The bladder has weakened. Causes of bladder problems. Exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles

Weakness of the bladder in most cases indicates the presence of a pathology that requires complex diagnostics and timely treatment.

In order to begin the therapeutic process of getting rid of incontinence and strengthening the bladder, it is necessary to identify the cause of the failure and eliminate it.

Decreased muscle tone may be due to traumas suffered, and aging of the body, as a result of which bladder“shrinks” and decreases in volume. The following text will provide helpful information about how to strengthen the bladder and get rid of problems with urinary incontinence in women with the help of medications or surgery.

Physiology of the Bladder

Urination is a complex physiological act that involves the process of simultaneous relaxation of the external and internal sphincter with synchronous contraction of the bladder muscles. The muscles of the perineum and abdominal muscles take an active part in urination.

The urea has very elastic walls. When normal operation receptors, the signal about the urge to void enters the brain when the volume of urine reaches 160-170 ml.

The anatomical features of the human bladder structure allow it to accommodate a urine volume of no more than 1000 ml (based on average values). Due to the weakened muscles of the organ, the process of excretion and accumulation of urine becomes chaotic and uncontrollable.

According to medical statistics, such problems are most often observed in older women and children younger age. When the muscle walls of the bladder lose tone, the brain stops receiving neural signals that indicate it is full. Such communication disorders are fraught with (incontinence) and provoke the process of uncontrolled urine release.

Causes of pathology

If the body functions without any serious violations, the urinary musculature should overlap urethral canal, so urine cannot be released uncontrollably. Men have problems with weak bladder often arise due to chronic prostatitis or prostate adenoma.

Women often have to deal with similar problems during pregnancy and postpartum period when the muscle tone of the perineum and pelvis is significantly reduced. Because of high blood pressure Constant compression of the bladder is created on a number of internal organs, which leads to weakening of the muscular sphincter and muscles surrounding the bladder.

Manifestations of organ weakness

The problem of urinary incontinence may be associated with the presence in a woman of such as and, or with, arising due to phobias and worries.

The main symptoms of bladder weakness are an increase in night awakenings associated with a feeling of fullness of the bladder.

Effective treatments

Basic therapeutic intervention, aimed at strengthening the bladder in women, involves the regular implementation of an individually selected set of special exercises. The goal of such physical therapy is to increase the tone of the muscles surrounding the urinary cavity.

If the exercises do not have a positive effect, the doctor must select the optimal course for the patient. medications. Many doctors create special schedules for their patients to go to the toilet. The interval varies from an hour to two, and is selected taking into account individual characteristics sick.

Medication assistance

To strengthen the muscles surrounding the bladder, a course of treatment is usually prescribed. pharmaceuticals in combination with a number of physiotherapeutic procedures and a well-chosen diet.

Good results are demonstrated by medications such as Oxybutynin, Propantheline and Flapvoxate, which help strengthen the muscular system and prevent.

Disease prevention

For achievement best results In order to strengthen the bladder, it is worth making a number of adjustments to your usual lifestyle. First of all, you must adhere to the diet recommended by your doctor even after your condition improves. genitourinary system. You need to give up addictions and drinking carbonated drinks, strong tea and coffee.

It is important to go through a full diagnostic examination for the presence of inflammatory processes affecting bladder tissue. It is strongly recommended not to expose own body hypothermia, and also avoid stressful situations and heavy physical activity.

For many older people, a weak bladder becomes big problem. Fearing public embarrassment, they try to visit less often crowded places, refuse to travel, and become anxious when they have to leave the house even for a short time. However, one should not overdramatize the situation. Special exercises and a properly selected diet will help get rid of unpleasant problem and return to an active life.

Why does this happen

In a healthy bladder, urine accumulates until a certain volume is reached, at which point the bladder contracts to empty itself. People begin to feel the urge to urinate. But due to volitional contractions of the muscles of the perineum and urethra he can hold on. This requires coordinated work of the muscles of the walls of the bladder, the sphincter that locks it, and the nerves through which the signal is transmitted to the muscles.

