Can it bleed after examination? Is bleeding dangerous after examination by a gynecologist? Contact discharge: cause – disease

Doctors insist that all girls and women undergo examinations at least once a year. It is not always possible to visit a doctor at such a time. Therefore, sometimes after rare visits and consultations with the doctor, unpleasant surprises begin. An unexpected “gift” - after an examination by a gynecologist, blood began to flow, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen.

This happens under the influence of many factors - the occurrence of various diseases, including rare trips to the doctor. The most important thing to focus on is bleeding in pregnant women. This can be a serious sign of negative changes in the body.


Scanty bleeding in a woman after an examination by a gynecologist is not uncommon after a planned visit to the doctor, and there is no reason to be especially worried. Microtraumas of blood vessels and minor damage to the mucous membrane are why they occur after examination by a gynecologist.

Usually, the doctor takes a smear and uses a gynecological speculum during his manipulations. The analysis is taken from the mucous membrane, urethra and cervical canals of the uterus. In a word, they simply scrape off the test material from the vagina or other organ. Accordingly, the tissues are damaged and may bleed for some time. The main thing is that the bleeding is short-lived and stops very quickly. In any case, you need to monitor your health.

After an examination by a gynecologist, blood began to flow and did not stop bleeding for a long time, and it was also accompanied by itching in the groin, pain, and an incessant burning sensation, then you need to seek help immediately, accurately describing all the sensations. Perhaps this injury is making itself felt, or perhaps some kind of disease has manifested itself.

Is this normal

A woman’s uterus is intensively supplied with plasma and if it bleeds a little, then this is normal and there is no need to be upset. If this happened after using a speculum, then this is also not considered a pathology. It may be enough to change a specialist who will conduct the appointment more carefully. It is considered typical when pregnant women, after visiting a doctor, experience pain when emptying the bladder. This is associated with the collection of the test material for analysis and, most likely, injury occurred.

So, if, after an examination by a gynecologist, blood or light spotting begins to appear, this is normal in cases of physical damage from the speculum. There is no reason to worry. It is important to remember the duration of these processes. They must take place in the shortest possible time.

Regular gynecological examination is the main aspect of a woman’s health. In some cases, diseases detected in time are treated quickly and effectively. Any examination of a woman includes taking a smear. It is the cells of the mucous membrane that are studied in the laboratory. There are situations when careless examination causes serious problems in patients accompanied by pain in the lower back and abdomen. In such cases, immediate medical attention and follow-up therapy are required.

Each organism is individual. Therefore, it is believed that after consultation and examination, discomfort and slight spotting are normal. If a woman’s condition lasts for several days, then this is a serious danger and she urgently needs to consult a doctor. Everything is much more confusing when it comes to a number of certain diseases. Basically, the doctor personally determines whether there are any disorders and diseases or inquires about them in advance from the patient’s medical card.

There is a research method called a two-handed examination, when the location of the organs, their approximate parameters, the visibility of the adhesions of the fallopian tubes, and the chance of identifying any disease are felt. After these procedures, discomfort and pain may occur.

The danger of gynecological examinations is that unwanted outside intervention can become dangerous, especially if it is during pregnancy. Therefore, you need to approach the choice of a doctor extremely responsibly.

What to do

Many women do not know, and, being confused, begin to panic, especially after a gynecological examination. First you need to monitor your health - identify what the characteristic features of the discharge are. If little blood comes out and it stops quickly, there should be no cause for concern. You need to rest a little to calm your body.

And if it happens the next day, then that’s already bad. Then you need to make an appointment again. It is quite possible that a serious disorder has arisen or some disease has manifested itself.

It happens that the blood flows so much that it can be confused with menstruation. In this case; you must not hesitate, but call an ambulance, otherwise the blood loss will be too severe and life-threatening.

Indeed, as a result of careless manipulations during examination, significant injury to the internal genital organs could occur.

