What are the benefits of thyme for women? Thyme - the amazing properties of this herb. What are the benefits of thyme?

In shady forests and sunny meadows you can find vast purple carpets of low-growing plants strewn with small, pleasantly fragrant flowers.

This is Thyme, or Thyme, or, as it is also called, Bogorodskaya grass- cute and unpretentious plant, widely used in cooking, cosmetology and folk medicine.

Thyme is a low creeping perennial with thin long stems. Young stems are green, old parts of the shoot become woody.

The leaves are small, round in shape and densely cover the shoots. In summer, the plant is covered with a cloud of fragrant light purple inflorescences, which make thyme a spectacular ground cover and attract many bees. This low shrub blooms for a long time, all summer and early autumn.

Thyme is used in landscape design as an attractive perennial. It is also used as an aromatic seasoning for cooking dishes and teas. In addition, thyme is an excellent honey plant. Well, the main area of ​​its use is for medicinal purposes.

Preparation and storage

Thyme is harvested depending on further purposes of use. If you plan to use raw materials for cooking, then the grass should be collected in the spring before the flowers appear. This will help preserve the aroma and taste.

For medicinal purposes, the collection occurs while the thyme is in bloom, that is, all summer and early autumn.

In order not to damage the plant, the stems are not torn off, but cut off along with the inflorescences, without affecting the lignified parts. For quick recovery You shouldn’t cut off more than half of the bush’s stems at a time.

The cut parts of the plant are scattered on cloth or cardboard and dried under a canopy or in a darkened and well-ventilated room. Well-dried thyme leaves remain green and are easily separated from the shoots.

After separating the stems, pour the finished raw materials into a linen bag or cardboard box and store for no more than 12 months in a place protected from moisture.

Useful properties of the plant

Thyme contains many useful substances:

  • oleanolic, caffeic, thymunic, quinic and ursolic acid;
  • tannins;
  • essential oil;
  • ascorbic acid and B vitamins;
  • mineral salts and resins;
  • saponins and bitterness.

Thyme has the following medicinal properties:

  1. Dilates the bronchi and removes mucus in diseases of the bronchopulmonary system
  2. When used externally, it relieves inflammation of the joints and alleviates gout, rheumatism and arthrosis.
  3. Possesses sedative effect. Calms nervous system, normalizes sleep, eliminates manifestations of depressive syndrome.
  4. Relieves vascular spasms and reduces attacks of headaches and migraines, normalizes blood pressure.
  5. It is an antipyretic and diaphoretic.
  6. Effectively restores digestion and alleviates symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases.
  7. It has an analgesic effect, which is used to relieve pain in diseases of the stomach and intestines, inflammation of the sciatic nerve, injuries and sprains, muscle pain and menstrual pain.
  8. Has an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect for throat diseases and oral cavity, for the treatment of skin lesions and rashes, for gynecological pathologies.
  9. Eliminates allergic reactions to bee stings.
  10. Improves sexual function in men, restores erection and increases desire. It is also used as a means to reduce the consequences after alcohol poisoning. Protects the liver and reduces cravings for alcohol.
  11. Gives vigor, increases the body's defenses, and provides a surge of energy.
  12. Improves sleep and appetite.
  13. Cleanses the body of waste and toxins.
  14. Strengthens hair follicles and eliminates lice.
  15. Eliminates metabolic disorders and has a sugar-lowering effect in the treatment of diabetes.
  16. Improves the functioning of the pancreas.
  17. Has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.


There are a number of contraindications for which the use of thyme-based preparations is undesirable:

  • liver and kidney pathologies;
  • atherosclerosis
  • exacerbation of stomach diseases;
  • irregularities in work thyroid gland;
  • cardiosclerosis and arrhythmia;
  • emphysema;
  • penchant for allergic reactions on the constituent components of the plant;
  • children under 2 years of age.

Nursing mothers should discuss the use of thyme with their doctor, as the plant increases milk production and its excess can lead to mastitis of the mammary gland.

Pregnant women are prohibited from using the plant for internal consumption. By enhancing smooth muscle tone, thyme can cause abortion.

During treatment with drugs containing thyme, attacks of nausea and allergies may sometimes occur. Long-term use the drug leads to disruption of the thyroid gland.

Use in folk medicine

For medicinal and cosmetic purposes, tea, infusion, alcohol tinctures and decoctions.

To prepare the decoction, 50 g of raw materials need to be boiled in two glasses of water for 15 minutes.

  1. If you immediately take it off the heat and breathe in the healing steam, the process of mucus separation will improve and the cough will disappear.
  2. This decoction can be used to rinse the mouth to freshen breath and treat inflammation and ulcers on the mucous membranes and gums.
  3. You can drink half a glass twice a day to eliminate flatulence, dysbacteriosis and improve digestion.
  4. The decoction is also used as a general strengthening and performance-enhancing agent.

For infusion 2 tbsp. l. thyme is steamed with two glasses of boiling water and, covered with a lid, left for 30 to 60 minutes.