Let’s say if one of the links of this subtle mechanism fails to cope with the task, the bladder will become unreliable, and as a result, its contents will be involuntarily released if abdominal cavity The pressure will increase - for example, when coughing, sneezing, laughing, or lifting weights.

Women experience bladder weakness almost three times more often than men. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy and childbirth the muscles of the pelvis and perineum stretch and weaken, internal organs descend and begin to put pressure on the bubble. Menopause adds new problems: due to the restructuring of the female body, the muscular sphincter, which “locks” the bladder, weakens.

By regularly training the muscles of the perineum, you can achieve a significant improvement in your condition.

In particular severe cases resort to surgery. For many women, the operation brought relief, although not everyone decides to undergo surgery.

A sharp urge to urinate can occur without sufficient filling of the bladder, for example, when it is inflamed - cystitis. Frequent urges also occur when the bladder is excited. Its contractions begin when small volumes of urine accumulate, when a person experiences fear or strong excitement, for example, when taking exams. Special relaxation exercises help relieve this condition.

Without consulting a doctor, it is not easy to distinguish cystitis from an excited bladder, since an excited bladder can also be a consequence of chronic or acute inflammation, the same cystitis.

In men, in most cases, urinary problems are associated with an enlarged prostate gland. Prostate adenomas - benign tumors, in men over 50 years of age occur in approximately 60%. The enlarged gland creates an obstacle to the flow of urine, pinching the urethra.

Frequent urge to urinate is the very first symptom of the disease. The weakening of the stream, as well as the leakage of urine, creates a very discomfort incomplete emptying Bladder. Of course, it is more difficult for men in this situation, since it is necessary to treat a diseased prostate.

Men, just like women, have cystitis and a hyperreflex bladder. Weakening of the sphincter may also occur, for example, during heavy physical work.
But it is possible to cope with the situation. Both women and men should strengthen the muscles of the pelvis and perineum to give them the necessary tone. This is achieved through targeted training. Special relaxation exercises will relieve symptoms of bladder stimulation, and proper nutrition will complement the treatment program.

Muscle training

For the pelvic organs to function normally, they must be correct. anatomical location, muscle condition pelvic floor is determined precisely by this. Based on these facts, if you have a weak bladder, it is important to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor.

So that you can feel the muscles of the perineum, which you also need to work on, when next visit toilet, you should try to consciously stop urinating.

Muscle training is a long process. After three weeks of training, you will feel your problems receding.

Do the exercises daily, at least once a day. With a 3-4 minute rest after each exercise.

  1. Lying on your back, relax. Try to tense the muscles of the pelvis and perineum at the same time. Make sure that your lower abdominal muscles are also tense. The tension must be held for 5-7 seconds, then relax. Breathing is smooth when performing exercises. Repeat up to 5 times.
  2. Lying on your back, bend your knees and feet on the floor. Squeeze your knees tightly, maintaining general tension in the muscles of the perineum. Hold the tension for 5-7 seconds, then relax. Repeat 5 times.
  3. Lying on your back, pull it towards your stomach left leg and strain the muscles of the perineum, then straighten it and lay it on the floor. Repeat the exercise and right foot. Repeat up to 5 times for each leg.
  4. Lie on your back, stretch your arms along your body and relax them. Tighten your perineal muscles. Repeat 8 times.
  5. Lying on your back, bend your knees and feet on the floor. Place the ball between your knees and hold it. Lift your head off the floor and top part back to the shoulder blades and at the same time raise your knees. Repeat 8 times.
  6. Lying on your back, hold a small ball between your knees. Slowly lift your pelvis up and in the highest position (otherwise the ball will slip out) move your pelvis to the right, then to the middle position and then to the left. Repeat 8 times. When performing these exercises, it is very important to breathe evenly - this is the only way you can maintain tension in the muscles of the perineum.
  7. Without leaning on your back, sit down on a chair. Place your feet on a towel. Relax your hands and place them on your thighs and at the same time tense your perineal muscles. Keeping your muscles tense, lightly step your feet in place. Press the towel to the floor with your feet, moving it back and forth in a circle, as if you were wiping the floor. Walk in place for 3 minutes, “rub the floor” for 2 minutes.