Emerging diseases

When blood starts to flow after an examination by a gynecologist, this is probably a harbinger of certain ailments. Endometriosis, for example, is accompanied by severe aching pain. This often manifests itself after visiting a specialist. And during menstruation, this torment is unbearable and the woman unknowingly takes painkillers.

Impurities of blood in a woman’s discharge can signal the growth of the endometrial layer. These pathological manifestations are caused not only by an appointment with a doctor, but also by a hormonal disorder with an excessive amount of estrogen in the body, obesity, etc. Before making a diagnosis yourself, you need to consult and undergo a series of tests.

If, after visiting a doctor, unexpectedly, then it is possible that uterine polyps have formed, consisting of endometrioid cells. These tumors, which are benign in nature at the very beginning, do not cause noticeable symptoms of the disease, pain or discomfort. Basically, they don't show up at all. Especially if your immune system is strong enough. Only a doctor, after conducting an examination, can reveal their presence.

Symptoms of endometrioid disease include pain after sexual intercourse, uterine pain, and disruption of the menstrual cycle. If treatment is not started immediately, you may encounter more serious diseases leading to infertility.

Sexually transmitted infections always manifest themselves as vaginal itching, burning, discomfort, pain after or during sexual intercourse, a fishy rotten odor and pain. If a woman exhibits the listed symptoms, she needs to seek help from a doctor and begin treatment. Many infectious diseases cause infertility, negatively affecting the functioning of the female reproductive system. , trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis.


If the girl’s bleeding is too serious and profuse, the examination will be extremely difficult. Therefore, the patient is sent to. It is harmless even during pregnancy. With its help, the timing of pregnancy, the position of the fetus, the presence of uterine pathologies and a number of other disorders are revealed. An ultrasound is prescribed after a routine examination by a doctor to clarify the diagnosis, if necessary.

This is a complex measure with the help of which the clinical picture of the course of pregnancy and the development of a particular disease is determined. Often this is an excellent diagnosis of diseases with bleeding, brown discharge and pathologies that the patient is not even aware of. If the discharge is not too abundant, then an examination by a doctor with a mirror is possible. As a rule, a small amount of bleeding does not interfere with clarifying the type of disease, establishing an accurate diagnosis and identifying the root cause of bleeding events.

In pregnant women

The most dangerous irreversible consequence of bleeding in pregnant women is self-abortion. This should be especially feared when bloody discharge appears in pregnant women after examination. If they are accompanied by dizziness, nausea, general malaise, weakness, or brown spots, then this is a sign of a threat. In cases where the doctor himself cannot determine the exact period of pregnancy, he gives a referral for an ultrasound examination.

Mild bleeding in a pregnant woman can be symptoms of other pathologies and disorders, which are also not recommended to be treated negligently. There are a lot of other unpleasant moments that are purely specific to each woman, so you should be more attentive to yourself and, having heard a doctor’s verdict about it, do not ignore his recommendations and prescriptions. Perhaps the patient will be sent to a hospital for preservation, where she will receive high-quality drug treatment and maintain the pregnancy until childbirth.

The danger that appears after a pregnant woman is examined by a gynecologist can be called a miscarriage.

In the practice of doctors, regrettable facts of a similar nature have occurred. When in the very early stages of about 10 days, the doctor, carelessly making sudden movements during the examination, provoked a miscarriage. As a result, the patient began to bleed after examination, sometimes only the next day. As a result, it is impossible to cure and save the fetus.

And if the patient and the doctor are aware of her situation, and after the examination, discharge and incessant viscous pain in the abdomen begin, then this is the main signal of negative changes and the threat of miscarriage.

If we focus more specifically on diseases, these can be erosion, papillomavirus, endometriosis and many others. This kind of illness can cause bleeding. The main thing is to start treatment on time when they are identified. Erosion is caused by many factors and their treatment cannot be delayed.

