteum.

Follicle-stimulating hubbub

Synthesized by the pituitary gland. Stimulates the growth and maturation of ovarian follicles, estrogen secretion and ovulation.

"Gonadotropic hormones(FSH - follicle-stimulating hormone, LH - luteinizing hormone and prolactin), produced in the adenohypophysis, determine the order of maturation of follicles in the ovary, ovulation (the release of an egg), the development and functioning of the corpus luteum,” says obstetrician-gynecologist highest category Natalya Vladimirovna Konovalenko.


This hormone is also produced by the pituitary gland. In addition, the mammary gland, placenta, central nervous system and the immune system. Prolactin stimulates the growth and development of the mammary glands and is involved in the formation of maternal instinct. It is necessary for lactation, increases milk secretion and converts colostrum into milk.

This hormone prevents the occurrence new pregnancy while breastfeeding your baby. It is also involved in providing orgasm and has an analgesic effect.

Prolactin is called a stress hormone. Its production increases with stressful conditions, anxiety, depression, severe pain, with psychoses, action unfavorable factors from outside.

All these hormones are very important for proper operation woman's body. They are the ones who allow a woman to become a mother.

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Hello! Please tell me, I started taking the first package birth control pills I took the first tablet of “Microgynon” on the first day of menstruation, after what time can my husband and I safely interrupt sexual intercourse 18 October 2013, 17:25 Hello! Please tell me, I started taking the first package of birth control pills "Microgynon" I took the first pill on the first day of menstruation, after what time can my husband and I interrupt sexual intercourse without fear? Thank you in advance!

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What you need to know about hormonal contraception

Hormonal contraceptives- it's simple and convenient. Many women use it to prevent the onset of unwanted pregnancy. But the composition of the drugs includes synthetic substances- analogs of female hormones that prevent the onset of ovulation. Thus, they prevent the possibility of fertilization. But the effect of these substances may interfere with the functioning of your body’s “native” hormones, which may result in undesirable consequences:

A normal balance of hormones in the female body is the key to health. Therefore, before taking hormonal contraceptives You should definitely consult your doctor. He will select a drug for you that will perform its functions without harming your health.

A person’s ability to bear children, maintain their attractive qualities, femininity or masculinity is all the influence of hormones on the body. From their deficiency or excess, women can develop masculine qualities, and men develop feminine ones. The performance of the body and human behavior at the mental and physical level depend on their functioning.

The production of biologically active substances in the human body is carried out by the endocrine glands.

Unique abilities of hormones

In case of insufficient quantity certain types hormones and their excess can cause disturbances in the body. The hormones that appear in the blood begin to flow into the organs. This is how various functions in the body are strengthened or weakened.

The most important endocrine gland responsible for metabolic functions in the body is the pituitary gland. The endocrine glands work under its control. Reproduction and other important activities depend on the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland should not change in size, otherwise hormones will not be produced correctly.

A person feels his own attractiveness due to the hormone vasopressin. Usually its manifestation can be noticed with an enthusiastic feeling own body, skin, hair. Similar hormones regulate water-salt balance. A person receives pleasure from his own body.

The production of dopamine in the body contributes to the excellent functioning of all muscular system. A person acquires easy fast gait. With this element in the body, a feeling of heaviness appears, and it can be difficult for a person to move.

The effect of these hormones on humans is quite beneficial. Due to them, his thinking is stimulated, he feels less pain, and feels a blissful state. To produce dopamine, you should take up dancing. You don’t have to dance professionally; you can just move to the music.

The female body has its own characteristics

Any human body has both masculine and . Accordingly, they can be used to determine which gender a certain individual belongs to. Some types of hormones cannot be possessed by a man. For example, when a woman carries a child, a hormone appears in her blood that cannot be in the male body.

Estradiol gives a woman's figure a special shape and regulates menstrual cycle. Due to this, the egg begins to mature. With his participation, the formation begins characteristic features figures. Possessor full breasts, wide hips and thin waist has estradiol in large quantities. At the same time, such women do not have excess hair.

The beauty of any woman is formed under the influence of estrogen. The function of its production lies with the ovaries. Elasticity, smoothness and firmness of the skin, thick hair, healthy blood vessels– indicators of full estrogen production. If there is not enough of it in the body, then the woman will begin to develop masculine qualities. Excessive influence of these hormones on a woman’s body can lead to diseases of the uterus.

