Official statistics of HIV, AIDS in Russia. The spread of HIV in the world: the incidence rate in different countries

HIV infection is one of the most progressive sexually transmitted diseases in the world. It is also worth noting that AIDS statistics in the world, as a rule, absolutely do not correspond to the true picture of the spread of the disease, since research methods are based only on patients who are served in medical institutions. At the same time, most carriers and patients are not even aware of their infection due to unwillingness or lack of access to a doctor.

Another factor contributing to the concealment of truthful information about the spread of AIDS in the world is the fear of politicians and doctors to be guilty of the inability to contain the avalanche of infection that is rapidly moving towards humanity.

The state of the spread of HIV in the world

The number of HIV-infected people in the world is growing exponentially. First of all, this is due to the fact that the problem of AIDS in the world does not lend itself to the basic rules for combating infectious diseases, which are based on the exclusion of one of the components of the epidemiological process:

  1. The source of the disease.
  2. transmission path.
  3. susceptible population.

In the countries of the world, HIV has long been the number one problem. For every infection to spread, there must be a source, a route of transmission that ensures that the virus reaches a susceptible population. In the case of HIV, there is no way to act on any of the three components that contribute to the spread of the disease. A huge problem is that most people become infected from virus carriers who are in the so-called “serological window”, when a person is already infected, but the tests are still negative. It has not been possible to exclude the latter factor for many decades, since the invention of a vaccine against immunodeficiency has been postponed indefinitely due to a lack of knowledge, research and technical capabilities.

Given the above, the statistics of HIV in the world will worsen every year, as many people on the planet underestimate the danger of the immunodeficiency virus. The current HIV epidemiological situation in the world can only be affected by awareness of the population and support for the fight against AIDS at the state level.

The prevalence of HIV infection (AIDS) in the world

Only by the end of the eighties, the statistics of HIV-infected people in the world reached indicators that shocked the world community. In 142 countries, the World Health Organization found more than 120,000 people with AIDS and more than 100,000 infected with a retrovirus. The real prevalence of HIV in the world is much higher than these data, since there is always a percentage of the population that is not registered in medical institutions and therefore cannot be taken into account in statistical indicators. There are also carriers who are not even aware of their infection. The AIDS epidemic in the world affects mainly people of reproductive age. This leads to a significant loss of the able-bodied population, a decrease in the birth rate of healthy children and, accordingly, a decrease in the health indicator of all strata of mankind.

How many HIV-infected people are there in the world?

The question that interests many is how many people have AIDS in the world today? The countries of southern Africa, India, Russia, the USA and Latin America occupy the first place in terms of HIV in the world. In these states, infected people make up approximately 15% of the total population. Every year, the number of HIV-infected people in the countries of the world increases by 5-10 million. Thus, at the beginning of the 21st century, the number of AIDS patients in the world amounted to more than 60 million. The first place in AIDS in the world community is occupied by the countries of southern Africa. Due to the unstable economic situation, the possibility of treating and identifying HIV-infected people is very difficult. This leads to a rapid and rapid spread of immunodeficiency among people. The disease progresses very quickly to stage 4 - AIDS.

The epidemiological situation of HIV infection in the world

Countries where the incidence of immunodeficiency is rapidly increasing:

  1. Brazil.
  2. countries of Central Africa.
  3. Haiti.
  4. Indonesia.
  5. Bangladesh.
  6. Pakistan.
  7. Mexico.
  8. Great Britain.
  9. Türkiye.

The ways of spreading AIDS in the countries of the world to some extent depend on the economic situation in the state and on its policy towards HIV-infected people. There are such features:

  1. The countries of the European Union, the USA, Australia and New Zealand are characterized by a high early detection of the disease among the population. This is due to compulsory health insurance and relatively frequent high-quality medical examinations. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that 80% of the infected were found among homosexual men and drug addicts who use intravenous drugs. In childhood, the incidence is practically not recorded. This is due to the timely and high-quality treatment of infected pregnant women, which prevents the vertical transmission of immunodeficiency (from a sick mother to a healthy fetus through the placenta, blood, breast milk). Cases of non-sexual transmission in these countries are practically not registered.
  2. For the states of Africa and the adjacent warm islands, as well as the states of the Caribbean, Indonesia, the rate of early detection of AIDS is very low. In these countries, the majority of patients are heterosexual. Their age is 18-38 years. Most of these people were infected through sexual contact with prostitutes. Studies show that more than 90% of them are infected with a retrovirus. In Africa, HIV transmission is often associated with sexual contact with an ill woman. More often, such intercourse additionally leads to diseases that are sexually transmitted. And genital ulcers that develop due to these pathologies lead to a higher likelihood of transmission of the pathogen. In such states, transfusion of blood and its products from an infected donor to a healthy recipient is not uncommon.
  3. Countries where HIV has been introduced relatively recently. These include Asia and Eastern Europe. Infection with a retrovirus here occurs mainly through sexual contact. The highest risk of infection in people who have many sexual partners do not neglect unprotected relationships with prostitutes.

