How can you replace salt for hypertension? How to replace salt: what products can be used instead of salt? Is it possible to replace decorative salt with regular salt?

Girls on a diet have to deny themselves their usual foods and favorite delicacies. Those losing weight often exclude salt from their diet, because it retains water in the body, provokes swelling, and in general, according to many nutritionists, is not very beneficial for the body.

True, not all people imagine their diet without salt, believing that food without their favorite seasoning is bland and tasteless. Therefore, those who are losing weight often have a question about what can replace salt to make eating more pleasant.

If you are seriously thinking about proper nutrition and decide to exclude salt from your diet, then you should consider replacing this seasoning with something else so that you don’t feel sad about eating.

You can replace salt when losing weight:

  • Seaweed, also known as kelp. This plant is simply a storehouse of useful vitamins and microelements. Kelp is an excellent substitute for salt, and dishes prepared with the addition of cabbage acquire an unusual tart taste. For preparing salads, it is recommended to use dry seaweed, although it will be tasty fresh;
  • Garlic or onion. These aromatic vegetables will add a piquant taste to any dish. You can take not only green onions, but also onions, salad ones, etc. The vegetable goes well with meat and fish, cereals, and potatoes. Garlic is an equally good substitute for salt. True, many are afraid of an unpleasant odor after eating a vegetable. If you are worried about garlic amber, then fresh mint and citrus juice will help get rid of it;
  • Can be replaced with dried herbs. Celery is especially good as a substitute;
  • Herbs infused with vegetable oil. You can take any herbs: basil, parsley, dill, cilantro, etc., it all depends on your taste;
  • Natural seasonings. They should not contain salt. Of course, buying something truly natural is sometimes not easy, but anything is possible. Look it up. Surely there is cumin, turmeric, oregano, etc. on the market. Seasonings give the dish an amazing aroma and taste;
  • Citrus. If you do not have allergies and your diet allows the consumption of fruits, then add lemons, oranges and grapefruits to your menu. The juice of these fruits goes well with various products, and thanks to the sour taste, the absence of salt is almost imperceptible;
  • Fermented milk products. Can be replaced with kefir, cottage cheese, cheese. Due to their taste, these products are an excellent alternative to seasoning. And the benefits for the body from consuming dairy products are high;
  • Soy sauce. This is the best replacement for many. The main thing is to purchase a quality product that contains a minimum of preservatives and no sugar. A good product is not cheap, but you shouldn’t skimp on your health. I would like to warn sauce lovers. It should not be consumed in large quantities. Soy sauce also contains salt, so add a little of it to the dish for aroma and enhance the taste. The sauce goes well with fish, stewed vegetables, adds piquancy to rice dishes, as well as fresh salads. The main thing is to remember moderation and not to pour a lot of product into your food.

Many people try to replace regular salt with a product with a reduced sodium content (the product can be found in any store). It is difficult to judge how justified such an alternative is. Everyone decides for themselves.

And one more little secret. Train yourself to cook food in a steamer or on the grill. Such methods allow products to retain their natural saltiness. At first, of course, you will crave fried food, but once you get used to steamed food, you will appreciate its taste and benefits.

Recipes for making sauces that replace salt

If you don’t want to buy soy sauce in the store, then you can easily prepare several compositions yourself that will give the dish the desired “zest”.

In a convenient bowl, combine 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 1 small spoon of chopped onion, finely chopped herbs: celery, dill, etc. Pour in some lemon juice and add garlic if desired. The resulting filling is delicious for seasoning vegetable salads. Another version of the sauce is prepared as follows. Mix olive oil and a little lemon juice in a small plate, add a small pinch of mustard powder and your favorite herbs.

Everything is mixed and used for dressing.

Make your own homemade celery seasoning. To do this, take the root of the plant, wash it, dry it and cut it as thin as possible. Place the blanks on a baking sheet and place them in the oven, setting the temperature to 60 degrees to dry.

Turn the drying plates over from time to time. The celery will be ready when completely dry. Grind the dried root in a blender or coffee grinder. It can be used as an independent seasoning or combined in equal parts with sea salt. The prepared seasoning should be stored in a tightly closed glass container.

If you like herbal seasonings, then combine dried cilantro, paprika and roasted flax seeds in equal proportions. This addition to the dish is very useful.

Combine equal parts roasted flax seeds with chopped seaweed (dry) and parsley. It will turn out delicious.

For those who like to bake fish and meat in foil, it is recommended to use not the usual white seasoning, but a mixture of honey and mustard. Dishes flavored with this sauce turn out great.

