Dzungarian aconite, or Dzungarian fighter, is the most poisonous plant. Aconite is a cure for cancer. Reviews about treatment with aconite

Instructions for use:

Useful properties of aconite

Aconite is a plant from the buttercup family. It is also called the fighter, Djungarian aconite, king grass.

The leaves and tubers of aconite are of medical interest. When preparing raw materials, it should be taken into account that all parts of the aconite plant are poisonous, so you should work with gloves, without touching your eyes and mucous membranes.

The roots of aconite are collected from August to September, and the leaves during and before flowering of the plant - in June-July. Properly dried aconite leaves should be dark green.

Dried raw materials can be stored for a year, marked “poisonous”, separately from other harvested herbs.

The use of aconite in homeopathy, folk medicine has become widespread due to its wide range beneficial properties plants: it has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, healing, diuretic, sedative effect.

Treatment with aconite

The aconite plant is not recognized by official medicine, but in folk medicine it is used for: arthritis, gout, radiculitis, sciatica, rheumatism, epilepsy, mental, nervous disorders, hysteria, neuralgia, incl. neuralgia trigeminal nerve, for headaches, dizziness, Parkinson's disease, anemia, pulmonary tuberculosis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, colds, sore throat, acute respiratory disease, blurred vision, infection with worms, jaundice, constipation, flatulence, cystitis, dropsy, scarlet fever, diphtheria, malaria, syphilis, psoriasis, scabies. The aconite plant is also used for traditional treatment cancer.

Aconite is used in homeopathy in the form of a tincture of flowers and plant leaves. Due to the increased toxicity of the drug, the dosage is prescribed by a homeopathic doctor after assessing the patient’s condition. In homeopathy, aconite is prescribed for the same indications, as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and healing agent.

To treat cancer, you can prepare a tincture of aconite in living conditions. Take one teaspoon of aconite root powder, pour in 500 ml of vodka and keep for two weeks in a dark room, shaking every day. Before use, carefully strain the tincture using gauze folded in half.

After this, you can begin treatment with aconite: one drop of the product is mixed with 50 ml of water ( single dosage) and taken daily before meals three times a day. Every day add 1 drop, bring it up to 10 drops per dose, and so, 10 drops three times a day are taken for another 10 days. After this, the number of drops begins to be reduced and brought back to taking one drop three times a day. After this, treatment with aconite is stopped for one month and then the course is repeated. Thus, seven therapeutic courses are carried out.

To relieve toothache, headaches (including migraines), treat rheumatism, neuralgia, another tincture is prepared: 20 g of Djungarian aconite roots are poured into 0.5 liters of vodka and kept for a week.

For migraines and neuralgia, start taking aconite tincture one teaspoon at a time, gradually increasing the dosage to a tablespoon. Treatment lasts a month.

To eliminate toothache, one tablespoon of tincture should be rubbed into the cheek on the side where the damaged tooth is located.

To treat rheumatism, the tincture is rubbed into the sore spot at night and wrapped in flannel.


Djungarian aconite is contraindicated for children and people with low blood pressure, pregnant and lactating women.

After external use of aconite tincture, you should thoroughly wash the container under the product and your hands with soap, avoid getting the tincture in your eyes, because it can blind a person.

In case of poisoning with aconite, you must immediately take the remedy, vomiting, drink constantly a decoction of oak bark, or black coffee, or just warm water. Microenemas with hemp, flax or olive oil and mustard applications on legs and arms.

This plant is highly poisonous. Before using it in medicinal purposes It is necessary to consult a doctor, as well as strict adherence to all dosages when preparing and taking medications from it. Plant Dzungarian aconite became famous for successfully helping to cope with, especially in cases where official medicine no longer able to resist the disease.

Djungarian aconite has long been used in folk medicine, as it has antimicrobial, narcotic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and analgesic effects. Tincture of aconite jungaris from the roots is a powerful pain reliever; it can be used not only for cancer pain, but also for rheumatic, neuralgic, and is an excellent remedy for migraines. It is strictly forbidden to exceed the dosage in recipes. Thus, the following doses are considered poisonous and fatal: 5 ml of aconite tincture or 2 mg of its alkaloid, as well as 1 gram of fresh or dry raw materials.

How to cook healing tincture aconite: chop the root, 1 (one) tsp. pour into glass bottle, pour high-quality vodka (1/2 l). Leave to infuse for 2 weeks. The drug must be shaken daily. After 14 days, it should be filtered by passing it through several gauze pads.

