The benefits and harms of low-calorie foods - a list of low-calorie foods. Features of healthy food. Spicy food: harm, arguments against

It is believed that potato lovers gain weight sooner or later. Therefore, for those who are losing weight, potatoes should become a forbidden fruit.

Defense arguments

100 g of boiled potatoes contains only 80 kcal, while 100 g of pasta can enrich your diet by as much as 380 kcal, 100 g of buckwheat will add 360 kcal to your menu, and 100 g of rice will provide you with 350 kcal. And if so, it becomes obvious that a portion of potatoes will not cause much harm to your figure.

As for vitamins, potatoes also have something to boast about. This root vegetable contains a lot of potassium, which strengthens the heart muscle and the walls of blood vessels, and at the same time protects against pressure surges and swelling. In addition, potatoes contain a lot of B vitamins, which are essential for health. nervous system, hair and nails.

Accused: coffee

This drink is believed to increase blood pressure and interfere with the absorption of vitamins.

Defense arguments

Alas, this is all true. But there are ways to minimize the harm of coffee. For example, do not drink coffee on an empty stomach. Instantly increasing acidity gastric juice, caffeine actually interferes with the absorption of B vitamins. Therefore, it is better to drink coffee 30 minutes after eating.

Concerning blood pressure, then coffee can really increase it, but the effect of a cup invigorating drink lasts only 30 minutes. Then the vessels dilate, the pressure drops, and drowsiness replaces vigor. You can avoid it by drinking coffee with water.

So if you drink coffee according to all the rules, without harm to your health, you can allow yourself 4 cups of an invigorating drink of medium strength per day.

Accused: eggs

Allegedly, eggs are full of cholesterol, so anyone who likes scrambled eggs for breakfast will certainly become a patient of a cardiologist.

Defense arguments

There is really a lot of cholesterol in eggs. But along with it, egg yolks also contain lecithin, a substance that lowers cholesterol levels in the blood. That’s why nutritionists don’t see anything wrong with eating five eggs a week.

IN egg yolk a lot of vitamin A (needed for vision, healthy skin and mucous membranes), vitamin E (main antioxidant, protects against premature aging and heart attacks), B vitamins, vitamin D (without it the body cannot absorb calcium).

Accused: sugar

It spoils the figure and blood vessels, can provoke diabetes and disrupts metabolism. Therefore, fighters for slimness often try to replace sugar with artificial sweeteners.

Defense arguments

It's sad, but sugar is really harmful. Only one thing can be said in its defense: moderate use simple sugars, much more useful than overindulgence sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners are absorbed bypassing the pancreas (which is why they are used in the menu for diabetics), but they create an excessive load on the liver, comparable to the harmful effects of taking antibiotics.

Consumption rate simple carbohydrates- 10-15% of daily calorie content diet. This is on average about 120 kcal.

Expert opinion

Nutrition specialist, medical psychologist Elena Morozova:

Doesn't exist clearly harmful products. It's just a matter of the quantity and correctness of consumption of this or that food. For example, boiled, jacket or baked potatoes are a healthy product that contains vitamin C, B vitamins, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium salts, microelements - zinc, copper, manganese, iodine. And French fries, in addition to a large number of calories, contain carcinogens, so it is better to avoid this product. Another example is chocolate. A small piece of dark chocolate eaten in the morning will not harm your figure, but milk chocolate, which has a higher glycemic index, can lead to weight gain.

The concept " golden mean“is familiar to many, but sticking to this rule can be difficult, especially in matters of nutrition. Even healthy foods can become harmful in some cases. What are the benefits and harms of individual products and what can be done to maximize their benefits?

The debate about the benefits of meat and fish never ceases. Beneficial influence both of these products have an effect on the body, however fatty varieties It is better to avoid meat altogether, adding fried meat to this list. Fish should be eaten twice a week. Smoked fish Pregnant women, children and the elderly should not eat it.

Meat is the main source of protein; in addition to it, there are other elements that benefit the body and participate in the digestion process, ensuring the normalization of the body’s functioning.

The harm from eating meat lies in its high calorie content, containing a large amount of saturated fatty acids and cholesterol deposited on the walls of blood vessels.

Unsaturated fatty acids predominate in fish, among which omega-3 is considered the most valuable. Such acids prevent the development of atherosclerosis and oncology.

The quality of fish depends on its habitat: dirty water transmits toxic substances and heavy metals tissues of fish, then the benefits of its consumption easily turn into harm.