Depending on what diet you follow, you can use a mixture of low-fat sour cream, ground red pepper and curry for baking. There are a lot of variations on the theme of sauces. With the right combination of ingredients, you won’t even notice that there is no saltiness in the dish.

A mixture of chopped garlic, onion, lemon and orange juices is also suitable as a marinade. Use the amount of ingredients to suit your taste.

To eat or not to eat salt: the pros and cons of giving up the seasoning

When refusing a particular product, a person wants to understand whether it is worth doing? Also with white seasoning. When replacing it, you need to remember the pros and cons of such an act.

On the one hand, the product contains sodium, which is necessary for the human body for normal development. But on the other hand, without knowing the rate of consumption of the product, there is a danger of causing irreparable harm to the body. There is especially a lot of white seasoning in semi-finished and canned foods.

How to replace salt? It was no coincidence that I placed an article with that title in the section on weight loss. After all, limiting or eliminating salt is one of the first persistent recommendations that nutritionists give to people who dream of being slim.

But other doctors are also sounding the alarm, directly linking a number of the most serious diseases of mankind with excessive consumption of table salt.

And some smart people, fortunately, manage to switch to a salt-free lifestyle. Others simply cannot deny themselves the familiar salty taste of food...

And this article is just for us, for others :)

My position on the “salty” issue is clear: ordinary table salt is harmful. And for me this is a fact.

But the strict requirement to stop consuming salt when it is impossible to refuse it leads to the fact that we begin to seriously say that salt is necessary and even useful, that moderate salt consumption is necessary to maintain water and acid-base balance, that salt is irreplaceable source of chlorine... and so on and so forth...

One of the reasons for the appearance of this article is a discussion of the benefits and harms of salt, which spontaneously arose in the comments to the recipe between me and Nata N, one of the blog readers.

Anyone who knows about the dangers of salt and continues to eat it, consoles himself with the illusion that NaCl is necessary for the healthy functioning of the body.

But even if we accept the idea that our body needs nutrients “from outside” - and this, by the way, is a very controversial theory - then our body needs the supply of the ORGANIC form of nutrients.

And is it reasonable to assume that ordinary refined salt - a product of thermal and chemical processing - contains at least a hint of organic matter?!

In addition, biochemical studies indicate that when eating only raw vegetables and fruits, a person already receives about 1 gram of sodium chloride (NaCl) per day.

Therefore, let's be honest with ourselves - we eat salt not because we need it, but because we are used to it, we love it and have no idea how to do without it.

What can you replace salt with?

Another reason for creating an article about salt is my observations of myself and people studying ways to improve their health. It often happens that recommendations for switching to a healthy lifestyle - including a raw food diet - are too categorical.

For example, a correct and good call to “give up the salt,” expressed in a peremptory form, makes many people defensive.

And instead of using a good idea for your own benefit, you begin to look for excuses to maintain your usual, salt-laden diet.

I am for a reasonable, gradual transition in everything and always. We must admit that giving up salt is really difficult.

It is generally impossible to eat traditional cuisine without salt... And with a sudden transition to a raw food diet without salt, raw vegetables and salads inevitably seem bland and tasteless...

Therefore, I decided not to increase everyday stress with the stress of unusual food without salt, but to gradually replace regular salt and its amount in the diet. And then, naturally, completely stop salting food.

Here is a list of what I, one way or another, use instead of table salt:

You need to understand that not a single soy sauce can be considered an absolute substitute for salt, since it always contains salt.

And not a single soy sauce can be considered a raw food product. Because, at best, it is prepared by fermenting and fermenting boiled soybeans. In the worst - cheap version - it is a product of hydrolysis of soy protein.

But some authors allow the use of soy sauce for the transition period of a raw food diet. And, of course, this is a good opportunity to reduce the amount of salt for traditionally eating people. The only condition is to choose good and expensive soy sauce.

Good means it should contain only four products - water, soybeans, wheat and salt. Expensive – that means at least 150 rubles for 250 ml. But, as you understand, there are no guarantees...

I'm not 100% sure, but they say that the best varieties of soy sauce are produced in China - for example, “ Hong Kong" or " Pearl River Bridge"—they can be bought in many large supermarkets.

In the book “Living Kitchen” V. Zeland praises organic soy sauce “ Nama Shoyu", but I couldn't find it to buy it. If you know where it is, please share your contacts in the comments.

