How not to overeat at night. How to protect your refrigerator from night raids. How to refuse food at night - a concrete plan

You are probably familiar with the situation when during the day you struggle to restrain yourself from overeating, and in the evening, suddenly such brutal hunger appears that you have no strength to resist it. As a result - with full stomach I can’t sleep well, the scales are on the plus side in the morning, my mood is ruined...

In fact, late dinners have a completely physiological origin. The desire to eat before bed arises due to an incorrect eating schedule throughout the day. Sticking to twelve simple rules, you can “agree” with your body and completely eliminate late dinners from your life.

To stop eating at night, you need to systematize your daily routine!

Getting rid of the habit of eating at night

  1. Always have breakfast. Scientists have proven that people who never skip breakfast do not overeat during the day and are not prone to feeling hungry in the evening. Breakfast launches the body and tunes it up digestive system to the correct mode.
  2. Drink before meals. It is important to drink half an hour before each meal. Water not only saturates the body with moisture, but also fills the stomach, partially replacing food. As a result, you will feel full faster, which means you will eat less than usual.
  3. Eat food every 3 hours. Of course, if you ate a huge plate fried potatoes, the feeling of hunger may not appear for 5 hours in a row. It is important to eat light meals, after which there is a barely noticeable feeling of hunger. In this case, after 3 hours your stomach will be empty.
  4. Allow yourself snacks. Between main meals you can and should eat lightly. For a snack, you can use a handful of nuts, an apple, whole grain bread, or small portion vegetable salad.
  5. In the morning, allow yourself your favorite harmful foods. For example, a piece of chocolate or a small one. But only before breakfast or immediately after it! And no more than twice a week. This way, you won’t feel deprived, and your body won’t crave the forbidden product in the evening.
  6. Stop eating carbohydrates after 4 pm. After four o'clock in the afternoon, the work of the pancreas (and with it the digestion process) slows down, and the risk of fat reserves increases. Moreover, in the second half of the day we no longer need energy from carbohydrates so much.
  7. Eat a varied diet. Your diet should include vegetables, fruits, grains, meat, fish, and seafood. By enjoying the taste of food, your brain will not require anything else, especially in the evening hours.
  8. Drink tea several times a day. The best choice- herbal teas.
  9. Kefir instead of dinner. If it appears in the evening strong feeling hunger, you can drink a glass. Tested by many people who are losing weight: kefir is psychologically perceived as a meal.
  10. Add some sports to your life. It's no secret that physical activity suppresses hunger and stimulates metabolic processes in organism. During exercise, the hormone of happiness is released - endorphin, which is also released when eating. But the benefits of sports are disproportionately greater!
  11. Follow a daily routine. Wake up and go to bed at the same time. Sleep at least 7 hours. During sleep, all body systems are regulated, including fat metabolism. Therefore, people who sleep 7 hours or more are less susceptible to appetite fluctuations and, as a result, weight gain.
  12. Learn to calm your nerves. Very often a response to stress. If you've been nervous during the day, you'll almost certainly want to eat with a vengeance in the evening. If you control it yourself nervous system If it doesn’t work out, you can take decoctions of soothing herbs - mint, lemon balm, valerian. You can also place a small sachet of dried lavender under your pillow, which has a pronounced calming effect.

Our body - complex mechanism, which can be customized to your liking if desired. Following these simple rules will once and for all wean you from eating at night and bring good habits into your life.

Proper nutrition to avoid eating at night

Food before meals

It is worth trying to consume some product twenty minutes before meals. Such a preliminary dish can be: a glass of milk, mineral water, piece of fish, portion lean meat, a combination of bread with cottage cheese and kefir. If we supply the body with animal protein and starch at the same time, this will give a feeling of fullness and a minimum of calories.

Low fat food

This helpful advice is not to refuse dinner, but to eat low-fat foods in the evening. These include lean meat, low-fat cottage cheese, cereals boiled in water and other light dishes.

What can you eat before bed?

