Malignant moles - how to identify them by signs and symptoms, diagnostic methods and removal. Where can you get moles checked?

Almost every person has one or more moles on their body. As a rule, they do not cause discomfort and do not affect health in any way. But Lately increasingly, many people began to experience cancerous moles, which are harbingers terrible disease- skin cancer. Unfortunately, few people can distinguish an ordinary mole from a malignant one, which leads to the development of the disease. In this article we will look in detail at what cancerous moles look like, what their features are and how to get rid of them.

What is a malignant mole?

A malignant mole is a cancer called melanoma. It can form anywhere on the body, but most often appears on open areas, since they are susceptible to ultraviolet radiation.

Melanoma is the most dangerous form cancer. It is very important to monitor all moles on the body, especially if there are a lot of them. If a malignant mole is detected early, the development of melanoma can be prevented.


To prevent development, it is very important to know how to identify a cancerous mole. For comparison, consider the characteristics of ordinary moles and cancerous ones.

Common, harmless moles have a uniform color (brown or black) with a clear border that separates them from the rest of the body. Moles are round or oval shape, their size is approximately 6 mm.

On human body Usually there can be from 10 to 45 moles. New ones can appear up to 40 years, and some, on the contrary, disappear with age.

Now let's talk about malignant moles. As a rule, there are a lot of them, and in appearance they are very different from ordinary ones in color, size, outline (more on this below). It happens that an ordinary mole can develop into a malignant one. In order not to miss this moment and start treatment on time, you need to undergo examination every six months or year.

Signs of malignant moles

The diagnosis is confirmed after a biopsy (histological analysis). Using local anesthesia, remove part of the mole in order to carefully study its structure in the laboratory. This method is one of the most accurate.

Diagnose cancer on early stage possible using a computer microdermoscopy system, but this method is not yet very widespread.

The most important thing is if you yourself notice even the slightest changes appearance or the size of your moles, you need to see a doctor. The doctor will choose necessary method diagnosis, and with timely examination the risk of developing skin cancer is reduced.

Some facts you need to know about cancerous moles

If a person has more than 50 moles on his body, then he needs to monitor their condition very carefully and contact an oncologist at the slightest change.

In addition to the above signs, there are several factors that you should pay attention to:

  1. Darkening. A common mole may be black in color. But if it was originally brown and suddenly began to darken, then this is a cause for concern. Many people do not pay attention to the darkening of moles, since black is considered the norm.
  2. Inflammation. If the skin around it is normal or redness has formed, then you need to urgently go to the doctor for an examination. And under no circumstances should you treat inflamed areas of the skin with alcohol, this can only worsen the situation.
  3. Surface. The boundaries of the mole have already been discussed. But you should also pay attention to its surface. It should be smooth on top, without obvious roughness. If there are any, then this is a sign of the development of melanoma.
  4. If darkened areas of skin appear around an ordinary mole, then this is a big cause for concern. It is urgent to check with an oncologist.

As you can see, there are a lot of signs of melanoma development. It's very difficult to remember them all. Remember that any change in a standard mole may indicate that it is becoming malignant.


To date, the only possible option is the removal of cancerous moles. The complexity of the operation depends on the severity of the situation and the size of the formation. For small growths, half an hour will be enough.

When removing a cancerous mole, the surgeon cuts out small area skin (1 cm) around the mole to prevent new ones from appearing in the same place. The larger the malignant mole in volume and size, the more skin around it needs to be removed.

After the mole is excised, a sample is sent to the laboratory. There they study its prevalence level, that is, the likelihood that new such growths will appear on the body.

What forecasts do doctors give?

Tumor thickness is the main criterion by which oncologists make predictions. If the mole was small, then the risk of its reoccurrence is small, and the chance of life without melanoma increases.

The rehabilitation period after removal of the growth is short. A scar forms at the site of the removed mole, which heals quite quickly. The size of the scar depends on the method of removal.

Laser removal is the most safe way, which leaves almost no marks or scars. But this method cannot be used in advanced cases.

It should be noted that if the operation is performed in a timely manner, then the risk of melanoma developing in the future is very small. In the future, you just need to be regularly monitored by an oncologist to avoid relapse.


In the article, we examined in detail what cancerous moles are, what are the methods of treating them, as well as signs that will help identify their development at an early stage. Take care of your body and be healthy!

