Roasted peanuts during pregnancy. Can pregnant women eat salted peanuts? Contraindications to taking peanuts during pregnancy

Is it possible to eat peanuts during pregnancy, contraindications, harm and benefits.

Peanuts, or groundnuts, are not actually nuts; they are a direct relative of peas and other legumes, only the pods ripen in the ground. The ease of cultivation of peanuts and its high nutritional value have made this nut a widely available and widespread food product all over the world, but a significant number of people cannot eat it due to the fact that peanuts can cause severe allergies (including fatal ones).

In our diet, peanuts occupy a secondary place; they are more of a delicacy than a seriously taken product. The benefits of peanuts for a pregnant woman are significantly less than possible harm, which is why most doctors do not recommend eating peanuts during pregnancy. This doesn't mean you can't eat it at all.

Is it possible to eat peanuts during pregnancy?

Peanuts are a very high calorie product; just 100 grams of nuts contain about 600 kcal. At the same time, the main source of this calorie content is fats; peanuts contain up to 60% oils. The rest is vegetable protein, up to 37%. Perhaps, more protein found only in soy. Vitamin E and B vitamins are found in abundance in peanuts and make them a real protector of the body due to their antioxidant properties. Peanuts can normalize blood cholesterol levels, and in general, consuming them is beneficial for health.

Harm of peanuts during pregnancy

But there are facts that reduce the benefits of peanuts to zero.

Despite the fact that peanuts are rich in essential fatty acids, their composition is not balanced, which reduces the benefits of such oil. Moreover, peanut butter contains a lot of erucic acid, which is not able to be completely broken down in the body and accumulates, causing damage to the heart, muscles, and can even cause cirrhosis of the liver.

Peanuts are a strong allergen, especially the thin red film covering its grains.

When eating peanuts raw, the risks increase significantly:

Raw peanuts are harmful to the intestines and are very poorly digested, often causing. If raw peanuts were stored in a damp place, their danger during pregnancy increases significantly, since toxic mold and fungi that can cause severe poisoning easily multiply on them.

Peanuts grow in the ground, we are used to washing everything that comes into contact with it or subjecting it to heat treatment. If peanuts are consumed raw, “as is”, anyone can become infected intestinal infection or .

Thus, raw peanuts are DANGEROUS during pregnancy.

Okay, you say, but what about fried?

When frying, the risk of developing allergies is reduced, because the most allergenic are the films that fly off during frying and we do not eat them.

Roasted peanuts are less dangerous during pregnancy, but also remain a dubious product. Erucic acid is not destroyed by heat treatment.

If a peanut has been damaged by a fungus, no amount of frying will rid it of mold waste products; these toxins are not destroyed high temperature and the nut will remain poisonous.

In relation to the acquisition of a congenital allergy to peanuts by a newborn when the mother consumes it, studies have been conducted that have revealed the formation of an allergic predisposition, but not the allergy itself, although this does not make the baby much better - it poses an additional risk to his health in the future.

To eat peanuts during pregnancy or not to eat?

We should probably answer this question like this: everything is good in limited quantities. Of course, you can buy salted peanuts during pregnancy in a small bag and just enjoy them occasionally, but you definitely shouldn’t introduce them into your diet as a mandatory food product for every day. And even using it occasionally small quantity, we must remember that it is high-calorie, and eat it only in the first half of the day, adjusting your daily menu for those useless calories.

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The nutrition of expectant mothers, no matter what weight they are, should be correct. So, if you are the “lucky” owner of a couple or ten extra pounds, do not think that, being in an interesting position, you will have to eat half as much as you should. You will begin to lose weight after giving birth, but in the meantime, be kind enough to provide your baby with everything necessary for normal height and development.

Peanuts are a very common product. The second name is groundnut, but it is classified as a nut by mistake, since it belongs to the legume family. Advantages: low calorie content and relative low cost. Peanuts are most often used to make snacks called “salted nuts.” It is one of eight foods that are considered severe allergens. The risk of allergies is high.

Even if before pregnancy you ate groundnuts without consequences, it brought you benefits and pleasure, who knows whether this form of allergy is characteristic of the unborn child, whether he can eat peanuts. It is possible that the harm of this product for the baby’s development will be very significant.