HIV in Russia

The Urals Federal District occupies the first place in terms of HIV in the Russian Federation. About 800 patients per 100 thousand of the population are registered in it, which is a very high figure. Over the past 15 years, cases of detection of immunodeficiency in pregnant women have increased by 15% in Russia. At the same time, such women are registered at a later date, which leads to intrauterine infection of the fetus due to the lack of necessary treatment in the early stages of embryo formation. The Siberian Federal District also claims the first place in Russia in terms of AIDS, in which about 600 infected per 100 thousand of the population are registered, most of them have the last stage of the development of the disease, that is, AIDS.

Medical news in the world of HIV

Nowadays, the task of creating a vaccine against a retrovirus in scientists is in the first place. Now a huge amount of research work is being carried out in the field of molecular microbiology, which undoubtedly brings humanity closer to the creation of an AIDS vaccine. Despite this, there are a number of factors that prevent the possibility of obtaining such a drug:

  • The high ability of the virus to mutate.
  • A variety of HIV strains (currently 2 types are known).
  • The need to fight not only with a retrovirus, but also with infected cells of the body, as well as AIDS-associated infections.

Due to the fact that the spread of HIV in the world is growing every year, many patients simply do not have time to wait for a vaccine. Therefore, the main way in the fight against this disease should be directed to preventive measures. All HIV-infected people in the world receive free treatment, which provides them with the most comfortable life. With adequate and competent therapy, patients can live a full and long life. Treatment of HIV in the world is carried out in regional AIDS centers according to uniform standards and provides for an individual approach to any patient, the selection of a scheme depending on the stage of progression of the pathology. The main principle of medical care is maximum confidentiality.

AIDS is constantly spreading among the world's population, while curing it completely is not yet possible. Therefore, it is worth directing maximum efforts to prevent such a dangerous pathology.

At the beginning of 2017 The total number of HIV infections among Russian citizens has reached 1,114,815 people (in the world - 36.7 million HIV-infected, incl. 2.1 million CHILDREN ). And according to the calculations of the international organization UNAIDS (UNAIDS), in Russia there are already more than 1,500,700 HIV-infected (!), moreover, according to the calculations of American and Swiss scientists in Russia now (December 2017) resides over 2 million patients with HIV infection ( published in PLOS Medicine).

Of them died for various reasons (not only from AIDS, but from all causes) 243,863 HIV-infected(according to the Rospotrebnadzor monitoring form “Information on measures to prevent HIV infection, hepatitis B and C, identify and treat HIV patients”) ( 1 million people died in the world in 2016 ). In December 2016, 870,952 Russians were living with a diagnosis of HIV infection.

As of 01 July 2017 the number of HIV-infected people in Russia amounted to 1 167 581 people, of which 259,156 people died for various reasons (in 1st half of 2017 already died 14 631 HIV-infected that 13.6% more than for 6 months of 2016.). Attack rate population of the Russian Federation with HIV infection in 2017 made up 795,3 infected with HIV per 100 thousand of the population of Russia.

In 2016 It revealed 103 438 new cases of HIV infection among Russian citizens ( 1.8 million in the world ), which is 5.3% more than in 2015. Since 2005, the country has registered an increase in the number of newly diagnosed cases of HIV infection; in 2011-2016, the annual increase averaged 10%. HIV incidence rate in 2016 made up 70.6 per 100 thousand population.

The prevalence of HIV in the countries of the world by the number of HIV-infected people living in them.

64% of all new HIV diagnoses in Europe are in Russia. Every hour 10 new HIV-infected people appear in Russia.

The number of HIV in the CIS countries, the Baltics

*/approx. the statement is ambiguous, because not all countries calculate equally well the number of HIV-infected people, who also need to be identified for some money (for example, in Ukraine, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, where there is hardly any enough money to screen the population for HIV. In addition, judging by the identification of a huge number of HIV-infected gastro workers, the prevalence of HIV in these countries is several times higher than in the Russian Federation) /.

HIV growth rates in Russia (according to UNAIDS, the international organization to fight AIDS).

Rapid growth of HIV infection in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

The dynamics of the spread of HIV in the world.

Comparison of the growth of HIV-infected people in the European Region with and without the Russian Federation.

Russia's contribution to the HIV and AIDS epidemic in the European region.

Behind 1st half of 2017 in Russia revealed 52 766 HIV-infected citizens of the Russian Federation. HIV incidence rate in 1st half of 2017 made up 35,9 cases of HIV infection per 100,000 population. Most new cases in 2017 were detected in the Kemerovo, Irkutsk, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Tomsk, Tyumen regions, as well as in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug.

Behind 9 months 2017 in Russia revealed 65 200 HIV-infected citizens of the Russian Federation, for 11 months 2017- registered 85 thousand new cases of HIV infection, observed exceeding the long-term average for HIV by 43.4%(49,7%000 vs 34.6%000 ).

Video. Incidence in Russia, March - May 2017.

Increasing the rate of growth of new cases HIV infections in 2017 year (but the overall incidence of HIV infection is low) is observed in the Vologda Oblast, Tyva, Mordovia, Karachay-Cherkessia, North Ossetia, Moscow, Vladimir, Tambov, Yaroslavl, Sakhalin and Kirov regions.

