Pea porridge: benefits and harms. Pea porridge diet for weight loss and healthy recipes. Secrets of healthy porridge

Almost all legumes are famous for their valuable qualities, peas were no exception. Porridge cooked on its basis charges a person with energy for the whole day. The dish normalizes digestion and helps cure many ailments. It is thanks to the positive effect on the body that many people ask questions about harmful and useful qualities pea porridge. Let's look at everything in order.

Composition and calorie content of pea porridge

When it comes to the benefits of a dish, it doesn’t matter at all whether the porridge is prepared with water or milk. During heat treatment, peas almost do not lose valuable substances, as a result of which it continues to have a beneficial effect on human health.

So, the dish is rich in retinol, riboflavin, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid, tocopherol, folic acid, thiamine, H-group vitamins, nicotinic acid. The composition also contains beta-carotene, 70% of total volume vegetable protein, some fat, carbohydrates.

Peas are full of mineral compounds. Among them, it is worth highlighting calcium, selenium, phosphorus, iodine, tin, titanium, potassium, iron, silicon, fluorine. Porridge is not complete without dietary fiber, especially fiber. This substance normalizes the digestive system.

The dish contains a lot of lysine, choline, and organic acids (glutamic, aspartic, stearic, palmitic, oleic, pantothenic).

Omega acids 3 and 6, which are responsible for the health of nails, hair and skin, are of particular value.

Despite such an impressive list, pea porridge is relatively low in calories. In a serving weighing 100 g. 92 Kcal accumulates, this is provided that the dish is cooked in water. Indicators may vary depending on the nutritional value of the dish made with meat broth or gravy.

The effect of pea porridge

  • accelerates absorption useful substances into the blood;
  • envelops the esophagus, improving the passage of consumed products;
  • reduces blood and intracranial pressure;
  • fights migraines, headaches;
  • improves heart function;
  • expands blood channels;
  • compacts vascular walls;
  • carries out prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis;
  • relieves cramps in the abdomen and lower back during menstruation;
  • facilitates the course of menopause;
  • helps you gain muscle mass faster;
  • strengthens bones, teeth, nail plate;
  • improves the functioning of the musculoskeletal system;
  • removes salts, lubricates joints, prevents osteoporosis, osteochondrosis;
  • tidies up facial skin, increases turgor;
  • eliminates alopecia;
  • useful for diabetics of all types;
  • accelerates metabolic processes;
  • helps to lose weight, including coping with obesity;
  • normalizes the psycho-emotional state;
  • increases endurance mentally and physically;
  • eliminates chronic fatigue, apathy, insomnia;
  • increases protective forces;
  • strengthens eye muscles and vision;
  • fights stones and sand in internal organs.

The benefits of pea porridge for pregnant women

  1. Most nursing mothers and pregnant women prefer to avoid pea porridge for the reason that the dish causes excessive gas formation. This step is completely wrong, because such an effect of the product can be excluded. The main thing is to know how.
  2. Add a little cumin, dry dill or parsley to the boiled porridge. Dried herbs help eliminate gas formation. The benefits of porridge have been proven repeatedly both for intrauterine development the child and his mother.
  3. Incoming ascorbic acid supports a woman’s immunity, so there is no need to take medications to fight viruses. Iron eliminates congenital anemia in the child and prevents anemia in the mother.
  4. Manganese is responsible for creating the skeleton of the fetus inside the womb, strengthens skeletal system mother, responsible for mental condition pregnant lady. Mineral compounds regulate lipid metabolism.
  5. Pea bean porridge controls insulin production and maintains hemoglobin. The dish increases blood circulation in the placenta by increasing blood flow in the capillaries and vessels of the mother. As a result of this, the child is formed in accordance with the term.
  6. Before introducing pea dishes into your diet, consult a specialist. He will give correct instructions regarding acceptable daily norm, portion sizes, frequency of eating porridge.

