Why are peanuts dangerous for women? Let's discuss the benefits and harms of peanuts for women. Super food for the heart. Peanuts. In the program “Live Healthy!”

The benefits and harms of peanuts are being discussed more and more every day. For many, this healthy nut is considered an integral part daily ration and is added to salads, desserts and main dishes, and there are people who cannot stand even the smell. Before including a nut on the menu, you should familiarize yourself with it healing properties and contraindications.

Where do peanuts grow and what do they look like?

Peanuts are a valuable agricultural crop. It was first discovered and began to be successfully grown in South America, where it was later noticed by Europeans as a promising plant. To date peanut, the benefits of which became known already in the 16th–17th centuries, began to be actively cultivated in many countries in huge quantities.

The optimal temperature for growing nuts is considered to be from 20 to 30 degrees, so it is grown in Russia in the region Black Sea coast, in the Caucasus and southern Ukraine. If appropriate conditions are created and proper care is provided, it takes root well throughout the CIS.

The annual plant belongs to the legume family. It looks like a small bush with a branched stem, feather-shaped leaves and small yellow flowers, the flowering period of which is only one day. The fruits of the plant develop in the soil, which is why it got its name. The length of the beans varies from 1 to 6 centimeters. Each contains 2–4 seeds of red, brown or white color.

Chemical composition and calorie content of peanuts

It is not for nothing that it is recommended to eat peanuts on a diet. It is ideal for quickly satiating and satisfying hunger for a long time. The calorie content of peanuts per 100 grams depends on many factors, and, in particular, on the method of cooking.

Nutritionists believe that the beneficial properties of the nut are due to the impressive content of vitamins, minerals and organic acids. A small handful will be enough for a person healthy nuts to provide the body with required quantity energetically valuable components.






Beneficial properties of peanuts

The benefits of peanuts for the human body are invaluable due to the significant content of vital necessary substances. At regular use product can prevent the occurrence and development of a number of unwanted diseases. Studying the beneficial properties of the delicacy, experts came to the conclusion that it is capable of:

  • reduce the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases;
  • normalize cholesterol levels;
  • eliminate the formation of hazardous free radicals;
  • clear gallbladder and eliminate the occurrence of stones;
  • stimulate metabolism;
  • avoid accumulation of excess fat;
  • regulate blood glucose levels;
  • eliminate skin problems;
  • cleanse the body of toxins and waste;
  • improve the functioning of the nervous system;
  • relieve muscle and mental fatigue.

These beneficial properties of the product can positively affect the performance of many organ systems. It has been observed that people who include various dishes with this healthy nut are less likely to suffer from characteristic diseases that appear with age.

Important! Peanuts are actively used to prevent Alzheimer's disease in older people.

For women

After much research, scientists concluded that a healthy nut reduces the possibility of formation malignant tumors in the mammary glands. In addition, the product prevents cycle failures and has a positive effect on reproduction. IN adolescence helps improve hormonal background. The benefits of peanuts for women after 50 years are manifested in a decrease in hormone production and an obstacle to the production cancer cells. The benefits of peanuts in coconut glaze are important for a woman, since the product contains a lot of nutrients, has a pleasant taste and eliminates the appearance of excess fat.

For men

With age, there is a decrease in sexual activity, the appearance of fatigue, drowsiness and apathy. In this case, certain medications are often prescribed, as well as mandatory diet with availability healthy peanuts. In addition, the nut is useful for athletes, as it can improve the absorption of calcium and eliminate the feeling of muscle fatigue after grueling workouts.

Men who suffer from erectile dysfunction should consume 25-30 grams of these healthy nuts daily. The benefit of salted peanuts for men is that it optimizes the activity of the reproductive system if there is various pathologies and prevents their further development.

Is it possible to eat peanuts during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

Taking healthy nuts during pregnancy early stages can affect the development of the baby’s nervous system and reduce the likelihood of developing deformities and defects in the neural tube by 70%. After childbirth, a woman is maximally depressed, but thanks to the benefits of the product and great content serotonin, you can easily avoid it.

During lactation, it can cause harm to the baby, since the components found in peanuts can lead to allergic reaction. But after heat treatment healthy nuts become less dangerous for the baby and are recommended by doctors for speed dial baby's weight.

Important! Nursing mothers should avoid eating chocolate-covered peanuts and baked goods containing them due to heavy load on the digestive system, which is not desirable for the baby.