Growth in the total (cumulative) number of registered cases of HIV infection among Russian citizens from 1987 to 2016

Growing number of HIV-infected Russians from 1987 to 2016

HIV in regions and cities

In 2016 and including 2017 in terms of incidence in the Russian Federation the following regions and cities were in the lead:

  1. Kemerovo region (228.8 new cases of HIV infection were registered per 100,000 population — total 6,217 HIV-infected), including in the city Kemerovo 1 876 HIV-infected. For 10 months of 2017 in the Kemerovo region identified 4,727 new HIV-infected (indicator morbidity - 174.5 per 100 thousand population) ( honorary 1st place)
  2. Irkutsk region (163,6%000 — 3,951 HIV-infected). In 2016 in the city Irkutsk registered 2 450 1,107 new HIV-infected people in 2017. In 2017, 1,784 new HIV-infected people were detected in the Irkutsk region over 5 months. for 10 months 2017 - 134.0 per 100 tons ( 3 228 newly diagnosed HIV-infected) Nearly 2% of the population of the Irkutsk region are infected with HIV. (honorary 2nd place )
  3. Samara Region (161,5%000 — 5,189 HIV-infected, incl. in the city of Samara 1,201 HIV-infected), for 10 months of 2017 - 2,698 people (84,2% 000) . Every hundredth inhabitant of the Samara region is infected with HIV!
  4. Sverdlovsk region (156,9%000 — 6,790 HIV-infected), morbidity for 10 months 2017 - 128.1 per 100 tons, i.e. 5 546 new HIV=-infected. In the city Yekaterinburg, in 2016, 1,372 HIV-infected (94.2% 000 ), for 10 months 2017 years - in the "capital of AIDS" have already identified 1 347 "pluses" (the incidence of HIV infection in 2017 in the city - 92,5% 000 ).
  5. Chelyabinsk region (154,0%000 — 5 394 HIV-infected),
  6. Tyumen region (150,5%000 — 2 224 people), for the first half of 2017, 1,019 new cases of HIV infection were detected in the Tyumen region (an increase of 14.4% compared to the same period last year, then 891 HIV-infected people were registered), incl. 3 teenagers. The Tyumen region is one of the regions where HIV infection is recognized as an epidemic, 1.1% of the population is infected with HIV. Incidence for 9 months 2017 - 110.2 people per 100 thousand population. ( honorary 3rd place). W and 10 months of 2017 revealed 1 614 HIV-infected, incl. 5 teenagers.
  7. Tomsk region (138.0% 000 - 1 489 people),
  8. Novosibirsk region(137.1%000 ) areas ( 3 786 pers.), incl. in the city Novosibirsk 3 213 HIV-infected. Incidence for 9 months 2017 - 108.3 per 100 tons — 3 010 people infected with HIV (for 10 months of 2017 - 3,345 people) (on 4th place came out).
  9. Krasnoyarsk Territory (129.5% 000 - 3 716 people),
  10. Perm Territory (125.1% 000 — 3 294 people). Incidence for 10 months 2017 - 126.2 per 100 tons — 3 322 HIV+, up 13.1% compared to the previous year. ( on 5th place rose)
  11. Altai Territory (114.1% 000 - 2 721 people) the edges,
  12. Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Ugra (124.7% 000 - 2,010 people, every 92nd inhabitant is infected),
  13. Orenburg region (117.6% 000 - 2 340 people), in 1 sq. 2017 - 650 people (32.7% 000).
  14. Omsk region (110.3% 000 - 2 176 people), for 8 months of 2017, 1360 cases were detected, the incidence rate was 68.8% 000.
  15. Kurgan region (110.1% 000 - 958 people),
  16. Ulyanovsk region (97.2% 000 - 1 218 people), in 1 sq. 2017 - 325 people (25.9% 000).
  17. Tver region (74.0% 000 - 973 people),
  18. Nizhny Novgorod region (71.1% 000 - 2 309 people) area, in 1 sq. 2017 - 613 people (18.9% 000).
  19. Republic of Crimea (83.0% 000 1 943 people),
  20. Khakassia (82.7% 000 - 445 people),
  21. Udmurtia (75.1% 000 - 1 139 people),
  22. Bashkortostan (68.3% 000 - 2 778 people), in 1 sq. 2017 - 688 people (16.9% 000).
  23. Moscow (62,2 % 000 — 7 672 people)

% 000 is the number of HIV-infected people per 100,000 people.

Table number 1. The number of HIV-infected people and the incidence of HIV infection by regions and regions of Russia (TOP 15).

Interactive table, sortable. How many HIV-infected people were identified in the most HIV-prone regions of the Russian Federation. What is the incidence in the regions per 100 thousand population.
Region of the Russian FederationNumber of HIV-infected people identified in 2016, peopleIncidence of HIV infection (number of HIV cases per 100 population) in 2016
Kemerovo region 6217 228,8
Irkutsk region 3951 163,6
Samara Region 5189 161,5
Sverdlovsk region 6790 156,9
Chelyabinsk region5394 154,0
Tyumen region2224 150,5
Tomsk1489 138,0
Novosibirsk3786 137,1
Krasnoyarsk3716 129,5
Permian3294 125,1
Altaic2721 114,1
KhMAO2010 124,7
Orenburg2340 117,6
Omsk2176 110,3
Kurgan958 110,1

Leading cities in terms of the number of identified HIV-infected people and the incidence of HIV infection: Yekaterinburg, Irkutsk, Kemerovo, Novosibirsk and Samara.

Subjects of the Russian Federation most affected by HIV infection.