Examples of live kitchen recipes where soy sauce can be used instead of salt:

Black salt

I know two types of black salt - Kostroma " Thursday" and Indian " Kala Namak».

Let me make a reservation right away that black salt does not exist in nature. This is a purely human invention.

As stated in official marketing materials, since ancient times in Rus' in the Kostroma region, a recipe for making black salt has been passed down through generations...

This is a complex process of firing ordinary salt in an oven with the addition of rye bread and a number of other components.

Then the recipe was lost, but - fortunately - not irretrievably! 🙂 Now industrial production has been established using ancient technology, and modern scientists, having made a chemical analysis, talk about the rich composition of black salt and the benefits of its use.

To explain the benefits of Indian black salt, Ayurveda is traditionally used, according to which black salt promotes mental clarity and normalization of the functions of the digestive system, as it contains the elements of water and fire.

Both salts, despite their different origins and appearance - Thursday salt is really black and crystalline, and Indian salt is rather red and in the form of powder - have a strong hydrogen sulfide odor.

If you add this salt to a salad, a pronounced egg flavor appears.

You can buy black salt in some large supermarkets, in most health food departments and, of course, order it online.

The cost of Russian salt is about 90 rubles per pack, Indian salt is about 200 rubles.

Examples of live kitchen recipes, where regular salt can be very successfully replaced with black salt:

Sea salt

When it comes to sea salt and its relative benefits for the body, this in no way applies to the white, purified, refined (and especially iodized) “sea” salt that is on the shelves of most stores.

Such “sea” salt is nothing more than a commercial ploy in order to sell the same harmful and poisonous product of the chemical industry at a higher price.

Real sea salt, dried in the sun under natural conditions, is greyish, slightly moist large crystals with a very complex chemical composition.

By the way, the sea salt crystal is so complex that scientists still cannot create its artificial analogue.

I don’t know about the others, but “ Fleur de sel"can definitely be found in many online health food stores. The issue price is about 290 rubles/kg.

Himalayan pink salt is also called halite - (from the Greek "gallos" - sea salt) - this is pure crystalline sea salt, dried by the sun millions of years ago.

The pink color is due to the high content of iron and other trace elements.

Research data is inspiring and suggests that Himalayan salt has an excellent taste, a unique chemical composition, 100% bioavailability and can help get rid of many diseases.

Research, of course, is a good thing, but do not forget that 90 grams of such salt costs about 190 rubles in the supermarket :) Draw your own conclusions, as they say.

But, be that as it may, salt is really tasty and, if not healthy, then, I hope, really not as harmful as ordinary, refined salt.

In order to get organic seaweed salt, just go to the pharmacy, buy a box of kelp thallus and grind them in a coffee grinder to a powder.

Celery is a unique vegetable with a rich chemical composition and a wide range of medicinal properties.

Petiole celery, with zero calorie content, contains a huge amount of organic sodium, which is why it has a salty taste and serves as a wonderful healthy replacement for salt in salads.

That is, fresh stalked celery itself successfully replaces salt. But making dry salt from celery stalks was invented, if I’m not confusing anything, by the creators of the “I-ME” Real Food Online Store. A brilliant invention, I must say!

You can order ready-made salt from “I-MNE” - 25 grams costs 220 rubles. Or you can easily do it yourself.

To do this, cut the celery stalks into pieces and dry them on dehydrator sheets until crunchy. Store in a glass jar and grind in a coffee grinder as needed.

Sour juices, garlic, herbs

But, I must admit, I don’t always have enough salty taste if I dress salads like this. Therefore, I continue to salt my food, using all the types of salt that I described in this review.

Of course, the amount of salt that I use now is immeasurably less even in comparison with the beginning of the transition to a raw food diet, not to mention the period of traditional nutrition.

But the fact remains that I am not yet able to completely give up salt.

I hope that this article will also help you, if not completely give up, then significantly reduce the amount of harmful salt in your diet and take another step towards health.

P.S. How would you answer the question: “What to replace salt with?” Do you use salt or what do you use instead of salt? And if you completely gave up salty foods, tell us how you did it? I look forward to your opinions in the comments!

How can you replace salt, today we will talk about it. On average, a person eats about 3 kg per year. salt. Of course, this is much more than necessary. As a result of high salt intake, there is increased blood pressure.
And high blood pressure contributes to the development of coronary heart disease. Salt is deposited in our joints, which leads to For example, with kidney and bladder disease, salt consumption should be limited, especially during exacerbation of the disease.

