The most effective recipe for early ejaculation. What is he like? How a man can control ejaculation: treatment at home

If during sex a man experiences orgasm much faster than he and his partner would like, it is customary to talk about premature ejaculation (premature ejaculation). Among the criteria that help diagnose this condition are usually the onset of ejaculation immediately after insertion of the penis into the partner and the inability of the man to delay ejaculation. On average, men ejaculate five minutes after the start of intercourse. Many men in the world are faced with the problem of premature ejaculation, and this makes them feel ashamed and irritated. Some men even begin to avoid sexual contact because of this. Do not despair! This problem can be solved by contacting a psychotherapist, starting to perform certain techniques to delay ejaculation, or resorting to medication. You will overcome the problem and be able to enjoy sex with your partner again.


Application of behavioral techniques

    Try the "stop-squeeze" method. During foreplay, you and your partner can try the "stop-squeeze" method to learn to control yourself and delay the moment of ejaculation.

    Use self-help techniques. There are several methods you can practice on your own. This will give you the opportunity to learn to control the onset of ejaculation. Here are some of these techniques:

    • Masturbate before sex. If you plan to have sex this evening, try masturbating an hour or two before.
    • Use thicker condoms, which will reduce stimulation during sex. Try not to use condoms that are designed to increase stimulation for a man during intercourse.
    • Take a deep breath when you feel your ejaculation approaching. This may help stop reflex ejaculation. Also, try to switch your thoughts and think about something boring until you feel that the peak of excitement has passed.
  1. Try changing the position in which you have sex. If you usually prefer positions where you are on top, choose positions where your partner is on top. Try having sex in a position where she can easily stop and move away from you slightly when you feel her ejaculation approaching.

    • When you feel that the sexual tension has passed, you can continue sexual intercourse.
  2. See a psychotherapist. Both individual work with a psychotherapist and couples psychotherapy, when you come to sessions with a specialist together with your partner, can help you. Psychotherapy can be effective for the following problems:

  3. Try using a topical anesthetic. These medications are available without a prescription and you can buy them as a spray or cream. Apply a special product to the penis before having sex. This will help you reduce sensitivity and delay the onset of ejaculation. Some men (and sometimes their partners) have reported that the use of such drugs leads to temporary loss of sensation and decreased pleasure during sex. Most often, such drugs are produced on the basis of:

    • Ledocaine
    • Prilocaine

Seek medical help

  1. If you have used all the methods described above, but have not achieved the desired result, consult your doctor. Sometimes premature ejaculation is a symptom of other, more serious health problems that require treatment. The following reasons are possible:

    • Different forms of diabetes
    • High blood pressure
    • Alcohol or drug addiction
    • Multiple sclerosis
    • Prostatitis
    • Depression
    • Hormonal imbalance
    • Problems related to neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters (neurotransmitters) are chemical substances responsible for transmitting signals in the nervous system.
    • Pathological reflexes associated with the ejaculation process
    • Thyroid dysfunction
    • Infectious diseases of the prostate and genitourinary system
    • Tissue damage caused by surgery or trauma (in rare cases).
    • Hereditary disease.
  2. Ask your doctor about taking a drug that contains duloxetine (Cymbalta, Intriv). This substance is similar in its action to antidepressants from the group of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), but this drug was developed specifically for the treatment of premature ejaculation. If your doctor prescribes this medication, you will need to take it one to three hours before having sex.

    • Do not take this drug more than once a day. Overdose may cause side effects such as headache, dizziness and general malaise.
    • This drug is not suitable for men with heart, kidney or liver disease. This medicine may interact with other drugs, including antidepressants.
    • Alternative options include the SSRIs paroxetine, sertraline, fluoxetine, and citalopram.
    • The typical full effect of an SSRI (which is taken every day, not just when needed like Dapoxetine) will not be noticeable until about two weeks after you start taking it.
  3. Talk to your doctor about other medications that may help delay orgasm. There are drugs that are not on the officially approved list of drugs used to treat premature ejaculation, but there is evidence of their effectiveness in delaying the onset of orgasm. Your doctor may prescribe these medications for you to take as needed or daily.

    • Other antidepressants. You may be prescribed other serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressants, such as setralin (Zoloft), paroxetine (Paxil), fluoxetine (Prozac), or tricyclic clomipramine (Anafranil). Possible side effects of these drugs include nausea, dry mouth, dizziness, and decreased interest in sex.
    • Tramadol. This drug is used as a strong pain reliever. Other side effects of tramadol, including nausea, headache and loss of coordination, have been noted to prolong the duration of sexual intercourse and delay ejaculation. In Russia, this drug is included in the list of narcotic substances, and its circulation is strictly regulated by the State Drug Control Service. For this reason, your doctor may not be able to write you a prescription for this drug.
    • Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors: These medications are commonly used to treat erectile dysfunction. These substances include sildenafil (Viagra and Revazio), tadalafil (Cialis) and vardenafil (Levitra). Side effects include headache, redness of the skin, blurred vision and nasal congestion.

Premature ejaculation is constant or periodic early ejaculation before insertion of the penis into the vagina or less than 2 minutes after the start of sexual intercourse, the inability to control ejaculation. Symptoms of early ejaculation cause anxiety in the patient and often lead to conflict situations between sexual partners. What sex duration is considered “normal”? According to the literature, the average duration of the friction period should be from 2 to 10 minutes. In Germany, the duration of sexual intercourse is from 7 minutes. The longest duration of sexual intercourse is in the USA and is 13 minutes.

Women consider the normal duration of sexual intercourse before ejaculation to be on average 11 minutes. In some cases, sexual intercourse can last less than 1 minute and this is not a symptom of early ejaculation, as it brings satisfaction to both partners. So, if sexual partners are satisfied with the duration of sexual intercourse, it is not customary to talk about premature ejaculation, and therefore there is no need to treat it. There are several names for premature ejaculation: premature ejaculation, early ejaculation, early ejaculation, rapid ejaculation, rapid ejaculation, accelerated ejaculation, accelerated ejaculation. Wikipedia has an entire section dedicated to the symptoms of premature ejaculation.

What are the causes of premature ejaculation?

The causes of early ejaculation are divided into primary and secondary (acquired).

Primary is called premature ejaculation, which occurs from the beginning of sexual activity or from the first sexual experience. Premature ejaculation is considered secondary, occurring against the background of an initially normal sexual life, which can sometimes be associated with the development of other diseases and be their manifestation. Secondary premature ejaculation can be true, developing as an independent disease, or it can be symptomatic or appear as one of the manifestations of another disease. There are early ejaculation: psychogenic, organic, combined.

  • Urological causes of early ejaculation: inflammatory diseases of the prostate, penis, enuresis, chronic urogenital pain, short frenulum, the presence of endothelial erectile dysfunction;
  • Common causes of early ejaculation are hormonal disorders: testosterone deficiency, thyroid dysfunction, hypercortisolemia, hyperinsulinemia, hyperleptinemia;
  • Among the causes of premature ejaculation, neurobiological disorders are also identified: improper interaction of dopamine and serotonin receptors in the brain, inadequate endorphin supply to the brain, the presence of serotonergic hyperactivity and oxidative stress, genetic predisposition;
  • Neurological causes of premature ejaculation: increased sensitivity of the head, decreased efferent and afferent pathways, the presence of metabolic neuropathy;
  • Metabolic disorders are common causes of early ejaculation in modern society: obesity, diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome, oxidative stress, homocysteinemia, use of drugs with side effects on ejaculation;
  • With early ejaculation, there may be changes in the nutraceutical status: decreased levels of magnesium, vitamin B6, phthalates.
  • Very often, organic causes of premature ejaculation are combined with psychological problems: fears, stress, depression, anxiety, decreased libido, poor sleep, rare rhythm of sexual life, insoluble marital problems.

What is the diagnosis of premature ejaculation?

The scope of diagnostics to identify the causes of early ejaculation depends on the suspected causes of premature ejaculation. In any case, a course of treatment for premature ejaculation should be prescribed only after a thorough examination by a qualified specialist in the field of diagnosis and treatment of sexual dysfunctions in men. Below are some diagnostic techniques.

Determination of the functional state of the vascular endothelium (Angioscan). A modern method for diagnosing erectile dysfunction is to conduct an angio-scan (vascular scan) and assess the condition of blood vessels and the risks of cardiovascular diseases several years before the appearance of pronounced clinical symptoms of the development of diseases such as atherosclerosis, hypertension, heart failure, diabetes, coronary disease, pre-stroke and pre-infarction state. An optical sensor (LED) measures the pulse wave of blood volume at the tip of the finger. Testing takes a few minutes and is completely harmless. The Angioscan device provides measurement of the following parameters: heart rate, vascular stiffness, pulse wave type, biological age of blood vessels, stress level, saturation index (hemoglobin oxygen saturation). Test results are displayed on the device screen, explained with drawings and a visual scale, and handed out.