Easily combined with everyday activities exercises for the pelvic floor and perineum muscles

When traveling in public transport, standing in lines, ironing clothes, washing dishes, climbing stairs, or just walking, choose moments to perform a simple exercise:

Tighten the muscles of the perineum and pull the bottom of the pelvis up a little, then relax.

When carrying a heavy bag, tense your perineal muscles. This is a good prevention of bladder prolapse.

Walking on tiptoes can also help you. Gradually increase the intervals between toilet visits.

Getting rid of stress

Bladder problems are often caused by various stressful situations. Consequences can be minimized, even when they cannot always be eliminated.

Reflex massage gives good results. The movement of the hands that smoothes and stretches the tissues in a certain area, stimulating them, stimulating the nerves that coordinate the work of the bladder muscles.

An additional calming effect is provided by alternating muscle tension and relaxation.

  1. Lie on your stomach or sit down and relax. Lightly pull the skin in the sacral area with the Large, middle and index fingers. It is necessary to smooth out the resulting fold in the direction of the spine. Perform for 5-6 minutes. This massage is very effective if the movement is performed sharply.
  2. Similar massage appointment perform in the lumbar region, rising 3-4 vertebrae higher.
  3. Sit on the floor, pull your legs towards your body, and put your soles together. Grasping your ankles, lightly press your elbows onto your knees, lowering them toward the floor. The legs should resist. Hold this position for 5-7 seconds, then relax, lower your legs, shake them. Repeat 8 times.
  4. Lie on your back, relax. Place your feet in a “house” position, then spread your knees out to the sides with little effort and return to the starting position. Repeat 4 times.

Warmth will help get rid of the effects of stress.

  1. Take warm sitz or foot baths with hay or chamomile. To do this, place a full handful of dry herbs in a bath with water temperature of 36°C. Take such baths every evening for 10-12 minutes.
  2. Apply a water or electric heating pad to your lower abdomen for 5-7 minutes before going to bed.
  3. Go to the sauna once a week. Do not take cold showers between visits to the steam room.

How to eat healthy

You need balanced diet, rich in ballast substances, which has a beneficial effect on bladder function. Eat more products containing zinc (shellfish, red fish, sunflower seeds, cereals) and vitamin E (wheat germ oil, nuts, seeds and green vegetables). Useful fish dishes, pumpkin seeds, lemon balm teas and horsetail. I especially recommend enriching the diet with zinc for men - it is necessary to maintain the health of the prostate gland.

Avoid hot spices and spices, as they excite and have a diuretic effect. Salt, on the contrary, promotes fluid retention in the body, so before bed, so that the bladder does not disturb you at night, you can eat salty foods. Drink at least a liter every day mineral water or herbal teas.

For three weeks, while you do the above exercises, drink tea that improves bladder function. Mix St. John's wort, knotweed, bearberry and oak bark (all 25 g). Brew 2 teaspoons of mixture into 1 liter hot water, leave under the lid, strain. Drink 1 cup in small sips 3 times a day with meals.
Please note that overweight body increases bladder weakness, as fat ballast puts additional pressure on it. If you lose weight, not only will your general state, but the pelvic floor muscles will also be unloaded. Less weight means less stress on the perineal muscles.

  • If the urge to urinate catches you on the road, bend over and pretend to tie your shoelaces or adjust your shoes. In this position, the pressure on the bubble will decrease.
  • If possible, do some stretching exercises for your pelvic and hip muscles. This will prevent their spasm, which disrupts the functioning of the bladder.
  • Always have a change of clothes on hand, this will give you confidence, as will pads, diapers and other aids.
  • It is better to choose trousers or a skirt from dark natural fabrics.
  • Try not to drink a lot before a trip or important event.

