How to distinguish spelled from wheat. Useful properties of spelled, preparation and reviews. Useful properties of spelled grains

Spelled is the ancestor of other cereal crops, the semi-wild parent of modern wheat. She kept her firstborn unique properties, because it is not prone to interbreeding with other species.

Currently this grain crop goes by many names, such as einkorn, spelled, emmer, kamut and others. The ears have a reddish-red hue. The taste of the cereal has pleasant sweetish-nutty notes.

It is stable to various contaminants and radioactive radiation, which cannot be said about the more common types of wheat.

Spelled is considered an environmentally friendly product because it does not tolerate the presence of chemical compounds And mineral fertilizers. Therefore, it does not contain harmful nitrates and carcinogens.

Because of its unique beneficial properties, spelled is called the “black caviar of cereals,” or “a gift from the ancestors.”

Spelled contains: wide range components. In terms of the presence of vitamins and microelements, spelled is ahead of modern wheat.

You can select high content vegetable protein – up to 37%, a number of vitamins B, PP and E, 18 amino acids, microelements (iron, phosphorus, copper, potassium, calcium, etc.). All these compounds are contained not only in the core of each grain, but also in its shell.

Indications for use

This variety cereal crop people are advised to use:

  • with weakened immunity;
  • those prone to excess weight and obese patients;
  • elderly;
  • suffering from frequent, including acute, respiratory diseases;
  • c diabetes mellitus;
  • with constant mental and physical activity and chronic overwork, fatigue;
  • in case of violation normal operation intestines;
  • with high blood pressure;
  • during pregnancy.

What's the use

Thanks to the wide variety necessary for a person components, consumption of spelled dishes contributes to:

  • normalization of intestinal function;
  • stabilization of psychological balance;
  • restoration of energy losses during physical and emotional stress;
  • getting rid of anemia;
  • prevention oncological diseases;
  • normalization of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems;
  • increasing the elasticity of the skin;
  • stabilization blood pressure;
  • restoration reproductive function in men and women;
  • reducing the development of atherosclerosis by lowering cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • minimizing the risks of developing infectious diseases;
  • improving the general condition of the body, preventing stress, depression, chronic malaise;
  • lowering blood sugar levels;
  • increasing concentration, visual acuity, improving memory;
  • removal of toxins from the body.

Spelled dishes do not provoke the occurrence and development of celiac disease - an allergy to gluten, which is part of other cereal crops (barley, oats, wheat, rye).

In dietetics

Diets based on spelled dishes have worked well. Thanks to the slow absorption of carbohydrates, the feeling of satiety remains for a long time, and the presence of B vitamins in the composition promotes the correct and regular absorption of fats, which is especially important in the fight against overweight. At the same time, work gets better digestive tract, toxins are removed from the body, cholesterol levels are reduced.

In cosmetology

With regular consumption of einkorn products, complexion improves, nails become stronger, and hair structure is restored.

Spelled flour is added to various ointments and cream, getting excellent tools for facial skin and hair care. To cleanse the skin and rejuvenate it, use crushed cereal without additives or impurities - this is a good and, most importantly, natural scrub.

Culinary certificate

Currently, spelled dishes are gaining popularity. Nutritionists played an important role in this, declaring the incomparable benefits of cereals.

Various soups and cereals, creams and sauces are prepared from it, and added to side dishes for meat and fish. Since spelled has wonderful taste, it is also used for making desserts, included in salads, and used instead of rice when preparing pilaf and cabbage rolls. Vegetables are stuffed and stewed with spelled and used together with other grains.

The grains produce high-quality flour, which, unfortunately, is rarely used in bread baking - the finished bread turns out to be tough and quickly becomes stale.

The most popular among spelled dishes is porridge. It is traditionally prepared with water or milk. This porridge plays an important role in the children's diet. For kids, various fruits, berries and nuts are added to the recipe.

How to choose

In the store you can find products with different names- spelled, emmer, kamut, emmer, spelt - but it should be remembered that these are the same grain. The cereal should be golden in color, clean, without scales. When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the expiration date, production date and sealing of the packaging.

When choosing, coarse grains have the advantage. Don't stop choosing products instant cooking– such spelled has already passed the stage heat treatment and lost some of its useful qualities. In addition, these cereals often contain various nutritional supplements, including synthetic vitamins, flavorings and taste enhancers.

