Symptoms of influenza and acute respiratory infections are different. How to quickly recover from illness? Brief description of influenza and ARVI

The most common off-season diseases are acute respiratory infections (ARVI), influenza, often called colds. This trinity causes mild to severe illness in 90% of the population in autumn and spring. clinical manifestations with complications. Since ARVI and influenza are viral infections, they have many common symptoms and signs.

  • ARVI — common name any respiratory viral infection, and influenza is only one of these representatives.
  • Influenza usually causes outbreaks of epidemics and pandemics, while ARVI only slightly increases the incidence.
  • Influenza, unlike acute respiratory infections, is more severe with frequent complications.

The following diseases are classified as ARVI:

  • Flu
  • Parainfluenza
  • Rhinovirus and adenovirus infection
  • Respiratory syncytial disease

How is the flu different from a cold? The most important difference is that after a cold, after a week a person fully recovers and begins to lead his normal rhythm of life, without remembering the recent illness.

And after the flu, the recovery period is delayed for long time, over the next month a person may experience the consequences of the flu, the body suffers much more, the immune system needs more time to recover.

Asthenic syndrome or simply a loss of strength can manifest itself in a person who has had the flu in the form of changes blood pressure, dizziness, loss of appetite, a person gets tired quickly and feels weak. Read our article for tips.

Differences between ARVI and influenza, parainfluenza, adenoviral infection and colds

What is called a cold in everyday life is still the same viral infections or their bacterial complications, which flare up against the background of hypothermia and a decrease in local and general immunity. So no specialist can distinguish a cold from an acute respiratory viral infection.


In a person with good immunity, the flu occurs in mild or medium degree gravity. The flu is most severe in children and the elderly, whose immune systems are either underdeveloped or suppressed. These groups are also characterized by the erasure of the main symptoms, for example, the absence of a clear temperature reaction.

  • Influenza is characterized by severe intoxication (aching muscles and joints, headaches, pain in the eyeballs, sometimes - nausea and vomiting, chills, weakness).
  • The temperature during influenza can range from low-grade (up to 37.5) to pyretic (up to 41). The average duration of fever is from 2 to 7 days.
  • Against the background of high fever, children may have.
  • Characteristic manifestations influenza is laryngotracheitis (, its hoarseness, dry coughing, rawness when coughing behind the sternum) and runny nose with mucous discharge.
  • In the future, a bronchitis clinic may join ( moist cough with clear sputum that may turn yellow or green when attached bacterial infection).
  • In weakened patients, influenza may be complicated by pneumonia or cardiopulmonary failure.


Parainfluenza is so named because of its flu-like symptoms. Same intoxication. Increased temperature, clinical signs of laryngotracheitis and runny nose. Moreover, after a period of mucous discharge from the eyes, microbial flora may join, and conjunctivitis will become purulent.

Parainfluenza - its course is not as pronounced as with the flu, the body temperature is usually no more than 38C, and lasting 1-2 days, in patients with a strong immune system, the temperature can be subfebrile 37 -37.5C. A dry cough and sore throat are characteristic of both influenza and parainfluenza; hoarseness or lack of voice may also be observed.

Adenovirus infection

  • The acute onset is the same as with the flu, the temperature can be up to 39C for up to 7 days.
  • Intense runny nose and sore throat like flu from the very beginning of the disease.
  • Stinging and pain in the eyes may appear on the 4th day - this is how adenoviral conjunctivitis begins. Moreover, after a period of mucous discharge from the eyes, microbial flora may join, and conjunctivitis will become purulent.
  • Increased throughout the course of the disease The lymph nodes, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract is also possible, the most dangerous complication is pneumonia.

Interesting fact: the influenza virus lives in the air for 2-9 hours, on glass for 10 days, on fabrics for 10 hours, on paper products for 12 hours, on human skin for 15 minutes, on plastic and metal objects for 1-2 days, in sputum (if the virus flu was in it) persists for 7-14 days.

What is the difference between influenza and ARVI?

Many of us don't know how to distinguish the flu from a cold. The table shows a list of symptoms that appear in these diseases in varying degrees, so everyone can try to independently distinguish the flu from an acute respiratory viral infection or a cold.