  1. The positive effect is achieved thanks to a storehouse of chemical microelements. Beans contain about 20 essential enzymes for humans, which do not lose their properties when heat treatment.
  2. Porridge has a positive effect on all processes of the body. Peas are rich in aluminum, mineral substance quickly restores connective, bone and muscle tissue. Therefore, the product is recommended to be consumed during recovery periods.
  3. Bean porridge is rich in fiber; consumption of the dish is especially recommended for people suffering from constipation. Systematic use will serve as an excellent prevention of constipation.
  4. Pea porridge improves metabolism in a short period of time, increases activity lymphatic system, restores blood vessels. The effect is achieved thanks to silicon. Also chemical element improves the function of lung tissue and gland function internal secretion.
  5. The high percentage of tocopherol and iron in pea porridge increases the resistance and tone of the human body to various viral diseases. Porridge resists the development of anemia and slows down the aging process of tissues.
  6. The presence of choline in beans helps improve performance nervous system and enhance development intellectual abilities. It is recommended to introduce the product into daily diet kids. Regular consumption of pea porridge prevents the development of gallstone disease.
  7. Systematic use restores liver activity, removing toxic compounds from the body. The high content of vitamins in the dish allows you to improve your work fat metabolism. This reduces the risk of diseases of the visual and nervous systems.
  8. Pea porridge is indicated for consumption by people who suffer from atherosclerosis vascular system and hypercholesterolemia. Thanks to nicotinic acid, the human body actively fights the elimination of cholesterol plaques and blood clots.

Pea porridge for weight loss

  1. To keep your weight at the desired level, you need to establish your natural metabolism. Natural pea porridge is rich in microelements that will help solve this problem.
  2. It is recommended to regularly have fasting days with pea porridge. To do this, you need to eat this dish 3 times a day. To this we can add fresh fruits and vegetables. In addition, there is a pea diet.
  3. In this case, the body does not experience any stress or harm. The tissues receive microelements, while muscle mass is not lost. The advantage of the diet is that the meals completely eliminate the feeling of extreme hunger.
  4. During the diet, you must include a pea dish in one of your meals. Due to vegetable proteins in the composition of beans, the intake of meat is partially excluded. It is recommended to eat more in between fresh berries and fruits.
  5. Start a new day with muesli and kefir. For dinner you should give preference vegetable salads, seasoned vegetable oil. During this diet, it is important to consume more fluid. Drink herbal infusions, fruit teas, water.

Harm of pea porridge

Contraindications for consuming the dish include:

  • urolithiasis disease;
  • acute stage of gallbladder and kidney diseases;
  • impaired circulatory function;
  • pathology of the duodenum;
  • flatulence;
  • gastritis with low acidity.

Undoubtedly, pea porridge is good for human health. Special value The dish is served to pregnant girls, who, for obvious reasons, prefer to exclude it from their diet. Porridge is also necessary for children, elderly people, men and women. Useful elements will ensure the proper functioning of all body systems.

Video: how to cook delicious pea porridge

Nowadays, everyone knows the invaluable properties of legumes and their richness in vitamins and microelements. Dishes prepared with soy, peas, lentils, and beans are very nutritious and tasty. And in Russia and Ukraine, peas have earned special treatment. Ever since ancient Rus' Dishes with peas were always present on the Slavic table. Below we'll talk about useful and harmful properties pea porridge, as well as its composition and contraindications.

The benefits and harms of pea porridge

Pea porridge is a complete source of all necessary to the human body amino acids, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants. Peas also contain mineral salts, natural fiber, and proteins. Porridge made from this product is very nutritious, satisfies well and is quite high in calories, so it is very popular among athletes and people leading active image life. The calorie content of pea porridge is approximately 180 kilocalories per 100 grams of product, excluding oil. This porridge is considered one of the highest calorie dishes among all porridges. For example, rice porrige in an amount of 100 grams will enrich the body with only 130 kilocalories, buckwheat - 150 kcal. But if you cook pea porridge with water and without adding oil, its calorie content is quite low and is quite suitable for dietary nutrition. Pea porridge nourishes the body slow carbohydrates, which contributes to a very long-lasting feeling of satiety. There is a lot of protein in pea porridge plant origin, so its regular use promotes rapid growth muscle mass, which is an important point for athletes. Pea porridge goes well with meat and vegetable dishes. The benefit of pea porridge also lies in its effect on the digestive system. It helps get rid of flatulence, constipation, improves appetite and activates digestive processes in the stomach. Beneficial features This porridge is used during the treatment of anemia, anemia, changes blood pressure.