Peanuts in the early stages

A woman begins to crave salty foods; eating such food alleviates symptoms. A package of “salted nuts” will most likely be on hand (they are sold everywhere). If there is no allergy, you can eat a few pieces, but carefully monitor the body’s reaction: if the condition worsens, itching and nausea appear, the experiment is not worth repeating - peanuts are unlikely to benefit you. Give preference to natural homemade, mild pickles (cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage).

Peanuts in late pregnancy

The body requires nutrition that is complete and varied. When including peanuts in your diet, remember again that they are not a nut; you can find a replacement for them.

If you still want peanuts, if you have no other options to supplement your diet, choose raw nuts (not salted). They should not be fried (if fried, some nutrients is destroyed). Don't forget to peel the peanuts. The peel contains most of the substances that cause allergies.

Why does a pregnant woman want peanuts?

  • It contains magnesium, potassium, iron, phosphorus. Vitamins PP, B, E.
  • Twelve Not nonessential amino acids and eight replaceable ones (to obtain daily value approximately one hundred grams are required).
  • One hundred grams of peanuts contain 550 calories. It easily satisfies hunger, becomes a reliable source of energy in case of loss of strength, and can be considered as a natural sedative.
  • Folic acid is required by the pregnant woman's body in large quantities - if there is not enough of it, there is a temptation to replenish the supply by any means, including with the help of groundnut.
  • Polyphenols – strong antioxidants, support the heart, strengthen blood vessels.
  • Vegetable fats normalize digestion due to their mild choleretic effect.
  • Groundnuts are rich in proteins, however, they are not completely absorbed, and erucic acid tends to accumulate in muscles, joints and bones.

What else is dangerous about peanuts during pregnancy?

The habit of soothing the feeling of hunger with the help of salted or fried nuts is typical of people who do not have enough time. It usually goes away during pregnancy. A woman is trying to eat more wisely. However, she should learn a simple rule:

important There are beneficial substances in peanuts, but the risk of allergies makes this benefit questionable; you should give up peanuts even before the start of pregnancy and replace them with other similar products, including real nuts.

If the rule is not followed, both the health of the mother and the full development of the baby may be in danger.

  • The expectant mother needs constant control over weight. Obesity is harmful to health. A woman with overweight new diseases appear, and childbirth itself becomes more difficult. The habit of snacking on “nuts” is one of the most dangerous in this regard.
  • A peanut allergy is more than just an inconvenience. It is life-threatening, causing not only itching and rashes on the skin, but in some cases anaphylactic shock.
  • The risk of diathesis (atopic dermatitis) increases for the child. The disease is so common today that it is reasonable to exclude one of the reliable causes of its occurrence. If the tendency to diathesis is hereditary (from the mother or father), this is simply necessary.
  • Eating peanuts complicates pregnancy. Excessive gas formation, bloating - additional pressure on the uterus. Impaired blood flow provokes varicose veins veins
  • It is possible that the blood supply to the placenta and fetal hypoxia are impaired.

If you still want peanuts during pregnancy, talk to your doctor. The need for it is possible with cramps, digestive disorders, but it is better to treat all this with the help of products that are more useful.

important To the question “Can I eat peanuts during pregnancy?”, it is best to answer firmly “no”.

Even if you are a peanut lover, when preparing for the birth of your baby, give it up. Console yourself with the fact that you will be able to enjoy yourself with pleasure and benefit after pregnancy and the lactation period. Latest Research, in which a large group participated medical workers, showed:

additionally Eating 30 grams of groundnuts daily for several years, especially in the second half of life, reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, makes it possible to live longer.

Nutritionists strongly recommend using this product for people who engage in intellectual work and study. It helps the brain work better and saturates the body with protein. Are peanuts good for expectant mothers? Let's find out in detail.