At what age can peanuts be given to children?

The nut ranks third on the list of products that can provoke serious allergic reactions, so before giving it to your child, you need to consult a pediatrician and also collect information about chronic diseases parents and their relatives. If you have a history of intolerance to this nut in your family, you should hold off on complementary feeding. In recent reports, it has become known that doctors allow healthy peanuts to be added to a child’s diet only after 3–4 years of age.

Are peanuts good for weight loss?

Experts recommend eating peanuts for weight loss because of their nutritional value and useful properties. If you use peanuts on your diet as an independent product or as an addition to all kinds of dishes, you won’t feel hungry. for a long time and end up eating less. Sweet and salted peanuts people losing weight are strictly prohibited. With such culinary processing, the product will slow down the process of weight loss and further harm the figure.

Peanuts for diabetes

Scientists from Toronto, after much deliberation, came to the conclusion that all members of the legume family have a positive effect on the body of a person suffering from diabetes. By following the dosage when consuming healthy peanuts, you can control your sugar levels and rid your body of toxic substances. It is best to eat this nut boiled or roasted. The benefits of boiled peanuts include the ability to prevent the development of diabetes, as well as many oncological problems and diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Peanuts in folk medicine

The benefits or harms of peanuts for human health should be studied before preparation. medicinal products. It is actively used in folk medicine as a stand-alone product and as a main component of many healing recipes. The beneficial properties of peanuts are used for effective treatment many chronic diseases:

  1. Hemophilia. It is recommended to use 1 tbsp. l. peanut butter three times a day before meals. This remedy can be replaced with 150 g of raw or slightly roasted nuts.
  2. Laryngitis. Boil 120 g of unpeeled nuts for 15 minutes. Drink 50 ml of the decoction daily to restore your voice and reduce body temperature.
  3. Prostatitis. Combine a handful of roasted nuts with 3 tbsp. l. marshmallow rhizomes. Place in a thermos with 500 ml of hot milk. Leave to infuse overnight, drink 10 ml after meals for 10 days.

In addition to tinctures, healing purposes Milk and nut oil are used. The benefit of urbech made from peanuts is its mild choleretic effect. It will relieve digestive problems and have a positive effect on general state skin and brain activity.

Husk tincture to strengthen the immune system

The benefits of peanut husks have long been used in medicinal purposes. A tincture based on it is considered the best remedy to strengthen the immune system. To prepare, you need to roast the peanuts and peel them. Pour the waste with vodka in the proportion of 4 tsp per 250 ml and leave it to infuse in a warm place for about two weeks. Use 10 drops every day with milk. Peanuts in shell, the benefits of which are undeniable, are used quite often, but require long-term heat treatment.

Peanuts with honey to increase potency

Peanuts are indispensable for potency with the addition of honey. At first these ingredients were mixed to enhance the taste, but later it was noticed that they both provoke an increase in the ability to have sexual intercourse. But before you start treating diseases with folk remedies, you need to consult a specialist.

Peanut milk for gastrointestinal diseases

If whole nuts can irritate the mucous membranes digestive organs, then milk, on the contrary, helps with problems associated with gastrointestinal tract. At daily use milk can significantly improve performance digestive system, ease the course of exacerbation of ulcers and gastritis.

Pickled peanuts for blood pressure

Peanuts are useful in any form for circulatory system, since it is considered a supplier to the body of necessary substances that contribute to the normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Pickled peanuts are actively used by people suffering from hypertension. To prepare the product, you need to pour 100 g of raw fruits with vinegar, cover with a lid and send to a warm place. If you take 10 kernels on an empty stomach and before bedtime, then soon high blood pressure will cease to be a problem.

Peanut decoction for cough

The nut is capable of eliminating any inflammatory processes V respiratory tract, therefore recommended for problems with gas exchange in the lungs. To prepare a decoction of peanuts against cough, you need to boil 90 g of nuts for 20 minutes in 350 ml of water. Drink the resulting liquid every morning 15 minutes before breakfast. Course of application – 1 month.

Which peanuts are healthier: raw or roasted?

The benefits of raw peanuts are still debated as consuming them can cause great harm to the body in some cases. Consumption of this gift of nature in its thermally unprocessed form can cause severe allergies and disruption of the digestive organs.