Food for the bladder. Products that strengthen the bladder. "Live Healthy" program

Many people are concerned about this sensitive issue how to treat a weak bladder in women folk remedies will help prevent this problem. When a problem arises, it is sometimes difficult for a woman to voice it, so she does not decide to contact a specialist in a timely manner, not understanding the seriousness of the situation. How to strengthen your bladder? What measures are needed to prevent this disease?

Before starting treatment, find out the cause of its appearance. IN healthy condition The principle of operation of the bladder is something like this: it fills with urine until it becomes absolutely full. When this moment occurs, sensitive receptors on the walls of the bladder send signals to the brain. Then a slight pressure is felt in the lower abdomen. After completing the act of urination, the bladder should contract; thin nerve endings, directly responsible for the constant contraction of the thin muscle and sphincter, small muscles on the walls. In case one of active ingredients networks are not able to cope with the task, so-called incontinence may occur.

Due to the fact that the bladder is weak, frequent involuntary discharge of urine may occur when lifting weights, coughing or laughing. Most often, this phenomenon is observed in difficult menopause in women, and treatment must be started in a timely manner so as not to start the disease. Similar pathology can also occur in men with detected prostate adenoma, but most often it occurs in the fairer sex. This may be due to the fact that during pregnancy and childbirth the thin muscles of the perineum are stretched. As a result of this restructuring, the organs begin to put more pressure on the bladder.

Unpleasant symptoms can occur without physical filling of the bladder during chronic cystitis. Sometimes this pathology manifests itself at the time of irritation of the bladder. This may be the result of constant fear or anxiety. In this case, you need to be treated by contacting a psychologist, but you cannot do without consulting an experienced urologist. It is he who will help you understand the cause of the problem. These associated symptoms may indicate chronic cystitis or other inflammatory processes, occurring in this organ.

Traditional medicine recipes

Simple remedies that everyone has at hand will help cope with this pathology. Treatment with folk remedies involves the use various means diuretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

There are several simple effective remedies:

  1. You can steam 1 tbsp in a cup. l. dried dill seeds. The cooled broth should be drunk completely.
  2. Strengthening the bladder is possible with the help of cranberry juice, which also flushes out all harmful bacteria from it.
  3. For those who are already desperate and do not know how to strengthen the bladder, an ordinary peeled onion will help. It needs to be thoroughly dried with a napkin, ground into a paste, then diluted in 1 glass of hot water and drunk immediately. This remedy will help you forget about urinary incontinence for many months.
  4. You need to refrain from lifting heavy objects, keep your legs and lower back warm. Various herbal teas diuretics will help cope with this unpleasant phenomenon.
  5. As the best means Dried corn fibers are useful for washing. They are recommended to be taken exclusively for breakfast in the form of hot tea.
  6. During frequent urges, you can take tea from young cherry branches in combination with honey several times a day.
  7. 10 g of dried yarrow flowers are poured into 1 glass of purified water and boiled thoroughly. After this, the finished broth is infused for 1 hour, filtered thoroughly. You can take this decoction 3 times a day, ½ cup.
  8. Fresh plantain leaves are brewed with 200 ml of boiling water and left for 1 hour. The strained broth is taken 1 tbsp. 2-3 times a day.
  9. Perfectly soothes and strengthens the bladder 1 tsp. natural honey before bedtime.
  10. No less effective dried berries rose hips combined with foxglove berries. Proportion 1:4. They should be cooked in the right quantity clean water for 30 minutes, after that add some dried rosehip flowers, boil again, then filter. The resulting decoction is consumed chilled in the amount of 1 glass 2 times a day.
  11. During bedwetting, a decoction of 1 tbsp will help to cope. agrimony, which is also steamed with a glass of boiling water. Drink ¼ cup with honey 3-4 times a day.
  12. A good infusion of dried sage herb is ½ cup 3 times a day at the rate of 40-50 g of herb per 1 liter of boiling water.
  13. You can take a chilled decoction of dried viburnum flowers, elm and ash leaves.