It’s not at all scary to eat a little lean meat and a small portion of vegetables a couple of hours before bed. For dinner, you can also use a fifty-gram portion of cottage cheese along with boiled buckwheat, fermented baked milk and two spoons of muesli. With a calorie content of one hundred and thirty kcal, the fat content of such a dinner will be only three to four grams.

How to have dinner?

You can try eating small portions several times. After finishing work in the evening, we eat a portion of muesli or yogurt. When we get home from work we use it light dish. Half an hour passes and a normal dinner begins.

Rich diet

You should constantly add variety to your menu; meals consist of as many more different products. For example, a dish may not consist of two or three types of vegetables, but of a much larger number.


If we just can’t figure out how not to eat at night, then perhaps it’s not a matter of hunger at all, but a frantic desire to eat a tasty morsel. Perhaps you shouldn’t deprive yourself of your favorite treats and suffer. It’s better to stop abusing them, eating fatty or sweet treats little by little and with pleasure.

Herbal teas

In some cases, when you need to give up evening meals, it helps Herb tea. For example, mint tea.

No spices for dinner

There is no need to use spices when preparing dinner, so as not to generate increased appetite and not cause an overwhelming feeling of hunger.

Bonus after meal

As a dessert after a meal, to improve your mood and eliminate night hunger, you can eat a small dark chocolate bar, your favorite fruit or low-fat yogurt.

How not to eat at night: get rid of this addiction strict adherence will help proper diet nutrition and lifestyle changes

Behavior and self-improvement versus eating at night

Correct behavior for eliminating food at night


To increase the number physical activity All you have to do is start walking more. This will ensure great mood, decreased appetite and constant vigor. But you need to walk moderately, without fanaticism.

An evening walk

In cases where overeating before bed does not occur from hunger, but against the background of a craving for calm. You need to get into the habit of walking in the evenings. Over time, you may discover that not only a hearty dinner can bring peace, but also this pleasant pastime.

Bodily pleasure

It is necessary to block the channel for obtaining pleasant sensations from the evening filling of the stomach by changing behavior. Instead of eating, you should try to get the joy of the bliss of the body: go for a massage, take a shower or immerse yourself in a bath with aromatic oils.

Early bedtime

Those who go to bed earlier eat less. Due to good night the body will be healthy and against this background it will be much easier to control weight.


You need to distract yourself in the evenings with something very pleasant and useful. A powerful weapon against evening overeating are fragrant lamps or sticks. It is worth giving preference to soothing scents such as chamomile, lavender, mint.

Psychology against eating at night

Yes - it is possible

If you are sure that eating at night is absolutely forbidden, breakdowns are sure to occur. If we know that nothing is prohibited, then we will not overeat.

No time to eat

You need to drive yourself into such a framework that there is no time left for overeating. For example, you can do pleasant things, such as going to interesting exhibitions and museums, visiting the cinema or theater.

Hiding food

There is no need to display foods that are harmful to your figure and contain significant calories in visible places. There should always be vegetables, fruits and other useful things in front of your eyes, snacking on which is harmless.

Reminders in the kitchen

Reminder correct behavior It’s a good idea to place it in the form of text directly on the refrigerator and pay attention to it in cases of craving for wrong actions.

Photo for aversion to overeating

This helps some interesting way- decorate the kitchen with photographs of obscenely fat women who have an increased appetite and clearly unattractive shapes. If this has little effect, then you should try to motivate yourself with photographs of beautiful and slender women whom you would really like to be like.

Self confidence

You need to use any means to instill in yourself confidence in your boundless charm, beyond attractiveness, irresistible beauty and enviable slimness. Such a person does not think about how not to eat at night - she simply cannot afford to overeat to the detriment of her figure.

There are many opinions about whether it is possible to eat at night and, if so, how many hours before bedtime the last meal should be. Some nutritionists argue that dinner should be no later than 6-7 pm, others cite studies that dinner can be 3-4 hours before you go to rest. But everyone has a different rhythm of life and work schedule. What is good for one person may not be suitable for another. Different ages, gender, social status - everything affects the body. Famous hypnologist, psychologist Gennady Goncharov gives several recommendations on how to understand this issue.

