Ice cream as an indispensable aid in sports. Is it possible to eat ice cream when you have a sore throat and signs of a sore throat? Is it possible to have ice cream while breastfeeding – what could be the danger?

    A friend of ours ate ice cream while losing weight, and she still lost 20 kg in six months. Moreover, she ate this ice cream twice a day.

    I won't say exactly what diet she was on, but she ate ice cream and didn't eat salt, i.e. I don’t salt the food I eat.

    Yes, of course you can, when losing weight you can eat whatever you want, but the absorption of calories must be limited. I think it's up to you to decide what to eat. If you want to lose weight, just count your calories and don't exceed daily norm. By the way, it’s better not to eat less than 1200 kcal, but you don’t need to exceed 1800.

    There are even fasting days on ice cream, thanks to which they lose weight! Of course, ice cream for people losing weight is allowed in small portions, but I know that those who want to quickly get rid of excess weight deny themselves everything. If you lose weight on food alone, then ice cream will add weight to you; it is high in calories and sweet, which is not desirable when dieting.

    I didn’t get what I wanted, I’ll write it myself. I kept thinking the same way as everyone else, that ice cream is a sweetness and of course, if you want to lose weight, it’s better to give up sweets. But somehow I was looking for information about another product and came across information about ice cream. I was pleasantly surprised. It turns out that despite the fact that ice cream contains sugar, it also contains calcium in large quantities, and those who want to lose weight should know that without calcium, any diet is less effective than with its presence. But ice cream, of course, should be lower in calories, that is, not like non-creamy, which is the most fatty, and of course without any additives, that is, such as chocolate or, especially, nuts.

    Why not? After all, many people easily combine this by wanting to lose weight and eating ice cream. I will say more: usually the more they eat, the more they want to lose weight. There’s just one catch: wanting to lose weight and losing weight are two different things.

    If this is regular vanilla ice cream without additives, then you can afford it a couple of times a week

    Note - not every day, but a couple of times a week - no more

    And it’s best to eat a small amount of ice cream without additives for dinner

    The final meal, so to speak.

    But after ice cream you always want to drink (by at least I have so)

    And this way you can even gain weight

    So if you’re losing weight, then of course you can eat ice cream, but it’s not advisable

    Many people replace the lack of joy and love in their lives with different delicious products, incl. and ice cream. If you eat ice cream with such emotions and feelings, it will not lead to weight loss, but to weight gain. It all depends on what emotions you feel when eating ice cream - I think so.

    You can, there is even an ice cream diet, great for those with a sweet tooth and very effective. In the summer I can often eat only ice cream and apples or oranges all day, and I always lose noticeably weight over the summer. Plain ice cream without additives or glaze has very few calories, unlike other sweets. I also like to sprinkle regular ice cream with cocoa and cinnamon - it turns out very tasty and healthy, and cinnamon also promotes weight loss.

    Nutritionists say that it is possible, but only by adhering to certain rules.

    1. Ice cream must be without fillers, additives and chocolate glaze. There are fewer calories per nm, but it satisfies hunger well.
    2. The treat should be eaten in the first half of the day, at which time digestion is more active.
    3. If you eat ice cream, you need to give up another product for lunch.

    Of course, in any case, you shouldn’t deny yourself ice cream, because it’s source of calcium, amino acids, vitamins, milk protein, minerals . In addition, ice cream helps fight stress, improves mood and saves from insomnia.

    As a child, I was not spoiled with ice cream very often, not because I had nothing to buy, but because there was nowhere to buy it. Having grown up and having the opportunity to buy, for some reason I continue to live and eat ice cream once every two or three months, sometimes once a year. It all depends on the group of friends with whom some like ice cream, and some don’t, and in our company almost everyone is indifferent to ice cream.

    Nutritionists definitely suggest that those who are planning to lose weight should not eat ice cream. I will not list their reasons, they are already familiar to everyone, these are the oil and sugar content in ice cream.

    Therefore, ice cream, of course, needs to be limited, I repeat, limited, but not excluded from the diet, as they say, everything in moderation and in moderation.

    It depends on what kind, there is very high-calorie ice cream, with condensed milk, nuts, chocolate. If you eat a simple ice cream and a little, then there will be no harm to your figure; ice cream has a low calorie content compared to other sweets.

Sore throat is a very unpleasant disease. The biggest problem with sore throat is strong pain in the throat, especially when swallowing.

