Bogorodskaya herb medicinal properties and contraindications. Thyme for blood pressure. How to collect, dry and store thyme

In ancient times, our ancestors could not imagine their lives without various potions that were prepared from medicinal plants. At that time, it was impossible to go to the pharmacy and buy a medicine for any disease, so we had to seek help from nature and the healing properties of herbs. Not only decoctions and infusions were prepared from plants to combat ailments, but they were also simply eaten as a source of many medicinal properties.

Let's talk about one of the medicinal herbs, it is popularly called thyme - Bogorodskaya herb. Let's consider medicinal properties Bogorodskaya herb and indications for use.

Bogorodskaya grass - medicinal properties and contraindications

Many centuries ago, our ancestors were familiar with miraculous properties Bogorodskaya grass. In those days, she saved the lives of many people and helped get rid of numerous ailments. The very first mentions of Bogorodsk grass are found in the chronicles of the 3rd millennium BC. The Egyptians used the miraculous herb to prepare mixtures that were used to embalm the pharaohs.

Since ancient times, Bogorodskaya grass has always been revered and treated with respect, and it’s not for nothing that even the name suggests that it was given by God himself for the benefit of people. Over the entire period of use, Bogorodskaya grass has managed to win love and reverent attitude, thanks to its extensive medicinal properties.

Here are just some of the medicinal properties of Bogorodsk grass:

All these properties make it possible to sufficiently expand the use of Bogorodskaya herb in therapeutic practice and beyond. The therapeutic effect is provided by a diverse composition, it includes:

  • Essential oils.
  • Fats.
  • Tannins.
  • A whole complex of vitamins.
  • Folic acid.
  • Resins and gum.
  • Flavonoids.
  • A large number of macro and microelements.

Not every representative flora can boast of such large spectrum medicinal properties. All parts of the Bogorodskaya herb can be used for therapeutic purposes, but most often the leaves and flowers are used. In order for the medicinal properties to be revealed to the maximum and the use of Bogorodskaya herb to be effective, it is necessary to collect the plant during the flowering period and dry it in a shady place.

The use of Bogorodskaya herb in folk medicine

Since ancient times, the medicinal properties of Bogorodsk grass have allowed it to capture many branches of medicine.

The medicinal properties of the Bogorodskaya herb plant help cure the following pathologies:

  • Colds, since Bogorodsk grass cleanses the bronchi well and copes well with viruses and bacteria. The plant can be used not only in the form of an infusion or decoction, but also for inhalation.
  • Bogorodskaya herb will help in the fight against sore throat.
  • The use of Bogorodskaya herb is effective for many skin rashes, herpes, and manifestations of dermatitis.
  • Men notice significant improvements after a course of therapy with Bogorodskaya herb, potency improves, and symptoms of prostatitis disappear.
  • At different mental disorders The use of the medicinal properties of Bogorodskaya herb is also effective, it calms and normalizes the emotional state.
  • Disappears chronic fatigue, if you undergo a course of treatment with Bogorodskaya grass.
  • Bogorodskaya herb will also cope with headaches.
  • The use of Bogorodskaya herb to improve memory also gives good results.
  • Treatment of radiculitis, sciatica, and neuritis is faster with the use of Bogorodskaya herb. You need to pour boiling water over the crushed plant, squeeze it out and apply it to the sore spot. Keep until cool. Can I take it? medicinal baths with a decoction of herbs.
  • Digestion is significantly improved with the help of the medicinal properties of this herb.
  • To combat allergic manifestations and furunculosis, you need to take a decoction of 2 tablespoons of herbs and a glass of boiling water. Dosage: 100 ml after meals 3 times a day.
  • Thanks to its properties, the herb copes well with wounds and promotes the healing of injuries. It can be taken orally, but it is better to apply it as a lotion to the injured area and change the bandage periodically.
  • Restoring impaired metabolism is also possible with the help of this plant.
  • In case of intoxication, Bogorodskaya herb is excellent for cleansing the blood. It will quickly eliminate the consequences of poisoning.
  • Cope with alcohol addiction Bogorodskaya herb will definitely help.
  • Decoctions and infusions of Bogorodskaya herbs are used in the manufacture of creams and lotions.
  • Bogorodskaya herb is excellent for treating skin rashes, which especially often bother teenagers.
  • It is impossible to imagine the treatment of kidney pathologies without the use of Bogorodsk grass.
  • Tuberculosis will weaken the manifestation of its symptoms if you take decoctions and infusions of Bogorodsk grass.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • The initial stage of hypertension is perfectly treated with Bogorodskaya herb. Thanks to the antispasmodic and sedative effects, it is possible to reduce arterial pressure.