Moles, nevi and spots are areas of skin that are light brown or dark in color. The structure of the nevus is blood vessels, therefore, when it is damaged, it occurs profuse bleeding. Under the influence of certain factors, nevus cells can degenerate into malignant cells, so it is important to detect the problem in a timely manner and undergo diagnosis and examination of moles.

In most cases, nevi are not dangerous unless they are exposed mechanical damage and do not change in size. Reasons for concern and contacting a doctor are:

  • change in the size, color or structure of the nevus;
  • bleeding from a nevus;
  • pain, itching and discomfort of the skin around the spot;
  • formation of erosion at the site of the nevus;
  • hair loss;
  • dryness and skin changes.

Stains located in the folds of the skin and areas of friction with clothing are often damaged. Such exposure can lead to discomfort and bleeding from the nevus. In this case, it is important to treat the wound in a timely manner, as well as make an appointment at a clinic where moles are diagnosed.

The damaged nevus must be removed for further examination of the cells for oncology.

How is the verification carried out?

Damage to a nevus or spot does not always mean a risk of developing cancer, but it is impossible to predict what changes will follow in the cells. To protect yourself from possible risks growth of malignant cells, it is necessary to consult with two doctors - a dermatologist and an oncologist.

The dermatologist will conduct an examination and, using a special medical equipment, will carefully examine the characteristics of each spot on the patient’s body. If necessary, the doctor will refer the patient to an oncologist who will perform epiluminescence dermatoscopy. This method allows you to visualize all the features of the birthmark cells.

It should be remembered that a scraping or biopsy is not performed to check the cells for malignancy. This diagnostic method is based on damage to the body of the birthmark and can lead to the development of negative consequences.

Histological examination of the nevus is carried out only after its removal. In this case, the excised tissue is sent to the laboratory for oncological analysis.

Based visual inspection and dermatoscopy, the doctor decides on the need to remove the mole if there are any concerns. Where you can check a mole depends on whether there is a dermatologist at your nearest clinic.


Thus, there are five signs on the basis of which a conclusion can be drawn about the degeneration of cells:

  • asymmetry of the body of the spot;
  • contour violation;
  • color change;
  • increase in size;
  • dynamics of change.

A healthy, harmless nevus is always symmetrical. When cells degenerate, this symmetry is broken. For self-diagnosis It is recommended to take a photograph and from time to time compare the mole on the body with the photograph taken.

A healthy birthmark or nevus always has a clearly defined, slightly rounded contour. A sudden change in the severity of the contour and its color is a reason to contact the clinic.

Alarming symptoms are also an increase in size and change in color of the birthmark. A healthy mole is uniform in color, normal color the spots vary from light to dark brown. If a mole suddenly begins to turn pale from the center to the edges, or patches of darker pigment appear on its body, you should consult a specialist.

Having discovered the dynamics of changes in the appearance of a birthmark, it is necessary to undergo an examination of the birthmark for oncology as soon as possible. Those who doubt where to check a mole for oncology should remember that such an analysis is carried out only by a dermatologist or oncologist, but not by a cosmetologist.

Factors that provoke the degeneration of moles

Melanoma, or skin cancer, most often develops due to genetic predisposition. However, when exposed negative factors For moles, there is a possibility of degeneration of skin cells. These factors include:

  • mechanical damage to the nevus;
  • exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • exposure to aggressive chemicals.

Avoiding this negative impact, you can minimize the risk of developing cancer.

In cases where nevi are often damaged, for example, during shaving, it is necessary to consult a doctor about the possibility and methods of removing the birthmark. If for some reason removal is impossible or undesirable, it is recommended to cover the body of the mole with a bandage during depilation or showering.

Protect yourself from negative influences sun rays possible using special protective equipment with UV filters.

Moles located on the hands are often exposed to household chemicals, which can negatively affect the condition of the birthmark. Wearing protective gloves will help avoid this.

Security measures

Any damage to a mole should not be ignored. If you notice blood, itching, or any other discomfort, the patient should consult a doctor to check the nevus for the risk of developing cancer.

Under no circumstances should you remove moles yourself at home. If the spot causes discomfort or changes, you should consult a dermatologist about its removal. The doctor will offer the patient several options for removing the nevus:

  • surgical excision;
  • laser excision;
  • cryodestruction.

How moles will be removed depends on the size and structure of the nevus. As a rule, after removing a mole, the tissue is transferred to histological analysis to eliminate the risk of cell degeneration.