Having sex leads to the production of oxytocin in a woman’s body. Sexual contact two people is accompanied by the emergence of greater intimacy. The impact of stress and minor troubles on a person is reduced.

Functions of hormones in the human body

Sexual behavior is controlled by testosterone, which is predominant in the body of men. It affects muscle development and effectively burns fat, but its main quality is to stimulate sexual desire.

Excess testosterone can cause a woman to become a nymphomaniac. An insufficient amount of the hormone makes a woman frigid. Excessive amounts of the substance make her hot-tempered, aggressive and irritable.

Fighting qualities begin to prevail in the body of men and women from norepinephrine. This manifests itself in increased blood circulation. If we consider the psychological side, then a person becomes more self-confident and courageous, reacts to a challenge and quickly fights back an opponent.

The production of oxytocin, estradiol and estrogen is produced by hormones that are present only in the body of women. The ovaries, adrenal glands and placenta are working on production. Their influence can be seen in their thin waist, wide hips, patience, tenderness, and pliability in character.

At low rates This element causes the weaker sex to lose interest in sex. A pregnant woman's body produces an excess of progesterone, the predominant element in the male body.

The thyroid gland produces thyroxine, which is responsible for the presence of high intellectual abilities. A sufficient amount of this element is necessary in order not to gain excess weight.

The breakdown of all carbohydrates and the formation of glucose is carried out by insulin. If there is an excess amount of glucose that comes from confectionery products, the body cannot cope with it. As a result, cholesterol and fat are formed, causing contamination of blood vessels and the body.

Beautiful and attractive breasts indicate that the ligaments are healthy and elastic. If there is a sufficient amount of somatropin in the body, then good things will happen building up the muscle system, strengthening the ligaments and timely burning of fat.

How to recognize signs of hormonal imbalance?

Lack of somatropin leads to muscle deterioration, especially facial muscles, and premature aging occurs. Due to somatropin, bones grow throughout life. This element is especially overproduced in pregnant women. This manifests itself in the enlargement of the feet, as well as the nostrils.

The psychological state and appearance of a woman worsens with insufficient development of the hormonal sphere:

  • lack of elasticity of the fabric;
  • the appearance of muscle flabbiness;
  • distribution of hairs in unwanted places;
  • the occurrence of painful menstruation;
  • development of fat deposits.

Due to overwork, insufficient sleep and stress, hormones decrease in a person’s blood. In such circumstances, it can be difficult for the ovaries to fulfill their endocrine work. This leads to a feeling of increasing discomfort.

The importance of hormonal balance

To improve your hormonal environment, you will need to completely change your life:

  • A woman needs to spend two hours a day on herself - massage, complex health treatments or gymnastics;
  • eat right, rest more often, sleep at night;
  • The body must receive high-quality protein;
  • good benefits from eating vegetables and fruits;
  • reduce sugar intake, flour products, refined products;
  • Gymnastics, running and physical exercise help the ovaries function better. To improve your hormonal levels, you need to conduct full-fledged physical exercise.

The influence of different hormones on the human body has great value for the proper functioning of body cells. If the level of male hormone in a woman’s body increases, then adverse events will arise. Testosterone in excess can stop the menstrual cycle.


At excessive influence hormones on the human body will help traditional medicines. At normal cycle to reduce testosterone should be used traditional methods. Flax-seed in salads will have a beneficial effect in this case.

Red clover can also be classified as effective way getting rid of testosterone. It is brewed in tea. Temporary transition to vegetarian food. Fats and carbohydrates in food should be in minimum quantity. You should not use a condom as protection. Due to the male hormone supplied with sperm, estrogen begins to be produced, after which changes hormonal functions female body.

The female endocrine system during pregnancy must work correctly for birth healthy baby and maintaining maternal health. Correct ratio of all hormones – a guarantee of achieving good psychological state and attractiveness.

There are a number of glands in the human body internal secretion. They are responsible for the production of special chemical activators called hormones. They control and regulate many processes. What exactly hormones influence is discussed below.

What do hormones affect?

There are several main functions that hormones have:

  1. Effects on mental, physical and sexual development person.
  2. Adaptation of the body to different conditions. For example, a person’s reaction to changes in temperature or climate, stress, and so on.
  3. Influence at internal state body - homeostasis.
  4. Hormones are special substances that enhance communication between organs and tissues.

