Undergo a full medical examination. Check-up programs for children. Advantages of comprehensive diagnostics

In Moscow, several dozen health centers operate on the basis of city clinics. If the clinic you are assigned to has a health center, you can undergo a free preventive examination there. It can be done at any age, once a year, and the visit itself will take from 30 minutes to 1 hour.

You can undergo the examination without an appointment at any convenient time (according to the clinic’s opening hours). To apply, you will need a passport and compulsory medical insurance policy.

2. What procedures does the examination include?

A preventive examination consists of a number of procedures, including:

  • measurement of height, body weight, waist circumference, determination of body mass index;
  • blood pressure measurement and diagnosis of arterial hypertension;
  • determination of the level of total cholesterol in the blood using an express method, diagnosis of lipid metabolism disorders;
  • determination of blood glucose levels using an express method, detection of diabetes mellitus;
  • determination of total cardiovascular risk (the risk of developing cardiovascular complications over the next 10 years is assessed);
  • determination of the concentration of carbon monoxide in exhaled air (allows you to assess the severity of smoking and identify the fact of passive smoking);
  • spirometry - assessment of the main indicators of the respiratory system;
  • bioimpedansometry - determination of the composition of the human body, the ratio of water, fat and muscle mass;
  • express assessment of the heart condition using ECG signals from the extremities (carried out using a cardiovisor);
  • determination of the ankle-brachial index (detection of early signs of atherosclerosis in the vessels of the lower extremities);
  • measuring intraocular pressure and checking visual acuity (both studies are carried out using modern equipment, intraocular pressure is measured using a non-contact method);
  • appointment (examination) with a dental hygienist with assessment of hygiene and diagnosis of oral diseases.

3. What happens after the examination?

After the examinations have been completed, you will be referred to an appointment (examination) with a doctor at the health center. He will give recommendations, including on correcting identified risk factors - unhealthy diet, excess body weight, smoking, low physical activity.

Health diagnostics should be carried out annually, the same opinion is shared by World Health Organization, who recommended regular examinations by qualified specialists as a preventative measure. At the same time, you should not limit yourself to a superficial examination, but find time to conduct a full medical examination. In this case, the chances of identifying a serious disease at its early stage increase significantly, and, as a result, the likelihood of its successful treatment increases.

Our clinic offers you the opportunity to undergo a medical examination in comfortable conditions in 1-2 days.

You will pass:

  • consultation with the leading family doctor of the clinic
  • instrumental and laboratory diagnostics
  • functional check

You'll get:

  • detailed health report
  • treatment recommendations
  • recommendations for necessary additional examinations

General diagnostic programs (check-ups) for adults

Special diagnostic programs (check-up) for adults

General diagnostic program (check-up) for children

What is screening?

Perhaps many, having read the title, will ask themselves the question: “What is screening?”

In fact, the vast majority of people have no idea about it, and some have never even heard of the word! Meanwhile, many of these people body screening examination could help avoid serious health problems! After all, it has long been known that the earlier a problem was detected, the greater the chances of its successful elimination. It follows from this that a periodic full examination of the body of people at risk for a particular disease can help to “catch” the onset of the development of pathology and take active and effective measures to cure it. At the same time, the price of a complete diagnosis of the human body in our clinic in Moscow is immeasurably lower than the cost of treating advanced diseases, both financially and morally!

It is widely believed that Screening means “Sifting, selection.” In HR management this may be true. But this word has another translation: “Protection,” “Protecting someone from something unfavorable.” It is this meaning that underlies the term “screening studies”.

Complete/comprehensive examination of the body

Generally speaking, go through from time to time full (comprehensive) medical examination is worth it to any adult living in Moscow or another large or industrial city, since, as a rule, the environmental situation in such places is itself a risk factor for various diseases. This is the price that people pay for the opportunity to be closer “to civilization.”

You should not think that we are talking exclusively about older people. Unfortunately, the tendency towards “rejuvenation” of many formidable diseases, which arose during the development of industry and technology, is not weakening, but on the contrary, it is intensifying. Increasingly, young people, by generally accepted standards, are diagnosed with cancer, which is the result not only of an unfavorable environmental situation, but also of an unhealthy lifestyle, violation of work and rest schedules, physical inactivity, an unbalanced diet rich in harmful foods, and the like. But not only cancer diseases have become “younger”! Diseases of the cardiovascular system, lungs, liver, and other organs have become “younger.”

None of us can be completely confident that these formidable diseases have not yet taken root in our bodies, which is why periodic comprehensive medical examination of all organs and systems of the body is a necessity, not a luxury (by the way, the price of screening tests in Moscow is relatively low , as you can see by looking at the table below) for any person, starting from the age of 30 - 35 years!

What screening programs does GMS Clinic offer?

It is clear that the problems that arise in people of different genders and different age categories are of a different nature. In order to most effectively identify these problems and, at the same time, optimize the cost of this process for our patients, GMS Clinic specialists have developed several programs, each of which is intended and recommended for people of a certain gender and age.