If the patient has a large number of moles, he is recommended to undergo an oncology examination and check-up with a dermatologist every year. The doctor will also help you choose sunscreens for the skin to protect moles from degeneration under the aggressive influence of ultraviolet radiation.

Knowing how and where to check moles for oncology, it is important to carefully monitor the dynamics of changes in the structure of nevi and spots, and promptly consult a doctor for advice.

It is important to remember that any changes in nevi require urgent oncological analysis and examination of moles for the likelihood of cell degeneration.

Mole - congenital spot on the skin, they are present in almost all people. Common flat nevi, which are dark spots, should not cause concern. Special attention It is worth paying attention to raised moles that resemble warts. At the slightest change in shape and color, it is worth checking the mole for oncology.

If you have a mole that has not changed in any way over the past few years, then treatment is not required. But if over the course of several months the size of the tumor has increased significantly or its color has changed, you should consult a dermatologist. Sometimes large raised moles can turn into melanoma, a malignant tumor. Why does melanoma occur? In most cases, this disease is transmitted genetically. But if you abuse sun exposure or love tanning beds, then melanin begins to be actively produced in skin cells. When there is an excess of it, moles degenerate into malignant tumors. When found on the body new mole that is not flat and resembles a colored wart, get checked by a dermatologist. It is worth paying attention to the condition of the skin around the nevus. If you feel pain in a mole, this may be a cause for concern. Dermatologists recommend using the ACORD method to check moles for cancer at home. This is an abbreviation, each of the letters of which characterizes the condition of the nevus. The letter “A” is asymmetry, the formation must be symmetrical. Blurred edges or unclear boundaries on one side should cause concern. “K” is the state of the edge of the mole; ideally it should be clear. “O” – color, it should be uniform. Specks of grey, red or white flowers indicate the degeneration of education. “P” is the size, it must be constant, any growth of the nevus - bad sign. “D” – dynamics; if pain, crusts or blood appear, consult a dermatologist. What to do if you damage a mole? Do not tear it off the base under any circumstances. It is necessary for the formation to grow back, then consult a dermatologist. Most likely, you will have to remove it with laser or cryodestruction. A dermatologist checks a mole for cancer using a simple device - a dermatoscope. Outwardly, it resembles a magnifying glass, but the magnification of the lens is much greater. There is a scale on the glass that allows you to determine the size and evaluate the color, shape and edges of the nevus. If the doctor offers you to remove a potentially dangerous formation, agree. Even a seemingly healthy mole can eventually develop into a malignant tumor.

It is necessary to monitor the condition of moles that exist on your skin mandatory. It is advisable to do this once a year when visiting a dermatologist. Of course, the appearance of moles is associated with a genetic predisposition, but it is provoked sunburn, inadequate tanning and UV treatment.

There is no need to remove all moles on the body.Only those moles that carry the risk of degeneration and are located in places of increased trauma are subject to removal. Namely, in the neckline area, under the breasts (in women), in the groin folds.


How to recognize a mole that is reborn

It's quite simple. It is necessary to remember the abbreviation ACORD. Each letter in it has its own meaning.

Dangerous symptoms

One of the very first and most danger signs is a change in color, the appearance of inclusions, dots, and veins on its surface. Sometimes there may be a loss of color in the form of partial lightening of the mole.

Almost all moles increase in size over time after they appear on the body. There's nothing wrong with that.

This is especially noticeable during puberty and growth activity. I should be wary fast growth(by 1-4 mm in 1-3 months) or an asymmetrical change in the outer border of the mole.

Pain is not a sign of rebirth. This process occurs, as a rule, painlessly, which often leads to a belated visit to the doctor. If pain bothers you, it may be due to injury or a secondary infection.

Which moles are more likely to degenerate?

Those moles that are located in places of trauma most often have a tendency to degenerate. As well as moles that have uneven color, shape and congenital hairless nevi.

If you accidentally injured a mole, you must immediately contact a dermatologist, wait for it to heal completely, and then remove the most effective method, which your dermatologist will tell you.

Remember that visiting a solarium increases the risk of degeneration of moles, the development of melanoma and skin cancer, much more than tanning in the regular sun.

It is completely impossible to prevent the degeneration of a mole, since the factor of heredity plays a high role.But it is absolutely possible to reduce the likelihood of degeneration. It is necessary to reduce the UV load, minimize the possibility of traumatizing moles, and, if necessary, remove them in a timely manner.

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