Rehabilitation period after rhinoplasty: the path to rapid recovery. How to remove stitches after rhinoplasty What is possible after rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is performed to eliminate defects after a nose injury or for aesthetic purposes.

More often than not, girls are dissatisfied with the shape of their nose. But men also turn to doctors.

Patients are concerned about the recovery time after surgery. To ensure rapid healing and recovery, you need to follow a number of recommendations and requirements that the doctor will tell you about.

Rehabilitation after rhinoplasty

The recovery period after rhinoplasty is under the supervision of doctors and is divided into several stages:

  • At the first stage The nasal area is strictly fixed to avoid displacement and improper fusion of the bone.

The surgeon applies a tight bandage or plaster. Correct fixation helps in the future to obtain exactly the shape of the nose that the patient dreamed of.

In the first week, there will be noticeable swelling and bruising on the face around the nose, cheeks, eye area and even the chin. Don’t be alarmed, these are natural consequences during the recovery period.

  • At the second stage remove the bandage and treat with medications.

The swelling progresses to the stage of a bruise, which will slightly decrease or increase depending on the characteristics of the body.

  • One week after surgery The cosmetic healing stage begins.

Puffiness and swelling subsides. requires longer recovery - about 3 weeks. During the healing period, the patient begins to roughly imagine the result of the operation, but the nose will take its final shape only at the last stage.

How long does it take for a nose to heal?

Final healing of the nose after rhinoplasty occurs within a year. In just a year it will become clear which nose you will live with in the future.

Restoration of the nose after rhinoplasty is accompanied by swelling, slight deformation and asymmetry, and swelling of the eyelids.

During the rehabilitation period, the patient experiences difficulty breathing (due to cotton swabs in the nose), decreased sense of smell, bleeding and pain.

Medications are prescribed to relieve pain.


To understand what a face looks like during rehabilitation after a nose job, look at the photos from this collection.

What not to do?

For speedy regeneration and to speed up the removal of swelling after rhinoplasty, avoid certain things:

  • You should not sleep with your head lower than your body.. You will have to sleep on your back or half-sitting.
  • Avoid massaging your nose to speed up the removal of a bruise, if the surgeon prohibits this. Use ice to relieve swelling.
  • Avoid physical activity, try to move your head less in the first 2 days after the manipulations.
  • In the first days, do not wash your face. After 2 weeks, use regenerating cosmetics - cleansing milk, regenerating serum or gel. Don't wear makeup for a couple of weeks.
  • During the postoperative period, do not drink alcohol for three weeks., do not use blood thinners such as aspirin.
  • During the rehabilitation period, you should not touch your face In order not to displace the tissues of the nose, do not wear glasses even with light frames.
  • Do not visit the bathhouse or sauna for a month, but preferably longer. Hot vapors and air cause nosebleeds and complications. In addition, for the first six months you will have to forget about tanning on the beach and in the solarium.

Recovery after rhinoplasty with correction of the bony septum includes physiotherapy, electrophoresis and other measures prescribed by a specialist.

A significant increase in temperature indicates an inflammatory process. In this case, you will need the help of a specialist. Normally, the temperature does not rise above 38 degrees. Taking antipyretic medications is agreed with your doctor.

Sometimes you have to deny yourself a little to get a lot more...

Rehabilitation after rhinoplasty

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Life after rhinoplasty worries many women who have not yet had the operation. Let's take a closer look at what complications rhinoplasty entails, how long swelling and bruising lasts, how to speed up the rehabilitation process and some other aspects of the procedure.

Complications of rhinoplasty

Despite the fact that it has ceased to be one of the most complex operations, its mechanism has been worked out, and patient statistics are positive, it exists. The worst consequence that rhinoplasty can have is death. Typically, death is caused by anaphylactic shock and occurs in 0.016% of cases, of which about 10% result in death.

Spider vein formation

For ease of perception, complications can be divided into aesthetic ones, which affect only the appearance, and internal ones.

Aesthetic ones include:

  • The tip of the nose is too turned up.
  • The nose takes on a saddle shape.
  • Beak-shaped deformity.
  • The appearance of rough scars and adhesions.
  • Seam divergence.
  • Formation of vascular networks.
  • Increased skin pigmentation.