Onset of the disease A very abrupt, acute onset, literally within an hour a person loses strength, he becomes ill from a sharp rise in temperature Gradually, symptoms appear within 1-2 days
Body temperature Within 1-2 hours the temperature rises to 39C and 40C, it lasts for at least 3 days and is difficult to reduce During acute respiratory viral infection, the temperature does not exceed 38 -38.5 C; within 2-3 days it decreases (see)
Other general symptoms Strong headache, especially in the temples, muscle pain, aches all over the body, increased sweating, chills, photosensitivity, pain when moving the eyes Weakness, weakness, but without pronounced pain
Nasal congestion, runny nose Nasal congestion does not happen, only in people with chronic diseases of the nasopharynx, sinusitis, sinusitis, their exacerbation is possible. In other cases, as a rule, a runny nose goes away after 2 days. There may also be sneezing (less commonly) and viral conjunctivitis The nose is often stuffy, the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx swells, tearing is very increased, severe runny nose and intense sneezing.
Throat condition The back wall of the throat and soft palate turn red and swell. Red and soggy throat all the time of illness.
Condition of mucous membranes - plaque Can not be May be
Cough, chest pain After 2 days, a dry cough appears, which then becomes wet (see). At swine flu a dry, strong cough may begin in the first hours of the disease. Dry, hacking cough from the very beginning of the disease, may be weak, or may be pronounced (see)
Enlarged lymph nodes Usually doesn't happen May be
Redness of the eyes Happens often Rarely, with concomitant bacterial infection
Gastrointestinal disorders In children, the flu is often accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea; in adults, there may also be nausea and, less commonly, diarrhea. Vomiting and bowel dysfunction are rare
Duration of illness The high temperature lasts up to 4-5 days. Usually, the flu goes away within 7-10 days; even after the temperature drops, a person experiences illness, headaches, and weakness for a long time, for 14-21 days after suffering from the flu. Typically, ARVI does not last more than a week, and after an illness a person usually does not experience fatigue, weakness, or weakness.

How to help yourself cope with the flu, ARVI or cold

Now it becomes clear how the flu differs from acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections or a common cold. But this doesn’t make it any easier, ARVI, flu and 90% of colds are viral diseases and the severity of the disease directly depends on the body’s defenses and the immune response to a specific pathogen. To alleviate the inevitable disease, you should adhere to the basic rules of therapy for viruses and colds:

  • The pharmaceutical industry is saturated with all kinds of immunomodulators, which today can be dummies or agents that have significant side effects that taking them is not only ineffective, but also not safe.
  • Rimantadine and Tamiflu - the effectiveness of these drugs against influenza is considered proven. Therefore, during an epidemic, at the first symptoms of influenza (including swine flu), adults should take: Rimantadine (influenza A) or Tamiflu (influenza A and B), children: Orvirem (rimantadine), Tamiflu (over 8 years).
  • If the temperature is up to 38C, and it can be tolerated, then it is better not to bring it down, since at this time the body produces antibodies against the pathogens of the virus, and this is very important so that the virus cannot lead to complications in the future.
  • To relieve symptoms of intoxication, you should drink as much as possible large quantity warm liquid. This sounds trivial, but it is the abundant hot drink during a virus that can quickly remove toxins from the body and recovery occurs faster. You can drink lightly brewed tea with raspberries, honey, herbal teas, etc.
  • and the flu are no different, so you should gargle as often as possible various decoctions and ready medicinal compounds, and also useful various inhalations, which help prevent the development of complications in the lower respiratory tract -
  • It is advisable to strengthen the body's defenses with natural vitamin therapy - black currants, raspberries, lemon, cranberries, etc.
  • Taking antibiotics for viral infections is, of course, not advisable (see 11 rules). However, if within 3-4 days a person does not experience relief, or the temperature after a drop rises again to high levels, you should call a doctor, as this may indicate the development of complications and the addition of a bacterial infection, etc.
  • Read about that and also in our articles.
  • What to eat and drink if you are sick? There are no “antiviral” drinks or foods, but the following can help boost your immune system:
    • fruit drinks (cranberries, currants, raspberries, lingonberries), but not sweet ones, since excess sugar interferes with the removal of the virus
    • natural dairy products(preferably homemade yoghurts, curdled milk)
    • citrus fruits (oranges, lemon, lime, grapefruit), as well as kiwi. Vitamin C and pectins, which they are rich in, reduce the risk of congestion and help remove phlegm from the lungs.
    • easily digestible proteins - fish, rabbit, turkey, chicken breast, eggs.
  • It is not necessary to follow strict rules when dealing with the flu. bed rest, enough " house arrest" Moreover, prolonged lying can be harmful, since ventilation of the bronchi and lungs is reduced and possible congestion. Of course, if you feel weak or dizzy, it is better to lie down. The infection tends to descend from top to bottom along the respiratory tract, so the risk of pneumonia and bronchitis is higher for those who “sit out” the flu without getting out of bed.

The influenza virus is contagious for about 7 days after infection, so even if you are not coughing or sneezing, you should not show up at work; children who have the flu should also stay home for at least a week until they have fully recovered.

You should call an ambulance immediately if:

  • Body temperature above 40C
  • Fever lasts more than 3 days
  • There is no improvement after 7-10 days of illness, especially if there was slight relief, a drop in temperature, and then a new wave of fever, cough, etc.
  • If you experience shortness of breath and severe chest pain when breathing
  • Disorientation or disturbance of consciousness
  • Convulsions that developed for the first time or convulsions due to fever.
  • in the form of fresh purple bruises (meningococcus under the mask of ARVI)
  • Constant vomiting and diarrhea, this is especially dangerous in children (see all)
  • Intense pain in the face and severe headaches (see)
  • Persons over 60 years of age, people with chronic kidney, liver, heart diseases, diabetes mellitus, blood diseases, autoimmune or immunodeficiency conditions.