Subtleties of storage

Cereals used to be put into bags and stored in dry, dark rooms. Today it is recommended to place it in the refrigerator in an airtight container. The maximum storage period is a little more than six months. Next, spelled gradually begins to lose its beneficial properties and excellent taste.


Traditional porridge on water


  • 2 cups of cereal;
  • 1 liter of water (or 4 glasses);
  • butter;
  • salt and sugar to taste.
  1. The cereal should be washed under running water in a large, deep bowl. This must be done until the water becomes clear. Drain the water.
  2. Pour into the cooking container required amount fresh liquid. When it boils, gradually add the washed cereal. Cook over medium heat for about 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  3. At the end of cooking, add salt and sugar to taste.

The porridge should be consumed warm, adding a piece before serving. butter on a plate. The porridge turns out rich, with a wonderful creamy and nutty taste.

Porridge with fruits for a slow cooker


  • half a kilo of spelled cereal;
  • 1/2 l milk;
  • a small amount of berries and fruits;
  • vanilla sugar.
  1. Pour into the multicooker container warm milk and add the cereal.
  2. Set the “Porridge” mode for half an hour.
  3. Season the finished dish with vanilla sugar.
  4. Place in a heap on a plate and form a well in the center.
  5. Using a blender, blend fruits and berries until smooth. Place the resulting mass into the previously formed depression.

The treat is ready!

Side dish for meat dishes in a slow cooker


  • half a kilo of spelled cereal;
  • a glass of walnuts;
  • half a kilo of mushrooms (preferably champignons);
  • 1.5 liters of light beef broth;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • butter;
  • salt and pepper as desired.
  1. Cut carrots, mushrooms and onions into small strips. Finely break the nuts.
  2. Grease the multicooker container with oil.
  3. Place on the bottom, observing the order: onions, carrots, champignons, nuts. Add salt and pepper.
  4. Set the “Frying” mode for ten minutes.
  5. 5. Pour meat broth, add cereal.
  6. 6. Switch to “Quenching” for half an hour.

The side dish is ready!

Before preparing dishes from spelled cereal, it is recommended to pre-soak it in water or milk. This is necessary so that during cooking it does not stick together and is crumbly.

Spelled deserves all sorts of praise for its useful qualities, unique composition and unusual taste. It is recommended to everyone who adheres to the principles healthy eating in everyday life.

In matters of diet, proper nutrition, vegetarianism, weight loss, there is a tendency to use natural products, which were popular many years ago. They kept theirs positive properties, but undeservedly forgotten. What are these plants and how can they be used?

What is spelled

There are several varieties of the plant: einkorn, einkorn, Urartu wheat, spelled (the second popular name). Spelled is a whole grain crop of the cereal family. In fact, the difference lies only in the structure of the ear and grain, but in composition they are identical. Film grain retains chemical and mineral composition even in ground form. The plant does not cross, so it does not lose its individual characteristics for many years. Spelled is resistant to radiation contamination and chemical exposure.

Calorie content of spelled

Spelled cereal for weight loss as a main product is recommended by many nutritionists, as well as by those who are forced to adhere to a strict diet. medical indications. The calorie content of spelled is only 337 kcal per 100 grams of dry product ( average for grains), and if cooked - 127 kcal per 100 grams. This indicator can be compared with buckwheat porridge. Spelled is absorbed almost completely and does not provoke weight gain. excess weight.

Does spelled contain gluten?

Spelled – the benefits and harms of this product have been clearly determined by experts. The problem of celiac disease in some people prevents them from eating most grains and grains due to their gluten content. Spelled, unlike wheat, turned out to be a kind of salvation for such people. Instead of cereals and ordinary bread, spelled is introduced into the diet: it contains both gluten and microelements in balanced amounts. In addition, the volume of vegetable protein in it reaches 35%. It is also worth noting the high content of such substances:

  • microelements;
  • amino acids;
  • vitamins of group B, PP, E;
  • gland;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • magnesium

The benefits of spelled

Eating spelled dishes helps normalize the functioning of the entire body, stabilizes overall tone, helps balance metabolism, and prevents a whole range of diseases. Beneficial features Spelled is recommended by doctors for most people with health problems, as well as for completely healthy people. How is spelled useful? Here are just some of its advantages:

  • normalization of intestinal function;
  • restoration of tone under increased physical and emotional stress;
  • prevention of anemia;
  • prevention of cancer;
  • normalization of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems;
  • improvement of skin condition;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • lowering cholesterol levels, which prevents the development of atherosclerosis;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • decreased blood sugar levels;
  • preventing the development of osteoporosis;
  • removal of toxins from the body.
  • To old people;
  • suffering from diabetes mellitus;
  • patients with weakened immune systems;
  • prone to obesity and excess weight;
  • with digestive disorders;
  • pregnant women;
  • suffering from high blood pressure.