To take advantage of the miraculous healing properties of Bogorodskaya herb, you need to prepare a decoction or infusion. This is very easy to do.

  • Take a couple of spoons of the raw material and pour boiling water in the amount of one glass.
  • Place on water bath for 30 minutes.
  • Strain after cooling and bring the volume to 200 ml.
  • You can take a third of a glass before meals.

As can be seen from the above list, the indications for the use of Bogorodskaya herb are extensive and multifaceted. But the use is not limited to medical field. Dried leaves of Bogorodsk grass are widely used as an additive for pickling vegetables, as well as in the alcoholic beverage industry. And just drinking aromatic tea before bed is such a pleasure. But, as is known, every medicine, even though it plant origin There are some contraindications.

Contraindications to the use of Bogorodskaya herb

The use of the medicinal properties of Bogorodskaya grass may not always be advisable. There are contraindications to the use of Bogorodsk grass.

Kidney and liver diseases. The grass contains large quantities thymol, and it can irritate these organs.

If you have a stomach ulcer or 12 duodenum the use of Bogorodsk grass is also prohibited.

You cannot resort to therapy using this plant while pregnant and during pregnancy. breastfeeding. It's better to put it off until the right moment.

It’s rare, but there are cases of intolerance, then you shouldn’t put your body to the test either. This is also a contraindication to the use of Bogorodskaya herb.

Any medicinal plant can help in treating the disease if it has no contraindications for use. That is why, before using the medicinal properties of Bogorodskaya herb to get rid of many ailments, visit a doctor and consult with him. This is the only way to get the maximum benefit from using this plant. Take advantage of the gifts of nature and always stay healthy.

Application of Bogorodskaya grass: video

Bogorodskaya herb is popularly called thyme or creeping thyme. This is a small perennial shrub with a fragrant aroma. At the ends of the branches there are soft green shoots, but their number is so great that together they form a soft feather bed. The flowers are pink-violet, rather small, two-lipped, tightly collected in a capitate inflorescence. The leaves are oblong and hard to the touch. Belongs to the Lamiaceae family. Medicinal raw materials is a thyme herb, it is collected at the beginning of flowering, then dried in the shade or in special dryers. Creeping thyme is also successfully used in cooking, as it has a spicy aroma. Add to soups and use in home canning. They say that even very ancient doctors such as Avicenna respected this herb. Because it has many beneficial properties. Let's look at them.

Beneficial properties of Bogorodskaya grass:

Thyme herb contains tannins, vitamin C, provitamin A-carotene, minerals calcium, potassium, magnesium. Various essential oils, among which there is 30% thymol, which gives this herb its powerful antibacterial properties. Flavonoids, organic acids (caffeic, quinic and aminolic). Bogorodsk herbs are often used in dentistry, as it contains essential oils; they are used to treat the area before installing a filling. Thyme has sedative effect, even psychotherapists prescribe thyme tea to their patients. Quite often it is used in cosmetology. The benefits of Bogorodsk herbs are that they are excellent antibacterial, bronchodilator and expectorant, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, astringent. Decoctions of these herbs are used for baths. It is used in yoga as a sedative to restore the nervous system. An infusion of this plant can be taken orally, rinsed with oral cavity, inhale the throat. It is also useful for insomnia and nervous stress.

Medicinal properties of Bogorodsk grass:

Since thyme is a good bronchodilator and expectorant, it will be useful for people suffering from bronchial asthma. This herb exhibits its medicinal properties especially well when colds, will appear here antibacterial effect thyme. The antiseptic property of thyme also perfectly heals small wounds, acne, pimples. It helps with diabetes, allergies, furunculosis. Helps restore strength, heal wounds and stop bleeding. For kidney diseases and urinary tract as an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and diuretic. If you have insomnia or neurosis, thyme herb will help you, because it is wonderful depressant. Again, the sedative property will come in handy if you have initial stage hypertension, it perfectly lowers blood pressure. To take advantage of the medicinal properties of thyme, you need to prepare a decoction or infusion from it that can be drunk and applied externally. To prepare an infusion for oral administration, you need to pour 2 teaspoons of the raw material into 1 glass of boiling water and leave in a water bath for half an hour. After this, you need to strain, add to 1 glass and take 1/3 glass 3 times a day before meals. An infusion for external use is prepared in the same way, only instead of 2 teaspoons you need to add 2 tablespoons of raw materials. This infusion is used for compresses, lotions and rinses. You can also prepare tea for general health improvement body. Infuse 1 teaspoon of raw material into a glass of boiling water, strain and drink with honey.

