Male weakness causes and treatment. Causes of sexual impotence in men. Treatment approaches

Sexual impotence is a problem that every man faces at least once in his life. As a rule, most problems with erectile function in men begin after 40 years of age. However, today there are more and more young people who experience temporary or constant violations erections. This is not surprising, because male potency is influenced by many factors.

Young people most often experience so-called psychological impotence, which develops against a background of severe stress and anxiety. At a later age, it appears, which becomes a consequence of the natural process of withering of the body.

Causes of sexual impotence in men

As mentioned earlier, potency is influenced by many factors. As a rule, they distinguish following reasons, according to which it may appear impotence for men:

Other reasons

In most cases, men who encounter problems in bed do not want to see a doctor, believing that this problem cannot be solved. However, only in 5% of cases treatment of sexual impotence becomes impossible. Most pathologies can be eliminated with the help of properly selected drug therapy or at extreme case, by surgical intervention.

The main thing when you detect erectile dysfunction is not to delay and contact a specialist as soon as possible. At an early stage, diseases and disorders of the reproductive system are much easier and faster to treat than in advanced cases.

Treatment methods for male impotence

Treatment of impotence should be carried out in mandatory, because for any man, stable erection and sexual performance are extremely important. Erectile dysfunction can lead to many other problems, both physiological and psychological. However, it is important to understand that treatment, regardless of the chosen method, must be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor. Otherwise, self-therapy may worsen the pathology.

Today, there are several approaches to treating impotence. All of them can be divided into three types:

  • drug effects;
  • psychotherapy;
  • and operational methods.

The choice of treatment method directly depends on the diagnosis and the cause of impotence..


Psychotherapeutic methods are effective when impotence is caused by problems in relationships with women.

In this case, the psychotherapist can conduct a series of sessions, during which he will identify the real reason a man's inability to have normal sexual relations, and will also help you understand yourself and feel confident.

Treatment of male impotence with drugs

Treatment of male impotence with medication usually involves taking special drugs, aimed at enhancing erection and sexual desire in men. Often drugs are used for such purposes:

  • Inforte,
  • and similar ones.

The active components of these products stimulate blood circulation in the genital organ, due to which blood flows more strongly to the penis and fills its cavernous bodies. The disadvantage of this method is that the effect of the drugs is temporary, it usually lasts at least 4 hours and no more than a day and a half.

In addition, erection-stimulating drugs should not be taken by men who have heart or vascular disease, as well as increased arterial pressure. Drugs like Viagra work by dilating blood vessels, as a result of which the pressure in the body increases.

Drug therapy may be aimed not at a temporary effect, but at eliminating the cause of male impotence. For example, if the reason lies in the disruption of hormone production or work thyroid gland, drugs can be used to eliminate these problems.

In most cases, doctors recommend using comprehensive treatment methods, affecting both the cause of the disease and the symptoms of its manifestation. In this way it is possible to achieve good result, which will allow a man to continue to enjoy his sex life without the use of stimulant drugs.

If conventional therapy does not bring the desired result or is initially considered powerless, surgical methods are used. Indications for surgery are most often arterial or venous insufficiency genital organ. Sometimes doctors offer to solve the problem very in a radical way– carry out the endoprosthetics procedure.

Very effective methods in the treatment of impotence are folk recipes. It is believed that with the help herbal infusions and plant mixtures can be achieved good effect. Indeed, in some cases ethnoscience helps get rid of erectile dysfunction, however, it is important to consider the causes of male impotence.

If a man is indicated for an operation that will eliminate the factor in the development of erectile dysfunction, then what herbs and miracle recipes he did not use it, it is unlikely that he will be able to solve the problem without surgery. Moreover, it is important to understand that there is no universal remedy, which could solve the problem of impotence. In any case, the prescription will need to be selected depending on the causes of sexual dysfunction.

Today the following plants and herbs are actively used to help eliminate erectile dysfunction:

To improve potency in men, there are many methods and recipes, including folk ones. For example, ginseng root or Eurycoma longifolia is considered very effective. These components are part of many biologically active additives, intended for the treatment of impotence.

Contrary to the common female opinion that men are not able to feel unwell in sex life, about the constant need to perform sexual intercourse, experts in matters men's health There are 8 sources of weakness in men.

1. Age

With age and also due to individual characteristics male potency undergoes changes. The standard in sexual relations for men is considered to be three acts per day and at least one act per month. For example, for men under the age of 30, the standard is considered to be three sexual acts per week, over 30 years old - two to three times a week, and over 60 years old - once a month. Experts in the field of men's health consider one sexual act per week as the norm for men from 30 to 45 years old.

