Don't lay the tablecloth on the table. Tables with white tablecloths. What do dreams mean? Tablecloth

The tablecloth is a symbol of feasting, prosperity and harmony in the house. One of the most popular fairy-tale items is a self-assembled tablecloth, which can feed any number of people.

If you dream of a white, clean tablecloth, this means that a happy marriage and material well-being await you.

Seeing a dirty or torn tablecloth in a dream means quarrels, troubles, and poverty.

If in a dream you spill something on the tablecloth, it means that in reality you will become the cause of discord.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

What do dreams mean? Tablecloth

You see a clean white tablecloth in a dream - you will soon meet true love, which not everyone is given the chance to meet; you are lucky; from scratch you will discover a whole world.

You dream of a dirty tablecloth - the person you love is not worthy of your love: in the morning he is a hypocrite, and in the evening he is a hypocrite; His bad detracts from your good - he influences you more than you influence him.

In a dream you see a tablecloth drenched in red wine - in real life you will indulge in insane passion.

The girl dreams that she is covering the table with a tablecloth - the person this girl is about to meet will become the focus of her destiny.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Catherine the Great

Dream about the Tablecloth

A clean tablecloth covering the table symbolizes upcoming expenses that clearly exceed your capabilities.

Dirty, wrinkled - to a scandal in the family.

Colorful, elegant - for the arrival of long-awaited guests.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Book

What does a tablecloth mean in a dream?

If you dreamed of a tablecloth that was too large for your table, then you will face expenses beyond your means.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

The meaning of dreams Tablecloth

Laying a clean, whole tablecloth on the table means prosperity and longevity await you. If the tablecloth has holes and stains, fulfillment of desires is now impossible.

Imagine that on a new snow-white tablecloth there are plates with your favorite dishes, vases with flowers and fruits.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

What does it mean to see a Tablecloth in a dream?

The tablecloth is a symbol of hospitality, feasts, feasting and celebration. But it also indicates harmony in the house. If you dream of a clean, white tablecloth, it means everything is fine, you can relax and celebrate something together. Seeing a dirty tablecloth in a dream means quarrels and troubles. If in a dream you spill something on the tablecloth, it means that in reality you will become the cause of discord.

Interpretation of dreams from the Russian dream book

Interpretation of sleep Tablecloth

To see a tablecloth stained with red wine or blood in a dream from Friday to Saturday is a sign of tragic events.

If from Monday to Tuesday or from Saturday to Sunday you dreamed that you were setting the dinner table with a tablecloth, this means that you will act as a peacemaker for your relatives.

If in a dream you saw a torn tablecloth, it means that in the near future both you and your entire family will have to tighten their belts, but if you had such a dream from Sunday to Monday, this is a sign that distant relatives will come to you.

By the way, the tablecloth has always been considered a symbol of hospitality. Suffice it to recall the fairy tales about the self-assembled tablecloth, which itself will give you something to drink and feed. It was the tablecloth that at all times distinguished everyday table settings and tables set especially for guests.

Interpretation of dreams from

According to most dream books, a tablecloth appears in night dreams on the eve of a festive feast. The celebration can take place either in your home or in the family of relatives or friends.

A dream with a tablecloth will help to interpret specific details of the plot in more detail.

What does the appearance tell?