Prevention of influenza and ARVI

  • During the epidemic, avoid places with large crowds of people. indoors(children's parties, cinemas, theaters, concerts, etc.).
  • After the street, trips to public transport wash your hands thoroughly with soap, wash your face, rinse your nose (you can use sprays with sea ​​water and salts). When working, wash your hands or use antibacterial wet wipes as often as possible.
  • Don't forget to disinfect mobile phones and other wearable devices and gadgets. Many people forget about this or don’t even think about it, but cellular telephone during the day it is very often in the hands.
  • Before going outside, lubricate the nasal mucosa with leukinferon or oxolinic ointment, which creates an additional barrier to viruses.
  • Flu (any flu, not just swine flu) is one of the 5 most contagious diseases in the world. Take care of yourself and your loved ones, as well as colleagues - reschedule meetings, do not go to work or visit if you feel that you are getting sick.
  • Gauze dressings do not protect 100%; viruses are so small that they can penetrate through the smallest pores. But masks are good enough additional remedy, if you have to communicate and move around a lot. Since the risk of infection in the open air is minimal, do not torture yourself by walking in the park wearing a mask; wear it only in crowded places or in transport.
  • Ventilate the room (apartment, office) for 10-15 minutes 2-3 times a day, despite the frost. The flu does not like the cold; the optimal conditions for it are dry air, warmth, and lack of ventilation.

Your child returned home from school with a sore throat, cough and high temperature? What is this - the flu that everyone is talking about, or just an ordinary ARVI?

Although influenza usually causes more severe symptoms and is more severe than other acute respiratory viral infections, it is not always easy to distinguish them from each other.

What is the flu?

The influenza virus causes serious illness which can result in hospitalization or even death. As a rule, the respiratory system is affected, but in general the entire body suffers to one degree or another from the influenza virus.

Flu season usually begins in the fall or winter and ends in the spring. Discuss the topic of vaccination with your doctor in late summer or early autumn - this way you will be protected throughout the entire epidemic season.

You can even get the flu several times a season and many times in your life, because the flu virus is constantly changing and mutating from year to year. This season, as many as 4 viruses can cause the flu.

Signs of the flu

The influenza virus causes respiratory illness that can last a week or even longer. Flu symptoms include:

  • sudden increase in temperature (usually above 38.3 °C);
  • chills;
  • headache, body aches and weakness;
  • a sore throat;
  • dry cough;
  • nasal congestion, runny nose.

Some children may also have vomiting and diarrhea with the flu. Take your child to the doctor if he or she develops ear pain, cough, or fever that does not go away despite treatment. This may indicate serious damage to the body.

Below are questions whose answers will help determine whether a child is struggling with the flu or just a common ARVI.



ARVI, cold

The onset of the illness was...



Does your child have...


low temperature (no fever)?

General state your child...

Is it severely damaged?

almost intact?

Does your child have...


no headache?

Your baby's appetite...

in order?

The child has muscle pain...



Your child...

are there any chills?

no chills?

If most of your answers match the options in the first column, there is a good chance that your child has the flu. If your answers more often correspond to the answers from the second column, this is most likely an acute respiratory viral infection or a cold.

But don't rush to conclusions! It's important to remember that flu symptoms in children can be different and change as the illness progresses, so if you suspect you have the flu, be sure to call your doctor. Even doctors often use special tests to confirm that a person has the flu, as the symptoms of different diseases can be so similar!

Some bacterial infections, such as a sore throat or pneumonia, can also be similar to the flu or a common cold. Therefore, it is important to see a doctor immediately if your child's condition worsens, has trouble breathing, continues to have a high fever, has a severe headache, sore throat, or has problems with consciousness.

Even healthy children Complications from the flu may develop, and children with chronic illnesses are at high risk of complications.

How to protect yourself from the flu?

Get a flu vaccine annually. Vaccines are safe and updated every year, so you should get vaccinated as soon as the drug is available in your area.

The influenza virus is easily transmitted by airborne droplets- when coughing and sneezing, as well as using your hands through objects (door handles or toys) if you then touch your eyes, nose or mouth. Here are some tips to help protect your family from infection.

  • You should wash your hands frequently, always with soap and warm water, By at least 20 seconds (about the same as singing "Happy Birthday" twice). Disinfectants for hands based ethyl alcohol can also be used. Apply enough product to your hands to wet them. Then rub until your hands are dry.
  • Teach your children to cover their mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing. Show them how to cough into their elbow or into their sleeve (not their hand), or use tissues.
  • Throw used wipes in the trash immediately.
  • Wash dishes and cutlery in hot soapy water or dishwasher.
  • Items such as toothbrushes, pacifiers, cups, spoons, forks, washcloths, and towels must be individual.
  • Teach your children not to touch with dirty hands to the eyes, nose or mouth.
  • Clean doorknobs, faucets, countertops and toys regularly. Use disinfectant wipes or soapy wipes and hot water to minimize the number of germs and viruses.

What to do if your child has the flu?