2. Consistency

One of the sources male weakness everyday monotony serves. In cases where a man holds one position for 5 years without the possibility of promotion, labor productivity drops, problems with potency arise, psychological fatigue occurs, and feelings become dulled. In this case, in order to break out of the daily routine, experts recommend updating the situation and taking a tourist trip for any period of time. If it is impossible to move, engage in creative activities and find a hobby. The psychological component of this problem is easily solvable; the main thing is not to delay its solution.

3. Presence of diseases

Health problems are also important. On sex life men influence how general state health and physical training. With insufficient physical activity or with obvious or hidden diseases, sexual function in men it decreases. More time should be devoted to active sports, treatment is important chronic diseases, as well as timely examination by specialists.

4. Poor nutrition

Consumption of excess fatty foods contributes to the development of obesity, which, in turn, develops laziness in a man, slows down reflexes, and also contributes to changes in the vessels that directly deliver blood to the genitals. Special attention the diet should be given to men over 40 years of age, since consumption fatty foods causes diabetes mellitus in them, leading to a constant decrease in potency. All men, without exception, should adhere to a diet; they should consume more boiled and stewed food, less fried meat, exclude fast food and sweet carbonated drinks from your diet.

5. Psychological barriers

Controversies in family life. With a long break in sexual activity, men often experience failures during sexual intercourse. Contrary to the opinion of women about adultery, with long separations and abstinence in men, potency does not improve, but, on the contrary, decreases, which leads to failures and weakness in sexual life. At the right approach For both spouses, this problem is solved very quickly. Equally important in this situation is the woman’s position; reproaches and suspicions will only strengthen negative sides Problems.

6. Excessive alcohol consumption

Contrary to the opinion of men that alcohol-containing drinks have a positive effect on potency, it should be noted: frequent use alcohol-containing liquids in any quantity leads to changes in the functioning of the pituitary gland, which is responsible for the production of testosterone, and subsequently to the production of estrogen. It leads to hormonal changes male body, to a decrease in potency. Alcohol-containing drinks, like any other natural anabolic steroids, should be consumed in small quantities, considering that it takes from two weeks to one month to cleanse the body of the negative effects of the product.

7. Promiscuity

Contrary to the opinion of men, frequent shifts partners do not lead to an increase in potency, but, quite the opposite, weaken it. In addition to the risk of infection venereal diseases There is a disorder of sexual function caused by psychological disorders.

8. Professional sports

And finally, one more myth remains to be resolved - professional occupation sports has a positive effect on potency. It seems strange, but frequent exercise has a negative effect on general health, developing various sexual problems. These sports include weightlifting, as well as activities associated with extreme physical exertion. However, there are sports that have a positive effect on potency. This Athletics, swimming, running, tennis, aerobics. Don’t forget the simplest, but no less important sport for potency – morning exercises. When choosing a sports discipline, you should not overdo it; exercises should be at the interval necessary for the restoration of the body, but no more than 4 times a week. In cases of daily training, it is necessary to distribute the load evenly, be sure to include cardio training (running, swimming, jumping rope).

Experience, like male sexual impotence, comes with age. Many have heard this aphorism, but its full horror becomes close when the disease has already knocked. For any man, impotence can cause serious depression, during which they go on a drinking binge and become drug addicts. After all, sex is not only a way of self-reproduction and pleasure, although for some men who have sex infrequently and the duration of the sessions is very short, impotence does not seem so big problem. But in reality, intimacy with a woman gives much more than getting pleasure for a couple of minutes several times a month. Release of joy hormones, estrogens from a woman during sexual intercourse, strengthening blood vessels and preventing blood clots, removing pain- here is an incomplete list of what a man gets during sex.

The main thing is that intimate activity allows you to release accumulated sex hormones. IN otherwise their accumulation leads to excessive irritability and even aggressiveness, depression and psychological disorders. But there are also myths regarding sex life. One of them is the fight against overweight. Indeed, during intimacy, one of the partners who is active is physically very stressed. But in order for a person to receive the necessary physical activity that would burn required amount calories, you need to train intensely for at least an hour at least three times a day. In this case you need to load different groups muscles, changing the load, exercises and intensity of execution. Sexual activities cannot replace full-fledged physical education, but can only complement them.

Causes of impotence

In most cases, the occurrence of sexual impotence is attributed to psychological problems.

After suffering from depression, mental disorders, severe stress Men may show signs of impotence. does not make itself known immediately. Because of bad habits, alcohol and tobacco abuse can cause problems. When smoking, the carcinogenic substances released from cigarettes enter the male body. Because of this, vasoconstriction occurs, which limits the flow of blood into the reproductive system, thereby causing disruption in it. The vessels of the penis suffer primarily due to the fact that they have the narrowest lumen among all the vessels of the circulatory system.