  • Snow-white “clothes” for the tabletop, seen in dreams at night, promise prosperity in your personal life. For single people, it promises a meeting with their soul mate, for lovers - peace and harmony in a couple, and for spouses - complete harmony in relationships.
  • Have you seen a red tablecloth covering the table in the land of Morpheus? In real life, you have to go through a whole storm of love passions.
  • The green cover that appears in a dream indicates the favor of fortune and self-confidence. In reality, boldly take on the riskiest business, and the win will not be long in coming.
  • A gloomy black tablecloth that suddenly appears in the realm of dreams hints at the need to take better care of your health. Perhaps in real life it’s high time for you to go on a diet, exercise and give up some bad habits.
  • White self-assembly, covered with scarlet wine blots, warns against participation in reckless enterprises and dangerous undertakings. The interpretation says that there is a high probability of a sad end to any bold experiment.
  • A cloth dotted with stains from various delicacies that appeared to you in a dream symbolizes an excessive addiction to pleasures. When throwing yourself into the abyss of pleasures, it is worth remembering that some of them may leave indelible marks on your reputation.
  • A completely new attribute for the dining table, which you saw in your night dreams, indicates the dreamer’s hospitable character and hints at an imminent feast.
  • Did you dream about an old and dirty tablecloth? Such a dream means that the person to whom you gave your heart is unworthy of love. After all, his response is built on self-interest and hypocrisy.
  • It is worth paying attention to the material of the dreamed product. A silk cover for the tabletop foreshadows an exquisite romantic rendezvous. Its synthetic counterpart warns of the likelihood of deception and betrayal, cooling of relationships with a loved one. A starched tablecloth promises family well-being and prosperity.

The meaning of sleep depending on the personality of the dreamer

  • For lovers, an unpleasant sign will be a dream with a self-assembly spoiled by some defect such as a burnt hole or a torn edge. It signifies ambiguous and sometimes disastrous relationships.
  • If a young girl dreams of how she covers the table with a snow-white tablecloth, then soon in real life the long-awaited betrothed will appear on the horizon.
  • For a lonely man, a dream with a covered table hints that he should think carefully before throwing in his lot with the lady he has chosen.
  • If a married representative of the stronger sex washes a tablecloth in a dream, in reality he will have to spend a lot of effort and time on a completely futile occupation.
  • The same dream for a married lady means a subconscious desire to avoid outside influence on her views and actions.

What do the actions with the tablecloth mean?

  • Did you dream about how you cover a tabletop with self-assembly? In real life, get ready to play the role of peacemaker in a conflict between family or friends.
  • Was the cloth accidentally torn in the land of Morpheus? In reality, you will have to find out what austerity of family finances is.
  • In your night dreams, did you spill wine on a snow-white tablecloth? Such a dream warns that in reality any idea that seems fun at first glance will probably end badly.
  • A dream in which you stained your table “clothes” with some greasy product symbolizes significant material losses.
  • Have you seen in a dream how you buy a tablecloth in a beautiful package? Reality will delight you with a pleasant surprise or a valuable gift.
  • A fairy-tale dream in which you saw how a self-assembled tablecloth “works” symbolizes an easy path to your cherished goal. There is a high probability that solving the problem will become much easier due to technological progress.
  • If you dreamed about sewing a tabletop cover with your own hands, in reality you will be able to realize your wildest creative plans.

Interpretations of author's dream books

  • Family dream book assures that you dream of a tablecloth with blood stains if you have to experience some tragic events in reality.
  • Seasonal dream book suggests that when interpreting a dream with a tablecloth, the time of year plays an important role. A spring dream promises a trip to visit, a summer dream promises family harmony, and an autumn dream warns of illness.
  • Azar's Dream Book reports that the one who wrapped cutlery in a tablecloth in a dream, in real life makes a lot of efforts to hide his real plans.
  • Dream Book of the Wanderer considers the appearance of the self-assembly as a reflection of the state of the dreamer’s real affairs. A clean and smooth cloth promises peace and tranquility both in the family and at work, but a dirty and wrinkled one promises problems of a personal or professional nature.
  • Ancient Persian dream book interprets a dream with a tablecloth in the “main role” as a sign that wealth and longevity await you in the present.
  • Dream Interpretation of Dashka indicates that dirty or old “clothes” for the table are dreamed of on the eve of squabbles and discord. If in a dream you yourself stained the fabric, you will become an unwitting initiator of a serious conflict.

A table covered with a tablecloth has always been considered a symbol of wealth and prosperity. Since ancient times, a beautiful tablecloth was taken out of the closet only on holidays in order to give a special solemn atmosphere to the meal. What does it mean if you saw a tablecloth in a dream? What changes does this dream foretell? We have collected only the most truthful dream books that will help you reliably interpret your dream.