  1. If you drink the infusion 1 tbsp. l. two a day, this will be useful for gastritis with decreased acidity.
  2. Eating two spoons at least 4 times a day facilitates the progression of ENT diseases.
  3. Steam two handfuls of the herb in two liters of boiled water, leave for three hours and take baths with this infusion three times a week for rheumatism, muscle pain and in case of a pinched nerve.
  4. Add two spoons of infusion to the baby's bath, and the baby will sleep soundly.
  5. Drinking half a glass in the morning, afternoon and evening after meals will cure allergies and reduce blood sugar.

The infusion is useful for reducing rheumatic pain and sore throat.

Healing properties for the fair sex

A drink with thyme will help women get rid of menstrual pain and improve the condition of organ diseases reproductive system. The same remedy is taken if there is not enough milk during the feeding period of the baby.

A decoction of thyme with the addition lemon juice care for facial skin with various rashes and pimples.

For skin prone to dryness, an oil infusion of thyme is perfect. Pour a spoonful of herbs into a glass container, pour in olive oil, about half a glass. Leave for 24 hours and put on water bath for 3 hours. After straining, lubricate your face in the morning, and after 10 minutes, remove the residue with a damp swab. The oil should be kept in a cool place.

You can strengthen your hair with this recipe. Simmer two tablespoons of a mixture of hop cones, thyme, nettle and birch leaves, taken in equal proportions, for 15 minutes in a liter of water. Leave for 30 minutes and rub into scalp or rinse hair after washing. This product also eliminates flaking and dryness.

For weakness, anemia and high blood pressure It will be useful to take an infusion of a pinch of thyme and blueberry stems, infused for an hour in boiling water. You need to drink half a glass of it in the morning, afternoon and evening.

Boil a handful of thyme in 1 liter of water and add to the bath. lie down in healing water about 15 minutes. Carry out such water treatments no need less than a month a couple of times a week to treat skin diseases and rheumatism.

Healing properties for the stronger half

Thyme has a beneficial effect on men's genital area.

Eliminates erection problems, relieves inflammation in diseases of the prostate and prostate gland, enhances sexual activity and increases libido.

To do this, two large spoons of raw materials need to be left for a couple of hours in half a glass of boiled water. Divide the infusion into two servings and drink the day before meals.

Nervous stress in men often ends depressive syndrome, sleep disturbances and headaches. In this case, a sachet with thyme will help. Pour dry thyme into a small cloth bag, tie it and place it at the head of the bed.

For the same purposes, an infusion of herbs with the addition of thyme is suitable. Grind hop cones, thyme, oregano, initial cap, knotweed, jasmine and Chernobyl in equal proportions. 1 tbsp. l. pour two glasses of boiling water over the collection, close the lid and leave for at least half an hour. In the morning you need to drink 2 tbsp. l. infusion and 100 ml a couple of hours before going to bed.

Another recipe for improving nervous condition and sleep. Two bottles of white wine (it’s better to take dry) pour 150g of dry herb and leave for 7 days, shaking occasionally. Then heat until almost boiling, cover with a lid and leave for another 5 hours.

Take a small glass in the morning, afternoon and evening before meals. This remedy not only relieves lack of sleep and migraines, but also rejuvenates, relieves abdominal pain caused by indigestion and treats colds.

To rub bruises and sprains, you should prepare a tincture with alcohol. Place 50g of the plant in a glass container and pour a glass of alcohol. Keep in the dark for two weeks and you can use it.

If you have an increased craving for alcohol, you should make a decoction. 3 tbsp. l. thyme pour 1.5 tbsp. water and keep on low heat for 15 minutes. Drink half a glass of broth, and then a glass of alcohol. Repeat three times a day. A persistent dislike for alcohol develops after a few weeks.

Thyme tea is a pleasant warming and restorative drink that you can drink throughout the day.

With regular consumption of tea, blood pressure normalizes, sexual activity increases, the body's defenses and resistance to infections and colds are enhanced.

To prepare the drink, add a pinch of thyme inflorescences to a glass of boiled water and leave under the lid for 10 minutes. The tea is ready.

You can add a spoonful of honey to a mug and then it will be an excellent remedy for relieving cough and removing phlegm from respiratory diseases.


This useful plant, how thyme will take root well on a personal plot if it is not possible to harvest it in natural conditions growth.

In addition, thyme takes root easily and for the winter it can be transplanted into a pot and grown on a windowsill. Then the fragrant and medicinal herb will always be at hand.

You can brew a couple of stalks of fresh thyme, cool it, and in the summer heat you’ll have a refreshing drink ready. If you squeeze the juice from a fresh plant and add it to shampoo, this will not only improve the condition of your hair and scalp, but will also remove lice.

Thyme is also useful in the kitchen. This spice is suitable for potato and mushroom dishes, emphasizes the aroma of fish and cheese, and goes well with apples and honey.

It is important not to overdo it spice plant so as not to provoke side effects. And do not forget that thyme has contraindications for use.