There are many more internal complications, and their health risks are higher. These include:

  • Allergy.
  • Infection.
  • Difficulty breathing due to the shape of the nose.
  • Violations of olfactory functions.
  • Perforation.
  • Tissue necrosis.
  • Toxic shock.
  • The appearance of hematomas.
  • Osteotomy.
  • Atrophy of the nasal cartilages.

How to prevent such consequences? It is mandatory to undergo examination before surgery and strictly follow medical recommendations after rhinoplasty.

Rhinoplasty and side effects

It is necessary to immediately make a reservation that there are side effects that always or are more likely to appear after rhinoplasty surgery. They take place in the first weeks of the rehabilitation period:

  • Bruises in the eye area, most often burgundy in color.
  • Nausea.
  • Severe nasal congestion.
  • Difficulty breathing due to tampons.
  • Numbness of the nose or its tip.
  • Weakness and increased fatigue.
  • Temperature increase.
  • Nosebleeds that need to be blocked with a tampon.

Rehabilitation period and its stages

Stages of rehabilitation of one of the patients

Each operation is individual and depends on the technique, the experience of the doctor, the cause and many other factors. Below are general recommendations and cases. Your attending physician will definitely give you a more focused consultation.

Rehabilitation after rhinoplasty in most cases goes smoothly and does not require a hospital stay. So, on the first day, you can wash your hair or body on your own or with the help of someone, observing the basic rule: the tire must be kept dry and not wet. In general, this period can be divided into 4 stages.

First stage

Patients feel the most unpleasant, despite the fact that it will last only 7 days. You will wear a bandage or cast after rhinoplasty, which interferes with normal activities and is unsightly.

Pain may be observed in the first 2 days. The only negative is discomfort and swelling, which, due to the bandage, can seem to spread over the face. If you have had an osteotomy, you will certainly experience bruising and redness of the white of your eye due to burst blood vessels.

At this time, you must be extremely careful with your nose. Depending on whether your doctor uses tampons or not, you will need to remove the discharge from your nostrils.

Second phase

10th day of rehabilitation

Lasts approximately 3 weeks. After about 10 days, your cast, bandage and internal splints will be removed. The main sutures after rhinoplasty are also removed if they were not self-absorbing. The nose is washed, clots are removed, and the doctor checks the shape and condition.

Note! The nose will look ugly after the plaster is removed! Don't be alarmed, its shape will be restored over time. Already at this stage you can return to work if rehabilitation proceeds without complications.

Bruises and swelling, if there were any, will subside just a little. When talking about how long it takes for swelling to go away after rhinoplasty, it is customary to give a figure of up to three weeks. In fact, it all depends on the skin, the progress of the operation and the work done. Most likely, by the end of the period, approximately 50% of the swelling will subside.

Third stage

Lasts from the 4th week to the 12th. Restoration of the nose after rhinoplasty at this stage proceeds quickly:

  • swelling subsides;
  • bruises disappear;
  • the shape of the nose is restored;
  • All stitches are finally removed, and the places where they were applied begin to heal;

The result at this stage is not final. The tip of the nose and nostrils take the longest to recover and take their final shape, so you should not critically examine the shortcomings of your new nose.

One year after surgery

Fourth stage

Since this is the last stage, we can finally say how long it takes for the nose to heal after rhinoplasty. This will last about a year. During this time, everything can change dramatically. Some irregularities and roughness may disappear, while others, on the contrary, may appear. The latter most often happens with asymmetry.

Reoperation will be discussed after this period. Its possibility depends on your state of health and satisfaction with the result.

Contraindications during rehabilitation

At the end of the operation, the doctor should give detailed recommendations on your further actions during rehabilitation. What can't you do after rhinoplasty? For example:

After plastic surgery you can't go to the pool
  • Sleep lying on your stomach or side.
  • Wear glasses for 3 months. If there is an urgent need, then it is worth replacing them with lenses during recovery, otherwise the frames may lead to deformation of the nose.
  • Lift weights.
  • Take cold or hot baths/showers.
  • Visit swimming pools, baths and saunas.
  • Swim in rivers, ponds, etc.
  • Sunbathe and take long sunbathing for 2 months.

While the postoperative period after rhinoplasty passes, it is worth protecting your immunity and yourself from diseases. Firstly, the disease can cause complications and even lead to infection. Secondly, it is not recommended to sneeze frequently, at least during the first month of rehabilitation. Since your new nose is held in place by surgical sutures, even a slight sneeze can cause it to become deformed.