Most people don't actually need to salt their food. After all, salt is already present in a number of food products, and this salt may well be enough for the body. And Sodium is the chemical element in the salt molecule that increases blood pressure. Our body needs sodium, but we don’t need a lot of it. A quarter teaspoon of salt a day is quite enough, but we eat on average 20 times more with food. Even people with excessive sweating need to add salt to the food they eat only if the body, along with sweat, loses more than three liters of fluid per day.

A healthy person, of course, does not need to completely stop eating salt. But if you consume a lot of salt, then, of course, it is better to reduce the amount of salt you consume. This should not be done immediately, but gradually, you will see that you will like less salty food.

You should gradually reduce salt intake in your diet over two or three months.

This needs to be done in stages.

  • First, taste the food before adding salt to it.
  • You should also remove the salt shaker from the table.
  • Try to use less salt when preparing food. To begin with, limit yourself to three quarters of the usual amount of salt. And then you can add half as much salt to your food.
  • Experiment with spices, try adding pepper, dry mustard, wine, spices, nutmeg, cinnamon, lemon juice, herbs to your food.
  • Limit your salt intake, which you get from prepared foods (canned vegetables), try to eat them as little as possible. Frozen vegetables, with the exception of green peas, usually do not contain salt.

For chicken meat. Replace salt: lemon juice, marjoram, green pepper, red pepper, fresh mushrooms, thyme, sage, parsley.

To the fish. Dry mustard, bay leaf, lemon juice, green pepper, red pepper, marjoram.

For young lamb. Rosemary, mint herb, garlic.

To the pork. Ginger, marjoram, bay leaf, apricot, onion, sage, garlic, apples, apple cider vinegar.

To the beef. Thyme, pepper, onion, nutmeg, fresh mushrooms, marjoram, green pepper, dry mustard powder, bay leaf.

To the soups.

To pea. Bay leaf, parsley.

To vegetable. A little sugar, vinegar.

To the beans. A pinch of dry mustard.

For vegetable dishes.

To the asparagus. Onion, vinegar, lemon juice, garlic.

To the cucumbers. Dill, vinegar, garlic, chives.

To the corn. Fresh tomatoes, allspice, green pepper.

For green beans. Allspice, nutmeg, lemon juice, dill, marjoram.

To the green. Vinegar, onion, pepper.

To the peas. Parsley, mint, fresh mushrooms, green peppers, onions.

To the potatoes. Red pepper, parsley, onion, green pepper.

To the rice. Saffron, allspice, onion, green pepper.

To the zucchini. Onion, nutmeg, ginger, brown sugar, cinnamon.

To the tomatoes. Oregano, onion, marjoram, basil.

Recipes for salt replacement sauces that can be used for seasoning vegetable salads and for preparing marinades:

  • A glass of vegetable oil, lemon juice, slowly pour in and beat with a fork, one clove of garlic (finely chopped or squeezed onto the garlic), a pinch of mustard powder
  • Take 200 grams of sour cream, juice of half a lemon, a handful of dill, a pinch of black pepper
  • Take three tablespoons of vegetable oil, a spoonful of lemon juice, a tablespoon of parsley, a teaspoon of grated onion.
  • Lime or lemon juice, finely uncut lemon balm stalks, grated ginger, mix everything, this sauce goes well with fish, meat, and fried vegetables.

The most popular herbs that replace salt: sage, garlic, thyme, all types of pepper, dill, parsley, cilantro, onion, basil. These spices can be used both dried and fresh. Moreover, in dried and ground form, these seasonings and herbs perfectly replace salt. You can replace salt with dry seaweed.

You can add a bouquet of herbs to the broth, take a sprig of thyme, a bay leaf and a few sprigs of parsley, tie it into a bundle with a thin thread and add it to a pan with stewed meat, broth, vegetable stew, add a few minutes before readiness, and before serving take out the herbs. If desired, you can add marjoram or tarragon to the bunch of herbs.

You can prepare butter with herbs, finely chop sage, rosemary, garlic, thyme, and chives. Take a teaspoon of finely chopped herbs per hundred grams of softened butter, grind the butter with herbs until smooth.

You can infuse vegetable oil with herbs. Vegetable or olive oil infused with one or more types of herbs can be used for dressing salads, for cooking by quick frying, for marinades, and for making sauces. You can infuse vegetable or olive oil by adding basil, garlic, red pepper, rosemary, and thyme to the oil. Basil infused oil is very popular in Italian cuisine.