How to take tincture of Djungarian aconite: take 1 drop of liquid with a pipette, dissolve it in 50 milliliters boiled water. The resulting solution is divided into three doses, each portion is drunk on an empty stomach, about 20 minutes before meals. The next day, add another drop, now there will be 2 (two) per 50 ml of water. On the third day, the dose is increased by another drop - and thus brought to 10 drops, adding daily. Starting from the eleventh day, a “countdown” is carried out, that is, one drop is removed daily, gradually bringing it to one per dose. This is what will happen full course for a cancer patient.

Before repeating treatment with aconite, take a break of two to six months. Traditional medicine recommends that during the rest period you switch to tinctures of other poisonous plants that destroy cancer cells. For example, it has proven itself well in this regard.

It is believed that general treatment malignant tumors must occur in a continuous cycle. After a course of hemlock, you can return to using aconite again. For pain relief, tincture of aconite is used externally - rubbed into small quantity(from a teaspoon to a tablespoon) into the painful area, then wrap it in a warm scarf.

More than 50 species of aconite grow in Russia (out of 300 known), among them is Djungarian aconite. This perennial herbaceous plant the people gave many other names: prykrysh - grass, wolf root, wrestler - root, Issyk-Kul root, wolf-killer, tsar - grass, tsar - potion, black potion, black root, iron helmet, goat death, helmet, helmet, horse, hood, blue buttercup, slipper, lumbago - grass, blue-eye.

What does aconite look like?

The medicinal plant Djungarian aconite belongs to the Ranunculaceae family. The stem of the plant is densely leafy, straight, up to 1.8 meters in height. The leaves of aconite are round in outline, alternate, petiolate, dark green, repeatedly and deeply lobed - five-dissected.

The inflorescence at the top is a brush of irregular large flowers, which, depending on the type, have the most various colors: purple, blue, yellow, lilac, white or cream. The sepals are corolla-shaped and five-leaved.

The fruit of the plant is a three-lobed dry leaflet. Aconite tubers are elongated - conical in shape, longitudinally wrinkled on the surface and with buds on the tops of the tubers. The thickness of the tubers is from 0.5 to 2 cm along the entire length, their length is from 3 to 8 cm. The color of the tuber inside is yellowish, outside is black and brown. Djungarian aconite blooms from mid-summer.

Djungarian aconite photo.

Where does aconite grow?

Since aconites are pollinated by bumblebees, the geographic distribution areas of the plant on earth coincide with the geographic distribution areas of bumblebees. Djungarian aconite grows along roadsides and in damp places along river banks, in mountain meadows and in humus-rich soils. It is often cultivated in gardens, and housewives sometimes do not know what kind of beautiful plant decorates their front garden.


Dried leaves and tubers of wild plants are used as medicinal raw materials. Why wild, because there is unconfirmed information that cultivated aconite loses its toxicity after a few years. Since wild aconite contains poisonous compounds in its tubers and stems, the plant is harvested by wearing mittens or gloves. And this is done not out of a desire to play it safe, but because the poison, upon contact with the plant, enters the body through the skin. When working with the plant, do not touch your eyes, and then immediately wash your hands with soap.

The tuber roots of the plant are most poisonous, and most strongly in the fall, after the tops wither, when they are harvested (from August 15 to October 1). They dig them up, clean the ground, and only wash them cold water, and quickly dry with good ventilation in a dryer at 60 ° C.

The plant's grass is especially poisonous during flowering and before flowering. It is at this time that the leaves are collected, then they are dried in the sun and then dried under a canopy. Properly dried raw materials remain dark green.

The raw materials of the medicinal plant Djungarian aconite should be stored separately from non-poisonous herbs in an airtight container labeled “Poison!” The shelf life of raw materials is up to 24 months.

Chemical composition.

The chemical composition of Djungarian aconite is still poorly understood, but it is known that all parts of the medicinal plant contain an alkaloid (akonitine). Mesoaconitin, aconitine, gstaakonitin, hypoacoitin, benzoilaconin, sasaakonitin, napellin, neopellin, traces of ephedrine, sparteine, saponins, flavones, starch, resins and coumarins were found in tuber roots.

Palmitic, myristic, oleic, stearic and linoleic acids were detected.