Harmless reasons for the appearance of bloody discharge after examination:

  • Violations during the procedure - if the woman is extremely afraid and squeezes the vagina, preventing the procedure, or the doctor is caught in the rude category, which is extremely rare, the discharge will be insignificant, most likely dark brown in color and will go away in a day or two;
  • the time of examination may coincide with the onset of menstruation;
  • are also allowed in the following situations: if a cervical biopsy was performed, endometrial aspiration was performed for analysis; after performing a mini-abortion (“cycle regulation”, vacuum aspiration), removal/installation of the IUD, polyps, condylomas and other formations on the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix on an outpatient basis; cauterization of the cervix was performed. However, the discharge should be copious, without clots or bleeding.
  • when taking smears from the cervical canal - for oncocytology, when testing for sexually transmitted infections using the PCR method.

Endometrial aspiration for analysis

If spotting or bright blood appears after intimate relations, this is considered a more alarming sign and one of the early symptoms of cervical cancer. Among other causes of contact discharge and those that are possible after examination by a gynecologist, highlight: polyps of the cervical canal, erosion and ectopia of the cervix, inflammation of the cervix, endometrioid lesions of the cervix.

During pregnancy after examination Women associate this with the threat of interruption. However, most often, spotting or even scarlet discharge appears from the cervix, since its tissues are vulnerable due to a special hormonal background and venous stagnation in the pelvis under pressure from the growing uterus. A small smear should not cause alarm. Excessive discharge with clots is dangerous: it can appear with chorion detachment and the threat of interruption.

Bloody discharge in later stages may indicate placental abruption and the development of a life-threatening condition for the woman and baby. However, it cannot be provoked by a doctor's examination. The only possible situation of iatrogenicity (harm to a woman by medical personnel) is bleeding immediately after examination under the condition of central placenta previa, if the doctor is not aware of this. Its distinctive feature is that it is extremely abundant; straight from the examination room, the woman is transferred to the hospital, and, with a high probability, to the operating room.

Potential dangers of a gynecological examination (which are nothing more than a myth): in the early stages of pregnancy, examination may cause its termination; later, after the examination, water began to flow or contractions began (possibly if the amniotic sac prolapsed in the vagina, and water would still flow in the next day); the doctor uses unsterile equipment, so you can get an infection; the examination provoked an exacerbation of chronic diseases.

What to do if a spot appears after an examination: tell your doctor at your next appointment; if any manipulations were performed, you should strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations and refrain from sexual intercourse; perform normal hygiene procedures; Use pads rather than tampons to control discharge; If the discharge continues for more than five days or intensifies, or additional symptoms appear (itching, burning, unpleasant odor), you should consult a doctor.

For bleeding seek medical help immediately. Their signs: you have to change the maxi pad every two hours, large clots come out; there is nagging pain in the lower abdomen.

Read more in our article about spotting after examination by a gynecologist.

Read in this article

Harmless causes of bloody discharge after examination

Even a completely healthy woman may have questions after a visit to the gynecologist. For example, if after examination a woman discovers bloody discharge from the vagina.

Firstly, this can be triggered by an uncomfortable examination - if the woman is extremely afraid and squeezes her vagina, preventing the procedure, or the doctor is caught in the rude category, which is extremely rare. In this case, the mirrors can accidentally pinch and damage the mucous membrane. The discharge will be insignificant, most likely dark brown in color, and will go away in a day or two.

In addition, by chance the time of examination may coincide with the onset of menstruation. In this case, it may also seem that the discharge began after a visit to the gynecologist.

Also spotting after examination by a gynecologist is allowed in the following situations:

  • if a cervical biopsy was performed;
  • if endometrial aspiration was performed for analysis;
  • after performing a mini-abortion (“cycle regulation”, vacuum aspiration);
  • after removing/installing the spiral;
  • after removal of polyps, condylomas and other formations on the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix on an outpatient basis;
  • cauterization of the cervix was performed.
Polyp removal

However, in these cases, the discharge should be copious, and there should be no clots or bleeding.