Product Feature

It belongs to the high-calorie category. One hundred grams of peanuts contain 550 kilocalories, and in dried form - 610 kcal. This serving of peanuts contains 45 grams of fat, minerals represented by phosphorus (350 mg), sodium (22 mg), potassium (650 mg), calcium (75 mg) and magnesium (180 mg). The value of this type of nut is its richness not only in minerals, but also in amino acids. Peanut proteins are easily absorbed by our body, and fats have a light choleretic effect. Eating this product helps improve attention, memory, and normalize the functioning of the heart and central nervous system due to the high content of magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus. Folic acid in groundnuts promotes cell renewal. Groundnuts are also useful because they contain many antioxidants that protect cells from negative influence free radicals. Among these substances are polyphenols used for the prevention early aging, ischemia and atherosclerosis.

Groundnuts also have a calming effect on nervous excitability. It helps you sleep better and fights insomnia.

Among the disadvantages of the product is its high calorie content, therefore regular use leads to excess weight gain.

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Pregnancy and peanuts

It, like other types of nuts, is valuable for expectant mothers because it is a rich source of protein. It is this substance - construction material for the cells of the unborn baby. At the same time, you need to know that groundnuts, unlike others (almonds, hazelnuts), are very strong allergen. Allergies to it are of serious concern because every year the number of people diagnosed with this pathology, increases. The trouble is that among such allergy sufferers there are many children, and also that the use of the product and the body’s non-acceptance of it can reach the very dangerous condition- anaphylactic shock. There is an opinion that eating peanuts during pregnancy can provoke the development of allergies in the future. Research has even been conducted on this matter. It was found that 75% of pregnant women who consumed this product during pregnancy had children with high sensitivity to allergens contained in this type of nut. And yet, this is not one hundred percent evidence that the future boy or girl has this product An allergic reaction will definitely occur. Yes, there is a risk. And if, in addition, you suffer from a peanut allergy future dad or close relatives, then this risk increases significantly.

Based on the above, is it worth excluding groundnuts from the diet while pregnant? Let's remember that folk wisdom says on this matter. Surely it is worth listening to the fact that God protects those who are protected. Moreover, if we're talking about about the most valuable thing we have - future life, for which the woman is responsible.

It is not always possible immediately after the birth of a baby to identify foods to which he may develop allergies. Because of this, doctors still advise expectant mothers and nursing women to refrain from eating groundnuts. In addition, it would be correct to exclude from the menu also products containing groundnuts or their oil.

And yet, not all experts are so categorical about the use of the above product during pregnancy. If a woman has always loved peanuts, she ate them calmly and without consequences before the onset of “ interesting situation“, then even during it a few nuts will not harm her. It’s another matter when before pregnancy future mom I never used it at all. In this case, of course, you should not get acquainted with a new product during such a crucial period as to exclude all possible risks. After all, the health of the child comes first.

You may not even realize that your favorite roasted peanut, or groundnut as it is also called, is not a nut at all, but a legume. Consequently, the set of nutrients, as well as their effect on the body, is special. And since all legumes can cause bloating and flatulence, eating peanuts during pregnancy should be measured.

In addition to the undeniable benefits of the product, there are a number of negative aspects, including: allergens, which you must be aware of so as not to harm your body and your belly.

The benefits of peanuts for the expectant mother

The benefits of this product are undeniable, just look at its composition.

  1. Vitamins. By eating groundnuts, you can replenish your supply of B vitamins, vitamin C and folic acid, which is very important for pregnant women, so the benefits of peanuts during pregnancy are a fact. Folic acid is especially necessary at the beginning of pregnancy, read more about this in the article First trimester of pregnancy >>>;
  2. Micro and macroelements. Iron, calcium and potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium are present in the product in fairly large proportions;
  3. Amino acids. Just 100 grams of peanuts per day is enough to cover the body's need for amino acids. 12 essential and 8 non-essential amino acids contribute to the rapid absorption of groundnuts with all their vitamins and beneficial elements;
  4. Peanuts contain tryptophan, which is responsible for the production of the happiness hormone;
  5. Antioxidants. Accumulates in peanuts a large number of polyphenols that have a beneficial effect on cardiac and vascular system, resist the formation of cancer cells;
  6. Squirrels. You need 12 grams during pregnancy vegetable proteins per day, while 100 grams of delicacy contains 26 grams of proteins;
  7. Fats. More than 45 grams of vegetable fats are found in 100 grams of nuts. A high concentration of fats will have a positive effect on your digestive system. Please note that no matter how fatty peanuts are, they do not contain cholesterol. The principles of nutrition during this important period in a woman’s life are described in detail in the article Nutrition during pregnancy >>>;
  8. Calorie content. Quickly satisfy hunger due to high calorie content product: 600 calories per 100 grams of groundnuts. Peanuts are useful for major weight loss and exhaustion of the body.