In Georgia, for example, they replace regular salt with Svan salt. Svan salt includes at least 8 ingredients: regular table salt, crushed fennel seeds, garlic, coriander, cumin, marjoram, parsley, celery, red pepper, basil, mint. Svan salt is added to salads, fish, meat, vegetables, and eggs.

Remember! Some seasonings and spices can irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach, ureters, and intestines. Therefore, seasonings should be used with caution by people suffering from kidney, stomach, intestinal, and liver diseases. Also, excessive consumption of spices is contraindicated for people with cardiovascular diseases, as spices cause thirst.

You know how you can replace salt, but the body needs salt within reasonable limits. I enjoy using Svanetian salt to add salt to food, vegetable oil infused with herbs, spices and herbs. Do not overuse herbs; they should replace salt and not spoil the taste of dishes. Be healthy!

People practice salt-free diets for various reasons. For some, such a specific nutritional system is required for the successful treatment of a serious illness, for others it helps to effectively lose weight. In this article we will look at how to replace salt on a salt-free diet, as recommended by the most authoritative experts.

Healthy seaweed instead of salt

Humanity has long known the tart and unique taste of algae called kelp. Seaweed, available to every average person, contains many valuable minerals and a whole range of important vitamins. For example, the product contains sodium. Be sure to try adding a small amount of organic salt in the form of dried kelp to your homemade recipes. This way you can get a delicious stew. If you soak the powder in water, you get an excellent dressing for dietary salads for people with diseases or losing weight for whom salt consumption is unacceptable. Using kelp in cooking, you can enjoy the familiar salty taste of food every day without consuming salt in the traditional form. It is important to use a quality product - dried kelp, without additives. Fresh, not canned, seaweed is also acceptable as a flavoring additive to food.

Precipitated salt instead of regular salt

Oddly enough, in a salt-free diet, the usual salt can be replaced with another type of salt. We are not talking about the pure white powder product that most consumers are accustomed to. If for some reason you need to give up salt, then it is recommended to switch to a self-planting product, which is extracted using a special technology from sea water. The place where cage salt is mined can also be ancient caves and the depths of fresh lakes. When we consider the composition and effect on the body of rock and evaporated salt, which fills 90% of the salt market in our country, we conclude that it has a minimum of benefits. Traditional salt, which is extracted from the earth, is not so beneficial for the body, since it contains very few important substances, such as iodine, magnesium, calcium and potassium, which cannot be said about coarse salt. Also note that traditional salt contains a huge amount of sodium, which is why a salt-free diet is designed to remove excess sodium.

Soy sauce instead of salt

Take a closer look at the excellent additive - soy sauce, which, in principle, can be considered an alternative to the usual salt. Your task is to purchase only a high-quality product that does not have the lowest price, but has the best taste. Healthy soy sauce should not be overused, since it also contains salt. It is optimal to add a few drops of sauce to each serving, which will definitely add new notes to the dishes.

Products instead of salt on a salt-free diet: soy sauce, seaweed, pickled salt, spices, fermented milk products

Fragrant spices instead of salt

If you want to eat delicious food, but don’t know how to replace salt on a salt-free diet, then we advise you to start using spices. For example, common types of spices that can be purchased at any grocery store are suitable: saffron, thyme, ginger, basil, turmeric, dill and rosemary. Natural food additives, when consumed in limited quantities, are not harmful to health, but are a first-class addition to home cooking. Learn to use spices in moderation, and enjoy the subtle taste and light notes of aroma. Please note that the taste of the products changes and becomes enriched, but the effect of the seasonings can be described as as mild as possible, compared to salt, which, by the way, is called white death. Spices should not be consumed in large quantities, as in this case they increase appetite and can cause undesirable consequences.

Fermented milk products instead of salt

The taste of dietary food can be changed for the better if you learn to use kefir and curdled milk of natural origin for their intended purpose. If the goal of a salt-free diet is to lose weight, then this approach would be appropriate. The diet becomes more effective, since high-quality fermented milk products are guaranteed to improve the digestion process and predispose our body to the timely elimination of harmful substances, so-called toxins. Use fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt and yogurt to wash down your food or incorporate these products into light salads and hearty soups as a healthy dressing. If you make a cheese coating for a stew, it will definitely have a pleasant, lightly salted flavor. To make a simple sauce, you can take curdled milk and enrich it with chopped herbs and your favorite spices. The second option for a tasty sauce is to add blanched peeled tomatoes and a small amount of crushed garlic to low-fat sour cream; the result is a good homemade analogue of ketchup.