Antioxidants contained in pea porridge have positive action on skin. They help keep the skin young, tight and healthy. Also, pea porridge is a good “friend” of people with excess weight problems, since it doesn’t even a large number of porridge neutralizes the feeling of hunger for a long time. Surprisingly, peas go well with buckwheat, so to give the porridge an unusual flavor, it is recommended to add a small amount of buckwheat at the last stage of cooking pea porridge. A wonderful addition to pea porridge will be fresh salad with greens. Pea porridge can be consumed by people of different age categories– for both children from three years old and the elderly. But there is still some harm from eating porridge for certain diseases. Elderly people should not get too carried away with pea porridge in order to avoid digestive problems. Pea porridge is strictly contraindicated for nephritis in acute stage, cholecystitis, poor circulation, as well as for some other diseases at the acute stage. You should also be careful with it because of its high calorie content. It contains relatively few carbohydrates, so it will be an excellent component of various diets.

Bean crops are famous for their beneficial properties and peas are no exception.

Porridge prepared from this vegetable is saturated with a large number of important elements and has positive influence on the body, regardless of whether it is prepared in water or meat broth.

The nuances of preparing pea porridge

Pea porridge is not only tasty, but also healthy dish. In order for peas to retain all their important substances during cooking, you must follow some rules:

1. First, you need to do it right pick up pea beans. For porridges, split peas are used, which are sold whole or split into halves. Split peas cook several times faster than whole peas. Preferably peas yellow color. The porridge made from them has a more expressive taste. In some stores you can find unshelled peas. To prepare porridge from such beans, it is necessary to pre-soak them for 6–8 hours. This is necessary to exfoliate the dense shell.

2. Secondly, it is necessary to correctly pick up dishes, in which the porridge will be cooked. A cast iron pan with a thick bottom is best for this. This will ensure even cooking of the peas and prevent burning.

Proper preparation The porridge begins with washing the peas. Before this, you should sort it out, sorting out the shell elements and low-quality beans. It is best to soak washed seeds for 5–8 hours. So, the porridge will turn out boiled in a shorter period of time. After soaking, the peas are ready to be used in porridge.

This process takes place in several stages:

Add water or meat broth to the peas in a 1:2 ratio. If dry peas are used, you will need 4 parts water with the addition of half a teaspoon of soda. It will help the grains boil faster;

Bring the porridge to a boil over medium heat;

After this, reduce the heat to low, cover the pan with a lid, and cook the beans until tender. Typically the cooking time is 1–1.5 hours. During cooking, the dish is stirred regularly;

You can add broth or water as needed;

10 minutes before readiness, add salt to taste;

When the peas have boiled and the mass has acquired a puree-like consistency, the porridge is ready. If there is some liquid left, you can open the lid and cook until it boils.

You can add it to ready-made porridge add various ingredients: butter or regular cream, fried onion or carrots, greens, prepared mushrooms, meat, etc. Do not forget that such additives increase the calorie content of porridge several times.

How great are the benefits of pea porridge?

Pea porridge is considered a storehouse of substances necessary for the body. This is true. These beans contain approx. 20 microelements important for humans, which are preserved during heat treatment.

Thanks to them, porridge has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole. Unlike other cereals, pea cereal contains aluminum. He promotes regeneration and restoration of bone, muscle and connective tissue. That is why pea porridge is indicated in postoperative and recovery periods.

This dish rich in fiber content. In this regard, it is recommended for people suffering from constipation. Regular consumption of pea porridge helps normalize metabolism and restore blood vessels circulatory system and improving the functioning of the lymphatic system.

This effect is explained by the presence in peas silicon which supports healthy functioning lung tissue, endocrine glands. It also promotes the absorption of other macro and microelements.

The benefits of pea porridge are what it contains choline. This is a vitamin responsible for the development of intellectual abilities and normal condition nervous system. Therefore, it is recommended to take pea porridge in children's diet. In addition, it prevents the occurrence of cholelithiasis, helps restore the liver and helps remove toxic elements from the body. A large group of vitamins and microelements contained in porridge helps to normalize fat metabolism and prevent diseases of the nervous system and visual organs.