If the sneezing attack cannot be stopped, then it is better to cover the nostrils with your fingers or, in the same way, sneeze through the mouth. This way you can avoid deformation.

Sports and alcohol after surgery

You can begin your return to the world of sports a month after rhinoplasty. Doing fitness or yoga, cycling - anything that does not put maximum stress on your body. During 3 months of rehabilitation, you should avoid sports activities that involve heavy loads with significant muscle tension. For at least 6 months you cannot engage in sports with an increased risk of a blow to the nose, for example, football, boxing and any martial arts, handball and others.

You can play sports only after a month

Alcohol after rhinoplasty is strictly prohibited for a month. Violation of this rule can lead to dire consequences, since strong drinks:

  • Significantly increase swelling.
  • They worsen the course of metabolic processes and the removal of decay products from the body.
  • Do not combine with medications prescribed by your doctor.
  • They impair coordination of movements, which can lead to falls and deformation of the nose.

Non-carbonated alcoholic drinks, for example, wine, cognac and the like, can be consumed a month after rhinoplasty, but in small doses. Carbonated drinks, which include cocktails, beer and champagne, must be avoided for at least six months.

Rehabilitation after surgery is not limited to contraindications alone. Thus, procedures after rhinoplasty include a versatile complex consisting of taking medications, using cosmetics and specialized devices.

Medicines during rehabilitation

By following the recommendations, rehabilitation will be successful

Medicines during the rehabilitation period should be prescribed only by a doctor, based on your specific case, allergies and similar factors. Antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and painkillers are mandatory. The former are taken according to the course, 1-2 times a day during the recovery period, and the latter are taken depending on pain during 4-10 days of rehabilitation.

Injections after rhinoplasty are prescribed to eliminate swelling during rehabilitation. The drug itself is called Diprospan, but its injections are very unpleasant. All patients report acute pain during the procedure. You can use the patch after rhinoplasty for the same purpose. However, after removing it, an influx of edema may occur.

Massage and physiotherapy after rhinoplasty

Massage after rhinoplasty, like physiotherapy, is prescribed to speed up the healing of scars and prevent the growth of bone tissue during rehabilitation. Massage procedures can be carried out independently:

  • Using two fingers, lightly pinch the tip of your nose for 30 seconds.
  • Release and repeat the same closer to the bridge of the nose.
  • Repeat these manipulations up to 15 times a day.

Photos on the Internet show what the nose looks like after rhinoplasty, which does not look the best. You can also appreciate beautiful noses that are completely healed - they come to this state after a long wait. Let's consider the features of the rehabilitation period, the correct completion of which guarantees the best condition of the nose.

Features of nose surgery

Possible complications after rhinoplasty

If the operation is not very successful, it may later turn out that an infection has occurred. Nosebleeds occur, which are quickly eliminated. In some cases, a disturbance in the normal passage of air through the nasal passages develops. Strong anesthesia, which is necessarily used during operations, sometimes produces its own complications. Instead of rehabilitation, repeated operations are sometimes prescribed. If a perforation of the nasal septum occurs, the passage of air through the nostrils will be accompanied by noise or whistling every time.

One operation or several?

The human nose is extremely complex, so twenty percent of all interventions performed are not the only ones. Additional sessions are arranged for further tissue correction.

How long does rehabilitation take?

There are frequent cases when after a week the bruises subside and the swelling goes away. The first weeks are dangerous, since it is during this time that the likelihood of bleeding due to surgical injuries is high. A couple of weeks after the intervention, the bandages are usually removed, the splints are removed, and the tampons are removed. The latter is a rather painful event and is often performed together with the use of painkillers. On average, difficulty breathing may be present for a month, which is caused by normal swelling of the mucous membranes in the nose. Doctors explain that after this swelling disappears, breathing returns to normal.

Nose after rhinoplasty: requires special care

Post-operative nose care

No injuries

Not only at first, but always, you need to carefully protect your nose, saving it from mechanical impact, and especially you need to avoid any impacts.

Moisturizing the nose from the inside

It is usually recommended to use a spray made on the basis of a harmless saline solution for a couple of weeks of the rehabilitation period. This will properly moisturize your nasal passages and reduce the likelihood of developing infections.

How to reduce swelling?