First, you need to figure out whether you can eat before bed. The fact is that digestion processes slow down during sleep and food eaten at night does not have time to be digested. For this reason, stomach diseases, dysbacteriosis develop and immunity deteriorates and, as a result, excess weight appears. But the acquisition extra kilos not the worst thing that can happen. Experts note that while sleeping on an empty stomach, the body launches a rejuvenation mechanism, and if there is food in front of it, the level of sex hormone and stress hormone increases. This leads to accelerated aging of the body. What to do before bed to avoid eating? In the evening we get ready for next day so that the new day is successful.

  1. Preparation.

Prepare your clothes in the evening. Pet her if necessary. Gather important documents. Prepare your lunch for the next day.

  1. An hour before bedtime, leave your laptop, tablet, and phone alone.

By turning off these devices an hour or two before bed, you give your body a chance to calm down. Besides, free time you can spend with your loved ones. Communication with them will not replace any Internet. Artificial light emitted from phones and computers has a serious impact on The biological clock humans and causes sleep disturbances.

  1. Make a gratitude journal.

Research has shown that writing gratitude in a journal not only increases happiness, but brings other benefits, including improved sleep and reduced symptoms of illness.

Please pay attention a small amount of time each evening to write down what or who you are grateful for during the day. By saving your notes, you can read them on any not-so-lucky day and lift your mood.

  1. Stretch your body.

How many times have you woken up at night with a leg cramp or back pain? Stretching helps lengthen tendons and muscles, can reduce the frequency and severity of cramps, relaxes muscles and relieves tension in the body.

  1. Meditate.

We are constantly influenced by information received from television, social media, and the Internet. And it's no wonder that many people feel depressed, stressed and anxious! By meditating before bed, you slow down your brain activity, which leads to deep and restful sleep.

  1. Read a book before bed.

Reading before bed is good for you in many ways. First of all, it calms the nerves. Reading a good book before bed can help you immerse yourself in another world, without the need for dramatic TV shows. Reading can help you calm down and sleep better, and it also improves brain function and memory.

  1. Get enough sleep.

The easiest way to do this is to consistently go to bed at about the same time every night. Allow eight hours for sleep.

Put these into practice simple tips, and you will greet every day with a smile on your face.

Be healthy, beautiful and love yourself!

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How can you not eat at night or in the evening when you really want to eat? Probably many people ask this question. Overeating at night is one of the main reasons for gaining excess weight. If we want to lose weight, sometimes it’s enough to simply exclude late dinner from our diet. It's quite simple but effective. However, for most people who are used to eating a hearty meal at night, this task may seem impossible. But there is one secret on how not to eat at night, and in this article I will show you a simple and effective method lose weight, which is personally tested. At the same time, you will not feel hunger or discomfort and the long-awaited process of losing weight will begin.

Usually we have dinner and after some time go to bed. Many people feel hungry just before bed and cannot sleep in a hungry state. The following scenario starts: going to the refrigerator, eating, calming the psyche and sleeping with a full stomach. For many, food is a kind of “sedative” that simultaneously extinguishes the feeling of hunger, which also prevents sleep.

If we simply try to fall asleep using willpower, overcoming hunger, we are unlikely to succeed. And most likely the result will be the opposite. Extremes lead nowhere. But if we simply satisfy our hunger, we will be able to fall asleep and receive the long-awaited peace. The secret is simple - you don’t need to give up dinner, you just need to replace it with light food, which will only relieve hunger.

How not to eat at night? The easy way.

IN in this case I recommend replacing late dinner with a glass of kefir. By late dinner I mean that very trip to the refrigerator just before bed. For example, you come after work and at 7-8 o’clock you have dinner as usual, and at 10 o’clock, after visiting the refrigerator again, you go to bed. At 10 o'clock you simply drink a glass of kefir, brush your teeth and go to bed. That's all.

It may seem to you that a glass of kefir will not satisfy all your needs, because you were going to eat something more substantial and when you see a glass of kefir, you may think that it will not satisfy you. However, this is not true, as soon as you drink kefir, hunger will go away and this is quite enough to fall asleep. Just drink kefir and go to bed.