Spelled harm

There are no ideal products that would suit absolutely every person. The harm of spelled to the body has not been identified to date - provided it is correct, reasonable use. Unfortunately, there is a small percentage of people with severe gluten intolerance, even in minimum quantity. This factor can be called the only identified contraindication for the use of spelled.

What can be cooked from spelled

Spelled is a universal product that can be boiled, baked, combined with meat and vegetables, and added to soups, sauces, salads, and desserts. Crushed grains produce high-quality, healthy spelled flour. It is worth noting that bread made with such flour turns out tough and quickly becomes stale (due to coarse fibers cereal), so it should not be stored for a long time. In most versions, spelled dishes are a variety of porridges boiled in water or milk. For children's diet You can safely add fruits, nuts, and berries to them.

How to cook spelled? In many stores you can find semi-finished spelled products: vermicelli, pasta, baked goods, spaghetti, ready-made flour (pictured). It is convenient and healthy to prepare meals at home using a multicooker. Whole porridge It's best to cook under supervision because they cook quickly. Great amount Recipes for cooking spelled can be found on the Internet on specialized forums about weight loss and diets.

A special feature of the product is the specificity of its storage. It is highly undesirable to place it next to strong-smelling products, since the grain actively absorbs foreign odors. Culinary experts recommend storing spelled in a sealed package in the refrigerator for no more than six months. Gradually the product will lose its beneficial properties, taste characteristics.

Video: spelled cereal

Spelled is a grain that is a subspecies of wheat. It's similar to her appearance and composition. However, spelled is covered with a tougher husk and contains more nutrients than wheat. Due to its beneficial properties, it is known as a medicine.

Spelled can be consumed as a whole grain, which resembles rice, or it can be made into flour, which is sometimes used to replace wheat flour. Bread, pasta, cookies, crackers, cakes, muffins, pancakes and waffles are made from this flour.

Composition and calorie content of spelled

Like most whole grains, spelled is a rich source of fiber and carbohydrates. It contains protein, vitamins and minerals.

Let's consider the chemical composition of spelled, presented as a percentage of daily value person.


  • B3 – 34%;
  • B1 – 24%;
  • B5 – 11%;
  • B6 – 11%;
  • B9 – 11%.


The calorie content of spelled is 338 kcal per 100 g.

The composition and structure of spelled make it a healthy product. She is providing positive influence for work and condition internal organs, and also normalizes work individual systems body.

For muscles and bones

Spelled - source important minerals, which are essential for bone health. These include zinc, magnesium, copper, phosphorus and selenium. These minerals form bone tissue, and also prevent the development of osteoporosis and other age-related problems that weaken bones.

Phosphorus in combination with protein in spelled is beneficial for the development and growth of new tissues, muscles and bones.

For the heart and blood vessels

The fiber in spelled reduces the amount dangerous cholesterol in organism. It prevents the absorption of cholesterol from food. In addition, fiber reduces the risk of developing hypertension.

The high levels of iron and copper in spelled improve blood circulation. They are important in the production of red blood cells and ensure the saturation of organs and tissues with oxygen. Iron helps the body prevent anemia.

For the brain and nerves

Spelled is one of the few grains that boasts high levels of B vitamins. Thiamine, or vitamin B1, boosts the immune system and eases stress and anxiety. Riboflavin or vitamin B2 reduces the frequency of migraine attacks.

For the gastrointestinal tract

Spelled has the most high level content compared to other varieties of wheat, so it is useful for normalizing work digestive system. Fiber improves intestinal motility, prevents constipation, helps get rid of bloating, gas, cramps and diarrhea, and also cure intestinal ulcers.

High fiber foods are important in weight loss. Eating them helps you maintain a healthy weight because they keep you full for a long time, preventing overeating and making difficult diets easier to cope with.