You also need to be careful with pasta and potatoes, as the most commonly consumed foods. They're in large quantities contain starch, which glues blood vessels together. Reduce harmful effects Consuming these foods together with vegetables and fruits rich in fiber will help your body:

The undoubted benefits of consuming dried fruits in the form of vitamins, minerals and fiber may be compromised harmful compounds, used for their processing.

In general, the line between benefit and harm in relation to food is very thin, and in order not to cross it, you should adhere to moderation in everything.


The benefits and harms of food are almost the most important topic after the rules traffic. She is also one of the most underrated. But it’s very interesting to know what we eat! Even if we cannot immediately apply all the knowledge gained in the daily menu, we will definitely need information about useful properties x food.

Knowing the outstanding advantages of the composition, the subtleties of beneficial combinations and contraindications, it is easy to include new products in the family diet, in the nutrition of children and in therapeutic diets during illness. And if there is a need to lose weight, the benefits of the products come to the rescue, making the diet more nutritious, softening the possible Negative influence to your health.

Learn what's important! Be happy and healthy!

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To make an informed choice of foods to eat, it is important to know their beneficial and harmful properties. Everyone knows that proper nutrition is the key to a long and healthy life. But not everyone is able to do this due to the most various reasons. For some, these are just established habits that they don’t want to change. For others, the list of what you can afford from food is determined even more simply by the presence or absence of money for a food basket. On the site you will find accurate information that will help identify the pros and cons different products food, fruits, berries, vegetables, nuts and drinks, regardless of the thickness of your wallet.

The world is too big choice food products. You can buy them at your nearest store or market, order them online, or grow them yourself on your own land. For proper nutrition, variety in food is important. It is clear that a person compares his food preferences with his capabilities. Not everyone can eat lobster and black caviar three times a day. Even if you have the money for it and the desire to eat like this, you will quickly get tired of it. True, such a diet will do more harm than good.

Please note, there is one very simple and repeatedly proven way to exclude any product from your diet for a long time. You need to use only this product every time, morning, lunch, evening, every week, month. The duration of consumption of this type of food is individual, but the result is always the same, the person simply no longer wants to eat it. Examples from life. Beekeepers don't eat honey every day. Hired pickers of any fruit, vegetables or nuts are not prohibited from eating what they pick; very soon there will be no need to do so.

It is interesting that over time, some foods that were considered healthy and dietary just recently are now causing controversy among nutritionists. For example, milk and chicken eggs, which until recently were considered good food, have now become subjects of debate among nutritionists.

Our life is so structured that in almost any food product, and not only in them, there are positive and negative points. Good almost always comes with bad. All that matters is the correct balance of these properties. In addition, when complete absence problems, life would be too boring.


Rolls and sushi are quite harmful, since they are prepared using raw fish, but they also contain useful components.

The debate about the benefits and harms of soy has been going on for decades, but it's simple legume product, rich in proteins and suitable for preparing a wide range of dishes.

Glycerin is used in the production of medicines, cosmetology and Food Industry. The last area raises especially many questions among people.

Many generations of our ancestors used garlic for treatment and strengthening the immune system, but new studies cast doubt on the benefits of garlic, claiming that it is harmful.

Kefir is often prescribed to patients after poisoning and intestinal infections to restore intestinal microflora. But sometimes this drink provokes diarrhea.

The article talks about whether Coca-Cola is harmful for human health and what the dangers of addiction to this drink are.

The high popularity of soy sauce has significantly increased its sales. But is it as safe for the body as the manufacturers claim?

Oatmeal can only be healthy if consumed in moderation. With daily consumption, the product causes more harm than good.

Properties of the preservative E220, its content in dried fruits and its effect on the human body. A substance classified as hazard class 3 and prohibited in a number of countries around the world.

All information on the website is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute instructions for action.

For getting medical care We strongly recommend that you consult a doctor.


Milk is the most useful product that people have known since childhood. They heard about its beneficial properties from their mothers, grandmothers, educators, school teachers, and even from TV screens from cartoon characters. What are the harms and benefits of dairy products? And why is there so much controversy around this product now?

