Choosing a bread machine with a yeast-free baking function. Yeast-free bread in a bread machine - a simple recipe

Due to the harmful effects of yeast on the body, yeast-free bread is becoming very popular today. It not only cooks quickly and tasty in a bread maker, but also has a positive effect on the health of the entire body. If you managed to buy a bread machine, but have not yet had time to test it, we will tell you how to bake yeast-free bread.

Yeast-free bread is the key to a healthy body and beauty of the body

In addition to the fact that bread makes food more satisfying, it also contains a lot of useful substances. For example, 50% of the weight of each loaf is digestible carbohydrates, which compensate a person for up to 58% of daily energy expenditure. Fiber and hemicelluloses contained in the product enhance intestinal motility. Bread replenishes the human body with vitamins B, B1 and B2. It is also important as a source of minerals. Moreover, the lower the grade of flour, the healthier the product. And rye yeast-free bread, the recipe for which you will find below, will be much healthier than the same bread made from premium wheat flour.

Advantages of yeast-free dough

Actually, yeast, or rather, its absence or presence, is the difference between the store-bought bread we are used to and the homemade bread baked with our own hands in a bread machine. This is also the main advantage: yeast-free bread does not have the disadvantages of yeast bread.

Yeast has a negative effect on the human body. Baked goods made with yeast dough cause bloating, indigestion and other gastrointestinal problems. “I eat bread every day, and I don’t have anything like it!” you say. But do not forget that some people have stronger bodies, which means side effects are observed less frequently or after a long time. The human body gets used to certain foods, but this does not mean that it does not need healthy and proper nutrition.

It is simply unprofitable to produce yeast-free bread for mass production; its preparation process is more complicated, it is slightly harder than yeast bread and has a taste that is not familiar to us. However, the benefits of bread baked with sourdough are undeniable. If you start eating only yeast-free dough, you will immediately feel changes in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Due to its coarseness and density, such bread brings into play all the muscles of the digestive tract, causes active work of the intestines, due to which the walls are toned and become stronger. It doesn't cause gas like yeast bread, which means you'll feel great throughout the day. Yeast-free bread is prepared very quickly at home, so not preparing it at least once to try and feel the difference is a big mistake!


The advantage of yeast-free bread in a bread machine is that it can be eaten by those whose bodies are not able to tolerate yeast baked goods. It is for lovers of fluffy buns and aromatic fresh bread, as well as those who care about their health, that we offer dough recipes that do not use yeast.

Yeast-free bread in a bread machine with sesame and bran


  • whole grain flour - 1 tbsp.;
  • wheat flour - 1 tbsp.;
  • oatmeal - ¾ cup;
  • any fermented milk product at your discretion - 1.5 tbsp;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • molasses/honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • soda - 1 tsp;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • baking powder - 0.5 tsp;
  • sesame, bran and flax seeds - 3 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

Bon appetit!

Regular yeast-free bread in a bread machine


  • milk - 150 ml;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 1/6 tbsp.;
  • flour - 1/3 cup;
  • baking powder - 2 tsp;
  • salt - ½ tsp.


  1. Mix everything, place in the bread maker and wait for the homemade golden brown bread to be ready.
  2. The advantage of this recipe is that it is very simple and easy to use. In addition, according to this recipe, the bread is prepared as quickly as possible, because you do not waste time separately kneading the ingredients.

Classic recipe for yeast-free bread for a bread machine


  • sourdough - 1/3 cup;
  • salt - ¾ tsp;
  • water - 1 tbsp.;
  • wheat flour - 2 tbsp;
  • rye flour - 1 tbsp.


  1. Prepare the starter (4-5 tbsp flour plus water).
  2. Mix all ingredients.
  3. Add flour and mix well.
  4. Place in the bread maker and bake until done.

As a result, you will get real yeast-free sourdough bread, almost the same as our ancestors were content with. Sourdough for yeast-free dough takes a long time to prepare, but is not at all difficult: just mix 4-5 tbsp. l. flour with water until the consistency of liquid sour cream and leave for a certain time.