Comprehensive health assessment (3D scanning). Scanning the body using the Estek device (EIS) is a technique for determining the state of the body, a general screening of diseases based on the results of which you can receive recommendations on lifestyle and nutrition. The diagnostic program covers all known risk factors and mechanisms of diseases in all body systems and is aimed, first of all, at the early identification of diseases or predispositions to them. EIS is a diagnosis based on the recording and software interpretation of an electrosomatogram and is carried out by measuring the bioelectrical impedance of the human body. Test results are displayed on the screen and handed out in printed form.

How to cure premature ejaculation? How to treat early ejaculation with pills?

Treatment of premature ejaculation presents significant difficulties. And it must be carried out with a sexual partner. Treatment of early ejaculation is divided into: conservative and surgical. Depending on the identified cause of early ejaculation, psychotherapeutic, medicinal, physiotherapeutic or microsurgical correction of ejaculation is carried out. In treating the problem of early ejaculation in complex therapy, reflexology, acupuncture and various physiotherapeutic methods are highly effective.

  • Urological causes of early ejaculation are eliminated with anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of diseases of the prostate and penis;
  • If the cause of early ejaculation is hormonal disorders, testosterone or thyroid medications are most often prescribed;
  • In the presence of endothelial erectile dysfunction, drugs to improve potency are highly effective;
  • For neurobiological disorders, pharmacotherapy includes treatment with drugs of various groups: antidepressants, anxiolytics, serotonin reuptake inhibitors, dietary supplements. 1st line therapy is daily or on-demand use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors as prescribed by a physician. Conservative treatment of hypersensitivity is carried out using a condom and anesthetic ointments applied to the head of the penis in the frenulum area, the ointment is needed immediately before sexual contact for 10-15 minutes;
  • If the cause of early ejaculation is metabolic disorders, then drugs are used to treat obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and oxidative stress.

Often the pills are not effective and then surgical treatment is performed - circumcision of the foreskin with frenuloplasty or microsurgical denervation of the head of the penis. There are various modifications of this operation. The meaning of the operation is to intersect and reconnect the nerve trunks that conduct impulses from the receptors of the head to the ejaculation center of the central nervous system. This allows you to reduce the sensitivity of the head of the penis and significantly lengthen the time before ejaculation. During the period of complete restoration of sensitivity (from six months to two years), a new, “longer” reflex nerve arc is formed, which helps to avoid a recurrence of premature ejaculation. It should be borne in mind that surgical treatment of premature ejaculation, in particular the intersection of the nerves that provide sensitivity to the glans penis (the so-called selective neurotomy) can lead to permanent loss of sensitivity of the penis, and as a result, deterioration in the quality of erections and weakening of orgasm.

What physiotherapeutic techniques are used for premature ejaculation?

The physiotherapist’s task is to provide treatment for premature ejaculation based on the identified cause. Usually 10 procedures are carried out daily or every other day for 40-50 minutes.

Visual color pulse stimulation. Therapy using special artificial color emitters acting directly through the eyes is called visual color stimulation method. In this case, a complex effect of four factors is carried out: color, rhythm, modulation of light signals and the level of illumination of the light field. The human eye serves as a receiver for correction of the regulatory structures of the brain (hypothalamus, pineal gland, pituitary gland), and through them - the neuroendocrine, immune and other systems.

Electrosleep therapy. It has a sedative effect due to inhibition of the activity of the reticular formation and activation of serotonergic neurons.

Drug electrophoresis with psychostimulants or vitamins transorbently according to Bourguignon or endosally. To eliminate pathological dominant relationships in the central nervous system, it is necessary to create a new, stronger focus of excitation, i.e. new dominant.

To lengthen the time of ejaculation, SMT is used on the reflexogenic zones of the spinal centers of erection and ejaculation or novocaine electrophoresis of the lower thoracic spine (T8-L1).

Galvanization of the panty zone or electrophoresis with magnesium on this zone is used to improve the trophism of the spinal segments and restore damaged neuro-reflex connections.

Ultrasound therapy. Ultrasound has a trophic, anti-inflammatory effect by stimulating regeneration and activating microcirculation in the area of ​​influence. Affects the sacral spinal segments.

For accelerated ejaculation, acupuncture or laser puncture is used, affecting various points.

What effective method of treating premature ejaculation is discussed on forums?

According to reviews from patients and many doctors, a modern and uniquely effective method of conservative treatment is the injection of hyaluronic acid into certain areas of the glans penis - augmentation of the glans penis. Hyaluronic acid creates a “cushion” between the skin and nerve endings, thereby reducing the sensitivity of the glans penis. Since the technique of administration in this procedure is the main factor in its success, the injection of this drug should only be carried out by a doctor who has undergone special training in the technique of injections into the urogenital areas. It is discussed on forums that this method does not require hospitalization. The procedure is performed on the day of treatment, under local anesthesia with modern anesthetics and takes from 15 to 50 minutes. According to patient reviews, after augmentation of the glans penis, it is very convenient that the patient can immediately go home. With combined treatment, the effect develops in the shortest possible time (up to 10 days). After the operation, the patient can have sex within a week. On forums, patients note that this procedure can replace the more dangerous dorsal neurotomy.

On various forums you will find a lot of recommendations for solving the problems of premature ejaculation or early ejaculation. You won't see any reviews and recommendations. There are many reasons for premature ejaculation or early ejaculation, but there is no single solution. I'll try to summarize the problem.

We need to understand the relativity of the concept of “early ejaculation.” Thus, a man who has not satisfied his partner after 5-10 minutes of coitus, proceeding “according to all the rules,” can hardly be considered insolvent. Consequently, a lot depends on the woman, her physical and emotional state, and health.

At home, to prolong sexual intercourse, it is necessary to lead an active lifestyle. Do daily gymnastics and exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, engage in physical education and sports. Establish a work and rest schedule, eat right.

It is necessary to normalize the rhythm of ejaculation. Have regular sex life. This is important for both partners: long-term abstinence accelerates the onset of ejaculation in a man, but prolongs the time for orgasm in a woman. Therefore, it is advisable, if a man is able to do this, to repeat sexual intercourse. At the same time, its duration lengthens in a man and accelerates in a woman, since she retains the excitement from the first intimacy. With age, this dissonance is observed less and less often, as mutual adaptation occurs.

Sexual, psychological, behavioral therapy, self-regulation and the method of distraction, behavioral therapy consists of developing in a man a clear recognition of the sensations that precede the onset of orgasm and the ability to control this process using various techniques.

It is necessary to reduce the pathological readiness of the male body for ejaculation. At the first signs of impending early ejaculation, a woman can stop it by repeatedly pressing her finger on the head of the penis in the place where it fuses with the “frenulum” (the flow of impulses coming from the genital area to the central nervous system, increasing arousal, is interrupted). Sexual behavioral therapy - “stop-start” and “pause-compression”, “compression method” - 3-4 seconds before ejaculation, tight compression of the frenulum area;

In some cases, you can use the distraction method: during sexual intercourse, a man switches his attention: he thinks about work or everyday problems, etc. Some people find that voluntary contraction of the anal sphincter helps.

Delaying the act is possible if the man makes only short thrusts when inserting the penis deeply. In this case, the head, which is the most sensitive, remains in the area of ​​the pear-shaped dilated inner part of the vagina, where it receives little irritation, and the base touches the orgasmic cuff, i.e., the most sensitive area.

Sexual intercourse can be prolonged if you periodically stop friction before ejaculation. At this time, it is necessary to continue stimulation of the woman’s erogenous zones (finger, tongue). If the erection weakens, friction should be continued.

Control of premature ejaculation. Sex technique for early ejaculation. How does a man learn at home the ability to regulate the level of sexual arousal?

  • Control of premature ejaculation. The principle is this: first - with independent masturbation training, then - with training with your wife, then - with coitus.
  • Masturbation with a dry hand for up to 15 minutes maintaining an erection without ejaculation for three attempts in a row. The training always ends with ejaculation.
  • Masturbation with lubricant (Vaseline) for up to 15 minutes, maintaining an erection without ejaculation for three attempts in a row. The training ends with ejaculation.
  • Masturbation with the wife's dry hand for up to 15 minutes, maintaining an erection without ejaculation for 3 attempts in a row. The training will definitely end with ejaculation.
  • Masturbation with lubricant or blowjob for up to 15 minutes, maintaining an erection without ejaculation for three attempts in a row. The training ends with ejaculation.
  • Sexual intercourse in the cowgirl position (the wife sits on top) without movements or with interruption of movements when ejaculation approaches, maybe with removal of the penis from the vagina. Duration 15 min. maintaining an erection without ejaculation in three attempts in a row. The training ends with ejaculation.

How is early ejaculation treated at home? How to treat premature ejaculation with folk remedies?

If you ejaculate early at home, start eating right. Remember that you lack foods containing magnesium, vitamins B6, and amino acids. At home, during early ejaculation, use various foods that contain these substances.

  • Source of amino acids: meat, fish, eggs, dairy products.
  • Source of magnesium: nuts, salads, lard, potatoes.
  • Source of vitamin B6: bread, cereal flakes, legumes.