In the stems and leaves of Djungarian aconite, in addition to the alkaloid aconitine, there are tannins, inositol, flavonoids, ascorbic acid and more than 20 microelements.

Pharmacological properties.

Djungarian aconite has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, narcotic, antispasmodic and analgesic effects.
Aconite and preparations from the tubers of the plant are prescribed as an analgesic for severe pain (colds, rheumatic pain in joints and muscles, with trigeminal neuralgia).

Application in medicine.

Traditional medicine does not use Dzhengar aconite due to its toxicity. Traditional medicine, on the contrary, has found its use for: dislocations and fractures of bones, arthritis, bruises (externally), gout, articular rheumatism, osteochondrosis, radiculitis, cancer various localizations, sciatica (externally), for melanoma, bone tumors, seizures, epilepsy, insanity, mental illness, melancholy, nervous disorders, fear, depression, hysteria, severe tearfulness, neuralgia, overexcitation nervous system, neuritis auditory nerve, especially for trigeminal neuralgia (locally and internally), migraines, severe headaches, nervous headaches, dizziness, Parkinson's disease, paralysis, paralysis of the tongue and Bladder, beri-beri diseases, anemia, pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, pleurisy, colds, bronchitis, tonsillitis, acute respiratory infections, to improve hearing and vision, senile decline, goiter, diabetes mellitus, persistent uterine bleeding, uterine fibroids, stomach pain, impotence, gastritis, stomach ulcers, liver and intestinal colic, constipation, flatulence, jaundice, as an anthelmintic, dropsy as a diuretic, cystitis, angina pectoris, hypertension, as an antidote for poisoning and bites of poisonous snakes or insects, scarlet fever, infectious diseases, anthrax, diphtheria, venereal diseases, malaria, leprosy (topically and internally), psoriasis, ulcers (externally), erysipelas, lice (externally), scabies.

Djungarian aconite leaves are applied temporarily to old ulcers and abscesses. The medicinal plant can act as a diaphoretic. Aconite is useful for urinary retention, urinary stones, nosebleeds, asthma, jaundice, promotes hair growth.

If it is not possible to be treated by a doctor, the Djungarian aconite plant can be used for self-medication in severe cases:
- for prostate adenoma, uterine fibroids, goiter and other tumors;
- for parkinsonism, paralysis, epilepsy;
- for oncological diseases. However, it is correct when the patient is treated in oncology clinic, and treatment with aconite complements the main treatment.

How to use aconite?

Tincture for cancer.

1 tsp. crushed roots of the Djungarian aconite plant (dry or fresh), pour 0.5 liters of vodka, keep in the dark for 2 weeks, shake every day. Filter the tincture through 2 layers of gauze.

A course of treatment.

Every day, half an hour before meals, 3 times a day, take 50 ml of water with 1 drop of tincture. Every next day, add 1 drop for each dose and reach 10 drops three times a day. Take this dosage for 10 days in a row and then reduce the dose, reducing each day by 1 drop at each dose, reaching a dose of 1 drop 3 times a day.

If treatment is underway only with Djungarian aconite, then take a break for 30 days (in other cases - for 6 months). Then repeat the treatment regimen again. A total of 7 courses of treatment are needed. But treating children with aconite is contraindicated!

Tincture as an analgesic for migraines, neuralgia, toothache and rheumatism.

Pour 20 grams of root tubers into 0.5 liters of vodka, leave for a week, waiting until the tincture acquires the same color as brewed tea. For rheumatism, rub the tincture overnight, wrapping it in a flannel cloth. For migraines and neuralgia, use 1 tsp in the first days, gradually increasing the dose to 1 tbsp. l. The course of treatment is 3 - 4 weeks. For toothache, drop 1 drop of tincture and 1 tbsp into the hollow of the tooth. l. Rub into the cheek over the sore tooth.


Djungarian aconite is a very poisonous medicinal plant. It must be handled with great care! Do not exceed dosages! Keep preparations containing aconite out of the reach of children! Label the containers with medicines based on aconite - “Poison (Aconite Djungarian plant).” Large plantings of this plant should be located as far as possible from the hives so that the bees do not collect poisonous honey for you.

Many people connected in one way or another with oncological problems, have heard about this more than once medicinal plant, like aconite. The cancer cure made from it is widely known, but enjoys controversial fame. And this is not surprising. Its use to get rid of malignant tumors requires special caution.