There are quite a few recipes for yeast-free bread for a bread machine; each housewife chooses instructions to suit her taste. It is possible that you will have to experiment for a long time and test new recipes each time until you find your ideal way of baking yeast-free bread in a bread machine.

The main advantages of cooking in a bread machine are that it bakes quickly, tasty, the temperature in it is pre-set so that the bread does not burn and is perfectly baked, and an appetizing and crispy golden crust forms on the surface.

Baking homemade bread doesn't necessarily mean fiddling with yeast. You can make the preparation easier by taking the recipe without yeast as a basis and using a bread maker. According to our simple recipes, yeast-free bread in a bread machine turns out no less soft and airy than its yeast counterpart.

Recipe for yeast-free bread with baking powder in a bread machine


  • milk – 165 ml;
  • flour – 185 g;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • a pinch of sugar;
  • baking powder – 10 g;
  • – 25 g.


Before baking yeast-free bread in a bread machine, you need to bring the oil to room temperature. Slightly softened, it is placed in the bowl of the bread machine along with all the other ingredients from the list in the following order: milk, egg, salt, sugar, flour, baking powder. It is also better to barely warm the milk before adding it, as it will activate the gluten of the flour much more readily. After adding all the components, install the bowl and set the size and desired color of the loaf crust. Next, set the “Fast” mode and wait for readiness, which will be notified by a sound signal.

Yeast-free rye sourdough bread in a bread machine - recipe

A complete alternative to yeast is yeast-free sourdough, the recipes for which we discussed earlier. Prepare a portion of this starter in advance and start cooking.


  • yeast-free rye sourdough – 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • flour – 390 g;
  • – 95 ​​g;
  • water – 285 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 5 ml;
  • a pinch of sugar.


First pour the liquid ingredients into the bowl of the device, and then add bran, sugar and flour. Set an individual baking mode: the first batch is 15 minutes, then an hour-long rise, the second batch is 5 minutes, the second two-hour rise, followed by the third two-hour rise and baking for an hour and a half.



Pour kefir into the bread machine bowl and add a pinch of sugar and salt. Add flour and soda, add any spices if desired. Set to Quick Bake for a 750g loaf. When finished, check for doneness and slice the homemade bread only after the loaf has cooled completely.

Some are of the opinion that baking without the use of yeast is more beneficial, since yeast contains fungi that tend to accumulate in the human body, eliminating beneficial intestinal microflora, thereby reducing immunity.

Regularly consumed fermented foods cause constipation and flatulence, promote the development of cell mutations, and trigger the formation of tumors. That is why it is recommended to bake in a bread machine, for which a special sourdough prepared independently is used.

Baking bread without using yeast today is very popular among housewives for many reasons, for example, allergies, aversion to the specific taste and smell of yeast, etc.

Since it is known that yeast-free bread (it is much more convenient to bake it in a bread machine) is prepared on the basis of sourdough, you need to know what kind it is and how to make it correctly. So, it comes from potatoes, kefir or yogurt. Let's consider this issue in more detail.

Kefir sourdough bread


Sourdough (three hundred and fifty grams): kefir, flour. Dough: four hundred grams of flour, two hundred grams of water, ten grams of salt, sugar to taste, vegetable oil.

Kefir must be left in a warm room for some time to sour, then add flour to the consistency of sour cream and leave for a day. After time, add a little flour again, the consistency should be somewhat thicker, and set aside again for one day. Now the starter is ready.

All other ingredients are added to the starter and the dough is kneaded. Baked in a bread machine.

Bread with mineral water

Ingredients: four tablespoons of bran, two glasses of mineral water, four tablespoons of vegetable oil, one and a half glasses of wheat flour, half a spoon of cumin.

Mineral water is mixed with oil, bran, cumin and flour (coarsely ground) and wheat flour is added, the dough is kneaded, bread is formed from it, placed on a baking sheet, previously moistened with water, and baked for fifteen minutes, after which the heat is reduced and baked for another twenty minutes. . The finished product is wrapped in a towel and left for one hour.