It is worth noting that, despite some differences in scope associated with the specific characteristics of people included in the group for which this or that screening program is intended, they all require undergoing a full examination of the body, including computer diagnostics, all necessary tests and studies , allowing us to draw correct conclusions about the state of the human body as a whole and about the operation of its individual systems.

That is, we can say that periodically undergoing a complete examination of the body by people, performing the necessary studies and tests for their age and gender, to minimize the risk that a person will suddenly find himself with a serious illness in an advanced stage.

Why GMS Clinic?

Screening examination in the modern understanding of this term is a complex and high-tech process that includes many laboratory tests, computer diagnostics of the body, the latest medical equipment is involved in this process.

But, of course, it is not only advances in medical technology that make screening effective. The main condition is the highest qualifications and practical experience of doctors and specialists! After all, computer diagnostics of the body is not sufficient; its results will not tell a layman anything. To interpret them correctly, the doctor often must have not only a solid store of theoretical knowledge, but also intuition, which comes with experience. Only then, with the help of a screening study, is it possible to detect the disease at the earliest stage, when there are no obvious symptoms yet, there are only its first precursors.

We, at GMS Clinic, employ professionals of the highest standard, many of them have experience working in clinics in Europe and the USA. Their professionalism and experience are harmoniously complemented by the most modern diagnostic and laboratory equipment, and excellent conditions created in our clinic. All this makes screening in our clinic extremely effective! It will not be an exaggeration to say that GMS Clinic is on a par with the best European and world clinics! By contacting us and choosing one of our screening programs, you are not just spending money - you are investing in your health and prosperity!

You can find out more about our medical examination programs from the table above, and if you have any questions, please contact us by phone +7 495 781 5577, +7 800 302 5577 . You will find the address and directions to our clinic in the Contact information section.

Why GMS Clinic?

GMS Clinic is a multidisciplinary medical and diagnostic center that provides a wide range of medical services and the opportunity to solve most health problems using Western-level medicine without leaving Moscow.

  • No queues
  • Own parking
  • Individual approach to each patient
  • Western and Russian standards of evidence-based medicine

Where can you get a full medical examination for free in Moscow?

It is almost impossible to undergo a full qualified medical examination in one single place, because highly specialized specialists never work in the same clinic. A therapist or cardiologist will not be able to examine the prostate gland. I agree with Valentina that a therapist will not be able to make an accurate diagnosis, which requires a qualified, highly specialized examination. There are health centers in Moscow where you can get free consultations and recommendations:

Cancer screening is often not included in a full medical examination, but as we all know, it is very important. The RIA Novosti press service has information that consultation on oncology issues in Moscow is possible not for a limited period of time, but on an ongoing basis. Appointments must be made 1 month in advance. If someone does not fall into this time slot, there is a waiting list. And everyone will still be able to undergo a free oncology examination. Those wishing to undergo such an examination must have a compulsory medical insurance policy and Moscow registration.

Where can you check oncology in Moscow for free? In 2006, on the initiative of leading oncologists in our country, the non-profit partnership “Equal Right to Life” was created. It was created in order to draw attention to the problems associated with the treatment of cancer, their prevention and timely diagnosis. Telephone number of the federal hotline of the NP "Equal Right to Life" (8 499 2715759). The programs carried out by this non-profit partnership have already been implemented in 106 cities of Russia. Now Muscovites can be screened for prostate, cervical, skin, breast, colon and rectal cancer. Moscow's chief oncologist Anatoly Makhson believes that awareness and early diagnosis of cancer is a very important factor in the fight against this disease. As the doctor notes, equipping diagnostic centers and hospitals with modern equipment allows people to undergo free screening in full. Free consultations with the country's leading oncologists and examinations are carried out as part of the non-profit partnership program "Equal Right to Life". You can find out about this by calling the hotline.

Not only in Moscow, various promotions are held to check your health for free. For example, you can check the spine. Usually RIA Novosti and Rossiyskaya Gazeta cover this information in detail:
www rg ru

It will not be difficult to get a consultation with a therapist; it is much more important to get a consultation with a highly specialized specialist in a timely manner and diagnose the disease.

Mass medical examinations of people in Russia this year showed that the vast majority of Russians had no idea about their ailments before undergoing a full medical examination. Therefore, undergoing a medical examination is extremely important to identify diseases at an early stage for quick and effective treatment.

Where to get a medical examination in Moscow and the Moscow region?

You can undergo a medical examination in Moscow and the Moscow region in both private and public medical institutions. In the capital today there are about 50 public clinics, as well as more than two hundred private clinics. This means that the patient can undergo either a free medical examination in a government institution or a paid one in a private medical center.

Our catalog provides a complete list of all medical institutions where you can undergo a full medical examination. We made sure that searching for information was convenient, accessible and fast.

A complete medical examination includes x-rays, ultrasound, thermography, functional and laboratory tests. What is required to undergo a medical examination? For this you need a medical insurance policy and SNILS. You can get a referral for a medical examination at the reception desk, from your local doctor or paramedic at the clinic.

Addresses and telephone numbers of clinics in Moscow and the Moscow region where you can undergo a medical examination

Practice has shown that a complete diagnosis takes from 5 to 7 hours, which allows you to quickly get a complete picture of the state of the body, diagnose diseases and identify their source if they are present.