Great importance Eating this dish is beneficial for people with hypercholesterolemia and vascular atherosclerosis. Since contained in peas a nicotinic acid actively fights the elimination of blood clots and cholesterol plaques.

The harm of pea porridge: let’s dispel the speculation

Many are of the opinion that great content elements important for the body in pea porridge are not always beneficial.

In some situations harm from pea porridge is possible, but such cases are very rare and they do not have strict contraindications:

More often negative impact are exposed older people with a steady increase uric acid in blood. This is explained by the fact that peas have high content purines, which contribute to even greater accumulation of uric acid and its conversion into urates. The whole danger is that urates are deposited in the joints, causing pathologies in the area of ​​deposition;

In addition, pea porridge is harmful to those who have kidney and gallbladder disease in the acute stage;

with unclear etiology of circulatory dysfunction It is also not recommended to introduce this dish into your diet;

It is not advisable to give pea porridge children under one year old, since their digestive system is different from adults. She is unable to cope with so much fiber;

Pea porridge is contraindicated for people suffering from increased flatulence and pathologies duodenum;

Such food helps reduce the acidic environment of the stomach, so it is not recommended for gastritis with low acidity.

Benefits for pregnant women and harm of pea porridge for nursing mothers - is this true?

Many pregnant and lactating women often refuse this type of food, citing the fact that it provokes excessive gas formation and bloating. But this is completely unfounded, because properly prepared pea porridge is devoid of this property.

To do this, you can add herbs to it that prevent the formation of gases: cumin, dill, etc. It has long been proven in medicine that eating such a dish has a beneficial effect not only on the mother, but also on the child, especially at the stage of intrauterine development.

Therefore women are in a position You just have to introduce pea porridge into your diet. The main benefits of pea porridge for pregnant women:

Vitamin C allows iron, which is found in large quantities in peas, to be fully absorbed. This helps to compensate for iron deficiency due to anemia in pregnant women;

The presence of manganese in porridge provides healthy formation bones in the child, as well as the normal functioning of the nervous system in the mother;

Whole group macroelements supports immunity and regulates metabolic processes, including lipid ones;

By introducing this dish into the diet, natural control over the process of insulin production is achieved;

The only thing a pregnant woman should beware of when eating pea porridge is: excessive hobby this product. After all, even the most beneficial substances can be harmful in large quantities.

Doctors have a completely opposite opinion regarding the consumption of pea porridge by nursing mothers. Since infants do not have a fully formed alimentary tract system, feeding the mother such a product is not advisable.

However, in the absence negative reaction child on a similar diet to the mother, porridge can be entered into the menu in Not large quantities no more than once a week. This will help increase the body's resistance to mother and child.

Lose weight with pea porridge the right way!

The benefits of pea porridge for weight loss are undeniable. This dish not only fills the body with essential nutrients, but also increases energy potential.

In terms of energy indicators, pea porridge outperformed lean beef. Moreover, when cooked in water, it has 92 kcal per 100 grams ready-made dish.

Even with daily use porridge once a day, weight loss is guaranteed. This is due to the content of vitamin B5 in peas, which promotes the production of glucocorticoids. Those, in turn, actively break down fat cells .

By the way, pea porridge is perfect for people who combine a diet with training in sports centers, as it promotes rapid muscle growth. This dish contains carbohydrates. They are digested slowly, which means that the feeling of fullness will come quickly and will persist. long time.

When losing weight, vitamin deficiency is very often recorded, which leads to serious and irreversible problems. Pea porridge will help quickly compensate for this deficiency and restore the body.

Pea porridge can rightfully be called a treasure trove useful elements. The ability to cook and consume it correctly will make your diet richer and your body healthier.

Pea porridge has not only pleasant taste qualities, it contains great amount vegetable protein, vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances necessary for normal operation all human organ systems. Unfortunately, now modern people peas are rarely prepared. But in vain! After all, it is very healthy and low-calorie.

What are the benefits of pea porridge for the human body? actual question to date. A pea dish can be consumed by both athletes and people on a diet. The fact is that 100 grams of ready-made porridge contains 90 kcal and a large amount of vegetable protein, a minimum of fat and carbohydrates. Moreover this product It is also recommended for vegetarians who do not eat meat that contains animal protein.