Since they have such functions and have a serious effect on the body, it is important to ensure that they are in good condition. After all, hormone imbalance can cause major changes, pathologies and diseases.

How hormones affect the body

Present in the human body great amount hormones. Each of them has a specific effect on the body:

  • Somatotropin - is responsible for human proportions. With its deficiency, as a rule, there is overweight, which diet and sports cannot help to get rid of. If it is present in excess, it may cause extreme thinness. In addition, this hormone affects growth. It is especially important to monitor its balance during puberty. You can read about what else affects a person’s growth in our article.
  • Thyroxine is a hormone that affects the body’s energy metabolism, a person’s mood, and the functioning of the liver, kidneys and gall bladder. When it is deficient, lethargy and chronic fatigue. Its excess can lead to kidney stones or gallbladder.
  • Testosterone is responsible for sexual desire in men and the development of secondary sexual characteristics. In addition, it affects bone strength, improves memory, and slows down the aging process in the body. It is very important that the level of this hormone is normal. IN otherwise In men, impotence may appear, and in women, its excess leads to excessive hair growth on the body and face, and skin problems.
  • Serotonin is responsible for mood. It is also called the hormone of happiness. When it is in excess, a person’s performance immediately increases, he becomes very active and has an optimistic attitude. A lack of this hormone leads to depression.
  • Glucocorticoids are responsible for the metabolism of minerals and substances. They allow a person to maintain excellent shape and well-being. With a lack of these hormones, excess body weight and immunity problems are observed.
  • Acetylcholine - has strong influence on concentration. When it is normal or in excess, a person becomes more diligent, and therefore copes with the work much faster. The lack of this hormone causes absent-mindedness and lethargy, and impairs memory.

How male hormones affect a woman

Women also have male hormones. They have a serious impact on the body, especially during pregnancy. It is male hormones that are primarily responsible for the maturation of the egg, its attachment to the wall of the uterus and the development of the fetus itself. With a deficiency in the body in women male hormones may be observed serious problems with conception. But this can only be detected on certain days of menstruation.

Excessive amounts of male hormones in women lead to hyperandrogenism, a pathology that can cause obesity, acne, cancer, and problems with the thyroid gland. Also with their elevated level There may be problems with the menstrual cycle. There are frequent cases of diseases associated with the nervous system, and the onset of early menopause caused by excess male hormones.

Helps regulate hormone levels in the body special drugs. They are prescribed exclusively by a doctor after a thorough examination and a series of tests. It is important to take them strictly according to the instructions and for the time specified by the specialist.

It is often said that the condition of our body depends on hormones. Let's try to figure out what hormones are. Where do they “come from”, how do they affect the body?

Endocrine glands produce biologically active substances - hormones, which are released directly into the blood and are transported with its current to the organs. Hormones increase or decrease various functions body. Both their deficiency and excess lead to changes in the state of the body.

The most important endocrine gland that affects metabolism, growth and development of the body is pituitary. He regulates the activities of others endocrine glands, influences the processes of reproduction, participates in the implementation important functions body. The mass of the pituitary gland is only 0.5 grams. It is located inside the skull and is attached to the brain (to the hypothalamus) using a thin stalk - the funnel. This place is called the "Turkish saddle". The size of the pituitary gland is judged by the size of the sella turcica on a skull x-ray. The formation of the activity of the pituitary gland is associated with the development of the brain. Most important stages are 6-7 years and 10 years, when the production of hormones by the pituitary gland increases significantly.

Change normal sizes pituitary gland leads to disruption of hormone production and noticeable changes in the state of the body. With hyperfunction of the anterior pituitary gland in childhood increased body growth is observed: the person becomes very tall. In people whose height exceeds 2 m, the study may reveal. If the pituitary gland is not active enough during the growth period, then growth retardation occurs and a short person is formed. In such people, skeletal ossification occurs later, the genitals and secondary sexual characteristics are poorly developed, and they do not tolerate infectious and other diseases well.

In an adult, hyperfunction of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland leads to acromegaly - excessive enlargement of the hands, feet, nose, tongue, facial bones, ears, some organs of the chest and abdominal cavitieslower jaw becomes long and wide, the nose thickens, cheekbones and brow ridges stand out strongly. In addition, with acromegaly, the functions of other endocrine glands, in particular the reproductive and pancreas, are disrupted. With hypofunction of the anterior pituitary gland in adults, a metabolic disorder is observed, which leads to either obesity or sudden weight loss.