Most Significant Growth(speed, growth rate of new HIV cases per unit of time) incidence in 2016 was observed in Republic of Crimea, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Chukotka, Kamchatka Territory, Belgorod, Yaroslavl, Arkhangelsk regions, Sevastopol, Chuvash, Kabardino-Balkarian Republics, Stavropol Territory, Astrakhan Region, Nenets Autonomous Region, Samara Region and Jewish Autonomous Region.

Number of newly diagnosed cases of HIV infection among Russian citizens in 1987-2016

Distribution of the number of new HIV cases by years (1987-2016).

afflicted HIV infection of the population of Russia as of December 31, 2016 amounted to 594.3 per 100 thousand people Cases of HIV infection registered in all subjects Russian Federation. IN 2017 year affection - 795.3 per 100 thousand of us.

A high incidence of HIV infection (more than 0.5% of the total population) was registered in the 30 largest and predominantly economically successful regions, where 45.3% of the country's population lived.

Dynamics of prevalence and incidence of HIV infection in the population of the Russian Federation in 1987-2016

Morbidity, prevalence of HIV in the Russian Federation.

TO the most affected regions of the Russian Federation relate:

  1. Sverdlovsk region (1,647.9% of 000 people living with HIV were registered per 100,000 people - 71,354 people, including more than 27,131 HIV-infected people registered in the city of Yekaterinburg, i.e. every 50th resident of the city is infected with HIV - this is a real epidemic. In 2017(as of 01.11.17) already 93,494 people infected with HIV — Approximately 2% of the population of the Sverdlovsk region are infected with HIV, and 2% of pregnant women are HIV-infected women, i.e. every 50th pregnant woman has HIV infection). As of 11/01/2017 in AIDS Capital according to the rapper "Purulent") is already registered 28 478 HIV-positive ( the HIV prevalence of the city's population is 2%!!! ) and this is only official. IN Serov- 1454.2% 000 (1556 people). Infected with HIV - 1.5 percent of the population of the city of Serov. The Sverdlovsk region ranks first in the number of children born to HIV-infected mothers - 15,000 children.
  2. Irkutsk region (1636.0% 000 - 39473 people). Total identified HIV-infected at the beginning 2017 of the year— 49 494 people, for the beginning of June 2017 of the year Cumulatively, 51,278 people were registered with a diagnosis of HIV infection. IN the city of Irkutsk more than 31,818 people have been identified for all the time.
  3. Kemerovo region (1582.5% 000 - 43000 people), including in the city of Kemerovo more than 10,125 patients with HIV infection have been registered.
  4. Samara region (1476.9% 000 - 47350 people), as of November 1, 2017, 50,048 HIV-infected people were detected.
  5. Orenburg region (1217.0% 000 - 24276 people) regions,
  6. Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug (1201.7% 000 - 19550 people),
  7. Leningrad region (1147.3% 000 - 20410 people),
  8. Tyumen region (1085.4% 000 - 19,768 people), as of July 1, 2017 - 20,787 people, as of November 1, 2017 - 21,382 people.
  9. Chelyabinsk region (1079.6% 000 - 37794 people), as of 01.11.2017 — more than 48,000 people., incl. Chelyabinsk - 19,000 HIV-infected.
  10. Novosibirsk region (1021.9% 000 - 28227 people) regions. As of May 19, 2017 at city ​​of Novosibirsk more than 34 thousand HIV-infected people have been registered - every 47 resident of Novosibirsk has HIV (!). As of November 1, 2017, 36,334 HIV-infected people were registered in the Novosibirsk Region. The region is in the top ten in Russia, and in terms of the level of HIV infection of the population, it is in fourth place in the country.
  11. Perm Territory (950.1% 000 - 25030 people) - Berezniki, Krasnokamsk and Perm are mostly heavily affected by HIV,
  12. St. Petersburg (978.6% 000 - 51140 people),
  13. Ulyanovsk region (932.5% 000 - 11728 people),
  14. Republic of Crimea (891.4% 000 - 17000 people),
  15. Altai Territory (852.8% 000 - 20268 people),
  16. Krasnoyarsk Territory (836.4% 000 - 23970 people),
  17. Kurgan region (744.8% 000 - 6419 people),
  18. Tver region (737.5% 000 - 9622 people),
  19. Tomsk region (727.4% 000 - 7832 people),
  20. Ivanovo region (722.5% 000 - 7440 people),
  21. Omsk region (644.0% 000 - 12741 people), as of September 1, 2017, 16,275 cases of HIV infection were registered, the incidence rate is 823.0% 000.
  22. Murmansk region (638.2% 000 - 4864 people),
  23. Moscow region (629.3% 000 - 46056 people),
  24. Kaliningrad region (608.4% 000 - 5941 people).
  25. Moscow (413.0% 000 - 50909 people)

Table number 3. Rating of Russian regions by the prevalence of HIV infection among the population (TOP 15).