In addition to the products described, you can use onions and garlic, citrus fruits, herbal mixtures, pink and sea salt as substitutes for regular salt. If you manage to hold out for a given time without salt, you can improve the functioning of the kidneys, improve the functioning of the heart, remove dangerous toxins from the body, relieve tissue swelling, reduce body weight, remove excess fluid, increase the elasticity of blood vessels, reduce blood pressure and solve various cosmetic problems.

Everyone knows the expression “salt is white death,” but how dangerous is it for our lives? And what happens if we give up salt altogether? How much salt does a person need per day for normal functioning? You will learn about this and much more if you read the article to the end.

Harm from salt

The truth is that salt adds flavor to our food. But consuming it in excessive quantities can take away several years of our life. Why is salt so harmful to our body? Let's figure it out.


High salt intake causes water retention and promotes the flow of large amounts of fluid into our blood vessels. Increased blood volume increases blood pressure, which leads to life-threatening cardiovascular diseases such as stroke and heart attack.

Reducing dietary sodium intake can reduce blood pressure by as much as 25%.

Anomalies of heart development

The habit of eating salty foods can cause a number of heart diseases. To pass a large volume of blood through itself, the heart must work harder and harder. Over time, the heart becomes abnormally larger and the heart valves become thinner. An enlarged and tired heart weakens and this leads to symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath and chronic fatigue. And this is a direct path to heart failure and sudden cardiac arrest.


Increased salt intake neutralizes calcium in the body, leading to bone loss and increased bone porosity. Post-menopausal women, diabetics and older adults who are already at high risk of developing osteoporosis should be especially careful about their salt intake. Consuming high amounts of salt can significantly increase the chances of fractures and other skeletal deformities.


Excess calcium and sodium that are not used by the body passes into urine. The load on the kidneys to filter increases, they cannot cope, and as a result, our kidneys become overgrown with kidney stones.

Digestive disease

Too much salt can cause acid reflux and heartburn. Also, habitual consumption of salty foods is a factor in the development of duodenal ulcers and gastric ulcers.

Dehydration and swelling

The feeling of thirst is a direct response to eating salty foods. Sodium draws water from our cells and tissues. Dehydrated cells signal to the brain that there is a lack of water. As a result, we drink more water than normal. And this is a direct path to swelling, cellulite and weight gain.

The benefits of salt

But despite all the disadvantages described above, salt is necessary for our body to produce hydrochloric acid, without which gastric juice will not be able to process our food.

If there is a lack of sodium, the body will take it from muscle tissue and bones. This will cause not only brittle bones, but also muscle spasms. Also, lack of salt causes disruption of the cardiovascular system, which steadily leads to depression and nervous breakdowns.

How much salt do you need per day

On average, an adult needs no more than 15 grams (1500 mg) of salt per day, taking into account the fact that our body takes sodium from our food. The daily human diet is approximately 10 grams of salt, which means that only 5 grams (half a teaspoon) are enough to add salt to our food.

To summarize what was written above, I can say unequivocally that you cannot completely deprive your body of salt, but you also cannot overdo it. Limit your consumption and put yourself on a salt-free diet from time to time.

You will be surprised to know how much salt our usual foods contain:

  • A half glass of tomato sauce contains more than 600 mg (6 grams) of salt. It's easy to overdo salt when using it to create culinary masterpieces.
  • Any canned food, even everyone’s favorite corn, contains a large amount of salt (up to 800 mg per serving).
  • A serving of ketchup (1 tablespoon) contains up to 170 mg of sodium, and a serving of mustard contains up to 150 mg. Hot sauces are no exception, although they contain much less salt due to the large amount of pepper they contain.
  • One serving slice of fresh bread contains approximately 100 mg of sodium. This is relatively little, but if, in the absence of control, you eat not one piece a day, but several?
  • Although there are many unsalted cheeses, we love to treat ourselves to the salted or processed variety. When enjoying a delicious sandwich with a small piece of cheese, we add 350 mg of sodium for every 30 g of salty cheese.
  • The same situation applies to a piece of sausage on our sandwiches. Together with delicious ham or salami (a piece weighing 50-60 g), about 800 mg of salt enters the stomach.

How to replace salt during a salt-free diet

I myself don’t like porridge or salads without salt, so I replace it with herbs such as rosemary, thyme, basil, onion, garlic, parsley, mint, curry, oregano.

For meat and poultry, you can prepare marinades based on garlic, lemon, orange juice or grated orange peel, olive oil or white sauce.