Miller's Dream Book

  • A torn tablecloth in a dream is considered a bad sign and promises disagreements associated with a lack of money.
  • Seeing a table set with a white tablecloth in a dream means pleasant acquaintances.
  • A hopelessly damaged tablecloth means you will need to push your interests into the background of your loved ones.
  • Eating at a table without a tablecloth means achieving an independent position.
  • A dream in which a new tablecloth promises the appearance of new love in life.

Modern dream book

  • This dream book interprets a dream in which there is a white tablecloth as a sign of the meeting of long-awaited love.
  • Seeing an unclean tablecloth means the person you love is unworthy of you.
  • Crazy passion in life awaits someone who sees a white tablecloth in a dream with red wine stains.
  • For a girl to see in a dream, or set a table with a white tablecloth, she will meet her destiny.
  • They gave a tablecloth in a dream; in reality there is or will soon be great love. (cm. )

Ukrainian dream book

The Ukrainian dream book interprets the dream of a tablecloth as referring to the road.

Autumn dream book

Dreaming of a tablecloth means visiting the hospital.

Summer dream book

Seeing a tablecloth in a dream book foretells harmony in communication with loved ones.

Maly Velesov dream book

Interprets a tablecloth in a dream - to the road.

Russian folk dream book

Dream book of the writer Aesop

  • Dream Interpretation: laying a tablecloth in a dream - without stains - wealth and well-being in family life.
  • Dream interpretation: dirty spots on the tablecloth mean trouble.

Wanderer's Dream Book

The interpretation of the dream “tablecloth” comes down to the following: the type of tablecloth itself is interpreted literally, what the state of the tablecloth is, and how things are both in the personal and professional spheres.

Russian dream book

You should expect guests if you dream of “a table covered with a white tablecloth.”

Akulina's dream book

The dream “tablecloth on the table” promises many years of life.

Large universal dream book

To see a tablecloth in a dream, which is much larger in size than the table, indicates large expenses.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Jewish dream book

  • Washing a tablecloth in a dream foretells for a woman an attempt to free herself from outside influence, for a man - doing useless things.
  • Cutlery that is wrapped in a tablecloth in a dream is an attempt to hide real intentions.

Culinary dream book

According to the culinary dream book, a tablecloth whose dimensions are much larger than the size of the table means you need to be prepared to spend much more than your income.

Small dream book

Tablecloth in a dream - the road lies ahead.

Dream Interpretation Master of Dreams

The condition of the tablecloth reflects the actual state of affairs.

Newest dream book

I dreamed of a tablecloth - for food and drink.

Ancient dream book

If in a dream you saw that a white tablecloth was on the table, this promises a successful marriage and the absence of material problems, while a dirty one means quarrels.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

If you see a dream in which there is a red tablecloth, it promises you a journey that will not be without some risk.

Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

The Dream Book of the House of the Sun interprets a dream in which you dream of a table with a golden tablecloth as getting what you want, achieving a goal. The tablecloth can symbolize the person who will bring celebration into your life. (cm. )

Dream book for a bitch

  • A dream in which you intend to buy a tablecloth and/or lay a tablecloth on the table in a dream means prosperity and the absence of financial problems.
  • An oilcloth tablecloth symbolizes cool relationships with others and predicts betrayal on the part of a person who is close to you.

General dream book

  • The general dream book interprets: the dream of “buying a tablecloth with dirty stains” or the dream of “buying a dirty tablecloth” threatens disobedience from third parties.
  • If you dreamed of eating at a table without a tablecloth, you are an independent person.
  • Embroidering a tablecloth in a dream means for a girl that it is within her power to create and maintain coziness in the house.
  • The general dream book says that the dreamed tablecloth is new - real or upcoming love.

Islamic dream book

If in a dream the tables are covered with white tablecloths, then this can be interpreted as Allah’s mercy, an answer to prayers.

200,000 dream interpretations

A dream in which you are going to give a tablecloth and a scarf to your lover, and your lover likes the gift - you need to expect good news from him, if on the contrary, then in the near future newly discovered facts will surprise you.

