So that the cat sheds less. The cat sheds a lot, what to do: solve the problem. Natural coat renewal: reasons

The thick and shiny fur of a pet is an object of admiration for the owner and his guests. However, a cat cannot always boast of a beautiful fur coat. If the fur begins to fall out, then normal shedding has begun. Sometimes it happens that a cat sheds a lot and there may be several reasons for this. Let's take a closer look at this problem.

In all animals, hair renewal is seasonal. Old hairs die off, new ones grow. Cats shed twice a year, and both short-haired and long-haired breeds shed. Coat renewal does not occur only in exotic breeds such as Cornish, Sphynx and La Perm.

All cats' coat consists of 2 layers: the undercoat and the outer protective layer.

The main task of cat hair is to regulate thermoregulation and protect the skin from the negative influence of the environment. In the spring, the cat sheds its undercoat, the skin becomes lighter, and the pet can more easily tolerate hot weather.

The next molt occurs in the fall. The animal is preparing for the cold - thin hairs fall out, but warmer and fluffier ones grow.

Causes of severe shedding

In most cases, shedding is seasonal. It lasts approximately 2-4 weeks. But if the renewal lasts longer and the animal loses a lot of fur, then you should worry about the health of your pet.

Intensive shedding can be caused by the following reasons:

How to reduce the amount of fur during shedding?

When a cat sheds, everyone suffers - both the animal itself and the household. Wool is literally everywhere and is harmful to your pet's health. Dead hair irritates your cat's skin and causes anxiety. The cat also constantly licks its fur, which can cause hair balls to appear in the stomach.

In case of severe shedding, experts advise doing the following:

  1. Brush every day. A comb with sharp teeth is not suitable for these purposes; it is better to use a special brush called furminator.
  2. Wash your cat regularly using shampoo and conditioner.
  3. Giving vitamin complexes. You should not self-medicate; a veterinarian can recommend the necessary medication.
  4. It is advisable to walk your pet daily.
  5. Eliminate the causes of stress if shedding is caused by this. You can give sedatives after consulting with your veterinarian.
  6. Treat the animal if hair loss is caused by any disease.

Many owners are concerned about shedding. Unfortunately, there is no miracle cure for this. However, you can alleviate your pet's condition by using the tips described above.

What to do if shedding is caused by a disease?

If hair loss is not caused by external factors (keeping conditions, care), then the cause of intense shedding should be sought in the health of the cat. First of all, you should show your pet to a veterinarian. He will determine what is bothering the animal and prescribe a course of treatment.

If a hormonal imbalance is established, then sterilization is necessary. The cat will stop worrying and over time the fur will become shiny and thick again.

For prevention purposes, special vitamin and mineral complexes can be given in courses. They reduce shedding and have a beneficial effect on the cat’s health.

Apartment conditions that help reduce shedding

Cats kept indoors cause a lot of trouble when they shed. To reduce hair loss, it is necessary to create favorable conditions in the apartment. If you have dry air at home, ventilate the room more often and use a humidifier. If possible, reduce the battery temperature in winter.

Review your cat's diet. The diet should be balanced; the menu should include fresh meat, fish, milk, and dry food. You can buy specialized premium food.

Furminator for cats effectively combs hair

Of course, you still need to take care of your pets. Regular brushing and bathing will help get rid of the ubiquitous fur. After brushing, pet the cat with wet hands. This way you will remove some more wool.

If the pet is healthy, then all processes proceed as they should for a cat’s life. Shedding is a normal part of life for them and therefore there is no need to worry about it. But situations also arise when wool falls out in excessively large quantities and does not stop throughout the year. Then many cat lovers begin to worry about their pets. But, despite this, it is easy to cope with the problem, even if the owner got an animal for the first time.

Healthy cats should shed several times a year. In spring, this happens before hot weather so that the thick coat does not become a burden. The second time they shed occurs in the fall, so that they shed all the fur and grow new, warm ones.