Treatment of premature ejaculation with drugs is often combined with the use of folk remedies for the treatment of early ejaculation. What herbal remedies can be used for rapid ejaculation? What are the traditional methods of treating early ejaculation?

  • Cinnamon rose hips (fruit) - 3 parts, angelica officinalis (root) - 2 parts, common cress (herb) - 1 part, Lyubka bifolia (root tubers) - 2 parts.
  • Motherwort five-lobed (herb) - 2 parts, yarrow (herb) - 2 parts, peppermint (leaves) - 1 part, oregano (herb) - 1 part.
  • Rose hips (fruits) 2 parts, Vachta trifolia (leaves) - 1 part, Calendula officinalis (flowers) - 1 part, Motherwort pentaloba (herb) - 2 parts.

Choose any fee. 2 tbsp. spoons are first crushed (coffee grinder), pour 1 liter of boiling water, bring to a boil, boil over low heat for 10 minutes in a sealed container, then pour together with the herbs into a thermos, leave overnight. Take 50 ml during the day 30 minutes before meals. Course 3 - 4 months. After which they take a break and change the collection. Despite the improvement using folk remedies, the course is continued for at least 12 months. In the future, you can switch to receiving collections in spring and autumn for 2 months.

The material was prepared by urologist-andrologist, physiotherapist Oleg Viktorovich Akimov.

Up to 20% of men across the planet have encountered the problem of early ejaculation at least once in their lives; ignoring this problem can lead to quite serious consequences. How can you cure rapid ejaculation at home? Let's get acquainted with the causes of pathology and find the optimal solution to the problem.

Signs of early ejaculation

Despite the fact that the pathological phenomenon is quite easy to detect, not all men are ready to accept the presence of a problem. Some may even justify premature ejaculation with various factors. But if any of the following signs still occur, you should contact a specialist:

  • the duration of intercourse (friction period) is constantly changing, becoming longer and shorter;
  • if a condom is used, the period of sexual intimacy increases significantly;
  • during alcohol intoxication, the friction period lengthens;
  • in the case of using ointments based on anesthetics, the duration of intercourse increases significantly.

Before you start fighting early ejaculation on your own, be sure to consult your doctor. To detect real health problems, you need to consult not only a sex therapist or neurologist, but also a urologist, who will confirm or deny the presence of organic causes of rapid ejaculation.

Who is at risk? Sexual dysfunction associated with rapid ejaculation is practically independent of age, but there is a certain risk zone in which people with the following characteristics fall:

  • suffered spinal injuries;
  • suffering from osteochondrosis;
  • having a short frenulum of the phallus;
  • those suffering from chronic prostatitis and other ailments of the genitourinary system (almost half of the cases);
  • having irregular sex.

Possible methods of treating rapid ejaculation

How can you get rid of premature ejaculation? Depending on the cause of sexual dysfunction, there are several types of treatment:

  • Behavioral therapy. With the participation of both partners in therapy, the doctor can prescribe a set of exercises that the spouses should do during intimacy.
  • Psychotherapy. Allows you to get rid of psychogenic factors that affect the speed of ejaculation. Sessions with a specialist allow you to overcome phobias and fears, cope with stress and irritation.
  • Drug treatment. If there are serious inflammatory problems, the specialist will prescribe medications that will normalize the process of ejaculation and normalize sexual function.
  • Surgical intervention. In some cases, it is impossible to do without surgical manipulations. The surgeon can circumcise the foreskin or denervate the head of the phallus.
  • Local treatment. To eliminate hypersensitivity, the doctor may recommend special lubricants and gels that will delay the moment of ejaculation during sexual intercourse.

Home Treatments for Premature Ejaculation

How can you get rid of early ejaculation? There are many methods to solve the issue of accelerated ejaculation. As a rule, even orthodox medicine does not advise the use of drug treatment. if the pathology does not pose any danger to health.

You can significantly improve the quality of your intimate life by strengthening your immune system, changing your diet, and using exercise.

However, you should immediately make a reservation: before using folk infusions and decoctions, be sure to consult your doctor. In combination with certain drugs, as well as in case of individual intolerance to herbal components, an allergic reaction or severe side effects may occur.

Find out also how to treat rapid ejaculation with medicinal decoctions.

Herbalists offer several recipes for decoctions that help normalize sexual function and prevent early ejaculation.

Some of them are presented below:

  • Mix crushed oregano, mint and motherwort in equal proportions. For 1 liter of water you will need no more than 15 g of the mixture. Pour boiling water over the herbs and leave for at least 20-25 minutes. After this, strain the broth and consume 200 ml twice a day for two weeks.
  • Mix crushed rose hips with leaves of trefoil and motherwort. Mix everything thoroughly and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Cook the infusion for at least 30 minutes over low heat. Drink ¼ cup of decoction per day.
  • Prepare a mixture of crushed angelica root, rapeseed and rose hips. All ingredients must be taken in equal proportions. Pour boiling water over 15 g of the mixture and leave for 30 minutes. Consume up to 200 ml of decoction per day for two months.

These decoctions will help you get rid of emotional stress and normalize sleep, which will indirectly affect rapid ejaculation. There are also other ways to treat early ejaculation with folk remedies.

Self-control technique

How to deal with premature ejaculation on your own? There is a training developed by specialists, thanks to which a man can learn to control the ejaculation process. The schematic diagram looks like this:

  • Self-satisfaction training. First, the manipulations are performed with a dry hand, the whole process should take no more than 15-20 minutes, after which it should end with ejaculation. Then a similar procedure is performed using lubricant.
  • Masturbation training with the participation of a partner. In this case, all manipulations with the hand are performed by the partner for 15-20 minutes while maintaining an erection.
  • Joint training during intercourse. The friction period should take at least 15-20 minutes while maintaining an erection. In this case, multiple introjection is possible.

How to avoid rapid ejaculation?

To prevent early ejaculation, sexologists recommend adhering to the following rules:

  • try to avoid stress and normalize your daily routine, setting aside enough time for proper rest and sleep;
  • play sports and try to lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • have a regular sex life;
  • if the phallus is hypersensitive, use a condom;
  • include natural foods high in magnesium and zinc in your diet.

For early ejaculation, the first step is to determine the cause of sexual dysfunction. Consultations with a sex therapist and urologist will help resolve this problem. Regardless of what caused early ejaculation, it must be treated.

Editor: Igor Radevich

Sexopathologist-andrologist of the 1st category.
Work experience: 27 years

When I was young, I didn’t think about how quickly sexual intercourse occurs; women liked it – and that’s enough. And it seemed to me that this had been going on for quite a long time, and it probably was. But with age, problems began. For some reason I thought that the older I got, the longer I would make love, but problems began in bed. My wife tactfully hinted that she didn’t have enough, and I began to worry, and this only made the problem worse. After reading this article, I realized that the problem can be solved. Thank you.

It happened that I also suffered from this problem “Rapid ejaculation”. Although it still exists as it was, I had already begun to slowly cope with the rate of fire, otherwise I couldn’t do it anymore. And after reading this article, I finally decided to see a doctor and the next day I went to a therapist and he directed me to do hormone tests. And I turned out to have low testosterone, and I’m only 24. I was prescribed hormone replacement therapy. Thanks for the informative article.

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When and how to treat premature ejaculation?

Causes and main ways to combat pathology

If earlier problems of the sexual sphere concerned mainly middle-aged and elderly men, today numerous patients of urologists and sexologists belong to the golden youth. And the most common reason for turning to specialists is the problem of premature ejaculation. This concept refers to the onset of ejaculation after just a few frictions during sexual intercourse.

To find the best ways to solve the problem of how to treat premature ejaculation, it is important to initially verify its presence, and then find the causes of such dysfunction. Only after undergoing a thorough examination and comprehensive diagnostics can all sorts of disorders and disturbances in the genitourinary system and other organs and systems be identified. Next, the specialist selects the necessary methods and medications that can prevent premature ejaculation.

Causes of premature ejaculation?

Premature ejaculation is considered a problem if it occurs shortly before sexual intercourse during foreplay, as well as literally immediately after intercourse, but subject to regular sexual activity. In some cases, a man may experience false ejaculation, the reasons for which may be the following:

  • excessive sexual arousal;
  • excessive sensitivity of the head of the penis.

Several materials on the topic of rapid ejaculation and prolongation of sexual intercourse:

If a specialist diagnoses true premature ejaculation, some factors may precede it:

  • magnesium deficiency throughout the body;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • the presence of inflammatory processes in the reproductive system;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • back injuries;
  • genital injuries;
  • side effects from taking medications.

For reference! The most common prerequisite for rapid ejaculation is prolonged abstinence, infrequent sexual intercourse, as well as excessive arousal of the man.

The importance of psychology in treating this phenomenon

We can also say that all existing causes of such a problem can be divided into two classes - physiological and psychological. Speaking about the psychological side of the problem, premature ejaculation can occur against a background of prolonged stress and neuroses, especially if a man is too fixated on his lack of endurance in sexual relations.