Dream Interpretation of Morozova

Morozova's dream book interprets a tablecloth on the table, if it is clean, to expenses in the near future, if dirty - to quarrels in the family, colored - to guests whom you have been waiting for a long time.

Dream interpretation giant

Seeing a tablecloth in any condition in a dream is a reflection of the actual state of affairs.

Universal dream book

If you dreamed of a tablecloth larger than the size of the table, you will face expenses several times higher than your income.

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

The ancient Persian dream book Taflisi answers the question: “why do you dream of a tablecloth on the table”? A table with a tablecloth and treats on it means you will receive a livelihood in life that will be enough for you.

Ivanov’s newest dream book

Why do you dream of a tablecloth according to Ivanov’s newest dream book? This dream book interprets a tablecloth in a dream as a sign of a cheerful feast.

Dream Interpretation of Dashka

A white tablecloth on the table reflects a good state of affairs, a tablecloth with stains portends unpleasant events, spilling something on the tablecloth can cause quarrels.

Esoteric dream book

Covering the table with a tablecloth means hiding a good financial situation.

Dream book alphabetically

But why dream of setting the table with a tablecloth from the dream book according to the alphabet. Preparing to receive guests - large purchases and big expenses. If there is a lot of food and drink on the table - a fun and carefree time spent.

Dream book for women

Laying a tablecloth on the table means welcoming guests. Spilled liquid on the table portends dubious luck.

Love dream book

The love dream book says why you dream of a table covered with a white tablecloth and beautifully served - a life full of pleasures.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

He says that laying a tablecloth on the table indicates the acquisition of property.

Big dream book

If you are going to set a table for guests with a white tablecloth, then this dream foreshadows a feast.

Super Dream Book

A red tablecloth speaks of changes in life, and the scale of changes depends on the size of the tablecloth; the red color will symbolize passion and sexuality or, on the contrary, confrontation and aggression.

Tsvetkova's Dream Interpretation

A tablecloth in a dream means that you will soon welcome many guests; buy a tablecloth and lay it on the table - it will be a joyful occasion for the meeting.

Dream book of psychologist Sigmund Freud

Freud's dream book says that a tablecloth in a dream symbolizes that in reality you are “eating away” your sexual dissatisfaction.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

According to Hasse's dream book, a tablecloth in a dream foreshadows serious grief over trifles.

Dream book of magic

Why do you dream of a white tablecloth according to the dream book of magic? Towards profitable agreements.

Eastern dream book

Why do you dream of an empty table covered with a tablecloth according to the eastern dream book? The Eastern dream book says that such a dream foreshadows an imminent funeral.

French dream book

Why do you dream of a white tablecloth on the table according to the French dream book? If the table is empty, it promises disagreement; a richly laid table means prosperity.


Almost all dream books interpret a clean, beautiful tablecloth as a positive sign that predicts profitable agreements, the acquisition of property, and a cheerful feast. It is important to remember the details of the dream, because they also play an important role. So, for example, setting the table with a golden tablecloth is a harbinger of the fulfillment of plans and the implementation of all plans. Try to remember only good dreams and believe that they will come true. And then this will happen. Good dreams to you!

Collection of dream books

Why do you dream of a Tablecloth in a dream according to 18 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Tablecloth” symbol from 18 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

Culinary dream book

Tablecloth too big for the table- the need to make an expense that goes far beyond your means.

Maly Velesov dream book

Muslim dream book

See a tablecloth covered with food- to obtain means of life and longevity.

Newest dream book

In a dream, what does the Tablecloth mean?

Tablecloth - for delicious food and drinks.

Russian dream book

Russian folk dream book

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Tablecloth - for a family idyll.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Tablecloth according to the dream book?

The tablecloth is clean, smooth, wrinkled or dirty- the state of affairs literally in the family, at work.

Dream Interpretation Tarot

The tablecloth is an unexpected salvation.

Aesop's Dream Book

The tablecloth is a symbol of feasting, prosperity and harmony in the house. One of the most popular fairy-tale items is a self-assembled tablecloth, which can feed any number of people.

If you dream of a white, clean tablecloth- this means that a happy marriage and material well-being await you.