Contraindications to the use of Bogorodskaya herb:

Thyme contains:

  • essential oil (10%);
  • tannins;
  • flavonoids;
  • resins;
  • bitterness;
  • mineral salts;
  • gum.

The collection of raw materials (flowering twigs) is carried out in June and July. Thyme grows slowly and in order not to lead to its destruction, the branches are cut off with a knife. Found in the plant in small quantity: tannins, flavonoids, ursolic and oleanolic acids. Thyme also contains essential oil, which contains traces of thymol, cymene, borneol, linalool, and pinene. Thanks to thymol and other components, thyme has bactericidal properties.

It is used in folk medicine: for gargling with whooping cough, bronchitis, stomach pain; problems with the kidneys, liver and heart. Thyme decoctions help dissolve mucus during bronchial asthma. The powder is used as irritant when fainting. ABOUT healing properties thyme received positive feedback and was included in the composition complex drugs also Avicenna and Theophrastus.

Thyme preparations have the following effects on the body:

  • antimicrobial;
  • expectorant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • diuretic;
  • antispasmodic;
  • blood purifying;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • calming effect.

Nowadays in official medicine Preparations from Bogorodskaya grass are used as an analgesic for radiculitis and neuralgia. In pediatric practice, cough is treated with the medicine "Pertussin", which contains liquid extract thyme. External use in the form of: aromatic baths- from cough, nervous weakness, rheumatism and intestinal dysfunction; compresses and lotions - as a wound-healing agent; rinsing - for inflammation of the gums. An infusion of the herb is used to wash the hair for headaches and dandruff.

The herb has a pleasant smell, a sharp, very spicy, bitter taste. Thyme leaf is used as a spice. Adding it improves the smell and taste of cabbage and fried dishes: potatoes, fish, pork liver, lamb, etc. The grass promotes digestion fatty foods. Serves as an excellent seasoning poultry(goose, duck) game, offal. A good flavor combination in egg and cheese dishes. Thyme is widely used in smoking foods. Fresh and dried are used for pickling cucumbers, tomatoes, and squash. Thyme is undeniable in emphasizing the taste of soups: lentils, peas, beans. This plant is valued by vegetarians. It is used in mushroom and eggplant dishes; added to the recipe for salting, marinating, and to flavor sausages. A mixture of salt, thyme and rosemary serves as an excellent seasoning for roasts. To prevent the aroma from evaporating, chop the herbs and grind the seeds only before use. Thyme is added to liquid dishes a third of an hour before cooking; the rest - at the beginning of cooking.

Thyme is contraindicated:

  • pregnant and breastfeeding women
  • patients with impaired liver and kidney function
  • people with peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum in the acute stage
  • with gastritis with increased acidity
  • with reduced function thyroid gland
  • for chronic constipation
  • for pulmonary emphysema, for bronchial asthma
  • with cardiosclerosis and atrial fibrillation
  • with atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels
  • children under 2 years old

Contraindications when using thyme - avoid overdose - nausea may occur. The thyme preparation is not recommended for use by people suffering from: cardiac decompensation, diseases associated with the kidneys, liver, stomach and duodenal ulcers (acute stage). It is not recommended to use Bogorodskaya grass for patients with: reduced function thyroid glands chronic constipation, cough with difficulty producing sputum, emphysema and bronchial asthma. Creeping thyme is strictly prohibited for people suffering from various diseases heart, atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels and for individuals who have had a heart attack. Before taking thyme preparations, you should familiarize yourself with contraindications for use and consult with medical workers!