Expert opinion

Most often, bloody smears appear after examination when taking smears from the cervical canal - for oncocytology, or when testing for sexually transmitted infections using the PCR method. This requires scraping - the surface layer of cells is exfoliated, after which a small spotting discharge may appear.

When discharge is the result of disease

If spotting or bright blood appears after intimate relations, this is considered a more alarming sign and one of the early symptoms of cervical cancer. Therefore, in this case, the woman should be examined as quickly and thoroughly as possible. This will help identify the tumor in the early stages, although spotting on its own appears the second and subsequent times.

Other causes of contact discharge and those that are possible after examination by a gynecologist include the following:

  • Polyps of the cervical canal. Large and inflamed bloody discharge is especially common when taking smears or simply during a vaginal examination.
  • Erosion and ectopia of the cervix. In this case, the vessels are close to the surface epithelium and are easily injured. The larger the size of the erosion or ectopia, the higher the likelihood of discharge appearing after examination. Also, the risks are higher with inflammation and tissue degeneration (dysplasia, leukoplakia).
  • Inflammation of the cervix. At the same time, the tissues are loose and engorged with blood. It is simply impossible not to injure them during inspection. After treatment, everything usually goes away.
  • Endometrioid lesion of the cervix. Bloody discharge does not always appear only if foci of endometriosis are affected or tissue is injured.

Discharge can be provoked by examination if a woman has a pathology of the uterine cavity - most often polyps.

Expert opinion

Daria Shirochina (obstetrician-gynecologist)

Separately, it should be said about discharge after examination if there is pregnancy. Most women associate this with the threat of interruption. However, most often, spotting or even scarlet discharge appears from the cervix after examination, since its tissues are easily vulnerable due to a special hormonal background and venous stagnation in the pelvis under the pressure of the growing uterus.

A slight spotting should not cause alarm; most often the doctor warns about this possibility during the examination. They are dangerous - abundant, with clots, but they can only appear if the woman came to the appointment already with chorionic detachment and the threat of interruption, and the examination itself provoked the appearance of discharge that had accumulated in the uterine cavity.

Should you worry about bleeding in late pregnancy?

Bloody discharge in late pregnancy may indicate placental abruption and the development of a life-threatening condition for the woman and baby. However, in no case can this be provoked by a doctor’s examination.

The only possible situation of iatrogenicity (harm to a woman by medical personnel) is bleeding immediately after examination under the condition of central placenta previa, if the doctor is not aware of this.

Attempting to palpate the cervix or observe dilatation (for example, if a woman is in labor) can lead to damage to the placental tissue and profuse bleeding. Its distinctive feature is that it is extremely abundant and straight from the examination room the woman is transferred to the hospital, with a high probability - to the operating room.

The remaining spotting during late pregnancy, as a rule, does not pose a threat to the woman and child. The cervix remains vulnerable throughout pregnancy. And if there are scar changes or erosion on it, then the risks of spotting after examination increase.

Expert opinion

Daria Shirochina (obstetrician-gynecologist)

If a woman experiences spotting after physical activity, intimate relationships, or for no apparent reason, she should immediately consult a doctor. This may be the first sign of an incipient placental abruption, where the time to save mother and baby is measured in seconds, not even minutes.

Potential Dangers of a Gynecologist Exam

The doctor’s task is to help, not harm or aggravate the situation. Therefore, you should not be afraid and wait for some kind of danger before examining a gynecologist. The most common myths you hear are:

  • In the early stages of pregnancy, an examination may cause its termination. Some believe and even then blame the doctor for the fact that a miscarriage occurred or a frozen pregnancy occurred after examination, believing that if the examination is carried out at the earliest stage, when the fertilized egg has not attached to the wall of the uterus, a miscarriage can be provoked.

However, this is fundamentally wrong. And if it so happens that the symptoms of interruption began after the examination, then this is a coincidence, or the threat was there even before that.