Call the doctor if your child has flu-like symptoms and if:

You should also consult a doctor if your child has flu-like symptoms and chronic illness, such as:

  • asthma, diabetes, or heart problems;
  • sickle cell anemia, cancer, HIV or any other disease that makes it difficult for the body to fight infections;
  • cerebral paralysis or other neurological disorders that make it difficult to cough up mucus and breathe;
  • morbid obesity (excessive or overweight).

Let's go to the department emergency care immediately if your child has:

  • available obvious symptoms flu and the condition continues to worsen;
  • bluish skin tone;
  • I don’t even have the strength to get out of bed.

Medicines for treating influenza

It is now possible to treat influenza with special antiviral drugs. But these remedies work better if the child receives them during the first 1-2 days of illness.

Call your doctor within 24 hours to discuss the need for these medications if your child has high risk complications of influenza because it:

  • It has serious problems health problems such as asthma, diabetes, sickle cell disease, or cerebral palsy;
  • <6 months of age (influenza vaccine is not licensed for this age group);
  • under 2 years of age (young children have increased risk influenza infection, hospitalization and complications).

What else can you do to help your child with the flu?

Letting your child rest and drink plenty of fluids will help your child feel better. You can also give him medicine to reduce his fever.

Give acetaminophen (paracetamol) to a child 6 months and younger. For a child over 6 months old - acetaminophen or ibuprofen.

Never give children aspirin! This may cause Reye's syndrome, serious illness, affecting the liver and brain.

It's better to get sick at home!

You should not take your child to kindergarten or school if he has a fever and other flu symptoms. The patient needs rest. In addition, it can infect other children.

When can my child return to school or kindergarten?

The child should stay home for at least 24 hours after the fever has passed. Start counting from the moment you stop giving antipyretics for fever (38°C or higher). But it's better to check children's institution their internal rules receiving children after illness.

There is no more common disease in the world than ARVI. They get it in every corner globe, people of different ages and social statuses are susceptible to infection. Viruses lead to a significant reduction in protection respiratory tract from other pathogens (bacteria, fungi, protozoa), so severe complications often occur after a viral infection.

ARVI is an abbreviation derived from the words acute respiratory viral infection. The concept of ARVI includes any disease that has the following symptoms:

  • causative agent - virus;
  • localization of the virus - upper respiratory tract (nose, nasopharynx, larynx, trachea);
  • acute course- from infection to complete cure no more than 7 days pass.

The main danger of ARVI is the development of severe complications. Most often they occur in children, pregnant women, elderly people and patients with chronic pathology ENT organs, bronchi and lungs.

The main complications of ARVI:

  • pneumonia;
  • adenoids;
  • candidal stomatitis.

ARVI symptoms

The disease develops acutely, that is, the symptoms of ARVI in adults appear suddenly. In some cases, 1-2 days before illness, a person experiences weakness, weakness, gets tired quickly, and has a sore throat. The height of ARVI begins with chills, sharp deterioration well-being and fever.

Based on the intensity of the fever, the severity of the disease is distinguished:

  • mild - temperature does not exceed 38 degrees C;
  • average - 38-39.5 degrees C;
  • severe - body temperature rises above 40 degrees C.

Fever during ARVI lasts a maximum of 5-7 days, since during this time the immune system completely removes the pathogen from the body.

If the temperature remains more than a week, this indicates the addition of bacterial complications.

Simultaneously with the fever or after a few days, catarrhal syndrome occurs - inflammation of the mucous membranes. It manifests itself:

  • nasal congestion;
  • mucous discharge from the nose;
  • pain and sore throat;
  • dry cough

A cough with sputum appears towards the end of the disease. It usually stands out in small quantity, slimy, light. A dry cough may persist for up to two months after past illness- this is a protracted ARVI. This period of time is required for the epithelium of the respiratory tract to recover from a severe infection.

Some viruses, for example, adenovirus, additionally infect the conjunctiva of the eye - conjunctivitis develops. It is usually bilateral, accompanied by mucous discharge, redness of the eyes, and a stinging and burning sensation.

Certain pathogens are able to penetrate the epithelium gastrointestinal tract(rotavirus or otherwise stomach flu). In this case, the person loses his appetite and is bothered by nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and copious watery stools.


There are no specialized drugs against respiratory viruses. How to treat influenza and ARVI in this case? Modern medicine is taking its first steps towards fighting viruses, and today it can offer:

  1. Interferon drugs are substances that produce immune cells human to destroy the virus. It is produced in the form of tablets, solutions, rectal suppositories for accelerated removal of the pathogen from the body. Artificial interferon is absorbed into the blood and helps the immune system cope with the disease. This group includes: Reaferon, Grippferon.
  2. Interferonogenesis inducers are drugs that enhance the production of interferon by human immune cells. They stimulate the work of B lymphocytes and increase the level of antiviral protection. These include: Anaferon, Kagocel, Ingavirin.