We bring to your attention a video that describes medicinal properties and recipes for making thyme:

In contact with

Greetings friends! Official medicine does not often use herbs in manufactured medicines. With rare exceptions, which include thyme. Its extract is included in such a popular cough remedy, especially among children, as Pectusin; the oil is used in the production of medicinal toothpaste. Previously, surgeons used thyme (thyme) as an antiseptic for washing hands before surgery, and in university clinic the French city of Limoges is still for better healing Some postoperative wounds are smeared with thyme honey. What is so special about this perennial plant and what benefits can be derived from it at home?

The Amazing Features of Thyme

A wild shrub with thin leaves and small pinkish-purple flowers collected in clumps at the top of branches, it is an aromatic and medicinal plant. For medicinal purposes, flowering tops collected in June-July are used, always in the morning, when the first rays of the sun play in the dew drops. Dry in the shade in the open air, store for a year in cloth bags.

The plant owes its healing powers unique composition:

  • Vitamins - C, K and B2, beta-carotene or provitamin A;
  • Amino acids - cystine, valine, glycine, isoleucine;
  • Minerals - calcium, magnesium, cobalt (leaves), iron (plant tops);
  • Essential oils - thymol and carvacrol (80%), linalool, alpha-terpineol, anethole, borneol (leaves);
  • Flavonoids (antioxidants) - quercetin, rutin, luteolin, apigenin;
  • Organic acids - nicotinic, oleic, ursolic, caffeic, rosemary;
  • Tannins.

The spectrum of action is practically unlimited - from natural antibiotic, expectorant, antipyretic, diuretic, sedative, and also improves appetite and digestion.

Cold is not a problem

In winter and autumn, colds take first place among the most common diseases. The accompanying cough and runny nose interfere with life, and often end in bronchitis and pneumonia. Before you run to the pharmacy for pills, try using thyme. Flavonoids and thymol make this plant the best remedy for the treatment of cough, elimination of symptoms of bronchitis and chest congestion.

Tea with thyme

  • For a glass of boiling water, one tablespoon of dried herbs, leave for 10 minutes. Then add a couple of drops of lemon and a little honey. Drink as tea several times a day.

As an effective expectorant

  • A tablespoon of dry grass tops per glass of boiling water, leave for an hour, strain, drink no more than two spoons several times a day.
  • We make a medicinal mixture of one tablespoon of aloe, honey and thyme tincture, and drink it as medicine.
  • 3 - 4 tablespoons of dry thyme, a tablespoon of mint and the same amount of oregano, mix, pour boiling water and leave overnight. The next day we drink it as tea.
  • Two tablespoons in a bowl with hot water, cover your head with a towel and breathe in the healing steam for 5 to 15 minutes, then wrap your neck with a warm scarf and do not go outside.

Cough syrups

Instead of a bitter medicine, thyme can be used to make delicious cough syrups.

  • Pour 20 grams of dried thyme into 200 ml of boiling water and simmer over low heat under a closed lid until the liquid has evaporated by half. Add honey (200 g) melted in a water bath. We give children one teaspoon of delicious syrup after meals.
  • Take a small bunch of flowering thyme tops, wash well and dry. Then fill in 450 ml. water and cook over low heat with the lid closed until the water has evaporated by half. Let it cool, strain, add 300 grams of honey and 50 grams of garlic juice. Mix everything and store in a dark glass container with a tight lid. Drink 1 teaspoon per day after meals.

Benefits of thyme for women

The antibacterial, antimicrobial and soothing properties of the plant will provide irreplaceable help for women to restore beauty, in case of violations menstrual cycle, as well as genital infections.

  • In order to eliminate the pain of menstruation, facilitate the passage of discharge, and also get rid of unpleasant symptoms for premenstrual syndrome, prepare an infusion of 1 tablespoon of flowering tops. We drink 2 glasses a day a week before menstruation.
  • Genital infections. Prepare a syrup from one tablespoon of dry thyme and two tablespoons of chamomile. Simmer over low heat in a liter of water until 1/3 of the liquid is obtained. Sweeten and take a teaspoon 3 times a day.
  • For dandruff and hair loss. Pour 250 ml tablespoon of dry and well-ground thyme boiled water, leave for an hour, drink 70 ml, three times a day.
  • For Bath. 100 gr. dry thyme to 5 liters of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, then pour into the bath. It is recommended to repeat the procedure 2 times a week.
  • Foot baths for tired feet, fungal infections and to eliminate unpleasant odors. Boil 100 g for 15 minutes. dry herbs in a liter of water. Pour the resulting broth into a bowl and dilute warm water. Take a foot bath for 20 minutes, then rinse cold water, dry your feet well and sprinkle with talcum powder.

For the treatment of alcoholism

Alcohol dependence is a complex disease, it takes a long time to treat and is not always successful. Thyme offers its own method when evil is for good. The principle of treatment is based on an overdose of the herb, thymol, nauseating and vomiting. The simultaneous use of thyme decoction and small doses of alcohol causes a persistent aversion to drinking.

What needs to be done. Pour 15 grams of dry herb into 250 ml of boiling water and simmer in a water bath for 10-15 minutes. Strain the resulting liquid and add another 250 ml of boiled water. Drink 50-70 ml several times a day. Immediately after the decoction, pour 25 grams of cognac and enjoy the smell of alcohol for 5 minutes, then drink. After a maximum of half an hour, a reaction will occur in the form of nausea and sometimes vomiting. Thus, after one, maximum two weeks, the body will develop a negative reaction to alcohol; even the smell of alcohol will automatically evoke memories of the unpleasant sensations associated with its consumption.