  • Infusion for cough: thyme - 5 g; pour boiling water (250 ml); Leave for 50 minutes, filter; the used herb is squeezed out. Reception - 1 tbsp. spoon - in the morning, at lunch and in the evening.
  • Thyme infusion: thyme - 100 g, brew with 2 liters of boiling water. Leave for about an hour, filter, and squeeze out the used raw materials. External use of the infusion - for baths for rheumatism and radiculitis.
  • An infusion that helps treat alcohol addiction: take a mixture consisting of 4 parts Bogorodskaya grass and 1 part wormwood. A tablespoon of the mixture is boiled in 250 ml of water for about 5 minutes. Cool, take 1 tablespoon - three times a day. The duration of this procedure is 3 months. And as a result, the uncomfortable state of tension, unpleasant pain legs, arms, heart. And most importantly, after two weeks, many patients show indifference to alcohol.

Thyme is included in many cough teas. The extract from its herb is one of the main parts of the cough mixture and elixir. Effective herbal tea and for the stomach.


  • Thyme tea: herbs (3 g) pour 250 ml of water and bring to a boil; or brew with boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. Strain. Drink three glasses of tea every day (moderately warm). If you have a cough, add honey.
  • Bath infusion with thyme: brew raw materials (100 g) with a liter of boiling water; stand for 20 minutes, strain and pour into water. Bath with thyme strengthens nervous system; useful for treatment gynecological diseases. But they are contraindicated for people: high temperature bodies, high blood pressure, heart failure.

In most cases against stomach discomfort and convulsive cough best action tea mixtures of herbs provide.


Collection of tea for stomach pain:

  • Bogorodskaya grass - 20 g;
  • caraway fruits - 10 g;
  • peppermint - 10 g;
  • centaury herb - 10 gr.

Collection of herbal tea for cough:

  • primrose root - 10 g;
  • anise fruits - 10 g;
  • lanceolate plantain – 10 g;
  • thyme – 20 g;
  • sundew – 10 gr.
Method for preparing both teas: pour 2 heated teaspoons of the mixture into 1/4 liter of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, strain. Drink 3 cups of moderately warm tea daily. Sweeten cough tea with honey (not for diabetics!), stomach tea does not need to be sweetened.

Massage: 5 drops of essential oil mixed with 10 ml massage oil- for pain in muscles and joints.

Bogorodskaya grass finds application in everyday life. All you have to do is rearrange her clothes in the closet and the moth will disappear. sweet grass thyme in old times was used as component for smoking during worship. Thyme is the best honey plant and the honey is very fragrant.

Our ancestors actively used many different herbs that grew near their homes. It was customary to consume plant materials as food, and various teas were prepared from them. In addition, such herbs had a lot of useful properties and helped cure a wide variety of ailments, including quite common ones. However, over time, such knowledge of our ancestors was gradually forgotten, because science came to replace it. But now medicinal herbs are again actively used by both village residents and the population of megacities. Today we will talk about the once very popular Bogorodskaya herb, which is better known to many as thyme.

The benefits of Bogorodskaya herb, medicinal properties

As it becomes clear from popular name, thyme was very revered and loved, because “Bogorodskaya” means it comes from God. This respect for popular culture is primarily due to the diversity of its beneficial properties. After all, thyme (this is another name for this plant) was in demand among all segments of the population; it was revered even by ancient doctors, such as Avicenna.

This culture contains a lot of useful substances, among which various vitamins, including B vitamins, as well as ascorbic acid. It saturates our body with gum, organic acids, flavonoids and carotene. Also, Bogorodskaya grass is an excellent source of tannins, beneficial bitterness, resins, cymol and thymol.

It is believed that Bogorodskaya grass is especially effective in treating various ailments joints, including rheumatism (including muscle), in addition, it will help cope with bruises and rashes of non-infectious etiology. So in the fight against joint and skin lesions It is usually recommended to use baths with the addition of decoctions of this culture.

Essential oil, obtained from thyme, is actively used in cosmetology. So it is used to stop hair loss, make it healthier and stronger. This product perfectly restores beauty to damaged hair. chemical influences varnishes, gels and paints, as well as from curling.

How to extract the power that Bogorodskaya grass has? Application of the plant

It is known that useful qualities thyme helps cope with various male ailments or prevent their development. This herb is especially effective in treating impotence and prostatitis. To achieve lasting therapeutic effect It is worth systematically consuming tea, which is based on Bogorodsk grass. So you can brew it in combination with other highly beneficial crops. For example, combine a tablespoon of oregano with the same amount of mint and three to four tablespoons of thyme. Pour all these ingredients into a thermos, then add one liter of boiling water. Leave for eight to ten hours (overnight), then strain and take orally throughout the day. From time to time you can change the ingredients by adding rose hips to the thyme, Linden blossom, St. John's wort, etc.