All these simple folk remedies are successfully used for a weakened bladder. They can have positive effect, but before the start similar treatment It is worth consulting with the supervising doctor about its advisability.

Excess weight can create discomfort by putting pressure on your bladder, so you should take care of your body. You need to know what to eat during this period is healthy and what is not. Do not allow excess to appear excess weight, because he also carries with him many various kinds diseases.

Useful products for recovery

During this period, foods that contain fiber will greatly benefit the body. It will help improve digestion and prevent constipation, which aggravates incontinence. Those that have a beneficial effect on bladder function are: food products, where there is enough zinc (seeds, various red fish, processed grains, fresh shellfish) and vitamin E (this includes all green vegetables, various nuts, natural oil from wheat germ). More more benefit will bring pumpkin seeds, any healthy dishes from fish, Herb tea from dried horsetail combined with lemon balm. The entire diet must have a certain balance.

At the same time, do not forget that any hot or spicy food can have a diuretic effect. It is for this reason that it is necessary to limit the consumption of dishes in this particular category. Ordinary table salt effectively retains water in the body.

That's why a small amount of Eating food before going to bed will help retain fluid, relieving pressure on the bladder. It is recommended to use more often during the day herbal teas and pure water.

If you still experience the urge, then at least for this time you should give up foods such as fresh celery, sweet watermelons, overripe grapes, asparagus in any form. It is worth adhering to these rules until all existing complications disappear completely.

You can strengthen your pelvic muscles by mastering simple but effective exercises, which are recommended by many who have experienced this disease.

Exercises to strengthen the thin muscles of the pelvis

It is necessary to perform rhythmic contractions of the sensitive pelvic muscles 100-200 times daily.

They can be divided into 2 consecutive doses: 100 times immediately after waking up, and the remaining 100 times before going to bed. This is one of the most effective exercises. Over time, thanks to training, weakened muscles will be toned again, and no incontinence will occur. Course duration is 1 month. This is the time during which you can strengthen the detrusor - the muscle responsible for the release of urine. In addition to this, if there is any difficulty with hemorrhoids, then they too will disappear. You just need to not give in to laziness and perform these cuts every day - after all, doing it is incredibly pleasant. No more problems with urine leakage will appear.

These exercises were highly recommended by famous gynecologist Arnold Kegel. Their essence lies in the continuous strengthening of the pelvic muscles, as well as permanent job rectum and the bladder itself. Such exercises are especially relevant for pregnant women during their prenatal preparation.

Which muscle group should you contract?

In order to clearly feel which muscles need to be contracted, you can try to interrupt this process during urination. It is at this moment that you will clearly feel the muscles that need to be tensed. Then you can feel all the muscles in action.

In the future, you just need to reduce them, as if interrupting urination. These actions will give their positive result only if you do them systematically. You need to make an effort, and liberation from unpleasant pathology will not keep you waiting. It should be remembered that the bladder is also a muscle that needs to be strengthened if necessary.

The average bladder healthy person capable of holding 350-500 ml of urine. Weak muscles organs lead to the fact that the process of accumulation and excretion of urine ceases to be controlled.

Young children and people of retirement age are more often affected by this disease. Moreover, women are three times more likely to suffer from this disease than strong half humanity. This is explained by the characteristics of the body. A weak bladder in women can be strengthened using complex treatment and tablets.

A decrease in the muscle tone of the bladder walls leads to nerve impulses emanating from the receptors stop sending signals to the brain about filling the organ. Thus, it contributes to urinary incontinence and persistent discharge.

The bladder performs a number of functions:

  • urine accumulation;
  • receptors that are located on the walls of the bladder send a signal about filling to the central nervous system;
  • contraction of the wall muscles and emptying of the organ.

Weakening of the bladder muscles occurs due to processes in the body that are pathological in nature. They need to be identified as soon as possible and treatment started.