The broth should be freshly prepared every day. In addition to getting rid of alcohol addiction thyme will help male body eliminate sexual weakness And premature ejaculation, and also prevent the occurrence of prostatitis.

In the kitchen

The rich aroma and slightly lemony flavor make thyme indispensable in the kitchen. Particularly recommended for preparing game and fish dishes, spicy sauces, salads, pea and bean dishes. A sprig of fresh thyme, added to any dish that you boil or stew, helps increase the appetite of those who will eat this dish. This is very useful if someone in your family suffers from anorexia and categorically refuses food. The grass has another useful feature, it destroys germs. That is, if you are preparing food for the future for a couple of days, add thyme to it and the food will not spoil.

The plant is used to flavor cheeses, as well as pickle cucumbers, tomatoes and squash. The niacin present in it helps improve blood circulation, lower cholesterol and prevent symptoms of indigestion.

To eliminate stomach problems

Place fresh thyme tops in a glass bowl in layers alternating with sugar, crush well and leave in a dark place for 2 weeks. Then drain the resulting syrup, strain, pour into a dark bowl and close the lid tightly. For stomach problems, add less than a teaspoon to tea.

Precautionary measures

For all its usefulness medicinal plant for men and women, it should be taken with caution, paying attention to contraindications. It is strictly not recommended for children under two years of age and pregnant women, as it can cause premature birth.

Thymol and carvacrol, present in thyme, are toxic to the liver and thyroid gland in overdose and can cause seizures. Should not be used simultaneously with taking coagulants, or if you are chronically hypertensive or suffer from peptic ulcer. Before taking, you should make sure that you are not allergic to any element contained in the herb.

Thyme is a herb-shrub that densely covers the ground with creeping stems up to 30 cm long. The leaves of the plant, depending on the growth zone, can be round or slightly elongated. In spring, the bush is covered with dense inflorescences of delicate lilac color spherical shape. Thyme (both stems and leaves with flowers) has an incredible spicy aroma.

A little history

According to historical information, many centuries ago the Greeks highly revered tea with thyme: beneficial features it was used by healers in treatment women's diseases, asthma, to restore memory and for fainting. Thyme boiled in vinegar was also applied to the head for meningitis. IN postpartum period black was prescribed to women to restore strength (which also had a beneficial effect on the immune system of infants). In general, judging by the chronicles of Avicenna and Theophrastus, thyme was equated with a gift from God, sent to cure many ailments and prolong life. What can we say, the smoke of thyme even coped with cleansing houses from plague and leprosy. Today, the importance of thyme for people is not lost: on the day of the Dormition of the Holy Virgin, churches and houses are decorated with this herb, protecting the house from negativity.

What does thyme contain?

Thanks to its unique composition, thyme has found its use in many areas: cosmetology, dietetics, medicine and cooking. But they are most clearly expressed in tea. It is thanks to the brewing technique that the esters included in its composition are released and bring maximum benefits. In addition to essential oils, thyme contains vitamins A and B, folic and ascorbic acid, selenium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sodium, copper and manganese. And, of course, phenolic compounds: thymol and carvacrol.

The effect of thyme on the human body

Tea, which is difficult to overestimate, has an exceptional effect on the human body positive effects. There is probably not a single system in our body that does not require preventive or therapeutic measures, where the main role would be given to the grass in question. As for external use, it is used to treat skin diseases, infections, and violations of the integrity of the skin, since it has strong disinfectant and bactericidal effects. Bronchitis, colds, pneumonia and other pathologies respiratory system tea with thyme heals. Its beneficial properties include diluting and removing accumulated mucus. The expectorant effect is due to the high concentration of essential oils. The benefits of tea with thyme are also obvious for colds: being natural antiseptic, the herb treats sore throat, laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, as well as sinusitis and runny nose.

Thyme for immunity

To strengthen immune system It is also recommended to drink freshly brewed thyme tea. The beneficial properties of this herb can be enhanced by adding others, no less useful components. To prepare the drink, you will need dry or fresh raw materials: thyme, lingonberries and St. John's wort in equal quantities. All components need to be placed in a teapot and pour boiling water, close the lid and cover with a towel. After 15 minutes, the tea is ready: you can drink it with honey, which makes it healing qualities will only improve.

Thyme for men's health

By virtue of wrong image life, fatigue and stress, even fairly young men face problems such as early ejaculation, sexual weakness, prostatitis and even impotence. Regular use tea with thyme, of course, will not solve serious problems, but it may well restore interest in intimate life, as well as normalize the functioning of the genitourinary system. To do this, you need to drink unsweetened tea (infusion) twice a day, prepared with two tablespoons of dry raw materials and a glass of boiling water.

Thyme for the treatment of alcoholism

Thyme has also found its use in the treatment of alcoholism. A decoction of wormwood (10 g) and thyme (50 g) should be taken one tablespoon each day. This method is effective in combination with endurance and willpower, since the infusion must be consumed for at least a year.