During a sore throat, nutrition should be selected based on the severity of the disease. There are especially many questions around ice cream. Some doctors recommend eating ice cream for a sore throat, while others are categorically against eating cold desserts.

Everyone knows the truth: a properly formulated diet is the basis for treating any disease, even the most terrible one.

There are products that can help unpleasant feeling in the throat when swallowing became minimal, or even completely disappeared. Such wonderful healers of sore throats include the well-known and affordable soft-boiled eggs; soft, cooked warm milk vegetable puree from potatoes with carrots; fruit (but not citrus) juices and ice cream.

Sore throat (tonsillitis) – very dangerous disease. Not only is it difficult to speak, eat and drink with tonsillitis, complications from it are quite common, including cardiovascular system person. Medicines used to treat sore throat should be beneficial and help strengthen the body in the fight against bacteria.

It is known that small portion A dose of high-quality ice cream a day can help relieve a sore throat in someone with a sore throat. But it is impossible to cure a sore throat by eating ice cream alone!

Ice cream is only a small folk aid from complex therapy prescribed by the doctor treating the disease.

The effect of ice cream can be explained by it physical properties: fatty and cool.

Treatment of sore throat with cold is quite often practiced among the people. Under the cooling influence of ice cream, a strong and rapid contraction occurs blood vessels in the tonsils. As a result, their volume decreases and the area of ​​inflammation decreases. Thanks to this, recovery in a person under the influence of infection is accelerated.

Ice cream can help with a sore throat by clearing plaque from the tonsils. This effect is facilitated by the fatty component of ice cream, thanks to which the process of healing wounds from pus and toxic substances formed as a result of vital activity occurs. pathogenic bacteria. And the cold from the ice cream will soothe irritation in the throat and reduce painful sensation in him. In addition, eating a portion of a delicious dessert - ice cream, can always improve your mood, especially a child's sore throat.

Is it possible to eat ice cream if you have a sore throat and in what quantity?

When a person has a sore throat, a person can eat 150-200 g of ice cream every day. Moreover, it should be thawed a little before use. The result will not be solid, but a sweet, cool, creamy consistency.

Preference should be given to high-quality creamy ice cream with chocolate or natural taste. The use of additional fillers (pieces of fruit or nuts) that can cause irritation to a sore throat is not allowed.

When should you eat ice cream with caution?

  1. The symptoms of a sore throat are similar to the symptoms of very unpleasant diseases - scarlet fever and diphtheria. With these diseases, eating this delicious dessert can only aggravate their course, causing severe complications. Therefore, until a doctor confirms a sore throat, eating ice cream is strictly prohibited.
  2. If you eat ice cream in unlimited quantities, especially when you are sick, you can provide favorable conditions for the fastest penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the body and worsen the state of health.

To protect yourself from danger by eating ice cream often enough, you should rinse your mouth every time after eating. warm water or wash it down delicious dessert warm (not hot!) tea. IN otherwise milk sugar contained in the product will remain in oral cavity, whereby painful condition will be aggravated.

Unfortunately, frequent sore throats can lead to the removal of tonsils. IN postoperative period The main thing in treatment is proper nutrition.

Before tonsillectomy (surgery to remove tonsils), it is recommended to eat 2-3 servings of delicious ice cream. But after surgery, you should abstain from this refreshing dessert for at least 15 days. Moreover, in this case, the ban applies not only to ice cream, but also to all other milk-based products.

Most dairy foods contribute to rapid education saliva, and also causes the secretion large quantity sputum, as a result of which a person who has just undergone surgery may experience coughing. As a result, throat bleeding will open and the healing process will worsen.

Quite often, after a tonsillectomy, it is advised to eat fruit ice instead of real ice cream based on a dairy component. But still, before you treat yourself to it, you should consult your doctor. And only after his recommendation allow yourself such pleasure.

Can ice cream cause a sore throat?

There is a prejudice that if you eat a lot of ice cream, especially in the heat, you cannot avoid a sore throat. It's a delusion. Children, who really love this delicious delicacy accessible to everyone, especially suffer from such categoricalness.

Sore throat is caused by a dangerous infectious bacterium - streptococcus, which does not take root in ice cream. The pathogen does not live even in a poorly prepared product.

Of the dangers that can prevent the consumption of ice cream, one can especially note listeriosis - poisoning as a result of a poorly prepared product, accompanied by severe vomiting and diarrhea. This can happen if the ice cream contains the contagious bacterium Listeria. Therefore, when preparing homemade ice cream with eggs, you need to be vigilant and heat the contents of the eggs.