The product is quite varied in terms of its use. You can eat peanuts raw or roasted as an addition to dishes, most often baked goods, beneficial properties Peanut butter is different too.

How to eat peanuts during pregnancy

You may hear controversial statements regarding the question of whether peanuts are ok during pregnancy. Often this type of legume is included in the list of prohibited foods due to its high allergenicity, calorie content and fat content. You need to learn how to eat peanuts correctly in order to get only positive and beneficial properties from them.

Know! Groundnut is one of the ten most allergenic products, but the concentration of allergens is in the skin and dust from peanuts, and the purified product does not pose a threat to allergy sufferers.

  • The nut grows directly in the ground and if stored or processed incorrectly there is a risk of getting coli or become infected with helminths. To protect yourself, you should only consume roasted peanuts during pregnancy. If trouble does occur, pay attention to the article Stomach pain during pregnancy >>>;
  • Raw fruits are poorly digestible by your body; in addition, you should know that unheated peanuts can cause diarrhea;
  • It is strictly forbidden to eat damp nuts, as there is a possibility of mold or mildew that cannot be removed even with heat treatment;
  • Peanuts contain erucic acid, dangerous, which is not absorbed and broken down in the body, negatively affects the liver, heart and muscles. But if you eat peanuts in small quantities and not often, your body will cope with the harmful acid;
  • Salted peanuts during pregnancy can help with attacks of nausea, but the main thing is to use moderation. If you feel that a few nuts will really save you from toxicosis, then feel free to buy favorite treat, but in mini packaging and without additives.

The main principle of eating peanuts during pregnancy is quality, moderate amount and the presence of heat treatment of the product.

Contraindications during pregnancy

Despite the many positive properties of groundnuts, there is a list of serious contraindications during pregnancy.

  1. There is an absolute taboo on peanuts during pregnancy, when you are already pregnant. early stages you need to exclude this product from your diet, it concerns you if your medical history indicates allergic reaction per groundnut. Complications, even anaphylactic shock, are possible. Read more about allergies during pregnancy >>>;
  2. Studies have shown that a mother who eats peanut grains has a 75% risk of developing an allergic sensitivity to this product in her baby, and if the child’s father has such a predisposition, then the allergy cannot be avoided. The likelihood that a baby whose mother abused treats will have atopic diathesis allergic nature, very high;
  3. Considering the calorie content of groundnuts, with overweight You should avoid this delicacy during pregnancy;
  4. Peanuts belong to legumes, and these products, as you know, can cause gas and bloating. If these symptoms are familiar to you and are unpleasant, and sometimes even painful sensations, then you should give up nuts (read the article

Diet is one of the many issues that concern expectant mothers. And the worries are not in vain. Some foods, the consumption of which before pregnancy not only did not cause harm, but also provided benefits, are best abandoned once the baby appears in the womb. What to do with such a popular delicacy as peanuts? Will it be harmful to take this product during pregnancy?

Not everyone knows that peanuts are not a nut at all, but legume. This means the effect on the body (especially its digestive system) will be special - it’s no secret that legumes often provoke bloating and increased gas formation. And yet, which side of the scale will “win” - the benefits of the product or possible violations how are you feeling?

Peanuts and pregnancy - product composition

Other famous name peanut is a ground or Chinese nut - associated with chemical composition fruit, which is in many ways similar to nuts. Thus, peanut kernels contain more than 25% protein and at least 45% fat (as, for example, cashews). Studying the composition of the fruit will help determine the effect of peanuts on the body of the expectant mother.

Chinese walnut kernels contain:

  • B vitamins (folic acid (B9), vitamins B3 (PP), B5, B6, thiamine (B1), riboflavin), ascorbic acid and vitamin E.
  • Microelements - zinc, iron.
  • Macroelements - potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium.
  • Amino acids.