Seeing a dirty or torn tablecloth in a dream- to quarrels, troubles, poverty.

If in a dream you spill something on the tablecloth- this means that in reality you will become the cause of discord.

Ukrainian dream book

How to dream about a tablecloth- this is the road.

Online dream book

Meaning of the dream: Tablecloth according to the dream book?

A new tablecloth is a sign that you will soon enter into a new relationship.

More interpretations

If she was dirty- then you may be charmed by someone who decides to manipulate you.

According to the dream book, a starched, white tablecloth- portends you real family happiness, where high feelings will be complemented by financial stability and prosperity.

Video: Why do you dream of a Tablecloth?

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Did you dream about a Tablecloth, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of a Tablecloth in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    Good evening, I had a dream today: “I see myself as if I’m talking to my friend and she’s preparing some kind of document for me, and I know that I need to go somewhere, but she hasn’t prepared it yet, then she hands it to me and she’s going to rush to see me off, she and her husband are driving in cars, and I’m driving with mine in different cars, it’s like there’s some kind of holiday on the street and there are a lot of cars and people, we get somewhere and she very happily sees me off We kiss and she’s really waiting for me to come back, then my husband tells me that it’s enough to kiss strangers and I need to say goodbye to my family, and I kiss him too and I know that I’m not going alone, a woman I don’t know well and someone else is going with me. , and in this dream I also saw a tablecloth, I really liked it, small but beautiful.”
    If possible, tell me the meaning of my dream

    Good afternoon I dreamed that I went into a restaurant and watched how they were setting a table, laying out a green tablecloth, laying out food and my ex-husband sitting and waiting for the table to be set. There were slices and fruits on the table. Everything was clean.

    I’m kind of waiting for guests, like a new mother-in-law, and to set the table I went to another house for a tablecloth, but it’s also mine, I looked for it for a long time, found it, walked back up the hill and was surprised that it was dark green.

    Hello! I came to the store to look for a coat, I looked for it for a long time, I was in a hurry, but I met a woman who showed the way to the store, I finally found it, but there was no coat in the store and the saleswoman offered me to buy a very beautiful gold tablecloth, I agreed almost immediately , but then it turned out that I also bought two tablecloths and a shiny shimmering red one….

    i dreamed that I was helping a stranger look for something on a table covered with a large number of tablecloths, I pulled all of them from the table and found nothing, and then we tried to put them back as it was, but nothing worked for us and there was a feeling of fear as if we were afraid that someone will see us

    I dream of my living grandmother, telling me how to embroider a tablecloth. I embroidered the tablecloth completely and tied the knots at the end. My grandmother praised me and said goodbye, said that everything would be fine, The tablecloth can be called a bedspread, very rich colors: red, black, white, brown, yellow

    Sale of used items, but I found a box from under the chest of drawers with lace curtains and a white tablecloth, I unwrapped the rectangular and very beautiful embroidery or tulle around the edges and I put it in my bag. First the tablecloth and then I decided to take this whole box, then I remembered that my beloved aunt was so I put tulle and tablecloths in the chest of drawers (she died 6 years ago) and I thought, well, I’ll put a tablecloth on the table, I’ll also put out beautiful napkins and I realized that I was left alone and I have no relatives, and there’s no family anymore and I’m alone (by in my life I have a family and 2 sons, and they don’t clean up after themselves) and I think: “who needs this, this beauty, just wipe off the dust, because time has stopped for me and I’m crying” I wake up and I’m actually crying

    just a scarlet tablecloth a little in the distance, as if in the background. In general, the whole dream is in coral color. A conversation with my mother, a decision to visit her sister in another city. Somehow the road and the tablecloth are intertwined. We are a hospitable family. Both women are very significant to me. Living now