Pea porridge is also called pea porridge.

Benefits of peas for the body:

The benefits and harms of peas were studied by experts many years ago. At constant use pea dish, the body receives a lot of useful substances. And this, in turn, significantly affects health and beauty.

The usefulness of a pea dish depends entirely on the method of preparation and what products it is combined with. It is not recommended to serve bean porridge with meat or fried vegetables. This will result in very heavy food for the stomach and it will be more difficult to digest. How pea porridge is prepared is a question that interests all housewives.

Methods for preparing bean porridge:

Goroshnitsa can be served with chicken, bacon, stewed vegetables, and butter. But it is worth remembering that porridge cooked in water or vegetable broth is much healthier for the body than cooked in meat broth. Moreover, the calorie content of pea porridge served with butter, increases sharply.

Is it possible to eat peas while losing weight? The answer from nutritionists is unequivocal - of course, if a person has no contraindications to it. Pea porridge contains few calories and is high in proteins and carbohydrates, helping to maintain a feeling of fullness for a long period.

The pea bowl can also be used during fasting day. To do this, you need to prepare porridge from 200 grams of peas and divide it into five equal parts and consume throughout the day every 3 hours, including for breakfast. If you feel unbearably hungry in the evening, you can drink a glass fermented milk product or eat an apple.

During a three-day pea mono-diet, you can lose 2-3 kilograms.

As with any diet, you must definitely drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

Harm to the body

Like other foods, peas can be harmful to the human body if consumed in large quantities. By overusing peas, you risk gaining weight. Intestinal problems, bloating, flatulence and heartburn may also appear.

Peas are contraindicated for:

The benefits of pea porridge for the body are enormous, but it is necessary to consume it in moderation, otherwise it can lead to gastrointestinal problems. Pea is an irreplaceable and healthy dish for children, men and women.

Attention, TODAY only!

Despite the excellent taste and a huge number of recipes, pea porridge is an infrequent guest on the table. But once upon a time the dish was very popular and was prepared in all establishments. Catering, served with a variety of additions - from meat to fish, mushrooms and vegetables. Adults and children ate it with pleasure, without even thinking about it. unique properties product. And he, in turn, gave health, strength, beauty and brought great benefit to the human body.

Other valuable properties:

  1. The product is a storehouse of minerals and vitamins necessary for the full functioning of all body systems, cell growth, and maintaining immunity.
  2. Increases performance, promotes improvement brain activity, gives strength and good mood.
  3. Peas contain a lot nicotinic acid, which helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and ensures the cleanliness of blood vessels and their strength.
  4. Pea porridge contains selenium. This substance has antioxidant properties, protects the body from radioactive elements, heavy metals, and also neutralizes the effects of free radicals.
  5. The pea dish can be consumed to prevent dermatitis and acne. It contains many B vitamins, which maintain the condition of the skin and mucous membranes and increase their protective functions.
  6. Pea porridge contains the substance thiamine, which maintains muscle tone digestive system and involved in many internal processes.
  7. The amino acid lysine helps the body fight bacteria, viruses, microbes, increases the body's immune strength and prevents diseases. This substance is involved in the production of collagen, is necessary for normal heart function, and promotes speedy healing wounds, cracks, surgical sutures.

At regular use the body receives pea porridge not only valuable protein, but also a lot of useful compounds and substances. They protect your health and allow you to maintain youth and beauty longer.

Peas in children's diet

Reaction child's body on peas can be unpredictable. Some babies calmly eat porridge from the age of one year, others develop pain in the intestines, bloating, etc. unpleasant symptoms even in three years old. The question is individual, but you definitely should not give the dish to children younger than 12 months. Fresh green peas are ideal for introducing legumes.

Supplements are important. There should be no meat, fish, or fatty sauces in the dish. Also, you should not cook porridge with broth for your child. The best addition There will be boiled vegetables: carrots, beets, zucchini.

Video: Useful properties of peas

Which peas to choose for porridge

The most valuable with food point In general, unshelled peas are a good choice, but cooking porridge from them is quite problematic. The process will take a long time and there is no guarantee that the whole grains will be cooked or even reach the desired softness. For preparing dishes, shelled types are used, most often these are halves, but crushed ones are also found. Peas are distinguished by color into green, red and yellow. All of them are suitable for porridge.