For kidneys and bladder

Benefit insoluble fiber The benefits of spelled include not only improving intestinal function. Spelled prevents the formation of kidney stones and regulates the urinary system.

For hormones

Niacin or vitamin B3, which is contained in spelled, is important in the functioning of the adrenal glands, which produce sex hormones.

For immunity

The beneficial properties of spelled help maintain health immune system. Thiamine in spelled strengthens the immune system, helping to fight viruses and infections.

Spelled for diabetes

Despite the fact that the carbohydrates that spelled is rich in are dangerous for patients with diabetes, the fiber in the cereal will help fight the effects of diabetes. Spelled cereal slows down digestion and reduces spikes in blood sugar. By controlling the release of insulin and glucose in the body, it helps manage the symptoms of diabetes for those who already have the disease or prevent its development.

How to cook spelled

Spelled is consumed in the form whole grain or flour. If you decide to cook spelled as a cereal, follow the recommendations that will help you get not only a tasty, but also nutritious dish.

  1. Before you start preparing spelled, you need to rinse it under running water and soak for at least 6 hours. The water to grain ratio should be 3:1. Add a little salt to the water.
  2. Place the pot of spelled on the stove, bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 1 hour until the grains are soft.

Spelled grain is often used as a rice substitute. It can be eaten as a separate side dish, added to risotto or stew, as well as other stews.

Harm of spelled and contraindications

Spelled contains , which is dangerous for people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance. Celiac disease is a serious digestive disorder. It may appear after childbirth, pregnancy, severe emotional stress, surgery, or a viral infection.

Excessive consumption of spelled can harm the body. It appears as:

  • diarrhea and stomach upset;
  • bloating and abdominal pain;
  • irritability;
  • skin rash;
  • muscle cramps and joint pain;
  • weakness and fatigue.

How to store spelled

The optimal condition for storing spelled is a dark, dry and cool place that is not exposed to direct Sun rays and moisture will not be able to penetrate. Spelled storage temperature should not exceed 20°C.

What is spelled and how is it useful for human body. Why you should try spelled porridge for weight loss. Spelled as one of best products nutrition for humans.

Spelled: what kind of grain is it

Spelled is a whole grain crop from the cereal family. In fact, the only difference is in the structure of the grain and ear, but in composition they are the same. Filmy grain retains its mineral and chemical composition even when ground. The cereal does not cross, and therefore does not lose its characteristics for many years. Spelled is resistant to chemical attack and radiation contamination.

An ancient type of wheat called “spelt” originated around the fifth millennium BC. e. This culture gained particular popularity in Ancient Rome and Greece, it was there that they made bread for sacrifices from it.

IN Ancient Rus' They learned about spelled only by the 10th century. The peasants could not get enough of it, because einkorn (as spelt was previously called) was very unpretentious to the weather. Spelled hard scales, rich in fiber, were able to withstand dry summers and severe winters; this did not affect the yield. But still there was a main drawback - the ears produced little grain and were poorly cleaned. It took a lot of effort to grind them into flour.

Approximately from the middle of the 19th century, a decrease in the volume of spelled crops began and the development of other softer grain crops began. As a result, this unpretentious type of wheat was forgotten. However, times are changing and nutritionists are again putting spelled porridge on a par with the most healthy products for our health.

Spelled: benefits and harm

Cultivated naked wheat contains proteins, minerals and vitamins only in the fruit layer and seed coat, which are screened out during processing. The part used for grinding usually contains starch. At the same time, with spelled grain everything is completely different - minerals are found in the shell, center and fruit layer. Therefore, spelled does not lose its beneficial qualities.

Hard-to-remove and dense film spelled grains, accounting for 25% of the total volume, is considered a disadvantage. In order to process “clogged” cereal, it is necessary to go through a rather labor-intensive peeling process. It is this impenetrable film that does not provide access to radioactive and harmful substances, because spelled, which is grown in places with bad environment, is less dangerous than other cereal crops growing nearby.

Nutritionists, botanists and doctors increasingly began to pay attention to the ancestor of wheat. Scientific research The benefits of spelled for the human body have been proven.

Normalization of cholesterol and sugar levels

Fighting excess weight

The benefits of this cereal for weight loss have been noticed by nutritionists, which is why porridges made from its grains are included in the diet different diets. This is due to the fact that spelled is a product with an average glycemic index (value 45). The carbohydrates in spelled grain are slowly absorbed and then processed by the human body into energy. Gradual breakdown significantly inhibits hunger, while energy is released in portions and never “settles” in the form of fat.