Yeast-free bread (baked in a bread machine) based on hops


Sourdough: one glass, two glasses of water, half a glass of flour, one tablespoon of sugar or honey. Dough: two hundred grams of milk, two spoons of sugar, ten spoons of sourdough, flour, salt.

The hops are poured with water and boiled for one hour, then left for eight hours. After this, filter, add flour and sugar, mix, cover with gauze and leave for one day in a warm place.

Prepare the dough. To do this, sugar, sourdough and enough flour are added to the milk to make a liquid dough. Mix everything and leave for two hours, after which salt and flour are added and kneaded if using a bread machine. Homemade yeast-free bread is much tastier and more aromatic than store-bought bread. Next, you just need to turn on the “baking” mode. If an oven is used, the product is baked at high temperature for forty-five minutes.

Thus, yeast-free bread, the benefits of which are obvious, is in great demand among consumers today.

Bread is the main product that is necessary to replenish vitamins and minerals. The product will give strength if it is prepared technologically correctly and without unnecessary ingredients. Today, housewives have the opportunity to choose equipment that is ready to perform the complex process of making bread without the main ingredient - yeast. Yeast-free baked goods have advantages in various respects: they are quickly absorbed by the body, prepared according to the best recipes in compliance with all technologies, the dough has low acidity, and the baked product retains aroma and freshness for a long time. To buy reliable equipment with a yeast-free baking mode, we will consider the main criteria for its selection and the best models of such bread makers.

Many people carefully watch what they eat. Harm from various “improvers”, flavorings and synthetic additives has already been proven. There is only one way out - bake your own bread. A bread machine with different programs, volume and performance will help with this.

The device consists of the following components:

  • bowl with heating elements;
  • removable cover;
  • observation space;
  • frame;
  • kneading spatula;
  • control panel, which shows the selected program, weight, degree of browning and cooking time;
  • ventilation;
  • accessories (measuring cup and spoon).

What criteria should you pay attention to when choosing a bread machine with a yeast-free bread function? First of all, to do this, answer the questions: how much bread is enough for your family, how often do you plan to bake, and where will the device be located.


Depends on the size of the equipment volume of product received. For a small family, small-sized bread (450, 680 grams) is enough; for a family of 4-5 people, you can choose an appliance that can bake a loaf weighing more than 900 grams. If there is not enough space in the kitchen, pay attention to small-sized models. It is difficult to give clearer recommendations, because everything depends on the individual preferences of the family.


The performance of the unit also affects the weight of the product, the quality of the batch and the cooking time. The most popular models have higher power up to 1600 W. The higher this criterion, the process of preparing the product will be faster.

Housing and container material

To reduce the cost of the device, manufacturers often make the housing from plastic. At the same time, the weight of the device is reduced. The advantages of this material are obvious: plastic is easy to maintain, the appearance of the bread maker remains without stains or abrasions, and the device is easy to clean with a damp sponge. Housing made from metal, is more expensive, but has more durable characteristics, is resistant to high temperatures and is durable.

The baking container is made of stainless steel and aluminum with a non-stick Teflon coating. A stainless steel bowl requires more careful care. Of the disadvantages of using teflon coating Light damage from metal devices and low heat resistance can be identified. Therefore, it is better to choose as non-stick coating ceramic surface.

Advice! Choose a bucket with a quality non-stick coating and a shape with rounded corners.

Set of programs and options

The machine can have from 3 (quick cooking, dough kneading, baking) to 20 programs. Universal ovens with the function of preparing yeast-free bread can have the following modes:

  1. Baking several types of baked goods and buns: yeast-free baked goods, various types of bread, buns with additives, muffins, French baguette.
  2. Making yogurt and jam.
  3. Baking from several types of dough.
  4. Selecting the crust browning level.
  5. Preparation from ready-made dough.