Additionally, medications are prescribed that alleviate the patient’s condition and block the main stages of the development of the disease:

  1. Antipyretics - they stop the synthesis of inflammatory substances, thereby reducing the temperature to normal values ​​and reducing painful sensations. Aspirin, Paracetamol and Ibuprofen have the most pronounced antipyretic effect. It is better to take ibuprofen, since taking Aspirin against the background of a viral infection can cause severe liver damage - Ray's syndrome.
  2. Local antiseptics - their use reduces the risk of bacterial infection. Hexoral, Yox, Sebidin are produced in the form of inhalations, and in the form of lozenges for resorption - Gramidin, Lizobakt, Falimint.
  3. Vitamin C ( ascorbic acid) - it strengthens vascular wall and increases the body's defenses. Many combination cold medicines contain vitamin C, but you can take it separately as well. daily dose 100-150 mg.
  4. Expectorants (mucolytics) - these should be used only when a cough occurs. Mucolytics thin out thick mucus, making it easier to remove and cleanse the bronchi. Adults can take mucaltin, ascoril, ambroxol tablets. For people with an increased gag reflex, it is better to take syrup - it is easier to swallow (licorice root syrup, Lazolvan, Gedelix). Drops with the same name and composition are produced, which can be added to a nebulizer and used for therapeutic inhalations.

To quickly remove toxins from the body, the patient needs to drink a large number of liquids. The drink should be warm, non-carbonated, preferably fortified. Fruit drinks made from cranberries, lingonberries, black currants, and dried fruit compote are ideal for treatment.

Difference between ARVI and influenza

Influenza is a viral infection that, by all criteria, is suitable for inclusion in the ARVI group. In fact, the flu is special case ARVI. Why, then, is it isolated separately from the group of respiratory viral diseases?

The influenza virus is one of the most studied, as it attracts the attention of scientists all over the planet. Every year, its outbreaks claim the lives of millions of people, and during the First World War, human losses from influenza exceeded losses from military operations.

The influenza virus is more aggressive than other infections from the ARVI group. It enters the blood and damages the vascular wall, reduces the blood’s ability to clot, and inhibits immune protection body. Deaths from influenza are mainly associated with hemorrhage in the lungs or brain and severe bacterial complications.

Thus, severe course, relatively high mortality and extreme infectiousness removed influenza from the ARVI group. Special anti-influenza drugs have been developed that prevent the virus from entering cells and have proven effectiveness.

Influenza is the only respiratory viral infection against which an active vaccine has been developed to date.

Every year, the composition of the vaccine is changed in accordance with the expected type of influenza virus according to WHO. Vaccination is indicated for all pregnant women, children, chronically ill people and people with immunodeficiencies (including HIV-infected people).

ARVI is a large group of viral infections that proceed in a similar way, and only influenza stands out significantly among them in its severity. People of all ages, nations and segments of the population suffer from ARVI.

Humanity is still no closer to discovering effective ways treatment and prevention of disease. Treatment of ARVI and influenza is mostly symptomatic and aimed at preventing the development of complications. The infection itself is acute and goes away completely within a week. To prescribe treatment, seek advice from an experienced therapist.

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The most common diseases in our country and throughout the world are the so-called colds. We always hear such abbreviations as ARVI, acute respiratory infections or mysterious flu. However, not everyone knows why doctors diagnose ARVI in one case and influenza in another, and how to distinguish influenza from ARVI.

Every year, more than 100 million people become ill with respiratory viral infections. Similar figures are confirmed world organization Health (WHO), which collects important statistics year after year. Almost every person on Earth is sooner or later exposed to a viral respiratory infection 1 .

To begin with, you should immediately understand the concepts. ARVI stands for acute respiratory viral infection. ARVI unites a whole group of viruses that affect the respiratory system (pneumotropic viruses). Influenza is just such a virus, that is, it is included in the concept of ARVI. Therefore, influenza can be called an acute respiratory viral infection, but not every acute respiratory viral infection is influenza.

Acute, viral and annoying ARVI

So what viruses have gathered under the banner of ARVI? Currently, more than 100 different viruses are known that can harm humans, and many are still poorly studied and undiscovered. Often viral disease, as a complication, provokes the spread of a bacterial infection. This is explained by the fact that the body spends all its immune resources to fight the virus, forgetting about dangerous bacteria 2 .

Among the known ARVI viruses:

  • Adenoviruses. Almost all organs are affected, from the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract to inflammation of the eyes or intestines. Significantly weaken the “local” immunity, which can lead to the development of a bacterial infection.
  • Rhinoviruses. A common type of virus, familiar to every person from the habitual runny nose, which provokes nasal congestion. Geographically, the virus is usually limited to the nasal mucosa.
  • Rotaviruses. An unpleasant type of virus that affects the stomach and intestines. The main symptoms are diarrhea and nausea. The virus can spread and invade the respiratory system, causing a severe runny nose and cough.
  • Respiratory syncytial viruses. The bronchi are attacked directly. The virus manifests itself in most cases as coughing and severe wheezing.
  • Orthomyxoviruses. Exactly at this group includes influenza, of which there are also many varieties. Influenza is often considered separately from acute respiratory viral infections, since the virus affects the entire body and produces possible severe consequences.