Cats that live permanently in an apartment sometimes lose this rhythm. During the heating season, they begin to shed their fur. The heating air is warm and dry, which has a detrimental effect on the animal’s fur. Thanks to such climate changes, cats often shed it. Wool often sticks to clothes, rugs and sofas. This problem makes it difficult to clean the house.


  1. Long hair in the cat family. If a cat’s hair is naturally long and thick, then you shouldn’t be surprised that the animal loses too much hair. These breeds include Angora, British, Scottish, Persian, Siamese, Maine Coon and others. If a cat lover decides to buy a long-haired breed, then he should be prepared for frequent and heavy shedding.
  2. Improper maintenance and care. Also, the cause of excessive shedding can be non-physiological characteristics of the cat family. Frequent hair loss may be due to improper care of your pet's fur. This may be the wrong shampoo for him, washing too often and too much, or not brushing his coat. In addition to the above reasons, which are clear to everyone and solvable, there are many others. These include diseases and poor living conditions for the animal.
  3. The main reason is the pet’s unbalanced diet. Due to the owners' use of canned and dry food of poor quality, the cat develops a lack of vitamins, macro- and microelements. And with a mono diet, the cat loses hair continuously. Therefore, it is not recommended to feed your pet exclusively fish and meat food.
  4. Shedding due to illness, age and pregnancy (or lactation). In addition to problems arising with nutrition, molting also occurs when there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract or kidneys. When an allergic reaction occurs, a cat loses some of its hair and quickly loses weight. When a cat is pregnant or if she is already pregnant, hormonal levels are disrupted. You need to be prepared for pieces of fur to come out even when stroking.
  5. As a cat ages, it does not become healthier. She gradually weakens and fades. An elderly cat does not have the strength to care for its fur or lick it. She does not have enough microelements in her body. Therefore, old animals often experience heavy shedding.

There are many reasons for hair loss in cats. To help your pet, it is enough to quickly and correctly find the cause of the problem. The right decision for the owner would be to visit a specialist. A good veterinarian will be able to determine the exact cause, and if it is a disease, he will be able to prescribe the correct treatment that will make life easier.

Troubleshooting solutions

The method of treatment will depend primarily on the cause of the shedding. Some people select treatment through errors and trials, but this method is not recommended. It is advisable to first find the root of the problem. Some solutions to the problem will not take much time to eliminate all the causes. Others, on the contrary, will take more effort and require spending money.

Creating suitable climatic conditions
If the reason is an unsuitable temperature climate, then the temperature in the house should be brought closer to natural conditions. Suitable temperature: in summer the apartment should be warm, and in winter, on the contrary, cold.

To solve the problem with the temperature climate, it is recommended to place the cat in a loggia or on a balcony - there the climate is more suitable to the natural one. To lure a cat to a new place, it is advisable to move the scratching post, sleeping place and favorite toys there. The doors to the balcony should be kept open at all times; you should not restrict your pet’s movements around the apartment.

Brushing a cat
In many cases, regular brushing can help eliminate shedding. Cats should be accustomed to such procedures from childhood, but if this is not done, then when hair falls out, the pet should be combed well. To carry out the procedure, you need to purchase a special comb or brush. They are sold in many pet stores.

If the cat has long hair and it constantly rolls into shreds, then you will need another tool to comb it out. For this procedure, it is better to purchase a furminator. It is not sold in all stores, and its price is much more expensive. But it has more advantages, for example, the device allows you to comb out not only the top layer of fur, but also the undercoat, which the comb cannot reach. After using such a tool, the pet looks well-groomed and feels much better.

Lack of vitamins and minerals
Often the problem occurs due to a lack of nutrients. Then you should contact a specialist to prescribe more suitable minerals for your cat. Such products can be in the form of drops, powder or tablets that should be added to the food. Vitamins allow you to replenish the entire balance of various microelements, as a result of which the cat’s fur will become better and more beautiful. Mostly, veterinarians prescribe drugs such as Radostin, Shestevit, or Farmavit Neo. Thanks to the biotin included in these medications, cell regeneration improves, and the coat becomes thicker and shinier.