Stabilization of the digestive system

The coarse fibers of the grains of this cereal improve intestinal motility; they serve as a “broom”, removing harmful accumulations and waste products from the inner walls. Through cleansed intestinal walls, the human body can absorb nutrients into large quantities and faster.

Stimulation of the production of male sex hormones

The beneficial qualities of spelled are also due to high content it contains nicotinic acid. The latter participates in various chemical reactions body. One of the key functions is the production of male sex hormones: testosterone, androstenedione and dihydrotestosterone. With intensive production of hormones of this group in the body fat masses quickly turn into muscle, and the amount of glucose in the blood decreases.

Ensuring resistance to stressful situations

A nicotinic acid helps the adrenal glands more intensively produce dopamine, adrenaline and norepinephrine - stress resistance hormones. Therefore, spelled is very useful for activating emotional forces.

Strengthening bone tissue

100 g of spelled seeds contains 10 g of calcium and 150 mg of phosphorus. This number of elements has a good effect on general condition bones.

Spelled harm

Unfortunately, there are no ideal products that would suit absolutely every person. The harm of spelled has not been identified to date - subject to reasonable and correct use. There is a small percentage of people who are intolerant to even small amounts of gluten. This factor can be called the only contraindication for the use of spelled.

Calorie content of spelled

Calorie content of 100 g of dry spelled is 339 kcal. This is 16.36% of the recommended daily intake. Energy value 100 g of boiled spelled - 127 kcal (that is, 6.13% of the recommended amount per day).

Spelled: glycemic index

Spelled is a special variety of wheat with a GI of 40, which differs in shape and size from all varieties known today. The spelled grain is large and protected on the outside by a film. Due to this, this cereal is protected from any negative impacts, in particular from radiation exposure.

These grains are superior to wheat in terms of chemical composition. They help strengthen the human body, normalize blood glucose levels, improve the functioning of the heart, endocrine system, central nervous system, and blood vessels.

Is there gluten in spelt?

Some people have a so-called celiac disease that prevents them from eating most grains and grains due to their gluten content. Spelled, unlike wheat, turned out to be a real salvation for such people. Instead of cereals and bread, spelled is introduced into the diet. Gluten and microelements are contained in it in balanced quantities. In addition, the volume of vegetable protein in spelled reaches 35%. It is also necessary to note the high content of the following useful substances:

  • Microelements.
  • Amino acids.
  • Vitamins of group B, PP, E;.
  • Iron.
  • Potassium.
  • Calcium.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Zinc.
  • Magnesium.

What do you eat spelled with?

The range of uses of spelled cereal is very wide. Its grains are used to make porridge, various dietary soups, included in salads and used as a side dish. Desserts, pilaf, and risotto are prepared based on this cereal. Bread is baked from its flour, crackers, sauces, puffed creams are made, and noodles are made.

Spelled cereal goes well with meat, sour cream, fish, mushrooms, butter, carrots and onions. Interesting dishes with added nutmeg, ginger, black pepper, grated cheese, spicy greens, lemon zest, garlic When soaked in kefir, spelled acquires a sweetish aroma.

Spelled pasta: benefits and harms


Spelled pasta is a valuable dietary product, since the hard shell of the grains protects them from pests and diseases. This allows you to minimize the use of all kinds of chemical fertilizers. This product has natural pleasant taste, the color of weak tea. Pasta retains its organoleptic and beneficial properties for two years if stored at normal room temperature.

The calorie content of spelled pasta is 361 kcal per 100 g of dry product.

Pasta contains: spelled flour, water. The product retains virtually all the beneficial qualities of spelled and is also a source of easily digestible protein. The product contains many valuable amino acids and little gluten, therefore it has low level allergenicity. Eating spelled pasta helps strengthen protective forces of the human body, normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and nervous systems of the body.


Spelled pasta in cooking

Spelled pasta is prepared in the same way as any durum wheat pasta. IN large quantities salted boiling water, stirring for 7-10 minutes. The product goes well with vegetables, mushrooms, herbs, tomato and other sauces, as well as cheese.