Roasted peanuts, the benefits of which have long been studied, are more loyal to internal organs and retains all beneficial properties after cooking. No matter how much they talk about the benefits of roasted peanuts with salt, such a product does not always live up to expectations. You need to prepare it at home, since store-bought products are not deprived big amount flavor enhancers.

How many peanuts can you eat per day?

Any product in excessive quantities can cause significant harm to the human body. Therefore, you need to include it in the menu correctly so that there is no undesirable consequences. Hedgehog daily norm nut is 30 g.

Peanut harm and contraindications

The nut has both beneficial properties and a number of contraindications. Improper storage or excessive consumption of the product can cause significant harm to the body.

Aflatoxin poisoning

At long-term storage raw peanuts, you may notice the formation of mold and other fungi. This nut is considered the most common source of aflatotoxin. Therefore, before use, you should carefully inspect the product and wash it thoroughly.


Peanuts contain components that reduce the body's absorption of nutrients such as zinc and iron - phytic acid and other antinutrients. To neutralize their effect, you need to eat more fruits and vegetables.


The main contraindication to the use of the product is individual intolerance by the body to some component and allergies. Eating nuts by a person who is prone to allergic reactions can lead to severe consequences, ranging from a banal rash to serious food poisoning.

How to select and store peanuts

Shelled peanuts should be packed in containers. Before purchasing, you should carefully inspect the packaging for damage, dampness or insects. A musty smell is the main sign of spoilage. Nuts must be stored in the refrigerator, placed in a hermetically sealed container, for no more than 9 months.


The composition and caloric content contain the benefits and harms of peanuts, which have long been studied thanks to the efforts of nutritionists. To correctly include it in your menu and eliminate the possibility of causing harm to health, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with the beneficial properties and possible harm product.

Benefits of roasted peanuts for women

Nutrients in peanuts

Hearty nuts are actually members of the legume family. Therefore, they are similar in properties to their “relatives” - beans and lentils. The product is quite high in calories (550 kcal per 100 g), but is exceptionally rich in potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and folic acid. The amount of protein is 2 times the amount of carbohydrates. Peanuts contain a lot of fat, but this should not scare girls who are watching their figure. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats do not turn into ugly folds on the stomach.

P-coumaric and oleic acid The nut contains strong antioxidants. They suppress oxidation processes in the body, that is, they slow down its aging. Vitamin E, which is abundant in peanuts, has the same property. Other vitamins, B4, B3, support the health of the nervous system and regulate metabolism.

The benefits and harms of peanuts for women

Biological substances in the tasty nut have a beneficial effect on the health of men and children. But the benefits of peanuts are especially great for female body. Here are the most important:

· strengthening the heart. Polyunsaturated fats lower cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of developing coronary disease;

· help in healthy diet. Peanuts are rich in protein, which is essential for cell renewal in the body. A handful of nuts replaces unhealthy baked goods during snacking;

· rejuvenation of the body. Antioxidants suppress the growth of free radicals that cause cell aging;

· improvement of the condition of hair, skin, nails. The abundance of vitamin E has a beneficial effect on feminine beauty;

· benefits during pregnancy. Magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, calcium are essential substances for normal development fetus Folic acid prevents the occurrence birth defects The child has;

· Vitamin E has a beneficial effect on conception and pregnancy.

The beneficial properties are better manifested in roasted nuts.

Among harmful properties Peanut allergies should be noted first of all. It is not only congenital, but also occurs from overeating nuts. Valuable product You can only eat a handful a day. Large portions cause headache, heartburn, gas formation. In addition, peanuts are susceptible to contamination by spores of the fungus Aspergillus flava. Nuts of an unnatural greenish-yellow color should not be eaten. They are infected with a fungus and can cause cancer of the skin, stomach, and liver.

A popular type of nut, peanuts, whose benefits and harms to the body are discussed in this material, are most often consumed as a delicacy. However, this product has a number of useful properties. There are several products based on peanuts - halva, peanut butter, butter. The nut itself is sold fresh, raw or roasted, in or out of shell, salted or unseasoned. The benefits and harms of peanuts in one form or another may vary slightly.

Peanut composition

Wondering what are the benefits of peanuts for? human body, it is worth studying its chemical composition. Raw nuts contain the following vitamins:

When dried, vitamins are not destroyed. Therefore, the benefits of dried peanuts are no lower than raw ones. But it can be stored longer (up to a year), it does not become moldy. However, due to the removal of moisture (which does not contain calories) from the product, its weight decreases, therefore, the calorie content per 100 g increases. For a fresh nut, this figure is 551 kcal, and for a dried nut - 611 kcal.