In addition to the main programs, the bread maker is equipped with convenient functions:

  • timer, which delays the baking or kneading process for a certain period of time (6-12 hours);
  • dispenser adding various fillings to bread (raisins, nuts, spices);
  • child lock – the lid of the appliance cannot open during cooking;
  • protection against voltage surges;
  • program stop memory function.

To make your baked goods tender and tasty, follow the advice given by appliance manufacturers:

  1. Never remove the bread container while baking.
  2. Install correct ratio all ingredients. This will prevent the dough from becoming too stiff or runny.
  3. To prevent the loaf from sticking to the surface of the mold, it is necessary to allow the product to cool for some time (10-12 minutes).
  4. When enough wet weather take 1-2 tablespoons less liquid.
  5. Do not grease the pan.

Important! Use only the specified quantities of ingredients for baking baked goods. If you add more, the dough will leak out of the bowl or bake unevenly.

Review of popular brands

Below is a list of the best models with the yeast-free baking function, which are well reviewed by users.

The bread maker has 13 programs, including the “yeast-free baking” function. The design of the device is distinguished by refined minimalism. Additional options: timer, dispenser, temperature maintenance. The body is made of plastic. Users note quiet operation, efficiency and ease of operation.

The Panasonic brand model has 14 programs (yeast-free bread, jam, accelerated and gluten-free baking, muffins, rye bread). Housing material – metal, there are two dispensers, a timer, temperature maintenance. Among the advantages, users note the beautiful appearance of the black case, ease of use, among the disadvantages - makes noise when kneading When first used, the device smells like plastic. At the same time, the device copes with its task perfectly and bakes delicious yeast-free bread.

The model of the famous Slovenian manufacturer Gorenje belongs to budget models. It has 12 modes, including “yeast-free baking”. The device is multifunctional, compact, with a convenient handle for carrying. Among the shortcomings, users note a very noisy batch and an inconvenient control panel. Despite this, the device bakes bread perfectly.

A massive and high-quality device has 17 programs. It has a metal case and a dispenser. Additional options include memory in the event of a power failure, delayed start, and heating. The body is easy to care for. The disadvantages are that it makes noise when kneading, and the device has a bulky appearance. Most user reviews are positive, as the quality of the baked goods is high.

The inexpensive model has 12 programs with a standard set of functions. The body material is made of plastic. There is no dispenser. One of the features is that you can make yogurt. The advantages of users include convenient operation, beautiful design and quiet operation.

By choosing a bread machine with the “yeast-free baking” function, the user can be sure that the baked goods are prepared using only healthy ingredients. The device will help you knead, rest the dough and prepare crispy bread in accordance with your individual taste preferences.

Many years ago, in villages, the day began with preparing bread. The dough was kneaded in the evening, and in the morning it was sent to the oven. Time passes, technology develops. Now in the store you can find such a device as a bread maker. It allows you to prepare homemade bread quickly, adding whatever you want. And what a smell afterwards!

A simple recipe for white sourdough bread in a bread machine

You don't need any special products, just sourdough. You can buy it at any supermarket. It will take about 10-15 minutes to make the base, which will then be baked; the equipment will do the rest itself. The bread will be fluffy, soft, with a crispy crust. You will never find one like this in a store.


  • Sourdough - 260 g;
  • Wheat flour - 525 g;
  • Water - 300 ml;
  • Salt - 15 g;
  • Sugar - 20 g;
  • Oil - 2 tbsp. l.