For reference! Among patients with a similar problem, there are often young men who do not yet have sufficient experience in sexual life, and premature ejaculation is a consequence of simple lack of self-confidence. A sensitive partner can help solve almost all psychological problems.

As practice has shown, numerous psychological causes of premature ejaculation themselves disappear over time. Time and accumulated experience become an assistant in improving the quality of sexual life. If the problems tend to worsen and increase in scale, the man will need qualified help from a sex therapist and psychologist, who will tell you how to get rid of barriers and complexes.

Folk remedies and methods for premature ejaculation

If the causes of premature ejaculation are not serious inflammatory processes and diseases of the genitourinary system, traditional medicine can help cure this problem. In this case, it would be advisable to resort to unconventional methods, since they do not entail side effects, have a gentle effect on the body, and do not involve addiction or withdrawal symptoms.

Traditional treatment for premature ejaculation involves the following recipes:

  1. Lovage root. To do this, the roots of the plant need to be washed, crushed and mixed with alcohol or vodka. A decoction of this plant will also be useful. To prepare it, 10 grams of chopped root must be mixed with a glass of boiling water, then simmer everything over low heat for about 10 minutes. After steeping the decoction under the lid for 30 minutes, take it before each meal, a third of a glass. Using the same principle, a decoction of the roots of the hoofedfoot is prepared (only 3 grams of the plant are taken per glass of water), which is taken before each meal, 1 tablespoon.
  2. Calendula and oregano. Having mixed the dry flowers of both herbs together in a ratio of 1:2 (more oregano), you need to brew a tablespoon of this mixture in a glass of boiling water, then leave for half an hour. After each meal, drink 100 grams of the product for 1.5 months.
  3. Herbal preparations for therapy. to avoid premature ejaculation. The herbs are first crushed, then mixed with each other and take 2 tablespoons per liter of boiling water. After boiling the mixture for 10 minutes, the resulting broth should be kept in a thermos for one night. The resulting product is taken orally before each meal, half a glass for 3-4 months. Traditional medicine offers three types of collection, which should be taken in courses alternately:
  • rose hips, lyubka bifolia roots, angelica officinalis roots, rapeseed;
  • five-lobed motherwort, oregano, peppermint and yarrow;
  • foliage of the watch trifoliate, rose hips, calendula officinalis flowering, motherwort five-lobed flowering.

Also, alternative therapy offers a very pleasant way to treat premature ejaculation in men - masturbation. It needs to be performed regularly and for a certain period of time, during which you need to try to delay the moment of ejaculation. You only need to deal with such a problem with a regular and systematic approach, following the recommendations for as long as the recipe requires.

Which doctor should I go to if everything is very bad?

Before deciding which doctor to contact with the problem of premature ejaculation, you need to make sure that such problems exist. There are generally accepted norms for the duration of sexual intercourse, namely:

  • on average, the normal duration of sexual intercourse should be 7 minutes;
  • if a man is able to have sexual intercourse for no more than 3 minutes, this causes serious psychological disorders;
  • too long sexual intercourse lasts longer than half an hour.

If a man is unable to withstand the onset of ejaculation within 2-3 minutes after the start of sexual intercourse, this is considered a problem. A urologist or sex therapist can solve such sexual disorders. In order to determine the reasons for this, additional consultation with a neurologist, psychologist, endocrinologist, etc. may be required.

For reference! Large clinics have a new specialist in a narrow field - an andrologist, who is also competent in such matters.

Doctors' recommendations on what to do with premature ejaculation

Only after establishing the causes of premature ejaculation can the doctor choose methods to eliminate the problem. But there are a number of recommendations that all patients should adhere to:

  • cessation of alcoholic beverages and smoking;
  • refusal of medications that could affect the quality of sexual life;
  • in case of excessive sensitivity, use condoms;
  • choosing a sex position that places minimal strain on the frenulum and head of the penis.

To solve the emotional background of the problem, you may need to consult a psychologist. Numerous visitors to such specialists found that problems in bed were the result of trauma and problems in childhood and adolescence. By relieving stress, complexes and anxiety with the help of a specialist, you can improve your sex life.

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Self-treatment for rapid ejaculation

Only a specialist can tell you how to cure early ejaculation at home. Premature ejaculation depends on many pathological reasons. Not every man can independently identify such causes and carry out treatment correctly. The problem causes a lot of inconvenience. Some men don't talk about it. This is a wrong action. You should consult your doctor. He will tell you how to quickly cure the pathology and identify the diagnosis.

How does ejaculation occur and what does it depend on?

Sexual arousal occurs in men thanks to several organs and tissues. Initially, the man experiences pleasant sensations that irritate the cerebral cortex. From it a signal is transmitted to the lumbosacral region. From the department, the impulse travels to the nerve endings of the penis. This causes dilation of the blood vessels of the penis. Special cavities located in the body of the penis are filled with a large volume of blood. The man gets an erection. During sexual intercourse, testosterone is released into the blood. An increase in the level of this hormone leads to the release of seminal fluid into the urethra. Sperm is released out. This is how ejaculation occurs.

If the functioning of one of these organs is disrupted, potency disorder occurs. A man notes the occurrence of early ejaculation. Many patients are interested in home methods for treating this pathology. To choose the right medicine, you need to know the reason that caused early ejaculation.

Factors leading to rapid ejaculation

There are several reasons that influence changes in a man's erectile function. Early ejaculation may occur due to factors such as:

Injuries to the penis can lead to disruption of the vascular and nervous systems. When the functioning of blood vessels is disrupted, excessive filling of the cavernous bodies of the penis occurs. A man's sensitivity increases and early ejaculation occurs. It is impossible to prevent this disease at home. Therapy can only be carried out by a doctor.

In some men, this pathology occurs at birth. At puberty, the first arousal appears. Many young people suffer from rapid ejaculation during adolescence. For this reason, many patients do not consult a specialist. After a few years, the process of ejaculation returns to normal. In some patients, the pathology persists. The congenital form of the problem can be eliminated at home.

Often early ejaculation occurs against the background of inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs. Prostatitis, urethritis, cystitis and other pathologies are the cause of the problem. To find out what pathology affected ejaculation, you need to undergo medical diagnostics.

The foreskin of the penis contains a large number of nerve endings. If their number is greater than normal, then the patient’s prepuce sensitivity increases. Sexual intercourse with this pathology proceeds quickly. Early ejaculation in this case can only be eliminated surgically. You can reduce sensitivity with the help of some decoctions. But such help is not always effective.

Neurological diseases have a pathological effect on signal transmission from the brain. Some pathologies are accompanied by impulse transmission that bypasses the sacral region. In this case, the release of sperm into the vas deferens occurs quickly. Early ejaculation occurs. Therapy must be carried out under the supervision of a neurologist. You can use soothing decoctions at home.

For various reasons, hormonal imbalance may occur. When examined, a high level of testosterone is detected in the blood. The hormone affects the release of sperm into the urethra. Such patients have ejaculated earlier. The problem must be resolved only with a doctor. It is not recommended to treat hormone levels on your own.

Many men have problems with ejaculation due to environmental irritants. Various stressful situations and long-term depression lead to decreased potency and impaired ejaculation. Such patients experience early ejaculation and infrequent sexual intercourse. This form of the disease can be cured at home on your own.

Symptoms of rapid ejaculation

Early ejaculation is accompanied by additional signs. A man may notice additional symptoms such as:

  • Impaired bladder emptying;
  • Pain during sexual intercourse;
  • Reduced ejaculate volume;
  • Erectile dysfunction.

Many genitourinary diseases are accompanied by an increased urge to release the bladder. Going to the toilet does not lead to the disappearance of the urge. The problem worsens at night and leads to increased pathology. The symptom often indicates that a man has prostatitis, cystitis or urethritis. Self-treatment in this case can only do harm. You can reduce symptoms at home.

If early ejaculation is accompanied by pain, a medical examination is necessary. The cause of this symptom may be a pathogenic microorganism that has settled in the genitourinary system. Pain can be reduced with painkillers. The intervention of a specialist will help completely eliminate the symptom.

Early ejaculation may be accompanied by impaired potency and a decrease in ejaculate volume. Such changes lead to severe damage to the genital organs. If these signs appear, you should consult a urologist.

Treatment of the problem

Therapy for early ejaculation is selected based on the disease. There are several types of treatment:

  1. Drug therapy;
  2. Excision of the foreskin;
  3. Home methods for eliminating pathology.

Medicines must be selected with your doctor. At home, you can take dietary supplements that help normalize ejaculation. At the pharmacy you can buy “Impaza”, “Loveron”, “Lovelace”, “Sealex”. These products will not harm the body and will have a stimulating effect on the sexual function of men.

For the congenital form of early ejaculation, experts recommend using a decoction of oak bark. To prepare the drink, you need 50 g of finished raw materials and half a liter of hot water. The raw materials are filled with water and placed on the stove. When the drink boils, the stove turns off. The finished product is wrapped and left for 40 minutes. The drink should be taken on an empty stomach in the morning. You can drink no more than half a glass at a time.