Peanut butter consists of roasted, crushed nuts without the shell. Salt and sugar are added to peanut butter, as well as vegetable oil. Sometimes food stabilizers are also added to keep the nut paste from spreading.

The calorie content of peanut butter is about 600 kcal. Pasta contains all the same nutrients as fried or fresh nut. Used in different types– Peanut butter is spread on bread, added to sauces and hot dishes.

Peanut halwa is a popular product. Halva can be combined tahini-peanut or exclusively peanut. The calorie content of halva is about 510 kcal. According to the preparation method, halva is similar to paste, but does not include salt and vegetable oil. Sugar, honey or molasses is added to the mass of ground roasted nuts. Therefore, halva is a healthy dessert product. Halva has all the same beneficial properties as roasted nuts.

Peanut oil is produced by cold pressing. It contains vitamin E (16.7 mg) and phosphorus (2 mg), as well as polyunsaturated fatty acids (29 g). Peanut oil has a distinct nutty taste. Suitable for oriental cuisine (this is where this oil began to be used for the first time). When dressing salads, the oil retains its unusual taste. But when frying on it, this oil can become almost indistinguishable from olive or sunflower, because when heated, the compounds that give the product its aroma are destroyed.

Benefits for women

The presence of iron (5 mg) explains the benefits of the product for women. Regular blood loss that occurs during menstruation leads to the fact that in the body of women reproductive age(unlike men) hemoglobin levels are almost constantly reduced. To solve this problem, gynecologists and therapists prescribe iron supplements.

It is iron that enters the body that reacts with oxygen and forms hemoglobin. For the same reason, peanuts should be consumed by patients with anemia (a condition in which reduced level hemoglobin on the background reduced content gland). You can eat peanuts in any form, but not more than 30 g per day. When consuming more of the product, an allergic reaction may develop as a result of the accumulation of the allergen in the body.

Benefits for men

The benefits of peanuts for men are varied:

  • The main property of how peanuts are useful for men is normalization hormonal balance. Selenium in halva, nuts, butter or paste (7.2 mcg) promotes increased testosterone production;
  • Potassium (658 mg) in the products can normalize muscle function, including the heart. Thanks to its effect, it is leveled heartbeat, vascular tone is normalized. Since men after 35–40 years old fall into the group increased risk by disease of cardio-vascular system, they need to be careful to ensure that they consume enough potassium (3 g daily value).

However, to avoid weight gain and create increased likelihood If an allergic reaction occurs, you should not consume more than 30 g of peanuts and its derivatives per day.

Benefits for children

The benefits of peanuts for children and adolescents are explained by the presence of calcium (76 mg). He is responsible for growth bone tissue and her fortress. There is a sufficient amount of it ( daily norm 800 mg for both women, men and children) helps maintain strong bones, nails and teeth.

Phosphorus, which is also present in the nut (350 mg), interacts with calcium. It makes bones strong and prevents their porosity and deformation. Thanks to these properties, it helps to develop good posture.

Important! But the consumption rate of peanuts and products made from them is lower for children - under 12 years of age you should not eat more than 20 g of nuts per day. A large dosage can lead to the accumulation of the allergen in the body and cause intolerance.


Despite all the beneficial properties of peanuts discussed above, groundnuts also have contraindications. In particular, the harm of peanuts for those women and men who monitor their weight is clear. High calorie content product (groundnuts have more calories than chocolate) can negate the results of the diet.

Another contraindication is individual intolerance, allergies. Groundnut – common allergen. The multicomponent composition of the product leads to the fact that the immune system often recognizes its proteins as foreign and starts the process of protecting the body from their effects. External manifestations this process causes rashes, swelling, respiratory symptoms(rhinitis, sore throat).

For the same reason, women during pregnancy should take nut products gradually increasing the dose. It is worth starting with 2-3 nuts daily and carefully monitoring the body’s reaction. If after several such uses during pregnancy no allergies appear, you can increase the dose to 15–20 nuts per day. However, during pregnancy they should still not be taken daily so that the allergen does not accumulate. Since the immune system works harder during pregnancy, it can begin to regard even familiar proteins as foreign and trigger the process of an allergic reaction.