Basic properties and composition

To determine the harm and benefits of dairy products for humans, it is necessary to study what milk consists of and what properties it has. This product includes:

  • A large amount of proteins, fats. The former contain amino acids, without which the human body cannot exist. And also the proteins found in milk are easier to digest than those found in meat.
  • To form immune system milk fat is required. It helps in the synthesis of hormones, and contained in saturated fat cholesterol promotes normal operation intestines and liver.
  • Dairy products contain large quantities of iodine, phosphorus, potassium, iron and calcium salts. The latter of which promotes bone growth and strengthening.

Special attention must be given to fermented milk products, since their composition and properties differ from regular milk:

  • Such products are absorbed faster by the body. For example, kefir is digested 3 times faster than milk.
  • The lactic acid they contain stops the spread of pathogens. Most often a large number harmful bacteria, located in the intestines, when they appear acidic environment dies.
  • Fermented milk products contain a large number of microelements. And the concentration of various acids that are so necessary for the human body is 11 times greater than in milk.

Having studied their composition and properties, we can conclude that the harm and benefits of dairy products have not been fully determined. To do this, it is necessary to consider their positive and negative properties.

Benefits of drinking milk

Currently, there is more and more debate among nutritionists about the benefits and harms of dairy products for the human body. Some are sure that such products are poorly absorbed and broken down by the body. Others argue the opposite, that this is the most important food after breast milk.

Positive result from constant use dairy products:

  • Calcium contained in milk helps strengthen bones, nail plates and hair. It is especially important to replenish the balance of this element for children and elderly people, whose bones become fragile every year.
  • It is believed that with the help of milk you can lose excess weight. Since this product saturates the body well and does not cause hunger.
  • Reduce exposure to toxic and radioactive substances, and milk also has bactericidal properties.
  • Used to prevent diseases. Milk reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Everyone knows that fermented milk products help normalize digestion. For example, kefir is excellently used in the treatment of constipation and poisoning. For this reason, fermented milk products are great for those who want to lose weight.

Harm from milk and dairy products

However, not everything is so simple; the health benefits and harms of dairy products have not yet been proven, and are just beginning basic research on this score. But now we can say that:

  • Not all calcium supplied by milk remains in the human body. The product contains a substance that is an oxidizing agent, so part of the calcium goes to neutralize the element. There are cases when calcium found in the body is also used.
  • Lactose, entering the body, is broken down into glucose and galactose. The first element is perfectly digestible human body and is used as a source of energy. But the second component is not excreted, but settles in the joints. This can cause arthritis and cellulite.
  • When purchasing milk, lovers of natural products should ask the seller about the conditions in which the cows are kept. Since such milk can become a source of infection with dangerous diseases.

Drinking milk in large quantities will not bring as much benefit as people were told in childhood. However, its moderate intake will give the body some healthy vitamins and elements.


There are cases in which consuming dairy products is hazardous to health. Among them:

But you should avoid fermented milk products:

  • small children;
  • people suffering from gastritis with increased acidity;
  • suffering from hepatitis.

When taking milk, be sure to take into account its contraindications.

Controversy about fat content

Back in the early 70s, opponents of milk appeared because of its fat content. They were women and girls who were on a low-fat diet. Currently, the boom of this power system has passed. Now people have become truly interested in the benefits and harms of low-fat dairy products. It was during that period that yoghurts, cottage cheese and cheese with zero fat content first appeared on the shelves. And only now scientists have released information that useful material(vitamins A, D, E and calcium), which are found in milk, are not absorbed if the fat content of the product is less than one percent. In addition, along with fat, dairy products lose their natural taste and purchase a chemical. To restore taste, they began to add to such products nutritional supplements and flavorings, which in most cases contain sugar.

Therefore, the benefits and harms of low-fat dairy products will depend on what opinion a person holds.


IN modern world It is very popular to discuss milk intolerance. Therefore, the harm and benefits of dairy products remain a big question. People believe that this particular drink causes symptoms such as bloating, indigestion, gas, irritable bowel syndrome and skin rashes. In most cases, a person unreasonably attributes these sensations to the consumption of dairy products, but in fact there is no medical evidence for this. People are sure that every fifth person living on the planet suffers from milk intolerance. However official statistics claims that this is only 5% of the population.

Such intolerance occurs only in those whose body does not produce enough of the lactose or milk sugar that helps digest it. In an undigested form, it remains in the digestive system. This provides breeding ground for harmful bacteria that cause diarrhea, flatulence and colic.

Scientists conducted a study of 10 million people who completely abandoned dairy products. And they came to the conclusion that 53% of them did not contact doctors with their symptoms, but independently decided that milk was the cause of their ailments. So giving up dairy products, the benefits and harms of which were obvious to them, is not the only right decision.