In urological practice, it is customary to distinguish three types of incontinence (incontinence):

  1. Stressful. Occurs when there is an increase intra-abdominal pressure. In women it occurs many times more often due to weakness of the pelvic floor muscles. Incontinence also often appears after a difficult birth, during which the perineal muscles were damaged or surgery was performed.
  2. Urgentny. It manifests itself in an unbearable urge to urinate, which in some cases is uncontrollable. The reason for the appearance of this type of incontinence in women is a decrease in the level of estrogen in the body.
  3. Mixed. It contains symptoms of the above types.

Among women

Incontinence in the fair half of humanity occurs through damage to the sphincter function. For this reason, even a slight filling of the bladder is accompanied by uncontrolled urination.

The main causes of a weak bladder in women:

  • heredity;
  • changes in the structure of the muscle bladder;
  • pathologies of development of the genitourinary system;
  • infectious diseases;
  • poisoning by poisons and chemicals;
  • pregnancy and childbirth;
  • surgical intervention;
  • oncology;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pelvic injuries.

A large fetus, its incorrect location in the uterus and difficult childbirth lead to damage to the genitourinary system. This happens through strong pressure on the bladder, urinary canal and sphincter.

The muscle walls become inflamed and weaken. With menopausal age-related changes in female body hypertrophy of the genitourinary system occurs. In this case, the detrusor does not close and urine flows out in small quantities.

In men

In men, a weak bladder causes problems in society. Another difficulty is that male incontinence is difficult to treat. The main mistake, which some men admit - turning to a specialist too late. There is no need to be ashamed to see a urologist, as some forms of incontinence can be treated quickly.

There are several reasons for uncontrolled urination:

Diagnosis of urinary incontinence in men includes a whole range of studies. In people of retirement age, the cause of weakening of the bladder walls is most often age-related changes in the cerebral cortex. This disease also occurs after a stroke, diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis.


The main symptom of a weak bladder is urinary incontinence. Observed frequent urge to urination. In some cases, uncontrolled bladder emptying occurs.

People with weak bladders fall into two categories:

  1. Emptying the urethra occurs without a preliminary urge. This category includes mainly men and young children.
  2. A person cannot hold urine due to severe tension in the abdominal muscles.

Among women

Female organs genitourinary system are more vulnerable than male ones. This is explained by the fact that the urethra of the fair sex is shorter, which leads to the development of various infectious diseases of the pelvic organs. Pregnancy and childbirth have an impact on muscle tone.

Also, weakening of urinary tract may occur under the influence of such additional factors:

  • chronic bladder diseases;
  • age-related changes in the body;
  • hypothermia;
  • change hormonal levels during menopause;
  • The main symptoms of a weak bladder are the following;
  • increased urge to urinate;
  • frequent visit toilet at night;
  • urinary incontinence.

Important! After suffering from infectious diseases of the bladder, sphincter weakness most often persists until the end of life. For this reason, you should undergo treatment in urology.

In men

As you know, the male part of the population suffers from the problem of urinary incontinence much less often than the female part. This is explained by the anatomical features of the structure of the body, in particular the genitourinary system.

The main symptoms of weak urea include the following:

  • uncontrolled urine discharge;
  • frequent urination and there is no feeling of complete emptying;
  • During the process of “urination”, urine flows out in a thin, gentle stream.

Weakening of the bladder is also accompanied by constant feeling fullness and a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen.


Based on the symptoms, the urologist finds out the causes of this problem and then prescribes treatment. It must be remembered that only a specialist can prescribe drugs, and self-medication can lead to serious problems with health.


Medicines for strengthening urinary system used in combination with other procedures. Medicine selected by a specialist based on the individual characteristics of each patient.

Effective medications are “Propantheline” and “Flavoxate”. They strengthen the muscle walls of the bladder well and relieve spasm. But before taking any medications, it is necessary to consult a doctor, because some medications have contraindications during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


Traditional methods to combat bladder diseases are used very often. Medical therapy can last a sufficient amount of time, and the naturalness of each component almost completely eliminates the risk negative consequences for the body.