To get the right one healing effect and to avoid health hazards, first of all, you need to properly prepare aconite. The root of the plant is collected and processed using complex and time-consuming technology. The pattern of its use is also individual.

Treatment of cancer with aconite should only be carried out under the supervision of a qualified oncologist in a specialized medical center. IN otherwise(on your own) it is almost impossible to comply with all the requirements for treatment.

Let's look at these questions in more detail.

Plant information

Aconite, the use of which in medicine can hardly be overestimated, has more than 250 species. Official name plants are a tall fighter. It is a perennial meadow grass.

In modern homeopathy these shoots are known by several names:

  • buttercup blue;
  • skullcap;

The main area of ​​distribution of the plant is the southern part of Siberia and Altai region, northern regions of Central Asia and Primorye. Aconite is also widely known in various regions of North America.

The externally described plant consists of inflorescences of purple, blue or blue color(sometimes there are white or yellow flowers), having eight petals, which in their shape resemble a helmet. Hence one of the names. However attractive appearance is fraught with great danger: all parts of the plant, and especially the tubers, are very poisonous. The highest concentration of poison accumulates during the flowering period. Aconite poisoning is one of the most dangerous. Harmful substances capable of penetrating circulatory system even through the skin.

Poisonous properties

Plant cells produce a kind of chemical element- an alkaloid that contains aconitine - one of the most powerful natural toxic substances. Thanks to it, the plant emits a specific smell, somewhat similar to the aroma of celery or horseradish stalks.

But it is aconite, the root of which is used to make tinctures, that is widely used by homeopaths not only for treatment cancerous tumors. It is used for therapy large quantity other dangerous pathologies.

It should also be noted that the concentration of poison in the juice of different varieties of the plant and, for example, wolfsbane, can vary greatly. This, of course, directly affects them medicinal properties, including the ability to resist cancer. But we should not forget about the harm to health that blue buttercup can cause if used incorrectly.

In addition to the types of aconite, the concentration of poison depends on many other conditions:

  • growing areas;
  • grass age;
  • environmental conditions.

Due to this alcohol tincture from aconite root should only be purchased in specialized stores. "Akonit-M" has proven itself well, offering many products for maintaining health, which include homeopathic medicines.


The plant used to treat cancer is collected in southern countries. And, for example, in Scandinavia, buttercup is widely used as livestock feed due to complete absence harmful alkaloids.

Different varieties of this herb can differ greatly from each other. For example, Djungarian aconite has a straight stem, and wolfsbane has a curly stem. Their length also ranges from several tens of centimeters to four meters.

Of greatest interest within this material are the roots that aconite has. Medicines for cancer are produced exclusively from them. The plant has a tuberous root system that penetrates the soil to a depth of 10 to 40 centimeters. The size of a mature tuber reaches a length of 8 cm. Up to 3-4 similar formations are found on each stem.

Comparison of homeopathic treatment and traditional drug therapy

First of all, it should be noted that all pharmacological agents, used to combat oncological diseases, are very aggressive chemical compounds, providing, in addition to beneficial effects, great amount side effects on the body.

That is, aconite, reviews of which repeatedly mention considerable harm to other internal organs of a person, in this regard is no different from the official antitumor drugs. Its action is even more delicate than the influence of the most modern drugs that selectively affect tissue.

The only main feature is that the use of the latter can be controlled and planned, which cannot be said about aconite. made from buttercup roots, it is quite risky to take. This statement does not require proof. The danger is further aggravated by the fact that the course of therapy, which uses, for example, tincture of aconite Djungarian, is quite long in time. In this case, the dose of poison is gradually increased to achieve the so-called saturation threshold, which differs significantly and depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

It is only for this reason that aconite, the use of which can quite successfully fight cancer, has not yet been approved by the official medical authorities of our country as an anti-cancer agent.

However, not everyone is dismissive of this herb. At some points globe Aconite is widely used. made from blue buttercup, officially approved in the following countries:

  • China.
  • India.
  • Bulgaria.

Advantages of use in oncology

Tincture of Djungarian aconite and a decoction of the leaves of other varieties of this plant are very effective in the fight against cancer. Most experts believe that this homeopathic remedy should long ago be equal in effectiveness to traditional chemical anti-cancer drugs.