Slimming Tea

Thyme activates lymph flow, promoting elimination excess liquid from the body, thereby reducing volume and weight. To prepare such a miracle tea, you need to pour one spoon of mint and thyme into 250 ml of boiling water and simmer on the fire under the lid for another 15 minutes. You need to drink this drink without sugar, you can sweeten it slightly with honey. And, of course, you should adhere to proper nutrition, lead active image life. By the way, this tea is distinguished by its ability to reduce appetite, which is important for low-calorie diets.

with thyme

The brewing process is no different. To prepare this drink you will need a teapot, boiling water and thyme itself. It is better to take a ceramic teapot with thick walls. You need to pour boiling water over it so that it heats up from the inside. Then put black tea leaves or thyme (fresh or dry) into it and pour boiling water over it. Cover the teapot with a towel or put a knitted hat on it and leave for 15 minutes. The result is incredibly aromatic and with excellent taste. healthy tea. It is not recommended to add sugar or a substitute to it: you can enhance the taste and healing properties of such a drink with natural honey. Thyme goes well with other herbs and berries, such as chamomile, mint and oregano, raspberries, cranberries and viburnum. As for compatibility with thyme, it can be brewed with both green and black products. In the summer, thyme tea can be drunk cold, adding a slice of lemon to it: it perfectly tones and quenches thirst.


Thyme is one of those herbs that have no contraindications even with frequent use. Children's medicines are made on its basis; tea with thyme is recommended for pregnant and lactating women to drink; it is extremely useful for a weakened body after past diseases. Thyme does not affect the central nervous system and therefore is not prohibited for people working in production and driving transport. Even for the youngest children, tea with thyme will only be beneficial.

Landscape designers and owners of summer cottages often decorate their flowerbeds with thyme, but not everyone knows that this beautiful flower very good for health. You will not find this name in every herbal reference book, since in herbal medicine it is usually called thyme. In ancient times, this herb was attributed with magical powers and was used in religious rituals. The herb thyme symbolizes strength, courage and courage. In every Slavic hut there was always a spicy aroma: the family stocked up healing bouquets and used them in the treatment of all diseases.

Composition and properties of medicinal herbs

Main distinctive feature thyme is a unique aroma that cannot be confused with anything else. Much of the smell is due to the substances present in the plant. It contains:

  • essential oils;
  • phenols;
  • resins;
  • thymol;
  • flavonoids;
  • vitamins and minerals;
  • gum;
  • tannins;
  • organic acids;
  • phytoncides.

This combination makes thyme an indispensable component of many recipes in folk medicine. Healers knew very well the benefits of thyme and used these properties in their potions. Range useful qualities huge.

The medicinal composition of fragrant herbs has the following qualities:

  • destroys pathogenic bacteria;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • removes mucus from the lungs;
  • relieves pain;
  • improves metabolism;
  • displays excess liquid from fabrics;
  • stops inflammatory processes;
  • normalizes hormonal levels

Health Benefits of Thyme

Since ancient times, people have used the phytoncidal properties of the plant during epidemics. The thymol it contains kills bacteria that cannot develop resistance to the strongest antimicrobial compound. Medicinal compositions were even used to combat such dangerous infections, like tuberculosis and typhus. Everyone knew the benefits of thyme and knew how to use the medicinal herb.

Interesting fact

During the First World War, in hospitals, surgeons treated surgical instruments not with chemical disinfectant solutions, but with thyme.

Since this plant is considered a cure for all diseases, the benefits of thyme for men and women cannot fit on one page. It is impossible to describe everything; only its main qualities can be highlighted.

The healing qualities of thyme go beyond killing germs. When taking it:

  • swelling is relieved, resulting in a decrease in blood pressure;
  • infected wounds heal quickly;
  • cough goes away;
  • the condition of diseased joints improves.

Indications for use of thyme

Traditional healers can use thyme to treat almost all diseases. Official medicine has also recognized the healing effects of thyme and introduces it into medicines. This herb helps well when a person is tormented by the following conditions:

  • pain;
  • cold;
  • insomnia;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • skin problems;
  • digestive disorders;
  • increased nervousness;
  • arthritis, arthrosis.

When using medicinal herbs, you need to take into account the beneficial properties and contraindications. If you have multiple illnesses, consult your doctor to find out if thyme is compatible with your condition and medications you are taking. You've heard the benefits of thyme, and the specialist also knows about negative aspects this plant.

If you find a recipe that recommends using thyme, check to see if there is an error in it. There is another medicinal herb, savory, but it is used in other compositions and dosages, they different indications and contraindications. On some resources, authors confuse these plants.

When benefit turns into harm

Concentration of chemicals and biological compounds in thyme is very high, with misuse thyme, the beneficial properties of which in ordinary cases are not in doubt, can become poisonous. It cannot be brewed by eye, like or. When preparing medicinal potions, you need to carefully look at the dosage and not exceed it. With a single dose, too large dose Nausea and vomiting may begin, and allergic rashes on the skin. If the abuse continues long time, hypothyroidism is possible.