Hypofunction of the pituitary gland is the reason diabetes insipidus when a large amount of urine is released (up to 40 liters per day) due to the inability of the kidneys to concentrate it.

Humoral (carried out through the blood) regulation of functions the body is under direct control nervous system and is carried out jointly with it. The pituitary gland is included in the neurohumoral regulation system. Lack of hormones in the blood of the sex glands, adrenal glands, or stimulates the production of their corresponding triple hormones. And an excess of hormones from these glands in the blood inhibits the production of tropic hormones.

The hypothalamus occupies a central place in this process. Thanks to the close interaction of the pituitary gland with the hypothalamus, a single hypothalamic-pituitary system is created that controls the functions of the body. The pituitary gland, together with the hypothalamus, is the central link endocrine system and performs the function of integrating and coordinating the activity of the endocrine glands.

The cells of the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland produce hormones that selectively regulate the activity of other endocrine glands and the development of the body as a whole.

Somatotropic hormone (growth hormone) stimulates protein synthesis in organs and tissues and the growth of the body as a whole. For its action, it is necessary to have a sufficient amount of carbohydrates and insulin (hormone) in the body. Under the influence of somatotropic hormone, the breakdown of fats and their use in energy metabolism increases.

Gonadotropic hormones stimulate the activity of the gonads. Prolactin promotes the growth of mammary glands and milk secretion, and also stimulates the release of female sex hormones in the ovaries. In addition, he is responsible for the manifestation of parental instinct.

Adrenocorticotropic hormone stimulates the growth of the adrenal cortex and its production of numerous hormones.

Thyroid-stimulating hormone necessary for development and normal functioning thyroid gland: it promotes accumulation, increases the number of secretory cells and increases their activity. The secretion of thyroid-stimulating hormone by the pituitary gland increases with insufficient levels of thyroid hormones in the blood, as well as with cooling.

The posterior lobe of the pituitary gland secretes hormones that regulate the tone of the smooth muscles of blood vessels (vasopressin) and the uterus (oxytocin). Vasopressin causes contraction of vascular smooth muscle (mainly small arteries) and leads to an increase in blood pressure, regulates the reabsorption of water in the kidneys, which reduces diuresis and increases the density of urine (therefore, another name for this hormone is antidiuretic hormone). Oxytocin stimulates uterine contractions, especially at the end of pregnancy, and also affects milk secretion. The presence of this hormone in the blood is required condition normal course childbirth

A woman’s body is a mystery not only for men, but also for the ladies themselves. It’s a rare female representative who can explain why she’s sad now and cheerful 5 minutes later, why the “Red Army” arrived so late, and why the day before you want to bury yourself in a strong man’s shoulder with a piece of cake in your hands. It's all about hormones!

They are the ones who regulate emotional background, readiness for motherhood and love for our neighbor among us girls. And while we rule the boys, thereby influencing the management of the world, we are completely and completely commanded, controlled and broadcasted by HORMONES!

What hormones are responsible for a woman’s emotional background?

  • Estrogen

Estrogens - estradiol, estrone and estriol. This group of hormones is responsible for the development and functioning of the genital organs, reproductive system, growth of mammary glands/bones and, most importantly, determines libido (sexual desire for opposite sex). In addition, these “three brothers” are the key to full-term pregnancy and childbirth.

How does lack and excess of estrogen affect a woman?

With a lack of estrogen, a woman becomes a little more of a man. Well, sorry, it's true! She notes excessive hair growth on her arms/legs/face, deepening of her voice, and lack of menstruation.

If there is too much estrogen, the woman gains excess weight and may face a pre-tumor or tumor condition. For a pregnant woman, this is a threat of miscarriage, the risk of fetal pathology and the development of intrauterine infection.


Progesterone is a pregnancy hormone. Its task is to prepare a woman’s body for upcoming motherhood.

If progesterone levels are elevated, it can cause uterine bleeding and corpus luteum cysts. Otherwise, when it is low, the woman does not ovulate and, as a result, she cannot become pregnant.

Note that progesterone levels begin to fluctuate somewhere in the middle of the cycle (on the 14th-16th day). Each woman experiences this time differently, depending on the lability of the nervous system. Prudent ladies immerse themselves in themselves for several days and lose confidence in tomorrow. Impulsive young ladies become even more explosive and are ready to “bite” anyone who says a word against them.