An infusion of thyme, red root and chamomile herbs has proven itself well. All plants are taken in equal parts. The total mass of the composition is 100g. The mixture is poured with 500 ml of boiling water and infused overnight. Reception is carried out three times a day. A single serving is 100 ml.

A decoction of fresh rose hips is good for preventing early ejaculation. The drink is easy to prepare yourself at home. 500g of fresh fruits are poured into a three-liter pan. The drink is brewed for one hour. It is taken before each meal. The volume is not limited.

If early ejaculation occurs, a man should consult a specialist. The doctor will determine the cause of the pathology and prescribe treatment. Home remedies can speed up your recovery.

How to prevent premature ejaculation and prolong sexual intercourse.

Premature ejaculation(ejaculation) is a disorder in the male reproductive system in which ejaculation occurs too early. This condition is one of the most common male diseases in different countries of the world. Every man has experienced early ejaculation at least once in his life, and, as a rule, none of them attached any importance to a one-time failure. But if premature ejaculation occurs regularly, then men panic and may even develop severe depression. aggravating the course of the main pathological process.

Types of premature ejaculation in men

Depending on the causes of premature ejaculation, medicine distinguishes two types of this male ailment:
  1. Primary early ejaculation is congenital and is associated with the malfunction of some nerve centers of the brain responsible for the normal functioning of the male reproductive system. This disorder is rare, often caused by pathology of intrauterine development or birth trauma, and manifests itself as problems already during the very first sexual contact.
  2. Secondary early ejaculation is the result of exposure to pathogenic factors (trauma, certain medications, infections). With adequate treatment, sexual function is restored.

Causes of premature ejaculation

All causes of this dysfunction can be divided into 4 groups:
  • Organic, that is, based on some organic (pathological) process (chronic vesiculitis, urological diseases, injury to the lumbosacral spine, prostatitis, phimosis, balanoposthitis, hormonal disorders, poisoning with harmful substances, etc.).
  • Physiological (individual increased sensitivity of the skin of the head of the penis, prolonged sexual abstinence, a new partner, sex with a very beautiful woman, lack of magnesium in the diet).
  • Psychological (fears, stress, lack of trusting relationship with a partner).
  • Genetic (if this disorder was noted in the male line, then the risk of regular early ejaculation increases).


For a long time there were problems in diagnosing premature ejaculation, since there were no uniform criteria for this disease. Some authors considered the duration of sexual intercourse important, others considered the onset of orgasm in the partner during intercourse, and others focused on the harmony of relationships in a couple. There is only one thing everyone agrees on: the onset of ejaculation before insertion of the penis into the vagina should be considered obvious early ejaculation.

Often men invent this pathology for themselves, based on their own fears and complexes or on the opinion of an incorrect partner. Fear of another failure disrupts normal sex life and leads to conflicts in the family, while the man is in a state of constant stress.

Andrologists and sexologists deal with the problem of premature ejaculation. Treatment for ejaculatory dysfunction usually involves both partners. The man is carefully examined for concomitant pathologies that may provoke or aggravate existing disorders. It is also important to establish the cause of premature ejaculation in a given man because treatment is prescribed purely individually, with monitoring and correction if necessary.

To date, the following criteria for this pathology have been identified:
  • The occurrence of ejaculation before inserting the penis into the vagina or when trying to hold it back. This takes into account age, concomitant pathology, physical condition and other factors.
  • Early ejaculation brings discomfort to a man’s family life and causes him unpleasant experiences.
  • The disease arose independently without taking or stopping any medications.

Treatment of premature ejaculation (how to prolong sexual intercourse for a man)

Treatment of this “scourge” is possible only with a purely individual approach to the patient. To begin with, the reasons that provoked the appearance of this dysfunction are determined, and then treatment is prescribed.

Rare failures for no apparent reason

It is possible to increase sexual stamina, if early ejaculation in a man is rare without any particular reason, by using special techniques to increase the duration of sexual intercourse.

One such technique is "Start-Stop Method". In this case, the man “catches” the moment of ejaculation, removes the penis from the vagina and squeezes it tightly with his fingers at the base of the head. Then sexual intercourse can be continued. When premature ejaculation approaches again, the technique is repeated. Thus, the duration of sexual intercourse gradually increases.

Another technique for controlling ejaculation is Kegel method. which is based on the doctrine of impaired innervation of the pelvic organs in men suffering from rapid ejaculation. Kegel has developed a system of exercises for the perineal muscles, aimed simultaneously at developing ejaculation control skills.

Exercises for premature ejaculation include: contraction and relaxation of the pubococcygeus muscle fifteen times, two to three times a day with free breathing. The load is constantly increased to fifty exercises at a time. You can do a complicated exercise by holding the muscle in a state of tension while inhaling, and resting while exhaling. Exercise "Elevator" is performed in several stages from minimum voltage to maximum and vice versa. Breathing is free.

Drug treatment for premature ejaculation

Drugs for the treatment of premature ejaculation include the following proven remedies, some of which are sometimes combined to achieve a quick effect:

  • anesthetic creams (Instilagel, Katajel, lidocaine, Emla, lidocaine-prilocaine gel 5-10 minutes before sexual intercourse, do not use the product in case of poor erection).
  • antidepressants.
  • selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (Fluoxetine, Diprivox and Paxil).
  • erection pills (Levitra, Cialis, Viagra).
  • food supplement 5-hydroxytryptophan.
  • "Dapoxetine."
  • Ecado drug, developed and patented by Dr. N.E. Chernobaev.

These drugs are used to delay the onset of premature ejaculation in men. Concomitant pathology may require additional treatment. For genitourinary infections, antibacterial therapy is prescribed. To treat diseases of the spinal column, neuroprotectors, vitamins and vascular drugs are prescribed.

Often, in order to get rid of premature ejaculation, a married couple turns to a psychologist, who in the early stages can help cope with depression, anxiety, self-doubt, and fear. Achieving psychological harmony in itself is the result of healing.

Your partner will help you avoid premature ejaculation

If you have a trusting relationship with your partner, a good effect is achieved from using Simmans methods:

  • Masturbate with a dry hand for about fifteen minutes without ejaculating (three attempts).
  • Masturbate with lubricant (Vaseline) for about fifteen minutes without ejaculating (three attempts).
  • Masturbate with your wife's dry hand for about 15 minutes to maintain an erection without ejaculation.
  • Masturbate with your wife's hand with lubricant.
  • Sexual contact in the “Cowgirl” position with possible breaks, the duration of sexual intercourse is 15 minutes without ejaculation, up to three attempts.

Important: After each stage there should be ejaculation.

Alternative medicine in the fight against premature ejaculation

Acupuncture, massage, physiotherapy, yoga, breathing exercises, medicinal baths and spa treatment help get rid of premature ejaculation.

Some are helped by infusions of medicinal herbs, for example, hops and motherwort or periwinkle, prepared in a steam bath, coriander, lemon balm, medicinal capsules and a number of other medicinal plants. Such treatment must be agreed with your doctor.

Orgasm Control Methods

Came down to us from ancient times Indian book Kama Sutra. in which all possible poses of lovers and types of kisses are described, and the art of love is extolled and placed above all. In addition, it describes techniques that allow you to achieve the duration of sexual intercourse that is necessary for both partners to achieve orgasm.

Tips on how to go longer without ejaculating can also be found in ancient Chinese teaching about Tao(method of deep and superficial frictions), and in many other countries of the East.

Three finger method consists of applying moderate pressure with three fingers to a point located in the middle of the perineum between the anus and testicles, before the climax. The fingers should be slightly bent.

Alternating types of caresses with sex allows you to somewhat reduce your arousal and give more pleasure to your partner.

Counting the number of frictions. enter nine times shallow and once deep, eight times shallow and two deep, seven shallow and three deep, and so on.

Surgical treatment for rapid ejaculation

Surgical treatment of premature ejaculation, which consists of neurosurgical transection of the nerves responsible for the sensitivity of the glans penis (selective neurotomy, conventional or microsurgical), often leads to a complete loss of sensitivity of the penis, and consequently to a deterioration in erection and weakening of orgasm. These operations are recognized as mutilating and are not used.

An improvement in the condition and an increase in the duration of sexual intercourse is achieved after the operation of circumcision of the foreskin in patients with phimosis. In these men, premature ejaculation occurred due to inadequate sexual stimulation.

In conclusion

Treatment methods for premature ejaculation are not applied all at once. In each case, the doctor chooses the optimal combination of these drugs for each specific patient.

To achieve a therapeutic effect, you should ensure that you have a rational regime of work and rest, as well as adequate sleep and nutrition. Promiscuous sexual intercourse must be excluded at least temporarily for the period of treatment.

To prevent such disorders, you should try to avoid prolonged stress and lead a healthy lifestyle. Food should contain large amounts of magnesium and zinc. Regular physical exercise not only improves the functioning of all organs and systems of our body, but also helps relieve nervous tension.