For a long time, medical scientists themselves could not figure out how influenza differs from acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections. Domestic doctors everywhere diagnosed acute respiratory infections at the first signs of a cold. At the moment, the abbreviation ARVI is increasingly heard, which is more logical. The concept of “acute respiratory disease” (ARI) is used if a virus cannot be identified as the causative agent of the infection. That is, the culprit of the disease is a bacterial infection. However, this happens extremely rarely; in most cases, it is viruses that provoke respiratory disease, and bacterial infection occurs as a consequence or complication 2.

Considering that each virus prefers its own landing zone in the body and infects various organs, then the symptoms of the disease also vary. But there is general symptoms respiratory diseases, which makes it clear about the development of ARVI 2:

  • Cough and sore throat. A constant symptom of most types of virus. Hundreds of varieties of coughs, different place development of infection - larynx, trachea and bronchi. Given the characteristics of the symptom, the doctor can suggest a specific virus.
  • Runny nose. Almost always colds respiratory infections accompanies a runny nose. Most often, the nasal mucosa is affected by rhinoviruses.
  • Heat. ARVI does not always cause an increase in temperature, but if this happens, then it is main feature that you need to see a doctor.
  • Weakness and headache. The so-called intoxication of the body, in which a person becomes weaker, has a headache, and decreases physical activity and your muscles may ache.

Flu is the worst variant of ARVI

As already mentioned, influenza is also an acute respiratory viral infection. It is divided into several genera - A, B and C. Diagnosing the flu itself can be difficult, and identifying a specific virus, without the use of special techniques, is beyond the power of any doctor. It will take a lot laboratory research and large-scale diagnostics.

Influenza infection occurs through standard scheme any respiratory viral infection - airborne or contact. Flu has a high degree of “contagiousness” - upon contact with an infected person, the chance of becoming infected will be approximately 50%. This is why influenza can cause epidemics and even pandemics 3 .

What is the difference between influenza and ARVI?

How to distinguish influenza from ARVI? Given the similar symptoms, it can be difficult to immediately identify the flu, but it is possible. The main difference between influenza and ARVI is the severity and strength of symptoms. Flu symptoms are always vivid; the disease develops quickly and, without proper control, quickly causes harm to the body. Signs of the disease can be detected within a day after infection.

Each person needs to independently learn to find the difference between influenza and ARVI and acute respiratory infections. If a person is watching following symptoms, then there is a high chance of contracting influenza 3:

  • Headache that started first thing
  • Severe weakness and body aches
  • Sharp and strong increase body temperature, not typical common cold(~40˚С)
  • Chills, sweating, pain and pain in the eyes
  • Redness and watery eyes
  • Complete absence appetite
  • Nausea, even vomiting
  • The usual symptoms, such as sore throat, cough and runny nose, do not appear on the first day, but progress much faster
  • Fear develops bright light
  • Absence or mild sneezing
  • High intoxication of the body
  • Development of complications
  • Long duration of the disease - from seven days

Viral respiratory diseases under lock and key - treatment and prevention

Treatment and prevention of any respiratory diseases must be comprehensive. The difference between influenza and ARVI in terms of treatment is not very clear. There is no miracle pill that will cure the disease. Also, “recipes from grandma” or fashionable antibiotics, which some doctors still prescribe left and right, will not help against viruses.

Auxiliary folk remedies may be beneficial, but only for general strengthening body. Antibiotics only fight bacterial infections, but are useless against viruses and can be harmful to the body 4 .

There are special antiviral drugs that are not always effective and must be prescribed strictly by a doctor. Among other drugs, one can recall antipyretics, which is sometimes necessary for influenza, especially in children. Medicines for sore throat and nasal drops.

The main task when fighting a viral infection is not to make the situation worse. We need to help the body fight; it itself is able to cope with the virus, including the flu.

How to do this you need to increase local and general immunity, main protective power body.

There are many methods for strengthening the immune system, among the publicly available are hardening, exercise stress, healthy food and diets. But during illness, hardening is contraindicated, and doctors prescribe bed rest. In this case, it is justified to use aids to help the immune system, for example IRS®19.

The immunostimulant IRS®19 helps relieve the symptoms of a viral or bacterial infection and significantly reduce the risk of developing a recurrent disease. This is achieved through the use of

During the off-season, most people experience ailments associated with hypothermia and the spread of various viral infections. According to statistics, from the beginning of the slushy autumn until the establishment of warm, sunny weather in the spring, influenza and ARVI account for about 95% of all diagnosed diseases.

A significant part of the population does not know how to distinguish a cold from a virus. A timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment can timely and significantly stabilize the patient’s condition, which will also prevent progress severe complications.

Almost always, colds and flu begin to attack the body when it is weakened. Immunity during this period is reduced, so bacteria and viruses easily penetrate the blood and quickly spread through all organs and systems.

Only newborns have strong immune protection received from their mother at birth. Later, when the lifestyle becomes less isolated, the child begins to attend kindergarten and school, and the immune system weakens. Some children are able to get sick several times during the season; those who are prone to acute respiratory diseases constantly wipe their nose with a handkerchief and cough all winter.

Viruses can penetrate into strong body. But in this case, the course of the disease is not so severe, more short-term, without complications. The risk group also includes people of retirement age.