When purchasing, it is important to pay attention to the expiration date. Dry legumes themselves are very tough and require prolonged cooking. If the product is old, more than two years old, then the process will require additional time, it may not be able to boil and even after a few hours of boiling it will remain hard, “glassy”. Therefore, for porridge you need to choose fresh peas, preferably produced in the current or previous year.

Secrets of healthy porridge

The benefits of pea porridge (pea porridge, puree) will be determined not so much by the type of bean or its color, but by the method of preparation. The most common mistake is the combination legumes with meat, cooking dishes based on rich broths. As a result, food becomes heavier and more difficult to digest. Porridges made with water or vegetable broths are more valuable for the body.

Secrets of cooking peas:

  1. Soak dry cereal in cold water for 10-12 hours. This technique will not only reduce cooking time, but also ease the digestive system.
  2. When soaking in water, you can add a pinch of soda, which will help soften the fibers and reduce gas formation.
  3. After soaking the peas, before cooking the porridge, drain the water and soda and add clean liquid.
  4. Porridge tastes better with butter, but dishes with added butter are much healthier and more valuable for the body. plant products, it is better to choose unrefined types.
  5. It must be remembered that after cooling, the pea dish becomes much thicker. Therefore, you need to cook a thin porridge.

Advice! To prevent the formation of gases and bloating in the intestines, pea porridge is seasoned with dill. Carrots also suppress gastrointestinal reactions. The root vegetable is added directly to dishes or consumed additionally in the form of a fresh salad.

Video: Recipe for delicious pea porridge

Use for weight loss

Despite high calorie content dry peas (about 298 kcal), porridge cooked in water is valuable dietary dish. 100 grams contain only 60-90 kcal, depending on consistency. Naturally, if you add butter, meat, fried vegetables to the peas, then energy value will grow several times. IN pure form The dish can be used for weight loss. It contains a lot of protein and carbohydrates, which fill you up well, suppress hunger for a long time, but at the same time maintain strength, good mood and morale.

It is useful to include a pea dish in the diets of all kinds of diets, if the rules allow it. It can be taken as the basis for a fasting day. It is enough to prepare porridge from 200 g of dry shelled beans, divide it into 5 meals and eat throughout the day. There are also special pea diets.

Mono-diet on pea porridge

For 3 days, the basis of the diet is pea porridge with water. During this time, you can get rid of 2-3 kg, cleanse your intestines, and reduce your waist size. The dish is consumed 3 times a day. Allowed as 2 snacks fresh vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage.

Basic diet rules:

  1. At least 2 liters of water are consumed daily.
  2. Salt is not excluded, but limited. It is advisable to season already cooked porridge.
  3. Tea and coffee are reduced to 2 cups per day.

If by the end of the day it appears severe hunger, it is allowed to consume 200 ml of low-fat kefir or 100 g of cottage cheese up to 2% fat content.

Pea seven-day diet

Low calorie option balanced diet, which is based on peas in several types. When choosing meat, dairy and fish products You should give preference to low-fat types.

Sample menu

Breakfast: oatmeal with apple or orange, grapefruit, tea or coffee
Dinner: pea porridge, fresh vegetables
Dinner: canned peas, boiled fish or chicken, greens and vegetables

Low-fat kefir or yogurt is allowed at night. As with any other diet, you need to drink at least 2 liters of water during the day.


The harm of pea porridge is a relative concept. To a healthy person dish in moderate amount will only do good. If you abuse the product, you may experience problems with stool, bloating, pain, and active gurgling in the abdomen. If you have problems with the intestines or a tendency to increased gas formation, the product is introduced into the diet with extreme caution and in small quantities.


  • nephritis;
  • gout;
  • inflammation in the intestines;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • cholecystitis.

Also, do not forget about the high calorie content of rich porridge with meat and oils. Often the dish is prepared with smoked meats, sausages, stewed meat, canned food and other products that reduce the value and complicate the functioning of the digestive system. At overweight body and obesity, such foods are contraindicated.