The number of HIV-infected people identified in the most HIV-prone areas of the Russian Federation in absolute numbers and calculated per 100,000 population of the region represented.
RegionInfection per 100 thousand population, as of 01/01/2017.The absolute number of all registered HIV-infected people as of 01.01.2017.
Sverdlovsk region1647,9 71354
Irkutsk region1636,0 39473
Kemerovo region1582,5 43000
Samara Region1476,9 47350
Orenburg region1217,0 24276
Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug1201,7 19550
Leningrad region1147,3 20410
Tyumen region1085,4 19768
Chelyabinsk region1079,6 37794
Novosibirsk region1021,9 28227
Perm region950,1 25030
Ulyanovsk region932,5 11728
Republic of Crimea891,4 17000
Altai region852,8 20268
Krasnoyarsk region836,4 23970

Age structure

Most high level prevalence of HIV infection in the population is observed in the group 30-39 years old, 2.8% of Russian men aged 35-39 lived with an established diagnosis of HIV infection. Women become infected with HIV at a younger age, already in the age group of 25-29 years, about 1% were infected with HIV, the proportion of infected women in the age group of 30-34 years is even higher - 1.6%.

Over the past 15 years, the age structure among newly diagnosed patients has changed radically. In 2000, 87% of patients were diagnosed with HIV before the age of 30. Adolescents and young people aged 15-20 years accounted for 24.7% of newly diagnosed HIV infections in 2000, as a result of an annual decrease in 2016, this group was only 1.2%.

Diagram. Age and sex of HIV-infected people.

In 2016, HIV infection was predominantly detected in Russians aged 30-40 years (46.9%) and 40-50 years old (19.9%), the share of young people aged 20-30 decreased to 23.2%. An increase in the proportion of newly detected cases was also observed in older age groups, cases of sexually transmitted HIV infection in old age have become more frequent.

“0.6% of all Russians live with an HIV diagnosis. But Russians aged 30-39 are especially affected by HIV - among them, HIV is diagnosed in 2%. For men, this percentage is higher. With age, the risks of contracting HIV accumulate, and people continue to age with the virus in their blood. 87% of HIV-positive people are economically active, which is explained by their young age, among them there is a disproportionately large proportion of Russians with secondary specialized education – this is the working class, without which the future of the country will become foggy.” (V. Pokrovsky)

It should be noted that at low testing coverage of adolescents and youth, more than 1100 cases of HIV infection are registered annually among people aged 15-20 years. According to preliminary data the largest number of HIV-infected adolescents (15-17 years old) was registered in 2016 in Kemerovo, Nizhny Novgorod, Irkutsk, Novosibirsk, Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk, Orenburg, Samara regions, Altai, Perm, Krasnoyarsk territories and the Republic of Bashkortostan. The main cause of HIV infection among adolescents is unprotected sex with an HIV-infected partner (77% of cases in girls, 61% in boys).

Structure of the dead

In 2016, 30,550 (3.4%) patients with HIV infection died in the Russian Federation (10.8% more than in 2015) according to the Rospotrebnadzor monitoring form “Information on measures to prevent HIV infection, hepatitis B and C, detection and treatment of HIV patients”. The highest annual mortality was registered in Jewish Autonomous Region, Republic of Mordovia, Kemerovo Region, Republic of Bashkortostan, Ulyanovsk Region, Republic of Adygea, Tambov Region, Chukotka Autonomous Region, Chuvash Republic, Samara Region, Primorsky Territory, Tula Region, Krasnodar, Perm Territories, Kurgan Region.

According to Rosstat 18,575 people died from HIV infection (AIDS) in 2016. (in 2015 - 15,520 people, in 2014 - 12,540 people), i.e. The number of deaths from AIDS is on the rise.

The HIV mortality index (number of deaths per 1,000 population) has grown 10 times since 2005!

“Among women in their 20s and 30s, who shouldn’t die at all, more than 20% of deaths are related to HIV. is growing in the world. The death of young people from AIDS is the result of poorly organized medical care.” (V. Pokrovsky)

For 6 months of 2017, 14,631 HIV-infected people died, i.e. Approximately 80 people diagnosed with HIV die every day. This is 13.6% higher than in the same period in 2016. Perhaps this is due to the interruptions in the supply of medicines for the treatment of HIV-infected people, because only one third of HIV-infected people received antiretroviral therapy in 2017 (32.9% - 298,888). Especially many died in the regions most disadvantaged in the treatment of HIV infection: Kemerovo, Samara and Irkutsk.

Treatment coverage

At the dispensary in specialized medical organizations in 2016 there were 675,403 patients infected with HIV, which amounted to 77.5% of the number of 870,952 Russians living with a diagnosis of HIV infection in December 2016, according to the monitoring form of Rospotrebnadzor.

Video. Shortage of medicines for HIV-infected people. V. Pokrovsky.

In 2016, 285,920 patients received antiretroviral therapy in Russia, including patients who were in places of deprivation of liberty. IN 1st half of 2017 received antiretroviral therapy 298 888 patients, about 100,000 new patients were added for therapy in 2017 (there will most likely not be enough drugs for everyone, since the purchase was according to the figures of 2016). Treatment coverage in the Russian Federation in 2016 was 32.8% of the number of registered people diagnosed with HIV infection (the worst indicator in the world); among those on dispensary observation, 42.3% of patients were covered by antiretroviral therapy.