Kefir improves digestion, it's neither a food nor a drink, but something in between, so you won't feel heavy or anything like that, and it won't burden your stomach. Do this every day and you will soon find that the quality late dinner This “portion” is quite enough. And gradually giving up dinner. I lost 10 kg in two months this way, without changing anything in my life. And the question “How not to eat at night” is no longer relevant.

If you don't like kefir, you can try something of your own. It should be something liquid, like a glass of milk. If a glass of kefir does not satiate you, drink more, but only enough to relieve hunger. After some time, it will be enough for you to drink a glass of water at night and that will be enough. Simply by replacing your last dinner with a glass of liquid, you will naturally begin to overeat less. And this will automatically lead you to weight loss. Now you know how not to eat at night.

You may not have heard of nocturnal appetite syndrome (NAS).

It's not easy to understand those who might wake up late at night and begins to attack the refrigerator. However, oddly enough, many people have this problem. What are the ways to solve it? After all, not only the sleep-deprived night “eater” suffers from this, but also his budget :)

Nocturnal appetite syndrome was described back in 1955 by physician Grace-Wolf. He noted increased anxiety, worsening mood, and increased irritability in the evenings. These manifestations decrease after a heavy dinner at night. People with this syndrome also have impaired biological rhythms, hormonal background, general metabolism in the body.

In Ukraine, night appetite syndrome is not a disease and pathological condition. According to various sources, the syndrome occurs in 10% of the population and does not depend on gender.

SNA is not as harmless as it seems, as it affects people's quality of life and leads to problems with the functioning of the stomach and intestines. Thus, people who tend to eat at night are prone to constipation and flatulence due to the fact that food that is poorly digested at night stagnates in the intestines and the processes of fermentation and putrefaction begin in it, causing secretion gases Also, eating before bed can contribute to the occurrence of gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Symptoms of night appetite syndrome

Several signs have been identified, based on the presence of which we can talk about the presence of SNA:

  • lack of appetite in the morning;
  • good appetite in the evening;
  • periods of uncontrolled eating;
  • waking up at night with the desire to eat something;
  • restless, shallow sleep with frequent awakenings;

Possible causes of night appetite syndrome

American scientists have conducted several studies on this topic. An increase in serotonin transporter levels has been noted in the brains of patients suffering from SNA. Its increase leads to low postsynaptic transmission of serotonin and can cause disruption of circadian rhythms and feelings of satiety. Due to change chemical composition intercellular fluid brain cells, a person may experience depression, anxiety, and hostility. These emotions merge with a feeling of guilt due to the feeling that such nutrition is incorrect and aggravate the problem on a psychological level.

Now we have to find out what is the root cause: daily poor nutrition or psychological disorder. Many who faced this problem noted that before its manifestation in their lives there were stressful situations and strong feelings. Those. the manifestation of SNA is associated with increased level anxiety and compensate for it by obtaining satisfaction from eating food, especially food at night.
According to researchers, heredity and hormonal changes may also play a significant role in sleep disturbances and stress levels.

Other suspected reasons:

  1. Adhering to a strict diet.
  2. Poor nutrition.
  3. Frequent stress, depression, anxiety.
  4. Bad eating habits.

How to treat SNA and not eat at night?

Firstly, to do this, you need to contact a therapist who can help find out the root cause of the problem. After diagnosis, you can prescribe adequate treatment. You can also contact a nutritionist for correction and recommendations on proper nutrition and a psychotherapist.

Here are tactics that can be considered as an option when fighting SNA

Psychotherapy – it will help clarify the causes and symptoms of the disorder. The therapist will then help you identify ways to resolve the problem.
Consultation with a nutritionist - indicated if SNA is caused by dietary errors; he will help shape your diet and suggest measures that will need to be taken to return to normal image life.
Hormonal therapy should be carried out by an experienced endocrinologist and only if there are confirmed indications for it.
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors – Some studies have shown that these medications may help treat SNA. Research is underway early stages, but the results are positive.

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