The most effective means are:

  1. Herbal infusion sage
    To prepare the product you need 1 tbsp. l. medicinal herb pour 250 ml of boiling water and let it brew for 10-20 minutes. It is recommended to take this infusion three times a day.
  2. Decoction of blueberry leaves and berries
    Place several blueberry leaves and a handful of berries in 1 liter of boiling water. Cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes. After this, let the broth cool and take 50 ml four times a day.
  3. Warm cow's milk for the night
    Bring the milk to a boil, let it cool to room temperature and take it before bed every day.
  4. carrot juice
    In the morning before meals, drink one glass of fresh carrot juice.


Kegel exercises are often used to strengthen the bladder. They provide good effect only with regular exercise.


  • squats;
  • body bends;
  • rotation and rotation of the pelvis;
  • tension and relaxation of intimate muscles.

Such exercises are suitable for women during pregnancy and after childbirth.

Advice! After transfer surgery on the organs of the urinary system, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Weakening of the bladder manifests itself in a person in different periods life. If the problem begins to manifest itself, you need to seek help from a specialist as soon as possible. Treatment of urinary incontinence is most effective in the early stages of the disease.

Under no circumstances should you self-medicate or take medications. Only treatment at home using herbal decoctions is permissible.

It will also be very useful for the prevention of urinary incontinence in both women and men. physiotherapy And physical exercise. Special exercises will help strengthen the muscles of the genitourinary system and get rid of this unpleasant disease.

Urinary incontinence negatively affects a person’s quality of life, so it is necessary to get rid of this problem after detecting the first symptoms.

Each person's bladder, depending on individual anatomical features, can hold approximately 1 liter of urine. Weakened muscles of the organ lead to an uncontrolled process of accumulation and excretion of urine. The disease most often manifests itself in young children and elderly women. Women suffer from bladder weakness 3 times more often than the stronger sex. This is due to differences in the structure of the body. The question: how to strengthen the bladder can arise in almost every person’s mind.

A decrease in the tone of the muscle walls of the bladder leads to the inability of the brain to receive nerve impulses that send receptors to the organ and indicate its filling. This process contributes to urinary incontinence (atony) and its uncontrolled release drop by drop.

As a rule, a weakened bladder is a consequence pathological processes in the body, which need to be identified and a timely fight begun. In some cases, the help of specialists of other profiles (neurologist, gynecologist, surgeon) is necessary.

After identifying the cause of urinary incontinence and based on the symptoms, treatment of the underlying pathology is prescribed and recommendations are given on how to strengthen the bladder. Only a doctor can determine what to do and what methods should be used; self-medication can only lead to a worsening of the unfavorable situation.

The bladder is clearly visible on ultrasound

Drug treatment

Medicines that strengthen the urinary system are prescribed in parallel with physiotherapeutic procedures, special exercises, diet and other treatment methods. Each product is used individually, as prescribed by a doctor, taking into account accompanying pathologies and type of incontinence, as well as after a detailed study of the instructions for use.

Good results can be achieved by using Flavoxate, Propanthelin, Oxybutynin, which strengthen the muscular apparatus of the bladder, relieve and prevent spasms.

Uncontrolled urination caused by stress is treated with Duloxetine, Imipramine, Midodrine, Methoxamine, Ephedrine, Clenbuterol. These medications increase the tone and contractility of smooth muscles, but have numerous side effects.

In some cases, sedative tablets are appropriate, hormonal agents(during menopause) and myotropic drugs.

In severe cases, experts recommend an injection of botulinum toxin, which is a purified bacterial toxin. The drug acts on the nerve endings of a certain part muscular system organ, resulting in blocking the release of acetylcholine, which causes involuntary muscle contraction.

Paralysis or relaxation of the muscles that have been exposed to botulinum toxin occurs while other muscles continue to function normally. Thus, the problem of uncontrolled urination is solved. The injection is carried out in medical institution using local anesthesia. The effect is observed for 6-10 months.

IN extreme cases Possible surgical intervention:

  • cystoplasty, with which doctors increase the capacity of the bladder and reduce its instability;
  • Neuromodulation – results in continuous stimulation of the nerve. During surgical intervention A pulse generator and electrode are implanted, resulting in easier and restored urinary balance.
  • electrophoresis;
  • ultrasound;
  • electrical stimulation of the bladder.