Spelled porridge

Spelled porridge is the leader among all cereals in terms of the amount of important nutrients. Dietary product, which includes vegetable protein and many amino acids that are simply essential for the human body. Spelled porridge is not just healthy, it is delicious. You can cook it in different ways: with milk, with water, in a slow cooker with the addition of meat, mushrooms, fruits, seafood, and berries.

Currently, there is only one known contraindication to consuming spelled porridge - individual intolerance to any component of the product.

Spelled porridge on water

Let's start with the most accessible and simple recipe, which does not require many ingredients. This dish is simply perfect for breakfast. In addition, it can be served as an excellent side dish for meat and fish.

For this recipe you should prepare next list products: one glass of cereal, 3.5 glasses of water, salt to taste.

Preparation steps:

  • First you need to sort out the cereal and remove debris. Then rinse it several times in running water until the liquid becomes clear.
  • Pour three glasses of water over the cereal and place over high heat until it boils. Next, close the lid of the pan, reduce the heat and cook for half an hour, stirring. If all the liquid has been absorbed, but the dish is not ready yet, simply add another 0.5 cup of water. Cook for another 5 minutes, and then add sugar and salt. Serve with a small piece of butter.

Spelled porridge with milk

Another very popular option, with a pleasant creamy note. This dish has a higher calorie content compared to the one cooked in water. Prepare spelled for your child's breakfast.

For this recipe you need to prepare the following list of products: 1 glass of cereal, 100 g of butter and 500 ml of milk.

Stages of preparing porridge:

  • It is necessary to soak the cereal in advance. It is advisable to do this at night. Minimum time such soaking - 4 hours. After the time has elapsed, be sure to rinse it in water. Pour in milk and place on the stove. Cook over medium heat until fully cooked.
  • If the liquid has evaporated but is still raw, add 0.5 cups of water. After this, wrap the pan in something warm and leave for 35 minutes. Serve with a small piece of butter.

Spelled for weight loss

Will spelled help you lose weight? Surely this question worries many beginners who have just set out on the path of proper nutrition. In fact, cereals and all varieties wheat porridge- its basis. The calorie content of the product prepared without butter is extremely low and amounts to only 150 Kcal, and without any additives - 127.

About how useful spelled is for fast weight loss You can read numerous reviews on the Internet. Use of this product maintains a feeling of satiety for a long time, and all essential minerals and vitamins, especially B6, which helps maximize the absorption of fats. The only thing that may confuse you is the rather high cost, like for wheat. And you can’t find spelled in every store. But this minus is not so terrible, because no one has canceled purchases in online stores. Thus, doubters can safely enrich their own diet with this healthy cereal without fear of gaining excess weight.

Diet based on spelled cereal

Ecologically pure product- the basis of proper nutrition. However, there are also spelled diets. There will be spelled optimal choice for mono-diets - for three, five and seven days, if you cook the porridge without sugar and only in water. When losing weight on spelled, a person experiences much less stress, since such a diet does not impose strong restrictions.

The weight loss system in this way has the following rules:

  • First of all, you need to break daily diet for five to six meals.
  • It is advisable to consume spelled dishes before lunch.
  • All other meals should consist of vegetables, fish dishes, lean meat, unsweetened fruit, and natural juices.
  • Half an hour before a meal, it is important to drink a glass of water. In addition, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water throughout the day.
  • It is necessary to reduce the consumption of coffee and tea, as these drinks can retain fluid.

The loss of excess weight per week of such a diet will be up to 5 kg. If desired, spelled can be supplemented with wild rice or buckwheat.

Useful properties of spelled for diabetics

  • Normalization of sugar levels.
  • Restoration of lipid metabolism.
  • Reduced body weight and hunger.
  • Improving the functioning of the endocrine system.

The large amount of coarse fibers and cellulose in spelled has positive effect throughout the human digestive system. Nicotinic acid stimulates the adrenal glands, which produce dihydrotestosterone and testosterone, which help the transition of fat mass into muscle mass and help reduce blood glucose.

Due to its composition, spelled has a positive effect on the diabetic body and helps:

Taking spelled by a diabetic:

  • Improves the condition of the body.
  • Activates emotional uplift and also improves overall performance.
  • Improves memory and promotes concentration.
  • Clears blood vessels from cholesterol plaques and has a positive effect on cardiovascular system: improves heart function, increases blood circulation, equalizes blood pressure.
  • Improves the condition of skin, nails and hair.