For this reason, disorders and diseases of cardio-vascular system ways to cause impotence in a man. Insufficient heart function or problems in the circulatory system have Negative influence primarily on the vessels of the genital organs. In this context, men who suffer overweight, also belong to the category increased risk. The main blood lines are capable of pumping blood to the most important systems and organs. Being overweight puts even more strain on the heart. It needs to pump large volumes of blood. The fact is that excess weight indicates an underdeveloped muscular system, which is the second heart in the body. The muscles ensure the delivery of blood to the most remote areas of the body. If the muscles are undeveloped, then the entire body is not supplied with blood in full; for this reason, some of the arteries atrophy and are destroyed. This also affects the vessels of the penis, where blood flows in such cases in a limited manner.

Spinal injuries also lead to impotence. If in intervertebral discs damage occurs, this can cause erectile dysfunction. The main role in this belongs to myelodysplasia of the spine. In addition, impotence can occur due to illness nervous system And genitourinary system, hyperlipidemia, atherosclerosis, and also due to diabetes mellitus. If, during treatment for any disease, a man used drugs that could cause hormonal disorders, then this can fully become. Due to such drugs, the amount of testosterone in the blood may decrease, stimulating the occurrence of erectile dysfunction.

Why is masturbation harmful?

Because of what happens to a man nervous exhaustion or overwork, he may experience sexual neurasthenia. As a rule, this occurs due to the abuse of unnatural use of one’s own genitals, that is, due to masturbation. Excesses in anything lead to sad consequences. With frequent masturbation, the function of the reproductive system is disrupted and the nervous system is depleted. For example, at a young age it takes away a lot of vitality, which negatively affects the mental and physical development young body.

During self-satisfaction, the seminal canals and glands are very irritated, and this irritation can persist even when masturbation stops, but spontaneous emissions continue. In the most neglected form voluntary ejaculation may occur during urination and bowel movements, as well as during touching female body or looking at explicit images and photographs. In the future, the man may experience various kinds sexual neurasthenia, he loses the ability to excite. An attempt to correct the situation with the help of artificial pathogens aggravates the situation and leads not only to the destruction of the reproductive system, but also greatly affects the nervous system. As a result, the patient not only is not cured, but also receives a whole complex of various diseases, such as syphilis, loss of sexual function, paralysis or loss of common sense.

Signs indicating impending sexual impotence

But impotence in many cases does not occur suddenly. Various symptoms may appear very early stages. For example, if a man experiences sexual arousal, which is not accompanied by an erection, this should serve as a signal that he should pay attention to his health. In addition, in normal health, a man may experience erections at night and in the morning. If such spontaneous erections do not occur, then this is the first sign of an incipient health disorder.

However, a man may experience spontaneous erections, but they will be absent during sexual arousal. It means that we're talking about O functional disorder, which is based on psychological problem. Another sign of advancing sexual impotence is a decrease in the number of erections throughout the day. During sexual intercourse, a noticeable decrease in the previous elasticity of the penis may be observed or premature ejaculation, which indicates possible limited impotence. The fact that venous dysfunction is occurring is indicated by frequent ejaculation that occurs before insertion. male member and frictional movements.

Methods for treating impotence

In all cases of detecting signs of impending impotence, you should consult a doctor. There is nothing shameful in this, but you will have to apply in any case. The difference is when the problem is intensively treated: when it is just showing its signs or when the body has suffered serious, complex damage. In case it is observed organic disease reproductive system, used surgical treatment, which may consist of sectioning a hernia, urethroplasty, excision of scars, or surgery for hydrocele.

If the impotence of the reproductive system is associated with mental disorders, then it is necessary to undergo a course of psychotherapy prescribed by a doctor, undergo suggestion or hypnosis. For those men who are diagnosed with overly excitable sexual centers, a decrease in sexual activity is prescribed. They should reduce the frequency of sexual intercourse and avoid sexual stimuli as much as possible. In such cases, it is recommended to change the diet by eliminating various seasonings and sauces and including more sugar.

In the case when a patient suffers from premature ejaculation, it is recommended that he include in his menu means to reduce the level of excitability. It can be either valerian or bromine. But if the level of erection decreases, in order to increase it, you need to use drugs such as strychnine, phosphorus or pantocrine. They produce a tonic effect on the reproductive system. Drugs such as lemongrass or ginseng have a stimulating effect on the reproductive system. IN certain cases Impotence is treated with sex hormones. This method is used in treatment, but only as prescribed by a doctor and under his strict supervision. Sex hormones are used for treatment together with the B group of vitamins and vitamins A.