Treatment for a weak bladder in women can be carried out using an intravaginal device - a pessary. The product is made of silicone and prevents involuntary urination. The effect of the pessary depends on the type of pathology, clinical picture and individual characteristics of body structure.

Pregnancy and childbirth can help women relax their bladder. This normal condition, which usually goes away within a few weeks or months.

In men, bladder weakness can be caused by prostatitis or prostate adenoma, so the fight against these pathologies must be addressed first.

Impaired urination in a child, in most cases, is caused by impaired neural regulation and should be treated only after consultation with a doctor.

Therapeutic and preventive physical education

To strengthen the bladder, they resort to Kegel exercises, which when regular training strengthens the bladder muscles. An important condition The key to performing each exercise is regularity and a gradual increase in loads. Treatment for bladder weakness in women and men with exercise is effective for both men and women.

Kegel exercises are effective for strengthening the pelvic muscles in women

Exercises using the Kegel system are varied. It is necessary to tilt and turn the torso, squat, rotate the pelvis, relax and tense various groups muscles, contract the muscles of the perineum, imitate cycling and skiing, etc. The most effective of them:

  1. Lie on your back. Raise your right leg at an angle of 90º to the floor surface and hold for 5 seconds, lower. Perform the same movement with your left foot. In the same way, raise your legs one by one at an angle of 45º. Next, raise both legs to a height of 30-40 cm from the floor and hold for 5-10 seconds, lower. Then raise your legs at an angle of 90º and gradually lower them, stopping at 45º. At a height of 30-40 cm, maintain the position of your legs for 5 seconds. Breathe freely.
  2. Lie on your back, bend your knees, then spread them apart. The feet are pressed against one another. Try to spread your knees as much as possible and remain in this position for 5 seconds.
  3. In a standing position, lean on a chair and slowly squat down, while spreading your knees to the sides. Stay in this position for 5 seconds and slowly rise up. When performing the exercise, you need to feel the tension of the pelvic muscles. Initially, you need to do three squats.
  4. Hold the ball between your thighs and walk slowly for several minutes. The greatest effect The exercise is performed using a small ball.
  5. Tighten and relax the muscles of the perineum for a few seconds. Performing this exercise is very convenient, as it is invisible to others.

Folk remedies

You can also strengthen the bladder muscles with folk remedies, which can solve the problem of urination and not cause harm to the body.

Pour boiling water (1 cup) over dill seeds (1 tablespoon). Leave for several hours. Drink in one go. The infusion has an excellent strengthening effect.

Grass shepherd's purse(3 tsp) pour cold water(1 glass), strain, leave for 8 hours. Use 2 tbsp. spoons up to 4 times a day.

Marshmallow has a good supporting effect on the bladder. Pour the root of the plant (6 g) with cold water (200 ml), leave for 10 hours. The prepared product is drunk one day before.

Plantain leaves (1 tbsp) are poured with boiling water, infused for an hour, and filtered. Accepted 1 tbsp. spoon up to 4 times a day half an hour before meals.

Even ordinary plantain can significantly strengthen the bladder

Mix St. John's wort and centaury and use as tea.

Many believe that a weak bladder can be strengthened through hypnosis, but experts are skeptical about this method.

Rules of conduct for a weak bladder

  • There is no need to reduce the amount of liquid you drink.
  • Timely emptying is necessary.
  • You should lose excess weight.
  • It is recommended to refuse bad habits, relaxing the sphincter and bladder (alcohol, smoking).
  • Do not abuse alcohol, carbonated drinks, caffeine, milk, citrus fruits, spicy and spicy food. And also sugar, honey, chocolate, artificial substitutes Sahara.

It must be remembered that turning to numerous healers and sorcerers who are ready to cure urinary incontinence using various spells and rituals will not lead to getting rid of the disease and is fraught with undesirable consequences.