“The World Health Organization (WHO) has been recommending life-long treatment for all HIV-positive people for five years now, but the Ministry of Health still provides only 300,000, that is, 46% of the 650,000 “registered by the Ministry of Health”, or 33% of 900,000. still alive, registered by Rospotrebnadzor. The reason is that there is not enough money for HIV/AIDS treatment in the state budget. In order to increase treatment coverage, the Ministry of Health is trying to reduce the cost of treatment by lowering purchase prices, which partially compensates for the shortage, but worsens the quality of treatment, as cheaper copies of medicines (generics) are purchased, which are obsolete by status. Russians should take 10-12 tablets a day, while Europeans only need one. It is clear that because of this trouble, 20% of those who started treatment stop it. And this is another reason for the increase in mortality.” (V. Pokrovsky)

The achieved treatment coverage does not play the role of a preventive measure and does not allow to radically reduce the rate of spread of the disease. The number of patients with active tuberculosis in combination with HIV infection is growing, the largest number of such patients is registered in the regions of the Urals and Siberia.

HIV testing coverage

In 2016 in Russia there were tested for HIV 30 752 828 blood samples from Russian citizens and 2,102,769 blood samples from foreign citizens. The total number of tested serum samples of Russian citizens compared to 2015 increased by 8.5%, and among foreign citizens decreased by 12.9%.

In 2016, the maximum number of positive results in the immunoblot in Russians over the entire history of observation was revealed - 125,416 (in 2014 - 121,200 positive results). The number of positive results in the immunoblot includes those identified anonymously, not included in the statistical data, and children with an undifferentiated diagnosis of HIV infection, therefore it differs significantly from the number of newly registered cases of HIV infection.

For the first time, 103,438 patients tested positive for HIV. Representatives of vulnerable groups of the population in 2016 made up an insignificant part of those tested for HIV in Russia - 4.7%, but among these groups 23% of all new cases of HIV infection were detected. When testing even a small number of representatives of these groups, it is possible to identify many patients: in 2016, among the examined drug users, 4.3% of HIV-positive people were detected for the first time, among MSM - 13.2%, among contact persons during epidemiological investigation - 6.4%, prisoners - 2.9%, STI patients - 0.7%.

In the first half of 2017, the number of people tested for HIV did not increase much, only by 8.1% compared to the first half of 2016. This is minuscule, so it’s sad to hear when the main reason for the increase in HIV growth is the increase in the number of people tested, all much more serious and deeper.

Transmission path structure

In 2016 significantly the role HIV infection, in 2017 this trend only strengthened, moreover, the sexual route overtook the drug route: in the first half of 2017, the share of the sexual route of HIV infection was 52.2% (including 1.9% through homosexual transmission, the HIV epidemic among homosexuals flares up once again), through the use of injecting drugs - 46.6%. According to preliminary data, among those newly identified in 2016 HIV-positive with established risk factors for infection, 48.8% were infected with non-sterile instruments, 48.7% - with heterosexual contacts, 1.5% - with homosexual contacts, 0.45% - made up. The number of children infected through breastfeeding is growing: 59 such children were registered in 2016, 47 in 2015, and 41 in 2014.

“The root of all problems is the rapid increase in the number of new cases due to the transition of the HIV epidemic to sexual transmission. Of the 100,000 new cases in 2016, half were sexual contacts between men and women, just under half were drug use, and only 1-2% were homosexual contacts between men. Dozens of cases of HIV infection in medical institutions should be attributed to the Ministry of Health, which should control the safety of medical manipulations.” (V. Pokrovsky)

In 2016, 16 cases were registered with suspected infection in medical organizations when using non-sterile medical instruments and 3 cases when transfusing blood components from donors to recipients. Another 4 new cases of HIV infection in children were likely associated with the provision of medical care in the CIS countries. For 10 months of 2017 12 cases were registered with suspected HIV infection while providing medical care. Also, 12 cases of HIV infection were registered in places of detention when using non-sterile instruments for non-medical purposes.

Diagram. Distribution of HIV-infected people by means of infection.


  • In the Russian Federation in 2016, the epidemic situation of HIV infection continued to deteriorate and this unfavorable trend continues in 2017, which may even affect the resurgence of the global HIV epidemic , which, according to the UN in July 2016, began to decline.
  • Saved high incidence of HIV infection , the total number of HIV carriers and the number of deaths of HIV-infected people is increasing, the number of deaths from AIDS is increasing every year, the epidemic has intensified the exit of the epidemic from vulnerable groups of the population into the general population.
  • While maintaining the current pace of the spread of HIV infection and the lack of adequate systemic measures to prevent its spread the forecast for the development of the situation remains unfavorable .
  • Radical actions of the Government of Russia are required to stop trafficking, distribution of drugs and, the most difficult thing, to change the sexual behavior of the inhabitants of the Russian Federation (clamps are wonderful, but the number of people practicing abstinence and practicing with one heterosexual sexual partner throughout their lives is one and it is impossible to change, p .e development with minimal side effects is required (drank a pill and do what you want)).

VIDEO. V.V. Pokrovsky on the situation in Russia regarding the incidence of HIV / AIDS

The material was prepared on the basis of a certificate from the Federal Scientific and Methodological Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor and other official sources.

PS: I hope that is clear, to get an idea of ​​the real scale of the HIV epidemic, you need to multiply the official figures by 5-10, because. this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Sincerely, Dr.