Disputes about the benefits and harms of casein

Currently, there is a whole movement that is against the use of casein ( milk protein). This is because some people are unable to digest it. Like gluten, it forms clots in the intestines, which slows down the digestion of food. There are two types of casein found in milk (A1 and A2). The first type is found exclusively in cow's milk, and it is this that causes digestive difficulties. But the other type is found in human, goat, sheep and is much easier to digest. Therefore, some people freely consume goat products, but cannot tolerate cow products.

Experts note that the harm and benefits of dairy products directly depend on the origin of the drink. So are people sure that the cow whose milk they are going to drink grazed in the meadow, and did not stand in a pen and eat feed with chemical additives? After all, some drugs given to livestock are much more dangerous than casein.

In addition, milk is actively involved in building muscles and burning fat deposits. And all this thanks to the same casein. It enters the body, and due to its very slow breakdown, there is a constant need for amino acids, which the body uses to repair and maintain muscles. Therefore than stronger workout, the more amino acids the body requires. Of course, the benefits and harms of dairy products for weight loss cause debate, but there is no doubt that to restore the body after physical activity milk will do best.

What are thermostatic dairy products

Thermostatic is a method of producing dairy products in which raw materials are immediately poured into consumer containers (glasses, bottles, bags). Then the starters are added there and placed in special chambers at a certain temperature for further fermentation. The goods reach consumers in the same packaging. The quality of the resulting product is quite high: the consistency is uniform, the clot is dense and not broken. But the benefits and harms of thermostatic dairy products still need to be determined.

Scientists have determined that new way production preserves all the beneficial properties of milk. Protein from thermostatic kefir, yogurt, and sour cream is absorbed 30% faster than whole protein. These products are recommended to be given to children from the age of seven months.

and their types

Many experts are unanimous in their opinion that fermented milk products easier for humans to digest than whole milk. Besides daily use kefir, ayran, yogurt helps improve the functioning of the intestines, liver and kidneys. WITH fermented milk products you can lose weight and get in shape.

Each product from this group has its own indescribable taste and a certain effect on the human body. So:

  • Kefir improves intestinal function, mental condition and dream.
  • Cheese is a storehouse of vitamins and promotes rapid healing of broken bones.
  • What are the benefits and harms of dairy curd product? It strengthens cartilage tissue and increases regeneration. To prevent harm to the product, consume it within in moderation.
  • Ryazhenka quenches thirst, stimulates appetite, improves performance digestive system.
  • Yogurt improves digestive processes, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and restores hormonal functions.
  • Sour cream improves appetite, has a positive effect on hormonal system.
  • Ayran quenches thirst and helps strengthen the immune and nervous systems.

In addition to these popular types, there are fermented milk drinks, manufactured using special technology. One of them is “Snowball” - a dairy product, the benefits and harms of which have been controversial for 50 years. This product has been produced since the 70s of the last century. It is recommended for use by patients diabetes mellitus, people with overweight and those who have cardiovascular diseases. When eating “Snowball”, food is easier to digest. This is especially necessary after physical activity and during illness. This product contains vitamins B, A, E, C and D, as well as microelements.

Naturalness of dairy products

In addition to products made from whole milk, there are also those made without milk fat. The benefits and harms of a substitute dairy product causes a lot of controversy both among specialists and nutritionists, and among ordinary people.

A substitute is a mixture of two vegetable oils. It is made by beating or by converting from oils such as soybean, corn, rapeseed, and sunflower. Or their tropical analogues: coconut, palm. The choice of oils determines what concentration and quality the milk fat substitute will be.

Most often it is used to make chocolate spreads, condensed milk, cheese, sour cream products, ice cream, and spreads.

The substitute consists of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Therefore, the resulting products can be stored long time, and also preserve its natural taste.

In fact, such substitutes do not pose any danger, since they are just a mixture of vegetable oils. And some nutritionists recommend giving preference to just such products during a diet. However, you should always carefully study the composition of the product; the substitute will not cause harm, but other components (flavors, stabilizers) may.

Disputes over the harms and benefits of dairy products can last forever. However, each person chooses for himself which side to adhere to and whether it is worth removing such a product familiar from childhood from the diet. After all, milk and dairy products contain many useful substances.