To the main advantages of use alternative treatment The following can be included:

  • prevention of the formation of metastases, as well as inhibition of the development of secondary foci of malignant tumors (sometimes their reverse development is even detected);
  • if you know how to take aconite, it will not have any harmful and (or) irreversible effects on other human organs and systems;
  • compliance with the dosage allows you to avoid the side effects inherent in treatment with strong chemicals;
  • Scutellaria not only prevents the development of the lesion, but also allows you to get rid of most of the external manifestations of the disease ( pain, states of depression, intoxication of the body);
  • blue buttercup is effective in treating elderly people, as well as patients weakened by long-term cancer or multiple chemotherapy sessions.

Treatment method

To counteract cancer, an extract from aconite tubers or leaves is usually used. She's getting diluted alcohol solution in a ratio of 1 to 10. For treatment (due to the severe toxicity of the drug), the correct amount of medication used is important. To dose aconite tincture with maximum accuracy, it is better to use insulin syringe, the volume of which is 1 ml.

Patients who have used aconite say that if you take a dropper to eye drops, you may not comply with the required dose homeopathic remedy, which often leads to exceeding the safe volume (sometimes even more than twice). Conversely, an insufficient amount of tincture negates the effectiveness of such therapy.

General course

At the very beginning, one drop before meals is enough. It is dissolved in a certain amount of boiled water, cooled to room temperature. After this, the number of drops increases by one every day until it reaches 20. This is the maximum dose. Then follows a gradual decrease in the reverse order. The total duration of treatment is 39 days.

This general recommendations. However, in any case, it must be taken into account individual characteristics body and the effect of the drug on general health. In addition, there are several varieties of tinctures, each of which has features, affecting the treatment process.

For example, some varieties of the drug (made from aconite with low alkaloid content in the tubers) are dosed in milliliters.

At the end of the course, a control examination is carried out. Patients note in their reviews that if any side effects are missing, and general state the patient has not worsened, the course of treatment is repeated in the same sequence. A total of three stages of treatment are carried out with 14-day breaks between each of them.

As a result, a stable positive result. After this, treatment is completely stopped. If relapses of the disorder are diagnosed, or the required effect is not achieved, further therapy is carried out strictly individually, taking into account the recommendations of the treating homeopathic specialist.

Individual approach

Let's consider some other points that are important if aconite is used to treat oncology. Cancer medicine made from it requires a strict approach to use.

The importance of the previous statement is demonstrated by this example. The toxic substance content in the tincture made from Djungarian aconite is 0.08% per milliliter. Therefore, it is most effective in treating cancer. If there are any disorders in the internal organs caused by previous courses of chemotherapy, the amount of the drug taken should not exceed 10 drops per dose. Therefore, the course of treatment is reduced to 19 (instead of the usual 39) days.

In addition, numerous studies in this area have repeatedly confirmed that in not all cases the maximum permissible concentration of the alkaloid in the body is required to counteract cancer.

On the contrary, in the treatment of certain forms of oncology, as well as in early stages development of the described pathologies, homeopaths specializing in the treatment of malignant tumors prefer to use tinctures of medium concentration. They allow you to have a more delicate effect and make it possible to smoothly adjust the dosage.

Accordingly, the patient’s body is exposed to fewer risks during treatment.

Alkaloid oversaturation

The patient's condition should be carefully monitored throughout the treatment process. This allows you to timely identify the time when the body is already saturated with a toxic substance. This is usually evidenced by the well-known symptoms of intoxication.

Once diagnosed similar condition, you should immediately stop increasing the dose of aconite and gradually reduce it with subsequent doses.

When a homeopath draws up an individual treatment schedule for a disease, he carefully ensures that the recommended interval is maintained between individual courses of therapy. It must be at least 14 days.

However, if during therapy it was established that the body was oversaturated, a break should be taken for as many days as there were drops in maximum dose. For example, if you drank 15 drops of aconite at a time, then when symptoms of intoxication appear, the pause between courses of treatment increases to 15 days.

Dosage regimens

The standard treatment method has an undeniable advantage. When using it, there is no need to visit medical institution For constant monitoring over the patient's condition. But there is also a very serious drawback: in case of deviations, the patient will not be able to timely diagnose the onset of irreversible harmful consequences in healthy organs and systems of your body.

Despite this, patients confirm that taking the drug in the vast majority of cases begins with the usual regimen. Changes to it are made only after the patient has developed external signs any deviations. By the way, from the reviews it follows that this happens quite often, since the immune system The patient is very weakened by previous courses of chemotherapy.