    I came to the store and the seller showed me a new tablecloth. But I didn’t buy it. When I was leaving, I saw a package with a tablecloth unattended and took it. Then she left the store. Realizing that she stole. The tablecloth was plain with some kind of embroidered inscription, I don’t remember the color. On the way, looking around, fearing pursuit. I left in my city, there were people around, it was day. I met my husband and then we walked together. Used public transport. It seemed that a saleswoman flashed among the people and noticed me. I gave the package to my husband and they separated. All the time I felt anxious and afraid of bumping into the seller. I arrived closer to home, but my husband was not there. The feeling that I was being tracked did not leave me. The seller is a woman in a bright jacket. Her jacket kept flashing somewhere behind, it seems blue

    My boyfriend is sitting and knitting a white lace tablecloth. My mother came into the room, said something to him, and he disappeared somewhere, leaving the tablecloth unknitted. It turned out that there were two equally untied tablecloths. Mother hid the tablecloths somewhere, and after that my mother and I started quarreling, I started shouting for her to give the tablecloths back, because they needed to be tied up. She gave them back and I woke up.

    I had a dream today that my mother was handing out beautiful gilded spoons on a white tablecloth to everyone, me, my brother and my son, and we were sitting at a festive white tablecloth at the table, and I was surprised, I told my mom, mom, I lost these spoons, and she answered me - No, they were all found and they are brand new. Mom says, everyone will get spoons, don’t worry.

    I saw how my man’s mother was setting a long table with a white tablecloth and the whole house was in fresh flowers. And this man was walking around wearing a white shirt and wanted that when I walked into this finished room, that I would approach my mother to meet her

    Hello, tell me what the dream is about. I went up to some building with a friend, she brought me a folder with documents, and Soma got to the reception and I went along the corridor to sit on the benches, I saw an old man sitting there and his grandson, I brought them to them, but so far he has won me over the old grandson took the folder, I saw it was crumbling and there were envelopes in the belts, I began to swear with him and at this time the grandson was drawing on the envelopes with green pens, I understand that I took these envelopes to my friend if I tried to erase them, put them in order, at that moment the old man spat in I stood up and spat at him too, but he unexpectedly kicked me in our area where it hurt me, he got up and left, and I was left with his grandson sitting on the bench and worrying about other people’s envelopes, supposedly an invitation to a tired event, then I immediately see another a dream about how I was sitting at a long oval table covered with a light pink tablecloth, a new one, and my head was lying on this table and I woke up and saw that my friend was at the other end of the table, sitting as if somehow waiting, I got up, moved closer to her, translated to talk about something at first she was a little sad, why all this?

To see a tablecloth stained with red wine or blood in a dream from Friday to Saturday is a sign of tragic events.

If from Monday to Tuesday or from Saturday to Sunday you dreamed that you were setting the dinner table with a tablecloth, this means that you will act as a peacemaker for your relatives.

If in a dream you saw a torn tablecloth, it means that in the near future both you and your entire family will have to tighten their belts, but if you had such a dream from Sunday to Monday, this is a sign that distant relatives will come to you.

By the way, the tablecloth has always been considered a symbol of hospitality. Suffice it to recall the fairy tales about the self-assembled tablecloth, which itself will give you something to drink and feed. It was the tablecloth that at all times distinguished everyday table settings and tables set especially for guests.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book for women

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Dream Interpretation - Red

The color red in a dream means that you will be honored by being invited to a large and elegant celebration.

A rich, bright red color, called purple, means that your lofty plans will not come true.

Red color of moderate, calm or pale tones portends happiness in love.

Red paints are a sign of good luck and fortune, red pencils are a sign of spending money and purchasing real estate.

Seeing a blood-red moon in a dream is a harbinger of family discord and quarrels with a loved one.

The color red in a letter foretells separation due to suspicion and jealousy, but your reasonable behavior can save the situation.

Seeing red-hot iron in a dream means that you are dearly loved in your own family and appreciated by your friends for your cheerful and cheerful character.

Dealing with red pepper in a dream is a harbinger that fate will send you a thrifty and economic companion in your married life.

Red caviar in your dream is a sign of future misfortunes and sorrows.

Buying, picking and eating red grapes in a dream means that in reality you will receive reproaches from your family and reprimands from your superiors.

Drinking red wine - such a dream speaks of a fun walk coming soon. Making jam and compotes from red berries is a sign of health.

Interpretation of dreams from