Also, when eating cold ice cream, you may experience common cold, if at the same time you become hypothermic. It is hypothermia that weakens the immune system and pathogenic viruses and bacteria cling to the body, the activity of which can cause a sore throat. Therefore, it is absolutely forbidden to eat this dessert in a cool room where there is a draft, and in winter it is absolutely forbidden to eat it outside!

There is no such thing as a sore throat from ice cream. Even if you eat several servings of it “in one sitting” and every day. If your throat hurts after eating a portion of ice cream, it means there is an infection and the conditions were suitable for this.

Folk remedies and methods of combating sore throat

Today, medicine does not include ice cream in officially approved food products for angina. Moreover, he does not agree with its therapeutic effect.

But still, the opinion of doctors is not unanimous and there are those who respect folk remedies when treating this unpleasant disease and it is often recommended to include the use of high-quality chocolate or cream ice cream in the treatment of sore throat, washed down with warm tea with honey.

In European countries, over the past 50 years, the use of ice cream or fruit ice, provided that the product is made only from natural, fresh, high-quality ingredients, without the addition of artificial colors and preservatives.

It’s good if you always have several servings of delicious homemade ice cream in your home freezer, made with your own hands from high-quality, proven raw materials.

So, you can eat ice cream when you have a sore throat, but the main thing is to know when to stop!

Be healthy and happy!

Anyone who plays sports pays Special attention nutrition. The diet of athletes should supplement physical exercise. You should select products that supply the body with protein and nutrients (microelements, vitamins, minerals). Thus, muscle mass is growing, and the results are getting better and better.

Sometimes it can be very difficult to give up your favorite treats. And such a combination as sweets and sports seems impossible. However, there is good news for athletes who love ice cream: there is a way to combine these two components without compromising physical fitness, and sometimes vice versa – for the benefit of the body.

Is there healthy ice cream?

If you can’t imagine your life without your favorite dessert, which preserves the taste of childhood and gives pleasure, there is good news for you. You can eat ice cream even if you exercise regularly. The only question is choosing a specific product.

Modern technologies make it possible to produce ice cream without harmful additives, but finding such a product on the market is not easy. You should choose serious brands that use high-quality raw materials, real butter, which does not contain vegetable oils, powdered milk and other substitutes. Only natural ingredients!

Plus, most popsicles don't have any calories at all—if you don't necessarily want the creamy flavor, ice-cold fruit juice– an ideal candidate even for daily use!

You can make ice cream at home. To do this, it is easier to use a special device - an ice cream maker. Extra costs will result in complete confidence in the quality and composition of the product. Natural milk and butter will become a source of calcium and healthy fats for the body.

How to eat ice cream and not gain weight

If you play sports, then you probably know that after training the body needs to replenish lost energy. nutrients. You can also use ice cream for this if it has beneficial properties listed above.

Daily snacking will lead to disastrous consequences for physical fitness, but 2-3 times a week, after intense exercise, ice cream is not dangerous for the figure.

We can conclude that products containing useful substances can become allies in achieving excellent health. physical condition and will not harm sports activities.

Most of our compatriots love ice cream very much. Some foreigners, having visited Russia, tell in horror at home that Russians eat ice cream even in winter, in thirty-degree frost, and on the street.

We can say that there are some exaggerations in this, but in general everything is true. In Russia, both children and adults buy ice cream for any reason: to enjoy themselves, to calm their nerves, to “charge” their brains, to simply satisfy their hunger, to cool down on a hot day, etc. Attitudes towards ice cream vary, especially among nutrition specialists. Some believe that you can eat it almost every day, while others do not recommend more than twice a week.

Harmful or beneficial?

It is impossible to say for sure whether ice cream is harmful to health or healthy. Most likely, the well-known statement that applies to almost any food product will be true - moderation is needed in everything. And ice cream can also be both relatively healthy and harmful.

What is this product

What kind of product is this - ice cream? Ice cream can be soft or hardened - it's about the production method. Soft serve ice cream does not get colder than -5°C, it cannot be stored for a long time, and it tastes very delicate. Seasoned ice cream is frozen at plants down to -25°C, and can be stored in this form for a whole year. It is very dense and hard.

Ice cream also differs in terms of fat content: milk, cream, ice cream and fruit and berry.

What is ice cream made from?