For some time after the intervention, noticeable swelling is visible, which spreads not only to the nose itself, but also to the adjacent tissues, which become swollen and bruised. These lesions can extend to the eyes or spread to any part of the face, in each case the location and duration of this soft tissue swelling varies greatly. To help patients, a cooling compress is placed, which is also a pain reliever. Initially, it is recommended to sleep on the highest possible pillows.

Body position

A healing nose after rhinoplasty requires not just a significant elevation under the head while resting, but a complete elimination of the prone position. It is unacceptable to lie on the side of the body; the ideal position is on the back. Any downward tilt of the head should be avoided. These recommendations usually apply only to the first days after nose correction.

Nostril Care

The area at the entrance of the nostrils must be treated with sterile cotton wool using three percent hydrogen peroxide.

Water and cosmetics

There is definitely no need to wash your nose with water, especially in the first days. For about two weeks, do not apply any cosmetic preparations under any circumstances.

Physical activity

It is better to limit significant body movements, at least for the first couple of weeks. It is not recommended to move intensively and overexert yourself; you should not bend over.

Bathhouse and swimming pool

You should not take water procedures in the pool for one month. You cannot stay in the steam room.

Nose after rhinoplasty : takes a long time to heal

One week after surgery

After a week after the intervention, you should not be alarmed if you find dried blood fragments inside the nose. This phenomenon does not require the removal of crusts and is normally sometimes accompanied by some difficulty breathing through the nose. With natural tissue restoration, these blood crusts will be removed by themselves.

Two weeks after rhinoplasty

On average, after two or three weeks you can expect the characteristic hematomas to disappear, but it may well happen that the yellow tint in their place will persist for another couple of months. These marks are usually easily hidden with high-quality decorative cosmetics.

Removal of edema

After waiting two weeks after surgery, you can observe the swelling gradually disappearing. Their complete disappearance occurs only after two to three months. During the rehabilitation period, an asymmetrical decrease in edema is often observed, which is almost always normal and is only a consequence of physiological factors, namely the individual work of the lymphatic vessels.

When will the result be visible?

The correct appearance of a new nose can only be assessed after successful nine-month or one-year rehabilitation. It is at this time that a control appointment is scheduled. Pictures taken immediately after the surgeon's intervention are often compared with photographs where the patient lived for about a year with a corrected nose. So the latter usually please more.

As you can see, the nose after rhinoplasty is a rather delicate area of ​​the body, the complete correction of which must be patiently waited, strictly following all medical recommendations.

All people, both girls and men, want to look beautiful. And if an image can be created, then appearance, unfortunately, cannot be changed so easily. In addition, a person’s appearance can be changed by certain external factors, such as an accident, domestic injuries, burns.

To change your appearance and make it more beautiful and attractive, there is plastic surgery. However, a successful operation is only half the battle, especially if the changes were made on the face. In order for everything to end and the face to acquire a beautiful appearance, long-term rehabilitation after rhinoplasty is necessary.

The postoperative period plays an important role in the recovery and further condition of the patient. However, many people turn a blind eye to this and do not take it seriously, which is why all sorts of problems arise after the intervention.

Turundas are necessarily inserted into the nostrils, which allow you to correctly fix the shape of the nose and ensure its good healing.

  • In the first days after rhinoplasty, the patient may have a fever, the patient will feel weak and unwell, swelling and bruising will appear on the face, so it is best to ensure bed rest.
  • For quick healing, the nose can be smeared with healing ointment and the nostrils can be cleaned.
  • During rehabilitation, any loads or sudden head tilts are prohibited.

After rhinoplasty, swelling of the face often appears, which can affect the eyes, cheeks and nose itself. But there is no need to be afraid. Swelling usually goes away within 10 days, leaving behind small bruises.


Sometimes it happens that mild swelling can remain on the face for several months. At first, the tip of the nose will be numb, but this will go away over time.

After surgery, a small hump may form on the nose. In such cases, it is recommended to do a special massage. The hump is cartilage that quietly dissolves under the influence of proper massage. During the massage, you need to use a special ointment.

You should not buy ointments yourself based on reviews or advice on forums. Consultation with a doctor is required. This can lead to bad consequences. All cases are individual and only a doctor can prescribe adequate treatment.

The recovery period after rhinoplasty lasts more than one day, so for a couple of months it is not recommended to do mechanical facial cleansing, not wear glasses, and not visit saunas and steam baths.