Among other things, they are used to treat sexual impotence vacuum method, in which the penis is subjected to mechanical stimulation. This method can be used both in combination with others and as an independent measure for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. If the problem is insufficient blood flow to the reproductive system, then surgical intervention, as a result of which normal blood flow is restored. Finally, for recovery male power can apply injections into the penis, thus causing a stable dilation of blood vessels.

What are the measures to prevent the disease?

According to Academician Pavlov, human body is an excellent self-regulating system. He only needs a little help, and the person will provide himself with excellent health for a long time. long years, will extend your life. This is the principle of preventing most diseases, including such as impotence. In number preventive measures included healthy sleep, which should last at night for at least 7-8 hours. Regular compliance physical culture allows you to significantly increase the potential of the body. The fact is that by circulating blood through the body at least three times a week for 1 hour or more, a person improves the functioning of all his systems.

It was mentioned above that cardiovascular diseases, obesity, mental disorders lead to sexual impotence. Regular exercise is a great way to train and develop circulatory system, get rid of excess weight, improve muscular system, which even better promotes blood flow to the most distant parts of the body. Active recreation makes the psyche resistant to various kinds stressful situations, prevents depression and improves immunity.

Proper nutrition, active image life, refusal to watch porn films contributes to the fact that reproductive system the male body is brought into normal condition, responds adequately to sexual arousal.

Sexual weakness is one of the types of sexual dysfunction.

Various types sexual disorders men are considered to have early and premature ejaculation. Early ejaculation is that which occurs before the onset of sexual intercourse, premature ejaculation - soon after the start of friction. This can happen both with a normal erection and with a weakened one. With early ejaculation, sexual intercourse cannot take place, since the erection stops after ejaculation. In the case of premature ejaculation, the sperm is not ejected under pressure, but flows out, and sexual intercourse is incomplete. However, we should not forget that a wife’s dissatisfaction is not always associated with her husband’s failure; there are women who do not experience orgasm at all.

Ejaculation may be impaired by various reasons, but most often on a neuropsychogenic basis. With general increased excitability ejaculation can occur regardless of sexual intercourse. It can be caused by the sight of a woman, her touch, some memory, excitement, a neurasthenic reaction due to constant nervous tension during monotonous activities (for example, monotonous brainwork), mental attitude (fear) towards the possible early ejaculation, the need to delay it, the expectation of a woman’s orgasm, a long break in regular sexual activity, and more. Of course, premature ejaculation is also possible due to previous inflammatory diseases, injuries, chronic neurotic conditions.

If sexual impotence (impotence) occurs with a complete or partial loss of a man’s ability to perform sexual intercourse, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Impotence can occur after spinal injury, radiation exposure, prolonged and excessive consumption of alcohol, as well as sleeping pills, sedatives and other medications, diabetes, and obesity. Often, sexual impotence is caused by emotional shocks, which can have a huge impact on sexual function.

Causes of sexual weakness

Sexual weakness can be the result of a number of diseases. The causes of impaired erection may be:

  • vascular disorders caused by atherosclerotic lesions;
  • diseases of the central nervous system, as a result of which the passage of impulses to the vessels is disrupted;
  • low testosterone levels, etc.

Sexual disorders most often occur when 2-3 causes are combined, influencing each other and differing in their role in the occurrence of sexual weakness. U different men the action (presence) of the same factors and conditions leads to various manifestations and unequal severity of disorders, and therefore requires differentiated approach and individual appointments.

Most often sexual disorders arise “through fault” mental system, which turns out to be the most vulnerable link in the chain. We can say that for almost all men, any sexual failure affects their mood and, to some extent, causes uncertainty about subsequent success.

But for some, this failure is quickly forgotten, while for others, a feeling of doom appears, a fear of waiting for the next embarrassment. The caustic remarks of his wife, which painfully wound a man’s pride, contribute to the development of sexual disorders of a psychogenic nature. Therefore, along with the treatment of a number of diseases that are part of the structure of sexual dysfunction, the sex therapist transfers the “center of gravity” in the fight against impotence to psychotherapeutic work with the patient and his wife, explaining to them the importance of the psychohygienic foundations of family life, activating them themselves to eliminate sexual disharmony.

It is also important how long a man does not seek help. According to G.S. Vasilchenko, “the initial disorder, steadily progressing, involves one subsystem after another, acquiring new syndromes...” Hence the logical conclusion: the sooner a married couple seeks help, the faster and more complete the recovery will be.