Premature ejaculation: causes, symptoms, treatment methods

According to statistics, every third man suffers from a pathology such as premature ejaculation. Early ejaculation causes psychological and emotional problems, which can lead to erectile dysfunction. In the article you will learn how to determine early ejaculation, which doctor to contact, what treatment methods and control measures are used to eliminate the problem.

When to sound the alarm

It is difficult to say what is normal time between insertion of the penis into the vagina and ejaculation. Indicators depend on culture, temperament, nationality and even religious beliefs. Canadian sexologists conducted a study that revealed the following data:

  • the average duration of sexual intercourse from insertion of the penis into the vagina to ejaculation is 7 minutes;
  • the duration of sexual intercourse lasting 1-3 minutes causes uncertainty in a man;
  • 7-13 minutes, according to respondents, is the optimal value.
  • 1-30 minutes is a lot.

General data showed that 70% of men ejaculate within 10 minutes of coitus. In modern medicine, it is generally accepted that premature ejaculation occurs before sexual intercourse or a minute or two after insertion of the penis into the vagina.

The question of which doctor to contact with early ejaculation worries men. Therefore, we will tell you: a urologist deals with the treatment of pathology. But in some cases, a sexologist will help a man.

Causes of premature ejaculation

To understand the cause of the problem, you need to know how the male reproductive system functions in the absence of pathology.

Normally, the ejaculation process has two stages. At the first stage (in medical terminology called emission), sperm exits into the prostate gland and mixes it with prostate juice. When a man reaches orgasm, motor neurons located in the spinal cord “give a command” to close the neck of the bladder and the urethra begins to contract, expelling semen from the urethra.

If there is a malfunction in the functioning of these receptors, then ejaculation may occur before the peak of orgasm in a man. Therefore, the main causes of the problem are as follows:

  • injuries or inflammatory processes in the spine, including osteochondrosis;
  • prostatitis and other prostate diseases;
  • hormonal imbalance in the body;
  • taking certain medications that block these neurons as a side effect;
  • inflammation in the urethra or seminal tubercle;
  • increased sensitivity of the glans penis.

Besides these reasons, there are others. For example, premature ejaculation may occur if a man has a short frenulum on the head of the penis. In this case, the problem can only be solved with the help of plastic surgery and elimination of pathology.

A number of psychological factors can also provoke early ejaculation:

  • depression;
  • excitement before sexual intercourse during the first intercourse with a partner;
  • lack of sexual experience;
  • lack of self-confidence;
  • various types of stress;
  • strong sexual arousal.

In the USA, another interesting fact was established: a deficiency of magnesium in the body also causes problems. It is obvious that a man’s diet directly affects the time at which ejaculation begins during sexual intercourse.

Methods for diagnosing the problem

To understand what to do in the described case and what treatment to choose, you need to identify the root cause. To do this, you need to visit an andrologist. The doctor will interview the man and determine possible factors that provoke earlier ejaculation. If there is a suspicion of prostatitis or problems with the spine, then therapy will be aimed at eliminating these factors. Once cured of illness, premature ejaculation no longer bothers a man. At this stage, differential (distinctive) diagnostics are also carried out: erectile dysfunction is excluded.

Premature ejaculation (ejaculation) - causes, symptoms, diagnosis and effective treatment

Thank you

Premature ejaculation, or early ejaculation, is a disorder in which ejaculation occurs too early. Premature ejaculation is one of the most common types of sexual dysfunction in men around the world. Every man has experienced early ejaculation at least once in his life.

In the USA, there are statistics according to which 25% to 40% of men in this country suffer from premature ejaculation. In 1950, Alfred Kinsey, an American biologist, conducted an extensive statistical study, during which he showed that every representative of the stronger sex in America at least once during his life noted symptoms of this disorder. Most men do not attach any importance to this if ejaculation occurs prematurely once. But with the systematic development of the disorder, conflicts begin to occur in the family, the man cannot improve his personal life, and ultimately he develops psychological complexes and self-esteem decreases.

Premature ejaculation and other disorders in men

Early ejaculation is not the only type of ejaculation disorder. There are others:
1. Delayed ejaculation– this is the exact opposite disorder, in which ejaculation occurs after too long a time from the start of sexual intercourse.
2. Retrograde ejaculation- a phenomenon in which the seed does not flow out of the urethra, but in the opposite direction, flowing into the prostate gland.
3. Suppressed male orgasm. Also known as orgasmic dysfunction. In this case, the patient’s sexual satisfaction is incomplete and does not bring proper pleasure.

All these violations are often difficult to verify and somehow rank. The fact is that ejaculation during sexual intercourse can occur at different times and in different ways for different men. The satisfaction of both partners with sexual intercourse is also not an accurate criterion. Sometimes even with prolonged and complete sexual intercourse on the part of the man, the partner remains dissatisfied. And sometimes a couple only needs two minutes to get pleasure from each other, and with such short sexual contacts it is quite possible to conceive a child.

Causes of premature ejaculation

The difficulty is that the causes of premature ejaculation are not always possible to accurately determine. Sometimes a disorder occurs without any visible provoking factors.

It is known that early ejaculation often occurs in adolescents. They can ejaculate without sexual intercourse. Over time, as a man grows up, he learns to control his physiological processes during sexual intercourse.
Often, by examining and questioning the patient, the doctor can identify the following causes of premature ejaculation:

  • Early ejaculation in a man can occur whenever he has sexual intercourse with a new partner.
  • Often, premature ejaculation occurs during sexual intercourse after a long period of sexual abstinence.
  • The role of psychological factors in the development of early ejaculation is quite high. Conditions such as depression, anxiety, restlessness, frequent stress, and feelings of guilt can lead to this type of sexual dysfunction in men.
  • Hormonal disorders. First of all, early ejaculation can be triggered by a disruption in the production of hormones involved in sexual function.
  • Some types of injuries.
  • Sex with very beautiful representatives of the fairer sex. Sometimes a man experiences such strong sexual arousal before sexual intercourse that ejaculation occurs even before the penis is inserted into the vagina.
  • Genetic causes of premature ejaculation have also been proven. It is known that 91% of men with this disorder have relatives who also suffer from early ejaculation.
  • Another factor that can lead to the development of pathology is malnutrition. The disorder occurs more often in men whose diet contains insufficient magnesium. This problem is common in major US cities. Unfortunately, statistics are not available for Russia.
Often men do not attach much importance to psychological factors as the causes of premature ejaculation. However, they are among the most important. It is believed that the consequence of depression, frequent stress or overwork is mainly erectile dysfunction (impotence). But often the first sign of incipient problems is early ejaculation. For example, it can occur when a man experiences stress related to financial problems.

It is very interesting to consider the causes of premature ejaculation from the perspective of interpersonal relationships. Thus, after a series of studies conducted in America, it was found that for many men the time of ejaculation depends on the phase of the partner’s monthly cycle. Another interesting observation: men who live with older partners ejaculate earlier during intercourse than those who live with women their own age or younger.

Organic diseases that can cause

premature ejaculation Early ejaculation develops much more often in men who have predisposing factors such as:

  • birth injuries - can affect many years later in this form;
  • shortening of the frenulum of the penis: a thin fold of skin that runs along the lower surface of the penis, connecting its head to the neck;
  • phimosis - narrowing of the foreskin, due to which the head is exposed with great difficulty, or is not exposed at all;
  • anatomical defects of the penis (for example, its curvature);
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system in men, especially prostatitis and urethritis (inflammation of the prostate and urethra);
  • benign prostate hyperplasia (adenoma);
  • diseases and injuries that affect the pelvic nerves: fractures of the pelvic bones, lumbar, sacral or coccygeal vertebrae, osteochondrosis;
  • alcohol abuse and alcoholism, smoking, substance abuse and drug addiction;
  • Hormonal changes in the body are most often a consequence of taking certain medications.

The mechanism of development of premature ejaculation

Let's delve a little deeper into male physiology and consider how the process of ejaculation occurs. It consists of two successive stages:
1. Emission phase. In this case, a large amount of seminal fluid is released, which accumulates in the back of the urethra (urethra). All sex glands take part in the process of the emission phase, including the prostate, seminal vesicles, and bulbourethral glands.
2. Release phase. This is what directly manifests itself as ejaculation. The muscles surrounding the junction of the bladder and the urethra contract and close the opening. At the same time, the walls of the urethra begin to move rhythmically, forcefully pushing the seminal fluid out.

Both processes are regulated by special nerves connected to the nerves of the genitals, organs and pelvic muscles. Moreover, in the cerebral cortex there are special nerve centers that clearly coordinate both phases of ejaculation.

Indeed, it is discovered that men suffering from early ejaculation have some peculiarities in the nervous regulation of the pelvic area. In particular, the pelvic muscles of such patients respond faster to electrical stimulation and are more excitable. Naturally, with the right approach, this problem can be dealt with.

The rate of ejaculation is influenced by some biologically active substances that are normally released in the human body. For example, a hormone-like compound such as serotonin can have a strong suppressive effect on ejaculation. Accordingly, if there is not enough serotonin in the corresponding areas of the brain, a man has a problem in the form of early ejaculation.