Another contraindication to eating peanuts during pregnancy is excess weight. During pregnancy, many women experience an increase in appetite and overweight. In this case, doctors recommend refraining from eating high-calorie foods.

The high sodium content (23 mg, compared to 10 mg in almonds) explains both the benefits and harms of peanuts. On the one hand, thanks to it, beneficial substances are delivered to the cells. But on the other hand, due to its excess (more than 400 mg per day), edema forms. Since sodium is found in almost all foods and table salt, the body does not experience a lack of it. Thus, a tendency to edema is a contraindication to consuming peanuts in any form.

Salted roasted peanuts, the benefits and harms of which are discussed in the article, can be not only a way to quickly satisfy hunger.

  • increased sweating;
  • weakened immunity, frequent colds;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • nervous state, depression;
  • headaches and migraines;
  • alternating diarrhea and constipation;
  • I want sweet and sour;
  • bad breath;
  • frequent feeling of hunger;
  • problems with losing weight;
  • decreased appetite;
  • night grinding of teeth, drooling;
  • pain in the abdomen, joints, muscles;
  • cough does not go away;
  • acne on the skin.

If you have any of the symptoms or are in doubt about the causes of your ailments, you need to cleanse your body as quickly as possible. How to do it .

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One of the favorite legumes is peanuts, or groundnuts. Filled with various nutrients makes it indispensable for vegetarians, and it will not be useless for meat lovers either. How are raw peanuts (and others) good for our body? Let's find out!

Benefits of peanuts for the body, calorie content

Residents of South America first learned about peanuts, from where they were brought to Africa, Asia and then to North America. Now the product is grown in China and India. It was especially in demand during the Second World War due to its high nutritional value.

In the USA, the plant is very popular; oil is produced from it and included in the diet of farm animals. In our country, peanuts are mainly used in cooking, cosmetology and medicine.

From the above it is already clear that peanuts are not a nut, as many people think, but legume, filled with a large number of microelements beneficial for women:

The product contains a lot of vitamins - A, D, E, PP and group B;
Unique amino acids (12 essential and 8 nonessential) with vegetable fats– polyunsaturated linolenic, folic and arachidonic acids;
Biotin and other organic substances;
Micro and macroelements with polyphenols.
A third of the total composition of groundnuts belongs to proteins, 10% carbohydrates and more than half fats with complete absence cholesterol.

The calorie content of 100 grams of raw peanuts is 548 Kcal, and fried 626, which does not make it dietary product. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, you should be careful not to overeat it.

Let's move on to detailed description important beneficial properties of peanuts for the human body:

  1. Thanks to amino acids, the regulation of cholesterol levels in the blood and the absorption of calcium are ensured. Substances are involved in the processes of tissue repair and the production of enzymes and hormones.
  2. A large amount of protein helps build muscle mass for those who are engaged in improving their physical fitness in the gym.
  3. With regular use of the product, cells are renewed and liver activity is normalized - folic acid is responsible for this.
  4. The benefits of peanuts extend to nervous system, Where a nicotinic acid restores shells nerve cells, preventing age-related cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease.
  5. Vitamin E reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and cancer.
  6. The magnesium content helps produce energy and remove toxic substances from the body. This same element, combined with calcium and fluorine, makes bones strong.
  7. Normalization fat metabolism, the work of the central nervous system and brain is “engaged” by manganese. Peanuts are especially useful for brain function, since regular consumption significantly improves memory and attention. It is recommended for depressive states, neuroses and severe physical and mental exhaustion.
  8. With the help of this legume, tryptophan reserves in the body are replenished, which is “responsible” for the quality of sleep and the production of the hormone of joy and happiness, serotonin.
  9. It is indicated for people who have had serious disease for a speedy recovery.
  10. Raw peanuts are useful for blood pathologies, increasing coagulation and protecting against possible hemorrhages, and alleviates the symptoms of hemophilia.
  11. The large amount of iron in peanuts gives every reason to introduce it into the diet of people with low hemoglobin.
  12. Groundnut has choleretic effect. And fiber eliminates problems associated with the gastrointestinal tract. Methionine is involved in the synthesis of adrenaline and has a regulating effect on fat reserves in the liver.
  13. Thanks to antioxidants, the aging process slows down, and there are more of them in fried products than in raw ones.