The question of what everyone’s favorite ice cream is made from is of interest to everyone who monitors their diet and health in general. There is no fat in fruit and berry ice cream, and the sugar content is about 30%. This ice cream is made from natural fruit juices and purees.

Dairy ice cream contains less sugar - up to 16%, but it does contain fat. True, it is less than in other types of ice cream - cream and ice cream - only 6%. Creamy ice cream can contain up to 10% fat and up to 15% sugar, and ice cream - up to 15% fat - this is the most fatty variety ice cream

Natural animal fats are a wonderful product that gives us strength and energy. However, nowadays many manufacturers have begun to use not only natural milk fat, but also a mixture of vegetable fats. They explain this by saying that this way ice cream becomes less caloric and also more affordable. All this is true, but here nutritional value such ice cream seems dubious, especially given the use of various fillers and emulsifiers.

Ice cream from natural products contains a lot useful substances, at least a hundred: more than 20 amino acids, 25 fatty acids, 20 vitamins, 30 mineral salts and important enzymes necessary for normal metabolism. This is why they say that a serving of ice cream can not only calm you down, but also “charge” your brain.

Ice cream is healthy if it is made from natural milk. That's when it's nutritious and high in calories, restores energy and really satisfies hunger - much better than a Snickers bar.

They say that some otolaryngologists advise eating ice cream regularly to develop a kind of local immunity, in order to accustom the throat to low temperatures. Of course, it's better to do this gradually, and eat ice cream little by little - if you need it at all.

Who shouldn't

However, experts from the Institute of Nutrition believe that ice cream is not good for everyone. There are also those who, unfortunately, cannot have it. And there are quite a few such people. First of all, due to high calorie content natural ice cream (100g of product can contain up to 500 kcal) and sugar content, ice cream is not recommended for people suffering from overweight, as well as patients with diabetes.

Those with high cholesterol levels should not eat ice cream made with animal fats. Most nutritionists do not recommend frequently consuming flavored ice creams: strawberry, lemon and others, since they contain artificial additives and fruit essences. It is best to give preference to fruit and berry varieties of ice cream.

Milk ice cream contains less fat than other types, and therefore has less calories. However, easily digestible sugar is sufficiently large quantities found in any ice cream, and it can quickly increase blood glucose levels.

Frequent consumption of ice cream can cause headaches. It seems incredible, but according to medical statistics, about a third of people in the world who suffer from headaches experience it precisely because of their addiction to ice cream. Eating ice cream, especially if you are in a hurry, reduces body temperature too quickly, constricts blood vessels, and sends blood to the brain. less blood, which causes headaches.

To people suffering coronary disease heart disease, atherosclerosis and caries, it is better to refrain from eating ice cream, or enjoy it only occasionally. Even healthy people You should not eat ice cream every day, but only two, maximum three times a week.

As for children, first of all, they should not be allowed to replace ice cream with a full meal. However, here the opinions of experts are divided: some advise giving children ice cream as a dessert, immediately after the main meal, explaining that this will not suppress their appetite; others do not recommend doing this, since ice cream after eating makes digestion difficult.

Can be found golden mean, and give children ice cream, for example, as an afternoon snack, with sour forest berries - they help the body absorb fats and sugar more easily.

How to eat properly

How to eat ice cream so that it benefits the body? Let's say a few words about the culture of ice cream consumption. Most people are used to eating ice cream on the go, having bought it on the street. Thus, together with ice cream, we eat street dust, dirt and car exhaust - because ice cream absorbs all this instantly. If you already bought ice cream on the street, then at least go to a park or an outdoor cafe, but it’s best to eat ice cream at home.

In fact, if you follow moderation, almost everyone can eat ice cream. Most experts believe that 100g of ice cream per week will not harm anyone. By the way, in our country they consume 4-10 times less ice cream than in European countries or the USA.

How to make ice cream from cream

And now the fun part: how you can make ice cream at home. For example, to make creamy ice cream at home you will need whipped cream and yolks. If desired, you can add alcohol, vanillin or honey as natural flavors. The result will be very tasty and healthy ice cream, and most importantly - natural, because you yourself will monitor the quality of the ingredients. A little practice, and the technology for making homemade ice cream will be established. Shall we try?

It is more convenient to prepare ice cream in an ice cream maker - manual or electric. A manual ice cream maker has two reservoirs: you need to fill the inner one and place it in the outer reservoir filled with ice and salt. In order for the ice cream to thicken, you will have to rotate the handle of the ice cream maker for at least 20-30 minutes, but it should not harden.