The main condition, without which it is impossible to achieve positive dynamics, is the continuity of taking the medication. If the homeopathic doctor does not identify side effects, taking the drug continues continuously, only its dosage changes.

The total duration of all courses of treatment is determined based on the following factors:

  • patient's condition;
  • established diagnosis;
  • the rate of spread of a malignant tumor;
  • other objective reasons.

More often we're talking about approximately three months, maximum - up to 1 year.

Patients say that to achieve better effect It is recommended to use aconite tincture in conjunction with therapy with other natural medicines. Plants such as hemlock, fly agaric, and milestone are often used.

Measures to take if an overdose is detected

Sometimes when using aconite for treatment cancer diseases he calls severe poisoning. This can lead to irreversible consequences in the functioning of the body's systems, and therefore requires an urgent response.

If you detect signs of saturation with blue buttercup poison, you should immediately stop taking the tincture and take measures aimed at detoxification. For this purpose, it is recommended to use glucose or saline solution. In especially severe cases, these drugs must be combined with an antidote. Of course, such measures completely negate the therapeutic effect, but the considered clinical picture can lead to fatal outcome, so you don't have to choose.

Can often be detected during use standard circuits treatment. This should not be a cause for concern, especially if external manifestations noticed in a timely manner, and the course of taking the drug was promptly adjusted.

In this case, there will be no need to interrupt treatment. According to patients, positive effect will be saved.

Signs of aconite poisoning

The main symptoms that indicate a dangerous concentration of a toxic substance in the body are:

  • weakness;
  • attacks of nausea;
  • tingling in fingertips and tongue;
  • impaired tactile sensitivity;
  • disruptions in the rhythm of the heart and other problems with the cardiovascular system.

Countermeasures - stop increasing the dose of the drug. Reviews confirm that in the vast majority of patients the signs of poisoning disappear. Only 5% of patients require complete cessation of treatment.

Other uses of blue buttercup

In addition to the well-known tincture of aconite roots, in modern alternative medicine The drug "Aconite" (homeopathic) is widely used, which has a very wide range Applications:

  • has an antibacterial effect;
  • reduces inflammation;
  • lowers body temperature;
  • fights increased secretion of the glands of the bronchi and lungs;
  • improves heart function;
  • reduces blood pressure;
  • has a sedative effect.

We should once again draw your attention to the fact that homeopathic medicines must be purchased only from quality suppliers. Like the tincture of skullcap roots, the drug "Aconite" can be found in the online store "Aconit M", which specializes in this kind of product.


Aconite - poisonous plant, which, however, is widely used to treat cancer. Its effectiveness has been repeatedly proven and was known in ancient times.

Currently, preparations containing tincture of blue buttercup root are increasingly used in the treatment of various cancer tumors, as well as many other diseases.

The main thing is to follow all the recommendations of the homeopath in order to possible harm others internal organs did not outweigh the benefits obtained from treatment. By the way, excellent specialists work in domestic centers homeopathic treatment"Aconite-Gomeomed", reviews of which leave no room for doubt about the correctness of the choice.

Don't joke with your health!

Djungarian aconite (lat. Aconitum soongaricum) is a poisonous perennial plant from the Ranunculaceae family.

Description of Djungarian aconite

People have many other names for aconite, such as: root wrestler, Djungar wrestler, wolf root, wolf-killer, Issyk-Kul root, king potion, king grass, black root, goat death, dog death, black potion. In ancient times, arrowheads were rubbed with this plant when hunting wolves and various predators.

It is believed that the name “monkshood” comes from the name of the ancient Greek city of Akoni, in the vicinity of which this plant grew in abundance.

The stem of Djungarian aconite is erect, with dense foliage, and grows up to two meters in height. The leaves of the plant are round in shape and dark green in color. The top of the plant consists of an inflorescence of large flowers. It can be found on roadsides, in damp places along river banks, in mountain meadows, and prefers humus-rich soils. It is often grown in gardens because of its beautiful flowers, without even suspecting that this is a poisonous plant.

Due to the specific structure of the flower, aconite is pollinated only by bumblebees; aconite does not reproduce without bumblebees.

Aconites are excellent ornamental plants, frost-resistant, undemanding to soil, and grow normally in partial shade. Preferred for group plantings on the lawn, along the edges of groups of shrubs in parks and gardens.