To treat a cold, prepare an infusion by pouring a tablespoon of finely chopped dry thyme into a glass of boiling water. Leave for half an hour, then strain. Consume a couple of tablespoons of this product along with honey.

To eliminate allergies, furunculosis and diabetes, brew a couple of tablespoons of the plant with a glass of boiling water. Boil for one minute, then leave for an hour in a fairly warm place. Strain the medicine and consume half a glass three times a day immediately after meals.

To combat hypertension, anemia, inflammatory lesions, colds and diabetes mellitus, you can combine Bogorodskaya grass with blueberry shoots. Combine them in equal parts, after a couple of tablespoons of this mixture, brew with a glass of boiling water. After half an hour of infusion, strain the product and consume half a glass twice a day, immediately after meals.

In order to cope with pain due to rheumatism, arthritis and gout, it is worth chopping thyme, pouring boiling water over it, then squeezing it a little, wrapping it in gauze. This product should be applied to the affected areas while it is still hot.

To prepare a decoction for baths, brew two hundred grams of the plant with a couple of liters of boiling water. Leave for two hours in a fairly warm place, then strain and pour into the prepared bath. The duration of the procedure is twelve to fourteen minutes, repeat it at intervals a day. Take twelve such baths in total, and you can cure allergies, eczema, and furunculosis.

When treating with Bogorodskaya herb, it is worth remembering that this plant contains a lot of thymol. And this substance has an irritating effect on the kidneys, as well as the liver and stomach. Thus, thyme-based medicines cannot be used if the patient has ulcerative lesions stomach or duodenum. Such treatment cannot be carried out during pregnancy.

Before being treated with thyme, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Bogorodskaya grass: beneficial features and contraindications of thyme

IN different countries Bogorodskaya grass is known under individual names. It is valued everywhere due to its range of beneficial properties.

Description of Bogorodskaya grass and its beneficial properties

Bogorodskaya grass is called thyme in Russia. The name “motherboard” is often used. In Ukraine, Bogorodsk grass is called thyme. The plant is a perennial shrub small size. Its rhizome has the shape of a rod and a woody structure. The stems are creeping, the leaves are very hard to the tactile sensation, their shape is oblong or ovoid. The photo of Bogorodskaya grass shows its appearance during the flowering period, which lasts throughout the summer.

Source: Depositphotos

Bogorodskaya grass is characterized by a long flowering period

The medicinal properties of Bogorodskaya grass are due to its rich chemical composition. It includes:

  • vitamin A;
  • tannins;
  • fats;
  • B vitamins;
  • ursulic acid;
  • resins;
  • essential oil;
  • vitamin C.

This is an incomplete list of the beneficial substances that fill thyme. It is worth noting that microelements and macroelements are also present in the plant.

The use of Bogorodskaya grass

Thyme is widespread not only in the wild. Gardeners often grow Bogorodsk grass. Some are seduced by her appearance as an addition to the composition in the flowerbed, others are engaged in breeding for the use of healing properties.

The period when Bogorodsk grass is collected for treatment is characterized by its abundant flowering. Although all parts of thyme are useful, greatest benefit It is the flowers and the tops of the plant that bring it. They are dried and used both externally and internally. Here is a small list of thyme properties that make it so valued:

  • bactericidal;
  • anthelmintic;
  • antirheumatic;
  • diuretic;
  • expectorant;
  • tonic;
  • healing.

Thyme is also able to stimulate the appearance of menstruation and relieve cramps.

Its use has extended to areas such as cooking and cosmetology. In the first industry, the herb is used as a spice. In cosmetology, thyme is used to combat problem skin, cellulite and obesity. With the help of the plant you can get rid of bloating, problems with gastrointestinal tract and even insomnia.

Bogorodskaya herb also has contraindications. Under no circumstances should you accept medicinal product during pregnancy due to its abortifacient effect. Thyme can also harm a baby during breastfeeding. Two types of ulcers, gastric and duodenal, also serve as a ban on taking the plant.

A well-known plant reveals new facets when you become acquainted with its properties. Thyme should be regularly stocked and kept in the first aid kit; its effectiveness has been repeatedly proven.