Your cat should be fed a variety of foods. You should add various soups and cereals to your diet. People who think that cats only like dairy products and fish are wrong. Such food will only harm your pet’s health.
And remember that you should constantly pour clean water into a separate bowl.

Traditional methods against shedding
Some cat problems can be solved using traditional methods. No one can guarantee that hair loss will stop completely, but sometimes you can get rid of the cause.

  1. To replenish biotin in the animal’s body, you should add egg yolk to the food. But it is important to ensure that protein does not get into your cat’s food, as it can interfere with the absorption of the substance.
  2. You can also give your pet fish oil. It contains many vitamins. This method will help restore the cat’s immune system, after which the coat will become healthy. It can be purchased at any pet store.

What periods are considered normal for molting?

For normal seasonal hair loss, a duration of no more than four weeks is considered. Sometimes such deadlines are a little delayed, but they should not exceed one and a half months.

If the reason lies in stress, pregnancy or poor nutrition, then the poor condition of the cat's coat will last much longer. To stop shedding, it is recommended to eliminate all factors that cause the process of hair loss.

If you follow simple rules for keeping your beloved pet, you can easily get rid of the problem. Regular brushing, replenishing the body with vitamins and a balanced diet will help solve all problems, and the cat will be well-groomed and beautiful.

Video: how to deal with shedding in cats?

Fluffy cats with long hair are very beautiful. But sometimes the molting of animals becomes a headache for the owner. Let’s try to figure out how to help a pet and make its existence easier during shedding.

What to do if the cat sheds a lot and the whole house is covered in fur in summer and winter, from spring to autumn, all year round

During molting, the cat often becomes lethargic, his appetite is reduced and his metabolism is impaired. Wool can get into your pet's stomach, causing indigestion and vomiting. You can help your cat’s body get through this period faster and easier using several means:
— anti-shedding vitamins;
— fumigator for combing out dead wool;
— strengthening shampoos;
— pastes for removing hair from the stomach and special feeds.

Typically, seasonal molting occurs in early autumn and early spring. If your pet sheds all year round, you should visit a veterinarian. He will conduct an examination to find out the reasons for this condition of the animal and prescribe treatment.

Anti-shedding product and vitamins for cats: instructions for use, price, reviews from veterinarians

There are currently many anti-shedding vitamins available for cats. In order not to make a mistake with your choice, you need to consult a veterinarian about what is right for your pet. You need to take into account the vitamin content in the industrial food you give your cat, the age of the animal, and the presence of diseases.

During the molting period, good vitamins are Exel Brewers Yeast 8 in 1. There is a picture of a dog on the packaging, but the vitamins are suitable for both cats and dogs. The drug contains B vitamins, brewer's yeast and garlic. Vitamins reduce molting time, reduce hair loss, and improve the appearance of the animal. Dosage – 1 tablet per animal weighing 4.5 kilograms. The vitamins have a pleasant taste, and animals themselves readily eat them. The price of a package of 140 tablets is 250 rubles.

As a result of stress, your cat may begin to lose hair. In this case, vitamins alone cannot help the animal. It is surprising that during times of stress, hair begins to fall out instantly in large quantities. Try to calm the animal by eliminating the cause of the stress or, if this is not possible, buy a collar with pheromones.

Why does a kitten shed at an early age?

Typically, kittens begin to shed at 4 or 5 months, when their fur is replaced. If the kitten began to shed earlier, it may be malnourished and lacking essential vitamins and microelements.

Is it possible or not for cats to shed from stress?

The cause of shedding from stress can be a trip on public transport, participation in exhibitions, some changes in the house, or even the arrival of unexpected guests. When the animal calms down, molting stops. Many animal owners say that this phenomenon occurs frequently.

Why does a cat shed a lot in the fall?

In autumn, seasonal molting occurs. The cat sheds its light summer coat and “puts on” its winter coat. This happens in nature, but in a city apartment a cat can shed in the fall because the radiators heat up too much and the air in the room is too dry. Try to reduce the air temperature to a comfortable value (about 22 degrees), buy an air humidifier.

If a cat sheds after castration, what to do?