Spelled while breastfeeding

Spelled porridge is made from a special type of grain. It is freed from the shell, crushed well, and then polished. Chemical composition spelled is very diverse, it contains many useful vitamins, as well as magnesium, calcium, potassium and zinc. Spelled porridge with breastfeeding very healthy, easily digestible, but it does contain gluten. The only contraindication to eating this porridge is an allergy to gluten in the child or mother.

Spelled is the ancestor of modern varieties of durum wheat. As early as the sixth millennium BC, it was considered a valuable agricultural crop.

But due to the fragility of the ear and the difficulties of clearing the grain from films, this cereal is not suitable for mechanized harvesting. Industrial cultivation is unprofitable, since most of the grains are lost during threshing and cleaning.

Semi-wild wheat is unpretentious to soil, resistant to drought and disease, and loves the sun. The return of interest in this cereal is due to its composition.

Spelled groats - what is it?

Adherents of a healthy diet should know what it is - spelled cereal. The name combines several species of the wheat genus. Spelled, einkorn, kamut, and emmer are often found on store shelves.

The cereal contains:

  • vegetable protein - from 27 to 37%;
  • amino acids essential for the body - 18%;
  • fiber - 15–20%;
  • iron - 4–5%;
  • B vitamins - 5–7%;
  • vitamins E and PP;
  • Magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, potassium, calcium, selenium, copper, manganese, and sodium are present in quantities significant for the body.

So that a product with such unique composition does not oxidize, store it in an airtight container with a tight lid. It is better to keep flour in the refrigerator.

Eating semi-wild wheat makes you feel full and is great for people trying to lose weight. With regular consumption of cereals, qualitative changes occur in the body.

Beneficial features spelled:

  1. activates the immune system;
  2. promotes the removal of toxins;
  3. increases vitality;
  4. normalizes hematopoietic functions;
  5. eliminates bad cholesterol;
  6. improves intestinal motility;
  7. regulates blood sugar levels.

We note separately that

croup does not cause allergic reaction in people suffering from gluten intolerance.

If you are interested in the properties of spelled cereal, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the recipes.

Spelled recipes

There are many recipes with spelled cereal. It is used to make milk and meat porridges, boiled as a side dish, stuffed with vegetables, and added to casseroles and stews. Spelled flour is used for baking desserts.

Dishes made from this grain are considered dietary, since the calorie content of spelled is 127 kcal per 100 g.

Spelled risotto

In northern Italy, risotto is popular, where spelled cereal is placed instead of rice. How to cook spelled in Italian:

  • They pour into a saucepan olive oil, chop the onion and fry for 3 minutes.
  • Add 350 g of washed cereal and fry for another 5 minutes.
  • Add 1.5 cups chicken broth and cook for 40 minutes.
  • Prepare green sauce: beat 50 g of arugula, spinach and a bunch of parsley in a blender, dilute with 1.5 cups of chicken broth, pepper and season with nutmeg powder (4 pinches).
  • Add sauce and a piece of butter to the cooked cereal. Grate 25 g of Parmesan cheese, mix and serve immediately.

Pancakes made from spelled flour

The flour has a golden color, grainy structure and nutty taste. Due to the small amount of gluten, it is better to bake pancakes with a smaller diameter so as not to tear.

Pancake ingredients:

  • Dilute 700 ml of kefir with 200 ml of warm water;
  • beat in 2 eggs;
  • add half a teaspoon of salt and a little less soda;
  • 1–2 tablespoons sugar;
  • pour in 5 tablespoons of refined vegetable oil;
  • stir, gradually adding 430 g spelled flour.

It will turn out a bit thick. Allow the dough to rest for 30 minutes before baking.

Spelled porridge - recipes

The porridge has a pleasant nutty taste. Before cooking spelled, the grains are soaked in water for 1 hour, then washed thoroughly.

Classic spelled porridge - a recipe for cooking with water: pour 3 parts of water into a saucepan over part of the cereal, bring to a boil, cook until the liquid boils away.

Remove from heat, add salt and oil and leave covered to evaporate for another 30 minutes.

In a slow cooker spelled is prepared like this:

  • Using the “frying” mode, onions and carrots are sautéed in oil in a bowl.
  • Add washed cereal to the frying, add water 3 times the volume of spelled, cook in the cereal mode for 35–40 minutes.
  • Salt and leave on the “warm” mode for 40 minutes.

And here is the video recipe.