ARVI and influenza primarily affect those who reduce the strength of their immunity bad habits, sleeps little, eats irrationally, dresses inappropriately for the weather, neglects precautions in case of epidemics.

Nervous stress at school and at work, hypothermia, plus someone sneezing in a crowded transport have very unpleasant consequences.

The most common diagnosis that a doctor makes during an examination is acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections or influenza. In terms of symptoms, they have a lot in common, which is why the sick person simply believes that he has a cold. Only a doctor knows how to distinguish a cold from the flu and accurately classify the disease.

He will determine what it will be like necessary treatment, will be able to monitor the functioning of the respiratory system and heart. Therefore, if you notice the first signs of illness, you should consult a specialist.

ARVI group

ARVI can be classified as whole list infectious diseases, which cause harm, first of all, to the respiratory organs:

  1. Flu. The influenza virus is also a representative of this group, one of the most common. It often occurs in a severe form and often causes complications.
  2. Parainfluenza. Affects the upper respiratory tract. The larynx is most often affected. Its symptoms are similar to the flu, which is why it is called that. Difference in severity of symptoms.
  3. Rhinovirus infection. It also penetrates the upper respiratory tract, causing sharp forms respiratory diseases. Contains RNA and multiplies in the nasopharynx. In children, it is sometimes accompanied by a feverish state; advanced cases often develop into otitis media, bronchitis, and sinusitis. Adults tolerate the disease much easier, sometimes even without fever.
  4. Adenovirus. Also harmful respiratory system. Contains DNA. Enters the blood through the respiratory or digestive system. The disease begins acutely, is accompanied by high fever, and after a few days it may develop adenoviral conjunctivitis. The virus negatively affects the gastrointestinal tract, provokes inflammatory processes in weakened organs, lymph nodes.
  5. Respiratory syncytial infection. It is most common in newborns and slightly older children. May occur in a weak form with dim severe symptoms, especially in adults. In children, it can provoke the development of pneumonia or bronchiolitis.

Infection with ARVI occurs from an already sick person, most often through airborne droplets. Infectious agents can be found on various surfaces in public places ah, common areas, on household items in the house, transmitted through food.

More than 200 types of different viruses have now been identified. By what characteristics they differ is very difficult for the majority of the population to understand. Influenza is a viral infection (ARVI), like many hundreds of others. But it goes on a separate line, because... The influenza virus can mutate and become the cause of an epidemic.

How dangerous is the flu?

When someone tries to delve deeper into the topic, many questions immediately arise: why is a clear diagnosis so necessary, what is the difference between influenza and a cold or ARVI from influenza?

Anyone can become infected with the flu. Healthy and strong body with timely and proper treatment will survive a virus attack relatively easily. Young and elderly patients suffer the most from such infections, because... their immune system is not yet strong or suppressed.

You can remember the period at the beginning of the 20th century when the so-called “Spanish flu” claimed the lives of almost a third of the world’s population. This influenza epidemic was as bad as the plague several centuries earlier.

ARVI and colds pass after a certain period of time without any special consequences. After suffering from the flu, a person continues to experience weakness and fatigue for a long time; pressure drops and loss of appetite may be observed. Immune system it will take longer to fully recover.

It is important to diagnose influenza on time. If the differences in symptoms are unclear, then a specialist can use smear examination to accurately determine whether the patient has the flu or a cold. The virus leads to severe forms of the disease and to severe complications subsequently, up to fatal outcome if treatment is ignored.

Characteristic manifestations of the disease:

  • a pronounced picture of intoxication: the patient has aching muscles and joints, severe weakness, severe headache and pain in the eyes, chills, nausea and vomiting are possible;
  • the temperature can be relatively low (up to 38°C), or it can rise sharply to 40°C and above;
    Children with high heat may experience febrile convulsions;
  • the most typical complaints for influenza are a sore throat, a constant hacking dry cough, slight soreness behind the sternum, headache (no runny nose);
  • then signs of bronchitis may develop: cough with clear discharge, and if a bacterial infection is attached - with thick yellowish or greenish sputum;
  • weakened patients may develop complications such as pneumonia or develop cardiopulmonary failure.

How to distinguish influenza from ARVI

In order to take timely measures to treat the disease and use the right medical supplies, you need to know the difference between influenza and ARVI. Incorrect treatment and failure to timely seek qualified help can lead to serious complications.