A complete examination of the body is a whole complex that includes laboratory tests, examination by specialists (doctors of certain specialties) in a hospital or clinic, and a number of instrumental studies. After its completion, conclusions can be drawn about the presence of diseases in a person or conditions predisposing them. The main goal of a complete examination of the body is to identify chronic diseases and cancer pathology in the early stages for the purpose of timely treatment. The ideal is to identify not the disease itself, but the factors predisposing it, followed by correction of potential risks.

You can compile a list of the most appropriate studies, analyzes and consultations yourself using Internet search engines, however, there is a risk of incorrectly summing up the information received and missing something important.

It is more advisable to seek help from a specialist, for example, start by visiting a local therapist or family doctor. It will take a sufficient amount of time and financial resources to go through the entire list in a traditional clinic. You can undergo a comprehensive examination of the whole body in a hospital - it will take less time, but discomfort from hospital living conditions can negatively affect the mood of even an absolutely healthy person.

Modern medical centers often provide their clients with standard packages of services, which include a list of tests, studies and consultations in accordance with the age and gender of the patient. This is a very convenient option for people who value not only their health, but also their time. A complete examination of the body can be completed in just a few days and at a convenient time.

So-called medical tourism is gaining increasing popularity. The largest clinics in Israel and Europe offer residents of other countries a so-called checkup, that is, a set of medical services that includes everything. This is a complex for a complete examination of the body, which is carried out in comfortable conditions, by qualified specialists and using high-tech equipment.

The process of obtaining comprehensive information about your own health is combined with a pleasant holiday in a new country. At the client’s request, he can be accompanied by a guide-translator (a separate service of the company engaged in medical tourism) so that the language barrier does not become an obstacle to the examination and does not create additional discomfort.

What does a comprehensive examination include?

The list of a complete examination of the adult body, offered by domestic specialists, includes:

  • detailed blood and urine tests;
  • biochemical tests (blood sugar, liver function tests, blood amylase levels, creatinine and urea);
  • plain radiograph (not fluorogram) of the chest organs;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs, and in women also of the pelvis and mammary glands;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • consultation with a urologist (gynecologist), ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, neurologist;
  • specific blood tests for infections (syphilis, hepatitis C and B, HIV).

If any abnormalities or other doubts are identified, a more detailed study of the function of a particular organ or organ system will be required. If there is a hereditary predisposition to certain types of diseases in the family (for example, episodes of heart attack, hypertension, cancer of the female reproductive system), a comprehensive study of health status includes a more detailed study of this particular area. Exactly what details of the examination are needed is determined by the specific situation.

Checkup packages in foreign clinics

A complete examination of the client’s body, which is carried out in foreign clinics, includes a significantly larger number of instrumental studies. This allows us to largely eliminate the influence of the human factor - the doctor may make a mistake due to the lack of necessary experience in relation to a certain problem during the examination.

Obtaining objective results of instrumental studies, for example, lesions on a brain tomogram, involuntarily attracts attention and requires more detailed study.

The so-called standard package in Israeli clinics additionally includes (in addition to those stated above) the following points:

Special comprehensive examination packages

A complete examination in men and women implies certain differences. Designed especially for women:

  • blood test for cancer markers;
  • measuring bone density to assess the severity of osteoporosis;
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands is being replaced by mammography;
  • a PAP test is performed to assess the extent of human papillomavirus infection;
  • video colposcopy to assess the condition of the vaginal and cervical mucosa.

A complete examination in men includes the following additional studies:

  • Ultrasound of the prostate gland and examination by a urologist;
  • transurethral ultrasound of the prostate gland;
  • oncological markers most typical for the male body, namely for possible damage to the prostate gland.

Check up program for children

Often there is a need for a comprehensive examination of the child’s entire body. Parents are interested not only in the presence of chronic pathology, but also in the facts of congenital developmental anomalies that require timely correction. Comprehensive information is required before entering a preschool or school, as well as before visiting a sports section or children's sports school.

A comprehensive child screening package includes all of the following.

  1. Detailed examination by an experienced pediatrician using traditional methods for organ systems.
  2. To assess the condition of a very young child, special tests and visual programs are used.
  3. General clinical blood and urine tests.
  4. Biochemical blood tests (selected individually, taking into account the characteristics of a particular patient).
  5. An electrocardiogram and, if necessary, an echocardiogram (to assess the correct structure of the heart sac and heart valves).
  6. X-ray examination of the chest organs, which can be replaced by tomography (magnetic resonance or positron emission).
  7. Examination by an ENT doctor to identify pathologies of hearing and, accordingly, speech development.
  8. Orthopedic examination - identifying pathologies of the joints and spine that require special treatment.
  9. Examination of the whole body by a pediatric surgeon to detect hernias and other congenital anomalies.
  10. Consultation with a dentist - to identify dental pathology with subsequent orthopedic correction.
  11. In adolescent children during puberty, the hormonal profile is examined.

As a result of the information received, an individual plan for the development and prevention of diseases of a particular child is drawn up. If necessary, a genetic passport can be examined, which provides information about the most likely diseases for a particular child, his inclinations and characteristics.