Incorrectly prepared raw materials can cause harm. You need to cut off the above-ground part during flowering. Dry the grass in the shade with good ventilation. Turn the plants over from time to time to Bottom part didn't start to deteriorate. With proper preparation, the benefits of thyme for the body will be maximum.

Thyme for women

If you have irregular painful menstruation, call on thyme for help. The benefits of thyme for women are not limited to this. Inflammation of the appendages is a common consequence of fashion. Couturiers recommend short fur coats and jackets, which are in no way compatible with the harsh Russian winters. The result is numerous inflammations reproductive organs, problems with pregnancy.

Women are more emotional than men. Thyme preparations will allow them to relieve depression, attacks bad mood. Depression is often caused by excess weight, dissatisfaction with one’s own appearance. Seeing your skin and hair in the mirror also often adds stress to beautiful ladies. All women's problems will decide a real man and a symbol of masculinity - thyme. It will relieve inflammation, improve metabolism, rid the body of toxins, and your beauty will be revealed to the whole world.

Thyme treatment for men

It is not for nothing that thyme is considered a symbol of masculine qualities: strength, courage. The benefits of thyme for men are invaluable. The plant contains a lot of zinc, molybdenum and selenium, which are necessary for the good functioning of the genital organs. For prostatitis, adenoma and other male problems, brew 1 tbsp. spoon of thyme in a glass of boiling water and leave in a thermos for one hour. Drink 3 tbsp. spoons 3 times a day. Remember that only fresh infusion has healing properties, do not prepare it for a week, brew it every day.

Helps with men's problems and external use of thyme. Fill it with vegetable oil and leave for 30 days. Before going to bed, rub the mixture into the perineum. The benefits of thyme preparations for men have been known and used since ancient times.

How to use medicinal herb

If you use thyme for treatment, the benefits and harms of the medicinal plant depend on the method of use. The simplest use of thyme is to sew a bunch of dry grass into a pillow. Our great-grandmothers used this remedy for insomnia. The same method can be used if you are constantly in a bad mood, often feel angry, irritable, or afraid and nervous.

If all mental problems arise due to alcoholism of one of the family members, try to eradicate it without his knowledge. bad habit. Grind the dry herb into powder and add it to his food, so that a person eats a teaspoon of thyme per day. An unfamiliar taste and aroma can be attributed to a new seasoning. Drinking alcohol usually causes nausea and stomach discomfort after taking thyme.

Please note that in everything you need to observe moderation. When you drink thyme tea, the benefits and harms depend on the amount and concentration.

Traditional medicine has collected many recipes medicinal use thyme. Here are some of them.

  1. For colds and coughs, pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of thyme herb with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 30 minutes. 3 times a day after meals, mix 2 tbsp. spoons of infusion with 1 teaspoon of honey and drink.
  2. For inhalations, mix equal parts of pine and birch buds, thyme, and eucalyptus leaves. Boil 3 tbsp in 2 glasses of water. spoons of the mixture for a few minutes and cool slightly so as not to burn Airways.
  3. To wash the eyes 3 tbsp. Brew spoons of thyme in a glass of boiling water and leave to steep for 1 hour. The same infusion can be used for compresses for joint pain.
  4. For rubbing after a stroke, take a glass of thyme, pour 1 liter into it olive oil. Keep the mixture in a water bath for 2 hours, then leave to infuse for 12 hours. Rub along the spine from bottom to top and into paralyzed parts of the body. The oil infusion can also be used for cosmetic purposes: rub into hair, make face masks.

To get rid of headaches, you can wash your hair with thyme decoction.

Recipes for health

Thyme can also be used as a spice. Add a small amount of aromatic herb to salads, hot dishes, pickles and marinades. It is used as part of medicinal and cosmetic preparations.

  1. Infusion for rinsing. Brew a tablespoon of thyme herb in a glass of boiling water and keep covered for 15 minutes.
  2. Tea. Place 1 teaspoon of thyme in a glass of boiling water and let it brew for a few minutes.
  3. Alcohol tincture. Put 30 g of thyme in 150 g of alcohol and leave for 10 days.
  4. Oil for inhalation, massage and baths. Add 30 g of dry thyme to 100 g of olive oil and leave for 15 days.
  5. Wine tincture. Mix 1 liter of dry white wine and 100 g of thyme. Leave at room temperature for 7 days. Bring to a boil, wrap in a blanket and keep warm for 6 hours, then strain.


At complex diseases, Very feeling unwell It is better not to self-medicate. Thyme helps against many diseases, but if used incorrectly, it can only aggravate the problem. If you use the services of a herbalist, be sure to inform him of all medications and procedures that are prescribed for you. Not all healing techniques are compatible with each other, perhaps a specialist will advise you to postpone taking medicinal decoctions.

Doctors warn that there are diseases for which thyme is contraindicated. In some cases, it can be taken with caution under the supervision of a doctor. Consult if you have:

  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • pregnancy;
  • heavy menstruation: the plant relaxes smooth muscles and may increase bleeding;
  • liver or kidney diseases;
  • arrhythmia;
  • constipation;
  • diabetes;
  • hepatitis;
  • allergy to preparations with thyme;
  • stomach or intestinal ulcers;
  • cerebrovascular diseases.