At AIDS in Samara

No. Russian Federation 703781
1 Sverdlovsk region 57726
2 St. Petersburg 51552
3 Samara region 50843
4 Moscow region 43152
5 Moscow 41243
6 Irkutsk region 37170
7 Tyumen region with JSC 32754
8 Kemerovo region 29236
9 Chelyabinsk region 28632
10 Orenburg region 25087

The first place is occupied by the homeland of Yeltsin, then St. Petersburg, and, as can be seen from the OFFICIAL data, the Samara region has exceeded the milestone of 50 thousand people in terms of the number of people infected with HIV and is confidently in the top three. Of these, more than 18 thousand live in Samara and the same number in Togliatti. Over the entire period of registration of HIV infection, more than 7,000 children were born, most of whom died.

Well, in conclusion, one more piece of news.
In terms of the percentage of people infected with HIV, Russia has taken second place in the world after Africa.

What we are going to do?
And in conclusion - about the connection between homosexuality and the spread of AIDS (HIV).
The first message about her appeared on June 5, 1981. The US Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's weekly cause-of-mortality issue published a brief note on an unusual outbreak of pneumonia in five apparently healthy homosexuals at once.
Since then, AIDS has infected 65 million people, 25 million of whom have already died. One of the first, shameful places in the world in terms of the spread of AIDS is in Russia.
Initially, AIDS in the United States in the scientific literature was called Gay Related Immune Deficiency Syndrome (GRID), and in everyday life - Gay Cancer. Then, in the name of tolerance, the names were changed.

“An entire generation of homosexuals more than five years older than me simply does not exist, they are all dead,” says playwright Kishner,1 who won the Pulitzer Prize in 1993 for his play Angels in America, which tells about deaths from AIDS.

By the way, pay attention to the characteristic surname of the author - Kishner.

The history of the spread of AIDS in Russia is outrageous and instructive. Everyone knew about the danger. Academician Pokrovsky from the first years of the epidemic warned about its threat, interviews with him and articles about AIDS were published in all central newspapers. Initially, there were only a few carriers of infection in Russia, the first recorded case was in a homosexual who returned from a business trip to Africa. Unlike other infectious diseases, AIDS infections are almost always preventable. Nevertheless, the governments of Gorbachev and Yeltsin, who were building “democracy” and caring about universal human values, did almost nothing to counteract the spread of the infection.

Meanwhile, the measures needed to prevent the AIDS epidemic, which is spreading fastest among drug addicts and homosexuals, are well known and easily implemented.
This is a ban on propaganda of homosexuality and unbridledness. State support for families and healthy lifestyles. Tough fight against drug addiction. Visa regime for citizens of the countries from which the main flow of drugs goes to Russia - Tajikistan and Azerbaijan. Immediate deportation abroad of all migrants detained for drug addiction and criminal offenses. Death penalty for drug dealers. It is worth remembering that for the importation of drugs in the most authoritative of the Arab countries - Saudi Arabia, beheading is required, in one of the most developed countries in Asia - Malaysia, hanging.

Naturally, the current government of Pochinok, Kiriyenko and Kozak does nothing of this. Russia's capitalist ministers are instead trying to introduce sex education programs in schools that teach underage children about different types of sex and teach them how to use condoms.
Thus, the current government is carrying out a deliberate genocide of the Russian and other indigenous peoples of Russia. Enough for the enemies of our country to revel in their impunity! A thief should sit in jail! Zionist - in Israel! The Russian government is in the Kremlin! Join an organization or party that defends the interests of Russia and the Russian people, choose the one that you yourself consider the best. The main thing - start to ACT!

TASS-DOSIER. From May 15 to May 21, 2017, the All-Russian Action "Stop HIV/AIDS" will be held in Russia for the third time. It is organized by the Foundation for Social and Cultural Initiatives (the President of the Foundation is the wife of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Svetlana Medvedeva). The action is supported by the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Communications of Russia, Rosmolodezh, Rospotrebnadzor, as well as the Union of Rectors of Russia, leading state universities of the Russian Federation and the Russian Orthodox Church.

It is dedicated to the World AIDS Day of Remembrance, which is held annually on the third Sunday of May. Its goal is to draw attention to this problem in Russia, to raise awareness of the population, especially young people, about the disease.

Campaign "Stop HIV/AIDS"

The all-Russian action "Stop HIV/AIDS" began to be held in Russia in 2016. The key event of the first action, held in May, was an open student forum. The second action was timed to the World AIDS Day (December 1) and took place at the end of November. It started at the II All-Russian Forum for specialists in the prevention and treatment of the disease (November 28).

As part of the action, an open lesson "Knowledge - Responsibility - Health" was held in senior secondary schools, where a film was shown on topical issues of combating HIV infection.

HIV/AIDS disease

The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) attacks the immune system and weakens the body's defenses against a wide range of infections and diseases, including some types of cancer. HIV-infected people gradually develop immunodeficiency.

The last stage of the disease that develops when infected with the human immunodeficiency virus is AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome), when the human body loses the ability to defend itself against infections and tumors. In different people, AIDS can develop 2-15 years after HIV infection.

There is no cure for HIV infection. However, with antiretroviral treatment, the virus can be controlled and transmission prevented. Thus, the life of those infected with the infection is facilitated and extended.

Statistics for Russia

The epidemiological situation of HIV infection in Russia (the first case was detected in 1987) is unfavorable, cases of the disease have been identified in all regions of the Russian Federation.