Benefits and harms of products– how to identify them? Every person who cares about their health should monitor the quality of food consumed and try to increase the amount of healthy products and reduce the amount junk food. After all, it is with food that we receive the nutrients and energy necessary for the proper functioning of our body. Therefore, we must have an understanding of which foods are healthy and which are not very healthy, and whether there are any foods that should be completely excluded from our diet. daily menu. IN Lately recommendations about " proper nutrition» on the Internet, in print media and there is so much on television that it’s no wonder you get confused. Especially from the variety of diets, which often offer directly opposite products as the only healthy ones. We decided to help those people who want to lead healthy image life and want to know more about healthy eating, About, what is healthy to eat and what is harmful. In each article dedicated specifically food product, you will find information about its beneficial properties, chemical composition, vitamin content and calorie content.


Watermelon Eggplant
Peas Melon
Zucchini and zucchini
Bulb onions
Olive oil
Pork lard Cod
C H Sh
Green tea

You don’t need to be a nutritionist to intuitively understand that the more deeply processed food products are, the less healthy they are. Benefits of products maximum when they themselves are fresh, “alive”. The example is very clear and understandable - live fish, beating its tail, becomes healthy and tasty after half an hour of boiling or baking. If you salt it, smoke it, and dry it, then in a week it will become very tasty and very unhealthy.

What do we eat?

The bulk of our diet, as a rule, is formed in childhood. At first, what to eat is dictated by the parents. Then, the habit of throwing approximately the same list of products into the body turns into a way of life. How correct it is, what most often makes one wonder is the sores that have come from out of nowhere. You can warn them. The main thing is to stop in time and, finally, decide for yourself: what is permissible to eat in unlimited quantities, and what to set a strict limit on. Let's start with the "head".


Without it, any dish seems insufficiently satisfying, or even tasteless. Meanwhile, bread is different from bread. For example, all varieties of white do not provide any benefit to the body. The flour from which a ruddy, fluffy loaf is baked loses all its properties already in the process of grain processing. valuable qualities. All that remains is starch and empty calories, thanks to which we accumulate excess fat that is completely unnecessary for us. Bread made from dark wholemeal flour and even with the addition of bran has a much more beneficial effect on digestion and overall tone. These truly valuable particles are capable of not only absorbing substances that poison the body, but also supplying it with vitamins, and fiber makes the intestines work more actively. Makes the digestion process much easier and yeast-free baking. It completely eliminates internal fermentation, which means it is guaranteed to relieve any discomfort in the stomach. True, it can often be caused not by one product, but by an incorrect combination of several. So, for example, bread does not go well with potatoes or meat, but butter or vegetables this is the best addition.


A product of animal origin, unique in its composition, has far from unambiguous effects on the body. On the one hand, meat helps some vital processes, for example, the formation of new blood cells. But at the same time, it thoroughly clogs the intestines, since it cannot plant foods quickly digest and leave the body without residue. In order for the benefits to outweigh the harm, you need to limit consumption to 300 g per day. Moreover, of all cooking methods, cooking or steaming is preferable. A best side dish Only fiber-rich foods can go with meat.


This valuable source of calcium brings real benefits to the body only when childhood. The drink can even harm an adult, as it is a strong allergen. But its acidic derivatives have practically no contraindications. You just have to remember that dairy products are a completely independent group, with little compatibility with anything else. And, of course, the rule of moderation remains relevant. Overeating has never brought anyone anything good.


It is best consumed boiled or fried. In its raw form, eggs can carry a danger in the form of salmonellosis. It is extremely difficult to get rid of this infection; it is much easier to protect yourself by simple heat treatment of the product. Both yolk and white are equally useful, but only in small quantity. Even 2-3 eggs a day is already too much; cholesterol levels begin to rise quickly from such a portion. It doesn’t have the most beneficial effect when combined with any other food other than what grows in the garden.

Vegetable oil

From all the variety of oils, for the benefit of the body, it is better to choose those that are obtained by cold pressing. They are the ones who save the most nutrients, collected by the seed, and convert them into energy. You just have to remember that it's too high temperatures and even more so, repeated use of the product instantly transfers it from the category of useful to the exact opposite category. Do not use oil in too much quantity. Anything that exceeds the norm of 3 tablespoons is no longer absorbed, which means the liver is overloaded.

Having looked through only the most commonly consumed products, it becomes clear: everything that is applicable to the concept of “food” is certainly not useful. But the potential harm can and should be reduced to a minimum level. Then any meal will bring only joy.