comparison table

Initial periodThe start is fast. Quick loss strength

Temperature rises

Symptoms appear gradually. The picture of the disease develops within a couple of days.
Temperature indicatorsThe temperature rises sharply, approaching 40°CAs a rule, does not exceed 38.5°C. In 2-3 the day goes by downward
The most characteristic symptomsSevere temporal pain, eye socket pain, bone aches, sweating, insomnia, chills, chest pain, photosensitivityThere is weakness and apathy. Severe pain, characteristic of influenza condition, no
Condition of the noseThere is no congestion. The only exception is for those who have chronic sinusitis, sinusitis. They may get worse. Possible sneezing and development of viral conjunctivitisSevere swelling and nasal congestion, copious secretions. The mucus is colorless. Repeated sneezing
Throat conditionInflammation and hyperemia are observed. Soft sky, as well as the posterior wall with swellingRedness and looseness are observed throughout the disease
Type of mucous membranesThere is no raid. It can form during exacerbation of chronic diseases.Sometimes there is a plaque
Inflammation of the lymph nodesNo inflammation observedSometimes they become inflamed
Changes in eye conditionRedness is commonIf there is a bacterial infection, redness may occur.
Presence or absence of cough
A dry cough occurs on the second day. With swine flu, it appears immediately
Dry and hacking cough. Worries from the very beginning, sometimes mild, sometimes strong
Work of the gastrointestinal tractIn children, the condition is more severe: nausea, vomiting, and often diarrhea. Adults also experience nausea and, less commonly, diarrhea.Nausea or vomiting is rare
Lasts from 14 days or more. Weakness and headaches may occur.All symptoms last for about a week. After treatment, the patient feels well, asthenic syndrome doesn't bother

If a child gets sick

From the table we can conclude what are the main differences between influenza and ARVI. However this general information, in each case, the analysis of the situation must be approached individually.

In children, the disease is often more severe. A complicated form of influenza develops due to the addition of a bacterial infection to the virus. Based on the set of symptoms in each patient, it is important to choose the right treatment.

How to distinguish influenza from ARVI in a child? A child definitely has the flu if:

  • with all the measures taken, no improvement is observed;
  • There is no way to bring down the high temperature; it lasts for several days;
  • improvement of the condition is again followed by deterioration;
  • there is pallor, thirst and shortness of breath, symptoms of intoxication, various kinds pain, cramps.

To avoid serious complications, parents should not fight the disease on their own; the influenza virus is dangerous for all organs and systems.

Even if there are no threatening symptoms, the child definitely needs a doctor!


When treating all types of respiratory diseases, similar methods are applicable. A cold or flu always requires drink plenty of fluids, applications various kinds inhalations, drops and sprays to relieve the condition of the respiratory tract. Antibiotics are prescribed only if there is confidence that it is not a cold or ARVI, but an infection of a bacterial nature.

Antibiotics will not have any effect on the influenza virus. Symptomatic treatment applies along with antiviral drugs and immunomodulators.

If the body temperature is kept within 38 °C, then you should not resort to medications at all. The body itself fights the disease; it only needs to create the appropriate conditions under which it will spend all its strength on fighting the disease. Sudden jump temperature serves as a signal that a person’s internal strength is not enough and he needs help.

Before taking any medications, seek medical advice

A doctor can more accurately distinguish a cold from an acute respiratory viral infection. Differences between treatment options will depend on the diagnosis.

There are basic treatment principles common to all types of acute respiratory infections:

  1. Drink plenty of warm liquids. The body loses moisture, which threatens dehydration. Compotes and fruit drinks are suitable; decoctions of dried fruits; herbal infusions; fresh juices; ready-made solutions intended for oral rehydration from the pharmacy.
  2. Warm nasal rinsing saline solutions. This will put a barrier to the runny nose and make breathing easier. Gargling with herbal decoctions and soda solution.
  3. Warm clothes.
  4. Frequent ventilation and humidification of the air in the room. It's better if it's cool than hot.
  5. The food is light and liquid. Violence in this issue unacceptable! Vegetables and fruits should be on the patient’s table every day.
  6. Strict bed rest. The disease suffered “on your feet” is difficult and often leads to complications. In addition, the patient is contagious to others and contributes to the spread of infection exponentially.


If you know how to distinguish the flu from a cold, then surviving the difficult times of the epidemic is much easier. It is important not to miss the onset of the disease; the first actions after its detection are very important. By paying some attention to prevention, you may not have to fight the disease itself at all.

Basic rules for flu prevention:

  1. Try not to be in crowded places. Avoid visiting cinemas and clinics; instead of taking a trolleybus, walk to your place of work.
  2. After visiting a store, transport, or other public places, be sure to wash your hands and rinse your nose weak solution salt. At work or at school, it’s good to have a supply of antibacterial wipes.
  3. Periodically disinfect all personal items. Necessary Special attention devote to your mobile phone.
  4. Before leaving home, use prophylactic ointments for the nasal cavity. Using a gauze bandage makes sense only if it is fresh each time, otherwise it itself can become a source of infection. In open space it is not needed at all.
  5. Do it more often wet cleaning premises, you can add vinegar or laundry soap. Ventilate the room more often during the day, and always before going to bed.
  6. At the first signs of infection, stay home and begin treatment as soon as possible. Contact your doctor.

For your information:

  • the influenza virus can survive in the air for up to 9 hours;
  • remains on the glass surface for up to 10 days;
  • lives on fabrics for about 9 hours;
  • on paper – up to 12 hours;
  • mucous secretions keep it alive for a week to two.

Having this information and knowing the differences between a cold and ARVI, it is much easier to choose correct methods prevention and treatment, avoiding complications.

staging accurate diagnosis, as well as determining the treatment regimen is best left to a specialist.