Perhaps castration simply coincided with a planned molt. After castration, the animals' hormonal levels change, and they need special food for sterilized animals Proplan and Royal Canin. If a little time has passed after the operation, the cause of molting could be stress, after a while everything will return to normal.

Shedding in cats after birth, sterilization, causes and how long does it last

Cats may begin to shed after giving birth if they lack vitamins and minerals or if their diet is not sufficiently balanced and varied. After sterilization, shedding may occur as a result of hormonal changes or the onset of any disease that coincides with the operation. The duration of such molting depends on changing the diet in the right direction or prescribing competent treatment. After taking a course of vitamins and improving nutrition, shedding ends very quickly.

Why does a cat shed a lot in tufts and itch?

In case of allergies, the veterinarian will recommend a change in diet, a strict diet and antihistamines. Allergies are possible as a result of nervous stress or house dust and odors of household chemicals. But if you follow all the recommendations, baldness and scratching will soon go away.

Cats with beautiful, smooth, iridescent fur are the real pride of their owners. But when cat fluff fills the entire apartment, it’s not very pleasant. Why do cats shed and is it normal? Everyone who keeps pets or is planning to have one should know the answer to this question.

Is cat shedding normal or pathological?

Cat fur consists of two layers - a short, downy undercoat and longer, elastic hairs that we see on the outside.

Seasonal molting is a completely normal, necessary natural process. Firstly, each hair has a certain lifespan and falls off after its expiration. A new one grows in its place. Secondly, cats change their fur twice a year due to climate change.

In the spring, the cat sheds its fur to get rid of the inner fluff. In summer there is no need for it, because it is already very warm outside.
In the fall, the old coat, which has dried out over the summer, is also replaced by a new, fluffier, healthier coat to provide the animal with warmth and protection.

Thus, seasonal shedding of fur is the norm. It usually lasts no more than 1 month, sometimes a little longer. During the seasonal molting process, a cat does not have bald spots on its body.
If your pet begins to shed suddenly and profusely, most likely there is some kind of problem behind it.

Reasons why cats shed

There can be many factors why the “furry friend” sheds its coat all year round. Let's look at the most likely ones.

1. Baby shedding

If a very young cat begins to shed heavily and suddenly, it means that the time has come for her to shed her baby coat. At the age of 6-7 months, the animal gets rid of its soft fur. It is replaced by a tougher, elastic, shiny coat, and the color becomes more saturated.

The entire process of age-related molting can take 3-4 months. The wool stops growing on its own and in such cases there is no need to do anything. You'll have to be patient and wait.

2. Pregnancy, childbirth

This factor only applies to cats. Many women know that after pregnancy their hair begins to fall out a lot. The same thing happens in animals - they begin to shed. During the period of gestation of kittens and after their birth, hormonal changes occur in the body of the mother cat, which is reflected in the fur.

Sometimes a cat sheds constantly if she gives birth two or more times a year. Typically, those who run a nursery in their home face this problem.

3. Poor nutrition

An unbalanced, unhealthy diet is a common reason why cats lose hair. Food from the family table is completely unsuitable for cats. Pets that live in apartments and do not go outside require special nutrition. Today there are many good foods designed specifically for pet four-legged friends, taking into account the needs of their body. There are also foods specifically for wool that contain a higher level of vitamins. Very often, the problem of pathological molting lies precisely in the lack of vital substances. A proper diet will have a positive effect on the general condition of the animal.

4. Stress

If your cat's fur is falling out in clumps, think about whether your pet is living under stress. After all, these creatures, like people, can experience fear, pain, joy, and anxiety. Your cat may shed if: you often hit and scold her; there are children in the house who constantly cuddle her; the apartment is undergoing renovation; Another animal or newborn baby has appeared in the house. Of course, there are more reasons for stress, these are just the most likely ones.

5. Domestic cat syndrome

Cats living outside are well aware of the changing seasons of the year. But pet “fluffies” who do not leave the walls of the apartment lose touch with nature. They are constantly warm, and their body mistakenly perceives such an atmosphere as summer. And since it’s summer, that means thick wool is not needed. Therefore, if a cat sheds heavily all the time and for no apparent reason, perhaps he needs to be in the fresh air more often.