  • Bed rest for the first days after surgery, rest and calm are preferred.
  • Keep ice near your nose often.
  • Place an additional cushion under the pillow to reduce facial swelling.
  • There are liquid soups and cereals. Avoid spices, too hot or cold foods.
  • You need to wash your face very carefully with cold water so as not to wet the bandage.
  • Alcohol is prohibited for at least 2-3 weeks to prevent bleeding.
  • Talk and strain less, don’t blow your nose, don’t sneeze and don’t laugh too much.
  • It is forbidden to wear glasses and avoid exposure to the sun.

Your doctor may prescribe certain exercises to improve your rehabilitation results.

Stages of the rehabilitation period after rhinoplasty

Recovery takes place in several stages. The first begins immediately after surgery and ends 7 days later. This rehabilitation period after rhinoplasty is the most difficult and painful.

Tampons inside the nostrils and plaster on the nose cause discomfort. In addition, you need to often clear your nostrils of blood clots so that you can breathe well. It is very difficult to breathe at this time, it is almost impossible to wash and brush your teeth normally, since your entire face is inflamed.

To speed up healing, you can go to the hospital. However, you can also clean your nose with special solutions at home.


The main thing is not to do anything without consulting a doctor. Swelling can form not only on the nose, but also spread to the cheeks and chin. If bone tissue was affected during rhinoplasty, then swelling may appear around the eyes.

Often during surgery, blood vessels burst and the whites of the eyes turn red. During this period, many people experience terrible depression and need support from loved ones. In addition, fever and dizziness may appear, so patients are recommended to rest in bed for the first few days.

After seven days, the second stage of recovery and recovery begins. The casts, sutures, and internal applicators will be removed. Doctors must rinse the nose thoroughly to remove accumulated clots. After this, the person will finally be able to breathe normally.

At the second stage, swelling gradually resolves, bruises and redness disappear. By the end of the 20th day after surgery, the swelling will decrease by 2 times. The nose will not look perfect yet. It may even be worse than before the operation.

The third stage begins in the third week and can last up to three months. During this time, all external swelling should go away. During this time, the shape of the nose should already emerge and acquire beautiful features. However, the tip of the nose and nostrils take much longer to recover. Crusts may form in the nose after rhinoplasty, which should heal on their own.

Well, the last, fourth stage. It can last 12 months. In addition, all sorts of changes can occur that will not always please the patient. At this time, all defects are corrected. However, other irregularities or asymmetries may appear. At this time, it is already possible to evaluate the results of surgical intervention.

After rehabilitation, the patient is removed from all restrictions that were imposed on him during the recovery period. After rhinoplasty, the nose becomes harder and less flexible, so it requires some careful care. However, in order for your nose to heal as quickly as possible, you must follow all the recommendations of specialists.

By following all the advice of doctors, you can go through the rehabilitation stage much easier and make your appearance beautiful and attractive.

Rehabilitation after rhinoplasty can vary depending on the operation. For example, with a minor correction, the consequences of the surgeon’s work will be insignificant. In the case of complex rhinoplasty, when the entire surface of the face is affected, rehabilitation will last longer.


Recovery after rhinoplasty can take two to six months. The main factors influencing the duration are the method, complexity and quality of the operation performed.

Changes occur approximately every week. After the first week the swelling subsides, after two weeks you can use cosmetics, after a month all traces of the operation disappear.

Rehabilitation in the early postoperative period

After rhinoplasty is completed, the patient begins to wake up from anesthesia. The sleep effect is most often used, so the complexity of this part depends on the correct choice and calculation of medications. To minimize discomfort after surgery, the patient is prescribed premedication.

At this point in rehabilitation, a number of symptoms are observed:

  • Dizziness .
  • Nausea.
  • Weakness.
  • Constant desire sleep.

The above symptoms will go away immediately after the drugs wear off. To avoid irritation and inflammation and to prevent high fever, a number of antibiotics are usually taken after rhinoplasty.

The course of treatment is most often individual. In some cases, the patient also takes painkillers.

Fixation of the nose after surgery

Recovery after rhinoplasty is a difficult period, as you need to constantly monitor the condition of your nose. The slightest damage can cause serious damage to regenerating tissues.

To protect the nose during the recovery period, special fixing devices are used, the main ones of which are:

  • Plaster bandages (splint).
  • Thermoplastic.

Thermoplastic is more popular, since it does not need to be constantly adjusted to the decreasing swelling. You should also use special nose plugs during the recovery period.