Do not forget about the high calorie content of the product, which is caused by high content oils (up to 60%). So 100 g of peanuts will give you as much as 550 kcal.

Benefits of peanuts during pregnancy

Which positive influence What effect does the Chinese nut have on the body of the expectant mother?

  • The first is saturating the woman’s body with B vitamins (including folic acid) and E. These elements play a huge role, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. Vitamin E will also take care of the condition of a woman’s skin, making it fresher and healthier.
  • Ascorbic acid strengthens a woman’s immune system and increases the body’s resistance to viral diseases.
  • The excretion of bile is stimulated.
  • During pregnancy, there is often a lack of iron in a woman’s body. Peanuts will help partially compensate for these losses.
  • The minerals present in the product normalize metabolic processes body.
  • Potassium and magnesium help cope with cramps, which often occur in pregnant women during later.
  • The antioxidants contained in peanuts are a good preventive measure for cardiovascular diseases and protect the pregnant woman’s body from the negative effects of free radicals. Despite the high fat content of the product, groundnuts do not contain cholesterol.
  • Chinese walnut is a powerful source of energy and helps improve your condition when you have a loss of strength.
  • The product helps improve memory and increases concentration.

Peanuts during pregnancy - possible harm to the product

It would seem that in front of everyone positive properties peanuts should almost be a permanent part of a pregnant woman’s diet, but this is not the case. Why? The answer lies in other properties of the product that are not needed during pregnancy.

Eating roasted peanuts during pregnancy is the best option, if you don’t have the strength to give up your favorite treat. When frying occurs heat treatment product, therefore the lion's share of possible pathogenic microorganisms is destroyed (although grains affected by fungus and mold cannot be “healed” in this way). The thin skin that provokes the greatest allergic reaction is removed.

Contraindications to taking peanuts during pregnancy

  1. There is only one absolute contraindication to eating peanuts - the presence of an allergy or a tendency to it. The restriction applies if there is an individual reaction to any product (not necessarily to groundnuts). Women whose relatives on the father's and/or mother's side have atopic dermatitis. Even if a woman did not suffer from allergies before pregnancy, after consuming the product she should carefully monitor her reaction, since her baby may perceive peanuts as an allergen.
  2. Tendency to obesity.
  3. Arthritis.
  4. Gout.
  5. Arthrosis.

Is it possible to eat peanuts during pregnancy?

It is obvious that peanuts are not such a harmless product. But is it really impossible for pregnant women to eat it?

Peanuts during pregnancy - 1st trimester

In the first trimester, active changes occur in the pregnant woman’s body, which often finds expression in changes taste preferences. Many expectant mothers note the desire to eat something salty. A package of salted peanuts purchased at the nearest store will not have a negative effect during pregnancy (of course, if the woman is not allergic). Carefully monitor your body's reaction. If there is itching, nausea, worsening general state— There is no point in experimenting with peanuts anymore. However, even if you feel better after the “salty” drink, remember that you can sometimes afford such weakness. It is better to give preference to homemade pickled cucumbers, tomatoes or cabbage.

Peanuts during pregnancy - 2nd trimester

The need for peanuts in later stages of pregnancy may occur due to anemia or, for example, digestive disorders. Peanuts should not be used as a lifeline, even if they provide relief. For more serious disorders, the doctor will select the appropriate drug therapy. In case of minor deviations, correction of the woman’s diet is often sufficient.

Peanuts during pregnancy - 3rd trimester

As the birth of the baby approaches, complaints of cramps often appear (especially at night). This condition is caused by a lack of magnesium and potassium in the body of a pregnant woman. These elements are present in peanuts in sufficient quantities, but it is worth remembering negative impact groundnuts on the body of a pregnant woman. If the amount of minerals that enter the body with food is not enough, more safe alternative peanuts will receive additional intake of appropriate vitamins.

To summarize, it is worth saying that peanuts are not an absolute evil that pregnant women should avoid in panic. Everything is useful in limited quantities. In the absence of contraindications, the expectant mother can sometimes treat herself to a bag of ground (not raw!) nuts without any particular harm to her health. But do not forget that this product is high in calories, so you should eat it in the first half of the day, taking into account the fact that further physical activity will “take away” these useless calories.