Dried tubers of wild plants and their leaves are used as medicinal raw materials. Tuberous roots are harvested in the fall from August 15 to October 1. Dig it out with a shovel, clear it of soil and damaged parts, wash it in cold water and subjected to rapid drying at a temperature of 50–70 °C with good ventilation. From 4 kg of fresh tubers, 1 kg of dry tubers is obtained. The leaves are collected before the plants bloom or during their flowering, withered in the sun and dried under a canopy. The raw material should remain dark green after drying. Raw aconite must be stored separately from non-poisonous herbs, with the obligatory “Poison!” label, out of the reach of children. Shelf life in bags or closed containers is 2 years.

Since wild and decorative types aconite contain poisonous compounds in their stems and tubers; they must be collected after wearing gloves or mittens. While working with aconite, do not touch your eyes, and upon completion of work, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

The chemical composition of aconite is still poorly understood.

Aconite has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, narcotic, antitumor, analgesic, and antispasmodic effects.

Aconite and, accordingly, preparations from its tubers (tincture) are prescribed in extremely small doses as an analgesic for severe pain. This is very effective medicine, but highly toxic, used only under strict medical supervision!

In folk medicine it is used for fractures and dislocations of bones, bruises (externally), arthritis, articular rheumatism, gout, radiculitis, osteochondrosis, sciatica (externally), epilepsy, convulsions, mental illness, nervous disorders, depression, fear, hysteria, overexcitation of the nervous system , neuralgia, especially with trigeminal neuralgia (internally and locally), severe headaches, migraines, dizziness, paralysis, Parkinson's disease, paralytic relaxation of the tongue and bladder, anemia, pneumonia, pleurisy, bronchial asthma, acute and chronic bronchitis, colds, tonsillitis, senile decline, to improve vision and hearing, persistent uterine bleeding, impotence, stomach pain, stomach ulcers, gastritis, intestinal and hepatic colic, flatulence, constipation, cystitis, dropsy, hypertension, angina, scabies, lice (externally), as a diuretic, as an anthelmintic, as an antidote for poisoning, psoriasis, erysipelas, ulcers, as a wound-healing agent (externally).

Aconite leaves are used for abscesses and old ulcers.

People say that aconite drives away evil spirits.

It is used for wedding slander (from damage): before the arrival of the newlyweds, the wrestler-root is placed under the threshold of the groom's house, and the bride must jump over it - then all the slander falls on those who wish her harm.

Extreme toxicity limits the use of Djungarian aconite. Currently, only a tincture of the herb Djungarian aconite is used, which is part of the drug “Akofit”, recommended for radiculitis.

The population of Djungarian aconite has become very depleted due to active collections by both private individuals and government organizations. On the world market, these plants are valued for their medicinal, primarily anti-cancer properties. In Kazakhstan, Djungarian aconite costs about $100 per 50 g.

Due to historical reasons, by the beginning of the 20th century, Chinese miners had almost completely dug up the roots of Dzungarian aconite from the eastern spurs of the Dzhungar Alatau due to the high value of this plant in traditional Chinese medicine. The same fate befell episodic inclusions of Aconite Dzungarian in Kashmir. In Soviet Kyrgyzstan, Djungarian aconite has been an item of foreign exchange income since the early 60s of the 20th century.

Kazakhstan geographically owns the main growing areas of Djungarian aconite.


Aconite is a very poisonous plant. “Mother Queen of Poisons” - aconite was called in ancient times. It must be handled with great care, since upon contact with the plant, the poison can penetrate even through the skin.

The most poisonous part of the plant is the tuber roots, especially in the fall, after the tops have withered. A.P. Chekhov described cases of poisoning of people on Sakhalin who ate the liver of pigs who were poisoned by aconite tuber roots. The aerial part is especially poisonous before flowering and during flowering. The degree of toxicity of various aconites is influenced by both the type of plant and the place of distribution, growing conditions, the growing season and the part of the plant being harvested. The most poisonous are Fischer's aconite and Djungarian aconite (the content of aconitine group alkaloids in tubers reaches 3%).

European species of aconite are less poisonous. According to some researchers, when cultivating European species aconite as ornamental plant after 3–4 generations they generally lose poisonous properties. But due to the impossibility of determining the quantitative content of alkaloids in a given plant at home and, accordingly, assessing the degree of its toxicity, any aconite used must be treated as highly poisonous and strictly follow all the rules for harvesting, drying, storage, and preparation dosage forms and dosage when used.

Djungarian aconite photo