Thyme can also be used to treat children. In these cases, special care must be taken. It is better not to give this herb to children under 2 years of age; for older children to use it, you should consult a pediatrician. The doctor will select the right dosage depending on the age, weight and health status of the child.

There are many medicinal plants. Only specialists know how to use them correctly and combine them in various collections. Thyme is useful for many diseases; it can be used for general health improvement and strengthening the body. The main condition: do not overdo it and do not turn benefit into harm. Don't listen to your friends' advice on this matter. best friend should become a doctor. Do everything according to medical recommendations and consume healing potions for good health.

Thyme is a low-growing shrub that spreads its stems along the ground. It can grow up to 25 cm and emits a light honey scent during the summer flowering period.

Thyme is a honey plant, a fragrant herb that has many varieties. The most common name of the plant is creeping or common thyme. It is also called incense, wild mint, virgin herb, fimbra and Helen's herb.

The above-ground parts of the plant are used as medicinal raw materials in pharmacology.

Chemical composition of thyme:

  • Essential oil consisting of 40 thymol
  • Tannins
  • Triterpene compounds (oleanolic and ursolic acids)
  • Bitterness, ash
  • Gum
  • Flavonoids
  • Ascorbic acid, pantothenic acid
  • Mineral salts
  • Niacin
  • Potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron
  • Manganese, boron, nickel, selenium, vanadium, molybdenum, tungsten, aluminum, cobalt, copper

What are the benefits of thyme? The medicinal qualities of the plant are associated with the huge content of thymol, a phenol derivative. However, unlike it, thymol has less toxicity and has a gentle effect on mucous membranes and destroys coccus bacteria. Preparations containing thyme have pronounced expectorant, antimicrobial, diuretic, anthelmintic, analgesic and hypnotic properties. Popular expectorants made from thyme are Pertussin, Melrosum.

In ancient times, thyme was popular and was considered a cult plant. IN Ancient Egypt it was used for embalming, in Greece it was presented to the gods and decorated with icons with stems. The plant was considered a symbol of honor, military courage and male valor. Before the battle, warriors took fragrant thyme baths - they lifted their spirits and charged them with strength.

Types of thyme

This plant is used not only in medicine and cosmetology. Elegant thyme is used for decorative decoration of gardens and flower beds, and new hybrids are constantly being developed.

Despite the existence of more than 170 plant species, the most common are:

Common thyme. It grows up to 15 cm in height and has pubescent leaves. The flowers are light purple or white (Alba variety), scarlet (Splendex variety). It has low frost resistance; some dwarf varieties are used for landscape decoration.

Citric. Subspecies of common thyme. It has yellow leaves and a distinct aroma with a hint of lemon. Used in cooking as a spice to improve the taste of meat dishes, vegetables, and legume side dishes.

Creeping. It is used as a medicinal raw material for the production of diaphoretic, sedative, and diuretic drugs. It grows wild on rocky slopes, forest clearings, rocks, forming wide turfs.

Thyme is widely used in perfumery. It is also used to preserve vegetables and is used in the production of alcohol. A small amount of thyme gives alcoholic beverages a bitter, tart taste.


Thyme: contraindications

Thyme has medicinal and beneficial properties, however, with any therapy, contraindications of thyme should be taken into account, since the plant is classified as medicinal.

The use of thyme is excluded in the following cases:

  • Pregnancy, lactation
  • Diseases of the kidneys, liver, aggravated stomach ulcers
  • Decompensation (failure) of cardiac activity
  • Decreased thyroid function
  • Atherosclerosis, arrhythmia
  • Constipation
  • Emphysema
  • Asthma, coughing with difficulty in sputum production
  • Diabetes
  • Heart attack, post-infarction state
  • Allergy to plant components

Contraindications of thyme cannot be ignored when treating children - the herb should not be used by children under 3 years of age. Abuse of herbal infusions based on thyme can cause nausea, vomiting, allergic rash, hypothyroidism (malfunction of the thyroid gland).

Harm of tea with thyme

A hot drink made from thyme is medicinal, so it must be consumed correctly, taking into account the dosage. For a cup of tea required amount dry herbs – 1/2 tsp.

Do not drink thyme tea when heavy menstruation. The plant has the ability to relax the smooth muscles of the uterus and induce menstruation. Due to the abortifacient properties of the plant and the ability to increase blood pressure, it is contraindicated for use during pregnancy.

Contraindications for thyme should be taken into account if you have heart problems. Tea from this plant causes an increase in heart rate, so in case of arrhythmia or after a heart attack, the drink is excluded from the diet.

You should not drink thyme tea if you have hepatitis, ulcerative lesions mucous membrane of the digestive organs, thyroid diseases. If after drinking the drink signs of an allergy appear (rash, redness, swelling), you should stop taking thyme tea.


What are the benefits of thyme?

This medicinal herb is the first remedy for cough, bronchitis and colds upper respiratory tract. Thanks to its bronchodilator, expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties, thyme decoctions gently remove accumulated mucus, soften the throat, and relieve spasms. The use of thyme-based products for whooping cough, pneumonia, and tuberculosis is indicated.