  • Follicle stimulating hormone

Follicle-stimulating hormone is a libido champion. It is he who inspires in us the desire to reproduce.

How does lack and excess of progesterone affect a woman?

An increase in level can occur due to banal alcoholism or injury to the pituitary gland.

If libido is at zero, then you should think about polycystic disease, diseases of the reproductive system as a whole, or again about some kind of malfunction of the pituitary gland.

  • Prolactin

Prolactin is the most capricious hormone. How more woman stressed, nervous and engaged in humiliation, the higher his level. In this case, a capricious, always roaring and dissatisfied female will appear before you. Before nervous breakdowns and frustration is just around the corner!

How hormones affect a woman’s body during menstrual periods

Hormones seem to know that during menstruation we are more vulnerable than ever. And they govern us these days with special zeal. Every woman is familiar with the pain and discomfort of the first days of the menstrual cycle. Let's take a closer look at each moment and the hormone that makes us who we are at a given period.

The first day

Against the background of a decrease in the level of female sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone - endometrial rejection begins (fertile soil for the unborn baby). At the same time, prostaglandins, hormones that stimulate contractions of the uterus, send a signal to the brain: “Pain in the lower abdomen will soon appear!” And she immediately makes herself known.

In this case, to alleviate the condition, you can drink “No-shpu”, “Papaverine”, “MIG”, etc. One “BUT!”: when menstrual pain We do not drink Aspirin under any circumstances. It thins the blood and can cause excessive bleeding.

The end of the first day of menstruation is marked by the development of the most fertile follicle, which carries the egg. If there are several of them, it is possible that if a woman becomes pregnant, she will have twins or even triplets.

Second day

The level of estrogen becomes lower and lower, and the woman feels like a “broken trough”: her armpits sweat, acne appears on her face, her hair becomes coarse and difficult to style.

Day three

The hormonal background is in a terrible imbalance. It is on the third day, despite the reduction in pain, that tearfulness and a desire to be alone appear. Don't deny yourself this pleasure! Sometimes solitude is the most best doctor, or a piece of cake with a glass of red wine.

Day four

The “Red Army” is losing ground, but follicle-stimulating hormone, on the contrary, is just beginning to gain its strength. Under its influence, the follicle, which can subsequently give rise to a new life, begins to actively mature.

Day five

The healing process is almost complete. The uterus is again ready to grow a nourishing endometrium and is eagerly awaiting the arrival of a fertilized egg. And that's what it was?

How to control hormonal levels

Let's move from emotions to a rational approach to solving problems, not problems.

  1. It's never a bad idea to get your hormones tested.
  2. On days when you are especially vulnerable, stay close to home, privacy and all sorts of pleasures like buying your favorite book. It's time for you to study yourself and be cunning with yourself and be nice to yourself in every possible way.
  3. No matter how hard it may be, the loads and stress of life must be changed. A high position is good. Happy and healthy woman- it is better! Therefore, continuously look for ways, resources and opportunities to change your attitude towards life and work, to do something more efficiently, and to remove something altogether.
  4. The influence of hormones on us, its strength, depend on our lifestyle - we work from morning to evening or have time to play sports, go for a massage, update our wardrobe and hairstyle on time... We need variety, pleasure in the form of reflection in the mirror and healthy image life. And this is a dream, pp ( proper nutrition) and sports. So we sleep at least 7-8 hours, eat something that doesn’t provoke a fountain of tears and a storm of emotions, and in addition to sitting in the office and traffic jams, we go to yoga, Pilates, etc.
  5. Training the pelvic muscles is a powerful blow to the dome of omnipotence with which the attack of hormones covers you. It is through the intimate muscles that you can get close to the hormonal background and regulate it. Moreover, you need to train your muscles throughout your life. Does the menstrual cycle visit you every month? Every day you spin in modern world stress and other things. Thus, muscle training pelvic floor should become the same weekly ritual as a visit to the gym. Moreover, in addition to hormonal levels they provide a full range of mass prevention gynecological diseases plus directly affect the extravaganza in the bedroom, your full-fledged sex life. Strong, right?

There are no difficulties in the world that a happy, self-confident and satisfied woman could not overcome. So stop letting your hormones play around and rule you. It's time to show who is the Mistress of the house!))