Symptoms of premature ejaculation

The most important problem for andrologists is to determine when the symptoms of premature ejaculation appear, when the norm ends and the disorder that needs to be treated begins.

Different researchers have different formulations and criteria:
1. A symptom of early ejaculation is considered to be a condition when a man ejaculates in 50% of cases before his partner experiences orgasm (Masters, Johnson).
2. At one time, sexologists believed that a reliable symptom of premature ejaculation was its onset within two minutes after insertion of the penis into the vagina. But this point of view was refuted after some research:

  • American Alfred Kinsey conducted a survey of men in 1950, during which it was shown that 75% of them ejaculated in 50% of sexual contacts within 2 minutes after insertion of the penis into the vagina;
  • the same Kinsey showed that half of men need no more than five minutes to complete sexual intercourse;
  • experts from the USA and Canada ranked sexual intercourse as follows: 1 – 2 minutes – too short; 3 – 7 minutes – normal; 7 – 13 minutes – desired for many couples; 10 – 30 minutes is too long;
  • It was also found that 75% of Americans ejaculate within 10 minutes of inserting the penis into the vagina.
As you can see, the time criterion turned out to be too unreliable. A man can ejaculate within a very short time, and both partners experience complete satisfaction.
3. When determining the symptoms of premature ejaculation, modern doctors focus on the general well-being of the man and the couple as a whole. If both partners experience satisfaction after sexual intercourse, do not suffer from any psychological complexes and characterize their life together as happy, then even with ejaculation in 1.5 minutes one cannot talk about its prematureness.
4. If ejaculation occurs in a man even before the penis is inserted into the vagina, it should be considered clearly premature.

Wrong approach on the part of many men

Many men tend to believe that their virility and physical health in the sexual sphere are mainly determined by three factors:
  • penis size, especially when erect;
  • erection hardness;
  • duration of sexual intercourse - it is believed that the longer it is, the more “full” the representative of the stronger sex is.

This is a fundamentally wrong point of view, inspired in men by society, upbringing, and traditionally established stereotypes. The quality of life together with a partner is actually influenced by many more factors. And size and duration are not always decisive.

However, if a man believes that he is suffering from premature ejaculation, this leads to deep psychological problems.

Negative experiences can provoke the development of the following disorders:

  • psychological complex, the belief that a man does not satisfy his current partner and is not able to satisfy those who will come after her;
  • disturbances in the personal sphere: a patient who has found “symptoms” of early ejaculation may refuse sexual activity altogether;
  • the man develops nervousness and poor sleep;
  • Often there are also problems such as depression, increased anxiety, emotional imbalance, isolation, etc.
However, such patient reactions to what is happening do not help him cope with the problem. On the contrary, they lead to the development of new ones. A kind of vicious circle closes. Psychological disorders lead to further aggravation of problems with ejaculation. In turn, worsening problems makes a man worry even more.

Sometimes such symptoms can be the first step on the path to erectile dysfunction.

Most men, with some exceptions, perceive sexual intercourse lasting 0.5 - 1.5 minutes as too short and incomplete. But we have already mentioned above that this point of view has not found any confirmation among doctors and researchers. In addition, you should always focus on the opinion of your partner. For some women, just one minute is enough to achieve a full orgasm. And for some it takes 30 – 60 minutes.

Ultimately, any man who shows signs of premature ejaculation should remember one simple truth: if you and your partner have an orgasm during intercourse, if you fully satisfy each other, then it is completely wrong to talk about early ejaculation, even if sexual intercourse lasts very little. There are no absolute standards here, and there is no need to measure up to anyone.

Partner's opinion

Sometimes a man claims that he suffers from premature ejaculation, relying only on the opinion of his partner. Time after time, a woman says that she does not experience orgasm during intercourse, blaming her partner for this. As a result, the man himself begins to believe in his “guilt”, begins to visit dubious specialists, and buy various means to slow down ejaculation in sex shops.

In fact, self-diagnosis and self-medication are unacceptable in these cases. Moreover, if they rely only on a single criterion - the opinion of their partner.

  • in this case, it often turns out that the man did not have early ejaculation at all - he and his partner are simply not quite suitable for each other;
  • If there is still a problem, it is often impossible to eliminate it using only products from a sex shop: each specific case requires separate consideration and an individual approach.
Many men are sure that they must certainly give a woman an orgasm during sexual intercourse only with the help of the penis. In this case, premature ejaculation is perceived as a big hindrance. In fact, there are many other completely normal ways to give a woman pleasure during sexual intercourse and, it should be noted, these are the ones that are used by many married couples around the world.

Concluding our review of the symptoms of premature ejaculation in men, we can give the most important advice: do not rush to conclusions. Early ejaculation is a common disorder, but it does not occur as often as many men “discover” it. Focus on satisfaction with sex life on your part and on the part of your partner. And if you have doubts or suspicions, it is better to immediately contact a specialist.


Which doctors diagnose premature ejaculation in men?
These problems fall within the competence of andrologists and sexologists. It is better to visit sexologists, since they specialize in disorders of this specific nature.

If necessary, a man who has signs of premature ejaculation may be prescribed consultations with other specialists:

  • endocrinologist - a specialist who treats pathologies of the endocrine glands;
  • neurologist - a doctor whose competence includes all diseases of the nervous system;
  • a psychologist or psychotherapist - you have to resort to the help of this specialist very often, because, as discussed above, early ejaculation often has psychological problems behind it;
  • urologist - to identify other diseases of the genitourinary system that can increase the sensitivity of the nerve receptors of the penis;
  • a therapist and related specialists, if the sexologist suspects that the patient has other diseases that may be associated with premature ejaculation.
What happens in the doctor's office?
First of all, the sexologist carefully questions his patient. The first part of the question concerns general health data, and is carried out in the same way as at an appointment with any other specialist. The doctor is interested in the man’s past and current illnesses, the man’s general health, and his working and living conditions.

Then they move on to clarifying their sexual history. The specialist may ask about the timing of the onset of sexual activity, the number of partners, the regularity of sexual activity, etc. At this stage, it is very important to tell the doctor absolutely everything, without hesitation or hiding anything. After all, the correctness of diagnosis and, as a result, treatment depends on this.

Early ejaculation is a disorder that develops as a result of a large number of reasons. In order to identify them, the doctor will most likely prescribe a laboratory test after the examination.

In accordance with modern regulations, a doctor can consider the diagnosis of premature ejaculation proven if:
1. Ejaculation occurs even before the penis is inserted into the vagina, or against the will of the man when he tries to restrain it. Of course, the doctor takes into account factors such as the age and physical condition of the patient, the duration of abstinence, and how long the patient has been sexually active with a specific partner.
2. Premature ejaculation disrupts the patient's personal or family life. The disorder causes strong feelings and problems in a man.
3. Early ejaculation should not be caused by taking or, on the contrary, stopping any medications. For example, it is known that for some time after stopping opium-based drugs, men begin to ejaculate earlier.

Often, in order to understand the existing problem, the doctor must talk not only with the patient himself, but also with his partner.

Today, special tests have been developed that help identify the severity and likelihood of early ejaculation in a man.

What diseases need to be differentiated between premature ejaculation?
Most often, the imaginary signs of premature ejaculation are caused by erectile dysfunction, when the penis cannot become hard enough to be inserted into the vagina. At a certain stage, a man realizes that he needs additional stimulation for penetration. Often during this process not only an erection occurs, but also ejaculation.

It is worth distinguishing real premature ejaculation from sporadic cases, which occur only from time to time and cannot lead to significant suffering in a man. This problem can be easily fixed.

Sometimes early ejaculation and erectile dysfunction can be caused by the use of opioids and their subsequent abrupt withdrawal. This condition also cannot be considered true early ejaculation.

Questionnaires for diagnosing premature ejaculation
Specialists from different countries have now developed special questionnaires that help identify early ejaculation and assess the degree of its severity.
Today there are quite a lot of such questionnaires, but two are mainly used:

  • PEDT (Premature Ejaculation Diagnostic Tool) – a questionnaire that contains only 5 questions;
  • AIPE (Arabic Index of Premature Ejaculation) - Arabic index of early ejaculation: a questionnaire consisting of seven questions.
Laboratory and instrumental examination for premature ejaculation
Below is a list of additional diagnostic measures that can be prescribed by a doctor in order to identify existing causes:
  • smears from the urethra with their bacteriological culture to identify hidden urogenital infections;
  • PCR diagnostics is a study of the level of antibodies in the blood, which helps to identify a specific infectious agent;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs, genitourinary system: a simple, accessible, informative and completely painless diagnostic technique;
  • urethroscopy and cystoscopy - examination of the inner surface of the urethra and bladder using endoscopic equipment;
  • study of the level of sex hormones in the blood.


Many men are interested in the question of how to treat premature ejaculation. Unfortunately, there is no clear answer to this. In each specific case, it is necessary to understand the causes of premature ejaculation in a particular man, and focus primarily on them. Therefore, a visit to the doctor before starting any treatment and a high-quality diagnosis of the problem are mandatory conditions.