Using a manual ice cream maker can be quite tedious, especially if you like to serve ice cream to your guests. In this case, it is better to purchase an electric ice cream maker, in which it is easy to prepare a fluffy and tasty creamy mass.

There are many recipes for making ice cream today, and the rules for making good ice cream are not at all complicated, but following them requires a certain amount of patience. All ingredients must be fresh, otherwise the taste will not be very pleasant.

Cream with a fat content of at least 30% must be fresh and chilled. Beat the yolks with sugar in a hot water bath until a thick foam is obtained, and then cool for cold water with ice.

The whites need to be beaten until they begin to shine like snow. To do this, they, as well as the dishes, should be cooled before whipping, and while whipping, add a little salt. The prepared mass must be immediately placed in the freezer, otherwise it will quickly begin to fall off and lose its taste and tenderness.

This ice cream can be stored in the freezer for several weeks in plastic containers, but it is better to eat it in the first week after preparation - that’s when it tastes best.

Before serving, remove the ice cream from the freezer and leave it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Under no circumstances should you refreeze melted ice cream again.

The period of breastfeeding is a crucial period for every mother, since the health of her child will depend on the products and lifestyle. It is recommended to exclude chocolate, alcohol, fatty meat, lard, black bread, sauerkraut and other products. However, there are also products whose appropriateness mothers doubt. This includes ice cream.

Is it possible to have ice cream while breastfeeding – what could be the danger?

Industrially produced ice cream may contain synthetic fats, thickeners, stabilizers and flavor enhancers, which are harmful not only to the mother, but primarily to the baby. They can call allergic reaction, skin rashes and harm the child’s health. Ice cream that contains only sugar, milk and fat natural origin will not harm the body of the child and mother, but it is much more difficult to find.

Is it possible to eat ice cream while breastfeeding?

If you are breastfeeding, then this is not a reason to deny yourself ice cream. It is better to choose natural ice cream (or one close to it in composition). Ice cream should be introduced gradually and the child’s reaction should be constantly monitored. The presence of these problems can be seen within 1-3 days. If you notice a deterioration in your health, allergies and diathesis, then you need to exclude ice cream from your diet. You need to reintroduce ice cream into your diet no less than after 1 month.

It is worth noting that experts advise paying attention to the age of the baby. It is recommended to introduce ice cream into your diet after 3-4 months of a child’s life.

Which ice cream to choose when breastfeeding

When choosing ice cream, pay attention not only to the composition, but also to the expiration date: the shorter it is, the better and more natural the ice cream should be. It is worth giving preference to creamy ice cream without additives, chocolate chips, jam, caramel, etc. The fat content of ice cream also plays a big role. Ice cream that is too rich can cause colic and indigestion. It is better to choose ice cream with a fat content of no more than 3.5%. If such ice cream does not harm the baby, then a month later the mother can try ice cream with a fat content of up to 15%.

You can also make ice cream at home. So you can make yourself a natural treat that will not harm your health.

How to make homemade ice cream

Ice cream


  • Cow's milk 100 ml.
  • Heavy cream more than 35% 400-500 ml.
  • Sugar 100-120 gr.
  • Yolk chicken egg 4 things.
  • Starch 1 tsp.
  • Salt 1 pinch.
  • Heat the milk over low heat and add salt and sugar to it.
  • In a separate bowl, beat the yolks and add them to the slightly cooled skim milk with fire. Mix everything thoroughly and put the milk back on the fire. Wait until the milk and yolks begin to thicken.
  • Dilute the milk a small amount milk or water and put it back on the fire.
  • Whip the cream. Cool the resulting mixture and add whipped cream to it. Then cool the mixture.
  • Place the mixture in the ice cream maker.

Low fat ice cream


  • Cow or goat milk 800-900 ml.
  • Chicken yolk 4 pcs.
  • Sugar 150 gr.
  • Starch 1 tsp.
  • Vanilla optional.
  • Pour the milk into an enamel pan and place the milk on low heat.
  • Mix the yolks with sugar, vanilla and starch. Mix everything thoroughly and add the mixture to the heated milk. Mix everything thoroughly.
  • Wait until the mixture cools down and heat it again.
  • Remove the pan from the heat and cool the mixture in cold water.
  • Place mixture into ice cream maker.

Breastfeeding is not a reason to deny yourself a treat. The right ice cream, chosen or prepared independently, can lift the mood and diversify the diet without harming the child’s body.