According to Rospotrebnadzor, as of December 31, 2016, since 1987, 1 million 114 thousand 815 cases of HIV infection have been registered among citizens of the Russian Federation, of which 243 thousand 863 people have died. Thus, at the beginning of 2017, 870,952 Russians were living with HIV/AIDS in Russia, which is 0.59% of the total population of the country (146,804,372). As of December 31, 2016, the prevalence of HIV was 594.3 people with an established diagnosis per 100,000 of the country's population.

The number of newly diagnosed HIV infections in the country continues to rise. According to Rospotrebnadzor, in 2011-2016. the annual growth averaged 10%. In 2016, the territorial centers for the prevention and control of AIDS registered 103,438 new cases of HIV infection (excluding those identified anonymously and foreign citizens) - 5.3% more than in 2015 (95,475).

High prevalence of HIV is observed in the 30 largest subjects of the Russian Federation, where 45.3% of the country's population lives. The most unfavorable regions, where the number of people living with HIV exceeds 1 thousand people per 100 thousand population, are Sverdlovsk (1648 per 100 thousand population), Irkutsk (1636), Kemerovo (1583), Samara (1477), Orenburg (1217) regions, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug (1202), Leningrad (1147), Tyumen (1085), Chelyabinsk (1079) and Novosibirsk (1022) regions.

A high level of HIV infection in the Russian Federation is observed in the age group from 30 to 39 years. Among young people (15-20 years old), more than 1.1 thousand people with HIV infection are registered annually. Cases of infection of children during breastfeeding continue to be detected: in 2014, 41 children were infected, in 2015 - 47 children, in 2016 - 59.

In 2016, 675,403 patients (77.5% of all those living with a diagnosis of HIV/AIDS) were registered at the dispensary in specialized medical organizations. Of these, 285,920 patients received antiretroviral therapy (42.3% of those registered).

HIV/AIDS in the world

Some scientists believe that HIV was transmitted from monkeys to humans as early as the 1920s. The first victim of this disease may have been a man who died in 1959 in the Congo. This conclusion was reached by doctors who later analyzed his medical history.

For the first time, the symptoms of the disease, characteristic of HIV/AIDS, were described in 1981 during a survey in clinics in Los Angeles and New York of several men of non-traditional sexual orientation. In 1983, researchers from the US and France described a virus capable of causing HIV/AIDS. Since 1985, blood tests for HIV have been available in clinical laboratories.

According to the World Health Organization, at the end of 2015, there were from 34 to 39.8 million (average - 36.7 million) HIV-infected people in the world. Sub-Saharan Africa is the most affected region, with an estimated 25.6 million people living with HIV in 2015 (about two-thirds of those infected). More than 35 million people have become victims of HIV/AIDS worldwide. In 2015 alone, approximately 1.1 million people died. As of June 2016, 18.2 million patients had access to antiretroviral treatment, including 910,000 children.

Ten regions of Russia are in critical condition in terms of HIV prevalence. This was stated by the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Veronika Skvortsova. The sad list is headed by the Sverdlovsk and Kemerovo regions.

“HIV is spread very unevenly across the country,” the head of the Ministry of Health noted. “The prevalence is significantly higher, several times higher, in those regions through which drug trafficking routes pass. Therefore, there are 10 critical regions out of 85. In the first place is the Sverdlovsk region, Yekaterinburg, which got (in connection with this) to the press," said Skvortsova.

According to the minister, "57% of all sources of HIV infection are injections, usually among heroin addicts." As for such a traditional risk group as homosexuals, this trend is less pronounced in Russia.

“40% of cases of sexually transmitted infections relate to heterosexual couples,” Skvortsova said, stressing that the increase in the number of infections is due to well-off women who have picked up the virus from their own husband.

According to the Federal Center for Prevention and Control of AIDS, at the end of last year the list of the most HIV-affected regions was as follows: areas.

During the year, anonymous testing was conducted in problem regions, which was passed by 23.5 thousand young people under 30 years old. Among them, 2.3% of HIV-infected people were identified.

In early November, the Ministry of Health of Yekaterinburg announced that every 50th inhabitant of the city had AIDS.

"We have an infection rate of 1,826 people per hundred thousand, which is 1.8% of the city's population, 26,693 thousand infected," Tatyana Savinova, deputy head of the Yekaterinburg city health department, said. "And these are only known cases, the real incidence is even higher," she stressed.

But this situation in Yekaterinburg has been developing for decades, so doctors do not make announcements about the beginning of the epidemic, the city health department emphasized.

According to the criteria of WHO and the Joint United Nations Program on HIV, more than 1% of those infected means that the infection is firmly rooted among the population and its spread is practically independent of risk groups.

Meanwhile, the Federal Center for Prevention and Control of AIDS believes that Russia is now on the verge of transition to the third, last stage of the HIV epidemic.

“An epidemic is a conditional concept. There are three stages in HIV. Initial - the first cases are imported from abroad. The second is concentrated, risk groups are affected. We now have 10% of men who have sex with men and 20% of drug addicts are infected. And when more than 1% of pregnant women are infected, then it is generalized. Here we are now at the stage of transition from the second to the third, "Vadim Pokrovsky, head of the center, academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, told the L!fe portal.