  • In the later stages of pregnancy, after examination, water began to flow or contractions began. This is possible, however, under certain conditions - if the amniotic sac prolapses into the vagina and water would flow under any circumstances in the next 24 hours.
  • The doctor uses unsterile equipment, so you can get an infection. Proper processing, disinfection and sterilization of instruments are strictly monitored, which is why they usually “attribute” their illnesses to the doctor. It should also be taken into account that today preference is increasingly given to disposable sterile instruments.
  • An examination by a gynecologist provoked an exacerbation of chronic diseases in the pelvis. Often, after a visit to the gynecologist, a woman feels increased pain in the lower abdomen and other uncomfortable sensations. However, this is not due to the doctor’s incompetence; it is just a sign of the presence of chronic foci of infection in the pelvis.

Watch this video and the causes of bleeding in early pregnancy:

What to do if a spot appears after an examination

Most often, the doctor warns that after his examination, discharge may appear so that the woman does not worry in vain. If nothing was said about this, then you should tell the doctor about the discharge at your next appointment or when the test results are ready. This is an important addition to a woman's medical history.

  • if any manipulations were performed, you should strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations;
  • you should abstain from sexual intercourse;
  • perform normal hygiene procedures;
  • Use pads rather than tampons to control discharge;
  • If the discharge continues for more than five days or intensifies, or additional symptoms appear (itching, burning, unpleasant odor), you should consult a doctor.

Bleeding after examination: what to do

If a woman has a heavy discharge and suspects bleeding, she should seek emergency medical help immediately. Particular vigilance should be exercised if pregnancy is not excluded or confirmed. Signs of bleeding are as follows:

  • There is a lot of discharge - you have to change your maxi pad every two hours;
  • large clots come out;
  • against the background of heavy discharge - nagging pain in the lower abdomen (may not exist).

The doctor’s task is to help understand a woman’s problems and find the most rational ways out of the current situation. The presence of cervical diseases and other conditions can provoke harmless spotting after examination, which goes away on its own and does not affect the woman’s health. In doubtful cases, you should consult your doctor again.

Useful video

Watch this video about the causes of bleeding in late pregnancy:

The girls, after examining their cervix at 6:00 p.m. Sunday (the examination was very painful, 2 fingers were dilated and the cervix was soft), now at 4:30 a.m. Monday in the toilet they discovered brown discharge like a smear and one small blood clot. But from the descriptions it doesn’t look like a traffic jam. What is this? The discharge is not strong. Nothing seems to hurt now. But before that, before going to bed, everything hurt. And the baby inside often hiccups for 10 minutes (2 times yesterday). And strange sounds from the stomach after eating (not hiccups and it doesn’t look like gas), my husband and I listened to it as if some water was gurgling back and forth and a little frog was croaking (also happened 2 times) at first I was taken aback by the sounds, by the time I got to my husband everything went away, and then I managed to show him my eyes, they were worth five kopecks!!!)) What could this also be?

Discharge in late stages of pregnancy In later stages, spotting may indicate a threat of premature placental abruption, or mean premature onset of labor. In such cases, emergency assistance from gynecologists is necessary. However, the appearance at 38-Bloody discharge! 40 weeks of brown rather than red in small amounts is not a cause for much concern. In many women, such discharge occurs as a result of weak bleeding from the vessels located on the cervix. However, at the next scheduled visit to the gynecologist, a pregnant woman must tell him about the noticed vaginal discharge.

Harbinger of childbirth

If your pregnancy is already over and you notice brownish discharge, this is most likely a mucus plug that has come off. This means it’s time to prepare for childbirth: the process will begin very soon. But when exactly - this is individual. From the moment the plug comes out until labor begins, it can take from two hours to two weeks.

What to do

In general, only one thing can be said for sure: in order not to risk your health and pregnancy, you need to see a gynecologist in any case and as soon as you notice brown discharge. There is no need to guess how normal they are, because most often there is nothing in common between brown discharge during pregnancy and the norm.