What are the benefits of thyme? The herb is used in official and alternative medicine to treat the following list of diseases:

  • Colds, sore throat, bronchitis
  • Stomach diseases, colitis
  • For diseases of the biliary tract
  • Pathologies urinary tract
  • Alcoholism
  • At nervous diseases(insomnia, cramps, stress)
  • For the treatment of hypertension in the initial stages
  • For gargling, mouth rinsing dental diseases
  • Articular and muscular rheumatism
  • Prostatitis, impotence in men

Thyme is used to strengthen the immune system during periods of weakened tone and vitality. Aromatic thyme tea increases performance and strengthens the body after serious illnesses.

In the form of external compresses, thyme is used for healing. skin lesions, dermatoses. Healthy baths removed with thyme joint pain, eliminate the symptoms of arthrosis and gout. The powder and juice of the fresh plant are used to treat inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

Tea with thyme: benefits

A warm drink with thyme is a real “healer” for the body. It is used as an anesthetic, to fight worms, as an antibacterial and disinfectant.

The drink is used to treat respiratory diseases, recommended for use in cases of cystitis, prostatitis, and for removing sand from the kidneys. Thyme tea has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, relieves tension, and eliminates depression. The drink is used to restore brain function after injuries and in recovery period after operations.

In recipes alternative medicine thyme is used to make decoctions for alcoholism. The plant cleanses the liver, removes toxins and ethanol breakdown products. It is believed that after passing full course treatment with thyme, a person will experience an aversion to alcohol.

By drinking aromatic thyme tea, you can lose a few extra pounds. Healing drink removes fluid from the body, eliminates the feeling of hunger for a long time. Thanks to these qualities, tea is used in addition to weight loss programs, excluding heavy, fried and high-calorie foods from the diet.

Thyme drink is also good for digestion. When consumed, tea improves the functioning of the digestive organs, fights putrefactive processes, eliminates fermentation and intestinal spasms. Affects formations healthy microflora, inhibiting the development of pathogenic microorganisms.

Thyme herb: medicinal properties

Due to the antiseptic properties of thyme, the herb is added to warm baths for bathing babies. Such water procedures relieve diaper rash, prickly heat, and have a calming effect on the nervous system. Children can use herbal decoctions for rinsing with sore throat and stomatitis. However, keeping in mind the contraindications of thyme, children under 3 years of age should not take it orally.

A healing essential oil is obtained from the inflorescences and stems of the herb, which contains 40 thymol and 20 carvacrol, a strong antiseptic. Scientists have proven that carvacrol is several times more powerful in its properties than the most popular antibiotics.

The herb thyme has 8 main medicinal properties:

  1. Heals and cleanses the respiratory tract
  2. Has anticonvulsant, wound healing and analgesic effects
  3. Strengthens the immune system and improves metabolism
  4. Eliminates symptoms of alcohol intoxication
  5. Renders positive impact on the male genitourinary system
  6. Treats lesions of the epidermis
  7. Calms, eliminates insomnia
  8. Heals joints, relieves muscle pain

Thyme for men

The herb contains special mineral elements - molybdenum and selenium, thanks to which the use of decoctions and tea from thyme has beneficial effects. positive influence on the male genital area. Taking decoctions eliminates problems early ejaculation, is prophylactic against impotence, improves sperm quality.

The plant affects the male genitourinary system. Taking thyme normalizes its functioning and improves blood circulation. genitourinary organs, ensures a smooth outflow of urine, relieves inflammation. Thyme as additional treatment to the main treatment of prostatitis helps to achieve good results and Get well soon men.

When used externally, thyme helps men stop the process of baldness. For these purposes, plant essential oil containing valuable ursolic acid is used. The substance stimulates development hair follicles, activates normal height hair. To obtain maximum effect, thyme oil is mixed with alcohol and rubbed into the scalp.

Thyme for women

Teas and decoctions from thyme are tonic drinks for the body. What are the benefits of thyme for women? For the weaker sex, it is a good sedative: it relieves the effects of stress, fatigue, eliminates depression, and severe headaches. Gynecologists recommend using thyme for inflammation of the appendages; herbal tea is indicated for painful menstruation.

Thyme is indispensable for women who dream of losing weight. It can be added to various meat dishes, salads, with fish. The herb helps quickly absorb food and normalizes digestive activity. Thyme does not have the ability to burn fat, but it improves metabolism, removes water, toxins and waste from the body and will help a woman lose excess weight more easily.

It is useful to use thyme decoctions to treat the skin. The herb will help overcome the problems of dermatological rashes, acne, remove protruding capillaries on the face, and narrow pores. The use of thyme masks rejuvenates the skin, eliminates sagging, swelling, and dryness.

Thyme decoction is used for rinsing and washing hair. The procedures help get rid of dandruff, cope with increased fat content scalp and stop hair loss. For achievement quick results Thyme oil is added to shampoo and additionally rubbed into the scalp. You can also rinse your hair with a decoction of thyme - useful herb will relieve dryness, give hair strength and beauty.