They absorb tumor secretions and make recovery less uncomfortable. Nowadays, hemostats or silicone devices are used.

These clamps are removed within two weeks after surgery.

Rehabilitation in the late postoperative period

The first few weeks are the most difficult part of recovery. After several weeks of rehabilitation, the patient is no longer burdened by some of the restrictions associated with the operation.

Within a month, all visually visible marks disappear. After the swelling and bruising go away, the loss of sensitivity in the skin of the nose will also pass.

Whether the client follows the regimen or not will determine how long it takes for the nose to heal after rhinoplasty. To avoid complications after surgery, you need to follow some rules:

  • Dream only in a lying position face up.
  • Do without heavy loads and tilts.
  • Give up classes sports for the recovery period.
  • Don't go to solarium, or to the beach for two months.
  • Eat only moderate food temperature.
  • Do not wear glasses within three months.

The recovery process must be monitored by the attending physician; any restrictions are imposed or removed only with his permission.

It should be remembered that patients during the recovery period do not have external signs of the consequences of the operation after a month. But the tumors will disappear completely only after a few months or even six months.

Complete recovery may take a year. It all depends on the scale. The tip of the nose will heal faster than treatment after complex rhinoplasty.

The type of surgery will also affect the treatment. If the rhinoplasty was closed, the recovery will last up to six months. In the case where such a procedure was carried out openly, it will take more time for the nose itself to regenerate and the scar to disappear.

How to speed up recovery

The speed of recovery is directly related to the client's overall health. But there are still ways to speed up recovery.

In order to remove bruises after rhinoplasty, you should follow a diet that excludes alcohol and foods high in salt from your diet.

For a short time after surgery, it will become more difficult to breathe. This symptom is associated with drying out of the ichor on the respiratory tract (after mechanical intervention).

Under no circumstances should you try to get rid of dried ichor; it should peel off on its own. Otherwise, there is a very high probability of damaging the mucous membrane and thereby prolonging the recovery time.

Medicines after

Post-rhinoplasty medications such as Lyoton, Dimexide and Troxivazin will help speed up the disappearance of edema during the recovery process. Medicines must be prescribed by your doctor.

In order to get rid of swollen cartilage and swelling, it is recommended to massage the nose. This series of exercises is available for you to do independently:

  • Massaging tip nose with two fingers.
  • Massaging bridge of the nose two fingers.

Procedures should be performed several times a day, thirty seconds each.


It may seem that the recovery will be very long and difficult: an abundance of bruises, plaster casts, difficulty breathing. In fact, this procedure is one of the most painless corrections. Unpleasant sensations pass very quickly, but every person should be aware that there are a number of contraindications for the rehabilitation period after rhinoplasty.

Basic prohibitions during the recovery period

  • Prohibited dream in any position except face up.
  • Carrying prohibited glasses, due to the risk of nasal deformation. For people with poor vision, it is recommended to wear lenses for three months after surgery.
  • No heavy ones loads
  • You can't take it hot bathroom or shower.
  • Refusal of any kind solar baths for one to two months.
  • None swimming pool during two months
  • You should try to limit yourself from getting sick cold or any similar disease that irritates and affects the mucous membrane.
  • Any stressful situations.

It is a very common fear that rhinoplasty surgery may leave permanent scars on the face. This is wrong. In both open and closed surgery, the skin on the main part of the face and nose is not subjected to any kind of damage.

The only part of the skin where any traces will remain is the septum between the nostrils, but even on it, with proper care, there will be no trace of surgical intervention.

  • An independent decision to carry out this operation is possible only when coming of age, otherwise, with the written permission of the parents.
  • It is worth changing the shape of the nose only in certain cases. borders otherwise the tip plate may not hold up.
  • After the operation it should be carried out in hospital for some time: from several days to a week.
  • You should expect final results only after complete completion rehabilitation.
  • TO work should be started no earlier than a few weeks after surgery.
  • The operation itself involves several risks. You should be aware of the reaction to anesthesia and carefully choose a clinic with good equipment and competent specialists.
  • The entire rehabilitation period should be very carefully treat your nose, as any damage may lead to the need for revision rhinoplasty.
  • Repeated Rhinoplasty can be done only a year after the end of rehabilitation.

Rhinoplasty is one of the safest procedures, and if you follow the recommendations and instructions of doctors, then rehabilitation after it will be easier than it seems.