  1. First you need to warm the starter to room temperature. To do this, place it in a warm place for a couple of hours before use.
  2. Add salt and sugar to slightly heated water. We send the liquid to the bread maker. In order not to dirty the dishes, you can put all the food there at once.
  3. Pour oil. The quantity and type of oil is at your personal discretion. The taste and structure of the bread depends on how much of it is in the composition. The type of oil has the same effect: refined or not, olive, vegetable, etc.
  4. Add flour. If desired, the contents can be mixed a little, since not every technique is capable of breaking down all the components well and making a high-quality homogeneous mass.
  5. Now we set the kneading mode. It all depends on the device model. The simplest one will do. It is advisable that the temperature is not too high, otherwise the starter will lose some of its properties.
  6. Once the dough is ready, you can shape it with your hands and only then send it to bake. This way the shape of the bread will be more even. In this case, the stirrer must be removed from the bottom of the bowl. If desired, you can cover the dough with a bag and place it in a secluded place so that the dough rises better. But if it is not possible to monitor him, then this is not necessary.
  7. Let's bake the bread. To do this, select a mode based on the variety of functions of the equipment, and wait.

Before it’s ready, the house will be filled with the pleasant, appetizing smell of fresh baked goods. Cool the finished product and wrap it in a towel or bag to prevent it from airing.

Sourdough rye bread

Varieties of bread are prepared almost identically. So it is here. The main difference from the first recipe is in the flour, which changes the color and consistency of the dough. Here is the correct and complete recipe for sourdough bread with rye flour. The product will be similar to the store bought one, but at home it will be healthier and softer. You can add peeled seeds or nuts to it, then the bread will become even tastier.


  • Sourdough for bread made from rye flour – 4-5 tbsp. l.;
  • Rye flour - 300 g;
  • Wheat flour - 300 g;
  • Warm water - 500-600 ml;
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Peeled seeds - 10 g.


  1. The starter needs to be warm, so place it at room temperature and wait for a while.
  2. Mix all bulk ingredients into a homogeneous mixture. You can also place seeds and nuts there.
  3. Pour water into a bowl, add oil. Now add the flour, stirring a little, otherwise lumps will form, which will spoil the structure of the bread, or it will not rise properly.
  4. Let the dough rise in the device at the desired setting. After this, put the bread to bake.

Sourdough rye bread is ready in the bread machine. A very healthy product that is pleasant to eat even on its own.

Yeast-free rye bread in a bread machine

The beauty of the recipe is that you don’t need to waste time raising the dough, but you can immediately bake it. It takes less time, but it turns out even better. It is not necessary to add sesame seeds, seeds and bran, but with them the product will be spicier and more satisfying.


  • Kefir - 300 ml;
  • Rye flour - 600 g;
  • Bran - 50 g;
  • Soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • Vegetable oil - 1/3 cup;
  • Sugar, salt - 15 g each;
  • Flax seeds, sesame - 20 g each.


  1. When adding seeds and other ingredients, first fry them lightly in a frying pan without oil. A golden color will indicate readiness. All supplements are very good for digestion.
  2. Let's get down to the basics. Pour the kefir into the bowl of the bread machine, add flour there, stir a little and add the contents from the frying pan if available.
  3. We set the appropriate mode and wait.

Simple, fast and useful. The bread will decorate the table, and the recipe will definitely be included in the list of favorites.

Sourdough bread recipe in the oven

The cooking method will differ from those presented above. It is not a bread machine that is used, but an oven, but the former can be used for kneading. The recipe presented above will work, but it will be baked differently.

When cooking bread in the oven there are some nuances.

  • Firstly, do not set the temperature too high, otherwise the starter will die.
  • Secondly, the consistency of the dough should be viscous, but not too thick, and easy to mix, otherwise the crust may crack.
  • Readiness is determined by tapping on the bottom. A dull sound indicates completion.

Homemade bread starter

There are a lot of options for creating sourdough at home. All of them are prepared for several days and infused under certain conditions. You need a minimum of products, in most cases only flour and water.

Sourdough from rye bread, as one of the simplest, is prepared from the flour of the same name and clean water. The ingredients are mixed and then infused for three days in a warm place. On the second day you need to “feed” the mass by adding 100 g of flour and a little water. The consistency will resemble low-fat sour cream. On the third day, do the same procedure and let it brew for another day. The starter rises well, so it will last for several times.

Other options are based on ground sprouted grains, raisins, rice and other cereals.

Sourdough is not only very beneficial for the human body, but is also the basis for delicious homemade baked goods.