Maintains peanut and sexual function at the proper level by enhancing the production of hormones. For men, it is useful in protecting against baldness, and for women, it improves appearance by smoothing out fine wrinkles.

Roasted peanuts

Undoubtedly, raw peanuts are much healthier than roasted ones, but the second option gives them a more pleasant and rich taste and aroma. In addition, it is much easier to separate the peanuts from the husks in this form.

And not all methods of heat treatment are useful, for example, roasted salted peanuts and beer will not improve your health, but will harm you. This also applies to cooking with added sugar or butter. In addition to increasing calorie content, women should remember that salt retains water in the body - this can also affect the figure.

But there is also positive feature roasted peanuts - this treatment increases the polyphenol content ( natural antioxidant). And this makes it more useful in comparison with raw.

Another plus fried product- increased shelf life and the impossibility of mold growth.

During heat treatment, it is covered with a film that protects the nut from loss of vitamin E, the concentration of which increases even more.

And eating a fried product is much more pleasant, and dishes with its presence acquire piquancy and richness.

Possible harm of peanuts to humans

When are peanuts contraindicated?

Peanuts in any form, in addition to benefits, can also cause harm to the body - we will analyze the raw and fried product separately.

Harm of raw peanuts

You can't eat too many groundnuts, which will lead to overweight and problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

This product is also considered allergenic - just a few pieces are enough to cause angioedema. Aflatoxins can also cause an allergic reaction. toxic substances, which are formed due to improper storage.

It is not recommended to eat peanuts if you experience increased amount platelets in the blood, varicose veins and thrombophlebitis were diagnosed. This is explained by the product’s ability to slow down the speed of blood flow through the vessels, making it thicker.

  • Doctors do not advise eating peanuts during pregnancy and breastfeeding due to possible negative influence for the baby.

What harm can roasted peanuts cause?

The maximum consumption rate during the day is 30 g, this is enough to fill the body with all necessary elements without possible negative impact.

At diabetes mellitus and a tendency to allergic reactions, it is not recommended to eat groundnuts at all.

When using oil for frying, you should be aware that it releases carcinogens that cannot be called beneficial. Therefore, its use should be limited in quantity, and it is better not to add it at all.

How to quickly and deliciously fry peanuts?

There are several methods of heat treatment of groundnuts, giving the product different tastes and aromas.

Frying peanuts in a frying pan - a simple recipe

You can fry peanuts in a frying pan either in the shell or without it, but in the first case the cooking time will increase. The recipe is simple - sort out the raw materials, rinse them in a colander, place them on a towel and wait until they dry.

Pour nuts into a preheated frying pan and fry, stirring constantly - first over low heat until they are completely dry, and then add.

The readiness of the nuts is determined by crackling during the frying process and darkening of the husks or sides.

Cooking time is 15-20 minutes, after which you will need to transfer them to a plate or paper bag and let them stand for a while. This product will retain all its properties for a month.

If you want to enjoy salted nuts, you can do this by adding a little seasoning during the frying process. It is also possible to mix into already prepared peanuts or make saline solution, pouring it out during the heat treatment process.

Cooking in the oven

The next way to roast peanuts is in the oven. To do this, heat it to 180 degrees. Rinse the raw materials first and dry them, then place them on a baking sheet covered with food paper or foil.

The product is prepared for about 25 minutes, after which it is left to cool. If you are preparing already peeled nuts, then the cooking time is shorter - 15 minutes.

In the microwave

Peanuts fried in the microwave are good, and here's how to do it - place the prepared raw materials on a flat plate and cover with a lid, setting the oven to maximum power. Approximate time - 7 minutes, depends on the power of the microwave.

After 3 minutes, stop the frying process and stir the nuts, then cover again and cook for the remaining 4 minutes.

  • Remember that you need to use special dishes for the microwave.

Separately, I note that the benefits of groundnuts when adding sugar or salt to them will be significantly less, but the choice is yours.

If you're watching your figure, stay in moderation!

The high calorie content of peanuts does not allow you to enjoy them “from the belly” if you need to lose excess weight. With regular consumption, you need to reduce the total calorie content of your diet by 200 Kcal and follow the following recommendations:

  1. The maximum amount of this product per day is 50 g (10-15 pieces).
  2. If you don't eat meat, then nuts will be an excellent substitute.
  3. The following must be taken into account when losing weight - the absorption of fried food occurs faster, but useful substances - vitamins C - are lost fatty acids, and this dish also stimulates the appetite.
  4. It is advisable to consume peanuts before lunch - this way all the fats and other nutritional elements will have time to be completely absorbed by the body.