6. Diseases

Hair loss can occur due to illness. Some diseases are almost asymptomatic and the owner may not notice the problem for a long time.

Diseases that can cause cats to shed:

  • Gastritis, dysbacteriosis, stomach ulcer.
  • Fungal infections.
  • Viral infections.
  • Allergic reactions.

What to do

It is necessary to figure out why the cat began to shed and this process was delayed with the help of a veterinarian. Self-medication can be harmful. Perhaps the cat needs vitamins, or maybe it’s all because the air in the apartment is too dry and warm - there are many options. It is necessary to undergo an examination at a veterinary clinic, and based on the tests, receive prescriptions and recommendations from a specialist.

A well-groomed, beautiful fur coat is a source of pride for both the cat and its owners. However, owners often begin to notice that the fur of the fluffy beauty is no longer so luxurious, and the apartment where their pet lives is completely strewn with hairs. It is quite natural that people have questions: why does a cat shed a lot? what can be done in such cases?

The reasons for the concern are understandable, and the point here is not so much in the forced frequency of cleaning, but in the state of the animal’s health, because increased shedding is not always a consequence of a normal physiological process.

When shedding is normal

Shedding should be understood as the natural process of changing fur in animals. Each hair has a lifespan, and when it expires, a new one will appear in place of the lost hair.

A healthy cat sheds twice a year - in autumn and spring; this is a normal physiological process that should not cause concern. Absolutely all pets lose hair, regardless of age, gender and breed, except that hairless cats are not familiar with this problem. Depending on the length of the fur of representatives of different breeds, the shedding process will vary, for example, if a long-haired cat lives in the house, the consequences of this process will be much more noticeable.

In the spring, cats get rid of excess hair, thus preparing for the hot season, but in the fall, on the contrary, they “warm up” and build up a dense undercoat.

Renewal of fur in kittens is also considered normal. Babies change their fur coat at the age of 6 months. During this period, the soft and fluffy coat changes to a harder one, the undercoat becomes elastic and heavy. The color also changes, becoming more saturated, the patterns and points acquire clarity and expressiveness.

Excessive shedding can also be caused by the older age of the animal, for which it becomes increasingly difficult to care for its coat.

Pregnancy, childbirth and feeding are also absolutely natural processes that cause increased hair loss. After the recovery period, the coat will return to normal.

Naturally, shedding causes a lot of trouble for owners who collect loose wool from carpets and upholstered furniture. But as they say, nothing can be done, the maximum that can be done is more often so that it is updated as quickly as possible.

It’s another matter when seasonal wool renewal develops into year-round and becomes uncontrollable. This is already a reason to sound the alarm, because frequent and extensive loss of fur can be the cause of a dangerous disease.

The Furminator is very convenient and easy to use, removes undercoat gently and delicately, without damaging the coat and guard hair. The cat needs to be brushed daily. Under no circumstances should you use a comb with sharp teeth, as they will injure the delicate skin of the animal.

It is advisable to change shampoo and conditioner in consultation with your veterinarian. It is possible that this will help solve the problem. For example, the special “No Wool” conditioner has proven itself to be excellent, helping to restore damaged fur. The advantages of this product include the fact that it does not cause dry skin and prevents flaking.

Review your cat's diet and adjust its nutrition. There are special foods aimed at improving coat. These are premium products and they are not cheap, but your pet's health is not something you can skimp on.

If your cat is stressed

If you suspect that stress is the cause of unseasonal shedding, try to calm the animal and, if possible, eliminate the provoking factor that caused the pet's anxiety. In this case, the veterinarian may recommend sedatives until the cat adapts to new living conditions or to the arrival of another family member.

You need to understand that all of the above measures will be useless if hair loss is associated with any disease. In this case, shedding cats will require treatment aimed primarily at eliminating the cause of the shedding. For example, in case of hormonal imbalances, the issue of castration (sterilization) of the animal should be considered.