Consider the cause of sexual dysfunction, its formation and the relationship between disorders various systems- the work of a doctor, and it is long and painstaking work. But what happens, perhaps most often, is that a man considers himself sexually inferior, but in fact he is not. We mean cases of the so-called imaginary, or medical language pseudo-impotence.


Prevention of sexual weakness involves, first of all, strengthening the nervous system, improving the psyche, and increasing overall tone. Physical education has long occupied a strong place here. A wide variety of types are useful, but walking and running are especially effective in such cases.

A person who regularly engages in running develops will, perseverance, and the ability to resist one’s own weakness. For nervous man It is also important that running does not create such acute, exciting situations as arise, for example, when playing football, volleyball, or tennis. You can adjust your running pace yourself, speeding it up as you train. Running calms, pacifies, gives muscular joy.

Finally, running allows you to get rid of extra pounds and get in good shape - of course, if you follow and rational mode nutrition.

And the fight against obesity is also included in a set of measures to prevent impotence. There are observations that suggest that there is a connection between sexual disorders and overweight bodies. Moreover, this connection is two-way: a growing man begins to lose potency, and the loss of potency entails an increase in body weight.

By the way, an interesting psychological effect of running has also been noticed: people who start running find it easier to quit smoking and give up alcoholic drinks, and this is one of the most important conditions warnings and effective treatment sexual disorders.

Running is also useful in cases where, due to some circumstances, a man’s sex life becomes irregular, or when abstinence is necessary.

A person who is passionate about work usually tolerates abstinence easily. But there are men who are burdened by it. Like any exercise stress, jogging allows you to switch sexual arousal to the energy of physical action.


Treatment of sexual weakness should be comprehensive, including accurate diagnosis reasons full examination the whole body and elimination concomitant diseases. Therefore, in case of sexual dysfunction that lasts more than 3 months, you must consult a qualified doctor and under no circumstances self-medicate.

Every man has an idea of ​​what sexual impotence is, and unfortunately, many of the stronger sex know about this problem firsthand. Impotence can develop not only in the elderly, but also in relatively at a young age. In order to prevent loss of sexual strength and preserve sexual abilities for a long time, it is important to know the background against which erectile dysfunction occurs and how it manifests itself.


Sexual impotence is a condition in which men are unable to achieve an erection to fully perform sexual intercourse.

The development of impotence is indicated by a weakening of the excitation of the penis during sex or even before entering into intercourse. intimacy. The main causes of sexual dysfunction are:

  • organic factors, namely injuries to the external organs of the reproductive system, hydrocele, bilateral hernial protrusions and other pathologies that create obstacles to having sex;
  • brain diseases, causing disturbances erections and ejaculations, as well as weakening libido;
  • damage to the genital spinal centers due to infection with syphilis or tuberculosis, the development of myelitis, damage;
  • inflammation of the genitourinary system (vesiculitis, prostatitis, urethritis, epididymitis, etc.);
  • violation endocrine function testicles - hypogonadism.

Separately, it is worth mentioning such common causes of impotence as overweight, frequent exposure to stress, regular self-gratification, intoxication of the body, dependence on bad habits, physical or mental exhaustion, diseases of the cardiovascular system, a tendency to depression, nervous system disorders, etc. Taking some medicines, affecting hormonal background, can also provoke a weakening of sexual power.


In men, impotence is the inability to achieve and maintain sufficient penile erection necessary for penetration, friction, and ejaculation.

The main sign of impotence is penile flaccidity in the presence of emotional excitement and the desire to engage in intimate intimacy. Also a symptom of the development of pathology is the disappearance of morning erections. Sexual dysfunction is also indicated by spontaneous arousal of the penis, problems with ejaculation (early ejaculation), and weakening of the elasticity of the penis.


To get rid of sexual impotence, men need qualified help from specialists.

Treatment tactics are selected individually in each case, depending on what provoked erectile dysfunction. To restore sexual strength, surgical intervention is often required to eliminate the causes of impotence, such as varicocele, hernias, scars, etc. Patients with such delicate issue You may need to consult a psychotherapist and undergo a course of psychotherapy. Physiotherapeutic procedures are also effective in treating sexual dysfunction.

Well proven
Such drugs as Viagra, Cialis, Levitra have proven themselves in the fight against impotence. Tablets of this kind do not eliminate the causes of the disorder, but temporarily restore sexual potency and cause a persistent erection (subject to the presence of sexual desire).

To eliminate signs of impotence, men should change their lifestyle and diet, establish regular sex life, take vitamin complexes and other medications prescribed by the doctor after the examination.