The daily calorie intake is no more than 1500 Kcal. When creating a menu, be sure to focus on your initial weight and your goal.

Peanut butter can also be used as an alternative to nuts, but it should not contain any sweeteners or other additives. A maximum amount during the day - 4 small spoons.

Peanuts, also sometimes called groundnuts, are a type of legume native primarily to South America, Mexico, and Central America. This annual plant with very thin stems that grows very close to the ground. Currently, the most favorable climate for seedlings of this nut is warm and rainy.

Groundnuts, like many others, constantly raise many questions among those who are losing weight and those who monitor their health. How many peanuts can you eat per day? What is its use? What could be side effects? What is the best way to eat nuts? Should you buy coated or coated peanuts? pure form? Why does it have so many calories and is it so delicious?

Let's try to figure it out and find answers to all these questions.


Botanically speaking, peanuts are not nuts. Its composition is more related to products of the legume family, such as peas, lentils and others.

It is quite interesting to watch how this nut grows. First, the flowers bloom, which, due to their weight, lower the thin stem as low as possible to the ground. Eventually the flower burrows into the ground, where the groundnut finally ripens.

The light brown pod, mottled with veins, contains two or three nut kernels. Don't try to cheat by thinking of them as pods. The norm of peanuts per day for a person in all publications is determined in kernels, that is, the nuts themselves. Each - oval shape consists of two lobes yellowish color, covered with a brownish-red peel. It has a bright, buttery, “nutty” taste.

Due to its high protein content and chemical composition peanuts are often used in various products and processed into oil, paste, flour and flakes.


Do you want to receive maximum benefit from nuts? Choose peanuts. Proteins, fats, and carbohydrates are not the only things to consider when it comes to this nut. In addition to being surprisingly rich in proteins, this product contains a number of useful substances. Further, the norm of micronutrients is indicated at the rate of 28 grams - the approximate daily norm:

  • Calories - 166.
  • Proteins - 7.8 grams.
  • Fat - 14.7 grams.
  • Carbohydrates - 4.3 grams.
  • Fiber - 2.6 grams.
  • Calcium - 17.1 grams.
  • Potassium - 203 mg.
  • Magnesium - 49.3 mg.
  • Phosphorus - 111 mg.
  • Sodium - 89.6 mg.
  • Salt folic acid- 33.6 mcg.

Please note that all these data are given for the product in its pure form, without any additives. If you, for example, buy packaged salted peanuts, then the nutritional value for it may differ significantly from the above values. The same goes for peanut butter, as many manufacturers use a variety of additives in production. Please read the ingredients carefully before purchasing.

How many peanuts can you eat per day?

In principle, you can eat as much as fits into your diet. daily norm BJU (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) and calorie content. However, it is very easy to overdo it and go beyond the limits, especially if, for example, you decide to take salted peanuts at the cinema to brighten up your viewing of your favorite movie, since they are high in fat.

On average, experts recommend eating no more than 20-30 grams per day, which corresponds to approximately 20 nuts. Peanuts can be eaten in their pure form as a snack between meals, or used in various dishes. For example, in salads and baked goods.

Many people prefer this option as glazed peanuts. You should be careful here, since, firstly, the amount of sugar and carbohydrates in such a product significantly increases. If you're on a low-carb diet, save this treat for later.

Another one that has become quite popular in last years in our country the format is peanut butter (or butter). Good way diversify your morning porridge and add the necessary protein to your breakfast, or create a small snack by spreading pasta on toast. But again, be careful and pay attention to the composition; many manufacturers add a significant amount of sweeteners.

How are peanuts good for the body?

This nut probably has even more beneficial properties than the ways it can be used in cooking, and believe me, there are many of them. All these advantages are associated with its composition:

  • Heart-healthy fats. Peanuts contain monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which support heart health and lead to lower cholesterol levels, thereby reducing the risk of coronary heart disease.
  • Squirrels. They are essential for the health of cells in the body, which are constantly being replaced and repaired. In order for new cells to be healthy and damaged ones to be restored correctly, the body urgently needs protein. Peanuts have a significant content of vegetable protein, so they are mandatory should be present in the diet of children, vegetarians and people with protein deficiency.
  • Antioxidants. Their high content not only protects the heart, but also inhibits the growth of free radicals, preventing the occurrence of infections.
  • Minerals. Peanuts are a rich source of minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, calcium, sodium and others. All of them are necessary for the healthy functioning of the body.
  • Vitamins. Peanuts provide the body essential vitamins, helps normalize metabolism and convert fats and carbohydrates into energy. Being good source folic acid, it reduces the incidence of birth defects associated with anemia.