Initial stages of premature ejaculation
If the cause of the disorder has not been established, and early ejaculation bothers you from time to time, you can use some special techniques to prolong sexual intercourse.

Start-Stop Method
Quite an effective method. Its essence is that during sexual intercourse a man must “catch” the moment when premature ejaculation begins. In this case, the penis is removed from the vagina, and its base is strongly compressed with the fingers. When sexual arousal subsides a little, penetration can be achieved again and sexual intercourse can continue. If a man feels the beginning of ejaculation again, then he repeats the break. The number of repetitions is practically unlimited.

Over time, the number and duration of such “respites” naturally decreases, and the duration of sexual intercourse increases.

Kegel method
This technique is based on the assertion that if a man suffers from early ejaculation, then his innervation of the pelvic organs is to some extent impaired. Accordingly, you can perform exercises that will help restore it.

During Kegel exercises, a man learns to regulate the tension and relaxation of certain muscles of the pelvis and tailbone. As a result, the skill of controlling ejaculation is simultaneously trained.

Drug treatment
The general principles of treatment for premature ejaculation are as follows:

  • the use of medications (both general and local) that delay ejaculation;
  • use of sedative medications.
If early ejaculation has psychological or nervous causes, then with the use of these medications they can go away quite quickly.

If sexually transmitted infections are detected, antibiotics are prescribed. First, the doctor must prescribe smears to identify the pathogen and determine its sensitivity to antibacterial drugs.

If a neurological disease has been identified that has led to premature ejaculation, appropriate treatment is prescribed: vasodilators, vitamins, neuroprotectors, etc.

Fighting psychological problems
Often, premature ejaculation can be successfully treated with the participation of only a specialist such as a psychotherapist or psychologist. This helps especially well at a young age, when existing disorders are mainly associated with psychological problems and are supported by them.

An experienced psychotherapist can eliminate problems such as increased anxiety, emotionality, irritability, depression, exposure to stress, self-doubt, and fear of failure. As a result, early ejaculation will cease to bother the patient on its own.

The importance of alternative medicine in the treatment of premature ejaculation
Various methods are widely used for early ejaculation alternative medicine :

  • acupuncture - involves a reflex effect on the nerves that innervate the pelvic organs (including the male genitourinary system);
  • massage - some of its varieties can have an effect on the nerves and blood flow in the pelvic area, improve a man’s control over various muscles responsible for erection and ejaculation;
  • medicinal baths – widely used in spa treatment;
  • mud therapy – also used in various sanatoriums and resorts;
  • physiotherapy – influence on the male genitourinary system using various physical factors.
Even masturbation can be a therapeutic measure for premature ejaculation. It should not be performed independently and uncontrollably, but under the guidance of a sexologist. The doctor must explain to his patient how, when and in what environment it is best to do this, and how often.

The main difference between masturbation and sexual contact with a partner is that at this time the man completely controls the degree of his sexual arousal. By masturbating, he can learn to control ejaculation and restrain it when necessary.

After the sexologist questions and examines the man, he may well ask to bring his partner to the appointment. The doctor will talk with the woman, find out additional details, give her recommendations and advise how to help the man.

All of the above methods for treating early ejaculation are not applied at once together. In each specific case, the doctor prescribes a combination that should be as effective as possible.

Additional recommendations can be given to men undergoing treatment:

  • a rational regime of work and rest, adequate sleep of at least 6 hours a day;
  • good nutrition, the presence of all necessary substances in the daily diet;
  • exclusion of promiscuity, at least for the duration of treatment;
  • avoidance of conflict and stressful situations;
  • It is advisable to give up all bad habits, smoking, drinking alcohol;
  • frequent stay in the fresh air, active recreation, sports.
If you follow all the doctor’s recommendations, the prognosis is most often favorable. Before use, you should consult a specialist.

On average, for men, sexual intercourse lasts from 7 to 14 minutes. Premature ejaculation is considered a problem if sexual intercourse lasts less than 2 minutes, although there is still no standard definition of the phenomenon. Statistics show that more than 60% of men experience premature ejaculation. But few people know how to deal with it and how to avoid it.

Premature ejaculation is a condition in men when they cannot control their arousal, prolonging sexual intercourse so that their partner gets sexual satisfaction.

Signs of premature ejaculation

If the following signs are present, we can talk about the problem of premature ejaculation:

  • The duration of sexual intercourse changes, sometimes it lengthens, sometimes it becomes shorter.
  • Using condoms, sexual intercourse lasts longer than usual. This also applies to alcohol intoxication.
  • The use of special agents based on anesthetics to increase the duration of the act gives positive results.

Why is this happening

In order to know how to deal with this phenomenon, you need to understand the reasons for its occurrence.

The causes of premature ejaculation are as follows:

  1. prolonged absence of sexual intercourse
  2. excessive sensitivity of the male genital organ
  3. the presence of an inflammatory process
  4. stress, unhealthy lifestyle
  5. presence of oncology
  6. hormonal disbalance
  7. mental and emotional disorders (fear of failure)
  8. side effect caused by certain medications (methadone, betanidine)
  9. spinal cord injury or damage
  10. Parkinson's disease
  11. diabetes mellitus, chronic prostatitis

Diagnosis of the phenomenon

The final “point” in the diagnosis can only be made by a urologist after conducting the following studies:

  • tests
  • vasoactive test
  • biotensiometry
  • ultrasound examination of the prostate gland
  • conversation between partners to help clarify the causes of premature ejaculation

After conducting all the necessary research, the specialist will tell you how to get rid of premature ejaculation.

There are several methods to cure ejaculation disorders:

  • psychotherapeutic treatment - consists of the use of control methods aimed at developing in a man an understanding of the approach of orgasm and the possibility of controlling it
  • drug treatment - consists of treating diseases that provoke ejaculation disorders
  • surgical treatment - used for excessive sensitivity of the head of the male genital organ, short frenulum
  • conservative treatment of hypersensitivity of the glans - is achieved by using a condom and anesthetics, which must be applied to the head of the male genital organ immediately before sexual intercourse for 10-15 minutes
  • pharmacotherapy - the use of antidepressants, drugs that improve potency
  • vacuum massage of the male genital organ

A qualified specialist will tell you how to prevent ejaculation disorders in men. Following a few tips for prolonging sexual intercourse will help prevent this unpleasant phenomenon:

  1. For men experiencing early ejaculation, it is necessary to change their daily diet, try not to overeat and exercise.
  2. Sex should be constant. The less often you have sex, the more likely you are to experience early ejaculation. The second sexual intercourse usually lasts longer. Take this fact into account.
  3. The use of a condom will prolong sexual intercourse due to a decrease in the sensitivity of the head of the male genital organ.

If the tips listed above do not help prevent premature ejaculation, you can try pills to prolong sexual intercourse. Urologists often recommend taking Diapoxetine tablets. This medicine is safe and effective in solving this problem, despite the fact that the drug was originally developed to treat depression. The drug helps prolong sexual intercourse 4 times and is eliminated from the body after a few hours. While using Diapoxetine, you can take other drugs that improve potency.

Sometimes it is advisable to prescribe drugs that affect the central nervous system, antidepressants. Medicines should be prescribed only according to the decision of a specialist. Self-medication may not bring the desired effect, but only aggravate the situation. The use of rational psychotherapy to restore ejaculation is effective. It is very important that the partner treats the problem with understanding.

Surgical methods of treatment

If medications are ineffective in solving the problem, as well as in some other cases, a surgical solution is possible.

Surgical methods are as follows:

  • Excision of the foreskin of the penis followed by frenuloplasty.
  • Microsurgical denervation of the male genital organ to achieve a reduction in sensitivity of the glans.
  • The introduction of a product based on hyaluric acid into the head of the male genital organ is considered the most modern and effective method of treating the phenomenon. Hyaluric acid, as it were, creates a kind of “cushion” that separates the skin and nerve endings, reducing the sensitivity of the head. This method does not require a hospital stay; the procedure itself is performed under local anesthesia, taking a time period of 15 to 50 minutes.

The use of surgical methods is characterized by the absence of side effects and quick results.

If you decide to treat a “delicate problem” at home

Most men are embarrassed to consult a specialist with their problem and prefer to treat it at home. Before using any means, be it medications or folk remedies, be sure to consult with your doctor. After all, perhaps the disorder was caused by a disease that needs to be treated immediately.

Some tips for treating premature ejaculation at home:

  1. Boost the body's immune system. To do this, give up junk food. Bee products
  2. Get plenty of rest and sleep. Stressful situations and overwork can cause erection problems.
  3. Normalize your nervous system. To do this, you can use folk remedies, such as infusions, decoctions of medicinal herbs (calendula, yarrow, motherwort, valerian). The herbal mixture can be purchased at the pharmacy. It is easy to use; you need to drink the decoction a couple of times during the day.
  4. Special exercises - yoga, gymnastics, massage. Hardening and visiting the sauna give good results.

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