Of course, this is not all the benefits of peanuts for the body, but if you list each benefit, you will get a whole treatise.

Side effects

Unfortunately, there are practically no products in the world that can boast only benefits.

Excessive consumption of peanuts can lead to increased gas formation, bloating, heartburn and even development food allergies.

Peanut allergy is perhaps one of the most serious food allergies. The reaction in this case usually appears within a few minutes after eating or even touching peanuts or a product containing them. It usually starts with a tingling sensation in the mouth, followed by severe swelling of the face, throat, and mouth. This can lead to difficulty breathing, asthma attacks, anaphylactic show, even fatal outcome. Less severe reactions include rash, hives, and stomach upset. People with this type of allergy usually carry an adrenaline shot with them at all times to give their bodies extra time before the ambulance arrives.

If similar condition was diagnosed in infancy, there is a high probability that the allergy will remain with the person for life. It is rare for a peanut allergy to go away in adulthood. There has been an increase in cases to date of this disease, which has made this nut the subject of numerous studies due to the severity of allergic reactions to peanuts. Contraindications will be discussed further.

When to stop using

In addition to allergies directly to peanuts themselves, there are a number of other conditions under which you should avoid consuming them.

This nut is susceptible to contamination by aflatoxin, a potential carcinogen that causes malignant formations and is a risk factor for the development of liver carcinoma. If peanuts have turned greenish-yellow in color, they should be discarded immediately and should never be eaten.

The norm outlined in the article is advisory in nature. How many peanuts can you eat per day? If you are prone to swelling or this moment suffer from persistent diarrhea, then for the first time you should still give up all types of nuts, since due to their high fat content, they can aggravate the condition.

Peanuts contain alpha-linoleic acid, which, as most studies have shown, at high concentrations increases the risk of developing prostate cancer.

How to select and store peanuts?

Harm and benefit, calorie content and the amount of micronutrients may not matter if you store nuts incorrectly.

Shelled peanuts are usually sold packaged in containers or by weight. Before purchasing, make sure that the packaging is not damaged, the product is fresh, and that there are no signs of dampness or insects on the packaging and counter. If possible, smell the peanuts to make sure there is no rancid or musty odor.

The whole nut, in shell, is usually sold by weight or in bags. If possible, shake the packaging before purchasing. If the bag feels heavy for its size and does not make any rattling sounds, then the peanuts are good. Also make sure there are no cracks in the shell, dark spots and traces of insects.

Shelled peanuts should be stored in a tightly sealed container in the refrigerator, as exposure to heat, humidity or light can cause a rancid taste. Whole nuts can be stored in a cool place, and the product will last up to 9 months in the refrigerator.

Peanuts for weight loss

More and more often, groundnuts are mentioned in conversations and recipes about weight loss. It sounds strange, but in fact it can really help in getting rid of extra pounds. The main thing is to remember how much peanuts you can eat per day, and not exceed this norm.

Since the nut is rich in fiber and protein, it will keep you feeling full for a long time, preventing you from overeating. Additionally, it takes the stomach about two hours to digest peanuts, compared to thirty minutes for peanuts. high content carbohydrates.

Walnut speeds up metabolism. Research has shown that when people consumed moderate amounts of peanuts daily for 19 weeks, subjects' metabolism increased by as much as 11%.

The fats in it contribute to satiety and satisfaction of taste needs, so you suffer less from the inability to enjoy your favorite chocolates.

Peanuts stabilize blood sugar levels, which provides a long-lasting energy boost and reduces cravings for “harmful” foods.


Peanut - amazing product. It has the characteristics of a nut, but is also a legume. Rich source of protein, a good product for appetite control and an excellent addition to various salads and even hot dishes. In addition, this is the most common and relatively inexpensive nut (compared to the same almonds) and, unfortunately, it is one of the worst allergens in the world.

But if you're lucky and don't suffer from food allergies, then immediately go grab a couple of bags of peanuts and treat your body and taste buds.